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tv   FOX Friends First  FOX News  June 3, 2024 2:00am-3:00am PDT

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atlanta come i have a question for you. if you could create a ai clone for yourself, what would you do to improve, and what would you do differently? >> trey: well, like lots of people, i guess i would want to be smarter, funnier, faster, cuter. but if i tried to clone myself, my wife would intervene immediately and stop that from happening. i think she would tell you that one is enough. she might even tell you that one is more than enough. if you have a question, email us thank you for spending your sunday without spirit i hope you have a great >> todd: right now evacuation underway near san francisco as massive wildfire burns northern
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california. one firefighter is hurt and we're tracking it all morning long. >> carley: today is day many americans have been waiting for. dr. anthony fauci will testify on capitol hill as he and top associates face accusations of a covid cover-up. nicole malliotakis will join us live. >> todd: and a major 2024 issue as the trump campaign reports massive $200 million fundraising haul. >> everyone tells me this is easiest case to overturn, they want to last until after the election. my poll numbers have gone up. >> todd: more on the interview as we look ahead to the first presidential debate, we're in
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the month. you are wouching "fox and friends first," i'm todd piro. >> carley: i'm carley shimkus. hunter biden will stand trial when jury selection begins in federal gun case this morning. >> todd: madeleine rivera live in washington with more. >> madeleine: good morning, carley and todd. 250 people will be narrowed down to 12 jurors who will determine if hunter biden is guilty of federal gun charges. he lied about his -- hunter opened up about his addiction to crack sharing details in "beautiful things." he was hoping for a plea deal, that plea deal fell apart last june, leading to this day in court. david weiss's team is taxed with
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knowing hunter made false statement and had the gun under controlled substances and plan to use portions of the book and photos. hunter's former romantic partners could testify. hunter spent the week in rohoboth beach. the president said his son did nothing wrong and was criticized. it undermines justice department which the president promised it would not interfere with. >> president biden commented as a loving father, as i hope any loving father would do. hunter biden is entitled, as was donald trump, to presumption of innocence. >> madeleine: hunter faces 25 years in prison and a fine if
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convicted on all three counts. carley and todd. >> carley: thank you. bring in former federal prosecutor. the evidence seems stacked against hunter biden considering he admitted to drug use. now he is pleaded not guilty, how do you see this going? >> the case seems relatively straight-forward. hunter's team is trying to limit applicability of this law. this law is in different circuit court. the judge said this case will go forward. that was hope for them pretrial. they were hoping to limit the idea what it means to knowingly use drugs at the specific time of the purchase, whether that day or the general timeframe.
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defense will try to poke holes in specificity required, other than that, i think it is a straight-forward case. >> todd: you are a former federal prosecutor, how would you go about voir dire? what would you be looking for in the jurors? >> bidens are a huge force in the state of delaware, it should be favorable for hunter in many ways. of course, you want people who don't have strong opinions politically speaking and people that understand how drug use works and they don't have a huge connection to somebody in their family and have sympathy for that and overlook strict standard of the law. >> carley: charges where hunter biden agreed to plea guilty and then the plea deal collapsed. how do you come back from that?
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>> the jury will not be aware of the plea deal or terms made, pre-trial -- >> carley: major news, though, maybe they know. >> that is another question for voir dire to make sure they are not aware and many are not, it was wrapped up in other cases and judge limited prosecutor from discussing tax cases unless he take the stand. >> carley: do you think that will happen? >> i don't know if it is necessary, will depend what other evidence is brought in, there is his book and statements he's made the jury will be aware of. i think it will be risky, other things will not come unless he is testifying. >> todd: we heard speculation it was not hunter who lied on the application. i may have been high as a kite
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on monday, i bought it on tuesday, will this fly? >> that is something guy mentioned earlier, limited idea of when the drug use had to take place and broad er interpret agz is what she instructs on and bringing up other issues with instructions on the law is something the judge has to decide. >> todd: jury instructions again, yippy. we learned about them last week. thank you. today president biden will be back on the campaign trial for first time since former president trump guilty verdict. will this be a top issue in the white house? >> carley: may not be i a good idea considering what his son is doing this week.
