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tv   Jesse Watters Primetime  FOX News  June 6, 2024 5:00pm-6:00pm PDT

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this leadership? has our country turned our back on not just the warriors but on believing in itself. that's why i and the book with a letter to my sons whether i want them to serve. it's not like you can move to a different tax rate or school. if this thing goes helplessly woke we are in serious trouble because our enemies are chomping at the bit. i want peace for a strong military that's capable and that's why i wrote the book. >> thank you so much. congrats on the war on warriors and happy birthday. june birthdays are the best. that is it for us tonight, thanks for joining us and yes there is more on instagram. you been asking for it so i'm posting. go there and check it out. thank you for watching. it's america now and forever. jesse watters takes it from here >> jesse: welcome to jesse watters primetime. tonight.
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>> he wants to put them all in jail, he wants to put them before firing squads. >> political retribution of his enemies. >> unconcern for my family. >> the revenge tour, a hoax or not? >> it has to stop. >> from now on i'm cosmo. >> jesse: meeting but -- meeting the man behind kramer. michael richards joins primetime >> jesse: 80 years since d-day. >> wears a hunter -- wear is hunter? >> new hoax alert.
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>> jesse: ladies and gentlemen we have another hoax. caught off the press from the biden campaign, donald trump confirms plans to jail opponents biden's now accusing donald trump of doing exactly what he did. naturally the campaign coordinated the hoax with the media. we woke up this mourning to headlines like these. the new york times trump vows to prosecute rivals, put rule of law on the ballot. trump vows legal revenge against enemies. trump wants retribution. that's dangerous, unlawful and un-american. the guy who got a thrill up his leg is now getting a chill. >> donald trump, who wants to put them before firing squads basically. he wants to put them all in jail. he's unbelievable what he talks about his opponents. i'm telling you trump could end up rolling the score. i got the congress, about the supreme court. i own it all, i am a dictator. >> jesse: firing squads? when did trump say firing
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squads? he didn't. this is what sparked their hoax. watch. >> focus on those that want people to believe that you want retribution. that you will use the system of justice to go after your political opponents. >> they are wrong, it has to stop because otherwise we're not not going to have a country. when this election is over, based on what they've done, i would have every right to go after them. we can't have the stuff go on because you know what, when biden goes out everyone says bye-bye and then he gets indicted two days later and they go after him. the country doesn't want that and they didn't want it with hillary clinton. people would say lock her up. i said wouldn't it be terrible if i locked up the wife of the president of the united states former and locked up the former
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secretary of state. it's a terrible thing. >> jesse: not liking up the guy that locked you up as retribution? watch? if that's retribution i want to refund. trump didn't say he would lock his opponents up, he said he could because democrats opened up a pandora's box when they did it to him. could and would. two different things. plus trump says he wouldn't, it's bad for the country. but if you get your news from the biden campaign, that's not what you heard. because they clipped his words like this. >> and has to stop because otherwise we are not going to have a country. when this election is over, based on what they've done i would have every right to go after them. >> jesse: just like dictator on day one and the bloodbath hoax, this is another desperate disinformation stunt from the failing biden campaign. and like every other hoax, the media is playing along.
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bookers immediately went to work looking for anyone they could find on trump's imaginary target list. >> when he tells you that he's going to do something or he says nothing to that effect, you should take that very seriously. i'm concerned for myself and my family. unconcern for many of us who have spoken the truth about the danger that he is. >> jesse: the architects of the russia hoax rushed to the cameras to say the fbi is scared >> it's terrifying. it's frightening. i have a lot of conversations with former colleagues, people who are or were in the intelligence and law enforcement community and they have worked in the obama administration among other places. people are trying to assess what is life going to be like if donald trump wins a second term. on a very personal level, these are torturous discussions about whether or not they would have to leave the country to avoid being unconstitutionally and
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illegally detained. >> jesse: crooked fbi officials are second -- are considering leaving the country of trump is elected? let's get out the vote people. this guy tried to stage a coup, got fired for lying and he wants to be a hero so badly he's pretending he's going to seek asylum somewhere overseas? he's not going anywhere. he's just trying to scare the public into thinking the fbi won't be able to protect them. you really think a former cia director like brennan is going to flee the country? maxine waters, no relations, says trump is planning a civil war and it's time to fbi investigate his campaign. >> i'm going to spend some time with the criminal justice system and the justice system asking them tell us what's going on with the domestic terrorists, are they preparing a civil war against us? should we be concerned about our safety? what is he doing with this divisive language?
