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tv   Gutfeld  FOX News  May 31, 2024 12:00am-1:00am PDT

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$30 billion in trust funds now available. if you or a loved one has been diagnosed with mesothelioma, call 1-800- 2960860 now or visit at missile fund akam repair has beltway covered. >> lawmakers have announced bipartisan legislation from the breaking news across the country to the global events shaping our world. we'll bring you there and have a live report, special report with britt baer weeknights on fox news channel. america is watching. >> remember this day? this is day that you nowthat have the opportunity to give the fina yw hol verdict. >> that's on election day in the days early voting. i hope you use it.e ha that's all the time weve have left this evening. please say dvr. never miss an episode.ease please also let your heart als be troubled. " greg gutfeld is standing by with a great show. have a great night e great ni.
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have yes. >> thank you. thank you so what did i miss? all right. let's do some joke all ris. a tell all book from hunter b biden's baby mama will go on sale in late august. meanwhile, hunter is working how on his own book, how to winn friends and bang your brother'ft wife. when asked by a reporter if he would be able finish out another tour, president biden replied. are you okay? are you all right? did you falllied, your head? but this wasn't the first time joe was caught talkings o to himself. on wednesday, first lady jill biden urged americans choose good over evil in the upcoming electione go.
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>> what she should have urged americans to do, of course, was to choose living over a dead. she also said trump can't annot sentence together which made him qualifie ad to be her husband. meanwhile, joe scarborough says2 the 2024 election will depend on biden's ground gameill de, be didn't say above or below. terrible, terrible. >> a white writer is getting criticized for disguising t himself as black to write a book about racisa m. that's like me pretending to bee brian kilmeade to write a book about failurtee to.have i could have gone in a number of directions with that joke. >> boston mayor michelle wu
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says criminals should not be prosecute it for theft. she's now facing two counts of impersonating gavin newsom. >> and on this day in 1889, the brassiere was invented. jerrold nadlerin celebrated quietly. >> all right, old boy added to the news. beral >> so the liberal hallucination known as the people ofhaersu new york versus donald trump has ended. >> and let's just say the o.j. donald was less absurd and he - only banged stormy once. let's start with the verdict. it's a result more prearrangedra the marriage in afghanistan. the only differencngedthate is . order is for the wife. oh, what do you guys fansistan? of afghanistan? oh, i don't need i t now. e judg >> the way the judge set it up, it didn't even mean there to beb unanimous agreement, even though that's firm constitutional lawimous ag. y
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jurors can pretty muchas s vote guilty as long as someone somewhere who looks like trump brok looke law. it's the logic of the hate crime hoax. just because this crime didn't happen, we're certain it happened somewhere. so finding trump guilty as a punishment for all those who got away. ed t >> now, you don't need to bele alex jones to see that the triasl was the visible outcomevi of an invisible procesblsinvisi and visible at least to you and me. the plan was a conscious collusiobln of united interest, sharing a common cause in eliminatingsh what they deem. a threat. they, the government, the media, the legalthey, figud out the path forward to this very place that we'r te at now. and never mind how it makes mak you feel or how it makes america lookesee or what it doet to our legal system. the deeds of the cabal trumpedem all. >> judge juan merchan, a die hard democrat, didn't just put a thumrd democb on the scale. >> he put himself his daughteret that works for the demhas his wife who worked for new york. ag letitia james. ksjames herself, and alvin bragl all on that scale.