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jackie ibanez joins us. >> jackie: president biden will be in connecticut for a fundraising. access cost $3300 per person. this comes as campaign works to capitalize off former president trump's conviction. >> this campaign did have one of the best stretches of fundraising since the verdict. >> carley: democrats urging biden to use the verdict to his campaign's advantage. >> i think the president should lean into this going forward. his competitor is a convicted felon and you can only imagine if the situation was reversed, they would go after joe biden with a vefngeance. they are making false claims about joe biden regardless. democrats need to make the case to the american people.
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>> jackie: trump campaign is reportedly crushing fundraising records. eric trump says his dad's campaign has raised $200 million since the conviction. trump said it looks like the verdict might have a positive impact on poll numbers. listen. >> even tells me this is easiest case they have seen to overturn, they don't care. the only problem they have, my poll numbers go up. you explain this to me. they are smart in texas, right? poll numbers have gone up substantially. i don't know if that 8 will remain that way. >> jackie: as far as public p perception goes, this is how the former president was greeted over the weekend a few miles from where he was convicted in new york city. >> the former president is
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getting a standing ovation at ufc 302. [cheering] >> jackie: definitely don't see a crowd like that for biden. all this setting stage for first presidential debate between trump and biden on june 27th. we're waiting for that. >> carley: a different kind of fight. >> todd: we would love to see them engage in ufc. >> carley: we do not condone presidential violence. thank you. big news on the border crisis, president biden set to announce executive action by tomorrow. way to strike while the iron is hot. tom homan will be here next. >> todd: makes me feel good you listen to what i say. you are the only one. and wnba taking action on this
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controversial foul on caitlin clark. details on this and more on this monday edition of "fox and friends first." ♪ ♪ my mental health was better. but uncontrollable movements called td, tardive dyskinesia, started disrupting my day. td felt embarrassing. i felt like disconnecting. i asked my doctor about treating my td, and learned about ingrezza. ♪ ingrezza ♪ ingrezza is clinically proven for reducing td. most people saw results in just two weeks. people taking ingrezza can stay on most mental health meds. only number-one prescribed ingrezza has simple dosing for td: always one pill, once daily. ingrezza can cause depression, suicidal thoughts, or actions in patients with huntington's disease. pay close attention to and call your doctor if you become depressed, have sudden changes in mood, behaviors, feelings, or have thoughts of suicide.
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>> carley: fox weather firefire alert 60 miles east of san francisco. 400 fire officials are res responding to the blaze. two firefighters are hurt, both are expected to recover. >> todd: the fire is 50% contained. national weather service is warning of dangerously hot conditions later this week. temperatures expected to hit 110 with no rain in sight. janice dean is here, it is dry there to begin with. tack on 110, beginning of june,
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recipe for disaster. >> janice: not good. heat starts to get fierce on wednesday. we have a couple days to get this contained. three days active, 50% contained and 14,000 acres burning. the heat alert is the biggest concern. heat advisories and excessive heat watches in interior sections of california. for tomorrow, along the coast, not bad. in interior sections, things ramp up mid-week and latter part of this week. temperatures could hit record highs for california, los
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angeles and flagstaff, arizona. over 100 degrees, this is early this time of year. no major rain in the forecast. make mention, potential for severe weather today for kansas, same areas hit over last few weeks. we'll watch the fire and potential for more storms this week. fox weather.comfor the latest details. >> carley: fox news alert. mexico elect ing first female president, she holds a 35-point lead over the opposition and promises to continue the current policy for obrador. she is set to take office october 1.