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it is dangerous and we are going to have to make sure that we understand that we are not at risk with this man talking in the way that he's doing. how far is this going to go? are they going to be attacking? who are they going to attack? what are we going to do? i've got to get on with trying to get an investigation going. >> jesse: trump is not even an office and they are trying to open up a preemptive investigation... biden is looking up trump and he can't talk about it because he is gagged. where the investigation into that. eric holder showing a complete lack of self-awareness, worried about what a politicized justice department would look like and in doing so betrayed the exact playbook the left uses against their enemies. watch this. >> if the president told a compliant attorney general i don't like what this congressman said about me or did about me, open an investigation on that person. that attorney general could tell a compliant attorney to do just
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that and then to just look through that person's life and look through anything that you possibly can find. who's to say what you find in any person's life that might run afoul. the mere fact of an investigation of a person who is a public figure can be reputation ruining, can be politically damaging, not even if we find anything just the fact that the investigation itself exists. >> jesse: it's almost like you've done this before. this country can smell injustice. they are using the entire system to keep the man down. some people can relates. >> what you see is the significance of... >> i see them identifying with trump. >> why do you say that? >> they've got... >> jesse: trump is ahead and all the three poles that i've just come out. breaking tonight, new fox poles have trump leading joe biden in three major battleground states.
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nevada, arizona and florida. and he's tied with biden in blue state virginia. democrats are just trying to flip the script because the trump verdict backfired. they are saying you're the one who wants to lock up your political opponents. but they are the bloodthirsty ones. listen. >> it will be a couple of years until the doors slam on trump. by that point either he will be president and try to to correcting ball to the system anyway he can or he will be on -- a multiple dependent. >> on not sure if in a perfect world where you were just deciding what's best for the country that you would do it this way, but he's god if he doesn't win, an appreciable chance of dying in prison. >> jesse: that was a former federal prosecutor telling al franklin he would like to see trump die in prison. not a crazy homeless guy. that's a former federal prosecutor. sharing his prison fetish. rates, gags, mugshots, leg
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shackles. the tactics used are dare i say dictatorial. they've imprisoned a half a dozen people from trump's circle just to get to him. they tried to put general flynn in prison, a hero. they wiretapped trump's campaign. who really is out for revenge? we know. trump may not want revenge but there are plenty of republicans out there who think revenge would be righteous. >> you have to get in the game republicans. i want every secretary of state, are you purging your voting rules of noncitizens right now? is every republican state ag opening investigations into voter fraud? is every house committee controlled by republicans using it's subpoena power in every way it needs to right now, is every republican da starting every investigation right now? every facet of republican party politics and power has to be used right now to go toe to toe
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with marxism and beats these communists. >> jesse: highly esteemed legal scholar john you, the one who authored the intense -- enhanced interrogation memo says the only way we stop the president of political prosecutions as if republicans give them a taste of their own medicine. only retaliation and hashmak in-kind can produce the deterrence necessary to enforce a political version of mutually assured destruction. without the threat of prosecution of their own leaders, democrats will continue to charge future republican presidents without restraint. the threat of mutually assured destruction kept the u.s. and the soviet union from entering a hot war. it saved humanity. so can it save washington? if there is -- does and i for a nine the whole world blind? brett tolman joins me now. where do you stand on the revenge factor?
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>> thanks for having me. donald trump was very clear what he planned on doing. i think he planned on moving ahead and putting it behind him. do i think there will be investigations? do i think that hillary clinton got a pass when they said no reasonable prosecutor would prosecute this? absolutely. the reality is if donald trump wins, he has the ability to put in an attorney general that's going to exercise a lot better discretion. going to rain and the weaponization, stop targeting one side of the political aisle and restore some confidence in this country. if that happens than you may be able to avoid that nuclear button on each side. if it doesn't i would not be surprised with das and a jesus saying i've had enough and teeing up every single political potential target they could and go after them. and will that ended? i'm not 100 percent sure.
