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tv   Gutfeld  FOX News  May 29, 2024 7:00pm-8:00pm PDT

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>> ♪ ♪ >> sean: programming note thank you for making our fourth episode of our new special outlaws and the lawmen out today on fox nation. final episode shows jesse james black bart which cassidy and sundance all of it on fox nation. let not your heart be troubled, to greg is next good night. >> ♪ ♪
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[ cheers and applause ] all right all right. >> greg: okay that will do. happy wednesday. democratic national committee plans to nominate biden virtually ahead of the convention some say it's to allow him on the ohio ballot some say it's to protect them from the sent of formaldehyde. the judge began deliberating in the hush money trial telling jurors they must be unanimous leaving the prosecution to request male in ballots. don't sumy.
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scientists a canadian super pigs might invade the united states like we don't already have enough here. nothing can bring america together then a joke about the views away. native american groups allege of the first indigenous art curator faked indian heritage to get the job none of them what want to be the 1 who asks her to give it back. i will just sit here until you guys address the fact that it was a decent joke. [ cheers and applause ]
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>> greg: i don't need it year pity up lots. a recent study ranked houston as america's dirtiest city because of air quality tests and infrastructure woes upon hearing this san francisco said hold my beer except it was urine. premature applause there is a pilfered that. having kids might shorten the man's life especially if those kids are the hernandez brothers. and new airlines named bark air is designed to prioritize dogs the problem they want to fly with their heads out the window. in dc the giant grocery chain as
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announced a ban on large bags now where will i shop complains 1 the larger bag. a japanese man who spent $14,000 transforming himself into a dog has now changed his mind he changed his heart when he met his new owner. and the mexican government said the arm of a mommy came off when mishandled by museum staff the last time i go to mexico says it will 1 woman. while joe's on the commode democrats are in panic mode never a better time as the whole party is falling apart like
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michael cohen piloting an iranian helicopter into a gaza. that was worth it according to a study a pervasive sense of fear has settled in at the highest levels of the democratic party meaning people you had to feed and change joe biden. 1 insider actually called it a freaked out and that we have to get this freak out of the white house they interviewed some democrat operatives most of them didn't want to be named and i don't blame them feels like being a blimp salesman after the hindenburg. as it leaking gas. other texting each other about what they think the election is to be in years they think will happen this isn't oh, god might
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-- mitt romney might be president it so god democracy might end they been saying that crap whenever they are about to lose democracy is always about to end just like when they said global warming was 12 years away from killing us all when we really know it's hillary clinton. [ cheers and applause ] and it's warming up. and when it doesn't happen they reset the clock in this case it's worse because they really believe this. [ bleeps ] they keep saying the trump apocalypse is real and over and over again it just actually brainwashes themselves. they are like a medical student to read too many studies on micropenis and is convinced eased jesse watters. [ cheers and applause ]
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>> meen asked greg. >> greg: things are so bad 1 major advisor to democratic donors has kept a list of 2000 reasons why joe could lose immigration inflation biden's age will let harris third-party candidates and crackhead mcgee. this democrat keeps his list for donors because it's much easier to show them so while they read it i can pour a drink. it's beginning to feel like carter against reagan except they would take carter now over biden. who wouldn't when biting calls visiting angels puts it straight to voicemail. it's your turn not even putting trump on trail helps the prospects just make joe looks worse as americans no law fair when they see it not even
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trotting out a disheveled bed whether we do that. as robert de niro underlined the fact that hitting trump is a luxury belief something you could prioritize over crime, immigration, the price of food because you are a movie star and own a half of lower manhattan you don't feel the pane people have had for the last 4 years of a democratic run dystopia wraps he is behind abusing the court system to stop trump when he sees on tv is probably an old matlock rerun. and staging oppressor outside the courthouse it changed things show true desk to brace in the notes it so they could treat criminal charges like joe's diapers throwing them at the wall to see what sticks. i now. i agree. they should be desperate. according to a new rasmussen poll 54% of democrats want to different candidate in november but like my classmates who profess to love for me at the
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high school reunion it's a little late for that. go to hell. and don't forget scheduling the first debate the earliest it's ever been in election season perhaps to build in enough time for a switcheroo let joe collapsed in june and suddenly gavin newsom puts on his human costume and slithers in. it fit so tight even a fake republican on the view is sounding the alarm. >> time is running out we are 6 months out and they think we have to be honest there's a chance this guy could win if we don't start fighting harder. >> greg: holy crap the idiot speaks the truth of course she was punished later when they took away her sardines. even a broken clock is right twice a day that's way give broken clock says gifts.
