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tv   Americas Newsroom  FOX News  May 31, 2024 6:00am-7:00am PDT

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better? [cheers and applause] >> can i be part of the band? >> you did a great job. >> i think you dressed the part. >> she did. looks good. >> ainsley: you have your book, documentary and tour. the beach for all the information. tell us about the book. >> the book is by genesis. there is one that weighs 11 pounds in its old sack and they've sold out at $2 thousand each. substantially less expensive one but still a very nice book. >> steve: you guys have always been great friends of show and great to have. ladies and gentlemen, the beach boys! [cheers and applause] >> this was a disgrace. we didn't do a thing wrong.
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i'm i very innocent man and we'll fight for our constitution. >> dana: defiant in defeat. former president trump vowing to fight his conviction for falsifying business records. that begins at 11:00 a.m. eastern when he holds a news conference on trump tower. bill is off today, good morning, brett. >> bret: good morning, i'm bret baier. this is "america's newsroom." dana, yesterday in the afternoon we thought judge merchan was going to dismiss the jury, wrap up for the day. suddenly it all came down that they had the verdict and what we have seen over the past few hours, the reaction to that and then now this news conference is going to be something as we go forward. >> dana: we were getting ready for "the five" and all of a sudden it changed and it felt -- you could feel a shift change really in the country and in the election. >> bret: really is. we don't know the entire fallout
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yet. unprecedented conviction. further complicating the former president's schedule. sentencing is set for july 11th. that is just four days before the rnc, republican national convention in milwaukee. the former president's legal team standing strong vowing to keep fighting. >> this is not what this country should be doing to its political leaders past and present. it is hard. it is hard every day and he was resolute, strong. we were all more upset than he was. we're all sitting there and he said all right, let's go and we're gonna fight. >> dana: trump is the first-ever president to be convicted of a crime and prompted the democrats to celebrate but many say it could come back to haunt them. >> they said i have no intention for voting to donald trump and now i am. it will help donald trump. >> they just elected donald trump president. >> everyday americans across the
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country are now calling and joining the team, even the never trumpers. >> dana: let's get to eric shawn and he can give us the update after the verdict. hi, eric. >> good morning, dana and bret. it ain't over. former president trump has said he will appeal this verdict. the defense says it already has a variety of trial issues to challenge. for example, they say pre-trial publicity made this fair trial impossible. the judge's rulings they also say were too restrictive and as for stormy daniels salacious testimony, the defense says it should never have been allowed. they also say judge juan merchan should have stepped aside for a conflict of interest. merchan donated $15 to president bide app's campaign in 2016 and daughter works for a democratic political campaign firm. the new york state commission on judicial ethics ruled the judge
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had no conflict. alvin bragg said the jury only relied on the evidence and the law. >> their deliberations led them to a unanimous conclusion beyond a reasonable doubt that the defendant, donald trump, is guilty of 34 counts of falsifying business records in the first degree to conceal a scheme to corrupt the 2016 election. >> the convictions came after the jury asked for testimony from "national enquirer" publisher david pecker and michael cohen. both said trump had an august 2015 meeting with them put the illegal scheme in motion. the jury saw the trump financial documents reimbursing cohen for paying stormy daniels and saw the checks trump signed to repay cohen falsely claiming they were for cohen's legal work. despite his credibility issues the jury, it seems, did believe michael cohen. after the verdict cohen told fox
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news quote, today is an important day for accountability and the rule of law. while it has been a difficult journey for me and my family, the truth always matters. trump's attorneys have 30 days to file an appeal and clearly it seems they think they have a lot to work with. back to you. >> dana: thanks for all you did at the courthouse. >> bret: is jury is still out on political implications, a different kind of jury. let's go to bryan llenas outside trump tower waiting for the news conference at 11:00 a.m. eastern time. good morning, bryan. >> good morning. at 11:00 a.m. former president trump will hold a news conference here in the lobby of trump tower in mid town manhattan in what is the biggest, most important campaign event he has held at trump tower since he came down those escalators in june of 2015 to launch his presidential candidacy back then. now last night former president
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acknowledged the hundreds of people outside of trump tower that came here following the guilty verdict, historic verdict. he pumped his fist in the air and acknowledged the crowd, which cheered, booed and also chanted, quote, lock him up. today we expect the former president to reiterate a new campaign mantra that the real verdict will be on november 5th by the people when they vote on election day. the trump campaign tells fox former president trump, quote, won't let this, quote, sham stop the movement of this campaign. within minutes of the verdict the trump campaign already began fundraising off of this verdict. the home page on trump's website now says breaking news, i'm a political prisoner asking people to donate. fundraising emails sent after the verdict ask is this the end of america? the campaign says their fundraising website went down within an hour of the verdict due to a record number of
