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tv   Fox News Live  FOX News  June 2, 2024 10:00am-11:00am PDT

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i love that my daughter still needs me. but sometimes i can't help due to burning and stabbing pain in my hands, so i use nervive. nervive's clinical dose of ala reduces nerve discomfort in as little as 14 days. now i can help again. feel the difference with nervive. it is really prime minister benjamin netanyahu framework
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deal will be agreed to but there are still a lot of details to be worked out. the deal aims to wind down the war. the conditions for ending the war have not changed. former secretary mike pompeo will be here with where the deal stands now. this comes as president biden is expected to announce executive actions on the southern border ahead of the trip to normandie france on tuesday. lucas is live at the white house with the latest spirit. >> details of the executive actions here at the white house remain on clear. we are expected to announce there are no plans for president biden to visit the southern border this week. house speaker mike johnson on fox news sunday waited on these options. >> too little too late. he wants to address the issue
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that he himself created. they did it intentionally. catastrophic events on the country for decades to come. >> president biden unveiled what he called a three-phase israeli proposal to end the war. by president biden calling it the israeli plan. calling it the hamas proposal from four months ago. here is what white house national security spokesman said earlier. >> in israeli proposal has been given to hamas. done thursday night our time. waiting for an official response all facials came out and woke up this proposal. we hope that they would agree to start phase one as soon as possible. >> the top democrat in the house called this the biden plan. >> it is my hope that prime minister netanyahu consistent with what has been done by the
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israeli war cabinet which is to unanimously adopt the biden peace plan will conduct himself in a manner consistent with that israeli war cabinet. >> a major sticking point that remains in places this plan will keep hamas in control of gaza. israel wants hamas completely destroyed. >> many thanks. in new york, thousands of people hit the streets today for the israel day parade. the parade comes nearly eight months after the october 7 attack. they have ordered cops to arrest any protesters without hesitation if they cross the perimeter. on the campus of columbia university, pro- palestinian protesters have reestablished an encampment on the school south lawn. public safety officers attempting to clear.
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this comes one month after the nypd broke up a large encampment on campus. israel the opposition leader says if israel retracts from a proposed cease-fire, it would mean a death sentence for the hostages and a crisis of trust with the united states. we are live with developments. >> israel security cabinet is meeting tonight to discuss the proposed cease-fire between israel and hamas. the plan was announced on friday by president biden and would be implemented into three stages. the first would see a six-week pause in the fighting with israeli troops withdrawing from the major cities along with an exchange of female and wounded israeli hostages. the next stage with the all remaining hostages released for permanent cease-fire followed by permanent stage that would see
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bodies returned for gaza reconstruction project. palestinian civilians are reacting to this news. >> any proposal which leads to our return to our homes in the reconstruction of our houses and the release of our detained brothers, we are with that. all of it as a people and i as a citizen support this proposal. >> saying in a statement on fox news that they viewed the plan laid out by biden as a positive thing. israel's president also threw his support behind the proposal saying this. >> i told her i ministered netanyahu over the weekend that i would give him and the government my full support for a deal which would see the release of the hostages. >> right now it appears that all parties are on board and it is now up to qatari egyptian and american negotiators to get this deal on the table and push it
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forward. >> live in tel aviv, you very much. let's bring in former secretary of state under president trump mike pompeo. >> great to be with you. >> let's start with john kirby from the biden administration. >> one that they arrived at after intense diplomacy with our own national security team and our own state department. if hamas agrees to the proposal as was transmitted to them and israeli proposal that israel would say yes. >> the emphasis that it is an israeli proposal so that blows up the white house does not own it. >> i think that that is definitely true. i think the administration knows that this proposal in the end will not work. they do not want to own it when it ultimately fails. they don't want to accept an arrangement that works for
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israel. the israeli people are secure from what happened on october 7 ever happening again again. this deal would arrange for that i think the administration knows this will not work. this proposal like the ones before where hamas said yes, we accepted this on a pr event and not an outcome. working out for the israeli people but american national security as well. >> it still sounds like they are not on the same page. is that because netanyahu was speaking to the world foreign adversaries and also the israeli people? >> i think there are multiple reasons for that. that is very diplomatic to say not on the same page. the truth is, they are not even in the same book. not even in the same zip code. the fact that this is largely driven by the iranian regime.