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>> no one wants trumped up charges. no one wants innocent people being investigated. that's not what we are seeing. the 51 intel officials who wrote that letter, should there be an investigation on that? should there be an investigation into anthony vowed she? should there be an investigation into bragg's coordination with the justice department. all of these things if there is evidence of malfeasance, should things be investigated, not as revenge but as accountability. >> absolutely they should. that's not going after your political opponent that might run against you in 2028. that's going against individuals that we know lied, manipulated, committed crimes in order to stop donald trump from winning in 2016 and 2020. all of those can be investigated
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, focusing on the facts. staying true to the facts. it's like hunter biden right. for the longest time they got a pass with all the criminal activity documented on that laptop. now they've come back with a week charges and they are able to make the argument that we are going after one of our own. the reality is they have ignored countless investigative cases that should have been opened. they ignored conspiracies, ignored the biden larger crime family syndicate. they've ignored so many things that once the new ag comes in, they have justifications take a look at it. it will be looking at what we've already uncovered through investigations and... whistleblowers are saying will you please look at this and this administration won't. everything that they do, they can do on higher ground and do
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it with righteous indignation because they have the justification with the facts and the law as opposed to what this ministration has done. >> i think a lot of people believe that. the trump justice department will be justified in following the facts. whatever they lead into that laptop, whether that's leading to the big guy and that wouldn't be revenge, that would be following the facts. thank he was always for your analysis. >> thank you jesse. >> jesse: johnny goes to hunter biden's gun trial. >> what does the biden name mean it is part of town? >> it used to stand for something but the last year or so, not really.
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(reporters) over here. kev! kev! (reporter 1) any response to the trade rumors, we keep hearing about? (kev) we talkin' about moving? not the trade, not the trade, we talking about movin'. no thank you. (reporter 2) you could use opendoor. sell your house directly to them, it's easy. (kev) ... i guess we're movin'.
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>> jesse: today joe biden said he will not pardon hunter no matter what happens. >> will you accept the jury's outcome no matter what it is? >> yes. >> how be ruled out a pardon for your son? >> yes. >> jesse: biden might have to commute the sentence after what happened today. hailey biden took the stand. hunter had an affair with and hooked her own crack. key witness in the case. she's the one who tossed hunter's revolver in the trashcan. joe biden paid her a visit before she testified. did he get what he wanted? we have the inside story. >> she was on for several hours today. she was off the standby the afternoon and tomorrow the prosecution only has two more witnesses before the defence takes over this case. it's possible we could have a verdict by early next week as the defence will put on some case, we don't know what yet. that is her walking competently out of the courthouse this
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afternoon. the sister-in-law of hunter biden. also the acts of hunter biden. she was married to hunter's brother who died in 2015. after he died she and hunter were in a romantic relationship in the middle of his drug addiction, and addiction that eventually became her addiction she says picture testified that sometimes she met with hunter ball he met with drug dealers picture told jurors in 2018 she visited hunter at a hotel in los angeles and she began using crack herself. she call this time in her life terrible she said she was embarrassed and ashamed. in late october 2018. this is the month when the crime happened jesse. she says that she saw hunter, went to clean out his car to see if there were any remnants of alcohol or drugs and she found a gun. this is surveillance video of her allegedly throwing out that gun and a trashcan near a local grocery store here in wilmington delaware. a man later found it. he was looking for cans to recycle in the trashcan and he
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kept it in the socket until he turned it over to police. hunter allegedly lied on a gun forum on october 122018, days later a flurry of text messages between hunter and halle. halle texting hunter police coming to talk to me now. i will take full blame. i don't want to live like this anymore. this is too much for me to handle. hunter replied the expletive fbi , it's hard to believe anyone is that stupid. that was just one of several text messages between the two in october 2018 and that's the month when this alleged crime happened. also to note that james biden, the president's brother also known as jim biden, hunter's uncle who did some business deals with hunter, he's expected to be called as a defence witness. maybe even as soon as tomorrow. we don't have the list from the defence quite yet. they will announce it tomorrow. >> jesse: thanks a lot. what are the people of wilmington think about the
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hunter biden gun trial? johnny was there yesterday. >> wears hunter? >> i don't know. >> i don't know. >> is over by the beer. >> down the street. >> in court. >> if you are on the jury would you find him innocent or guilty? >> guilty. >> guilty. >> i don't... >> did he kill anyone? >> know. >> he's innocent. >> if they pay me enough he's innocent. >> hunters in court for lying on a gun form, if you lie on a gun form, what would happen to you? >> i would be in jail. >> i would go to jail. >> i don't know. i've never lied on a gun form. >> you'd be in jail. >> he said he didn't want the gun. the salesman forced him to buy it do you believe that? >> could you imagine me saying that? i got a gun on consensually. when you catch me with my hand in the cookie jar, i have to tell you something.
