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tv   Fox News Live  FOX News  June 2, 2024 1:00pm-2:00pm PDT

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arthel: on the hills that biden laying out a proposal to end israel's war in gaza he's
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expected to take action on a major domestic problem, the southern border paid mr. biden reportedly plans to sign executive order bite tuesday. were told to shut down a silent request deny entry into migrants once a new daily threshold is reached. it calms former president trump's campaign ramps up its attack on the immigration system. welcome back to a brand-new hour of "fox news live" i am arthel neville, high bill pickwick great to be with again i am trying to invert sean on the sunday. this is trump a box in front exclusive. he slams biden's handling of the southern border. cliques of biden, by the way does not need any legislation but he could say the word close the board about what i said. it was so bad it took a little while. but now the border is 100 times worse than it was in 2016. works with only five months until election date.
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as immigration remains a top concern for voters. some top republicans say those voters know who to blame on the ongoing migrant crisis that has made every city a border city. >> people are motivated the first question that comes up in a most every public form is a word about the open border and white in the world present biden allow it? he did more than a lout he engineered and everyone knows that. >> lucalucas and thompson is jog us at the white house with the latest on this. lucas, what are we hearing? >> bill, officials say the executive actions could come as soon as tuesday before the president departs for normandie if you can play a little bit more of shannon's interview with the house speaker on "fox news sunday," he says the millions of migrants coming into this country are being done on purpose. >> they did it intentionally. it had catastrophic effects upon the country that will be living with for decades to come.
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he wants to issue executive order to show he really does care about the issue were the only reason he is doing that is because the polls say it is the biggest issue in america. quick switching over former secretary of state mike pompeo says the situation the piece till the present is trying to negotiate between hamas and israel is also being done for domestic consumption. >> is not going to end with just a deal with hamas i think the bite of menstruation knows that. they've got problems in a domestic political from the pro- hamas left a wing. i think the biden administration is trying to play off the clock between here and next november. >> pompeo made the point israel's not just that war with hamas but other iranian proxy groups in the region as well such work tens of thousands of israelis have fled their home in the north near the border with lebanon since october 7 to the showing and rockets raining down on the pissed deal bill who is responsible that's a matter of some debate right now some say it's a biden seal some say it is
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a hamas plan, jon kirby said it is israel's proposal. >> that proposal in israeli proposal has been given to hamas pretty set on thursday night our time. we are waiting for official response from hamas. we would note publicly hamas officials came out and welcomed this proposal. >> top democrat in the house said this is biden's plan. >> it is my hope that prime minister netanyahu consistent with what has been done by the israeli war cabinet which is to unanimously adopt the biden peace plan, will conduct himself in a manner consistent with that is really work cabinet. it's also the question does this deal leap hamas in charge and gaza customer biden says it doesn't. that is why many israelis say they want hamas annihilated and will not be taking charge of keeping leadership in gaza. before it's interesting on the
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border present biden said he can all he can do on immigration. apparently sound a little bit more he can suddenly do. thank you. cookson you take a look at what is going on in ukraine, you take a look at what is going on with israel. you take a look at all of this stuff. the whole world is out of control. artall eyes on israeli leaders d the divided work cabinet. review a new gaza cease-fire proposal president biden outlined on friday trey yingst is alive in tel aviv with the latest we just heard from lucas, what do we know from there? >> good afternoon. israel's security cabinet met tonight to discuss this a proposal of a cease-fire between israel and hamas' the same plan put forward by president biden on friday. it would be implemented if it
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doesn't move forward in three stages. the first stage would see a six week pause with israeli troops with going from major cities along the exchange of female and wounded israeli hostages for palestinian prisoners the next stage would see aldermanic hostages released for a permanent cease-fire followed by a final stage that would see bodies returned in exchange for a large gaza reconstruction project today palestinian civilians are reacting to this news. cuts any proposal which leads to our return to our homes and the reconstruction of our houses the release of our detained brothers, we are with it. all of us as a people and i as a citizen support this proposal. >> hamas has reacted saying in a statement to fox news they view the plan laid out by biden as a positive thing. israel's president through his support behind the proposal saying this. >> i told prime minister
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netanyahu over the weekend that i will give him and the government my full support for the deal that was see the release of the hostages. israeli media is reporting some pessimism and the top tiers of the israeli government and military about this it proposal for their clearly some israeli hardliners who say there should not be a deal in the war should continue. arthel: i wonder if that will derail another time we will see in fact a bill will find out from his next guess what she thanks alright thank you so much. >> israel says where the biggest sticking points any cease-fire deal will be control over the gaza strip leaving hamas and charge is a total nonstarter for the government for more on this will bring in dr. rebecca grant she is a senior fellow at the lexington institute. dr. grant thank you for your time today. we heard trey yingst out when the details in this potential cease-fire deal. in your opinion is this the deal