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even when the problems in gaza are resolved there is still those keeping israelis from living in their homes in northern israel. that complexity, it means that this is not going to end with just a deal with thomas. i think the biden administration knows that. they have problems from their hamas wing. they are trying to play out the clock between here and next november. >> the biden administration okay with ukraine going after some limited russian targets over the border. what do you make of that. >> where they been for two years talking about the things trying to put restrictions on them. it reminds me that they put these on israel. we simply tell the israelis you cannot do x and you cannot do why. i'm glad that these will be
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military targets not attacking major russian cities. i am glad that they got there. it is the right outcome. i cannot explain why the biden administration has consistently refused to allow ukraine to win. allowing the bare necessities to drag this thing out for what is bid now two years she. >> the policy has not changed. is that because it is limited targets over the russian border. >> it could be. i wish they had conducted more this privately and quietly. there is no need to tell the world the things you won't do every day and always. losing the very deterrence that at the variant we have. hard to explain some of the action. they ask for more money and then they tell you you cannot do anything with that. they need to win.
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we simply have to give the ukrainians the capacity to do that. we have to let them use until full effect. >> the conviction of your former boss president trump in new york i want to play reaction from today. i will get you to respond. >> one candidate standing up for the rule of law. defending our constitution, defending our democracy and that is joe biden. >> what is the impact within election five months out? >> this is anything but standing up for the rule of law. maybe be the most political prosecution and probably the most serious for our constitution in american history to go after a candidate one of the two parties, a former president on the most political grounds we have ever seen someone go after a former official. that is your hit job on the
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former president. as for what it means for the election i think the american people can see that. i think they will understand they are far better off under president trump than they have been these last three and a half years and i think in november we will see that outcome. >> do you see this as a weaponization of government? >> 100%. >> mike pompeo, thank you for your time. >> have a good weekend. >> former president trump making an appearance at a ufc fight after bowing to appeal his guilty verdict just days ago. live in new york city with the latest. hello, cb. >> former president donald trump is no stranger to the usc world. his appearance last night was fresh off of his manhattan criminal trial where he was found guilty on those counts of
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falsifying business records. the announcer took note of how the crowd greeted trump. listen. >> the amount of applause he is getting right now is pretty staggering. >> outside the ufc octagon to watch the main event. he walked out with dana white shaking hands with supporters in the crowd. later in the evening mma fighter right after his victory gave trump a shout out. >> president trump, you are the man. it is a damp travesty what they are doing to you. >> trump's lawyers have already trying to seek an appeal of the conviction. including their perception of the judge. a democratic political -- >> we apologize for technical difficulties. we lost cb content audio.
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thank you for that report. the federal gun trial set to begin tomorrow with jury selection making him the first trial of the u.s. sitting president to face prosecution. >> for hunter biden facing three federal charges accused of illegally buying a gun in october 2018. special counsel says hunter lied about his drug use when filling out the drug -- done for. planning on using portions of the book, testimonies from his former romantic partners, text messages and photos and videos from his infamous laptop to prove he was a crack addict and new it. that title may carry political consequences for the president serving as a distraction in the middle of the campaign. it certainly has a personal toll the president is very close with hunter. the two spending time with each other as early as this weekend.
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he has being expected to hold the same standard that he laid out with former president trump but the justice system must be respected regardless of the verdict for his son. >> hunter biden is entitled as was donald trump to the presumption of innocence and to a trial by a jury of his peers. this justice department will proceed in that fashion, present the facts and the law and we will all have to wait for a determination that is made by a jury. >> hunters attorneys have slammed the charges as politically motivated arguing that he was selectively prosecuted because he is the president son. the presiding judge has rejected that argument along with the other attempts to dismiss the case. part of the strategy and trial will include calling into question the credibility of the workers that helped hunter with this transaction. they are suggesting it was tampered with. >> we will be following it all week. thank you very much.
