tv Gutfeld FOX News June 3, 2024 7:00pm-8:00pm PDT
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>> ♪ ♪ >> sean: programming no don't forget the fourth and final episode of my new special -- out now on fox you don't want to miss it remember forget to please set your dvr certainly you never ever ever missed an episode of "hannity." in the meantime, let not your heart be troubled, greg gutfeld stan butler put a smile on your face. have a great night. [applause] >> ♪ ♪
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>> ♪ ♪ >> greg: yes! yes! i agree! i agree! stop it! happy monday, everyone. today jury selection began at hunter biden's glenmore trail and as a welcoming gift of those selected were given if we dined back. [laughter] to make sure it's a jury of his peers we're looking for people were given phony jobs in ukraine, smoke crack in a sensory deprivation tank, had sex with another family member's wife while impregnating a stripper. safari found one. possible witnesses include boulevard and's widow, callie biden, hunter biden's ex-wife kathleen and the gun store clerk in delaware. or as hunter calls it, his dream for some. [laughter] like colors no picture for that guy. over the weekend president biden what seems likely with
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hunter in delaware. as part of his new workout program called "not dying." [laughter] thank you. i had to work hard to get one out of you. [laughter] i wonder if they're going to like these. mexico is officially elected the first ever female president. [applause] i know. yeah, like you care. [laughter] "all finally a woman. you go, girl." shut up. her name is claudia shei sheinbaum. that's right. claudia sheinbaum. you know, of the tijuana sheinbaum. you should -- the gefilte fish tacos. with her first order of business as president can get her daughter to marry a doctor.
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[laughter] [laughter] i don't care if you don't like it! if i did i would be miserable! during his testimony under u.s. covert response in origins, anthony fauci sent the claims of his influence on the cia lab analysis are a conspiracy and it makes him sound like jason bourne. but look, man, no one is confusing fauci with jason bourne. one is a person that kills people with government backing and the other is matt damon. [laughter] [applause] .gov. over the weekend, pro hamas protesters clashed with a gave pride parade in philadelphia despite their differences they both united and their love of suspicious packages. [laughter]
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and the official facebook page for the u.s. navy seals was marked for marking the start of pride months. but to commemorate the month with every compound rate in terrorist gets if he -- free makeover. [laughter] i don't like -- don't like that one, ha? so the saga of donald j. trump continues. really what did we talk about before him? aside from me, of course. it's a shame we only have an hour. but have you noticed the reaction to the trenton conviction? is more muted than my tv during jesse's show. [laughter] of course, there's the usual not cases where anything related to tran ten is cause for incontinence. >> my reaction was i was in costco buying ten boxes of cure coffee and my watch started to buzz and i got so excited i started leaking a little bit. [laughter] [crowd groans]
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>> greg: so jay -- joy behar wraps herself in costco and for the first time it was an overnight free samples of chocolate covered lard nuggets. [laughter] but aside from joy and from some has-been actors where is all the noise? no one is dancing in the streets? weeping or peeing with joy. the truth is even someone would have to admit this prosecution wasn't justice. some recognize we were going to far even before the verdict. it's like when you're in a fight with your spouse and you make it casual comment about her meatloaf and realize oh [bleep], i'm in for it. and their right. the critic resulted in a bump in trenton's pulling in a massive 200 million-dollar bump in donations. 200 million. [cheering and applause] i know. 200 million?