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president biden once or the deal israel once? >> there is no question. president biden once wants thisl biden has rolled the dice this is the major cease-fire proposal is present biden attempts to stop the war in gaza before the u.s. elections proceed any further. it all comes down to hamas. get aid flowing to the people right away or will they continue to live underground hamas is the next move. the state and the gaza strip since 2007 that is the question that white house has made it
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very clear this removes hamas as a threat they cannot re- arm and they they are talking to have te u.s., egypt and qatar be the garyn two years of a peace settlement for a time it means the palestinian authority will have to come in. i say good for israel s saying they cannot live with anymore hamas control of gaza brits made a mess of that place and threatened israel and attacked israel it is got to stop there. that really is the question. we are told hamas has been giving a lot of concessions the key o when israeli forces moving out of some of the populated areas and is that enough? plus behind-the-scenes pressure from egypt and qatar and others to make hamas agree to this request that white house is trying to massage this deal and move it forward. we heard jon kirby say the other day they feel israel has already accomplished quite a bit in the gaza strip. take a listen.
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>> we have not said hamas is no military capability as we have not said they don't still represent a viable threat to the israeli people, of course they do they do not have the military capabilities do they did on the seventh of october. and so from a military perspective only as president biden said the israelis have accomplished most of their goals in gaza. bill: dr. grant will this come down to the white house and israel, you have done quite a bit versus israel saying we need to go in there and we need to take out every single terrorist in rafah and gaza to avoid a repeat in the future for their fear is going to be the agree to a deal, hamas is in there and years on the road they've a rearm, or retooled in the same position years later. >> you hit the nail on the head. the white house says this is new. israel you have accomplished your goals. errors are set okay we will try the deal. in this four page comp located deal are a couple really
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important thing some additional security guarantees for israel. a fast track to a deal of saudi arabia recognizing israel and then the u.s. has said they will leave a lot of the defense system and place that work to repel iran's attack several weeks ago they will leave that there then the commitment for the u.s. and egypt and qatar to be the guarantor. a lot of content to make it easy for israel to accept this if hamas does. >> behind-the-scenes the united states is putting the pressure on israel. as when you ask that who is putting the pressure on hamas is up the surrounding arab states? >> it is. and egypt as well i would tell you behind-the-scenes you probably have every government in that region except iran putting pressure on they want the threat over that they continue to contain iran and get the cease-fire every responsible state in that region really, really wants.
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>> president biden certainly onset cease-fire once the work swar tobe over before the electn november dr. rebecca grant thank you so much for coming on today we will talk to you again soon. >> thank you. >> these are bad people these people are sick. they do things that are so destructive. look what they did from the day i got there. do not forget if it weren't me they would be going after someone else and i know a lot of the competition they would not do so well they would not be doing so well right now. they be saying mommy take me home i want to go home. but these are sick people. former president trump on his historic conviction exclusive interview with fox and friends weekend that aired this morning. our soft he was greeted with a standing ovation at a ufc match in new jersey last night. that was his first major public appearance since thursday's guilty verdicts in his new york criminal trial. trump's lawyers at saint they will appeal. cb cotton is live in new york city with more.
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>> hi arthel but former president donald trump is no stranger to the ufc world. his appearance at last nights by his fresh office and had an criminal trial he was found guilty on those felony charges. the announcer took note of the way the crowd greeted the former president when he walked into that new jersey arena, watch. >> a boy, the round of applause is getting it right now is pretty staggering. you had to imagine that was going to happen. outside the octagon walk-through with arena at dana white shaking hands with the supporters in the crowd later in the evening mma fighter shawna stricklin right after his victory over palo casa gave trump a shout out. >> you are the man said travesty with their doing to you.
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trumps lawyers have already floated some of the ground will try to seek an appeal trumps conviction those include their perception of judge merchan advised he made a $35 donation to democratic causes during the 82020 election cycle. his daughter has worked for a democratic consulting firm. trumps lawyers may also read this a cool key rulings on the trail and the judge denied to mistrust motions from the defense following graphic testimony from stormy daniels. unnecessary but denied both requests was partly to blame for langley testimony to straight. the defense they may appeal on the grounds of the trial venue. something trump mentioned box and friends interview. >> is a tough venue to try to get out of the venue we tried to get out of the judge would try to get out of both would not even think about it. we probably maybe the worst air in the whole country for me. you have to really play the hand you are dealt.