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supporters wanting to donate to his campaign. trump aheaded a fundraiser last night. in the next six weeks trump has to choose a running mate and participate in the first presidential debate and rnc convention. according to new york law trump has until august 10th, '30 days from sentencing hearing to appeal the verdict. trump defense attorney todd blanche said the venue and timing of the trial were unfair. >> well, i'm not allowed to comment on that. they are still under a gag order. the timing of this most recent grand jury, meaning the 2023 grand jury that ultimately indicted president trump kicked into action less than two months after president trump announced he was running for re-election and there are coincidences and then there are coincidences. i don't think that's just something that happened. >> that gag order is still in place for former president trump. judge juan merchan has given no indication he has lifted that and it is expected to stay
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through the sentencing and fascinating to see how he answers the questions today. particularly ones like does he regret given the verdict not testifying in his own trial. >> bret: bryan, thanks. >> dana: let's bring in trey gowdy and andy mccarthy. we want to set the stage look at the headline from front pages around the world. everybody with a big guilty sign up there. you can sort of imagine that. it's almost harder to imagine the next slide which is president trump's courtroom calendar versus the campaign calendar and as we've been mentioning we have a debate in three weeks and then -- four weeks and then you have july 11th sentencing and then go to the rnc convention four days later. gentlemen, i want to play for you alvin bragg, the prosecutor's main sound bite from his press conference and get your reactions after you've
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had a good night's sleep. >> i did my job. our job is to follow the facts and the law without fear or favor. and that's exactly what we did here. i did my job, we did our job. many voices out there. the only voice that matters is the voice of the jury and the jury has spoken. >> dana: let's get both your reactions to that, trey. >> i don't think he did his job so much as he did exactly what he promised he was going to do saying he was going to go after donald trump. this new breed of so-called progressive prosecutors they have a long list of crimes they are not interested in prosecuting. i find it really ironic in new york, which has struggled with violent crime and other forms of crime, the one thing that gets your district attorney's attention is an alleged hush money payment from years ago. if you want to talk about interfering elections. hunter biden is going on trial
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really soon. 50 intelligence experts alleged said it was russian disinformation. that will be exhibit a in the hunter biden trial. so were those 50 election experts also trying to interfere with the last election by claiming it was something it was not? i hate to get bad news to other d.a.'s and bragg. politics is suppressing negative information and -- if that's a crime start building new prisons. >> dana, you use the word shift before and it is not a long shift given what we're seeing in front of us going from a constitutional republic to a banana republic. all that has to happen is that the rule of law stops being the foundation of a flourishing democratic society and becomes a political weapon. it is normalized as a political
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weapon. that's why i can't help when i hear alvin bragg say he did his job, when we all know as we sit here that no one -- no one would have been prosecuted on this manufactured offense, which is so cap itchous other than trump. i don't think this is so much about trump as how you try to preserve this legal order that we have and the society that we have if you don't have law that is actually carried out without fear of favor and where law becomes a political weapon. i fear for what happens to us. >> bret: let me follow up on that. bragg is likely going to be the only prosecutor that will bring a trial to a head before the election successfully. the others are in pre-trial decisions right now and disputes and appeals. the other thing he said was this. he said this type of white collar prosecution is core to what we do at the manhattan
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district attorney's office. as if this is a normal activity. it was anything but normal what happened in this case, right? >> bret, i was a young prosecutor in manhattan, a federal prosecutor when across the street was the district attorney of manhattan county and in those days that office would never in a million years have brought a case like this. and i have to say back in those days -- i really think this is more of a cultural problem than a legal problem. but if you campaigned for office in new york and we're talking about the 1980s, but you said elect me and i will use the powers of the office against our political enemies, you would have had a better chance being run up to bellevue for evaluation than being elected district attorney or attorney general. and yet now they take that position and they get elected.
