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tv   Americas Newsroom  FOX News  June 7, 2024 6:00am-7:00am PDT

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>> every hand to the sky today, here we go. ♪ so i hold up my hands and praise you again and again, because all that i have is a hallelujah, hallelujah ♪ ♪ i know it's not much but i've nothing else fit for a king except for a heart singing hallelujah, hallelujah ♪ ♪ -- >> amen frnlts it's fried.
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president biden on his way to the site of a legendary act of american heroism. when army rangers scaled to cliffs the president gives a speech defending freedom and democracy. we'll cover it for you live from a beautiful day in normandy, france again. from arizona last night, watch. >> he has totally lost control over the border and it is a real' dangerous place. he is conceding death and he is conceding defeat at the border. a deliberate demolition of our sovereignty and border. somehow somebody will explain to us why they would want this to happen. i guess it's probably votes. they probably think these people are going to be voting. >> bill: president trump in arizona last night a battleground state where his message on immigration appears to be resonating. we can show you that in the numbers coming up here. dana has friday off. bill hemmer live in new york
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city. gillian made the commute out of washington, d.c. d.c. >> gillian: made it here by the skin of my teeth. i got here last night. this is "america's newsroom." the former president's arizona rally comes on the heels of new fox polling shows him leading by five points there and up in florida, nevada. >> bill: the numbers are stunning. virginia is a dead heat. more on the inside on that coming up in a moment. >> gillian: fox team coverage for you, kellyanne conway is on decks. alicia is in phoenix this morning. >> the former president, you heard part of it there, kicked off his western state swing by taking a swing at president biden's executive order on immigration. >> i will terminate every single open borders policy of the biden administration as soon as i take
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the oath of office. >> the biden/harris camp hit back in a statement in part reading donald trump blocked the toughest, fairest bipartisan border legislation in a generation, legislation that would have increased the nation's border security and helped halt the flow of fentanyl into this country and he did it because he thinks it would help him politically. a new fox news poll found trump is improving in this battleground state when registered voters were asked if they had to make a choice today, trump wins 51 to 46% for biden within the margin of error. one state trump likely won't win electorally is california where last night in san francisco tech investors who also host the all-in podcast held a private fundraiser. the expected haul is more than $10 million. that's in addition to a couple of private events in southern california today and tomorrow. add that to the post verdict war chest he has already amassed,
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$141 million in self-reported funds from the campaign and republican national committee plus $150 million from organizations backing the former president. that does not include the leading super pac supporting trump's campaign which reported raising nearly $70 million. gillian and bill we're still waiting to hear from the biden campaign on its may numbers. we do know he does have a big time hollywood fundraiser coming up this month getting some help from george clooney and julia roberts. >> gillian: thank you. >> bill: let's go inside the numbers. fox polling that came out last night at 6:00. the margin of error plus or minus three points. a reason why that is significant in a lot of battleground states i'll show you here. in arizona, the president has a five-point lead outside the moe. florida up four, nevada up five,
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and georgia a dead heat. we mentioned that a moment ago. what a lot of pollsters will tell you is when the candidate is at 50% or higher, that really becomes an area that is out of reach. where he is on arizona and where he is on florida and where he is on nevada could be significant. going to bring in kellyanne conway to flush that out for us. let's go forward here and take you to just how close it was four years ago. this is arizona, biden winning by 10,457 raw votes. that was it. in nevada here was president biden a winner of 2 1/2 points. you saw the numbers, he is down six roughly in our polling in nevada. you go over here to florida. this was trump country four years ago. he was up four by a winner in 2020. he is up four again in polling. really, this really stands out. this went blue in 2008, virginia did.
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barack obama did. first time democrats won the state of virginia since 1964. they have not relinquished. built up their numbers in virginia. biden was a 10-point lead four years ago. it's 48 biden, 48 trump in virginia right now, dead heat on the numbers. kellyanne conway joins me now. how do you see it? this is what you do for a living. what do you see? >> something remarkable is going on here in a more ethnically diverse state trump is going 50%. nevada 51% of white only households. arizona 60%. they are more neck-and-neck in the more white states, wisconsin, 80% white only. so the irony for joe biden who served with barack obama and serving with kamala harris and the democratic party it swears it's for minorities, young
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people and young household she is seeing migration away from the democratic party from these core constituents. some consult ants are saying we need to get more of the white vote. imagine that, they are banking on joe biden winning wisconsin, michigan and pennsylvania and trying to get more of the white vote. i am stunned by the underlying demographic cross tabs in the nevada and arizona study. quickly in nevada, joe biden is winning union households by one point. he carried them by 15 points in 2020. nevada has the highest forclosures in the country along with washington, d.c. and california. highest unemployment rate particularly in the hospitality sector, which fuels the economy in nevada. nevada has not gone republican pres presidentially since 2004. the only state in the country that watched a democrat to
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republican flip with the governorship in 2022. so this has been going that way for a while. last thing i want to say about all of these numbers in arizona, nevada, florida and virginia, the gender gap is real. guess what, bill? it is not just trump with women. biden is having a devil of a time winning the male vote. biden's gender gap with men is scary. he is losing men by 18 points in nevada to joe biden where trump is trailing women by nine points. so people love to talk about the gender gap and love to talk about suburban women. men live in the suburbs, too. joe biden is underperforming among his core constituents from 2020. >> bill: single out virginia specifically. who would do a better job, joe biden is where he leads. he leads on climate change, abortion, election integrity and healthcare. where does trump do better?
