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tv   Outnumbered  FOX News  June 4, 2024 9:00am-10:00am PDT

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>> i was from now and just 23 days, from the first presidential debate, president biden is expected to sign an executive order on the border, how convenient he is doing this now after border crossing exploded since he took office. and after he refused to take executive action for months. saying it in the press and stated at the unit next date of the union, and now he has finally prepared to do it. the newly released memo, released this hour, that by the administration explains the move by blaming republicans, and trump for the border crisis. >> kayleigh: hello, everyone this is "outnumbered" i am kayleigh mceany here with harris faulkner and emily compagno, joining us is carley shimkus, and "fox & friends" we can cohosts, pete hegseth. today's executive order will reportedly allow president biden
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to shut down the border and illegal crossings reached a certain height. but republicans are calling the whole thing is a scam. >> president biden is in trouble politically. he is pulling right up there with fungal infections. part of the reason for that is that he gave in to the left wing of his party, and he dissolved the southern border. now, five months before an election, he has to appear to be willing to do something about it, hence this executive order. this is one of the most cynical things that i have ever seen a politician attempt to do five months before an election. it is insulting, it is cheap, it
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is contemptuous. they're making people see that. and i hope, i hope you did too. >> kayleigh: nailed it. why is president biden doing this? let's bring up three points as to why he is doing this, he has flooded this for months, he is doing this now, "new york times" released a poll on april 30th saying that most americans added that immigration was the most important problem facing the united states. that was the longest stretch that the issue had topped the list and a survey of the 24 years history and they go on to say that friday the new polling map showed a depth number two but for a quarter of a century this has to happen but for three months consecutive immigration is the top, pete, i never thought i would see the day that 66% of voters said that immigrants should be rounded up and deported and i never thought
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i would see this, 53% now approved of a border wall, this is why president biden is doing this. >> pete: the timing is all politics. ultimately it's not that a work you look at the nuts and bolts of this policy and what they are trying to avoid is griff jenkins, at the border with crowds of illegals behind them through the summer, that is that that's all this is about because if they actually cared about the border they would've done this at any moment over the course of the last three and a half years. that is simply what basis, kennedy is right it is incredibly but people are smart and they realize what it's about, they won't give him any credit or blame trump, and may fade from the headlines and that's what the white house wants, they wanted to fade from the headlines but they know who is correct and who is incorrect and it's not president biden. >> kayleigh: and what is unbelievable he denied that he had this power, they said that
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congress had to act but let's take a walk down memory lane. >> i would shutdown the border right now and fix it quickly. >> shutting down the border actually happened by itself. >> congress has not come to an agreement yet. >> every day between now and november there american people are going to know that the only reason the border is not secure is trump and his republican friends. >> telling members in congress to show up to help with border security. >> kayleigh: that is pretty bad. >> harris: we are not shocked by this, i kind of want to make a point about numbers because the siphoning, the stealing, the pillaging, that local officials and mainly blue states have done to take away resources from american citizens, to spend them on illegal immigrants, is rapacious.
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and joe biden has put them in this position. and i would say it is going to get worse before it gets better. and it's only going to get better if the president changes, because with this executive order he is going to cut it to 2500 a day encounters that doesn't deal with all of the god always, the millions of people that we know who are still coming in illegally he says encounters, but the main encounters are going to be the one better filing for asylum. once that point a 2500, that is still 909,000 people a year, so if the siphoning of resources for american citizens to benefit illegal immigrants here, is already happening, and on another million. add on another million, with his executive order he is on serious about fixing the problem. >> kayleigh: emily you and i talked a lot about 212f of the immigration act
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>> emily: giving the president power to act and stop the migrants from coming in, that is the authority that we've been talking about for months if they are finally using it's an authority that says yes it was struck down by a federal court in a district level and appellate level but the supreme court upheld the travel restriction based on 212f, the reason i bring this up is because this hour, a memo that the biden administration has given us and doubling down on this legislation and here's what they are saying, legislation is still the only way to permanently adjust border security and immigration reform which is why president biden continues to fight for the bipartisan deal and why today we are calling again on congressional republicans to stop choosing trump and fentanyl traffickers over the border patrol unit and the safety of their constituents, so legislation, the only way to act except we are taking action today. the american public is probably cofounded. >> emily: they are exhausted
