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tv   America Reports  FOX News  June 4, 2024 10:00am-11:00am PDT

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left the courtroom or hunter biden is on trial and there is a lunch break and his gun trial at this point. we have yet to see hunter and his wife, melissa cohen, but when that happens we will see it live on fox. this is moments ago when we were in commercial break that is the first lady. she has been with him and liberal networks are making a big deal that she has spent her birthday in court, god bless her for having a birthday and being in court but not part of the case. when they resume at 2:00 p.m. eastern will get back to covering that trial. we are about an hour away from hunter's dad, the president of the united states, is expected to announce his executive action on the biden border crisis. the crisis he created. so when that happens you will also see that live right here on fox news channel for the cool kids, "america reports" now. >> we are seeing a wide array of very dangerous threats that emanate from the border.
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>> where are you from? what country? china? china? china? ecuador? ecuador? ecuador? ecuador? >> this thing with military bases getting penetrated by foreign nationals is happening more and more. we have seen probably two or three times a week we are stopping these folks at the gate. >> i mean i'm incredibly proud of the men and women of the united states border patrol that risked their lives to keep americans safe. >> are we safe? >> number two, our screening and vetting capabilities are stronger than they ever have been. >> john: as the border becomes a major national security threat president biden finally taking executive action that would effectively shut down asylum request at the border once the average number of daily encounters hits 2500. hello i am john roberts in
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washington, sandra the number is about half of where we are on a daily basis right now. >> sandra: we are watching closely for this announcement and the signing of that it executive order by the president coming up a short time from now. 2:2:2:00 eastern time, john. i'm sandra smith in new york this is "america reports." all of this is happening as the fbi director christopher wray prepares to testify on border security and terror threats in the u.s. we are sitting down with tom cotton on the latest developments at our southern border. >> john: mike emanuel is breaking down what we can expect from the fbi director's testimony but jacqui heinrich's live from the white house north lawn jet tell my preside president biden's first steps what we expected to see an hour from now? >> the president's executive actions would allow him to his shutdown access to the u.s. asylum system when illegal crossings eclipsed an average of 2500 per day within a one-week period. we are already passed that point according to the numbers that we
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get from cbp sources so if he chooses the president could make this effective immediately today and access to the border would not reopen until the crossings dip below an average of 1500 per day. this is poised to be challenged by immigration advocacy groups like the naacp or excuse me the aclu, these are already going to court the same way they did when crump used the same law the same statute 212f to restrict migrants coming in from majority muslim concrete done my countries and congressional democrats are really unhappy with biden that he chose to go this route, listen. >> i have real disagreements and concerns with this executive action because i think it plays into the current republican talking points. you see, the repu republican pay here in the congress tries to cover up its own failures by scapegoating immigrants.
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it's the oldest trick in the book. and if they continue to advocate for closing legal pathways to migration and pointing at chaos of the border. >> president is also winning no point to the congressional republicans who say this is too little also oscillate after more than 8 million migrants crossed illegally hunter biden and more than 5 million remain here. >> why did you wait until now if you are serious about doing it? the simple answer is he is not serious about securing the border. >> it's a little late. you can't make this cat walk backwards >> another stunt. let's do an executive order on the border, but let's do it so it really doesn't do a darn thing but get through to november. >> the courts don't stop him, there's also the question of how he will enforce this? we don't know if mexico has agreed to take back the hundreds or thousands of people if they
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crossed illegally while the border is shut down its to make them ineligible for asylum and send them. >> john: and of course u.s. law does not allow the immediate removal of these people from a third country so we will see how all of that is supposed to work thank you, jackie. >> sandra: continuing, tell my coverage on fbi directors mike emanuel is there with the latest. >> hi, send of hearing were christopher wray as is with the appropriations committee those are the money people and couple hill perry won't expect senators would be asking ray about the fbi budget priorities and if enough is being spent to address the crisis at arles border. it will not be a surprise when he appeared before a house panel. >> does the open-door powerful make your job easier or harder or safer or less safe as a
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result of indoor policy? >> i've been consistent over the years in the threats that emanate from the border. >> has warned lawmakers in recent testimony that there been so many threats to our safety and security and their elevated at once. >> we see the threat from foreign terrorists rise to a whole 'nother level after october 7. we continued to see the cartels push fentanyl and other dangerous drugs. >> they will talk about other border issues impacting the entire country. >> i also want to ensure we fully explore the crisis at our southern border. and the fbi's responsibility to
