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tv   America Reports  FOX News  May 31, 2024 10:00am-11:00am PDT

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a rafah and in the hostage negotiations which all comes of course on the brink of what was a historic week. the guilty verdict of former president trump all eyes on president biden we know he routinely likes to stop when a question is shouted at him and respond. undoubtedly the question the price will be shouting at him is for a response to the verdict of his political opponents periods campaign has made remarks come unclear if president biden will answer that question and of course we just saw president trump leave trump tower. he gave a wave after that about an hour long press conference he had the substantive issues and even hit foreign policy as we are on the brink of course of the report and current president speaking on foreign policy himself. that's it, it has been quite a week, we'll be back with you next week set your dvrs for noon but for now on to "america reports." >> this is a scam this is a rig to trial, this is far beyond me this is bigger than trump, this
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is bigger than my presidency. i find it absolutely insane. any person running for office that we would go after them in order to silence them? that's a scary place to be. this is all done by biden and his people. may be his people more portly i don't know if biden knows too much about it. >> i think it's a complete failure of our justice system. it's a complete joe biden kamala harris hit job. >> it will catch up to him. >> i think it's the right verdict. etiquette shows our system of justice works if you are rich or poor. >> i'm shocked he keeps going. >> i'm willing to do whatever i have to do to save our country and to save our constitution. >> sandra: that was moments ago live in new york city and now a lab look at the white house screen left where we are about to hear from president biden. a big question is whether or not he will comment on former president trump's historic guilty verdict. the president we are told will be making those remarks shortly. they are expected to be on the middle east, but as is always
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the case, he could get questions. hello and welcome i am sandra smith in new york, john gray to be with you. >> john: i'm john roberts in washington this is "america reports" great to be with you, sandra. what is the first question out of everyone's mouth which is mr. president, what you think about the verdict? former president donald trump out to fight back against the unprecedented 34 count felony conviction during his remarks just a short time ago. he wasted no time laying into judge merchan calling him "highly conflicted." >> sandra: now we know the next big date on the calendar is july 11th. that is the day we are told the former president will be sentenced just days before republicans are formally set to nominate him for president. >> john: fox team coverage now mccarthy and carrie urban, how this is impacting the trump campaign. >> sandra: loving this jam-packed 2 minutes and first we go to peter doocy live at the white house as we anticipate the president will be speaking soon.
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anything you are hearing on that front, peter, what do we know? >> we know it will be about the middle east so he'll probably say something like israel needs to be more careful and gaza protecting civilian life but we will see maybe there will be a shouted question, maybe there won't be. so far all we've got of the president today is some video of him quietly returning from the beach to the white house or a planned celebration later on this afternoon of the kansas city chiefs super bowl win. he still has not said anything about trump's conviction, but he has these remarks later so if he takes a shouted question that would probably be his first reaction. other than this post trying to capitalize on the conviction he wrote "there's only one way to keep donald trump out of the oval office at the ballot box, donate to our campaign today" and a campaign officials has convicted felon or not trump will be the republican nominee for president. if president biden chooses to address trump's felony convictions we expected to be in line with his position since the
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transition that he does not put his finger on the scales of justice. remember this from how he rolled out merrick garland. >> i want to be clear to those who lead this department we will serve. you won't work for me. you are not the president or the vice president's lawyer. your loyalty is not to me. it's to the law. the constitution. the people of this nation to guarantee justice. speak about forecasting or president biden might say about this is a little more complicated than it seems. he is kind of in a pickle because he cannot come out and say executors always get it right because that would mean he is endorsing a system that is prosecuting his son on monday and that a couple of months ago wrote a report that said he has a bad memory, sandra?
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>> sandra: we expect this event will be under way anytime soon sometime soon and we will certainly bring that to our viewers live when that happens peter, thank you i will see you shortly. >> john: so much going on. former president donald trump's conviction is rocking the presidential race but not in the way many democrats expected. instead it seems to be energizing supporters and creating a windfall for trump's campaign. mark meredith is here live now with more. it is stunning how much money they have raised off of this. >> and johnson quickly the money keeps coming in. not just the trump campaign that is benefiting. good afternoon. while the former president faces possible jail time legal development's are not scaring off his donors. the campaign says it has seen a huge spike in donations over the last several hours. campaign raising more than $34 million since last night. the campaign is not shying away from the conviction news either now labeling trump a political prisoner. the national republican senatorial committee says it too is seeing record fund-raising and an influx of donations.