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>> todd: sources confirm president biden will announce executive action on the border crisis tomorrow before he leaves for france for d-day. republicans criticize the move as too little too late. report reveals 350,000 asylum cases have been closed since 2022. tom homan shgshoman, fox news c joins me now. the numbers don't look as bad as he red the teaef loos and said, the american people are mad for what is going on the border, is that accurate asoassessment? >> it did. biden administration knows what i know, based on data, nine of 10 of these people won't win a
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case, they will be ordered removed for not showing up in court or they don't qualify. rather than keep them in, they will close the case. they have a couple usc kids when ice does fine them down the road, they have three usc kids. they know people get ordered deported, they don't want that. they want to wait for the next amnesty, they have a plan. >> todd: in the context of court, like the judge and prosecutor dismiss the case and the people are free to do what they do. what is that? what do 350,000 individuals do? where are they and how do we track them? >> we will track them and find
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them. they entered the country illegally, which is a crime and this administration does not understand that. there has to be consequences, if they are not removed, you will not fix the crisis on the border. they have not done a single thing to slow the flow. executive action today i guarantee will be another insult on the american legal system. they ignore existing law on immigration and violate the law and need to be held accountable. >> todd: it may limit illegal crossings, that would not fly under the aforementioned boss, here is what former president trump said he would do to handle the cries. listen. >> biden does not need
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legislation, he could say close the border. that is what i did. close the border. i will do the biggest deportation ever. eisenhower did the biggest, this will be bigger. what they have done to our country is unthinkable. >> todd: is your plan, is trump's plan feasible, tom? >> it is. it has to be. here is what people need to understand. that is terrible to say, massive deportation operation. it has to be. historic illegal immigration, millions of people have been illegally released, nine of 10 of them will get an order removal, they must be removed, if we don't, what the hell are you doing? mighta well shut down immigration court. if there are no consequences, we will not fix the border. there are millions standing in
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line, paying fees and coming the right way and they sit in the backseat while mill knowios cheat the system. people make false claim to asylum. they are cheating the system, cheating millions coming the right way. there is a right way and wrong way, we need to reward those coming the right way and punish those coming the wrong way. >> todd: thank you for your time, we appreciate it. connecticut state trooper hit and killed during a traffic stop by a suspect who admitted to taking fentanyl and other drugs before getting behind the wheel. details on this disturbing story. >> carley: and pentagon getting backlash over woke pride month post from navy seal account. closer look at the controversy after this. >> the left hates pentagon, last
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meritocracy, our sons and daughter enter and they are questioning whether they want to and understandably so. recruitment is down for a reason. -electric for short trips... -hmmm? ...gas for long. hmmm? quite the paradox... -it really is both. -hmmm. the lexus rx plug-in hybrid. ♪ maria and julio thought their life would never slow down.
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then one day, it finally did. you were made to find inner peace. we were made to track flight prices to paradise.
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there's an old saying in the navy that the toughest job in the navy is a navy wife. and if you've made the deployments and you've been the wife at home, or you've been the spouse at home, you understand what i'm talking about. your spouse has earned the right to apply for a va home loan. the newday 100 loan allows you to borrow up to 100% of your home's value. so if you're in a situation where you need some help financially, give us a call. no one takes care of veterans like newday usa. >> carley: funeral for state trooper is tomorrow after he was hit and killed during a traffic stop. the suspected killer admitted he was under influence of cocaine
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and fentanyl when he was driving in the shoulder and hit the trooper. the suspect stopped because of a tire failure when he was found and arrested. connecticut lead er vincent cac calderona join me now. a wife and children and his whole life ahead of him, what do you have to say about this? >> it is devastating. time and again, we see patterns where law enforcement are put in higher situation of danger because of open border and light on crime. connecticut has revolving door for criminals and we see impact of that. >> carley: person who killed him told police, a direct quote, he
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used 15 bags of fentanyl one at a time and all of the cocaine and went to sleep, woke up and bought a pill from a street drug dealer and got behind the wheel and drove into the trooper who was making a traffic stop. this guy has convictions, murder and attempted murder in puerto rico, convicted of third-degree murder here in 2007, three counts of attempted homicide. how is this repeat offender who killed multiple people in multiple countries able to get behind the wheel as a freeman and kill this trooper? >> we have a problem, we don't hold people in prison when they should be held. people are let out early because
