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tv   FOX and Friends  FOX News  June 3, 2024 4:00am-5:00am PDT

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soriatic arthritis move, look, and feel better. it targets more than just joint pain and treats the multiple symptoms, like joint swelling and tenderness, back pain, helps clear skin, and helps stop further joint damage. serious allergic reactions, severe skin reactions that look like eczema, and an increased risk of infections, some fatal, have occurred. tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms, had a vaccine or plan to, or if ibd symptoms develop or worsen. it's good to be moving on. watch me. move, look, and feel better. ask your rheumatologist about cosentyx. ♪ ♪ meanwhile back on the show, 7:00 a.m. on the east coast. it is monday, june 3rd, this is "fox & friends." >> steve: welcome aboard, folks. the "new york post" is reporting this morning that the biden administration threw out 350,000 asylum cases, just got rid of
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them so upcoming border executive order probably tomorrow could be too little too late. >> ainsley: plus, former president trump reveals his plans for the border if he wins in november in a tv "fox & friends weekend" exclusive. >> no, i'm going to do the big deportation, the biggest ever. eisenhower about the biggest. this would be bigger. but, it's a very tough thing. >> lawrence: dr. fauci is set to testify today as we learned there were no studies done to support 6 feet social distancing. what happened to following the science? >> brian: now he doesn't back it. i cannot wait to see that montage the second hour of "fox & friends" starts right now remember, comma, mornings are better with friends. >> ainsley: the white house expected to announce executive actions on the crisis at our southern border as early as tomorrow. >> steve: the a.p. is reporting that the move could shut off asylum request and automatically deny entry to migrants once a
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new daily threshold is reached. at this point we don't know what that number is though. >> lawrence: gillian turner joins us from the white house. gillian, what changed with this administration? it's been over three years and now they are taking action now, why? >> so we are anticipating some kind of announcement. as you guys know, the white house has been teasing executive action on the u.s.s. southern border from for months now. it is looking like something is about to happen imminently. the president, being reported by the associated press, is going to make an announcement before he departs for europe. that is tomorrow. leaving us with today, speaker of the house mike johnson says no matter what biden does now, it's going to be too little too late, take a listen. >> t too little too late, now is he desperately trying to show the american people somehow he wants to address the issue that he himself created. we documented 64 specific executive actions that president biden and secretary mayorkas at dhs took over the course of last three and a half years, beginning on the first day that president biden took office to
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open the border wide. they did it intentionally. >> the details of the big announcement are under wraps for now but the a.p. reports the white house plans to shut off asylum requests and automatically deny entry to migrants each day on a daily basis once the number of people encountered by border officials reaches a set cap number. officials tell fox there are no plans for the president to visit the southern border this week ahead of his europe trip. he was last there, you might remember, back in february. take a look at this "new york post" front cover today says biden's masked amnesty. migrants are free to stay in the u.s. as 350,000 asylum claims and cases are closed. the number of known migrants entering the u.s. has grown to over 8 million since the president took office. it's a number larger than the population of 38 states. recent fox poll found the crisis at the southern border is actually now the second most important issue for voters across the board. both parties.
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right now we're not scheduled to he soot president here at the white house today. he's going to have his first big campaign event tonight since the conviction of his former rival -- excuse me of his rival former president trump in new york. all eyes will be on that that is in connect cut this evening. >> steve: then is he off to normandy the next day. thanks, gillian. >> brian: border is a big debate. yeah i fixed it because you stopped the last one. the president has to have something to say to that like you destroyed it on purpose. >> ainsley: look at the cover of "the new york post." biden's mass amnesty. migrants to free stay in the united states as 350,000 asylum cases are closed. they don't have to trotter authorities. >> lawrence: there should be no doubt that the campaign arm is now running the white house, whether it was what happened with the student loans when he got polling that the young people were doing or what's happening, announcement with this that he is putting out there between hamas and israel. is he upset with the palestinian vote. and now this action.