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today at the manhattan skyscraper trump's nearly 40 minute long speak was more like rally remarks touching on different topics and vowing to make the trial a point of pride. >> what they're doing right now they're winning at the courts because they can't win at the ballot box so we are going to show them we are going to fight. >> a poll by marist and mpr taken this month shows 67% of people do not think a criminal conviction is going to have an impact on their boat. the trump campaign says it expects the same. they have a polling numbers this week in which they wrote voters in our key target states have made up their minds on this trial. most voters especially our supporters believe the case is politically motivated and a conviction would be the result of a bias show trial. the biden campaign as peter mentioned is not avoiding the issue either, it's urging voters to donate to keep trump out of the oval office and almost all are sticking by trump we heard from one republican who has taken a different stance and is getting notice which is maryland
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republican senate candidate larry hogan who posted yesterday regardless of the result i urge americans to respect the verdict and the legal process. the trump campaign fired back pretty quickly saying hogan has no chance to win in november although, john, as you know hogan is a trump stomach outspoken trump critic but it is interesting that one comment right there created that bad blood between them between them. >> john: i got a mailing from hogan's campaign saying they are putting together a coalition of democrats to win this race. >> whatever it takes to win. >> john: winning isn't the most important thing it's the only thing in politics. market thank you. >> sandra: let's bring our legal panel andy mccarthy and carry urban a fox news legal editor. awesome to have you both onset. it's been a big couple of days but it's actually been a long six or seven weeks now. you had a lot of time to think about this, and he since this came out in afternoon or the consequences of this for the
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country what are your thoughts? >> it's devastating and it transcends trump so much. the history of every legal system that has ever existed that has been a precedent system is that once one is set it gets exploited and expanded. the most important thing for people like and i who grew up in the justice system and have a sort of appreciation for why it needs to be fair and why it needs to dispense justice without fear or favor what i see is if this is a partisan tool, then you go from a constitution republic to a banana republic very quickly. >> sandra: carry question marks big i don't think there's anything coming back for this. it's a dark day for the justice system is and he said it transcends trump it's much bigger than him. i think the average person looks at this and says and says that this is the runner of the free world with limitless resources
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at his disposal and they can bring a sham case like this against him, manipulative the statute of limitations, not allow witnesses who provide relevant context and truth to testify and then present him with oh, by the way, these are the crimes they let the jurors pick from without cashing any of that out in testimony and evidence what shot does anyone have? speech of this is the cover of "the new york post" i'm sure you all got to see it since you are in new york but for our viewers in justice this is the headline nyc jury makes donald trump first fell in president after political hit job it reads the feds did not think it was a crime nor did his predecessor, andy, but progressive d.a. gave them what they want and convicting donald trump ending hush money case. >> in some cases bragg knew it was a garbage case he shut the investigation down in 2022. he reopened it for reasons out of nothing to do with the rule
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of law is clearly political. tish james scott big kudos from the progressive new york-based when she took the evidence that bragg would not take and prosecute criminally and whipped it into a civil case and around the same time is that trump announced he was running for president which is why the case are brought. >> sandra: is amazing coming in this morning flying along the hudson river over the hudson river was a plane and it was pulling a banner "trump did nothing wrong" it's no surprise we are seeing the fund-raising that we are after this happened that money -- it's obviously sending a message. this is the former president earlier today saying, kerri i wanted to ask you, that he would not have testified. listen. >> i would've testified to come i wanted to testify. the theory is you never testify because as soon as you testify anybody if it were george washington, don't testify because he will get you on something you said slightly wrong and they sue you for perjury. but i didn't care about that, i
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wanted to. >> sandra: i was wondering what you thought when he heard that. >> i understand the urge you want to defend yourself when you have been unjustly accused that's a natural human reaction but he is right and what he said that it's not worth it because it would have opened all kinds of doors and avenues for them to pursue that probably would've made things worse. and given how much the prosecution was determined to make this work irrespective of rules and law, it would not of made a difference. >> sandra: you think of the ongoing trauma cases this is not the only one. i think our team pulled together a montage of jameson smith willis all announcing charges against the former president listen. >> we are filing a lawsuit against donald trump. for violating the law. >> charting donald j. trump with felony violations over national security laws as well as participating in a conspiracy to obstruct justice. >> charting donald j. trump for conspiring to defraud the