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>> it must be the view's old scale. i nope. i never know with yof you u peo. >> no wonder the judge has some great legal minds fightinti over like his harry styles jockstrapr with respect to judge marchan. i mean, i am. i am like, now. i feel like a crush on him. he is such a great judge thatith it's hard to see that the jurors wouldn't have the seeprei same impression. and he's just. you just keep on thinking if you looked in the dictionaryonyp for for judicial temperament, that you get it. >> ament th andrew keep it in yours . and by it i mean, what's of your self-respect? but there's your objective legal expertise. what is it with libsyour in thet lust for authority figures, as they call us, the fascist aut they smoke their over
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totalitarians like maoie , castro and dr. fauci. meanwhile, they go afterr the way joy baker goes aftertr g a honey glazed hamoe. and now this conviction.e the same judge who threw the case against trump getsm onj sentence him on july 11th. this would be trump's first criminal conviction. and based on bragg's own polic criminy ,wouldn't face jail time. but when it comes to trump, long time legal policy has a way of vanishing like hunter biden after a paternits awayy t. >> so brad could ask for jaile time and merchant could give it. >> after all, he is bragg's hiso defiantly, trump could still run for office from jail. ul frohe could even win and run the country from jail. the big house would become the whitl. d becoe house.grea what's great, he could be in solitary and supermax and you'd still see him more often than biden. that's because that's because
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even a 32nd clip of joe biden is more stitched together than f jo hochul is face. . of course, trump could be sentenced to home linfinemene trd t, but have your seen where he lives? it ce. it could be worsve his house is better than the actual white house. 's houespecially now, afterr yer four years of biden, they're going to have to change the names. >> the brown house joke acknowledged. or could get no confinementnfinm at all but probation. imagine being thaten all officer trump's probatioimn officer, about a thankless job. that's like being jesse watters to pay wrangler. where is it? but the good news, as this trial descendeodd into an int absurdity of corruption. trump's numbers have been going up while joe biden's keep falling. >> like joe biden himself. turns out, americans love it
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when one man fights against a corrupt system i with his back up against the wall. just as much as they detes just a dementia ridden dirtbag who's spent a half century padding his life with your money. the so the true verdict may come november 5th. >> and my advice for merchant bragg, tish james and the rest fo of these lawfare losers laugh now but lawyer up. laugh no saying goes, it ain't over till the fat lady sings. and that fat ladthaty america. >> let it get tight, i guess. de's for million dollar deals and $0 haircut. shark tank star kevin o'lears y his audience has trouble hearing him over the cricket n devito. comedia she's like an electric car, a pain in thke ae on long trips. "new york times" best selling author and fox news contributor f. timp times oh, and when he plays hide s
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and seek in the forest, the treeks get.w york >> "new york times" best selling author, comedian and former nwa world champion tyru hor anworls. all right, so this news earlierr this evening, kevin, you had some very smart and solemn smart words about this case yesterday on the five. how do you feel now? what are your initial thoughtsow cas about the case? about america. ant amerr? i >> well, i actually think the smart move for biden andarte i started talking about this yesterday because it looked like the verdict rday was going to come quickly. qunof newd would be to pardo him through the governor of new york and say, lookand say,, it'm time to talk about the country and policy. e toit would it would lift, biden out of the morass that hal f country feels. >> that's a politically motivated now, having this jury make a decision, we have a verdict now. there are some incredibla verdiy complex situations because
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the whole system hasve contemplated an ex-president being a felon or even facingcret jail time. for example, the secret service mandate for the rest of his life is keep him safe under all conditions. they will nevem safer him to go prison. how could they? so unlesor coulds you're going to prison, the entire detail of the secret service build a speciao on the el series of cs around him. >> that's question number one. number o two, if this thing gets sentenced four days before the convention and he's in any way restrictedsentence, i thinks going to look even more politically motivated thaia so far in this trial. >> that's right. travel restrictions. >> greg: thow that work, thoughe it's a couple of days before. ,t yon, just like you said some of these questions are things you don't even know how you could consider these things likdon'w u cae what if hs to jail a couple days before the convention? >> do we still have it in milwaukee? do we stilwe stiit il go milwauo we all go to the jail? >> or is it all donewe by, zoom?
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>> yeah, he's sitting in ther slammer and he's holding that convention. >> toobin's not covering it. i would you know what?e >> ithf he goes to jail,ea it's going to be the greatest jail you ever satest jever sawwe it's going to be amazing. but it's not what he should. k >> pick everybody out of gitmo. let him just him j coasted to g. hang out there. i don't know. >> i look, i think it's -- it's there's no way he's going to prison, but it would be awesomeo if he did because t would. >> paul. of aan, this guy feeds adversarial energy, you know? joe, what do you think?of adv you have a lot of adversaries and yet you have no energyeru hd what i've learned from this is that i'm not going to givet ' sex workers hush money anymorew to waste this. sho >> the soviets used to say, show me the man and i'll me i'l. e don'rime
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>> where do you even get that? they just showed him the man. i don't know what the instructions wert thstructioe t. >> j they said go to the jury room. and if you find a crime, that'ds enough. it's close enough. and i don't blame them. i don'e them setem because whole trial was set up to funnel them this. that's why in way, i'm more bummed that we are not upset and shocked by this because we thought this was the only way thise was going to play out. everything was set up. they made they turn eto they turnedt one count to 34. they just keptfe count this fori of lawfare. and it's it's horrible. it's reall y and i want the people who are cheering for this now, this always comes back around. and if they think, well, we can weaponizd ane the legal system in the irs when we're in charge, that'll never come back to bite bac us. will. it will. it will. and that's why we don't do this in a free countrthat iy t doy. >> hmm. that. well putl put. that the little bearded guy made a good pointa you could. >> it felt very preordained. it was lik , ite a law and order svu where you know exactly who the murdereror.