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ains why do you think he is doing this. >> steve: we were talking about this last week as politico said there are people in the white house and the campaign and freaking out over the poll numbers. >> ainsley: debate a few weeks away at the end of june and election in november. >> lawrence: he needs something. >> steve: he needs something and this is his latest hail mary. we have another fox news alert. in just over an hour. hunter biden's criminal gun trial will start in wilmington, delaware with jury selection. the first son faces three felony charges for allegedly lying on a gun application. rich edson is live outside the courthouse in wilmington, delaware, with a preview. rich? >> hi, good morning, steve. the first of two criminal trials for the president's son hunter biden set to begin here within the next couple of hours in wilmington, delaware on those federal gun charges. jury selection is up for today, possibly the next couple of days here. prosecutors say that back when hunter was trying to buy a gun, in 2018, that he lied on a federal form saying that he was
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not a drug user, hunter's attorneys say they will challenge that assertion. this weekend hunter and his father were out near the president's beach home in rehoboth beach, delaware. the president is expected to speak with hunter daily during this trial. that's about two to three times more than usual according to the "new york times." this trial begins with jury selection about 250 potential jurors will start this process until they are narrowed down to 12 plus alternates. they will face questions about how much they may have followed this case. whether they see a connection between this trial and the fact that hunter's father is the president of the united states. special counsel david weiss' prosecution team has signaled they may call about a dozen witnesses here, which could include hunter's ex-wife kathleen buel and hallie biden who is beau biden's widow. beau is hunter's brother. hallie biden was once involved with hunter after beau's death. all meant to build the case that hunter was abusing drugs when he filled out that gun form
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purchased and firearm. attorneys reached a plea agreement that congressional republicans called too lenient. all fell apart when the judge maryelmaryelmary this hearing il will not involve those tax charges that is a separate criminal trial starting in september in los angeles. back to you. >> steve: so, witch. it sounds like -- rich, it souns if abbe lowell, some of the stuff we have seen in the pre-trial stuff, it sounds like what he is going to suggest that gun form at the center of this cases, he's going to present, perhaps, a gun store employee may have tampered with it because they have got a copy of it from before and after and somebody wrote something on it and it wasn't hunter biden. >> right there. was some addition to that form about certifying an address.
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and there were different copies of this form. so they are going to bring up discrepancy there. that is going to be key for the defense. the defense may also argue that the wording of that claim if he was addicted to drugs or not at the time. he had finished rehab at the time. what specifically that meant. whether it was specification enough to be included on the form or testified to, all of that is expected to be picked apart by the defense here to try to get hunter off the hook on this one. >> steve: try to suggest reasonable doubt. >> steve: thanks, rich. >> lawrence: anyone filled out a federal gun application knows that the people will give you -- they barely will answer your questions. they will barely touch the form. unless they are going to be pursuing something new. i think it's also before we go to what is actually expected today, to talk about how we got here. remember, last july, a federal judge looked at the prosecution and said hey, is there any precedent for this deal right here? they said no. then they look over to the defense goes, is there any precedent from you that you tell the court that something like
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this has ever happened, a sweetheart deal? and they said no. so both the prosecution and defense agree that the deal that they had worked out, there was no precedent for it. and just compare what is happening with donald trump to hunter biden where he gets sweetheart deals and then there is a unprecedented prosecution of a former president. >> ainsley: that's when the plea deal collapsed. >> lawrence: that's exactly right. in his book he wrote i was smoking crack every 15 minutes. all they have to do is create reasonable doubt in the jury's mind. and if abbe lowell who is a phenomenal attorney, one of the most expensive attorneys, if he can present that, and put some doubt in the jurors' mind get off. >> steve: takes just one. >> brian: no way any reasonable juror. not supposed to criticize the jury system. we know the o.j. simpson came out great. we're not supposed to criticize that either. buy as gun check as box not on
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drugs. writes a book is he on drugs. does the book on tape. don't worry, in the evidence is the laptop. you know where 51 intel agents said it was fake. david weiss and the attorney general who appointed him or he left him there. he says yeah, that is going to be evidence. so not only is it real, even though the fbi sat on it and didn't do anything with it. now it is going to be used as evidence against hunter biden. >> steve: one of the other things, the gun was in a gun pouch. a leather gun pouch. remember we heard they found traces of cocaine on that. well, as a turns out, one of the other things suggested by abbe lowell's team is that it's the chain of custody. it was never tested for cocaine for five years. and it sat in a police locker. so they are going to be talking about that. it's to your point it's all about reasonable doubt. >> lawrence: why are secret service agents going to go pick up the gun?