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of good time credit in connecticut. we have a police accountability bill that restrains officers from even pulling these vehicles over. this repeat continues to happen. connecticut does not allow police officers to pullover have theeds who are smoking pot and wit witnessing smoking pot. troopers are put in heightened da danger. >> carley: there is the trooper with his family there. the man did everything wrong. what does his future look like? >> hopefully we have a judge that did the right thing and keep this person in prison. they set bail originally at 5 million and reduced to 1.5
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million. hope he will stay behind bars for a long time. >> thank you for joining us. >> thank you. >> todd: our america's most elite warriors going woke. facebook page bringing in pride month with this post, celebrating quality and pride, official facebook account for special forces and it is dr drawing -- june is ptsd month. pete hegseth is sounding off on the woke military. watch. >> pete: the left hates pentagon, meritocracy, find ing
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best and brightest with the most latitude possible to win wars. insert crt and dei, like women in combat, weaponize lgbtq issues. china is building military designed to defeat us and our defense ministry, who have given intoide logs are focused on climate change. our sons and daughters are questioning whether they want to enter. recruitment is down for a reason, they see how adrift the pentagon is. >> carley: and war on warriors is available today, pick it up if you haven't. wnba upgrading sky guard chennedy carter foul against caitlin clark after she knocked clark to the ground. foul upgraded from common foul to flagrant one after it was reviewed. carter will not face a fine or
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suspension. clark said it is a physical game, go make the freethrow and execute on offense, that is what we did. ro ro rookie "the angle" ang echl reassel reeshgse for skipping a press conference. flagrant is worse than simple. >> todd: and nascar, taking home the win in enjoy illinois 300, after a wild final lap. watch. >> something is wrong. >> white flag, one lap to go and going to the playoffs. >> cinsdric wins. >> todd: part of the race.
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ryan blaney running out of gas, allowing cindric to get into the playoffs. he called triple a. >> carley: he didn't. pit crews are saying, we didn't, we did that. >> todd: running out of gas, opec decided they will not increase oil production and that could keep oil prices high. cheryl casone with how this will impact biden energy plolicy. >> carley: and former president trump at fight week. highlighting hyper masculine male voters, that is faapparent a bad thing. joe concha will response to that. >> todd: always masculine.
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>> carley: fox news alert, breaking now, two officers have been shot in new york city. police confirming one shot in the vest, another in the leg.
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both were taken to the hospital. one suspect is in custody, the suspect was shot in the ankle. the police commissioner is expected to update any moment. >> todd: opec will continue oil production cuts through next year. >> carley: not good. cheryl casone is here with more. hi, cheryl. >> cheryl: good morning. summer driving season gets into full swing and gas prices continue to rise, opec is leaving production rates in place. saudi minister says we are waiting for prices to come down, not pockets of growth here and there. justification for the cuts, far from 2022, just over 119 air
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barrel. as far as u.s. gas prices, we're above 3.5 dollar mark for unleaded regular. you got biden administration going after the oil and gas companies. i don't know if you saw this, senator schumer accused oil companies of price fixing and gouging and "wall street journal" has a great piece called hang wceos, accusing big oil of driving energy prices high. proof is thin. >> todd: need to do something to distract from the fact energy prices led to rise in gas prices. could 1929 style depression be on the horizon? that is not good. >> cheryl: that is warning from former president trump. he says a depression is on the horrize on, horizon, watch
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this. >> we were energy independent, we were in third place and we were leading and got hit with covid. if i didn't throw money at covid, we would have had a depression. if i don't win, you will have a depression like in 1929. >> cheryl: voters say trump would better handle the economy, that we are hearing over and over from the former president trump. look at how the markets were doing. look at what inflation was. inflation jumped 20% under president biden. what is interesting, they are targeting u.s. corporations and saying it there fault grocery store prices are higher. there is no proof to be clear. >> carley: tiktok gained a user,
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on tiktok, he has gained followers on the social media platform. >> the president is now on tiktok. ♪ [cheering] >> cheryl: his follower count dwarfs followers president biden have. both do not seem concerned about the security threat tiktok poses. they are owned by a chinese company. >> carley: joining tiktok while trying to ban it. interesting there. there you have it. watch cheryl all morning long, thank you. it wasn't just on social media former president trump received fanfare. >> former president is getting a standing ovation from the masses at ufc 302.