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it's like it's. it's scripted. just as soon as you hear the. you seripted ae the architect walk in, you go, oh, he's guilty. >>he i just. oh, yeah. i mean, i'm. i'm not surprised necessarily,pd but i also don't really understand. i don't understandssarily t it. i really don't understand it. i everything does always come back around. i think that's what people should be nervous understand something like this where they did this untested thing and went after thisthis p person and anybody, i mean, have somebody who thinks thid ao a good thing, try to explain to you what he did and why this fits. rather that without saying overall their opinion of who he is or that he shouldn't be president, i that that would be hard for a person to do, especially becausee hard for the are misdemeanors and this this thing, this being untested. >>s, it's thing i really don't d i really don't understand how you coulerstand be just fuly excited by this, maybe blinded by this hatred of him. but even tolindedy if people hate him so
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much to not worry about what you said, hmm. >> you know what tires? i'm not t that up about it because i feel like we're note r even near the third part of this movie. >> no, you know what i mean? >> it's like the way this whole thing has been going with trump since 2015 or, you know, it's like it works likeact a movie. there's a first act as a second. i feel that thisin is the buildp to whatever is going to happen. that's why it's likewhatev i ha built into this systembu at this point. if we didn't see it coming. mm-hmm. what have we been doing on tve t for the last six years? like, we knew years.i called itt i said he was getting on all 34. like it didn't matter what the deal wasdidn't mat, was a trial of feelings. we found out that apparentlywe u he's the greatest husband sometimes. apparently, you can go to jail for that. now, we all should be afraid, mat you to jar that nn. >> yes, i'm voting number one. that's another thing. but what. they keep doing q
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and everyone's like, i like i you. at first when i heard it, i was disappointed. had nothing to do with president heard nothin trump., it was just like, this is the system. this stuff was happened in the fortiesystem.t happs, fifties. ' it's not supposed to happen anymore. and we watched it happen in real time suppos and even even the de niro thing outside. it's all part of the the plan.d and i even planned, you know, it was likede i wa -s i kept sae there's going to be the first time we have a living, breathinying ig martyr in thisth country. and that happened tonight. that happened tonighappened tot you know, i'm ready to get mine on. you know, greg got my i'm n calling and now trump 24 is pretty, prett y up and ready to go. you should be if you should be inspired you should be atuncd any time you've ever been punched in the mouth, it should be a wake up cale thel to every anywhere. because if they can do it to a standing president, they can dno o to anyone. they can do to a mr. wonderful who was trying to come in and create new jobs. way be like, you know what, though? i don't like the way he votes. so me and my guys are goingwa to get togethes, sems art togetr
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he can't get a business here. so we should really, really pay attention. to but they they've excited usually you wouldn't get this something like this made this was a gifthinglike t a was sente but you know i'm saying now if this is all it shoulit'sd be trp 24 we no, no riots. no, we don't do that anyway because we in this country. but none of that. we don't need violence. nothing. we'll haveg o a hell of a beerns party when this is over. kegs aroun oved and everyone get out and vote. and that's how you win. we don't need to flip cars and acr we neeip cart to fool ab and be like, okay, take the punch in the mouth. president took the one class we all should to and just get ready to. vote, >> i can't wait to get in line vote. i'm excited. really. that's attitude that is the ad is to get your butterflies in. that's from dana perino. we you feeling uneasy in your stomaclingh get the butterflies. in formation and then get to work. >> she is kind of weird, though. how long would it take to get the butterflies to a lot of one? >> hi, is dana eating butterflies? yes. that's.