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>> four more on this i'm joined by former federal prosecutor katie. welcome. >> thank you. >> we have the big case up in delaware. what are your expectations? >> the case is obviously very historic. proceeding through the normal process of jury selection. obviously, that will be interesting. the biden's are huge force in delaware. it will be interesting to see how quickly they can get through that process. these charges are somewhat unique. they looked at this statute in regard to gun ownership by tech users in a battle to be unconstitutional. something that may ultimately be looked at by the supreme court in the future. for now obviously facing those charges. it is a federal case. still has the option to pardon him although he says that sparky is not going to do that. that is the overriding question
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here depending on the outcome. >> the significance may be where you said politically. how big of a deal is this? >> very historic to have a sitting president child on criminal trial during their presidency here. it is significant in that respect. also going to be highly personal using a significant amount of evidence from the laptop. we will see personal text messages and i am sure hear from many of these people in his life about the time he was allegedly using drugs. i think it will be very revealing in that respect and quite embarrassing i'm sure as well. >> the big impact politically is up for debate in terms of the ultimate pardon that could come down here if he is convicted. >> former president trump's conviction in new york. obviously, still plenty of fallout from that. there are some key dates in the near future that we want to look
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at the edge june 13. june 27. the political debate. july 11 sentencing hearing. july 15 start of the rnc convention. august 10 appeal filing deadline what are your expectations in terms of these next legal steps. >> i know president trump will be preparing to appeal this on all grounds. a very specific legal standpoint there are number of issues starting from pretrial all the way through perhaps even the sentencing that will be ripe for the appellate court to look at. as your time i mentioned the appeal is essentially due within 30 days of that sentencing. while the appeal is pending if there is a position of jail time or any sentence, the judge can decide whether to stay meaning it will not come into actual effect while the appeals are pending, appeals can take a
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significant period of time to be briefed and set up to the court to be argued in front of the court and the court to issue an opinion. the appeals court can fast-track some cases so we can hopefully anticipate that here. there is really no telling specifically when there may be a ruling on that. >> our team had a wide ranging interview with the former president. the possibility of jail time or even house arrest. here is how he responded back i am okay with it. i don't know that the public would stand it. i am not sure the public would stand for it. >> i think it would be tough for the public to take. at a certain point, there is a breaking point. >> what are your expectations as we look ahead to sentencing. >> theoretically president trump does face the spirit under new york law and under alvin bragg, the system he set up if it is a
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first-time offender class b felonies the lowest level felony in new york. no violence involved in this. all of those factors, he should not be qualified for jail time. the judge is the one making the ultimate decision. he could use president trump's violation of the gag orders that something to kind of aggravate the sentence, essentially. there is really no telling. he should not face any sort of jail time or house arrest. again, it is really up to the judge. >> one moderate democrat has suggested the possibility. any thoughts on that. >> certainly, i think that would be up to her. this case from a very strict legal standpoint is highly, as a significant amount of issues to say the least. that is why think ultimately he will be vindicated. that process takes such a long
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time. i am sure politically, i don't know how possible that is. >> thank you so much for your time and analysis today. >> thank you. >> number one wnba pick caitlin clark on the receiving end of a cheap shot♪ foul last we will have the video after the break. comfort, and electricity... are forever in bloom. welcome to beyond. the mercedes-maybach eqs suv. ♪ limu emu... ♪ and doug. (bell ringing) limu, someone needs to customize and save hundreds on car insurance with liberty mutual. let's fly! (inaudible sounds)
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rookie sensation caitlin clark set a wnba record in the game against the chicago sky yesterday. an encounter with an opposing player is what has people talking. christina coleman is here with more on the incident. >> kennedy carter foul against indiana fever guard caitlin clark has been upgraded to a flagrant foul after legal review of this incident. fans are still fed up with how the number one draft pick is getting roughed up during these games. during last night's matchup between indiana and chicago carter shoulder checked caitlin clark. she was just standing there. she pushed the rookie guard to the ground. carter was charged with an away from the ball, and foul. clark did talk to reporters. she said she accepts the fact that there is a target on their
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back, her focus is to stay in the game and not retaliate. >> it is what it is. i feel like i'm at the point where you accepted and don't retaliate. just let them hate you. be what it is. i know it's coming. i know i will take a couple heart shots again. >> keep in mind this was not the only instance of clark getting roughed up on court. she got knocked around during several games last month. her coach even picked up a flagrant powell arguing with the reps about it. after clark was pushed out last night the team's general manager apparently had enough. she posted there is a difference between tough defense and unnecessary targeting actions. it needs to stop. the league needs to clean up the crap. that is not to this the guests. widely viewed flagrant powell against clark. indiana won their first home victory this season beating chicago 71-70.