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>> brian: from the former vice president's son. >> lawrence: what is going on the secret service goes pick up the gun. >> brian: now they are denying the secret service did it. of course they did. went across she got mad. she got worried that hunter biden has got a gun, no kidding. >> steve: right. >> brian: she threw it in a dumpster by a super market got it back. secret service got it back not hunter. they have to throw out everything. now it turns out his ex-wife said owed about $5 million in alimony. all this stuff is going to come out. >> ainsley: bought the gun in 2018 in october. so they have to prove that on that date when he purchased the gun and he checked no, i'm not doing drugs, that he was actually doing drugs. >> brian: miranda devine in a comment in the "new york post" today and talks about the fact that joe biden has already visited with beau biden's widow and the former girlfriend of hunter. here's what she said. >> no one is in any doubt that the president of the united states is in town and keeping a
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very close eye on what judge maryellen noreika is doing in her courtroom on each one of those jurors that are being chosen today and the prosecutors and special counsel david weiss who is from wilmington. it weighs heavily on them. and joe biden has made a real conspicuous display being alongside his is on the last two weeks. it's been extraordinary the number of sightings getting on and off air force one at the white house, in the rose garden, at a state dinner. it's all sending a signal you don't have to say anything, you just have to say mess with my son, you mess with me. >> steve: keep in mind, you know, delaware is pretty much the state that joe biden built. his name is on a bunch of stuff. everybody knows he has been in congress and in senate for decades. people love him. >> brian: he also tells everybody all the time it was a slave state. he loves saying that.
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>> lawrence: i don't understand how the media is pretending because they keep saying this is a father's love for his son. he is not a minor. he is a grown man who is -- has a law degree as well. he can take care of himself but every step of the way, whether it was the drug concealment or having the secret service come pick up the gun or him, them stepping in, i guess when he wasn't helping with alimony talking with the x's and all that, sleeping with his brother's wife. not taking care of baby navy and apparently i guess joe biden agreed with it. wouldn't acknowledge the child. she mass no secret service protection. i mean, this family is a mess. and they are always talking about the trump family. talking about what they have. at least he takes care of his kids. >> brian: no problem with the trump kids who aren't kids. >> steve: one of the things talking about abbe lowell doing with the defense. we should point out that david weiss and the prosecution team. it sounds like they are loaded forebear. >> brian: by the way, is this a race? because joe biden is winning.