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it creeps me out. all right. up nex upt, they praise trump in rhymes to get pardoned for a crime oh, carney gotta. it's carney. i saw them. that's what i say. god, this setup. carney calmly, but with more flavor. >> carney can't try saying it >> carney can't try saying it like thi cas juicy carney irony. y i did it. >> and these holes. can the river support your brain health? your brain health? merry janet he >> edie now, fraser.yo frank. frank. in the nbrain hebrad, ar. brad fuel up to seven brain health indicatorrrorist s, inclg your memory. join the nava brain health challenge. challenge. the attacks of octoberwith seven were the single deadly day for the jewish people sincer no i stand here before you with ats extremely burdened and heavy heart, note only the immense cruelty and loss of life suffered here, but for the immense needs of the people of israel in the months
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and the years to come. as we fight for our survival. it's an especially critical it's an especially critical time right now many close family members werehb killedas or severely injured and are no longer able to help them. them. their basic needs, such as food, the international of displ, christians emer and jews, is urgently responding to help the thousandgeox to elderly jews. atina, rush an emergency food box. an elderly jewish person who is at risk. zena. she used to take care of me. yes. yes. it was 620 in the morning when we heard the first rocket, so i phoned my daughter and said, my mama on the bus, everything is okay. deliv 2 minutes later, the terroristea ,her dead volunteers from the fellowship deliver the food boxes and let them know that christians are helping
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that christians are helping provid of healthy ready to eat foods to strengthen and encourage their faith. i can feel the love coming. this box. thank you. and made the cut of israel always bless you. >> let's extend our prayers together and support and share our resources to bring meaningful to the lives of our brothers and sisters in israel. >> they right now to feel your love and your healing touch for their souls. call the number on your screen. scan the qr code or go online to ifc israel dot org. now tomorrow laura, jesse and sean react. >> our primetime lineup hae
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from. together we can end hunger. learn more at feeding america. >> talk how far below i like thank you is trumps hip-hop devotion a racist notion the timevotions doesn't like whn trump fans rock the mic. the aptly named charles blow just wrote a piece highlighting rappers have become so called trump evangelists. ting whe pointed out that two as at trump's bronx rally last week, chef g and sleepy hollowy are facing felony charges of their own, which hardly makes them unique in hip hop or in the
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bronx, for that matter. b to be fair, to finronxd a rapper that's not facing felony charges. yeah. . ask ben shapirofacing >> let's look at the stats. i've got to pack my money like this in my pocket to be a dog. it's a yummy knock. knock the grass. look at my chance. you're blowing money on strippers and cars. you go prison for months. >> no one knows who you are. i'm he's all right. he can't hear you. he is our very own h judah. >> chris. oh, wow. nice. charles claims that the rapper's support tracks with trump's seemingly transactionae l with severall hip-hop artists. se claims trump dangle to create an unwritten indenture ship for those get them to what normal people call loyalty. but blow them pawns. so if trump helps black people, that's bad. trumpand if he doesn't, that'sd too. at least blows consistent consistently up his own. >> he also writes trump's
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ostentatious displays of wealth es theed him to many in th community as opposed to everyone elsenity who wouldn mind getting rich either. sorry, charlie. not everyone could be the recipiennoettingt. >> journalistic welfare for a newspaper soaked in white guilt of t, but apparently to blow supporting a candidate out of one's own self is racist. s he leave out? well, that's how everyone votes. that'se us, want to get shot in the street and they want to make money and keep their money t to sohave they can have a good or better life, just like everyone else in this godforsake ar lin count but i guess charles thinks that black rappers aren't likeo. the rest of us. and what do you call that? racistworacist theory? hey, i wonder who i should go to first. >> don't do it. don't do it. tyrus you. >> right.