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combating the wide range of illegal activities happening at the border. it not only impacts the southern states but the entire country as a whole. >> lawmakers have the power of the purse of this is an opportunity to get christopher wray's attention. >> sandra: all right mike emanuel on that for us thank you. john? >> john: sandra while we wait for the president we will talk to john cotton on the armed services committee along with the intelligence and judiciary committees. senator i want to get in the wayback machine with you like sherman and peabody let's go to january 31st of this year when the president said he had done all he could do on the border, listen here. >> i've done all i can do. i have asked since the very day i got an office. >> it seems as though he has discovered he can do a little more than he thought he could do. what do you think of this plan to cap asylum petitions and 2500
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persons per day? is it feasible? >> no, john this is a joke. i would say it's like closing the barn door after the horses are already out because four years ago joe biden invited my friends from all across the third world to come to america if they could get here, they can stay. but it's not even closing the barn door. biden is saying to the cartels and potential terrorists as long as there's not more than 4,500 illegal aliens coming a month then you are allowed to come. the only acceptable amount of migrants crossing our board at any period at zero. his seen the error of his ways five months before an election. the only crisis this will address is not a crisis of the border but the polling numbers versus donald trump. >> john: with 2500 a day we
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are a double net so it looks like this plan could be in place permanently even though it is supposed to be a temporary plan but i am wondering once you reach that threshold you can't stop people from coming across the border. they will continue to do it anyways. you can't send them back to their home countries because many of them come from places like mauritania, nepal, pakistan, india, china, so what are you going to do with them except parole them into the country? >> that's exactly what joe biden has been doing four years is polling of the country every migrant from the third world across the globe that almost certainly he will continue to do, maybe even counting on left-wing advocacy organizations to get into this action, he should never have invited this people to come into his country in the first place. the only proper way to come to america is through illegal immigration pathways. not showing up at our border with some bogus claim of asylum or some sob story and expecting
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to get into the country. that's what we had under donald trump, a secure border to only get here through legal pathways but ever since joe biden took office it has been open border and unleashed crime and drugs all across america's cities and our states. >> sandra: and we know nothing about especially with these got a ways, there is a looming national security concern the fbi directors on capitol hill say is what he said about the potential for immigration on april 11th. >> we have seen a rogues gallery of foreign terrorist organizations call for attack against americans and our allies. recently concerning is the tension for a coordinated attack here in the homeland we need funding to mitigate the range of threats from the border. fentanyl, gangs like ms-13,
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human trafficking. >> one we had that illegal immigrant from venezuela now accused of shooting near two police officers over the weekend. the number of people who cross the border illegally the total is 7,813,351. to you, senator, what kind of national security risk does that represent? >> it's the roving daily crisis for all americans as you say starting national security concern two of the crime that these illegal migrants have unleashed in our streets. murdering women, attacking police officers, in addition to the toll it takes on communities and public services like schools and hospitals that in addition to those dangers it's a national security threat. we know there are dozens on the watch list set up in a branded but if those are the ones we caught how many got across the board without any effort to upend them at all and one of the
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trying to do in this country? it only takes a handful of savage terrorists to online -- a mass of terrorist attacks on this country. joe biden stuck his head in the sand for four years. part of the reason he has this order today is to get ahead of any potential terrorist attacks on american citizens over the next five months in a result of his open border. that's why we need to close the border immediately. that's what we had when president trump was in office, that's what we will have when he's back in office. >> john: senator john cotton, the great state of arkansas, thank you so much we await the president's remarks within an hour. >> sandra: and hunter biden's historic federal gun trial, courtesan lunch break right now he saw the first lady a moment ago mark eiglarsh with our takeaways from what we have so far. >> >> john: a short time for
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now president biden will take the podium where he is expectedo take major executive action on the border but with millions of migrants and that already crossed illegally in the united states critics are asking why now? despite treatment, it's still not under control. but now i have rinvoq. rinvoq is a once-daily pill that reduces the itch and helps clear the rash of eczema—fast. some rinvoq patients felt significant itch relief as early as 2 days. some achieved dramatic skin clearance as early as 2 weeks. and many taking rinvoq saw clear or almost-clear skin. rinvoq can lower your ability to fight infections, including tb. serious infections and blood clots, some fatal, cancers, including lymphoma and skin; heart attack, stroke, and gi tears occurred. people 50 and older with a heart disease risk factor have an increased risk of death. serious allergic reactions can occur. tell your doctor if you are or may become pregnant.