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james got elected in a landslide after taking that position. >> dana: listen to rfk junior attempting to be a third party candidate and attempting to figure out a way to try to win the presidency in our pretty much two-party system. watch him here last night. >> you know, when my father became attorney general in 1961 he said rule number one, this department will never be used for political purposes. it is so important that the american public understand that the institutions of our -- the enforcement institutions will never be used to promote one political candidate or party over another. >> dana: i wonder if you could weigh in on the politics here. you have already heard president trump last night when he came out after the verdict saying that biden, if this goes all the way up to the top to the chief enforcement officer of the united states, you had the
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campaign stay away from everything until this week they decided to go across the street and did the robert de niro thing. so are you -- is the trump campaign going to be able to follow their path right back to even the white house? >> i don't know that they have to follow it to the white house. they can follow it to mer i can garland's department of justice. don't forget what rob hur said about joe biden. is that an endorsement for the presidency you are too feeble minded to be put on trial? i don't think that's a good argument for re-election. another example. nebraska congressman, they will retry him again on the case of a failed memory test that was administered. meanwhile, the u.s. attorney in massachusetts, who lied during the course of an investigation, she got off scot-free. so absolutely they have made a political issue over what kind of department of justice do you
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want. and if you ask me and andy mccarthy, the best job we ever had is when we stood in front of people saying i represent the united states of america. a blindfolded woman who didn't care about politics, gender or race. and now -- now politics -- you have people running for office promising to go after political opponents like fani willis in atlanta and alvin bragg and james. if people want that there will be a lot of people looking to move to costa rica. that is not the united states. >> bill: last thing, andy, a lot of questions people ask right after this conviction, we have this full screen can trump still run for president? yes. can jurors talk to the press? yes. we'll likely hear for them about behind the scenes what happened. can trump pardon himself? no. there is still the question about can he vote for himself in florida? they don't allow felons to vote in florida and does he go to
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jail? the sentencing is july 11th. how do you see that right now? >> well, there is the logical way to see it, bret, and then there is a situation we're in, right? so the logical way to see it is we're in a city where serious crime frequently goes unprosecuted and felonies get pled down routinely to misdemeanors, migrants beat the daylights out of a cop on the street and they're back on the street in an hour. this is a non-violent crime. a person who has done great work for new york city in his private capacity and has no criminal record. no one should do five minutes in incarceration for an offense like this. but if you would ask me 14 months ago would this indictment happen and would this trial happen and would it happen the way it happened where the judge gives the jury charge that looks like a roadmap to conviction? i would have said no, i can't imagine that happening. and judge merchan is going to be
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under tremendous pressure. he is responsive to it from the left to at least impose a modest prison sentence on trump. i don't know that he is going to refuse to do that. >> dana: incredible, interesting times. thank you, gentlemen, thank you so much. bret, we could get reaction from president biden when he departs for the white house this hour. jacque heinrich is live on the south lawn. a shift yesterday. earlier in the week we heard the president would make a statement regardless of the verdict from the white house and then changed their minds? >> we haven't heard anything from the president himself. at least yet. the white house counsel's office only said we respect the rule of law and have no further comment. the biden campaign is fundraising off the verdict warning that trump supporters are energized by it and an email this morning reads trump will be the republican nominee for president but there is one other certainty as you read this, donald trump's supporters are fired up and likely setting
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fundraising records for his campaign. biden shared a similar fundraising note on his personal twitter account last night. there were reports yesterday the president planned to forcefully address this conviction and that he and his team were mulling how far they should go with it. but whatever happens, whatever we get might be more muted than we first expected. abc is reporting the president doesn't want to feed into the narrative that he is somehow behind the witch hunt. that was advice of the "wall street journal" editorial board. mr. biden is better advised to say nothing. even a platitude will sound like satisfaction by a president who allies convicted a political opponent. his son, hunter, is slated to go on trial in early june. will he comment on that proceeding, too? hunter's upcoming trial has not stopped biden from making hay of trump's legal woes before.