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>> welcome to the wnba for caitlin clark. >> heading to paul's today in mexico poised to elect the country's first female president the presidential front runner running against another woman the leading opposition candidate 20,000 other posts up for grabs. the country as having the biggest election ever. in india indian prime minister expected to win a third term at the conclusion of his six-week collection. the country's chief executive since 2014 and is poised to remain in power for another five years if he wins. the polls close yesterday. results are not expected until tuesday. voting is already taking to social media claiming victory. i ron's hardliner former president now registering as a possible candidate for the june 28 presidential election
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seeking to regain the top position after helicopter crash killed a man just last month. first elected to the office in 2005 and step down because of term limits. boeing's inaugural star liner launched yesterday delayed after a technical issue.uuu, the latest on the launch next.
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china landed a spacecraft without a crew on the dark side of the moon early this morning. the first rock and soil samples from the far side omission complicated by a blackout due to it being blocks from the earth. >> 's clock stopped at t minus three minutes. this time we have completed our recycle and holding for configuration and ready to
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proceed with the scrub. >> the first attempt to fly with astronauts on board was scrapped again on saturday. this time less than four minutes left to launch. initially scheduled for may 6. that was delayed because of a malfunctioning valve. the star liner mission will proceed with caution. >> this is the business that we are in. everything has to work perfectly today we got really close. it did not work for us. it could take place wednesday or thursday this week. joining me now for more on the issues arthur rosenberg. welcome. >> thank you for having me. >> what start with the struggles to launch this spacecraft. what do you make of it? >> the project is years behind schedule. the latest on the debacle was
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because of the flight launch computer which it going through our checklist brought thousands of items something came back not working properly. that automatically shut down the launch. boeing is $2 billion in cost overruns. they have not been able to get this capsule off the ground. spacex has been cleaning boeing 's clock on this for a very long time. once they do get the capsule up and going, it does offer some new revolutionary advancements. for astronauts that can go up in space. a bigger payload. vacant land on the ground. you may remember from the apollo and gemini days splashing down with those giant parachutes in
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the water. today the star liner would have large airbags. technology that was created from landing the rover on the moon using these giant air balloons. boeing will eventually get it, but hopefully it will be a little bit too late. >> do you think there will be a launch this week? >> there is no way to tell that. there are three launch computers they all go through the same checklist. thousands of items. it could kick it out. but, outlook, boeing and nasa are under tremendous pressure. the overall is safety first. it is a manned mission the first star liner capsule. they must get it right. >> then there is an issue affecting all of us in the traveling public. trying to reassure the american
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public that boeing planes are safe. let's play it. >> i think the flying public should feel that we are increasing our oversight to an appropriate level with boeing. we certify each aircraft right now. we are ensuring that those airplanes are safe. we have increased our oversight. boeing on its own has reduced capacity levels to make sure they have the resources that they need. >> should the flying public feel better about boeing planes now with all this oversight? >> that is kind of a loaded question. i want to say that the flying public should feel safe getting on a boeing airplane. with that being said, what happened and executive summary of all the changes that would be made to the production line of the 737 max includes thousands of war tools, hundreds of hours of additional training and education for boeing employees.