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>> sandra: fox news alert we are looking live at hokum california. the border there as the crisis continues at the board of a president who once said he can do everything he can at the border is now expected less than an hour from now to take executive action on the board. although republicans and his critics are already questioning those actions questioning whether or not this is too little too late or perhaps window dressing the problem.
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we will have continued reaction and build up to those taking executive action when that happens 2:00 p.m. eastern time we will go live to the president at the white house. john? >> john: looking forward to that. as we look at the president a live look at wilmington u.s. district court what they called the first witness in hunter biden's gun trial for opening statements prosecutors said no one is above the law. arguing the president's son chose to lie on the gun form. we will speak with criminal defense attorney mark eiglarsh but first fox news legal editor carrie tom mark kerri urbahn. >> good afternoon, john and sandra. the last hour we have been listening to hunter biden detail his drug addiction in his own words in his own voice thanks to the audio recording from his memoir. now it's not particularly sympathetic as you are sitting there as a juror given the fact
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he is really getting into some detail about his time in california. all kinds of crazy drugs, things that went on during that time. both sides still presented their opening arguments and i thought the prosecution ended their opening arguments that addiction may not be a choice, but choosing to purchase a gun as a drug user and then lying about it is. so that it was the theme of their opening. it's a choice that's why we are here and as you mentioned hammering the idea that no one is above the law. >> john: what about this idea that abbe lowell may be trying to claim that the gun application form was doctored? that hunter biden never checked off that he was not under the influence of drugs that it could have been tampered with? >> i think you'll have a hard time getting that across the finish line especially since one of the prosecution's key witness is in fact the gun shop owner
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apparently who watched hunter biden fill up that form and watched them do so and a parent leave the defense will call him as well but i'm not sure why given the fact that they are going to have opportunity to cross-examine him once we hear from him one of the themes of the defenses opening arguments is that this is a rush sale. that hunter biden just wandered over to the gun shop while he was waiting for his cell phone at a cell phone store across the street and the sales people there saw a possibility of a sale, they hurried him into it, they rushed him into it, and the next thing you know he had a gun that he allegedly kept in a lockbox for 11 days and here we are now. >> john: kerri urbahn for us with the latest from wilmington. thank you so much. >> sandra: as we said we are watching a live event at the white house as the president is talking about the border, a critical border state ahead of that let's dip in and listen about it.