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that's more than i make a year. [laughter] it even crash trenton's relations that something i have not seen since i started that i cite to ban brand kill me from public parts. [laughter] i have a dog if you want to -- between trump and biden. one is facing a sentence, the other can't complete one. [laughter] [applause] so -- thank you. so how does trump do it? does he turn a conviction in
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to an electoral win for all? hobbies and his adversaries energy in the power? i'd call it the eternal cliffhanger be. when trump -- with trump, when an -- one act finish it it sparks an equally thrilling next one. he's like the orange harry potter. [laughter] and what traits the cliffhangers are those obsessed with taking him do down. it's a perpetual motion machine. their attacks can't help but set the stage for what will he do next, and what he does next race than another cause for attack. you think you killed him. no father he is in the next chapter two raising applause. >> boy the round of applause he's getting right now is pretty staggering. and you have to imagine that's always going to hap
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happen. >> greg: what a contrast. trump gets a hero welcome from the ufc while joe goes unnoticed at kfc. [laughter] and what you notice about that ufc crowd? while they're young c. male, healthy, and get this alive. everything the white house hates or lacks. that's why when democrats s say, "but trump is a convicted felon," the restaurant in unison say, "so?" meanwhile the hollywood commode is in full panic mode. check out this headline from the wrap y. higher root -- hollywood is too exhausted and scared to enjoy trump's conviction." and that's because despite the verdict they feel like trump will still end up president anyway because his base is now beyond fired up. they realize they're like a guy who got a lucky punch in. and the guy that hit was incredible hulk's orange twin brother. and is not just hollywood who realizes this. minnesota congressman dave phillips called on new york
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governor kathy hogle to pardon trump and out of kindness. phillips argued that trump's guilty vertical only energize republican voters ahead of the election. any says that knowing that there's no equally compelling way to energize democratic voters aside from demonizing trump. and how is that working for you? trenton is on fire and biden has a wet brain. lives in the media are also noticing that dems are not just about despite that they started. writer brian mueller slams the week response citing that the biden campaign has no plans to run tv adds about the verdict. can you blame them? with you run atv at about how you plan to -- totally backfired and actually help the other guy? a convicted felon just lupus -- like it was you same boat versus stephen hawking. [laughter] and you had a motor.
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you can see the deflation everywhere meanwhile trump is everywhere. in america is dallas, trump is gr. what would he have without him? the same business as usual bull [bleep] programming which does nothing but like you. it is one response to the verdict is so tame. they are terrified. anticipating trump's next move. and your next move as well. is another clicks -- the hammer of their own making in there at the edge of their seats kept keeping their heads down, mouse shot and scared [bleep] less. my prediction the next time joy behar is standing in costco... [laughter] it won't just be pets running down her leg. [applause] >> announcer: let's welcome tonight's guess! >> greg: his books made me regret learning how to read. because of one nation and cohost of "fox and friends," brand kill me.
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[cheering and applause] he has a beard but didn't marry one. course of the room and report can dave rubin. he performs a hospital so patients look forward to the. comedian captain adam hunter! [cheering and applause] and she believes in the right to bear arms very skinny arms. new york times best selling author and fox's conservator, kat timpf. [cheering and applause] >> greg: brian you're wrong on everything. [laughter] so can you give us your opinion on trump's chance after this verdict and i'll assume the opposite to be true. >> okay. first off i with his writers before and they told me you were very nice to me, he rewrote all the questions so we'd go back to the same format. but i'll answer your ques question. ufc first of there's not one place in america -- and i mean this -- that joe biden
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can get 18,000 people to form. is not one person america that you can get 1000 -- 100,000 people to sign up and 40-degree! has to be intimidating your mark you can't keep the people that show up for trump and bill moore who sat in the seat and i didn't mind renting to him came out and said you have to stop putting down trump supporters. the men that like going from. and at some point you just need some smelling salts because 18,000 people i was there today before and almost for the way in because it didn't -- to interview dana white on saturday which i'm sure he'll be watching it a night at the clock on one nation -- the holy -- you think trump is going -- you think -- so it's not working. everything they're doing is not working and it's got to be frustrating and now we have people saying over and over again it looks like joe biden is going to lose. at the same time no one can say for sure if donald trump will be in prison or not. how crazy is the world we are
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living in? 's before you know what screen being that a guy who shows up for away in -- [laughter] i go to the local high school for that. i can get arrested! >> and the man insurance. >> yes. >> so what am i doing? 's before i don't know. so dave, how do you think this verdict will affect the election. do you think this influences the undecideds at all? >> i will answer the question but can we talk about joy behar looking smug looking for a moment? >> greg: yes! by all means be what i can go to costco anymore so where do people by toilet paper invoke besides costco and if you would've thought -- everything being equal which member of "w." was leaking i think everyone would've said will be. >> she goes to commercials for poise whether they put him in wacky
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on the moon whatever they try to do with him at this point, he is going to win and i would say win by a landslide. they will put -- but we need orange man back because the other guy, something eight rights before the reason why i think you seriously and not kilmeade. >> thank you. >> hear me out. on the first shield, he predicted this sure would be number 1 and i was, like, -- you had the same signature know that you do then. that's three key. >> it was the first episode of the "gutfeld!," with the excavation point show which still doesn't work for me but good for you that thanks are happening in it pannek that another you something it -- i printed it about a year before the sentence one is raised i was backstage with him and if we did together and he said he thought he was going to end his relation by two-point and i said you were going to invite 20-point and he won by 20 points. so... [applause] >> greg: you are. >> i got a track record! >> greg: you're like a letter clad nostradamus.