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you had a jury from a certain persuasion will be hard to do no matter what. i did absolutely nothing wrong. july 11 per law required the former president to sit for a preet sentencing interview. there the former president lost questions about his health and background at that point will take the answers into consideration when handing down any type of punishment. arthel: cb cotton, thank you so much great means on the former president made another appearance last night on tiktok. trumps the first post with a short clip from his ufc appearance. the chinese owned app when he was president now his campaign says his new account as part of an effort to reach young voters. he already has more than 200 million followers. president biden's campaign also launched a tiktok account for
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his campaign back into february. that account house around 300,000 followers. mr. biden also supported efforts to ban the app. he signed a bill into law this year to force tiktok chinese parent company to sell the platform. tiktok is fighting the law in court. bill: a water pressure slowly coming back on parts of atlanta after a major water mains broke. causing a widespread water outage as well as the state of emergency but one hospital had to relocate some of their patients. much of the city still under a boil water advisory. madisons carpino has the latest. >> we are just learning cruise are working to repair another water main and atlantis is definitely not as severe as the two main water breaks it's is impacting over 30 homes who do not have any water. many people in the city were without water or had very little
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water pressure for over 24 hours. one major break has been repaired. the other really big one is still leaking. >> we expect for us to be able to resolve this pretty soon. more waiting for a particular part to arrive. we expect that once that arise it will be routinely repaired and once the repairs completed, we will be able to restore water services immediately. >> crews are working around-the-clock to fix that break that is still leaking the break is gushing water into the streets of a very busy area in midtown, atlanta. causing multiple businesses and atlanta to close from restaurants, bars, even the iconic georgia aquarium. rapper megan's concerts or canceled or postponed two nights in a row. emory hospital even had to transfer or divert patients yesterday. thankfully water is back at some
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major sites here in the city at this point. cities work with the georgia department of emergency management getting support from the state as well. city officials say there is around 3000 miles of water sewer infrastructure in the city paid those officials are blaming these leaks on aging and decaying pipes. bill: what a mess. they fixed a couple it's like a game of a walkable and nothing breaks elsewhere they've got the fix now but hopefully get it fixed figured out. madison scarpino thank you. arthel: present biden's son hunter will face his first criminal trial starting tomorrow. prosecutors say they plan to use his own words against him as evidence. i look at what is ahead and how hunter is planning his defense. . yay - woo hoo! ensure, with 27 vitamins and minerals, nutrients for immune health.
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and ensure complete with 30 grams of protein. (♪) (♪) (♪) try dietary supplements from voltaren, for healthy joints. try killing bugs the worry-free way. not the other way. zevo traps use light to attract and trap flying insects with no odor and no mess. they work continuously, so you don't have to. zevo. people-friendly. bug-deadly.
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bill: welcome back for jury selection begins to tomorrow fon hunter biden federal gun trial in delaware. the first son of a sitting president to ever face trial is pleading guilty, not guilty excuse me too charges. madeleine rivera has a storable rec center biden's gun trial finally set to begin after his plea deal fell apart a year ago but he had been hoping to avoid
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prosecution in this case. he faces prison time and fines if he is convicted of the three federal gun charges against him. prosecutors say he illegally bought a gun october 18 by lying about his drug use on a background check form. special counsel david weiss team portions of his books are beautiful things he admits he was a crack addict. >> my parents were there for me. they literally save my life. >> a call into question the credibility of the workers that witness gun transaction. the form at the center of this case was tampered with. unsuccessfully to toss out this case but this is a special counsel vow to political pressure the argument the
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presiding judge has rejected. this weekend the president is spending time with his him including hunter and rehoboth beach, delaware his test taking trips were defined former president trumps conviction the rule of law must be respected regardless of what happens to his son. >> the president himself will respect the verdict has much as it is painful i am sure to see whatever your children on trial. americans should when breach is breaches averdict they should ae result for that as part of our democracy. >> controls expected to last two potentially three weeks. at washington fox news. >> will argue he was clean and sober when felt at the gun form they plan to highlight the passage in 2021 memoir i'd return the fall of 2018 after my