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plotting for terrible joke. so the democrat said 1 trick and it's backfiring trump's affront to democracy it's not a practical thing together ideas it's unproven and hysterical counter that to reality spending more and basics for living, watching crime spiral illegals mopping the cities calling voters traders for not wanting to live this way is not going to cut it. do they think is a jerk some do did i think he will do any worse in the white house than he did the first time most don't. 1 he did pretty good even with russia gate around his neck what does old joe think about this. >> these democrats they worrying too much it will kill you my doctor told me he can't let that worry you go to sleep at night whatever problem is i have they are all gone in the morning i forget all about them. i worked on election night last
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time they said joe go to bed. go to bed at you will wake up and you'll be president and what you know happened. ♪ sleep at night ♪ [ snoring ] >> greg: let's welcome tonight's guests. her sage advice makes men out of vise. as the podcast network sage steele. the only thing sharper than his jab is his wit host of good day bad guy chael sonnen. her motto give me liberty or give me soup. new york times best-selling author and fox news contributor kat timpf. and he once arm wrestled superman and the loser had to
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wear his underwear on the outside. new york times best-selling author comedian and former nwa world heavyweight champion, tyrus. 's age trumps destroying the world thing i don't think it's working. what do you think agree. >> is beautiful to watch the fact it's absolutely positively a disaster. it's not working for them. it's cool as i travel all the time and people come up all the time guess what all different colors and do you believe this i never thought that i would say i would vote for him and they still whisper right maybe not down in the beta for city of florida where i'm about to pick up residents full-time. as their back to see it and talking about the black vote and losing the black vote and with from lings a few years ago
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absolutely it's legit they should be afraid. as what does he have to offer anybody. and that's they're saying that were jailed. g agree 54% of the democrats need a new candidate. >> i question the sincerity on all of that. the single best politician the democrats have is gavin newsom and he's a big problem down the road but biden seems to get things right. as somebody who is a democrat you must ask the follow-up question of who and they guarantee they won't insert whether it was newsom where 1 of the squad or whatever it somebody there something they say. >> i think it's the first time in the last 20 years there hasn't been if not this then this person there is silence. i don't recall the last time they happened on the democrat side. >> that's true they never shut up. so think about this.
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they have this virtual nomination they had to do that early because they were worried about in denominations somebody else being nominated don't you think that's true? >> i love that stuff i don't want this to happen because i support the rate but i like bitcoin like i like the things that are digital like the idea of pushing technology foreword but this is interesting the story of why that's coming up will blow some people's minds when it finally gets revealed do you think joe biden passed away a few years ago? >> my mother-in-law did the whole things going on in santa monica she's probably watching a home right now. [ laughter ] kat were you surprised or shocked by her point on the view i was. >> i wasn't that shocked.
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i don't get not being more worried really they think it seems pretty low 54% maybe they can't see anybody else but i think what it is ghost of that point for some of these people rate what a trump supporter is is like a mythical elusive creature in their mind because the way they talk about him certainly nobody in their real-life we think of voting for them think everybody supports trump is like the people at january 6 they don't understand there are a lot of people you might not necessarily even support them that will vote for him it's not a monolithic group of people because they don't want to ask these questions and figure out why they are going to find out why and it wouldn't matter who they run because it's probably the same playbook of trump can't win trump can't win doesn't matter who the candidate is because they will just say not this guy is basically what they are running on.
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>> greg: what's interesting is trump is what you can imagine and biden is what you see rate. the republicans you don't have to imagine joe biden. you can just say just listen to the guy but trump democrats really don't want trump to talk because he's really focused and angry and defiant so they need to create these dystopian what if's he's going to end to democracy because if you listen to trump you go and you know what i don't have to like him he seems to make sense. >> he is going to destroy democracy great that's what he did last time first and he did was make everybody where white uniforms in the army and he wore the black uniform and had those lightsaber things kept choking congressman likely there's a couple rebels who blow up the whole thing in the way otherwise we'd be stuck in that it is made
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up just like the movie i just said listen. there is no substitute greg they only need him for 6 and a half more months they need him to cross the finish line. the entire campaign is anti- trump see you don't need to go speaking kiss babies when your entire campaign is the opposite of whatever he said and he is a felon that's it once to get the election. they had turned out to stop trump and a lot of it had to do with the pandemic a banking on anything else biden couldn't be more involved in the court myth we put his blubbering self outside the building but is not calling the shots he sent robert de niro a great actor who is respected by people who watch movies he goes out and gives the speech because biting can't do that so they get robert de niro what they didn't anticipate and what i was shocked about is
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there's no arguing he's a great actor hands down everybody's favorite movie top 5 he's in at least 2 of them what i was shocked about is that he is the worst improv actor of ever seen in my entire life like i hate somebody i don't need to check my hate reference it's here i don't need to go i can't stand gutfeld he's holding me back or whatever every time i turn around it's about my size i have a brain to. >> greg: and where was the point? where was the point he had he never said we could vote trump. >> you never will actors rate their own. [ bleeps ] this is what happens. >> he couldn't respond to a heckler who can't respond to a
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heckler. >> if you need an actor they do that get wayne brady and him -- improv king sing a song. he so dumped talented. >> once the horn started honking can i be just mean really quickly i need to. i don't want to give them too much credit. she worked in the trump white house her entire career is because of the trump white house behind everybody there all of a sudden he loses the election she jumps to cnn and the view opportunist your 1 and done absolutely. a poor man's amoroso up next the latest report from the kangaroo court.