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[laughter] noticed hardin as a gay nostradamus? an evolving. adam, wait to see you -- >> he's not wearing leather. >> greg: i'm not wearing leather! i don't know where later. >> i think that you can see. >> greg: at mic woke up. >> yes thank you. [laughter] >> greg: i haven't spoken to you whatever they already think that what you think about whole thing? >> i think if trump goes to jail it would be records versus diapers. it will be alcatraz was a thousand dimers. but for several out of the ufc and i love that that support him. i used to work for the ufc got the hang me to ruth's fighters which is not a very safe job. bullfighters got mad. condos was the most powerful black have a weight since lizzo -- [laughter] but he got a standing ovation in new jersey which, like, that states is more blue than things harry's testicles, you know? [laughter] and they love them there and i just think people get
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better. didn't miss my people to like the trial, internet like the fact that trump had asked the gag order and stormy got a no gag reflex order. [applause] >> greg: he still got it! >> still got it. >> and i just think, you know, it got really immature, like, trump called stormy horse faced and -- and he asked if she was mad and she said. [laughter] that's what i got. >> greg: so that trump -- what does it say that trump -- trump is a popular and think that it is a matter of hours? weren't we supposed to be against tiktok? >> i feel like you say we a lot but... [laughter] because he's interesting to watch, i think people want to know what that is going to look like. and i think that all the stuff about, you know, hollywood is too exhausted and scared -- i think that there really make it more complicated about why people
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aren't slowly salivating this. i think it's quite honestly because in order to do that they would have to be able to explain it. >> greg: right. >> if you like the average person you'd be like okay okay -- what did he do and why was that so bad? thirty-four felonies for, like, someone on his team during a miss label? >> greg: yes. >> people are basically saying the same thing about why they like another person are this comment or -- but the specific thing, there is no victim they can parade around on tv -- you know, oh finally justice for who? for a label maker? >> michael cohen? >> was a perjurer, right, so it's really i think -- what did he do wrong, why was it so bad -- anything else -- i don't think they could. >> greg: this is why they keep saying, like, no one is above the law. they can never points to the victim they go, "this is proof, no one is above the law." well what happened?
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they go i. don't know." [laughter] >> it just hit me. i can get toilet paper at target. that's what i'm going to do. [laughter] >> greg: you know, he's only here because of pride. up next, that covid control speak who won't admit the lab leak! >> announcer: if you'll be in the new york area and would like free tickets to go see "gutfeld!" go to and click on the link to join our studio audience. upset stomach iberogast indigestion iberogast
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>> early in 5000 people were dying at a, yes. >> church closures. >> same thing. >> call -- school closures. >> again. >> the top people at facebook at -- asking why -- downplayed the lab leak theory -- what i have to do with me? >> i'm asking you because you are the expert on the coronavirus i'm asking -- >> why was the administration so pushing to have the lab leak theory -- >> i can't answer that, i kept an open mind throughout the -- >> you kept an open mind -- >> the american people deserve to be abused like that, mr cohen come because you're not there >> greg: and ouchi for fauci. [applause] all right, rubin. and not crazy about that kind
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of theatrics that because i think this is -- he should go to jail right. what did you make a lot of basically saying he had an open mind? he did not have an open mind about the lab leak. >> fauci had lied about everything from the beginning. admitted that 6 feet social distancing with this kind of made up. he told friends two months into covid that masks don't work. he claimed he had nothing to do with school closures. we can go on and on. that another part of the testimony where he says that he blamed due to two -- 3000 covid that's on podcast there's for spreading misinformation about vaccines. i would like to say as unvaccinated podcast or -- twenties my words carefully here, anthony apology can go bpp himself. [cheering and applause] >> how was that, that was good for fox, right? >> laura: >> greg: know was good.