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>> president biden: a few tough days lately. you might call it stormy weather. now he is acting like he wants to debate me again. make my day, pal, i will even do it twice. let's pick the dates, donald. i hear you're free on wednesdays. >> sources say he will frame trump as a threat to democracy, unworthy of the presidency. they hope that voters who were not as engaged in the election before the verdict will be more engaged now. >> dana: jacque heinrich. thank you. >> bret: we're awaiting a major news conference at trump tower at 11:00 a.m. eastern time set to address supporters after being convicted as we've said on 34 counts of falsifying business records. we will bring that to you live as it happens. meanwhile, will the verdict force the former president to change his campaign strategy? rnc chair michael watley on
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that. looking ahead to another trial that could alter the political landscape. hunter biden gun case. the president's son heading to court on monday. will voters be paying attention to that? , balanced nutrition for strength and energy. yay - woo hoo! ensure, with 27 vitamins and minerals, nutrients for immune health. and ensure complete with 30 grams of protein. (♪) everybody wants super straight, super white teeth. they want that hollywood white smile. new sensodyne clinical white provides 2 shades whiter teeth and 24/7 sensitivity protection. i think it's a great product. it's going to help a lot of patients.
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>> dana: donald trump is set to hold a news conference at trump tower later this morning rallying supporters and raising lot of campaign cash. the question now how will his guilty verdict impact, if all, the election in november. mark meredith is covering that part of the story and we go to him now. >> good morning. democrats think former president trump is unfit for office. now they are using thursday's conviction to further that claim but the question today is how much voters will consider the charges when casting their vote. there was a poll done by npr this month that shows 67% of
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people do not think a criminal conviction will have an impact on their vote. trump's team is up with a new fundraising campaign embracing the verdict calling the candidate a political prisoner and trump website crashed immediately after the verdict due to a late surge in support the campaign says. >> people were donating not by the thousands or tens of thousands, not by the hundreds of thousands, by the millions. >> the campaign believes voters are focused elsewhere. in a memo produced this work before the verdict was read we heard from trump's pollster, voters have already made up their minds on this trial. most voters especially our supporters believe the case is politically motivated an conviction would be the result of a biased show trial. that's what the trump campaign thinks and hearing from many surrogates, potential vice presidential picks spending the last several hours rushing to his defense. we heard from many high profile
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republicans by vance and burgum. >> look, jesse, i have never heard constituents so frustrated and angry at what they've seen. not the 2020 election, not the fake impeachment scams. this has activated republicans. >> the common sense of the working people of america is rising up. this will be the last straw for some of them. >> trump critics, ron desantis plans to hit the trail to fundraise for trump in july and trump will be back on the trail heading west to california for fundraisers. >> dana: thank you so much, mark. >> bret: with us now rnc chair michael whatley. thank you for joining us. good morning. we had obviously a lot of anecdotal information overnight about fundraising and what happened after the conviction. do you have any hard numbers or any data? >> i think we're waiting to see what the numbers will be but they'll be big.