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united states. conspiring to disenfranchise voters and conspiring and attempting to obstruct an official proceeding. >> the indictment brings felony charges against donald john. >> sandra: considering that, andy, "the wall street journal" editorial board writing a piece this morning answering the same question i ask you about the consequences for the country. it reads "the convictions of the president abusing the legal cases no matter how sketchy to try to knock out political opponents including former presidents'. trump has artie vowed to return the favor if democrats felt like cheering thursday when the guilty verdict was read they should think again. mr. bragg may have opened a new destabilizing era of american politics. no one can see how it will end." >> i think will be more destabilizing quickly because nothing is static, right? everything is dynamic. consequences flow from this. i think one consequence that will flow is that jack smith of the supreme court if they give
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them the green light depending how the immunity case goes out, jack smith will try to push whatever remains of that trial to trial prior to the election and i think judge will help him if she can. speech quick final, kerri? >> i can't imagine becoming a convicted felon, getting my verdict sheet, and looking for what the underlying crime was and it not being there. everyone is talking about this convicted felon this and that when you look to the verdict sheet it listed falsifying business records, he still does not know what the underlying crime was that elevated to a felony in the first place. >> sandra: you've been awesome throughout they give everything you've done for our coverage and we will see you both again very soon. >> thank you. >> sandra: johnny cash mark >> john: live look at the white house, sender, any minute now president biden said to deliver remarks on the middle east. will he comment on the drum guilty verdict? we are standing by for that and we will bring it to you when it happens. >> sandra: plus hunter biden's federal gun trial with jury
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selection starting monday. former acting attorney general matt whitaker will look at the legal angles to that end tell us how this compares to the trump trial. >> john: plus good weight loss drugs actually be good for the u.s. economy? dr. nicole saphier had on the pros and cons for your health and your bank account. ♪ ♪ ♪ she blinded me with science ♪ many are over 22%, near 30% if you pay late. why not do what thousands of veteran families have done. call newday and pay off that high rate debt with the lower rate newday 100 va cash out loan. it lets you pay off your credit cards and car loans with one easy monthly payment. get the cash you need and the peace of mind you deserve. ♪ imagine a future where plastic is not wasted...
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>> john: we are waiting at the white house there for president biden to make a mark's. he is said to be talking about the middle east. this could be as israel moves into central raw for now and the issue is whether or not ukraine got the green light from the
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united states to use longer-range rockets to actually hit into russia itself. these are not the attacks very longer range but the middle range rockets. we wait to hear about all of that and then we wait to see whether or not the president will weigh in on yesterday's guilty verdict on his predecessor. all of that just ahead. >> sandra: meanwhile in hunter biden's legal woes when his gun trial is underway while his father runs for reelection of course. former acting attorney general and matt whitaker will be joining us in a moment but first david spunt is live in washington so hunter biden's attorneys previewed their defense what it they say, david? >> it's interest income abbe lowell ended on "last week that hunter may not have even checked no in the box on the federal firearm form that is keyed to the entire case. hunter biden was seen here
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getting on air force one earlier today on his way to d.c. from delaware. he was charged with three felony counts of lying on a federal gun form in 2181 claiming he was not a drug user. hunter's attorney previewed the theory that hunter did not check note to being a drug user he says it needs to be examined whether other people may have tampered with the former kind of a chain of custody issue. special counsel is sure it is hunter that check the box. pumped my part of the hunter biden laptop evidence we don't know yet which parts. this is the same laptop 51 former intelligence officials have touted as having the earmarks of a russian information observation. it was not in "the defendants laptop is real it will be introduced as a trial exhibit and it contains significant evidence of the defendant's guilt. moreover the evidence on his laptop is corroborated by independent sources." judge maryellen jet rolled
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against it saying the special counsel cannot mention the indictment and pending tax case in california. judge mary kay is the same judge that tour of the plea deal last summer that would've had him plead guilty to two misdemeanors and avoid prison on the felony gun charges. center and john it's possible and 11th hour plea deal could be cut at some point over the next three days but it seems both sides are ready for jury selection to begin on monday. of course we will watch if there's any potential deal we expect this to go two weeks possibly into a third week. sander? >> sandra: david, thank you. >> john: sandra joining us now as legal analysis and reaction to everything going on today the former attorney general matt whitaker. good to see you, talk about hunter biden in a moment but first of all here is part of what form of president trump said this morning at trump tower about the guilty verdict listen here. >> i don't mind being out there because i'm doing something for this country and i'm doing something for our constitution. it's very important. far beyond me.