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i was going to ask you who i should go to first. that's g worse. tavis which white person panel is best declined? yeah, which white person would hich whi mos t about this?arle >> you know what, charles blow? make a point at all. no a. er ] >> his last names blown up. said like this dude, he's just anybody who does anything creativeanybody or does they do anything that they don't like because it's not their guythey z they say racist. it's lazy. what else you got? you know, likey,t else d , although they're racist. >> against whom? yeah. yeah, they're. and here's the thing. trump, before he ran for office ,everybody wanted to be like president trump. , he was on posters. it didn't matter to be households. college dorms everywhereit m. t you'd have scarface up and then you have a velour of presidentoy trump, maybe like money, money, money, or you fired. it was something liku are e tha. and we all wanted it. and he was so over. so i guesst so home alone two is a racist movie. yes, it is. because not only was he on
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there, they used his real nameem to promote what was coming because he was so popularr an and so beloved by america in general that he could walk on a belca movie and play himse. and no one ie n the audience gos ,who's that? >> yeah. so that's who they're they're against. and now, oh, it's racist. genius. a laziest thing. leasr can do is claimt something's racist he doesn't like. >> it's just laziness. doesn'twhat do you think, kevio do you think rappers relate to trump? trump, yn. ronginessma it's you know, what's wrong w with aspiring to financial, you know, financial greatness? nothing. there's nothing wrong with ifin and he definitely is that iconic image of success in america. and, you know, he did it in real estate right here in new york. and they punisheal estd prettya for it so far. you know, this storybadl reminde of the process that's occurring in the press. you have an editors that'sring y day you got to come in withu ha something to get some invek because that's your job. and it's almost like publishin.f
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if you're a professor. so you come in saying, look, i got an ideofessor. you ca it'd think everybody's a racist, including all these musicians. t what do you think? never donehi that before. th why don't you run with it?e maybe we write a story about it, and maybe some people will taly abouk about it, and me people might buy the paper. like, mayb.e. and i think that's the kindi th of journalism that really blows . >> that's the way i look at it. and for that reason, the tax. yeah, he demeans this as aemeans transactional relationship. d is what world is he living in where when there is no transactionanl relation,il kinship, that's how the civil society is based on. to you, then you're good. >> to me, that's all it is.. but also more specifically , right, like using a celebritycee to try gain. but they get politicians never do that all the time. the they have politicians doing that. and hee a lot about lil wayne
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in there. >> yeah and i don't thinkow that anything with the race so much as maybe like t the millennial vote becausheet you went to college i'll just let everyone know. i don't think there's any millennials in the room other than mny mil e but i'll just let everyone know. you went to college. yes. if you wenwent to colt to college circalest a 2008, it was just like four loko in the carter three. like that was all you four loko, like the stuff before they outlawed it with all the caffeine because people were blacking out the, throwingt wasn up as if, like, that wasn't the point. like you were in college. yeah't poine in, but, you know, like,tt that was the millennial nostalgia fo ther for me, for anything. like, i still can't hear y withoutmyrocer finishing it in my head full of money right now to the vip sectiol of nn. al the >> you see the one millennial the room. got it. that is a beautiful story. but you know what? >> like 14 millennials watch this show. it's for you guys. why are you ripping on our time? all right, joe, are they used as pawns? no. see you using. no, no. congress makes a good point that if you even go back
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to 2020, nelly was rapping about donald trump because trump represented something he didn't have the ultimate white privilegu goe, which is ta and act like you're not rich when you're rich. yeah, he didn't do the ulte whie he was like, yeah, i'm rich. you put my name in a building and i think people are poor. like i yeamf had money, i'm puta my name on a building. so that harerd that appeal. ng. but if we're going to talk about people, i think hunteral biden is the ultimate. he should be a rapper named white privileg, hee because loo] at his his life. that's great . yeah. yeah. he combines the worst both cultures in that he's all about and drugs and guns. >> but he's also got a healthy d dose of do you know who my dad e is? >> so he's the guy that theyuy should be complaining about. he put out ano album. i know i know who he would want to have. write a good column about it. he to have thecharles, because s someone. >> last name is blow. he gets excited, blocharlew mees blow. yeah. he also got his teeth fixed. he didn't like the grill. >> rappers do yeah, but it it does go back
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to this sin the woke hates, which is any cooperation or wok integration seems a betrayal to your identity. it's going against the whole idea of of a melting pot that we shouldn't be. by ohould actually be segregated by our identity. there's no way you can survive that way. >> i like it when my mashed potatoes touch my meatloaf. but you are. but, greg.his is but this is what. this is what? and i hate to say it, but like this h what lazyst to black journalists do now because all they have to d becan racist in front of it and their work's done. yeah. and everyone with the is people are stopp apologizing. people are starting to realize like, you know what, i'm notogi, always tell people like, what do i do when someone calls me racist like to your face wind alls mk them. >> yeah i that's exactly what we by the way that's. exactly what we do in the meetings. i know. sign filled concludes we need w we'll dowe i try to put my arm around any vet that i canand we absolutely at new day usa absolutely at new day usa that's what we're doing we put e
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arm around the veterans. i think of the veteran out there that he needs to refi his homewarding may want to pue and we can help them and provide that financial and provide that financial solution companythat families. >> it's a great rewardingat mak feeling. es >> everybody in the company, they hav o uniqe that deference and that respect and that love for the veteran that makes company so unique. >> no one takes care of veterans like new day. >> hi, i'm mike huckabee, former governor of arkansas and i'm here today to tell you about a hidden health crisis currently affecting nearly every american. sleep deprivation and that's why you need to know about relaxium sleep you see getting a good night's sleep helps support a healthy immune system, helps maintain a healthy blood pressure, healthy cardiovascular system. relaxium sleep is studied, tested and designed by a neurologist to help you fall asleep, stay asleep longer and wake up refreshed. >> relaxium worked from the very first night i took. i had more focus and mental
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hey. hey hey. >> seinfeld shares his affinity for real. dian bri >> the iconic comedian brings us our video of the day. whileoe discussing his new netflix movie and frosted with barry white's the star-ledgeon frostedr, up fr a bygone era of real men that no longer exists. >> watch. i couldn't help but wonder iff t part of it is maybe your own nostalgia for this timealgia that feels like another planet, or at least another source of drugsfo timfeels li. >> but there's another element there that i think is the key elemene t, and that is an agreet upon hierarchy. hmm which i think is absolutely vaporized in. b today's moment and so far always wanted to be a real man. r made it. >> and i, i really thought when i was that?t in that era? again, it was jferk. j it was muhammad ali. it wasd al sean conneri,y.