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is this a race? >> steve: brian, you always let the boss win whether it's golf or biking. today dr. flown fauci is set to is testify it in front of the house lawmakers who are pushing him to hand over his private email and his phone records as he and his top associates face new accusations over a covid cover-up. >> brian: fox news medical contributor dr. marc siegel is here. we already see the democrats are going to make this political because they are going to have a precommittee presser at 8:45. what do you expect to hear today? >> first of all, it's not political. it's medical because brad wenstrup, who is the chairman of this subcommittee, looking into coronavirus, his goal is to figure out a way that we can be prepared for the next pandemic. >> brian: right, dr. is separated from him. >> wenstrup brought lieu would he see in. we still don't know where covid
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came from. big debate whether manipulating viruses to test their potential known as gain of function research leads to pandemics or not. i personally think that's quite dangerous. >> brian: obama didn't want it. >> obama put a ban on it what was going on with bird flu in netherlands. we didn't know what was going on in this pandemic. we weren't allowed in to wuhan. we couldn't get boots on the ground. the cdc couldn't get boots on the ground. this is a long delayed thing. now we find out david lawrence, who is advising fauci is busy deleting emails and trying to evade the freedom of information act. you couldn't make this stuff up if you are writing a novel. what are the democrats doing? they got it get the truth out here. because we want to know what was covering up. steve right. >> there is a money trail. >> brian: text message trail. email trail. >> it isn't necessarily mean by the way that covid came from a lab. what it means is this the government sticking to one
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narrative. >> steve: right. >> trying to get everyone to believe it. >> ainsley: something that really bothered me as a parent, our children were in kindergarten and first grade trying to learn to read and they had to wear masks over their face and teachers had to wear masks so my daughter couldn't see the instructions or the mouth movement from her teacher. this is what the house oversight committee asked dr. fauci about masking our kids. was there ever a cost benefit analysis done on the unintended consequences of masking kids versus the protection it would give them he? said not to my knowledge. so, all of that for nothing? all these kids were delayed for at least a year? >> it's worse than that, if you recall, we were talking about this in 2020, you and me. and, brian, and steve, we were talking about how this was going to lead to learning delays woe had evidence coming outs of europe. >> brian: he didn't want to hear it. joe biden didn't want to hear it. this clown didn't want to hear it. nobody wanted to hear it and shadow ban you if you put it on
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social media. >> we were all child psychologist told me no child wears that mask correctly. even if does something no. one wears it. hanging off their face. as far as the 6-foot rule 6-foot rule. >> brian: made it up. >> 1919 flu. the flu studies, along with masks. with flu, studies show that 6 feet work. but, i was in nebraska -- a little bit this is the question on social distancing. 5 or 6 feet whatever. what the 6-foot is. see any studies 6 feet. no i was not aware of any. really? that would be very difficult to do do you believe this guy? for two years he told us 6 feet
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apart and now he goes i don't know where that came from. >> mark: 2013 study on flu. guess what? we studied in nebraska when i was out there. covid was all over the room. we knew at the beginning of the pandemic that this was spreading all over the place and the 6-foot rule wouldn't work. and you had to open a window. you needed ventilation. >> lawrence: doctor, don't you have to be upset as a medical professional. you are getting all this guidance and you are going on the wareways. you guys were slitted to go givo say masking and social distancing for years and you relied on them because you were the federal government. did they let you guys down. >> as you know i look at my own sources. i wasn't worried what they were telling me. i don't respond to propaganda, yeah, public health confidence, lawrence, is going way down because of this, because the first thing you say in science is "i don't know." >> brian: no, is he science you
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don't start imposing social distancing rules that cause a lot of problems and close schools. >> brian: never listening again. >> do you know why schools were closed because they couldn't get the 6-foot distancing. >> steve: if you remember originally the cdc said let's make it 10 feet. the trump administration pushed back on that and made it 6. what's curious is when he says we don't know of any studies, there were studies done in the 1950s and. >> mark: on flu. >> steve: and so what they have done is they were relying on old data. if it's a brand new pandemic, do a study. maybe they didn't want the answer though. >> mark: right. it's a different virus that travels farther. it goes on smaller droplets we knew that at the beginning. >> brian: do you think anthony fauci found out lying or walk away again? >> ainsley: what do you think? >> i think the purpose of this investigation is to figure out today what he knew and what he is hiding and what he knew when, and i think the problem with him is dogma. i have interviewed him multiple
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times. i think is he a really sharp scientist. the issue is he sticks to one narrative and that's the narrative and this does public harm. >> ainsley: he was involved in nih funding. >> yes, yes. >> ainsley: ains and no one understood why he was the end all, be all in this when he was involved in it. when he had something to lose immunologist. we need people to tell us public health. >> people like mike osterholm in minnesota. people who study public health their whole lives. >> ainsley: when you have seen this before covid. it's fine to tell the american people we don't know. we have never seen anything like this. bear with us. we are going to do some studies, instead of slapping marks on our kids and putting social distancing. sealing sealing supposed to be two weeks to bend the curve and ended up being two years.