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[cheering] >> one more time, what did he receive? >> carley: fanfare. >> todd: the "new york times" offering their thoughts saying trump was reveling with his male fans, showcasing his hyper masculine appeal and defiance. bring in joe concha. masculine men like ufc and like trump. unrelated story, they reported water is set. what is the point of this article, joe? >> joe: good morning. basically what the "new york times" is saying is that donald trump supporters are dumb jock, dumb professional athletes like ufc fighters who don't know better and support trump. this proves difference in genius and stupidity, genius has limit. if i'm donald trump, i embrace
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this support and seen as masculine. wimps tend not to win the presidency. ask john kerry, average male writer at the "new york times." talking about men or women, want strong, decisive winner in the oval office. what donald trump showed on saturday night, no matter how many times he gets hit, he keeps moving forward. convicted on 34 legal account, complete miscarriage of justice, he goes on to appear before 16,000 people all cheering and chanting his name and holds up his fist in defiance. while this is happening, current president is at his beach house in delaware, not engaging with people. one shows he wants it, and the
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other guy is sitting on the beach trying to coast to reelection and that is your odds on favorite to win the presidency, donald trump. >> carley: more interesting angle than the crowd was mostly male. just report he was at a ufc fight, which you don't see often and leave it at that. james comey was on jen psaki's show and talked about what life would be like behind bars for former president trump if he has to serve jail time. listen to characterization of what james comey said, watch this. >> do you agree it would be difficult or nearly impossible for law enforcement institution to put him in actual jail? >> no, they would put him in a double wide near the grass, eat there, shower there, exercise there, be away from general population, but it is doable.
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>> carley: a double wide in the grass like an animal, what do you think about that? >> joe: i guess we could say this is simply joe biden's piace former president and former fbi director who has written two anti-trump books. they were there to criticize the former president and talk about what happens if they go to jail. speculation about what prison for president trump would look leak, this was not speculation, this was fantasy island. the steel dossier has been debunked and this is what these people want. donald trump, to wen the presidency, behind bars ahead of most important presidential election of our lifetime. given who judge juan merchan here, they may get their wish.
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this conviction is on lowest level of felony that usually result with small fine and no jail time. democrats know they can't win on issues like inflation, gas prices or illegal immigration, they are trying to jail their biggest threat of a political opponent. >> todd: joe concha on monday. thank you. fa dr. anthony fauci on the hill today testifying. congresswoman nicole malliotakis will question fauci, she is here with us with a preview. >> carley: lawrence jones, what is coming up on "fox and friends"? >> lawrence: talking about ufc, i don't mind a young lady who wants to go to a ufc match. okay with that. >> carley: for the single ladies out there, i like it. >> lawrence: we see each other, we get it. coming up on "fox and friends," we have former president trump speaking out about his
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conviction in a "fox and friends" tv exclusive. >> i saw my lawyer saying, don't do that. i said, don't beg for anything. >> lawrence: weekend team nailed that interview and they're here live to unpack it on "fox and friends." one trial ends, another begin. jury selection begins in hunter biden federal gun trial. live outside the courtroom. plus gregg jarrett, miranda devine will join us. dr. fauci is due on the hill, transcripts and dr. marc siegel is here. we have a big show coming up on "fox and friends." don't go anywhere. (♪) when life spells heartburn... how do you spell relief? r-o-l-a-i-d-s rolaids' dual-active formula
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begins to neutralize acid on contact. r-o-l-a-i-d-s spells relief. my dry eye's made me a burning, stinging, 5-times-a-day,... smearing drops user. i want another option that's not another drop. tyrvaya. it's not another drop. it's the first and only nasal spray for dry eye. tyrvaya treats the signs and symptoms of dry eye disease fast by helping your body produce its own real tears. common side effects include sneezing, cough, and throat and nose irritation. relying only on drops? not me. my own real tears are my relief. ask your eye doctor about tyrvaya.