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>> a story in 5 words. 5 words trump jury deliberations go on. i watched this and felt exhausted and it was just 1 day because i feel like it's a terrible work out for america. it's like being forced to do something we don't want to do how do you feel about this. >> the outcome isn't nearing question is the prosecution self and i tell you the supreme court was deliberate and the judge this is only 3 weeks ago but open debate and she was saying she did note the president
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should get immunity because he is access to the best lawyers it was an interesting comment considering the best lawyers were in 1 room all arguing and couldn't agree because what it insinuates is if you have the voice of lawyers and that's what you followed there for you are okay he tried to protect his family faulty a voice of his lawyer which is lawyer testified to it just seems a little bit confusing for me and i don't think it's right. >> everything you said even though you said it 8 times the speed that a normal person would >> but it was very clear. it's a very clear i just got a call from ben shapiro and he said bro slow down. >> wow. >> greg: you are right though and that's what drives me crazy it's unnecessary and you know how they say you are never above the law they are saying trump is below the law. >> you took that for me. >> greg: i got from scott.
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>> the first time he set it on the 5 and you credited me i remember it. >> greg: crap. next time footnote all my commentary from now on. >> about time. >> that's why i had the hate speech written about you earlier this trial i mean it's awesome the jury keeps writing a note to the judge it was 2 today and he got just off and sent them home because they keep sending a note what crime are we voting on. they keep sending them home and the second note came and it was shorter than the first wtf judge up until that benediction they had i had noisy with the crime was even the president doesn't know and he knows a lot of
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people and most people don't know what law he broke to use his own stuff against him. >> an ugly scene if this was more interesting it would radicalize me but it's way too tedious to radicalize me it kisses me off. and it should be interesting i guess and i very much failed to understand i would have no problem saying that. i really just don't understand it and a lot of the arguments we see from people about why a trump should go away from this have to do with why they don't like trump. even robert de niro's says he hates new york city. it's not illegal to hate new york city it's got nothing to do with the trial even stormy daniels in the trial testified about how the sects was and why
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is that part of this. if you go to chael for being bad at sex a lot of people should be concerned. >> to be fair if you are being judged on how you are on sex a porn star is an expert in a way. the only thing they proven is that he was a bad husband if that's the case this would be an empty ask show tonight. >> i think the clear play biden should have made a long time ago a personal level believing in loyalty putting him in a hard spot if joe biden rode in with a white knight and there's no scenario where biting goes to chael departing the other president because they need the same deal passed forward i think it's silly you could have saved is own sun if i had a drug problem or not my power had -- father the power to get me out of that he would have. >> it reminds me when the trump charges were being mentioned and there was a chance for rhonda santos to say we will get to
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each other but this isn't the wrong thing as to sand just at this point law still a lot of people and that's water under the bridge but the whole thing to me is embarrassing. it's embarrassing that we are just now beginning to learn about the charges. if i am in another country they are at us again hitting the 10,000 for reason to laugh at us and also they are scared in my to say this because of the principal of how it's happening and you're getting the chael cell prepared and everything with it being prepared to happen and do knows what kind of chaos in the country as he kept but anything passed them in with the way the trial is being run you almost have to assume the absolute worst. >> greg: who wants to run for office from a republican or conservative or independent if this is what you get. >> you can put a guy in chael
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who's ever been arrested or convicted of a crime this would be his first defense and he is what 78 i thank you can get another 70 good years out of them like this is crazy. >> greg: up next he teaches the youthful to be polite smart and useful. game on. i've been practicing. what the cello? you want me to lower the hoop? foul! what? you going to tell on me again? foul yah? foul bro! here take a free shot go ahead knock yourself out. your about to get served. seriously? get allstate, save money, and be better protected from mayhem, like me. love you mom! wait till your father gets home. (tony hawk) skating for over 45 years has taken a toll on my body. i take qunol turmeric because it helps with healthy joints and inflammation support. why qunol? it has superior absorption compared to regular turmeric. qunol. the brand i trust.