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[laughter] -- of these ever apologetic in fact about the 6 feet apart which became 6 feet under for a lot of people got the kids masking, separate -- closing schools and stores. but blm remained open. >> i mean, the rules were so dumb. i coach wrestling -- >> greg: i bet you do. [laughter] >> and the kids can have a wrestling mask -- matches but at the end he couldn't shake hands. [laughter] i'm not kidding. it's, like, i can teabag you but i can't touch afterwards. [laughter] happy pride i didn't know -- we can sleep in different rooms i called -- how can we prolong this? [laughter] but, you know, i knew something was up people were getting rich because they kept trying -- it wasn't just a vaccine, they were giving out certain things with a vaccine permit in maine they were giving you a fishing
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license if you got a vaccine. in seattle never give you marijuana. in arkansas they were giving you tease. [laughter] >> greg: i was wondering what she would be the third thing and with -- what insult would go with it. >> your sport. [laughter] >> greg: i was going to nevada they gave you a hoo hooker. because it's legal there are people. so, kat, what did you make of the hearing? i watched it in the elevator. >> you you are. you were just riding the elevator all day. >> greg: yes, i was. >> you know, i don't think that anything could ever be truly satisfying to be clear, like, you hasn't even tried. he still ahead the same smug attitude that he had the entire time at -- people are dying -- is the still -- you don't hear the people died. i'm the only one who carried the people down and listen to me. and it's just, like, when he didn't really know what he was talking about the whole time to so confidently get on tv while people's livelihoods were crumbling and why people
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had, like, loved ones they can say goodbye to before they died which by the way means you're dead forever. how can you get on tv and be smug knowing that your -- that you are largely if not almost entirely responsible for this when you don't even really know that you even know what you're talking about. i don't know what can be wrong with a person to -- and also that the hearings are always, like, is always about the theatrics too. is an of theatrics with politicians where it's neither some real issues he here, almost a theatric off all the time. but i just -- are not over covid. not over the fact that they made peace is illegal and i had a good. i had a job, i have no kids okay i had it good, nobody that i knew died and i'm still, like, how are they able to do that and we just haven't moved, like, were just like okay well will not going -- was just move on. i'm never going to move on. >> greg: we don't even have movies about and being made the way we made movies about the china syndrome, nuclear power or any kind of disaster
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and you're right it's, like, i mean when you think about what's happening what haven't you psychologically walking by people and over there to close the bike that broke out the people -- relatives that died from other diseases during this time. it and saying. bryan yu or wearing a mask well before the pandemic no one will because of your halitosis issues and you were a hero. but do you feel like you were lied to by fauci? >> personally -- first off your fax around. added a tribute to michael jackson and when he was -- two in the morning when there was two children i said the immigrant parents. i watch which mccormick from the congressman who is a doctor today. he was in rage. he makes us feel -- sound calm. he was -- you see the veins popping out of his head because he was marginalized and was really cool because he's an eminent fauci said is
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wrong and he pointed to a book on tape 40's alt -- on voice seeing how he wanted to get big corporations like amazon, facebook and on others to say, yeah, he want to work at these places? gogama go get a vaccine. twenty going to university? go get a vaccine or user job and you're out of school and he was defined in saying in and brought back all those memories are people we don't like that we don't trust were actually running our lives and when they were on -- unmasked but intended they never apologized and had any sense of contrition or community. is unbelievable that this guy still doesn't understand that he is a villain in all of this. you think he's modern any -- everybody. match point on the back to earth they caught his twenty-year advisor saying we have a back door to anthony fauci with all this information when asked about this guy in the back door he goes you work with them for 20 years he goes you have no idea what he means. what you mean -- is rod binder he goes up and down -- they never invite me. so he thinks he got over it
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that any clear thinking person said -- we still don't know how the story and i think i made your show better just now. [laughter] >> greg: oh. [cheering and applause] >> greg: the audience has spoken. >> but bear with me on this panel. >> greg: yeah. is a panel in his van. >> the halitosis is totally cleared out. >> thank you. >> greg: you're welcome. up next day no one joe's david hearn and their excuse absurd. [applause] i still love to surf, snowboard,
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[applause] >> greg: thank you. thank you. democrats refer you don't hear biden wobbling to her. in recent court filing the justice department strongly opposing the release of a audio from president biden's interviewed special council robert her. setting concerns about potential aia manipulation remember this with the same
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interview which revealed biden's diminishment for competence and what the reason for not recommending criminal charges. in their effort to withhold the recording from the public and the doj or those contend that the original audio falls under executive privilege and releasing it could hinder future investigations. my decision and pulled up in court as deepfake can be made from any audio of biden's voice. then again, allows only thing when it involves going after biden -- trump from a conscript -- casket on the conversation is already public but house republicans believe they may have been cleaned up from what joe actually said. which is only for biden's that the medically that what joe said... [laughter] then what he did in the oval office rug. so while the audience -- the audio has not been made public it turns out joe actually recorded himself during the infamous interview and we got our hands on it. >> as many questions.