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from this wordplay that overrides what is clear and obvious, remember in your interview, harris faulkner, biko johnson said he showed the president ten different methods they can use to stymie the flow across the border we know exacty what can be done in the other exacting point is that we deserve a leader who goes for it. who says this is what i'm going to do because i see a terrible problem that is killing millions of americans and certainly contributing to the suffering of immigrants, some going to go for and let the courts tell me i am wrong we saw that under trump and that administration but with this administration we are subjected to someone who says oh, i can't do that or i'm not sure, that is not what a leader is our commander in chief is in the largest problem i have with this senator kennedy calling it cheap and contemptuous and insulting at the 11th hour to do this, is that the lives that our lives can never be resurrected. so people like bambi larson and melissa powell and her son in
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the millions more of americans who died at the hands of those immigrants who have been deported multiple times who had multiple 13 requests submitted by ice who fled or dissolved into the system here into the country those labs cannot be brought back not to mention the millions of the hands of fentanyl who is seemingly an hour of interest to a legislative body, so that if the collateral damage that is permanent that has generational consequences so this political decision on his part to me does not stick. >> kayleigh: part of it carly, is the reason he took so long is that he did not want to anger at the far left, their anger and for a number of reasons and it's interesting that we are able to report on this, this only applies during times of high encounters only between ports of entry. this does not apply to children or ban people based on religion with by the way they never banned people based on religion,
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it happened to be some muslim majority countries that was not a religion that it was a country that some appointments, they are couching this in such a way to can keep the far left but when back independence. >> carley: it is our political life to that point i was laughing earlier today thinking back to the 2020 democratic presidential debate. when all the candidates were asked if the health care include undocumented immigrants and everyone's hand shot up from eric to joe biden, and then they got a huge applause and because of that ever was that answering the question in both spanish and english. i bring this up because during a presidential election cycle, political pandering knows no end. so that was then, three and a half years later all of the things that joe biden thought would be popular, did not come out with absolutely were not. so from his hand shooting up saying he would include undocumented immigrants to health care policy to this
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executive action today which is political pandering at its finest once again what is really happening with joe biden is he is entering territory where he is not taking either side so to your point, when you don't take any site you annoy everybody in the immigration advocates, his face that he is trying to cater they're going to hate this and everybody else is going to see if or what it is. >> kayleigh: never forget he ripped up 84 -- thank you for finding a pen mr. president. also developing this i will a historic trial of hunter biden, the prosecution is just call in the first witness in the first criminal trial of the sitting president son, we will bring you a live report coming up next. with 4 powerful pain-fighting ingredients that start working on contact to target tough pain at the source. for up to 8 hours of powerful relief. new advil targeted relief. did you ever worry we wouldn't get to enjoy this?
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>> the prosecution has just called the first witness in hunter biden's historic delaware gun trial, fbi special agent is on the stand, she was assigned to investigate hunter in the fall of 2023, earlier today both sides made their opening statements. prosecutors began by saying this, nobody is above the law. it doesn't matter who you are, or what your name is. hunter biden is facing three felony counts related to lying on a federal gun form back in 2018 but the defense claimed that hunter biden did not knowingly lie, if convicted the first son could face up to 25 years behind bars. with that let's go to our correspondent live outside with more details. >> good afternoon, you have to prosecution now presenting its case and as you mentioned fbi special agent is the first witness of the prosecution who was playing a lot of excerpts from hunter biden's audiobook
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where he discusses his judge he is trying to build that pace and went hunter biden filled out the form back in 2018 to purchase a gun, that he relied on it and said that he was not a drug user when in fact he was. this all comes after the opening statements this morning from the prosecution's defense and they said that hunter biden was absolutely a drug user when he filled out the form, swearing he was not. they played an excerpt from the audiobook where he discusses his drug use from that. matt, pointed to text messages about the drug use before he bought the gun, they say he evet elected by the gun. and they say addiction may not be a choice by lying and buying a gun is a choice the defense team says that that gun asked whether the buyer is a drug user not whether they have ever been. they maintained that hunter was drinking at that time, a question the fun never asked and they said that there is such a thing, or there is no such thing as a high-functioning and that hunter biden never took the gun
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out of the box. amongst the other witnesses they may call kathleen buell, and ex-girlfriend as well, and a widow that is in a relationship with hunter after bo died. they discovered the dining drove her to a store nearby and threw it in a trash can and then they arrived about 30 minutes before the trial began, a few minutes later his sister ashley biden and friend kevin who bankrolled much of his defense pulled up and then first lady and jill biden arrived for her second day in this courtroom also a bit of news on the jury front, jerry number 16th was dismissed because she had a tough time getting a ride to the courthouse and lives more than an hour away she was dismissed and it alternates her place back to you. >> emily: think you so much we will bring this back to the couch. so pete there was some high-profile people sitting in the courtroom which includes the first lady, what do you make of the fact that as nbc news