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the fact is we had so much traffic that it actually crashed our website. we were able to get it back up quickly but as you've heard, it has been high traffic, high volume and the support is not surprising. the people knew that this was a show trial. people knew it was politically biased trial that we were facing here. so when it hit yesterday, i think people were able to move and move quickly on it. but the american support for the president is grounded in the fact that he is waking up this morning ready to fight for the american people just like he wakes up every morning ready to fight for the american people. >> dana: i want to read one thing from "politico", this headline. trump campaign warns gop candidates not to fundraise off trump's conviction. keeping a list and we aren't in the spirit of christmas. why so? >> i think the fact right now is everybody will be talking about this trial. we want to make sure that the support for the president goes to the president and all of the
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tide will be lifted here when the president wins. right now we're focused on the fundamentals. we go back to the basics. how will we win this election? we'll win it by turning out the vote and by protecting the ballot. all of our operations at the rnc and with the trump campaign are ready to continue our work. we're not going to change strategies. we won't change tactics. we'll make sure we're doing the blocking and tackling we need. when the american people look at the difference between four years under president trump versus the four years we're living under joe biden right now, they know that america is in a stronger place under president trump. that's why we're going to have them reelected come this fall. >> bret: mr. chairman, there are some people who say we don't fully appreciate or know what this conviction means for independent voters, for swing voters, for suburban women. are you sure it is not going to move the needle at least a
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little bit in those places that you need those votes? if you have an election that comes down to tens of thousands of votes in six states any little thing matters. this is kind of a big thing when you think about the big picture. >> i could not agree more. every little thing matters and every big thing matters. we'll spend our time talking to the american voters about how they were better off under donald trump than they are under joe biden. people already know that. people already recognize it. we're seeing polls out right now that says that this opinion is really baked because people understood that this is a biased trial. this is a biased judge, biased prosecutor, it is just falls into the line of the weaponization of the judiciary that we've seen over the course of the last year. the democrats are going after president trump by the judiciary and people understand that. but the difference is how is this affecting your family? what is affecting people's family right now is the fact
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that it cost twice as much to be a house as four years ago. gasoline costs 55% more than a year ago. inflation is continuing to be rampant. we saw even today that inflation is at its highest point under the presidency. we're seeing 20% across the board inflation costs for the average american household. wages are not keeping up and the american families are being forgotten while we have these political show trials going on. this is about the american people. it is not about these show trials. >> dana: can i ask you one thing as a new chairman of the rnc obviously president trump has a base that is strong and fervent. there was a need for you as the chairman to try to figure out a way to unite all of the republican party and could alvin bragg have actually helped you out in that regard? >> yeah look, everybody in our party and frankly all of the independents and all americans understand that these trials are
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politically motivated. that this has been a witch hunt since day one. we have seen the weaponization of the judiciary not just in new york, but in states all across the country, civil cases, criminal cases trying to use the judiciary to go after donald trump and his allies. people have seen through that. that's why we're seeing polling right now that says that this verdict is not going to have an impact on the election. >> dana: michael whatley, thank you for joining us this morning. no doubt in-- you are stepping on the gas as we go into the weekend. thank you. >> dnc, a paid sell-out to the dnc. robert de niro. >> dana: as we wait to hear from donald trump democrats are celebrating his conviction but will the guilty verdict backfire against them? we'll be right back. otezla is the #1 prescribed pill to treat plaque psoriasis. otezla can help you get clearer skin. don't use otezla if you're allergic to it.
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>> bret: welcome back. we're awaiting a news conference from former president trump at
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trump tower as you look live in new york city. the flag set up in the hallway in front of the elevate ores. the former president speaking at length, we believe, and answering questions. we'll bring it to you live at 11:00 here on fox. >> i want to thank this phenomenal prosecution team em bodying the finest traditions of this office. professionalism. integrity, dedication, service. they are model public servants and i am proud and humbled to serve side-by-side with them. >> dana: manhattan d.a. alvin bragg celebrating the conviction of president trump. paul mauro, thank you for being here. overall, your takeaway after you had a night's sleep to think about it. >> well, i would say that george soros got his money's worth,
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right? alvin bragg being one of the soros prosecutors, right? this is the kind of thing he is looking for to happen here in new york. you have to remember that this is a city that during the course of this trial in manhattan, violent crime is up 15%. and this is a d.a. who routinely down grades felons. >> dana: felonies downgraded to misdemeanor in 2023 over 1300. >> a recent example. someone emotionally disturbed jumps out of a chair and stabs a woman leading a group of children from connecticut on a tour of new york city. he charges not attempted murder but assault two. any other person. that will be knocked down. so again, this is his m.o. the kind of thing he does and all i can say is now some of the country, i think, is getting a feel for what it feels like these days to be a cop in america because this is what it is like to have believed in a system, worked within a system,
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and watch that system turn on you. you are an officer who made an arrest, the perp walks out before you file your paperwork. you have a big arrest and you go down to testify at trial and grand jury and all of a sudden they decide they don't believe you, etc. there is this bias against law enforcement these days that hasn't dissipated. started 10 years ago, i would argue and we're still in it now. >> bret: great to see you, paul. a lot of focus in this trial on michael cohen. he spoke out after the conviction last night. take a listen. >> 34 counts, one after the other after the other after the other of guilty. it is accountability, it is exactly what america needs right now. we need for accountability to be had by all those that break the law because as we like to continuously state, no one is above the law.