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>> the facilities to hold migrants as you adjudicate asylum claims. judges and officials that can adjudicate these claims, that was all part of this legis legislation. unfortunately our republican colleagues when we permit. this is something the president has been calling on for the last three years. i have been in the united states senate for 3.5 years, president has been in office the same amount of time. so this is some and we have worked on over a period of time. now with my republican colleagues not wanting to have action on this, we are at this point with the white house taking steps that i truly believe will believe it. >> you did work on the bipartisan order from what they think about president biden's actions? >> i have not spoken to them today about it and i am interested in hearing what they have to say. my expectation is that they will
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say this is a good step forward. we need legislation from congress and i will continue to work on this because it's important for my state and national security and immigration policy. we also need comprehensive immigration that will benefit our economy. >> that's where congress comes in. >> sandra: we will continue to monitor this coming at the white house right now while noting there are many democrats speaking out against the president's action he is about to take. congresswoman jaya paul has said she does not think this is the
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right move. this is not going to solve the problem, she says, at the southern border. i don't think we have seen harsh enforcement policies ever do that, she says. so this is a white house that is receiving criticism on these upcoming actions from both sides. what we have repeatedly heard from this administration is that the hands are largely tied to fixing the problem calling it a "broken immigration system" they have repeatedly called for additional reforms and funding from congress and as you just heard there the senator from arizona is blaming republicans for not coming through on that congressional action. now the president is taking executive actions to do something although what we are hearing is a debate over whether or not this will really help the problem. so now as we continue to watch that and await the president as we await the president's remarks, mark eiglarsh has been standing by with us, thank you for hanging on with
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breaking news at the white house. criminal defense attorneys now, as we watch this we are breaking news out of delaware as we continue to watch this trial for president biden's son, where do you see this going as they are watching the first lady department a moment ago? >> it was asked early road the defense called the person who sold the gun? at some of the prosecutors are going to do. the defense wants him to likely say listen, you don't sell to people who look like they are under the influence, correct? correct. and in this case you didn't sell it to somebody who showed impairment, someone who looks like they are actively under the influence of drugs or alcohol, correct? correct. you never would've sold some and a gun if they look like they were under the influence of drugs or alcohol, correct? correct. that takes care of one of the things on the form. whether he is an addict or not, that is what this whole trial is about. what is the definition of an
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addict? >> sandra: that's obviously a question put to the jurors and a question most jurors said they have immediate experience with that and their families and that was really important when we heard that part. >> it's huge. look, jurors had no idea what ndas were in the trump trial. they did not know how bookkeeping should be done. they have to be educated. here everyone knows an addict or had experience with that. they have their own definitions. is it someone who ever had an addiction and you are always an addict so you should always be checking yes? it or is it the i recovered i was an addict so i will check no or as of the third scenario where yeah i don't like to call myself an addict, i don't believe i am an addict, so i will check off that i am not. these are things the jurors are going to have to decide.
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>> sandra: trey gowdy was on this morning questioning, mark, why this case is even going forward. listen. >> if you get beyond treating people differently based on their political status of their last name. i did gun prosecution's for six years. i bet there were not ten resolutions nationwide him on lawful drug users or addicts or light on applications. >> joh>> sandra: let me get your thoughts on this. >> i'm a green with him, this should not go on trial. the prosecutors made a plea d deal. the defense accepted that after this discussion with the prosecutors they went over all of this with the judge with her lifetime appointment said no i'm not going to accept it so they are going to trial and every other murder, drug trafficker,, is waiting going all look they are diluting my case because the going on that one. i think this should of been
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resolved. >> sandra: now on to another courtroom another trial thank you so much. >> happy to help. >> john: we want to talk to you about this. yesterday coming out of a segment in which the $35 insulin under the inflation reduction act was mentioned i remarked that i recall back in may of 2020 the centers for medicare and medicaid services had issued a press release that stated president trump had a plan to lower insulin co-pays to $35. the biden campaign's rapid response issued a post on x saying the following "fox host tries to claim trump, not president biden, kept insulin at $35 a month. fact-check this is a blatant l lie. but there are receipts to
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dispute the biden campaign's claim about what i said. first, the press release from may 26th of 2020 which read "president trump announces lower out-of-pocket insulin costs for medicare seniors across the nation participating in prescription drug plans will provide beneficiaries access to a broad set of insulins and a maximum $35 co-pay for a month supply from the beginning of the year through part d coverage gap" at the white house the same day there was a rose garden event to announce the program. ceos from participating drug companies were in attendance as was the ceo of the american diabetes association, tracy brown. >> thank you, mr. president. thank you, administrator verma. for making this afternoon when we can focus on with 34 million americans like myself living with diabetes. 7 million of which need insulin