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reports that the first family influence and a long history hovering over the courtroom is impossible to escape. >> pete: it is refreshing to be watching a trial where we understand what the trial charges are. this is very clear. i think they are playing the home-field advantage is much as they can, bringing in the first lady and the family sitting right there. the political family of that neighborhood of that state of that entire system for years they will make sure that the jury is reminded of that. ultimately the witnesses looks like they are lining up against him and they will make a devastating case he has the best lawyers money can buy and how they need is one or two jurors, as you see early on is the type of environment where that is their strategy. >> carley: what is interesting about this is who was talking about the case and who is not in the group that we have not heard anything from our that gun control advocates, you would think that they would intense
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about the first son owning a gun while a drug addict by radio silence from them for political reasons. media is talking about it because they have to and i read a lot and i am even surprised at how some organizations are bending over backwards to paint hunter biden in a positive light, there was one article that i read was just titled day one of the trial and what happened in the first paragraph was all about the trials and tribulation that hunter biden has been through throughout his whole life, and that was almost 50 years ago let's talk about now, there was one part about how it was a gripping scene when the first lady went to hug her son. so that is it exits or owes. this is a color commentary that belongs in another section the witnesses are going to be brutal for hunter biden we are talking about his ex-wife all of the past romantic partners including his brother's widow and also
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london roberts, she could be a witness as well which is the mother of the little girl that the biden family does not acknowledge. so, the first lady was in court yesterday, and it will be interesting to see if she is in court on the day that london roberts takes the stand if that takes place. >> emily: much has been made by the mainstream media especially those unmasked at the back advocates of the biden about the addiction and everything is colored under that landscape that anyone who deems or dares to say that maybe he did do something purposeful saying know you have to give them a shot he was an addict and it should have stigmatizes anyone who dares to hold them responsible you think the jury will see through that? >> harris: depends on what they hear, "the washington post," says their famous line democracy dies in darkness, so in "the washington post," hadley told hunter that she had found
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the card, she had been rummaging through the truck he had parked outside while he was sleeping anxious to see what the drug addicts might be hiding. he admitted to being a drug addict. when she found the newly purchased handgun, she hit it, she drove around and head that gun and then the texting began, and of course we have those text messages from the investigation previous to this trial. and in those text messages, he says you did what? are you insane? he texas furiously according to documents submitted tell me now this is not a game, eight seconds later he wrote tell me now he wanted to know where she put the gun and she said check yourself into a local rehab hunter, this is all has to stop. so apparently things are so bad that she knew that -- she didn't know it was purchased she just wanted to know what was in the truck because she knew he was up to something. you can make the argument that maybe addicts cannot be responsible for the person that is with you and the one that
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loves you and let you sleep while she rummaging through your truck to try and save you and dispose of a weapon that she found if that person knows that your addiction is bad enough and you continue to do things that you need to go to rehab for when i think they said he had already been in rehab we would have to fact-check that how many times but i don't know if that argument was stand if holly biden has anything to say. >> emily: in terms of equal application they have publishers of those convicted of the felony of lying on a gun form, there have been many names that we've read here on this couch, on the opening argument to say they say a sale is a sale you are quickly checking boxes and distancing from south from any accountability do you see however being the excess exxon the long run? >> kayleigh: we will see politics should not play into any jury's decision, but when it comes to donald trump and it comes to hunter biden i think it is appropriate to have a discussion about that venue, these are two of the most
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well-known names, everyone knows trump i would venture to say most people know hunter biden, it strikes me that delaware for hunter is the exact opposite of manhattan for donald trump, i mean just for falling here, and then hat 75-25 voted for biden and this is where trump has his trial, going to delaware it was 60-40 again rounding for biden, so it is a blue jurisdiction and the opposite of what trump got in terms of politics and some of the reasons, this is a random pool of jurors, some of them said that i am a former police officer described himself as an acquaintance of joe biden and he was dismissed and so was that i live in delaware you can't be a cat without hearing about this case and they list all the ways these random people knew the bidens comments on top of it being a blue jurisdiction it is a familiar one as well to the te bidens and that's why they talk about jay notification is a possibility here and we will see. >> what is happening now,
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attorney general marek is feeling the heat on capitol hill capitol hill, republicans are not accusing him of allowing his department to become politically weaponized.