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most recent relapse in california with hope of getting clean through therapy and reconciling with haley biden neither happened. mote plant be on the moment to moment demands of the crack pipe. we'll get to this in the second period the burden of proof for prosecutors. prosecutors cannot smear defendants cannot bring in drug use and drug addiction and all in all ofthese things from the . this is a very unique section of the law there are required to prove as you outlined that news articles outlined on your show he admitted at the time the form
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was filled out he was a bad link date today crack. make calling hunter's ex-wife come his ex- girlfriends to the stand. no charm it would not be permitted to be done. anything he told them about drug use. i think they saw it with drug use is going be admissible when normally it wouldn't. it's a very unique case it's a unique set of facts the burden is on the prosecution of the time of the he does have that book on record note detail is too salacious. >> note not at all. they used against him or her they have to waive their miranda warnings have to be advised of the rights by law enforcement. and they give a statement or testifying to grand jury or a trial. his book or his words, his text
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messages are his words. with laypeople and civilians such as his ex-wife friends and families et cetera if there cad to the stand are in his words and exception to the hearsay rule. the exception to the miranda rule that would be admissible against him. what about this. what about the substance found on a gun holster be introduced? >> are the pieces of evidence the prosecution is a gun holster found in a dumpster they claim is a property of hunter biden. on that gun holster there is cocaine or residue tested by forensic laboratory forensic scientist to the witness stand will lay a foundation a chain of custody, how the holster was recovered if they are successful
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the proper foundation has been laid, what will happen is the gun holster will be it admitted into evidence for the consideration their lawyers will try to poke holes that goes toward the weight of the evidence. will not harm the admissibility of it. >> i see. what about the infamous laptop? how important is it to type that hunter biden? >> are going to have to prove it there at computer expert whether or not it is registered to a domain name. whether it's registered to suit e-mail addresses they can type two hunter bided whether there are photos, videos, anything of the like. or it is abundant to the satisfaction of the court it is hunter biden's laptop it can be admissible and i think they'll be a treasure trove for both the prosecution and the jury for evidence that ties him to the
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laptop into the evidence proving again the requirements he was using drugs at the time i was aa drug addict at the time that he filled out the application. >> finally do you think of both sides are going into this with equal footing? do you feel or one side has more of an advantage than the other? >> based upon the evidence i have seen the news has been reported with statements given by the prosecutors if they are able to call the witnesses they have outlined enter into the book they get items into evidence the prosecution definitely has a leg up in this case is on his i his face but hp plays out in court is another story and something i'm sure we are all interested in. arthel: yes will have you back to discuss it as the trial gets into progress. let's talk again, thank you.
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>> thanks arthel. bill: social medias rallying around caitlin clark calling out the wnba after the superstar took a vicious hit in yesterday's game. now the leak is responding to all the intense blowback. we will be right back. my confi. but no longer will psoriasis get a piece of me. i can love my skin again. with bimzelx. only bimzelx targets and blocks il-17a plus f to calm inflammation. i can control my plaques, and start getting myself back. bimzelx helps adults with moderate to severe psoriasis control plaques, to deliver clearer skin fast, for results that last. i will give myself back the freedom of shorts. dare to wear black again from head to toe. (♪) most people got 100% clear skin. some after the first dose. serious side effects, including suicidal thoughts and behavior, infections and lowered ability to fight them,
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arthel: all eyes on the wnba as it is facing a social media firestorm sensation caitlin clark took a brutally hard shot in the indiana beavers went over the chicago sky yesterday but both are coaching fans claim there is a target on her back. christina coleman is live in los angeles with more. so tell us, how is oblique responding? >> a lot is happening right now. the chicago sky guard kennedy carter his battle against caitlin clark has been upgraded to a flagrant foul after legal review of this incident.