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this cannot be allowed to happen to other presidents. this is bigger than trump, this is bigger than me, it's bigger than my presidency. >> john: okay so he says is the beginning of a potential slippery slope i think we are to read into that do believe it is? >> i do and here's why. if you think about comparing and contrasting this hunter biden case we will talk about in the trump case, and the trump case no state prosecutors ever brought a federal election claim as a predicate offense or a direct violation ever. >> john: first time. >> in the hunter biden case no one had gotten that sweet heart deal that was proposed in front of judge noriega out with a slap on misdemeanor for the tax violations in a deferred prosecution agreement for the gun charges. so in each case of unprecedented means being used it's unfortunately against president trump as they seem to be very aggressive. >> sandra: the former president said they will appeal this case. i'm sure todd blanche and the team are already working on it but they don't even really know what the underlying crime is.
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was it an fec violation? was it falsifying other documents violation? with it attacks tax violation? if you don't know what it is, how do you form an appeal or is that the basis for the appeal? >> the right to know the charges against you and defend yourself are foundational to our system of justice. this is really inexcusable from a prosecutor standpoint. and that is i think what offends a lot of people. i think i see a lot of prosecutors that it's not a matter of winning cases. it's about doing justice. i think there is a distinction and a difference that in this case alvin bragg and matthew and that team very clearly were trying to win this case and they were trying to do these jury instructions so they could have this buffet of legal options to convict the president and bring these charges that have never been brought in state court and not allow and fight vigorously to keep an fec expert off the
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stand. each turn with the help of the judge who his conflicts have been laid out pretty clear, it's been inconsistent with really the principal doing justice, at least as i learned them in the department of justice. >> john: a lot of people say they are inextricably entwined here's what the president said. >> the real verdict will be november 5th by the people and they know what happened here and everybody knows what happened here. the d.a. and the whole thing we didn't do a thing wrong. speak of the president is already fund-raising off the verdict he has the sub on his website saying he is a political prisoner, please donate to him. i have talked to some folks who say they never made a political donation in their lives until yesterday. for him. >> i likely had a bunch of people reaching out to me wondering how they can participate, donate, whatever. it's been really striking a chord with a lot of folks but
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remember this case in new york is starting to look a lot like the impeachments we saw on capitol hill. very much a partisan political operation. less about doing justice. >> john: unfortunately we don't have time to talk about hunter biden because his father's about to speak so matt, thank you appreciate you we will see you again. >> sandra: fox news alert a live look at the white house, john, as we anticipate the president will be stepping out to speak soon we are told his remarks will be on the middle east. obviously this is happening the day after the verdict in the trump trial so there are questions as to whether or not he will offer the marks on the verdict the guilty verdict or perhaps even take questions, john. so we will be watching for all of that we are inside the two minute window now. >> john: we heard later in the week the white house was planning to put the president out there in a nationwide address to talk about the verdict, that whole plan seemed to get shelved after robert de niro went out there and gave that disastrous news conference in front of the
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courtroom and we see the presidents body man putting remarks down on the podium or at least the lecture and they are in roosevelt room. that whole plan needs to be shelved after what happened with robert de niro but you know i don't know how biden avoids talking about the guilty verdict particularly when you see all of those people out there in front of trump tower, supporters and detractors alike so i would rewager a doll he would say something. >> sandra: it because as we are watching this live shot we also heard from the former president himself for this guilty verdict earlier and we have seen crowds growing here in midtown manhattan throughout the morning, throughout the day. we had a shot up a second ago a group of trump supporter's that had been outside of trump tower waving flags and showing support for the former president. but this is the moment we have been anticipating whether or not the president will choose to comment on the guilty verdict. there had been some indications
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that he would do so. we will see, john. >> john: as we talked with matt whitaker a moment ago is the trump guilty verdict the beginning of a slippery slope here? intertwining politics in the traditional system where any time a former president leaves office could they be subject to some kind of prosecution on a charge just because the person who is replacing them didn't like some of what they did while they were in office? that's a big concern. typically, because this has never happened before, former presidents do not face prosecution. maybe they haven't done something worthy of a prosecution but others have, but it's been chosen not to be pursued. but this really does open the door to retribution and politics really being at play here in terms of the prosecutions of the future. so this is the longest two-minute warning i think i've heard of, center. we got it probably 3 minutes or more ago.
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>> sandra: that's more than 120 seconds let's get a quick comment from marc thiessen fox news contributor joining us right now also former white house speechwriter, give us her quick thoughts as we anticipate the president to step out here shortly. >> i'm sure he will talk about it. if not here, then soon. it's all he's got. he is the most unpopular president in the history of polling going all the way back to world war ii. he is underwater by double digits on every single issue that voters care about periods only play for reelection is i am not donald trump. donald trump will be a lot worse. so now they have thrown every epitaph they can against donald trump and the whole purpose of these prosecutions was to be able to say he is a convicted felon perry know they've got that. so the question is will that told the election? are voters who are paying $125 for $100 basket of groceries saying he's a convicted felon i didn't know he was a bad guy now i will vote against him? it doesn't seem like this will be the thing that tips it.