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frustrated by skin tags? dr. scholl's has the breakthrough you've been waiting for. now there's an easier-to-use at home skin tag remover, clinically proven to remove skin tags safely in as little as one treatment. sup? -who are you? i'm your inner child. get in. ♪ ♪ [ engine revving ] listen. horsepower keeps you going, but torque gets you going.
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♪ ♪ [ engine revving ] oh now we're torquin'! the dodge hornet r/t. the totally torqued-out crossover. ♪ >> todd: dr. anthony fauci is going to testify today in front of house lawmakers on his handling of the pandemic and it comes as new reports accuse fauci of making up covid policies like social distancing after one of his advisers testified finding ways to avoid pesky foia requests. >> nicole malliotakis on the select subcommittee on the coronavirus pandemic. she will be in the hearing with dr. fauci today but, before that, she joins us now. congresswoman, good morning to you. tell us where this is going,
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this hearing today, and what our expectations should be here. >> >> weir uncovering a lot of discrepancies between what dr. fauci has told the committee and what his senior adviser and other staff members at nih has told the committee trying to get to the bottom of the accountability, who is lying to this committee? who is committing perjury? who is responsible for the destruction of government records? whose idea was it to use a gmail, personal gmail instead of using government emails instead of freedom of information laws. that's what we are trying to uncover. also get down to the science component. told to fault science. now we find out 6 feet apart was a number they pulled out of thin air. dr. fauci and his scientists made hundreds of millions of dollars in royalties from the various pharmaceutical comp companies. were mandates given particular who i have they could enrich themselves? that's the other thing i would like to know. also, who is signing off on all
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this taxpayer money that was going to ecohealth that ended up in the wuhan lab? this was dr. fauci signs off on that and animal testing happening right here in the united states that could be considered gain of function research, reseason on beagle puppies. he is telling us he didn't know a lot of this stuff he just signed off the paperwork. where is the accountability? the buck stops with you the director of niad. >> todd: overeffort to bypass the freedom of information act laws that exist to give us the american people information. his right-hand man there dr. david morens emails leaked i learned from our foia lady here how to make emails disappear and another email suggesting that someone contact fauci through a secret back channel. now, moren, during his testimony was careful to avoid implicating
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fauci. do you have fauci knew this invevasion of foia was going on under his nose. >> he too used information to avoid foia requests. that's what we actually asked him to provide personal email and text messages so woe o. we can continue our investigation. it seems clear that the people at nih, including dr. fauci, did not want the public to know what was going on and that was a lack of transparence. and the other thing that's interesting is that dr. fauci went outs of his way to suppress the lab leak theory. remember, they tried to call it conspiracy theory, a bunch of scientists that said that they thought it was coming from the lab. [lost audio] >> todd: look like her shot froze there and we have her back. >> natural origin. how did they change mind in three days he suppressed it.
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>> carley: it's a great question, congresswoman. we will be watching. this is public. we will be sure airing this testimony as it happens. it's a big story and something that we should still care about although the public attention is off of covid. really quickly, about 15 seconds to you in the time we have remaining, why should people still care about this story? >> well, because, number one, there needs to be accountability, public was not told the truth there was destruction of records, right? if there was to evade the public, to evade transparency, that's number one. and if there was a conspiracy, who knows, to basically suppress the lab leak theory, the public needs to know. >> how do we prevent the next pandemic, we don't know how this one was created. >> carley: thank you so much for joining us. "fox & friends" starts right now. ♪ ♪


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