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>> while things are here right now on capitol hill, that makes it a tuesday. members of the house judiciary committee oppressing merrick garland on the integrity of his justice department, republicans are saying he is allowed doj to become a political weapon during a intense election year, chad is here now with all the details from that hearing chad? >> good afternoon, there is no love lost between merrick garland and the attorney general and the republicans on the judiciary committee this is one of the two committees that have voted to hold him in contempt, republicans believe that the attorney general and his department is unfairly targeting republicans. listen. >> many americans believe there is a double standard and
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adjust the system and they believe that because there, what can i have lots of questions about that problem. >> the full house has now voted to hold garlin in contempt of carter -- they may lack the vote after all it's about the mass and they want him cited wih contempt after he refused to turn over audiotapes from the end of year that special counsel robert conducted with president biden, garland is fighting back. >> these attacks, they have not and they will not influence our decision making i will not be intimidated and the justice department will not be intimidated. we will continue to do other jobs free from political influence. >> and testimony garlin told the committee "our democracy cannot continue if the people who make the democracy run are afraid" they told the committee that he is not listening to those interview with
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president biden. >> because there is no reason for me to listen to it in order to make the determinations that i have had to make. >> i don't understand how you can sit before the congressional committee and kind of arbitrate what is indistinguishable from the transcripts if you are not even sure what is on the tapes. >> route garlin says that the tapes are full of hands and arms and also pauses and republicans say that that is exactly why thy want to hear the tapes and compare them to the transcripts. >> harris: of course words on the pace and listening to the cadence and if there's worries in one voice or forgetfulness if there is stress you cannot communicate that with the written word right on the page with no context so that totally makes sense. thank you so much chad very m much. your thoughts? >> pete: on those tapes when the reason there was siting for not going forward and part is the mental acuity of the person being interviewed and that can
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never be proper. we see how they manipulate the transcripts that we get on a daily basis now so how can you trust that? it's amazing to watch an exchange between the two of them earlier today they were on the channel about ultimately how weaponize it has become, the moving of number three over to the office, all he does is possibly deny, i don't recall are not involved and that's what he says the entire time. >> harris: that's what i wanted to ask emily about since last hour, how in the web can you have a situation where a man as powerful as the attorney general of the united states, who know someone well, how can you simply say he took that and not be able to put that in context for the rest of this. was he unemployed was he desperate? what happened? >> emily: either way and that binary choice you make some look in that effective or oblivious which three choices, and i know
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how transparent his defenses have not shown in the video and they say it could harm future investigations in the integrity and that's exactly why we want to see the video to ensure the integrity of that one that was really important. as he went on the opening statements talked about the false claims about the doj as the trim trial he goes down the line and threats to defund particular doj departments and special counsel and the jury verdict in a state trial had nothing to do with the doj but at the end of the day it does and him talking about the individual career agents being singled out for doing their jobs baseless and extremely dangerous aspects he is taking the box but he is not subsequently addressing them in a way the american people deserve because the allegations against him have way more clout than his defenses to. >> harris: let's get back to whether or not they were communications with other d.a. officers, republican really got it started on this, and really press garland let's watch that
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together. >> or the department of justice provided to the committee all documents and all correspondence between the department and alvin bragg's office and letitia james' office? >> at the offices you are referring to our independent offices of state -- >> i get that, the question is whether or not you will provide all the documents and correspondence that's the question. i don't need a history lesson. >> well, i will say this again, we do not control those offices they make their own -- >> at the question is will you communicate with them not control, >> you make a request we will refer to the office of legislation -- >> here's the thing you come in here and watch this attack -- >> harris: okay. again, the most powerful attorney in the united states are attorney general did not have communications in one of them used to work for him and connection points in all these offices that are going after
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president trump, going after some of the metal deck on the stump before they were in those positions. >> emily: these are great questions being asked by the congressman there but i want to point something out, they say that there is no love lost between republicans and garlin but there's no love lost between barden and garlin you know who is watching this closely, joe biden, joe biden in april last year in "the new york times" it was previewed that a source said that biden had sent that you need to stop acting like a ponderings judge and take action on january 6th all of a sudden merrick garland appoints two special counsel hunter and abiding documents in "the wall street journal" comes out with the fragile relationship between vita and gone then and then finally this was interesting, politico frederick get it next february of this year they said that biden himself had not weighed in on garlin's future and most senior advisors believe that he will not have a job in a second time that everyone is watching this today, republicans and joe biden is well. >> harris: one way to hunter.