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>> steve: flatten the curve it flattened us instead. >> brian: democrats are still going to defend him today like is he their uncle anthony. >> ainsley: doesn't have to be political though. he was the doctor under trump and hunter biden. >> his adviser morens was suppressing evidence and emails. >> ainsley: emails show we can teach you how to deleted your emails and text messages. how to avoid foia. >> we want to protect dr. fauci. >> steve: should be quite a dynamic. >> brian: we will be watching. i just wish democrats would join in on the curiosity train. be curious. you do not own anthony fauci. be curious about the pandemic. >> lawrence: their kids were affected too. >> brian: i thought so. >> investigation not dogma. >> ainsley: thank you so much. former president trump reacting to his conviction in a "fox & friends weekend" exclusive interview. >> fighting for the constitution. fight for freedom.
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you fight for your country. did i absolutely nothing wrong. >> ainsley: the verdict effecting america's brand on the world stage. >> brian: i will take it from here, ainsley. will, rachel and pete sat down with the former president but they are standing in our studio which is their studio. again on saturday. we're going to see. ♪ still be counting stars ♪
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plus, ask how to get up to an $800 prepaid card. call today! >> i call it the party of common sense. who wants an open border where millions of people are coming into our border. millions and millions. not just from south america. they are coming in from africa. from the middle east, from europe. all over the world. we are going to be paying for this nor a long time. i'm going to do the big deportation. the biggest ever. highway hour did the biggest. this will be bigger. but it's a very tough thing. what they have done to our country is unthinkable. that they could do this. and so many other things. i mean, like, you go to new york. the kids can't have little league games no more. it sounds so trivial, right? >> rachel: why? >> because the migrants are living in the fields in tents. unless you want to play around the tents it's a little bit tough. it's a little bit tough to play.
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>> steve: you got former president trump donald trump his plan to fix the border crisis. buddies at "fox & friends weekend." >> ainsley: what great get. congratulations, guys. comes a the white house set to unveil sweeping actions as we learn 500 million illegal immigrants crossed the southwest before since biden took office. >> brian: joining us for wide ranging interview at least that's what they agreed to preinterview. pete hegseth playing wide left. in the center square is rachel campos-duffy one woman and three names. and next to me will cain. when you got dressed you were just in your underwear and muscle t-shirt and you still chose to wear the same suit. >> will: we looked at each other let's dress like brian. >> brian: sorry, guys. >> lawrence: no inspiration. >> ainsley: congratulations what was his spirits like he had just been convicted and the verdict came down on friday -- friday?
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thursday. you all got the interview on saturday. >> pete: he mentioned he played 27 homes and nine birdies. amazing how within himself and stoic he was in that moment but also in good nature. he realized what had just happened. he realized the way in which it had been rigged against him and don't to say hey, i'm going to keep fighting. amazing his disposition was as good as it is. >> rachel: golf in the morning, fundraiser, 90 minute interview with us. then he did another fundraiser and then he went to the ufc fight -- i keep saying tournament. fight. and then that was at 9:30 p.m. this guy is irrepress cybil. his energy and his spirits were very high. i think that's remarkable considering that the questions stirring around him which are, you know, pete asked itry going to be in jail? are you going to be in house arrest? these are the kind of questions that venezuelaings and cubans ask about the opposition candidate. >> it's crazy. >> lawrence: i mentioned y'all
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yesterday. he stays on message. you guys were able to get new stuff from him though is he going to go after the democrats like they went after him? y'all pressed him on policy of when it comes to the ukraine because a lot of people he is not answering that question. he told y'all why he is not answering that question. how is he going to do that deal between putin and zelenskyy. will? >> will: you are referencing two of my favorite parts. bumped in talking about illegal immigration. we asked him okay. but, can you actually deport all of the illegal immigrants in the country and county public stomach the visuals of what those deportations would look like he? said that's great point because it's going to be very tough. they are going to put that on television. >> steve: going to be big. >> will: still going after deportations lawrence lawrence, he also said i don't know. i don't know. in the past he weaponize the doj. what am i supposed to do and how it's used against me. i followed up. tough question. to be honest with you i don't
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know what i'm going to do should i be elected put of the united states and how i will use the doj. >> brian: go back to rocky 2. when aid critical condition was coming out of a coma, she looked at rocky and said what should i do? win. just like adrian ended up i don't want to give it away but he does win the fight. but just like he has got to win first. and then i will think he will look. >> rachel: did reference the ufc fighters he was going to see later that night. and he said you know, they go in they hate each other and come out after the win and they are friends. and he said that's what i thought it was going to be like after i won. but it wasn't. that's why he said to will, i don't know what it's going to be like now because of what they did to me. i think a lot of his supporters want to fight fire with fire because they feel like that's the only way this will end because playing nice obviously doesn't work. >> steve: the big win is the first tuesday in november and we're talking about who is going to win the presidency. of course, it really hinges for all of us on the economy. and how are we going to get, you