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>> when was the last time someone forced you to buy something? >> earlier with my spring rolls. >> since i have my laptop i might as well ticket to see if it has any repairs that need to be done. what happened to the shop? what if you heard about the laptop from hell? >> nothing. >> the laptop was hunters, they found him naked with prostitutes smoking crack. >> he's a bad boy. >> it's all over the internet. >> they can take me and you right now talking and put us in the bedroom. >> you would like that wouldn't you? >> hunters as finding crack is his superpower. what's yours? >> my superpowers being a father >> your daddy can save you -- can't.
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>> joe biden used a lifeguard right over there. this is where he fought with corn pop. >> corn pop was a bad dude. >> joe biden says his sun is the smartest man he knows. is hunter a smart guy? >> we all want to say our family members, how we feel. >> is your daughter this mortise girl you know? >> no. >> what is the biden name meaning wilmington? >> nothing. >> nothing. >> used to stand for something but the last year or so, not really. >> is joe biden making wilmington proud? >> wilmington fell off the radar for him. >> a lot of people like me are still struggling. >> everything is high and we are going for. >> crime is soaring, inflation is soaring. >> note is not. >> the borders open.
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>> the borders closed. >> isn't she amazing? >> are you voting for joe biden's. >> norm not -- no i'm not... >> if something happens to joe biden, come all the harris will be the president of the united states. >> she's doing great. >> i wouldn't say that. >> what do you want to tell jesse watters on fox news? >> joe biden jesse, he needs to do better. >> you will learn for yourself about biden. >> welcome to wilmington delaware, the best city in the country.
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>> jesse: 80 years ago today the allied forces launched the
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largest amphibious invasion of military history and the germans never saw it coming. europe was occupied. germany had fortified the coastline from scandinavia to southwest france and had mined the english channel. eisenhower amassed troops in southern england and there was no weight to disguise that but he deceived the germans into thinking that we were going to invade from the north. on june 6th, 101st end 82nd airborne parachuted behind enemy lines more in the south. battleships lit up german artillery. then an aerial bombardment. after which rafts and tanks landed on five normandy beaches and met stiff german resistance. the german general responsible for the atlantic wall was out of theatre and had to rush back for a counteroffensive that was fierce but ultimately failed. the canadians, british and the americans came together and established a total, the allies
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pushed south and liberated paris. for hitler, it was the beginning of the end and the most consequential battle in the european theatre. changing the course of western civilization. today is a day to remember their brilliance, bravery and sacrifice. but for some politicians, it's just another day for cheap political stunts. hillary clinton said this. eighty years ago today, thousands of brave americans fought to protect democracy on the shores of normandy. this november, all we have to do is vote. not really the same thing. unfortunately a little history is lost each generation. some americans think we are the facets -- fascists now. world war ii vets can't knit -- can't recognize the nation they fought to defend. >> i feel like a foreigner in my own country lots of times. makes my heart real heavy. i hope you pull out of this,
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there's too much hollywood going on and washington all the time. important subject that you want to cover. i hope that all the guys will go back and straighten it all out. >> jesse: he was 16 years old win he enlisted in the navy. thousands like him lied about their ages just to join the war. they stormed the beaches of normandy, running toward gunfire. they climbed jagged cliff sides, jumped out of planes. they fought and died to preserve freedom around the world. they were the greatest generation. attention must be paid. >> young people want to know and need to know. everybody i saw that i -- they were willing to stand up and not all of them came back. >> i'm not a hero, i just did my job. the real heroes are those in the
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cemetery, these are the heroes. >> jesse: gary of all the battles, we've had battles and a revolutionary war, civil war, world war i, vietnam. what is it about this battle in world war ii that seems to just stand above everything else? >> inks for having me jesse. consider this. that invasion there were 7000 ships, over 11,000 planes, 160,000 hit the beach that day. thousands were killed. we lost 2500 americans. 4500 allied troops died on that beach that day yet by midday they had taken the beach and
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taken the cliffs. by nightfall, 160,000 troops were on that beach. consider this, if the nazis had pushed that invasion back, had beat us back and that atlantic wall had held and we had lost all those brave troops and we were pushed back, what would the outcome have been of world war ii? i think it's the most, if not -- one of the most significant and important days in the 20th century, no doubt. >> jesse: i believe god intervened because some of the wind had blown, the people that were coming into omaha beach a little south so they didn't meet the resistance and rommel wasn't even there. he had to come back and had the panzer division really just