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the fbi knows -- >> fbi >> i was professor at university of pennsylvania -- >> get out of my face. was president during covid -- sorry, vise covid. >> ♪ ♪ >> orange man bad. see the veins in my neck. [screaming] remember what like it was yesterday. i was there. remember like smuggling the crack of dawn. [applause] >> that is frightening. >> adam. do you see any validity to this argument at all? >> know. i mean that i see what they're going with because the less he speaks the better he does okay his campaign manager is a pretty extremist dad. [laughter] >> greg: nice. >> but i mean -- donald trump
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is the biggest threat to america is what he said right beside -- right behind stairs. [laughter] but he keeps making stuff up, like, you said that was his one -- -- is other uncle got a purple heart covenant have been waiting for his next uncle to be a bit of rice named ben. that one wasn't as good. [laughter] i knew it and i was saying i it. >> greg: you know what got you joke off -- jumped off the cliff and that's where you're a comedian. >> greg: kat, your legal scholar of diet orders. >> a lot of people don't know that. >> greg: congratulations -- spee left -- [applause] i don't know why dean started lapping. >> greg: thanks mack mack what you -- >> under any circumstances it would be very strange and i think unfair. i think most things should be classified and more things we should be allowed to see more
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things. but with this in particular i'm also confused because considering the things of him that we do see... [laughter] >> greg: what could possibly like my. >> what could possibly be happening in easteps because when we do seems big and not, like, there's a man i'm confident and you know what i mean? so what is happening on these tapes. >> wouldn't it be great if it is just >> greg: brian don't you wish you can -- they can edit talking frankly wouldn't look so idiotic? [laughter] >> greg: don't turn on me! >> i'm doing it for you. >> i'm this thing called likable. so you wouldn't know what that's like. [laughter] >> greg: i think i was voted more trustworthy than you were. >> by who? >> greg: by the hollywood reporter. >> i don't think so. [laughter] so listening -- if you are can -- watching a hearing i
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want to call an afternoon are yet to be of it. actually read the transcript and he sounds insane in the transcript. robert her is desperate to get -- he was thinking very much, sir, but can you please -- and he just would ramp smacked my sense is that they cleaned up the transcript remarkably and they going to worry about everything they've ever done. cannot let this out. you cannot let this out. i think it is unbelievably marked up and it still reads like a guy that lost his he head. >> you think he [inaudible] during it? [laughter] >> that something that i'm -- >> greg: i want to talk in a transcript for sure. >> it goes -- [laughter] >> as for whether he bleakly himself depends -- beat bleep himself, the pants. [applause]
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survives assaults from the haters. a verge of the day comes across from something called a wma. never heard of it where the megastar caitlin clark question or by some no name player on saturday as bad as it it is not the greatest crime of all which is making us talk about the wnba. role in! >> kennedy carter now with 12 points on the bench. and big-time contact afterwards. >> greg: that kennedy carter now clear that push caitlin premature fees to answer postgame questions about it and reportedly even likes x posts that suggest she do it again. wba -- leading us to believe there are not watching the games either. [laughter] kat... [applause] kat i don't want to say something sexist. >> that's not true. >> greg: i do. [laughter] but these were already -- me
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all jealous and [bleep]? [laughter] >> you made it worse by talking like that. [laughter] >> i don't even know what i was talking like, like, i'm not a big sports -- >> greg: thing. >> yes but -- she did not have the ball. >> greg: she didn't have the ball. there was no place. >> so i thought theirs was to be more concerned about the one who has the ball. nothing was off -- is that a fare assessment. >> greg: you're absolutely right. >> i can work in espn. >> greg: -- she did not have the ball. this other one does have the ball. the team is without the one -- to win. [laughter] the one who had -- gets the most points will win. they're going to want to win. [laughter] >> greg: stop. brian. you coach soccer. that i help you with discussing sports? >> yeah. okay this as long as you know
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me i stood for what? and that is one -- and using the that is returning america pretty privileged that's what they're saying, because she's everybody resent her because she's so much -- everyone resent her and there's no doubt about it that is true. >> about >> greg: -- mark. >> i think that the right thing placed -- and tried smartly says no. this is about being great coming in the league and earning your time demek no michael -- will chamberlin and kareem abdul-jabbar never like shaq and mike the new prisoner comes in. and again this is really at this is great for the league. what else -- went outside the wnba government unusual? never. this is fantastic. bad news sells. >> greg: what do you think that women?