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know, ahead from where we are right now under joe biden's administration and here's what he told you guys about just that. >> we're $34 trillion in debt. we have printed money we don't have. it's led to massive inflation. how do you change that and turn that around average americans out there who are struggling every single day worse and worse under joe biden's economy. >> we were doing great. we were energy independent. we were soon going to be energy dominant. i didn't want the russian line to be built very simple i wanted to supply them with energy. the whole thing we are going to make a fortune. we have more liquid gold than any country in the world including saudi arabia and including -- and then diane war in alaska, which is the biggest find as big as saudi arabia. some people say it's bigger the first department of interior. the person in charge crossed it in her first day in office. ronald reagan tried to get it.
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he couldn't get it. everybody tried to get it, bush. i got it, and they closed it up. i'm going to reinstitute it very quickly. it will happen very fast. but think of it we were rocking and rolling and energy independent. soon double the size. we were in third place and even beyond that and then gee like this. we were going to be energy dominant. we were doing things we were starting to rock and roll. we had the greatest economy ever. >> steve: the thing is he has a plan which would appeal to a lot of people. right now what is working is not that plan. >> pete: absolutely. >> steve: joe biden's plan stinking up. >> pete: kept going back to common sense. a theme he has hit a lot.
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can you talk about conservatism and people don't think in those terms. they think in terms of common sense. do i have the income that i need meet the expenses that i have. is the border secure? i do support the cops he? talked about why are you transing the kids? our military strong? he kept going back to that we pressed on the legal questions a lot. he answered those questions and also moved a lot oftentimes over to policy, bread and butter policy issues. >> will: they both asked. rachel and pete it's easy to say you will cut what will you cut? he said the department of education, department of interior, he talked about specifics. on the hardest thing to do in government which is reduce government. >> ainsley: something maybe people haven't thought about. how does this effect our reputation in other places? this is what kevin o'leary had to say. >> it really dominated the conversation, institutional meetings asking what is this? is that really america? because we don't -- g 20
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country, g-7 countries, you usually do not do this to former leadership because you are protecting the sovereign brand, think about the big picture. and what america means the rest of the world. it's the largest economy on earth. everybody should ask themselves do we want to belittle someone that was in the white house, make him pick up garbage on the street or jail him? i mean, this is the american brand we are talking about. >> lawrence: guys, such a good point. especially when you look at some of the stuff other politicians have done and democrats saying oh, it's about the rule of law. okay, they were okay with him teddy kennedy drown ago woman in the pool and then covering it up. >> ainsley: right. >> lawrence: what is the difference now with donald trump being in office? >> rachel: i really love when kevin o'leary came on and talked to us yesterday about that. he sees it as a marketer and america as a business much like the president does that our brand is damaged. i can tell you very clearly in latin america that is true. latin america take venezuela for example, the last person to run the mayor of caracas was put on
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house arrest for insurrection. there was another woman who was going to run and she couldn't run because they made it negligible. everyone knows what happens to bowl sonar row. making it impossible to vote putting in jail is very common in other countries unheard of in our country. >> brian: new york is damaged, too. >> rachel: a lot of hispanic americans are horrified by what they see because they left functional corrupt countries to come here though thought nothing like that could happen. it's happening. the way donald trump is taking this is very well. i think a lot of other people would be this interview which we are all very proud of is getting picked up in a lot of other places as well. donald trump said i didn't really say lock hillary clinton up. what they're miss something a much larger point that was being
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made and it is reflective of the brand of america. that is that he didn't lock up hillary clinton. >> lawrence: didn't even try. >> will: didn't even try to lock up hillary clinton. and talk about in a moment where they did in effect try to lock up donald trump. >> brian: running against him brought that up you didn't follow through and lock up hillary clinton. meanwhile you guys are coming back next hour. right? >> pete: i think so. >> brian: pete sticks around he has a brand new book out tomorrow talking about woke military which donald trump addressed as well. >> you can't have woke military. you need people that want to win. they want to win wars.