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also carter has been very active on social media following the foul and all of the reaction over it. an instagram story she posted i grew up with all brothers, all we did despite and arguably i love the hate more than the love. what don't you all understand? i rather you hate me that love me and i mean that all my dead aunt. carter also responded on threats to comments about clark saying in part beside a three-point shooting what you should bring to the table, man? meantime fans are fed up with clark the wnba number one draft pick, was getting roughed up apparently she got knocked around during a few games last month and brings last night matchup between indiana and chicago carter shoulder checked caitlin clark will she was just standing there. she pushed that with regard to the floor before an inbound pass. but the refs did not collect technical or flagrant route carter was charged with the wayy from the ball comment about. indiana general manager had enough of those 10 these targeting actions need to stop the leak needs to quote clean up
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the crab. after the game clark told reporters she accepts the fact there's a target on her back. her focus is to stay in the game and not retaliate. >> it is what it is, you know. like i'm at the point we accept it and don't retaliate. just let them hit you, and beat what is do not litigate inside your head. i know it is coming at this point i've got it its amicable d shots again. chris carter's mate and therese jumped off the bench appearing to celebrate clark getting fouled the wnba find reese $1000 for failing to make herself available for media interviews after the game paired her team was also fined $5000 by the league for failing to make sure the players compliant with wnba media rules. with no carter's talked about clark on social media following this incident, she refused to talk about her violent fell on clark at all. after the game yesterday, take a
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listen. >> next question. i ate answer and note caitlin clark questions i don't know what she said pick what you said her question her quick site insane thing to her. >> that's enough. >> despite yesterday's heavily condemned and now widely viewed flagrant foul against clark indiana went on to in the first help victory beating chicago 71 -- 70. arthel: christina coleman, thank you. >> ai is in everything for this giant ai what is going on in that space? that self-evident. we dominate in this space as you said. i want to continue to dominate the space. i do not just seed this space to other states or countries. >> 's report cowper and governor gavin newsom warning against excessive policing of the ai industry in his statement california home to silicon valley. strict laws eager to put some
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regulation in place. ethan is associate professor of management the university of pennsylvania and the academic director of morton interactively joins me now. ethan, thank you so much for coming on today. one of the areas governor newsom said he is okay some guard rails and ai is in politics with a the political campaigns researching the use of deep fakes. how is he trying to strike this balance between not trying to over regulate but limiting the harm that comes with ai? >> they're all try to figure it out. every indication is ai is a general-purpose technology in one of that rare once in a generation technologies changes a lot about how we live and work. that means we don't know everything it does. but think of it with the harms are going to be some and politics with deep fakes and things like that a long time for innovation to figure out what this can differ good for scientific research for work.
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>> more and more people have started using ai incorporating into their lives and pull up number one here and take a look at the full screen a difference of eight year, march 23 to february 2024. look at adult use of ai doubles eight -- 17% for entertainment goes up 6%, i remember being a kid in school having a book report no internet. going to the library having to read it now we have kids of bill's school, high school sometimes college using chatgpt to write the s is for them. where is this all going? >> is a professor and educated recently seeing everyone use ai. there is a really good things about it can tutor and teach a new comes away but this pretty bad stuff to it makes cheating fairly universal will have to rethink how we handle school by classes all require a art use now take some time and effort. we have to fear how to teach in
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a world where students have access to this kind of tool but with the bottom line is nobody knows where this is going to go 10, 15, 20 years would help her i think some people are a little more scared of what ai can bring picture of the movie terminator thing is when we self-aware and a wipe us all out in the future at some point. this is some politicians, elon musk talk about their going to grapple with in years to come we talked about at the top, talk about the individual decisions are going to have to make in terms of letting ai breathe and develop and do something good i haven't guardrails in place to make sure nothing horrible happens. >> he said the most important thing but nobody really knows what is going to happen. we need to have guardrails and place it. we need to figure it with the worst-case scenario is, how to ais and getting too smart? elon musk is worrying about reach a machine smarter than human being but how do you know that's happening? how do we stop it? people were about misuse it. criminals or terrorists more
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confident because they can use ai to help commit crimes. the scientific discovery helps in her research, it helps and lots of business jobs. i think what we have to do we think about regulation is look for harms that are emerging and move quickly to try to stop them. >> you said you've seen some your students incorporating ai into their lives. >> it definitely. i love it, use it for everything from a fun stuff to work stuff i still grade my own paper so that the promise to my students were watching. quickset is a great comes back to california governor gavin newsom we set off the top. a lot of these businesses are and silicon valley. do you think is motivation avoiding the guardrails here is i am sure he likes love the tax revenue silicon valley brings, right? >> it is amazing how much ai development is concentrated in silicon valley. simply dominant in the space
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with china coming close to that. is a lot of interest in national level and local level other organizations and companies and countries are interested in jumping on board so for example japan to special rules for ai companies i mean they cannot get sued for copyright infringement under some cases there is competition out there waiting to jump on these companies when they can't work in the united states. >> is a new wild west cyberspace essentially. professor think of your time today. >> thanks for having me. being held to mark 80 years since d-day. pivotal allied invasion one it paid a tribute to the soldiers who landed behind enemy lines days before the attack. [background noises] arthel: 70 civilians around the
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world recruited the first parachute jump into enormity wearing the same uniform as the allied forces to other planes they used were thousands of aircraft part in d-day. >> when you hook up at the same table they have -- that the use 80 years ago. it is a same doorway at the same countryside from 80 years ago. it's like i'm so thankful i'm not doing this at midnight. that is the big thing going through my mind. i did not have to do in the middle of the night people were not shooting at me. speed of 60 millions americans served in world war ii. about 119,000, less than 1% are still alive today official anniversary of d-day is thursday, june 6 thank you for your service. bill: evacuations are underway in northern california brush fire exploded in size but this
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is a lie look for the fox affiliate up in san francisco. fire crews and saying the corral fire started on saturday but is burned around 12000 acres but right now it is only 15% contained. you can see crews working right there. firefpaid firefighters orbrowsig california knows very well for the weather unfortunately not expected to improve the days ahead. part of the state are facing a key wave later on so we hope for the best there. voting underway in mexico. on election that could make history. the u.s. is watching it verytoda closely. we will be rightamer back. eing e bottles in more places. and when we get more of them back... ...we can use less new plastic. see how our bottles are made to be remade.