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and today's verdict demonstrates that. >> bret: we heard from alvin bragg that this is what his office does. this white collar crime. as you listen to that and you saw the reaction to this verdict, what are your thoughts? >> first of all, the manhattan district attorney's office does white collar crime but their prime mission is keeping the people of new york safe. he has abdicated that position. up in crime and significantly up from four years ago. there seems to be no cognizance there is no mechanism to get the emotionally disturbed off the streets in manhattan and why new york state is leading the country not by percentage, numericly in people leaving the state. the tax base is eroding. boarded up store fronts every place. this seems to be what the alvin
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braggs of the world would characterize as victory. in terms of not being above the law, i have to point something out. when this case started, and the case was indicted on 34 counts, the feds don't let you go more than 20 counts. when you see stacked charges like that you know what you've got. but they leaked the grand jury minutes. those went out to another network. that's a black letter e felony much more than the nonsense they pulled on donald trump and it came from that d.a.'s office. there is your felony. i don't understand why that wasn't pursued by team trump. they should have filed the report and kicked off the investigation. just as there should be an investigation into how merchan was chosen. i have been in contact with the chief judge's office. they tell me it was part of the grand jury process. they won't answer me. tells me there is something there but also the scheduling. this case went to trial remarkably quickly. it leapfrogged people sitting in ryker's waiting for their day in
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court. this needs to be looked at. by the way, kathy hochul, the governor, could pardon donald trump. something nobody has raised. >> dana: will she? >> bret: that will be something. >> dana: is that something to think about as you always give us something to think about. thank you so much. what is it likely to be this morning when you have a major news conference taking place in just over an hour from now and former president trump will address his supporters directly for the first time since his guilty verdict. plus another verdict that the supreme court -- does the left want us to like the new york manh manhattan's court and not respect the supreme court? we'll have a debate. here is summer fun we could all use it. the beach boys earlier on "fox & friends." ♪
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♪ ♪ [sfx] water lapping. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ [sfx] water splashing. ♪ ♪ [sfx] ambient / laughing. ♪ ♪ >> bret: the stock market reacting to former president trump's conviction. fox business is live from new york city with the latest. good morning, lauren. >> this is the intersection of
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the unprecedented happening politically, judiciaryly and pleading onto wall street. if you look at trump media and technology groups that stock considered a proxy for trump himself. he is the top shareholder, 65% ownership, 115 million shares. the stock is extremely volatile today after the verdict last night down 15%. it did open higher, now it is down. traders tell me the initial sell-off is partially because the guilty verdict reflects poorly on the trump brand and you don't want your top shareholder perceived to be under financial der yes, sir or let's say forced to sell shares when the lockup period expires to pay legal bills. i haven't seen anything to suggest that a criminal conviction would affect his djt holdings. the sec has a bad actor disqualification mostly for people who hold executive positions at the company. depending on the type of stock that trump owns, voting shares, etc. , look, it could leave him
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open for discipline from the sec, all of that unclear. the managing directory at ebs is not surprised by the volatility. even if trump gets elected and the stock rallies this thing ends up being taken over by elon musk or going to 0. the company reported 4 million sales for all of that last year and operating at a loss. a lot of retail investors trade djt and a lot of them love the former president. >> bret: you bet. lauren, thank you. >> dana: i was just -- you and i go way back and worked for -- with each other for a long time. even before i came to fox. and i know that you will remember it was 2013 when the democrats wanted to bust the filibuster in order to try to move some judiciary nominees
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through and mitch mcconnell said they'll regret it. >> set another precedent you will no doubt come to regret and say to my friends on the other side of the aisle you will reget it and may regret it is at sooner than you think. >> dana: i was thinking about this this morning. bragg has established this crazy precedent that local officials can bring up former presidents on local charges that have nothing to do with federal election law or even federal law. >> bret: you have seen some people weigh in on that. lindsey graham said just wait to see what that brings. hopefully it doesn't change like that but you are right, it could set a precedent. when it comes to senate majority leader possibilities, you had all of john thune, rick scott, john cornyn some of the first with reactions to this verdict. >> dana: one of the reasons that democrats went on to regret what
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they did on the filibuster now they complain about conservatives being the majority in the supreme court. so i'll leave it there. just wanted to make a point and share a moment. >> bret: that's a good point. defiant former president trump will take the podium at trump towers one hour from now in the wake of that guilty verdict. and, you know, we want to keep going with happiness. beach boys from this morning. ♪ blood sugar response. uniquely designed with carbsteady. glucerna. bring on the day. it's time to feed the dogs real food, not highly processed pellets. the farmer's dog is fresh food made with whole meat and veggies. it's not dry food.