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not woke in the military. woke at the top. i would fire them. you can't have woke military. you said it's so great. you need people that want to win. they want to win wars. that's what their purpose is to win wars. not to be woke but we do have great military. >> ainsley: former president trump sounding off on wokeness inside the military. it is a topic our next guest wrote about in his brand new book which is out tomorrow it's called the "the war on warriors" we are back with pete let seg. >> pete: ainsley. >> ainsley: congratulations on your new book. >> pete: thank you very much. a commander-in-chief needs to be focused on winning the wars we fight that means installing leadership at the pentagon who are laser focused on that the incentive for generals under the biden administration and the obama administration was to conform to ideologies of leftist politicians who are ramming stuff into the pentagon that has nothing to do with winning wars. what is your gender? what is your race?
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dee, crt, are we driving electric tanks? are we saying the climate with the military? none of that is important to the men and women who i served with. we were focused on succeeds in the mission we were given. the pentagon likes to say our diversity is our strength. what a bunch of garbage in our military our diversity is not our strength. our uni unity is our strength. we need a commander-in-chief who stands that getting woke out will go a long way to making sure we are top in the world. >> ainsley: you wanted to talk about the post over the weekend over the -- this is the post they posted a unit of the navy seals, right? >> pete: navy special warfare command put that out yesterday. you will see that on almost -- go to an army website, navy website, air force website at some point in june you will see this. the issue -- that is what it is. those are not the colors i care about. the colors i care about are red, white, and blue. we all wore green together we all bled red together. who we slept with is not the
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issue. what the issue is how good are you at your job? and are you being promoted because you're the best rifle man or you are the best pilot or the best tank commander? not are you the first this or are you the first that. and that's the story i tell time and time again. this is not just my opinion, ainsley. i talk to dozens and dozens of actively serving men and women. junior enlisted, high ranking officers. they all said the same thing we are walking on egg shells. there is no accountability. the standards are being lowered. slowly eroded to conform to woke marxist ideologies that democrat politicians have pushed into the pentagon. pentagon should be the biggest a meritocracy in the world instead it's a social experiment right now. >> ainsley: in chapter 6 you tell a story you never shared. i have never heard you talk about this on fox the title of the chapter "the army thinks the enemy is pete." why do you say that? >> pete: it's a story before. i found out the debts.