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the people's opinions are baked in about donald trump. everyone has an opinion about donald trump. i don't think they will change their minds over this. >> matt whitaker still with us. we cut you short because we think you're within a minute of the president's remarks. is there a downside to what biden, i'm sorry whip to cut you off because here he comes. >> president biden: 's just checking this afternoon. good afternoon. before i begin my remarks i just want to say a few words about what happened yesterday in new york city. the american principal that no one is above the law was reaffirmed. donald trump was given every opportunity to defend himself, it was a state case, not a federal case, and it was heard by a jury of 12 citizens. 12 americans, 12 people like y you. like millions of americans who served on juries, this jury is
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chosen the same way every jury in america is chosen. it was a process that donald trump's attorney was a part of. the jury heard five weeks of evidence. five weeks. after careful deliberation the jury reached a unanimous verdict. they found donald trump guilty on all 34 felony counts. now he will be given the opportunity as he should to appeal that decision just like everyone else has that opportunity. that is how the american system of justice works. it is reckless, it's dangerous, it's irresponsible for anyone to say this was rigged just because they don't like the verdict. our justice system has endured nearly 250 years. it literally is the cornerstone of america. our justice system. the justice system should be respected and we should never allow anyone to tear it down.
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it's as simple as that. that's america. that's who we are. that's who we will always be, god willing. now, to another issue. i want to give an update on my efforts to end of the crisis in gaza. for the past several months, my negotiators of foreign policy in this community and the like have been relentlessly focused not just on a cease-fire that will inevitably be fragile and temporary but on a durable end of this war. that's been the focus a durable end of the war that will bring all of hostages home and ensure its security, creates a better day after in gaza without come offs and power. we set the stage for political settlement provides a better future for israelis and palestinians alike.
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after intensive diplomacy carried out by my team my many conversations with leaders of israel, egypt, and other middle eastern countries, israel has offered a conference of new proposals is a road map to an enduring cease-fire and a release of all hostages. this proposal has been transmitted by cutter to come hamas. today i want to lay out the terms for the american citizens and the world. this new proposal has three phases. three. the first phase would last for six weeks. here is what it would include. a full and complete cease-fire. a withdrawal of israeli forces from all populated areas of g gaza. release of a number of hostages including women, the elderly, the wounded, and exchange the release of of hundreds of
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palestinian prisoners. there are american hostages who'd be released at this stage and we want them home. additional remains of hostages that have been killed will be returned for their families for bringing some degree of closure to their terrible grief. palestinians civilians will return to their homes and neighborhoods and all areas of gaza including in the north. humanitarians would search with 600 trust carrying aid into gaza every single day. with a cease-fire, that aid could be safely and effectively distributed to all who need it. hundreds of thousands of temporary shelters including housing units will be delivered by the international community. all of that and more would be given immediately. immediately. during the six weeks of phase one, israel anna come offs when
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negotiate to get to phase two which would be a permanent end to hostility. i'll be straight with you. there are number of negotiators that would move from one to phase two. first to make sure the interests are protected, but the proposal says to negotiations taking longer than six weeks for phase one the cease-fire will still continue as long as negotiations continue. the united states cutter would work to ensure negotiations keep going. all agreements, until all the agreements are reached and a phase two able to begin. and then phase two there will be in exchange for the release of all remaining living hostages. including male soldiers, israeli forces will withdraw from gaza, and as long as hamas lives up to its commitments in the words of
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israeli proposal the sensation of hostility permanently. this cease of hostility permanently. phase three a major reconstruction plan for gaza would commence. and any final remains of hostages who had been killed would be returned to their families. that is the offer that is now on the table. and what we have been asking for. it's what we need. the people of israel should know and can make this offer without any further risk to our own security because a devastated hamas forces over the past eight months. at this point hamas is no longer capable of carrying out another october 7th is one of israel's main objectives in this war and quite rightly a righteous one. i know there are those who will not agree with this plan and will call for the work to
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continue indefinitely. some are even in the government coalition. and they have made it clear they want to occupy gaza, they want to keep fighting for years, and hostages are not a priority to them. well, i have urged leadership to stand behind this deal despite what do pressure comes and to the people of israel let me say this. as someone who has had a lifelong commitment to israel is the only american president who has gone to israel in a time of war, as someone who just sent the u.s. forces to directly defend israel when it was attacked by iran, i ask you to take a step back and think of what will happen if this moment is lost. we can't lose this moment. indefinite war in pursuit of an unidentified notion of total victory, it will not bring