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>> the do that -- was name again? [laughter] >> greg: this is -- i think there's a racial component to it but what do i know? you're right. i'm forming an opinion based on nothing and all. >> indiana needs an enforcer and her boyfriend against remarkably get somebody to stand up on her team almost like hockey. >> greg: know it her team even help -- -- going back that you need to worry about is the one you're filling at the express lane check out. [laughter] >> greg: am i right, guidance? [boos] >> greg: i'm playing a stereotypical man in every shabbat woman comedy. 's backpack. >> kat is just back into him right now. >> i was a saying i wish i could show people at work. >> greg: out i'm -- >> and like you guys actually love the wnba. i think might -- we went to
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ten games last year. >> greg: should have come to you instead. but i think they have a dj and there, like, -- everyone stand until the sparks score there first basket and we stayed for two weeks. [laughter] but i actually do love it although caitlin clark were impressive, i learned more -- way more threes in college. >> happy bride up next navy seals celebrate mennonite heels. >> announcer: if you'll be in the new york area and would like free tickets to go see "gutfeld!," go to and click on the link to join our studio audience. feeling ughh from a backed up gut? ughh. miralax works naturally with the water in your body to help you go. free your gut and your mood will follow. for 8 grams of fiber, try mirafiber gummies.
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7:53 pm
>> five more words. [ applause ] >> greg: navy seals show their pride day today, the special warfare command poster to provide a graphic in honor of pride month, as a gay man or say you say, he have not proved it to me. is this just a virtue signaling or did he think they want to encourage a more diverse group of service members? emphasis on members.
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>> i'm only gay after 10:00 pm. [ laughter ] what time is it brian? >> 9:59 pm. >> 9:59 pm. it's all just pandering because these letters have nothing to do with each other. that letter tra has the l, nobody likes a b., the l and the g. don't like each other. the whole thing is just, it's just a giant -- it's a bad orgy. >> greg: it's an angry alphabet orgy? the only people that get along are the p. and the b. if you know what i mean. [ laughter ] thank you! he had to envision it. brian is there anything your life you can be proud of? besides not being fired? a. >> all over the way the fact that you wrote this down like five hours ago, you could not
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wait to say it. i will say this in america's over it. we don't care who is gay or not. >> greg: are we over the rainbow? [ laughter ] [ cheering and applause ] happy pride month! >> do i get an assist? >> greg: you should get that assists from -- >> in america we don't care what you're doing, we believe when it comes to sports, boys to play with boys and girls should play with the girls. [ applause ] >> greg: we were talking about of this before, this stuff seems very low-key these days. you noticing a lot of companies pulling back on this leib lee. could not as many e-mails every day. >> i gotta be honest i don't know how we're doing the whole segment about a graphic, a post a graphic. >> greg: it's the message. >> i was saying general it, apart from those graphic just in general, go army. [ cheering ] >> greg: i do not see that one
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coming. adam, last word to you, make it a wonderful one. >> it had no caption, if there was a caption under the post, we are behind you, you know? [ laughter ] or we don't pull out. [ laughter ] not afraid to get wet! [ laughter ] >> greg: good, clean fun as i say. >> that day, you'll have five more? come on! you won't see us coming! [ laughter ] [ applause ] >> greg: don't go away, we will be right back. i have ever had. good soil, and you get good results. this soil will blow you away. it's the martha stewart of soil.
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8:00 pm
>> announcer: as stories develop across the world. >> a lot of fast-moving action. >> announcer: get smart inset on the headlines, in the story with martha maccallum, weekdays at three on fox news channel. america is watching it. >> greg: out of time, was studio audience, i love you america! [ applause ] >> trace: good evening entrées gallagher it's 11:00 pm on the east coast, 8:00 in los angeles and
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