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howard cosell. you can go all the way down there. that's a real man. wnhat's i'm going to i want to be like that someday. >> i miss a dominant masculinity. yeah, i get the toxic like. >> but still, i a real man. >> mm.>> so s daio i. >> but i also miss the days when men were men and women were not. >> but think about the unbridled masculinity of yesteryear. >> you know, i'm talking about. right? a guy who could put the marlboro man to shamy wht e. >> a man's man. if i've ever seen one. that guy, i bet, got all the ladies at a beat em off. th with a stick. >> devito the least manlyon person in the building. that's me. >> you wouldn't have survived the 70s. what would you? they would know. d pu they would not at all put you in. they would have put you in
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a tiny locker insideu in lockerr >> i'm barely surviving right now. >> i do like how seinfeld immediately said.t on and i'm not one of those manlyth men i like. because if you watch your showoe ,the toughest person i show was elaine. yeah. yeah. and don't think i can't imagine clint eastwood making a movie about pop tarts. >>stwoodakin i see that happeni. but. but he's right, i think is why comedy good for for people like seinfeld. certainly for someone like me. , i do the same thing. and like, where have all the man men gone in one way? >> and then i have to slip my superintendent five bucks to change a lighi ipy supet i ca reach. >> so i think he made some good points. that is true. reach.u madekevin. there's. there's you know, there is no. to dolosing the ability basic skills. like, i. i could not change my oil. not that i considered changing my. and doa go even try that. that's not a good idea. yes. yes. but if you sent a letter, you sentdea.u se a gen z, we're back to the college campuses of
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of like 1976. wouldn't they have the time of their lives1976.? i'm pretty sure, talkingy about what makes a manly manra is racist. >> i really do. i it's like mary jane. >> there's no question. look, this topic came outtopic the 60s in advertising. if you really thincak where it was born. right here in new york, on madison avenu wase. n the manly man. the marlboro man. the guy on the horsemanl. the guy in the car selling all these products. establishing this, you know, supreme alpha dude. >>establis hmm. >> in the pecking order of what you're buying is kind of how it started. >> and then it became racist. you know, it's funnyt . right. you're right. because what what's being sold to us now and you can you've notices beta males are selling like it's the goofy guy who doesn't know what's going on. e, i don't know how o this in. >> the wife comes in or the other guy comes in and goes, i'll td th it up, blah.l it's almost that. almos it's almost t we can't do
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that because it's considered misogynists. but misogynistic or patriarchaln or one of those words they use in college. >> right. yeah. i mean, i think a lotseren of different kinds of men are hoert. i guess i married like a pretty masculine guy. i mahe in a war. >> yeah, that's pretty masculine. i mean go fight like. yeah. like, was it toxic?t he >> like, i don't know. probably to the terrorists he shot. >> no, you can't. i don't. i don't know. i again, agree with you that i'm very glad that he said. but it is funny for meid but toe saying that because, you know. >> oh, all right, clean it up. you say my name three times. i'll get involved. volvedall right, tyree, no, sto. listen, we're fine.s are mm-hmm. alpha males. we'rgoe good.. we're just chilling. we're all. hey, listen, don't worry, little seinfelg, ld. we got you. we're all training in the hills,we a right now.