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down -- will only bog down israel and gaza. training the economic and resources in furthering israel's isolation in the world. that will not bring hostages home. that will not -- not bring enduring defeat of hamas. that will not bring israel security. but a comprehensive approach that starts with this deal will bring hostages home. and will lead to more secure israel and once a hostage and cease-fire deal is concluded there will be more progress including calm along the border with lebanon. united states will help forge a diplomatic resolution. one that ensures israel's security and allows people to safely return to their homes without fear of being attacked. with the deal of rebuilding gaza
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at hand, international community along with palestinian and israeli leaders to get it done in a manner that does not allow hamas to rearm. of united states will work with our partners to rebuild homes, schools, and hospitals in gaza. to help repair communities that were destroyed and the chaos of war. with this deal could come more in the region including it is no surprise to you all including potential historic normalization agreement with saudi arabia. israel could be part of a regional security network to counter the threat posed by i iran. all of this progress would make israel more secure with israeli families no longer in the shadow of terrorist attacks which would all create a different future
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and a better future for the palestinian people. one of self-determination, dignity, security, freedom. this path is available once the deal is struck. we will al, israel will always e the right to defend and to bring those of october 7th to justice. the united says will always ensure israel has the stomach when it needs to defend itself. if they fail to their commitments under the deal israel can resume military operations. cutter have ensured me and they are continuing to work to ensure that hamas does not do that. they ensure israel lives up to their obligation as well. that is what this deal says. that's what it says. and we will do our part. this is truly a decisive moment. israel has made their proposal.
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hamas says it wants a ceas cease-fire. this deal is an opportunity to prove whether they really mean it. hamas needs to take the deal. for months people all over the world have called for a cease-fire. now it's time to raise your voices and demand that hamas come to the table and agree to this deal and end of this war they began. of course there will be differences on specific details that need to be worked out. that is natural. hamas comes to negotiate ready to deal, then israel negotiation must be given a mandate to necessary flexibility to close that deal. the past eight months marked heartbreaking pain. pain of those whose loved ones are slaughtered by hamas terrorists in october 7. hostages and their families waiting in anguish.
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ordinary israelis whose lives are forever marked by the shattering event of hamas of the sexual violence and ruthless brutality. and the palestinian people have endured sure hel in this war. many innocent people have been killed. too men have been badly wounded. we saw the images from the deadly fire in rock earlier this week following end is really against targeting hamas. as we work to help gaza with 1,800 trucks delivering supplies these last five days, 1,800 comedy humanitarian crisis still remains. i know this is a subject most people in this country feel deep, passionate convictions, but so do i. it has been one of the hardest, most competent problems in the world. there is nothing easy about this. nothing easy about it. through it although the
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united states is working relentlessly to support israeli security, to get humanitarian supplies into gaza, to begin a cease-fire and a hostage deal to bring this war to an end. yesterday with this new initiative we have taken an important step in that direction. and i want to level with you today. as to where we are and what might be possible. but i need your help. everyone who wants peace now must raise their voices and let the leaders know they should take this deal. work to make it real, make it lasting. and forage a better note of the terror attack and more. it's time to begin this new stage. the hostages to come home. for israel to be secure. for the suffering to stop. it's time for this war to end.
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the day after to begin. thank you very much. >> mr. president, can you tell us, sir, donald trump refers to himself as a political prisoner and blames you directly. what is your response to that, sir? do you think a condition will have an impact on the campaign? we would love to hear your thoughts, sir. >> john: a little sly grin there from biden as he is asked a question by kelly o'donnell. but at the end of their sender of the president is saying there is a deal on the table for hamas to end of the middle east were calling on everybody who protested in favor of the palestinians and against israel to demand that hamas come to the table and negotiate the terms of a cease-fire with israel. but i thought was glaringly missing from all of that was any word about what the conditions
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would be that would have to be met in order for a cease-fire to happen. >> sandra: detailing this would be in three phases, he is calling it a conference of the new proposal for an enduring cease-fire and the release of all the hostages. those three phases obviously we would need more detail but before he got to the news on israel, john, he took about a minute and a half to react to the guilty verdict for donald trump in court yesterday on that verdict he said on the top of the american principle that no one is above the law, was reaffirmed with this, trouble have the opportunity to appeal just like anyone else and he also said it's dangerous, reckless, and irresponsible to say this was rigged just because they do not like the decision. justice should be respected, said the president. >> john: we still have former acting attorney general under the trump and mr. risch and matt whitaker to react to this. they said that the former president should have the opportunity to appeal.