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to live. today together we are helping millions of seniors access insulin affordably. this is a very big deal. >> john: i was in the rose garden that afternoon as were many other organizations. here's what "the washington post" wrote about it. "the medicare prescription drug plans that would lower cost for some seniors beginning in 2021 by capping co-pays at $35 for a monthly supply." that $35 co-pay cap was available to seniors under the medicare part d senior savings model. it was a program in which drug companies would voluntarily keep co-pays for insulin affordable. throughout the fall of 2020 medicare and rolled seniors in the plan. according to cms documents the program was in place for three years. "this voluntary model began on
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january 1st 2021 and concluded on december 31st 2023. "in may of 2023 the rand corporation issued an evaluation of the senior savings model $35 co-pay program which said in part "the model test has generated a robust response from eligible po's. with even greater participation in the second year of implementation. most participation plans offered selected models for the maximum $35 per month. while the $35 co-pay was availed seniors to wanted to be in the senior savings model president biden made it his "signature issue" to convert the voluntary program into a mandatory program. the inflation reduction act caps cost sharing for each insulin product covered under a medicare prescription drug plan. we invited a representative from the biden campaign to come on the program with us to discuss
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the issue but thus far they have made no one available. >> sandra: fox news alert here as we look back at the white house and also the border president biden is set to announce his executive action at the southern border. as the migrant crisis grows we are watching for that top of the hour. former border patrol chief rodney scott is here to break down the real impact of this executive action. what impact will it have if any? >> john: looking forward to that just ahead and america's classrooms and crisis. schools struggling to manage the influx of migrant students as their families pour into the u.s. under president biden's open border policies. bill bennett will join us with more on that just ahead.
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>> if you want to shut down illegal immigration those coming need to see an outflow by the
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tens and hundreds of thousands. >> the only question anyone should ask is why didn't you do this in 2021? why didn't you do this in 2022? why didn't you do this in 2023? this is one of the most cynical things that i've ever seen a politician attempt to do five months before an election. >> john: while we wait for the president to come out senator republicans were being president biden who in less than an hour will announce his executive action on the border. it would suspend a solemn request ports of entry once daily migrant counters were reached 2500 but will this just push the issue aside? let's bring in former border patrol chief or saudi biden administration for not following with the ms ration agenda. rodney, i've been looking at this trying to figure out while we are already more than twice above the threshold that the
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president will announce this afternoon, how in the world do you ever enforce this? >> think you're having me on again. you know what? that's a great question because what we are talking about is postarrest and how that overwhelms a system currently. so let's look at historically the numbers of what that means. over 1,000 illegal entries a day takes away the border patrol ability to pour proactively control the border. they are literally over 1,000 they go into a response mode and are dealing with what is coming across. the reality is that is it gives the cartels complete control over what is crossing the border because they include the second way. the biden administration understands and knows this. and i have proven this several times and now when we talking about thresholds they are doubling not to trigger this new authority. they shut off it 1500 so that
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ensures the cartel is still in control. this is political theater it won't change anything at the border. >> john: once they had 2500 person threshold it's not like they put a big sign up that says the border is closed, try again tomorrow. they will continue to come across a border and go to the border patrol and they will be apprehended. they will get into the system. so it's not like you can spot send them back because a lot of them are coming from places like bill melugin were talking to people coming from nepal, china, pakistan, india you can't hold them there are the facilities to do it. now in the processing system can they do anything else than parole them in the united united states? >> there's a lot of things we can do the biden administration created this by shutting down
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the remain in mexico program by shutting down the cooperative agreements as a host of other nations. they can turn it back on but you hit the nail on the head. as long as people get released into the united states the flow will continue and this mediocre response is not going to send a message we need to get control of the border again we need to hit this massive flow like stopping the flow of a river if you will. you have to stop the flow before you can clean up. my understanding is mexico has no warning to get these people back. >> john: with current law we can't return people from nepal to mexico because there is no return mexico so they would have to be returned to nepal and how long does it take to do that? is one other curious aspect to all of this. even with the threshold according to bill melugin you can still apply through the cbp one app. is this just some grand plan to