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everybody got the signal a few hours back. yeaheverybodth. so get our pre workouts together. our animals, we hunted, pack them up, wives m nice brown bags for us. we're going be gone for about. i don't know how lon, g civil warknow h in the last seven 8 seconds. yeah. we'll be back. listen, i'm asowe as alpha gett have a truck with six wheels. >> okay? >> i i have the photo. she seen it right? >> beautiful. yeah. i pull the stake out. >>the bulls to eat it. i just. i'm. it's alpha toxic masculinity. i open doors, someone breaksnd s in the house. it's my timene sign so i don't have to tweet on it, and io expr don't have to express my feelings. you asked me a question whetherr it's christmas, my birthday, my mama's funeral. it's the same answer chras, my. am i we?er i, i write up next we'll our
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stores nationwide so patch repair or do your whole long aggro track score. we'll united football league on fox. >> there are over 75 million monthly tube viewers that's more people than there are wall mounted dual actuating drinking fountains, which means tube is more popular than water. that's so cold it hurts your teeth. more popular than unnecessarily high water pressure is more popular than health violations to be.
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it's popular than wall mounted, dual actuating drinking fountains. will their ideas sink or swim? it's all up to them. tonight on gut. try to cut my hair. welcome to gut tank, where each guest has to pitch an idea to kevin o'leary and if he likes it, he gives that person $5 million right here on the spot. get this is such a shameless rip off. i'm litigating it. don't. you can't. you can't. if now the product could theomething new or improved on an existing product. here's i will start with mine. so, kevin,gt my product is cald beef. beef. the blackface best. >> so it's an inc vacuum that removes when one of your stupid friends shows upn on tonv or at a party in blackface, for example. here's jimmy kimmel. before i used my handy
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new product and sharks. >> here he is after our show, sharks. how valuable could this product be? we i'm seeking $1 million for 3% of the company. what do you think, kevin? i tell you right now.hink, thats racist. >> okay. number two, do not give upr your day job. no, i am so out. that i das the idea i've ever heard. >> really? all right, joe okay. wow, tough guy. that was brutal. well, you haven't heard my idea . >> i think the three greatest inventions all time are george l. eman gril did tortilla chips and the elevator door closed button. . yeah, when you're lazy, but you're pressed for time. yes. so i'vwhen fore.e that the scoof have the hint of lime flavor. >> okay. imyou want that.lime but why is it just a hint of lime? it's not like i don't want,
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like, a rumor of scratcher or, like a glance. >> i want the limey a scoop a you can get. >> so this is the product that i came up with. it's the soda lime. >> it's just. and instead of chips, they're actually did just cut up limes. >> it's just cut up line. s and i would have brought some, but my doctor says i'm not allowe sayd to go near knives.mi i'm askingng for $3 and 89 cent i'm in. >> yeah. a load of limes. that's metric. hmm. what what are the margins on the product? cents >> about $0.02 per bag. i really have the marketing campaign. >> her >> and he said no. gutfeld no, hear me out. no, this is wh.>> this y you'ret allowed. >> can we just talk privately a minute? >> i got the lyme disease. we got what the was. wow. well, you know at least
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i understood how bad it was right out of the gate. and that's important. i want to be able to communicate the possibilityof of. >> never would i do that. all right. than dk. >> who would like to go now? mine. so good. all right. mine's really good. you're to like this. i don't think so. so far. you like this? okay, so it's a treadmill. >> stay with me. it's a treadmill it's a , but w. when you run on it, instead of you getting healthier and stronger, your catealthier s healthier and stronger. >> so as you can see, the cat hooked up to the treadmill. but instead of it improving my cardiovascular health, it improves his cardiovascular eve health. and it's even safe for cats with hypertrophic cardiomyopathyfe rtrophic. you have to wiens does have you have to work in the personalal o things. >> it's a personal story that tugs at your heartstrings. yes, my cary thaarge t. so i will give you 50% of this.o you just see to find a scientist who can create this technology and quicklyte. >> my cat is 14.