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how do you find the perfect father's day gift? simple. just type weathertech has hundreds of premium products that will keep dad's vehicle looking its best. like laser-measured floorliners, cargo liner and seat protector for extra interior protection. sunshade blocks harmful uv rays. the cupfone perfectly secures his phone while driving. order these american made products or a gift card at happy father's day.
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three for minnesota woman is breathing a sigh of relief after saving her dog from a black bear. and tense at moment happened right outside of her house. it was all caught on camera. take a look.
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no, no. stop, stop, stop. no. bill: you see at their bailey jacobs and said her dog zeus approached a black for those eating her garbage in her driveway. the bear then charge the dog. bailey chased after both of them and thankfully was able to lure the bear away. eventually the bear ran off. both bailey and his zeus are okay we assume the bear is as aware of the things we do for our dogs, arthel put a note he would be hurt to progress i watching this going yes this looks crazy but no it makes sense. support we would all do it as animal lovers. arthel: absolutely. mexico is set to elect its first ever female president voting today the two leading candidates in the race are both women with former mexico city mayor claudia leading in the polls let's go to stephanie and bennett she has a more on this. stephanie, what is happening? what's to mention this is a very
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historic moment. it is likely going to be the first female president for mexico. unfortunately it is also been the deadliest election in modern history. the campaign has been overshadowed by violent attacks which the government says have resulted in more than 20 local candidates being killed across mexico private surveys put that total mirror to around 37 for there is also been more than 800 attacks on candidates. in fact this adjusted voting is currently suspended and one mexican town in the state of puebla after killing at a polling station that's according to state electoral authorities but will bring y in more detailo we get it nevertheless, history will be made as both the front runner in a 61-year-old scientist former mexico city mayor claudia and her main rival who has indigenous roots galvez are far ahead of their only mail candidate in the polls.
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yesterday i told my colleagues to go vote i do not know who they are going to vote for but is the first time they are going to be able who i think is going to play and roll. >> es sheet hasn't promised to continue all the current president's policies including reducing poverty, creating a use of universal pension for the elderly program of paying youth to undertake apprenticeships left the senate last year, she has a pledge to go after drug cartels and other criminals more aggressively than what is currently being done. mexico constitution prohibits the president from being reelected they also serve a six-year term. those of polls are set to close around 8:00 p.m. tonight for most of the country those election results should be trickling in shortly after that. then they will take the office later in september. >> the world is watching but stephanie bennett, thank you. >> coming up a big shakeup in
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the soda wars it is something the billion-dollar soft drink business has not seen and nearly half a century but will show you what we are talking about coming up. former soviet union today. the needs that these forgotten jews have are something beyond anything you can imagine. have you eaten this morning? i ate the carrot, so i ate half of it yesterday, and i had it today for breakfast. and this is what she ate in two days, one carrot. please pray for me! the international fellowship of christians and jews began this ministry to help elderly jews living in horrible poverty around the world. we urgently need your gift of $25 now to help provide one survival food box with all of the foods they critically need
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i pray that they'll know in their final months that they're not alone.
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delaying the first astronaut flight. last minute computer troubles. nasa declined to launch today so engineers have more time to investigate the problem. the next window is wednesday. >> dr pepper. tied as the second most popular soft drink. pepsi held the number two slot but not both brands hold a little more than a percent.
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