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when did i call leaffilter? when i saw my gutters overflowing onto my porch. leaffilter is a permanent gutter solution, so, you never have to worry about costly damage from clogged gutters again. it's the easiest call you can make. call 833.leaf.filter today, or visit
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[ cheers and applause ] >> greg: the applause was for me by the way. this schools lesson plan on how to be a good man i speak with the preparatory school for boys in albania, georgia. for the nonprofit he teaches them the true meaning of manhood and how to be protectors and providers for their communities. we have scales from shaking hands to changing a flat as...
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as much as i can. as removing it here are you doing today? >> good about you? >> good my pleasure. electing in my face the whole time firm handshake waited until i let my hand go we both mutually agreed to let the handshake go making it a little bit nervous there. as with education about the values instilled with commitment to occur -- courage and accountability and consistency and not at working drag queen and site. as a fairly they're all over at kudlow's apartment.
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is this negative tyrus i'm not sure. >> where the drag queen's going to your apartment what happened there. >> whenever kudlow and got felder like, hey, we are going i immediately fall asleep. >> greg: i give them a point he's the only person who's ever asked. >> well, he was a gladiator did a lot of fighting but now you put us all down a rapid hole we can't get out of because greg is been waiting for that i'm sure you have a 17 part answer the bottom part of his notes is when somebody asks what's up with you and kudlow. these are basic things parents should be teaching the neighborhood should be teachings when you go to school to learn how to shake a hand it worries me a little bit. i also feel that's kind of an issue. shaking hands changing tires you can teach that in an afternoon.
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>> if nobody's being taught that. like the handshake thing for me is so important. i contact. but these kids don't do that i met a guy yesterday trained by some tile and came up and said high. >> we want to push these beliefs this is what we think it is to be a man and you get another nonprofit who says we think being a man is being able to curtsy and where skirt. these are things that should be learned in home and in communities. again i'm not throwing shade and raising my eyebrow when it comes to kids we are way too lax and so sweet teaching them to change tires what's going on in the curriculum what are you doing to build up these young men waited take the wind their little surprise. >> no anymore but i know a little bit about this guy exactly doing more he is a
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mentor named pitman who's been doing it for years he's in there it is a nonprofit at least trying to help young men. how do you meet somebody is a really big deal you don't get that first impression back it's a big deal. and harold ford his kids they call you by your surname how are you. as it sticks with you even some buddy like me is not allowed near children. is apologizing being so cute fitting in that pocket giving you back apologize to your wife let it go. >> and just like that kudlow is off the hook. >> actually greg will say he's sitting on a hook waiting for you to get home. b1 kat i think part of the
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reason i find it refreshing as you don't hear about it too much is such a coarsening of culture things going in 1 direction and it feels like they are holding it back a little bit. as it's good to help kids. thank you everybody. and looking for solutions is great. trying to do it is great as politics looking to see who we can blame for a problem and then using that to try and gain power for yourself you want to exploit problem's rather than solve them so trying to do something is good. >> greg: yes trying to do something is good you can use that 1 on the 5 as well if you want. trying something is good but make sure you credit me for that
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insight. >> you can try to use on the 5 but i just trademarked it. >> greg: coming up they say it's a win to be spread too thin.
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>> 5 more words. >> greg: busy breakers are the worst. kat experts say that employees who busy break means bragging about how busy they are at work being perceived as less likable and less competent by their colleagues does busy bragging and annoy you as well? >> i did something we aren't supposed to do which is read to the bottom of an article as it mostly applies to people who are pretending to be busy and doing it for attention if you prefer somebody who actually breaks as
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they post on social media usually it's so humble to be it able to announce i won this award it's an opposite of what the word means as the use performative anxiety like a don't steal my culture. my anxiety is real. >> greg: i do the opposite i vise signal. i tell people the awful things i do so they are always surprised when i do something nice. like teach young children to shake and. >> when you credit people he give you good lines. >> greg: exactly. >> what's the question? >> greg: there wasn't any. how tall are you? >> with or without hair? life at 11 and then when i come on this show i wear my highest heels. >> greg: when you work at the podcast center do you have to talk about how much do you work does he talk about how much he
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works? >> i don't see bill and when i do he's probably a high. he's proud of it is california wright. so you're making me think and honestly and i remember having a stressful day and then this and then this and then this. couple zooms and it was great. it sounded like this annoying person i think it is annoying even though it was a stressful day. is that bad. the person's whining about it. not complaining but whining. there's a fine line. oh i had to do 3 it's always high status. having to do 3 shows.