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he does not only the opportunity but he has the right to an appeal. he also was very i thought this was curious. he said this was not a federal trial it was a state trial. which to me it's kind of like an answer to oh, biden is behind this, that was his way of saying no we are not behind this. >> right. i think daniel patrick moynihan said it best you are entitled to your opinion but your own set of facts. in this case it's a five week trial that took everyone stay off. and a future fridays as well if i remember. the other thing that he said as it was unanimous and obviously we know it wasn't unanimous because each juror could pick and choose their adventures so you could forgo people who said it was a federal election violation and four that said it was a tax violation and four that said another document that was falsified. in furtherance of this conspiracy. so to me, there are significant questions both constitutional,
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factual decisions to include or exclude for stormy daniels to go on for a day of prejudicial or highly prejudicial nonprobative testimony. all of those things certainly are going to be appealed and he has the right to appeal it and i don't think it will stand once it works its way all the way up. >> john: we know the verdict was unanimous on the falsification of records, but to your point the underlying unlawful means we have no idea. it could have been a unanimous verdict, they could have split nine ways to sunday on what the underlying unlawful means were because they were given multiple-choice. maybe they could find one that was not listed. >> yes they were just asked if it covered up another crime and we don't know what that crime was. again the first time a federal election law has been used as a predicate offense. >> john: don't go away stay with us. >> sandra: marc thiessen back with us as well. mark, your thoughts and reaction to what you heard from the
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president? >> so the president just said it's outrageous to suggest the case was rigged, to question the legitimacy of the proceedings of the court, to question the objectivity of the judge. my simple answer to that is now due the supreme court. you know, any time they get a decision they don't like the system is rigged the justices are not objective, the legitimacy of the court is in question, it's been politicized. so this wrapping yourself up in the legal system with the democrats spending the last few years tearing down the legitimacy of the supreme court because they don't like the conservative majority that donald trump installed it's kind of rich. >> john: that's an interesting point and matt you also believe the trump case ultimately could be had for the supreme court. >> i think it will be, john. what i think is going to happen in this case is most likely the trump campaign will appeal to the supreme court and they will have a choice whether to take up
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immediately, kind of a bush v. gore posture. like what jack smith was trying to do going around the d.c. circuit or whether they will just let it work its way ultimately to them through the court of appeals in new york. >> john: can you jump from the new york courts to the supreme court? >> you could. and there is a path for that, but i just don't think in this context the supreme court will take it up. now, they might say let's put every thing on hold pending an appeal. let's put sentencing on hold, let's put every thing on hold and we will let it work its way through the court of appeal and then they will take it after that because i think based on what i was describing earlier, john, the court of appeal in new york in order to hold this conviction together is going to have to pretzel themselves into explaining these fifth and sixth amendment violations and how somehow that's okay and did not donald trump's constitutional rights. >> sandra: and the president just acknowledge, merck, with the former president's next step
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could be in fact pride and said he should take this next step, listen. >> not only given the opportunity, as he should, to appeal that decision just like everyone else has that opportunity. that's how the american system of justice works. >> sandra: on we go, mark. >> that's how the american justice system works. the d.a. campaigned on a promise to get trump. and then ranks the charges in a way that even liberal legal analysts are saying the case is outrageous and gets him convicted on these horrible instructions that were sent in that were designed to get a conviction. but he has the right to appeal. we have never prosecuted a former president of the united states in the history of our country before. if you are going to do that you have to do that on something that is a slam-dunk case that the left, the right, the center, everybody would agree are legitimate charges, serious charges that need to be handled.