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push people through that app? >> i think the grand plan has been to allow as many people in the country as possible while still getting reelected. the only reason they are announcing this executive action now in my opinion is to try to sound tough on the border. but when you look at the number as it does mean anything. i am glad you highlighted this. they are bringing in another 1,500 a day through the cbp one app. so we are basically locking and now over 2 million illegal entries in the year in this new executive action if it's implemented. we can't sustain this. remember, betting us against u.s. database is not some a made up global database. we really have no idea who is allowed in this country. >> john: when you consider we are double the level of the threshold this afternoon you have to wonder. what are we going to do about
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this? thank you. >> think you have a great rest of your day. >> john: you too. >> sandra: we are building up to this live event at the white house president biden said to deliver remarks at the top of the hour to announce a new executive action at the southern border. they are receiving criticism from lawmakers on both sides of the aisle ahead of that announcement retired border patrol are going to talk with us about that next. norably. one of the benefits that we as a country give you as a veteran is the eligibility for a va loan, for up to 100 percent of your home■s value. if you need cash for your family call newdayusa. with automatic authority from the va we can say yes when banks say no. give us a call. ♪ ♪
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>> sandra: a short time from now president biden is said to remark from the white house about the growing migrant crisis at our southern border and beyond the announcement out as the border remains a top issue
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for voters. let's bring in sector border patrol chief chris climb. thank you for joining us. it does appear the president is going to take some action here. what is your reaction to that? will it help stem the crisis at all from your view? >> thank you for having me on and yes, this is quite the topic. i don't see it making a sustained support and what would happen at the border. he wants to appear tough on this but he is appearing tough on fuzzy math. it doesn't do anything to secure the border. flick puts some numbers out there regarding asylum claims is still going to make arrests there will still be those components involved with this. again, what happens when that number hits 2500 is it all going to stop? when does this all get compiled?
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i think it's a failed attempt to look tough. five months from an election why didn't he do this five months into his administration when we were asking for this? >> sandra: he basically said his hands are tied and that he needs congressional help to really fix the problem and you just heard that a moment ago from the democratic senator mark kelly speaking live from the white house. that he has try to get something done and republicans of gotten in the way. here is senator gordon responding to those criticisms of the g.o.p. on the border, listen. >> they claim they signal negotiations that occurred a few months ago was supposed to be some panacea, the problem is if they aren't enforcing currently what gives you any confidence it will enforce any new laws? and that's another reason why i think this executive order is just a political cover. >> sandra: because that's the question, chief.
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how is this stopping illegal behavior of the border? to penalize people as they come into the country? >> there are a few things i want to comment. we hear a lot no one is above the law but the verse 2500 that break the law will be above it. second of all the fact that politicians on both sides of the aisle are coming out here and making their stance shows this is a political gesture. lastly, this does not do anything to stem the flow. if he was going to be serious about border security, where is the authority to restart wall construction? why not put military on infrastructure to slow down high-volume areas? there is so much wrong with this and really what it is doing as it is creating more of a backlog for the system. i would venture to say this will be in joining with other lawsuits we've seen in the past
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where asylum groups have sued the administration. i assume this will get shut down pretty quick before it gets started which will give them a political talking point to say see? we try to do something and it got shot down by the courts. if only congress had acted. i think this is probably something i've said many, many times about securing this border. i think it's smoke and mirrors. >> ahead of the president's remarks now we know it is confirmed he will be delivering remarks although we are not being told specific we what the remarks are, but it's happening at 2:00 when he is expected to sign this executive action on the border. some may assume it's about immigration. he doesn't even seem to be pleasing the left with this action. this is congresswoman jaya paul responding ahead of this. >> what is happening at the border cannot be resolved by enforcement actions only. what it really means is a
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modernization of the immigration system and legal pathways and resources to process people. i'm disappointed that the president has gone into the same frame as donald trump at a time we need to make a distinction between donald trump and joe biden. >> sandra: he appears to get criticism from both sides. ahead of this announcement at the top of the hour by the way, chief, let's also talk about the exceptions involved here. there will be limited exceptions including for minors who cross the border alone, victims of human trafficking, and by the way those who use a customs and border protection app. the app we know is out there to schedule an appointment with the border officer to request as asylum. as our own bill melugin confirms per instructions that is correct, 1500 per day at ports of entry via the cbp one app and the controversial parole flights will continue as well.