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supervisors set up been put on the floor to watch and make sure everything goes correct. the faa has had a lot on their plate. the ultimate agency. they will now have more employees actually on the boeing manufacturing floor. but, if you think about it, more of these changes made years ago? why does it take an alaska air to get this thing going again? boeing is under criminal indictment by the justice department for conspiracy to defraud the federal aviation administration. the faa is breathing down their necks. for a manufacturer like boeing for the rolls-royce mercedes of the industry for decades is a
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little scary. >> how much more does boeing need to do to enjoy the flying public, regulators and everybody out there that they are on it, basically. >> the faa has a noose around boeing. about 35. one of these giant planes, they want to ramp up to the high 60s . when the public starts to see the reports come out that the faa and boeing's production of safety standards, protocols, procedures now up to snuff, they will be allowed to produce more. more planes will be brought online. safety first above all else is the most important thing. until that happens boeing will be restricted of what they can
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do. >> thank you for your time and analysis today, sir. >> thank you. thank you for having me. >> federal officials considering regulating ai generated content was certain political ads ahead of the election. high-ranking regulator blasting the proposal as politically motivated. senior national correspondent rich had said has the story. >> from this ai generated republican national committee add to an ai generated democratic national committee song making fun of rnc cochair. political campaigns are embracing artificial intelligence. >> we will see the big wave of these ads coming out right before the election. before candidates really have a chance to say hey, i never did that. >> the commission is considering a rule that would require political advertisers to disclose when they use artificial intelligence on
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television and radio. democrat wrote -- proposal saying ai is expected to play a substantial role in campaigns this year and voters should know about the potential use of defects, altered images or recordings that depict people doing or saying things that did not actually happen. events that did not actually occur. republican commissioner says that chairwoman introduced this proposal after reports surfaced claiming democrats are "nervous about not keeping up with the gop and embracing artificial intelligence. the fec attempt to fundamentally bolster the rules of the road for political speech just a short time before national election is as misguided as it is unlawful. other republicans say the ai concern is overblown. >> the instances we are aware of are all sort of disclosed and found out rather quickly. >> proposing a $6 million fine for a political consultant that
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used ai to mimic resident biden 's voice attempting to dissuade people from voting ahead of the primary. if the fcc adopts the requirement, it would have no effect on rapidly expanding ads on digital and streaming platforms. in washington, fox news. president trump sat down with fox and friends weekend where he slammed the verdict in his newe york case. our political panen.l has reactn our political panen.l has reactn next. ♪
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the good news is that i think we have set a record beyond all records for fundraising. another one just came out before i got in that were six points higher than where he -- than we were before. >> former president trump speaking on the fallout of the new york city trial guilty
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verdict. let's bring in today's political panel. let's welcome in our guests. gentlemen, happy sunday, welcome >> house speaker mike johnson on "fox news sunday" today talking about the fallout from this. let's play him. >> we are the rule of party. we have to fight back and we will with everything in our hearts. we do that within the confines of law. >> the republicans have to find some silverlining here. when yours nominee for president is convicted of 34 count that is not good for your election. tallying fundraising numbers. at the ballot box i am reluctant to see how you can motivate the gop base more than you already are. the president had a fair trial.