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so i am sorry, i just don't buy this the democrats wrapping themselves up in our wonderful legal system because they politicized our legal system. they have weaponized our legal system and now they say oh, my gosh, how dare they with the right question of what was done in this courtroom is outrageous. >> sandra: marc thiessen and matt whitaker i appreciate you standing by with us to the president's remarks. >> john: have a great weekend. let's bring in florida public congressmen talking more about the israel aspect of this so the president, congressman, was outlining a three-phase plan he says could lead to a permanent peace between israel and gaza. i don't know if it will work with hamas or not but he did not go any distance to laying out with the conditions would be for those three phases and whether or not hamas gets to survive. he did say hamas is at the stage now where it could not mount
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another october 7th which may be true but give it six months and see what it can do. >> yes, john, the eternal optimist in me had this little tiny flame of hope that this big announcement today would be a realization of the horrible iran policy and a shift on iran which all roads lead back to iran in terms of the chaos in the middle east right now. but, you know, sadly, that was dashed. and instead what we get is putting at the end of the day as long as iran is flush with cash and up to its old ways all of this is going to continue. iran does not want peace. hamas does not want peace. has blood does not want peace. they want the elimination of israel it's in their charter and it comes out of the mouths of their leadership every day. instead what they are doing now
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is using hostages to buy time for a cease-fire to then rebuild. look, the israelis just found 20 tunnels this week coming across rafah they will get rearmed, reconstituted, and they are going to use this time to rebuild. and the thing that really jumped out at me, john, was his description of phased two that as long as some ill-defined, you know, kind of amorphous negotiation is going on then the cease-fire continues. well, i guarantee you mark my words hamas will drag this out and stretch this out until they are rebuilt to the point where they can have more october 7ths. he was literally all over the place when it comes to hamas. on the one hand we need to gaza without hamas on the other hand hamas is still there but incapable of militarily. at the end of the day, john
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getting off the airwaves between now and november that's what driving this kind of, you know, i don't know smorgasbord policy prescriptions here. >> sandra: you certainly knew, congressman, that he had a big audience, huge audience in that moment because it was anticipated this could be the first time he remarked on what happened yesterday, a guilty verdict handed down for the first time ever to a former president of the united states. we will get your reaction to that end also president biden during his remarks a few moments ago saying this, listen. >> and it is reckless, it's dangerous, it's irresponsible for anyone to say this was rigged just because they don't like the verdict. our justice system is endured for nearly 250 years. it literally is the cornerstone of america. our justice system. the justice system should be respected and we should never allow anyone to tear down. it's as simple as that.
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>> sandra: i wanted your thoughts on this moment, congressman. >> well, it was just a bunch of garbage to be honest with you. he said it was state not federal and yet he had the number three official from the doj sitting right there. i was sitting right behind the man. in the courtroom. of course then it matters when it comes to the jury. and that is why repeatedly president trump and his defense team tried to change the venue so that you can get a fair trial from a fair and unbiased jury. but i still -- look, i am with marc thiessen on this. the hypocrisy to hear the democrats wrap themselves in the cloak of a judicial system as they trash it day in and day out with the supreme court every time they don't like a decision when you have chuck schumer standing on the steps of the supreme court essentially threatening justices or certainly it could be implied one person took it that way and launched an assassination
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attempt on justice kavanaugh. it is beyond rich. as i told you guys, i have served in countries where this becomes the norm, where one political party gets a line of prosecutors and judges to start going after the other, and that pandora's box has been opened now. you literally have candidates for congress saying vote for me to put the democrats in jail. that's the pandora's box they leased. etiquette helps jump at the end of the day. the only thing he needs help with right now, guys is counting on the money coming in from outraged americans would better for the country in the long run. >> john: is that the original topic we would have you on for and that is the united states is now allowing the ukraine to use certain longer-range rockets to attack inside of russian territory, the gmlrs rockets.
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here's what demetri, the spokesperson had to say with u.s. weapons demonstrate u.s. involvement in the conflict in ukraine. we know that in general american made weapons are already being used to used to attempt strikes on russian territory. we've had enough of this and it's more than adequate relevance in the involvement in this conflict. they recently, russia, use technical nuclear weapons and exercise us are we crossing a rubicon here or is this what needs to happen? >> john this is part and parcel to biden's too little too late strategy. either give them what they need to win back and let them use with a win the war with or drive both sides to the negotiating table but this you can use this weapon but not that one, you can use a medium ranged missile but on a long-range missile, this reminds me of lyndon johnson back during the vietnam war.
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literally crossing out targets micromanaging from the white house. it's just going to drag this thing out and this is why we are in such an endless stalemate. >> sandra: congressman i appreciate you jumping on about these topics thank you. on we go into a brand-new topic top of the 2:00 hour we have our legal panel with us. jonathan turley is here, judge jeanine pirro and shannon bream are all with us next. ned, ned, who are you wearing? he thinks his flaky red patches are all people see. otezla is the #1 prescribed pill to treat plaque psoriasis. ned? otezla can help you get clearer skin, and reduce itching and flaking. with no routine blood tests required. doctors have been prescribing otezla for over a decade. otezla is also approved to treat psoriatic arthritis. don't use otezla if you're allergic to it.
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