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it's not wet food. it's just real food. it's an idea whose time has come.
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when you're in the military you're really close with your brothers and your sisters that are in the military with you. and when you get out of the military, you kind of lose that until you find a new family. we can talk about our struggles and the things that we did overseas and not everybody can do that. adam! how's it going, brother? we live pretty close to each other. so he's always coming over. when i go to jack's house,
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we watch a lot of football, hang out. we go outside the friendship has kind of grown into a family i was overseas on a deployment. i got separated from my marines and i got hit in the neck, and it broke my neck and paralyzed me. 14 years ago, i was on a training mission. did a military freefall, and i had some faulty equipment. i hit the ground. going, 30 to 40 knots and was instantly paralyzed. i met jack fanning when he invited us to park city, utah, through his foundation. i was able to actually get on the mountain and ski with my family, i can't put into words what that meant. i got paid in the military to do crazy fun stuff. and after my accident, i'm still that same guy. and when i was able to jump out of a perfectly good, helicopter, at 10,000 feet, i did it.
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i was talking to some vets last week amazing how we have these houses where they can come over because they■re in chairs too. carpet and wheelchairs don't mix very well. tunnel to towers, they got rid of all that. they redid my whole bathroom. that's probably the favorite part of my house. i thought they were just going to do the upgrades. but the surprise to me was they paid off the entire mortgage. when they told me they're going to pay off my mortgage, i cried. please contribute $11 a month by visiting now >> bret: former president trump vowing to fight his conviction. his attorneys saying they have a plan for more on the appeals process, let's bring in right on crime executive director brett tolman. good morning. what do you think the appeal
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looks like? they will try to file quickly. the sentencing is scheduled for july 11th, four days before the rnc starts in milwaukee. what do you think the appeal process looks like? >> bret and dana, great to be with you. there are two tracks. the lawyers have to decide what path to take. the first is they could file an emergency appeal to the supreme court to actually stay the proceedings. stay the sentencing while they then pursue their appeal. there are a number of reasons why they may want to do that. whether the supreme court would take it is certainly a question. but it is not without precedent. it would allow them to appeal through the court system in new york without the risk of judge merchan putting the defendant donald trump into jail during the pendency of the appeal. the other take it to new york and try to go that route without the supreme court's assistance.
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>> dana: as we drive forward on july 11th, not that far away. there is plenty of time to get the appeals process going and you have the sentencing july 11th and a judge who was very irritated by trump's violations of the gag order. it might be inconceivable to think he would suggest jail time for a non-violent felony even if it was 34 counts, but there is home detention in the middle of a campaign that would be a possibility. could you tease out for us as you think about that is there anything in the appeals process that can be done ahead of the sentencing that is scheduled for july 11th? >> yeah, dana, it is really going to be remarkable. if you were to ask hollywood to provide us out of central casting the judge that would be willing to put donald trump in jail at the sentencing on july 11th it would be this judge. whether he will do so, i think
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it's interesting because there really is no precedence for him to do so given the lack of criminal history and the nature of the individual. no risk of flight or danger to the community. the low level of this type of felony. it would be any other judge, i think, would laugh at the prospect of putting him in jail. i think we have a different instance here with this judge and it very well may be that donald trump is convicted -- has been convicted and sentenced on july 11th and placed in jail. loses the ability to vote for himself in the election. loses the second amendment rights and has to deal with what many americans have dealt with when they touch the criminal justice system. >> bret: we heard mark levin lay out the u.s. supreme court path that possibly due process and


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