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he has an appeals process. everything he is saying about the judge and the jury in the process can be once again brought up in an appeals. he has demonstrated that no american is above the law. every american gets due process. the verdict is not the last step >> possible vp candidate out talking unity today. let's play him. >> no doubt that this verdict has been unifying our party. tim, i'm on the bandwagon now. >> is it helping with unity and healing in the republican party? >> i wrote a column last week where i talked about how trump messages. he says that faster than the other side and with more confidence and conviction than muhammad ali and his heyday. you saw and orchestrated unified
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effort from republicans up and down the ballot the moment that verdict was announced. they were all singing from the same song sheets. trump says it is ultra- mega. i think we are already at ultimate bag out. when the sentencing comes down it will likely be magnificent at that point. >> he has already talked about money pouring into the campaign. $54 million in the first 24 hours post verdict. >> he needs a lot of money because he spent a lot of his donors money on defending all of his legal issues he has going on money going into the field, turning out voters, but the morning pole show now showing biden taking the lead in terms of the biden versus trump matchup. also showing that a majority of americans think the trial and
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the jury and the verdict was accurate and that they now think he should no longer be running for president. the tea leaves are still magically settling in place here we will see how this leads. the republicans tried to find any good news we can when your nominee has convicted 34 times of a felony. that is not what i would want my nominee but we have a case to make between now and november. >> some fresh polling out this weekend about the whole political fallout from the case. let's show it. 57% saying it's made no difference. 24% may be less likely to vote for him. 19% even more likely to vote for him. dissect those numbers. >> it is not surprising that it made no difference. if you looked up polling before the trial started and throughout the trial whether you found donald trump to be favorable that you thought he was innocent
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and if you found them to be unfavorable, you thought he was guilty. it did not matter what the result was people would feel the same way. we live in a society where persuasion is increasingly difficult. people make their decision, their judgment, they dig in their heels and it's hard to move them along the way. i think this trial is proving that point once again. >> we are up against the clock once again. asked about a political report on democratic freak out about president biden. let's play. quick response from you guys. >> the last 20 years this country national elections are always really close. they are usually decided by a few% in a few states. this will be a very close election. i think that that is what democrats recognize. we have to have a better economic vision and showing what we will do to improve people's lives. >> brad, are democrats freaking out or is that click date?
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>> we always freak out. [laughter] you want your party freaked out. you want everyone thinking everything is on the line, you're going to lose so they get out of five. our party has fired up. we care about issues. reproductive rights and climate change and gun safety, these are things that they will turn out for. i look forward to biden representing us in november. >> the biden presidency has been a train wreck presidency so they should be concerned. the election will be decided by double hater procrastinators. people that hate both candidates and will make their decision at the last minute. [laughter] >> thank you, gentlemen. >> a state of emergency declared in atlanta after major water tag main breaks. that story is next.
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atlanta under a state of emergency as crews scramble to repair multiple water main breaks impacting thousands of residents. madison is live with the latest updates. >> we are just learning that water has been restored at some pretty big places. there is still a boil water advisory in effect. this has been an issue all weekend long.
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many people completely without water or have very low water pressure. listen. >> it is frustrating because you don't know your next bill. i work from home. i am an aesthetician. you don't know how much you need this necessity until you do not have it. >> crews are still working on fixing one of the main water breaks. the brain -- break is gushing water into the streets of a very busy area in downtown. last night atlanta mayor said the city is working with the georgia department of emergency management and getting support from the state. >> today we have touched more than 30 senior communities, homeless shelters, hospitals and other centers across the city with vulnerable populations to deliver fresh ranking water and flushing water impacting about 10,500 people. >> the water is causing multiple
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businesses in atlanta to close, or they did close over the weekend. restaurants and bars and even the iconic georgia aquarium. rapper megan the stallion was set to have a concert in the city last night and that was canceled as well. even transferred some patients to other facilities because of the water breaks. there is about 3000 miles of water sewer infrastructure in atlanta and they are blaming it on aging and decaying pipe spirit. >> madison, thank you so much. a wildfire has grown to more than 11,000 acres. california department of forestry and protection says the fire is 13% contained and they are investigating the cause of evacuation orders issued on saturday evening for residents near the california aqueduct. house speaker mike johnson is on "fox news sunday" today with shannon bream.
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exclusive interviews with tim scott and california congressman that is all for this hour fox news live had i am mike emanuel. "fox news sunday". thank you very much for watching have a great week. which penetrates deep to target the source of pain with nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory medicine directly at the source. voltaren, the joy of movement. ♪ i'm gonna hold you forever... ♪ ♪ i'll be there... ♪ ♪ you don't... ♪ ♪ you don't have to worry... ♪
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shannon: former president trump vows to appeal his historic event conviction and your calling


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