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>> everybody is busy so for the most part it's a shut up and keep to yourself stage. >> have you ever had to beat up anybody? >> add to beat up 6 people like a name dropper earlier i want to do things robert de niro can i tell you guys really quick i will tell it superfast but in 2013 small role in the movie and still own and did nero where there and they a conversation i.e. is dropped on but still owned there was an academy showed the night before and he told did nero i don't agree they did the politics i don't care what the politics are it shouldn't be a part of the academy and robert de niro agreed and said he doesn't follow politics. that wasn't that long ago i just wanted to share that with you because what it difference a decade makes. >> greg: yes. [ laughter ] >> was that a humble bragging name drop. >> yes, but i admitted it. >> greg: vise signals. >> he gave me the option to
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ignore so because i ignore everybody. >> greg: you can either address him or the topic at hand that's how loose the show is. >> i got concerned reading this and i checked the authors several times. i play my xbox a lot for getting myself ready for tv is not easy building homes for villagers and peasants and mine craft it takes time. it's all inclusive with colors representative as it takes hours. so i don't associate enough at work to engage i always identify the humbler my life is so complicated had to do it with robert de niro and was conflicting for their and everyone in this building
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including the janitor had to talk about robert de niro today. the try to make life so important but they are not they are sad and miserable killed mead doesn't go home so he comes up to you there wanting to talk being a buddy. that's why they change the elevators here as you can't leave as it stays on you can't hit a button and just get out. as they sit and wait for 1 of us to get on an elevator i was it going. even if you don't say anything it's important. do ever tell you about that time gym brown and me saved kittens in the firehouse and 21st floor it's a long day rate. >> greg: let's move on dressing like a dog was the pits so he's calling it quits.
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life's daily battles are not meant to be fought alone.
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- we're not powerless. so long as we don't lose sight of what's important. don't be afraid to seize that moment to talk to your friends. - cloud, you okay? because checking in on a friend can create a safe space. - the first step on our new journey. you coming? reach out to a friend about their mental health. seize the awkward. it's totally worth it. people couldn't see my potential. so i had to show them. i've run this place for 20 years, but i still need to prove that i'm more than what you see on paper. today i'm the ceo of my own company. it's the way my mind works. i have a very mechanical brain. why are we not rethinking this? i am more... i'm more than who i am on paper.
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[ cheers and applause ] >> greg: life as a call he wasn't that jolly it was a man by the way so this japanese dude made international headlines in 2022 by spending $14,000 to be a realistic border collie but changed his mind because it's too difficult to walk like a dog
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and he thinks he might try to imitate a panda or a bear instead what are your thoughts on him he couldn't follow through yet an opportunity to be of a rose all parts of the male to dog transition. >> what the heck did you just say week. >> he could've been the leader. >> sure i was a little caught off guard terraces seen it a couple times already goes for a gimmick or costume as it was to eavesdrop or rabobank it was some crazy fantasy to get of a costume i think it's weird. >> you know what it is the uncanny value mother -- valley of the costume almost 2 humans that you get freaked out by. does this man of problem's? >> i don't understand the why
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behind it we needed that south dakota governor. it's not okay there. >> at practical advice to be these other animals rate i would say this time try walking as the animal before you buy the $14,000 suit. >> it also must be hard to pe right that's probably 1 of the problem's. >> you want to get to the anatomy of him taking a piston a dog suit listen. >> of your disturbed creepy men then he become a dual dog you're still a dessert -- disturbed creepy p dog tell by the video and the dog is just like what the. [ bleeps ] is that. that reaction is not going to change the first dog is like oh. [ bleeps ] why now.
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>> greg: if he had transformed into a woman changes pronouns he would be a hero. >> it why the. [ bleeps ] why a creepy man is a creepy man doesn't matter how you dress it up. >> houses handshake, i contact. >> you just want to sniff people. >> you didn't read his whole story he wanted to date a dog. >> greg: i'd never read the whole story who do you think i am. don't go away we will be right back. heartburn makes you queasy? get fast relief with new tums+ upset stomach & nausea support, and love food back. (♪)
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>> greg: a wonderful show. fox news tonight coming up, i love you america. [ cheering and applause ] >> trace: good evening i'm trace gallagher, 11:00 pm on the


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