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>> it's interesting that this hearing is happening this testimony is happening on the same week that the hunter biden trial get started because like you were just talking about there has been all of this reporting about how president biden's relationship has become frigid ever since the charges came down so now here he is he probably thinking my relationship with my boss is a great and now i have to defend all of this stuff and republicans who don't want to hear it so impressed me a drink but maybe not because with plausible deniability what they've been doing all day but this is one of the hearings will republicans can ask anything and including targeting people who shop at cabelas and both sporting goods all the way to why where their protest allowed in front of the house of the supreme court justices . >> harris: that's a great question meanwhile joe biden is saying please hold my beer let me sign executive order on a crisis that are created at the
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border. coming up the campaigns are fund-raising off of last week conviction of former president trump, however the new power ranking shows that one of them has the age. edge
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call, go online, or scan the qr code below right now. [music playing] >> 90 minutes from now president biden is expected to finally sign an executive action aimed at curbing the boat, three and a half years late. he is facing backlash over the timing of a 23 days over the first presidential debate in five months before that election, it is a coincidence, blew out, of that campaign is trying to make the most of former president donald trump conviction. at the first campaign event since a historic verdict, president biden told donors "for
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the first time in american history of former president that is a convicted felon is now seeking the office of the presidency" his campaign says that they have had one of the best stretches of fund-raising since the campaign launched but we don't know what that number is just yet. last week's conviction has also ignited trumps -- raking in a $141 million home in the month of may and that is just the trump entities are not the outside, currently i would put this in the context of 24 in which trump raised $2.8 million after the verdict, let's compare this year, 51 million is what the biden campaign and dnc pulled in and out of april, 26 or 20.6 million was raised in 24 hours and i was the biggest fund-raising in 2022, 22 million is what they raised after they chose, harris. that is double. >> carley: when it came down republicans were disappointed
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but then could that be a political silver lining here. and clearly it is coming out monetarily and there have been previous polling that shows that 67% of people do not care whether or not he is convicted and it will not reflect on their vote at all and then another percentage said it will make them more likely to vote for him. so that is interesting. and then you have president biden ain't leading into the convicted felon thing while his son extending trial, e only thing i can think of as to the why is because he is trying to court the undecided independent or nikki haley voter that doesn't really like all of the drama and noise that goes along with former president donald trump by his -- even when it's not even his own fall all the convictions and all of that but donald trump last week said that he thinks in some capacity that nikki haley will be on his team and she endorsed them.
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so i think that really undercuts the message here. i would be really worried if i were president biden, continuing to push this convicted felon thing. >> they are on offense pushing it behind closed doors, we will see if he decides to push it in front of cameras. interestingly, friday he was asked by kelly o'donnell that he is calling himself a political prisoner and blaming you and he was asked this at 1:42 p.m. on friday he gave a very awkward smile instead of responding and then at 4:21 p.m. three hours later watch what the trump campaign did. >> donald trump refers to himself as a political prisoner and blames you directly what is your response to that sir? >> they call them the face of corruption. >> pete: he probably had a windows 98 shutdown moment at that. they didn't quite know --
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[laughter] >> pete: it is not a strategic as we think we might think. they had a one car they would want to play and there was a convicted felon and they were convinced that l'affaire was there pat and when donors reacted the way they did the polls have them move the rebate. it's just like the mar-a-lago rate i don't know what other coriah beck want to pull up because there is nothing as they can do. >> me well trump is on ticky-tack now. >> emily: what is so funny is that the day after they joined tiktok they 3 million followers as you said it president biden has been on tiktok forever and only has 340,000 followers something that -- don't quote me but the whole point is that there is authenticity edge annuity that you can't typically ever member has back how president biden didn't have time to ohio for a long time but visited with influencers and tiktoker's, didn't have time to
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walk on skid row but had time to meet with tiktok influencers and hosted them multiple times at the white house while also clamoring for attention or will issue the second of the day it doesn't work there's no point hasn't worked the president trump is justin self done. >> harris: yes, today we found out in the month of may, the trump campaign race a hundred and 40 million, putting all those numbers together on the screen you have to change the talking points which is really just what the press secretary does and that is part of their job. joe biden does it for himself. we have not heard him say those words until times got desperate enough that should tell you everything you need to know, we did see some flash polling that came out and i'm waiting for the longer average polling to see what people really are because people initial reaction between that first 12 at 24 i was accounted for $50,000,000.480000 individual donations. so the biden campaign must hate