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i was in the national guard under president biden i served under bush obama and trump and guard the inauguration and d.c. guard. long story. get it in chapter 6 of this book. ultimately members of my unit in leadership deemed i was an extremist or a white nationalist because i have a tattoo i have which is a religious tattoo. a jerusalem cross. everybody can look it up. it was used as a premise to revoke my orders to guard the inauguration. >> ainsley: is it really about a toot too? >> pete: was it because i'm a trump supporter or because patriot extremist. fox news, they said it was a tattoo. ains gains they were a threat you were just going to stand there? >> pete: part of the purge we have seen vaccine mandates. the gadsden flag don't tread on me can't have that on military folks. don't tread on me not aloud patriot extremists. they filtered out people they think are of the wrong ideology. not everybody, there is a lot of
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great people still serving. the last chapter book and i will wrap a letter to my sons that's the central question do i want my kids to serve? it this is a family business in many ways we need patriots serve going we are going to preserve our military. >> ainsley: what's the answer? >> pete: you got to read the book. the answer is i would like them to serve here is why and what needs to change. >> ainsley: thank you so much. >> pete: thank you, ainsley. >> ainsley: you are very specific about when colleges you will pay for. >> pete: really small amount. i don't want west point and annapolis to be woke either because a lot of this stuff is prepped into our military academy. all of it is in the book. >> ainsley: congratulations, pete. we love you here. everywhere i go what is pete really like? he is amazing. is he warrior. he is a patriot and he is an author. pick up his book comes out tomorrow the war on warriors. congratulations. the foul on the court the wnba just took action on this shoulder shot against caitlin clark. you played basketball, pete, we need to you stick around.
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>> 12 points off the bench and big time contact afterwards.
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>> lawrence: so the wnba is upgrading chicago sky guard kennedy carter's foul against caitlin clark after she knocked clark to the ground. the league officials have had enough. indiana fever's g.m. land dunn posting there is a difference between tough defense and unnecessary targeting action. it needs to stop. former college basketball coach and outkick host dan joins us now. i want to play this sound from the indiana coach and get to you react to that. let's watch. >> we're just going to keep sending these possessions to the league and these plays and hopefully they will start, you know, taking a better look at some of the things happening or we think is happening. just more happy that kaitlin handled it the way she did. it's tough, you know, to keep getting hammered the way she does and to got get rewarded with free throws or just a foul called. >> lawrence: is this how we
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treat super stars when they come into the league normally or is there something that different when it comes to caitlin clark? >> yeah. lawrence, thanks for having me. i think superstars coming into the league going to the rim. i think super stars blocking out, maybe get an extra shot. but i got to tell you, i have never seen someone take a full run with a ball out of bound and knock a superstar out of bounds. i just haven't seen it. and lynn dunn the general manager of the fever is a friend of mine. she comes on my indy show every week. she said last week this has been going on and on and on and they have sent clips to the league, to no avail. nothing has been done. and i think now you will see something being done because, lawrence, anybody that's played basketball understands hard fouls. we all understand it. that's part of it. indoctrination, amen you are a rookie coming in here. we will give you a little extra. but not that and there has been elbows, there has been after punches and lynn has talked
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about this for weeks. and now they are finally fed up and going public with it and they probably should protect caitlin clark. >> lawrence: dan, i'm conflicted here i do acknowledge i see what is being done here but does caitlin clark take this moment and make this a moment for her? i mean she is obviously bringing -- she can't complain about it because she is a star. she is new to the league. does she bring -- she is bringing more eyeballs to the game. does she take this moment and capitalize on it and if you agree with that, how does she do that? >> well, i think she has handled everything the same way, lawrence. she has never reacted. i mean, you know, truthfully, she has had more thrust upon her if you think about me or me as college kids, she has had the limelight thrust upon her and she has never reacted. that's the way she is doing it. we will see going forward. she is handling it the same way she always has. she just doesn't react to it. >> lawrence: great thing about it we are all talking about it. >> that's exactly right.
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>> lawrence: talking about the wnba and it's been a long time since that happened. these a win for all the players in the entire league. thanks, brother. former president trump more of his interview with a "fox & friends weekend" exclusive that's coming up on "fox & friends." ♪ remember space? and legroom? (♪) that's more like it. the three-row lexus tx. (♪) when your gut is out of balance, your body gives you signs. so if you're frustrated with occasional bloating... ♪ [stomach noises] gas... or abdominal discomfort... help stop the frustration and start taking align every day. align probiotic was specifically designed
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