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carve up some canadians. if things had gone the other way, hitler would've dominated europe for we don't even know how long. you do a lot of work for the younger generations and try to explain to them why learning about the history of this war and all wars is so important why is that so crucial now? >> we often talk about the importance of supporting our defenders and supporting our troops. i don't think people really understand unless you really know why it's important. i don't think the freedom was never more thinly on the line then in world war ii. one of the great things that we do, one of our programs is called soaring valour. i've had the great privilege to travel with hundreds of world war ii veterans down to the national world war ii museum and we pair them up with high school kids. a high school student 16-year-old can travel with a
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95-year-old world war ii veteran who fought in that war, go to the national world war ii museum, spend the entire day there learning living history from the people that served and sacrificed. there's no better way to educate them about the cost of freedom than that. i've got world war ii veterans, my family, i've learned quite a bit from them. the lessons that we pass on today that we are losing these living libraries. it something like a thousand a weak now. they are going to be gone very shortly. whatever we can do to preserve that history and pass it on, that's going to be good for our nation and good for the young people of this country. >> jesse: you are doing an amazing job with the foundation. you heard the veteran say he sometimes doesn't recognize his country anymore. i think if we all get together and get it together we can change that. >> absolutely. we sent 68 world war ii veterans
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over to normandy as part of an americans -- american airlines trip. there over there right now. i wish i could've gone with them but it's very special for all of them. we are proud to be a part of it. >> jesse: we are proud to have you on jesse watters prime time. if you want to support the foundation, you know what to do. thank you so much and god bless everybody that has served in american armed forces. >> thanks jesse. >> jesse: the man behind kramer on seinfeld, michael richards joins us next.
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[sfx] water lapping. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ [sfx] water splashing. ♪ ♪ [sfx] ambient / laughing. ♪ ♪
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the chances of a plane crash -- 1 in 11 million. you're not going to finish those salted nuts, right? [sfx] ambient / laughing. never waking up from anesthesia -- 1 in 185,000. validate your parking or just see how it goes? -what? -why stress about the unlikely? does a killer clown worry about being struck by lightning while winning the lottery? -sure don't. but your odds of falling victim to online crime are 1 in 4. you need aura. you, your family all protected from scary online stuff. [ laughs ] aah! protect everything your family does online with aura. >> jesse: nobody loves seinfeld more than prime time. we've been playing clips from the show as long as we been on the air. are favourite character is kramer. >> i'm cosmo kramer and that's what i'm going to be from now on , i'm cosmo. >> the buses out of control so i grabbed him and i take him out
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of the seat, i get behind the wheel now i'm driving the bus. >> taking it to the streets. >> jesse: he is one of the funniest characters in tv history and even though seinfeld has been off the air since the nineties the show donna meets -- dominates. the men who played him has been anything but front and centre. he took himself out of the limelight 16 years ago, it's hard to walk away from showbiz when you were one of the biggest stars on tv but that's what he
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did. he's back with a new book called entrances and exits. and he joins me now. michael have you ever even seen jesse watters prime time? >> no, just a little catching up on you to get ready for this but i've been moving and spinning and getting into this book. i just saw some of that footage, i really can't top that. >> jesse: we don't expect you to. the book is incredible and you talk about when you are auditioning for the pilot, exploring and discovering who kramer actually was, they wanted you to maybe wear a ponytail at one point. how did you find kramer? >> first of all there was a suggestion that i wear a ponytail because larry david who began to sketch the character
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through a neighbour of his, kenny kramer. he had a ponytail so larry was very close to the look of kenny and asked me if i would wear a ponytail. i thought at first i could -- that could be interesting. perhaps it would fall off during intake. he wears a hairpiece. i was thinking of how to make that funny but then i decided i have enough to think about. so i ditched it. >> jesse: you nailed kramer early and your character was instantly loved by everybody and you got to work with jerry seinfeld who you were very close with. what was it like working with jerry? it seems like so much fun, not like work at all. >> it was work. a lot of work. we all worked very hard but we were all into making comedy. getting into the swing of