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okay, listen, why don't you just buy a new cat? >> i don't lik be. oh, they're five bucks. okay? e you're a smart man. have you never heard of codependenc er hcodependy? >> 14 codependent relationship. i've been through everything with this cat. okay, i get it. i get abut 14 years old. yes, four cat fluffy is going snuffy. >> no, no, no, no. oh, wow. yeah. that reaso>> forn your cat is o. >> no, no, no. this. be very careful. people and a lot of people when you watch this because a lot of people have lovh ise, very ol feral cats, which defiesic all logic and reasonh defi becae he's not even a nice cat. >> no, he's a terrible cat. >> w you comet in saying i sell cats for 599, because all these catsg goinga. to die and we're going to make a huge market. >> that's what i like. i likei will retire. >> okay. a lot of you guys don't know this, but i hasd twin brother. mm-hmm. and when we were being born together, i was impatient. right. i and as i pushed through hi.mhi
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to get out. yes. apparently his little umbilical cord gotget ou it wrapped arouni his neck. it wasn't me putting around it. i was just trying to movt e and as i was sliding past him ps to be first to get out. it got awkward. yes, because he couldn't i breathe. the more i pushed and pretty soon i realized, yes, i caushen be the first one out. but that means he's going to die. mm. >> but i love america, so i wanted to be over. so as i was goin wasg out. but as i got out, it was w awkward. yes. the nurses kind of figured out what i did the doctor instead of me, he was questioning mthei and then it came to me. wouldn't it be great in a situation like thidn'ts? i had something to get me out of it. so the next time. , maybe ifling you're not killing your twin brother when he's being born, and maybe you're in a situatiorn like this where someone decides to try to make you buy a bagwher lines or keep an old cat going ,his creepy weird he wasy trying to sell. >> if you haeed a little devicen you have two watches. one can fit on eithee car one.o >> when you you're sitting there and you're hearing
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the pitch, you just press sie an the on your watch.n on your phone will miraculously ring. and our online have operators online who will create an excuse for wil you. >> improv actors. where's my thing? right there. emergency. whcuse e.r.s. and what this is, is like, you you want to get the hell out of? a weird conversation like your girl's pushing you to marry her because you've been with her for ten years, and you won't pop the question. honey, i would lovrls pushn witr e to.discus >> a discussion ring. hello? hey, it's mama. there was a car accidentacar ac cows are in your living room. i've got to go. oh, my god. can you guys hear this? and then, even if the person is skeptical, will youf to them yourself. >> and that's. they'll tell us and get out of there . >> absolutely. zero with the bullet. are you kidding? mr. wonderful. my brother died for this y brothe for thi. all right, i'll next, a story about our. >> the west was a chaotic brew
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of progress and explosive violence. jesse james blackburn and butch cassidy became icons to a nation desperate for heroes. for we had to rob this bank as long as some to live outside the law, others would always be ready to their lives on the line to bring them to justice. you know, we kill you to cure me for once. this is outlaws and lawmen on fox nation getting dance fast. heartburn with me, tom's gummy bike and love it back. >> dum, dum, dum, dum. your emblem of devotion. have your engagement custom made by the jewelry exchange jews, a one carat lab grown diamond, 599 or a natural gia for 1998. k mount art for 99. thousands of choices always. >> the best deal the jewelry exchange. direct nature is quite
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country reacts. we have all of the followen thaa
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story in five words today our sells art for thousands. cat, a two year old fromtw germany are they all is being hailed a pint sized picasso euo creating and sellinn abstract paintings for seven grand a piece whichce box he blew on juice boxes. >> but what does you say?
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feel terrible for this kid? why? being a successful toddler is setting the bar for yourself at a ridiculous place. >> yeah, that's truer your. you know what i mean? so it's like people care >> wn you're aa toddle toddler. i mean, worth i don't know if i'd have made it through of our successful ino toddler. >> yeah. t what i feel like this just is oi statement on the art, on the kind of the art industry as a whole. it doesn't matte hole.r. it's any good. how do i know this isn't a i be. hmm. that's what i'm thinking. you're showing me a toddleng.r. his hands up against something that was maybe just computer generates uphingd crapola. >> that's what i think. this kid should be arrested. i was going to say, you're accusing the toddler of a conspirac y. olutel c absolutely.y. that's almost a more valuable skill for a toddler to havhat'so e. you >> would it be great if he was paid with chucky cheese tokens? irish listen, this is ridiculous. seven grand for a picture by a toddler. i gogrand fot kids. i can give you a picture for p free. mattericture of driver.
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i want a picture, honey. joe, does it bother you thatn y? two-year-old is more successful than you? >> i've been there a million times the art industry.dust >>ry they're the only industry l that charges all this money for their product. and it's like, look, a child painted it, a monkey painted it, it. yes, hunter biden paid it. there's no barrier to entry. but i say we still got to buy some of his paintings because if it's one thing history showed it to someone who speaks german, is trying to sell sospeaks buy it when he's young, doesn't get mad later on, we could have prevented a whole bunch of stuff if we only listeneda fe to joe. all right. is not w back. imagine a future where plastic is not wasted, but instead remade over and over into the things that keep our food fresher, our family safer, and our planet cleaner to helpro us get thereducts, america's plc
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