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30,000 per month. how in any way is this a shutdown at the border? final thoughts to you. >> it is a failed attempt on the border. we already know that smugglers in the past when we first started the cbp one app were including that as part of the package deal as they were actually scheduling some of these hearings or appointments. i think the whole thing is really going to be a disaster. to the point of the congress woman, once again conflating motor security and immigration do you see what she is talking about? she is making it all one thing. we need to talk about securing this border and not just conflating immigration. we have an immigration issue but we also have a border security issue because we are seeing things play out everywhere in the country. we need to get tough on the border and we can address immigration. >> sandra: to finish that thought bill melugin will join us in a bit. and the shutdown of the border
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at some illegal crossers with exceptions while still allowing mass importation of migrants by a lawful pathways in the biden administration has created. thank you for coming on today. >> it's a busy day a lot of fingers to play out. >> sandra: indeed. >> john: it's a busy day indeed. as mentioned soon president biden will announce on the migrant crisis but is it too little also so late? gonzalez district is in the thick of it. he will join us to react just ahead. d patches are all people see. otezla is the #1 prescribed pill to treat plaque psoriasis. otezla can help you get clearer skin. don't use otezla if you're allergic to it. serious allergic reactions can happen. otezla may cause severe diarrhea, nausea, or vomiting. some people taking otezla had depression, suicidal thoughts, or weight loss. upper respiratory tract infection and headache may occur. live in the moment.
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>> john: while we await the president and his announcement on the executive immigration or the biden administration's order policy is a major impact in the classroom. parents protesting new migrant students overwhelming america's school systems across the country. our madison alworth is live here in d.c. come with a president a positivist executive order help with this problem? >> john come it appears it will not because that executive action has an exception for unad minors. they will still be allowed. the financial drain our schools are experiencing will continue on. it's hard to know how much this
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is costing schools and our taxpayers because we don't know from the federal government how many of those across the border or school aged children, but what we do know is the number of unaccompanied minors that are then released to sponsors in the u.s. based off of that information we ran the numbers and the taxpayers are paying over $1 billion a year to educate all unaccompanied minors in public schools. again, that price tag has to be higher because it doesn't even include the students who enter with their families. but it's not just about the money, it's about the very important and often limited resources in our schools. fox digital reports emails within the d.c. public school system that show the influx of migrant students creating challenges with finding class and bilingual staff. the house subcommittee met today on the east consequences of biden's border chaos of members pointing out that our school system was already strained and behind because of covid lockdowns.
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they say this has made it worse. >> this problem was caused by joe biden. he has allowed tens of thousands of unaccompanied minors to flood over our borders and our children are repaying the consequence. the american people are tired of picking up the tab for joe biden's failed policies. the american people and the schools end of the children cannot handle this anymore. >> sandra: john we will hear from the president shortly but the reality is when it comes to the students they will continue to make their way through the borders because of the exemption in the new executive order. john, i will send it back to you. >> john: at madison alworth for us in the capital welcome to d.c. could have you here. sender? >> sandra: all right, john any moment now we should be hearing and seeing the president. he is going to step up to the podium at the white house a short time from now. the expectation is that he is going to announce executive action at the southern border.
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all of this years after claiming that the border was closed. for years now he has made that same claim despite evidence showing otherwise. >> have a process in place to manage migrants of the border. >> where you from question work >> india. china. georgia. man were a from question >> china? >> china. china. china. >> it's my testimony that the border is secure. >> from venezuela. >> [bleep] speak of the president has done more to secure the border and to do with this immigration then anybody else. >> migrant stinking up the hill this is a least 500 easily de donde eres? venezuela. we can always count on all of
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our reporters at the border to ask tough questions and be in the right place to bring our viewers a firsthand look at what's really happening. >> john: absolutely no better team than them. i am john roberts in washington this is "america reports" the executive action would effectively bring down asylum requests at the border once the number of daily encounters above 2500 we are well above that every day but now it is in congressman jim jordan ahead and moments. >> sandra: these reporters now covering from the beginning religion is they are and griff jenkins at the white house. give us the details so far about this executive action the president is about to announce and from your view what real impact will it have? >> yes


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