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comedy. both jerry and i are deeply committed to that. our friendship came out of -- he was a fan from the days i was doing friday's, he was all for me when i was at auditioning for the part. he wanted me for the part. thank you. we have been neighbours ever since, house that? >> you or the physical comedy guy. no one could bend and contort their body like you. how did you develop that? was that a lot of bruises and had bumps? >> i always wore padding. it was very scientific about that. so i'm going to take falls and bang into walls and things like that. became quite natural and of course there were great affirmations when i saw the best at physical comedy like keaton or chaplin doing the physical
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comedy. but it just came out of me i think and making my friends laugh. i could ride my bike into a bush and to do it in such a way that they would just crack up and we'd all be laughing together. >> jesse: we are watching you right now in your calvin klein briefs fall over a potted plant. with that one of your favourite moments? >> it was a surprised everybody. i didn't see the footage, is that where i'm leaning against the wall and it fall to the ground? >> yes. >> jesse: you mean you've got me on fox news in my underwear? you... nobody knew i was going to do that bit on a wall. i saw it was around and i kept it in mind and i was going to save it for camera time. a lot of my physical comedy i save it for camera time, i don't show anybody. i like it to be natural and in
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the moments. that was a surprise and it worked and everybody was quite happy after that take. >> the merv griffin episode was one of my favourite all-time seinfeld. what was the inspiration behind that? >> i'm very inspired when i'm into kramer and kramer is playing in character. that's the lovely part of that character laying a character. now he's a talkshow host. that's inspiring to me because i know we are going to have a lot of fun and the cane man is going to take me through it. it's a matter of holding on and let's giddyup. >> jesse: we heard jerry a couple will acemak a couple of weeks ago say that political correctness is killing comedy. is it? >> i don't know.
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people are just being more sensitive about what we are saying about each other, which i think is a good thing and comedy is coming out of it in a sense isn't it? >> it sure is. >> the way that comics begin to play with political correctness. it's everywhere, it's still going to be with us and it's alive. >> jesse: you served in the military. today's the 80th anniversary. how did that kind of mould you into who you are professionally? >> i was brought up without a father so when i went into the service i was in the united states army, i was given tremendous responsibilities when i was 20 years old and then helped me grow up. when i came out of the army i enrolled at the california institute of the art. that was paid for by the
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military, being honourably discharged. what i gained from it were steps towards being a man. it was just necessary for me. i didn't avoid the vietnam war, i got ready for it, went into the army and that was that. i needed that sort of discipline >> jesse: you watch seinfeld with your son right? for the first time? >> yeah, i did. i never watch the shows because i could always see how they could be better and i had to move fast each week and making each episode. it wasn't until really in the preparation of this book and getting tuned in to the episodes of the seasons, nine years of it , i watched every single episode in order of them being made as they were aired. i had greater objectivity and i remembered so much. i just sat back and laughed with
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my son at this amazing show that so many people came together and made. the chemistry and the outcome was just sensational. >> jesse: it was. i don't watch myself afterwards either. i'm too much of a craftsman. maybe when i -- when my career is over i will watch every single jesse watters primetime episode with my son and be inspired by the brilliance like you were. >> and all the hard work. you will be, i'm sure you will be. >> it is a lot of hard work. thank you so much michael richards. entrances and exits. great book, a good luck and great to see you. >> thank you so much. >> jesse: more primetime next.
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>> jesse: catch the five tomorrow in point pleasant beach
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new jersey, will be at the tiki bar. doing a show at 5:00. come see us. let's do some texts. tom from florida, we don't want revenge we want fair justice, especially on those that abuse their justice system, let the chips fall where they may. well said. mark from massachusetts, if trump wanted revenge he would take his entire term to accomplish. >> that's why he's libya dictator for life. a lot of revenge to do. >> eddie cosmo kramer this same show, i'm not worthy. >> to read about johnny. >> patrick for mayor in honour of kramer i might need more waters because these pretzels are making me thirsty. that's all for us tonight, dvr the show all seo at beach and remember i am waters and this is my world. [ ♪♪ ] [ ♪♪ ] >> sean:


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