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the flash polling but let's see what it looks like over a longer time when people get closer to election day and say i have to make a decision, does this matter that this man was found guilty in a court that no one believed he wouldn't be because of the venue because of a whole host of things not to mention the fact that we didn't find out what the crimes work until the day of closing. >> do they lean and i stay out we will see i will vote stay out as we approach the 80th anniversary of d-day we are here to hear about pete hegseth and his new book and the man who keeps keeps free that is up nex. you can't control. you'll get better when your pain isn't minimized, dismissed, forgotten. we will never stop trying to get better. because when medicine gets better, all of us
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>> president biden about to announce an executive order on the crisis on the border, why is he doing this now and what took so long and more importantly will they do anything to slow the number of people who are coming across the border undocumented. we have the best coverage anyway just ahead, i am john roberts come join sandra at me at the top of the hour for "america reports" we will see you then. [applause]
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>> emily: touching and warm welcome for our d-day veterans in france yesterday, this week we are remembering those real-life american heroes who risked their lives june 6th 1944. thursday march the 80th anniversary of the invasion of normandy, a moment which sifted the tides of world war ii. as we honor those brave men and women, pete is out with a new book, called "the war on worriers close at a behind the betrayal of the men who keep us free. tell us about her. >> pete: thank you for having me showing that gets me to think about general eisenhower who wrote two letters one who adjusts the we succeed or fail. but right now we have people who are not taking accountability" political decisions are being -- afghanistan being an example, onto the camouflage class and
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general compulsiveness and that and so you get a more workforce or a weaker force or sensitive force and inclusive force but not one that is focused on the meritocracy. it's not all of our work fires are work we have great people in uniform right now but they don't have the leaders were feeding them and as a result they are not as prepared as they should be. >> emily: you recently wrote and explained that the motivating question from a new book, the war on worriers, was simple and vexing, do i want my sons to follow in my footsteps and serve in the military and i used to think it was automatic but as most veterans see a trigger that assumption has been shaken to the court given the upside down priorities of the pentagon do i really want my kids to serve still don't know for certain. >> pete: it's a honest answer i waited until i wrote the whole book to write that last chapter and ultimately i landed on the idea that hey, if not then, if at the next generation that wass a can it be? i recommend they save because we need patriots in our military,
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we need masculine management women in the best of the best but they need a new commander in chief is going to get rid of all of this dei nonsense and the electric tanks the priorities, and the enemy cs for a weakness i tell my own story and about to guard the whole inauguration but if i went through it but we know a lot of guys and gals have faced the same in the name names and tell the stories in this book. >> harris: there's a section of the book and i won't read all of it but there is just so good when you talk about the defense of the military on things like crt and dei and all of that and we have talked about my dad joining the military in the late 50s early 60s and served in war times during that decade and he was making that constant decision about where we were originally in this country and the upside for him is that we
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still left the country he said we may see things differently they may judge me by my skin color today bowen won't last forever he believed in america and five i don't know if we are in that moment with our leadership right now but i still think we are in the ranks and we have to support these men and women when we serve. >> pete: regard to a place in the military will we were not judged by the color of your skin but how good you are at your job and we need to fix that. the war on worriers is up-to-date you can get a signed copy today. >> i will be sure to buy a copy it looks phenomenal. "the war on worriers" behind the betrayal of the men who keeps us free. you can get on our website or wherever books are sold and streamed the fox nation special about the war on worriers now. more "outnumbered" coming up next a with this.
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>> fox news alert jill biden has
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left the courtroom or hunter biden is on trial and there is a lunch break and his gun trial at this point. we have yet to see hunter and his wife, melissa cohen, but when that happens we will see it live on fox. this is moments ago when we were in commercial break that is the first lady. she has been with him and liberal networks are making a big deal that she has spent her birthday in court, god bless her for having a birthday and being in court but not part of the case. when they resume at 2:00 p.m. eastern will get back to covering that trial. we are about an hour away from hunter's dad, the president of the united states, is expected to announce his executive action on the biden border crisis. the crisis he created. so when that happens you will also see that live right here on fox news channel for the cool kids, "america reports" now. >> we are seeing a wide array of very dangerous threats that at


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