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in virginia specifically, immigration, the border, economy and on the israeli/hamas war. goes to foreign policy that could be more critical than a lot of people think. leave that to the side right now. sean asked him last night about a v.p. pick. i will play the tape and we'll get analysis on what might be the best choice. watch. >> are you in the process of picking a vice president? you are getting close. >> i think i will announce who that person is going to be during the convention. that's pretty normal. >> want to give me any names? >> no. >> i would love for you to give me names. >> we have people that have done a fantastic job in communicating the ills and the assets and the advantages and the disadvantages of what we're doing as a country. >> bill: you followed the reporting about potential names, sometimes three, eight, ten. here is what i think, choose to agree or disagree. i'm not sure how much it matters
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for the undercard for donald trump. america will vote for him or against him. however, maybe you see someone out there who could actually help trump come november. and bear in mind, whoever is on the undercard on his ticket, they are the automatic heir apparent to the republican party. you have one term and in 2028 that v.p. will go to the top of the list come re-election time in 2028. what do you think? >> you make some good points. i think the heir apparent part is one in president trump's thinking. i know him. he would like people to fight to get that maga mantle and abstract voters. if it was just his base -- i think he has riches in terms of the full bench of republicans. i'm not surprised that president trump is looking heavily at the united states senate for his
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possible v.p. pick because foreign policy, national security obviously the war in israel and the war in ukraine, iran on the march, the war at the southern border. i'm not surprised he is doing that. as president for four years he knows how important it is to work with a senate and the one thing i will say to your point about the v.p. not being that important. president trump has said that. he said i don't think it matters that much. it matters if the person becomes a distraction. i think the person could help president trump but they can't hurt president trump. if he is made to explain and excuse that person's conduct or statements, then we're in troublesome territory. the people on his short list, i have seen others, doug burgum, even people who he ends up not picking for v.p. will have a tremendous role in his administration either in the cabinet or in the united states senate. but i think the v.p. has to do
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three things. help him win, help him govern, and be ready on day one. we can worry about 2028 based on the record of accomplishment later on. i would love to see a woman vice president and love to see a woman republican president one day. i don't think this is the year for that. >> bill: everybody says i'm wrong. i don't think nikki haley is off the table. we shall see. kellyanne. >> that's donald trump's decision and we'll all respect it. thank you, bill. >> bill: 11 past the hour. let's get to this. thanks. >> all from egypt? >> egypt. >> egypt. >> all from china? >> yeah. >> why did you come to america? >> free. >> bill: new policy, same chaos, southern border looking like it did before president biden issued the executive order. >> gillian: day five in hunter biden's federal gun trial is underway now. prosecution is expected to wrap up their case any moment.
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we're live with the latest. >> bill: we have an iconic symbol of american heroism. president biden will head to normandy today to give a speech about freedom, democracy, courage and bravery. we'll bring it to you live as it starts. if you're a grandparent, you know what i'm talking about when your little grandchild starts talking to you. something i couldn't hear for a long time. it's funny how something like
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>> bill: we're now 72 hours removed since president biden enacted executive orders at the southern border. he signed it earlier in the week. the new policy is looking a lot like the old one with migrants from around the world still pouring through by the day. bill melugin is back in southern california to watch it all as you have all week, bill. good morning, hello. >> good morning to you. it is business as usual out
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here. mass illegal crossings, mass catch and release and badly outnumbered border patrol agents. look at the video. we shot it late yesterday after in california. this is what border patrol that's to deal with here. one single agent on hand trying to chorale the group of 150 people from around the world who just crossed illegally. this group waited for over five hours for border patrol to pick them up. impatient. people from egypt. turkey, china, vietnam. there is no translator out there for these agents but they have to deal with this day in and day out. they don't have the manpower to process all these people and patrol the border at the same time. we spoke with several of these migrants. take a listen. >> from egypt. all from egypt? >> egypt. >> good america. >> why did you come to america? >> on business and the group. >> you want to work, job?
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>> yeah, yes. >> group of friends. you guys want a job. >> america good. america. >> america good. >> vietnam. >> all from china? >> yeah. >> why did you come to america? >> for free. >> to be free? >> yes. >> fox news on scene once again as border patrol mass released hundreds of illegal immigrants to city streets in san diego at a local trolley station releasing them from all around the world. china, middle east, india, you name it they were released there and these folks are now free to travel the country. they often have a notice to appear with a court date years into the future. they can use that notice to appear to get on airplanes. once they're released from dhs custody they are free to travel the country. this is the sort of thing that plays out every day in san diego. hundreds released to the street every day. we often here dhs say migrants
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who cross illegally are placed into removal proceedings. i think the average viewer at home thinks they're being removed and deported. sometimes yes. well, what you just saw on video there with the mass releases, that is also removal proceedings. nta with a court date years out in advance is also technically considered removal proceedings. something viewers at home should keep in mind when they hear that phrase. send it back to you. >> bill: if it weren't for reporters like you, bill, we wouldn't know about a lot of this. bill melugin back at his post. >> gillian: more on this now from a san diego county supervisor. look at the overall numbers since january 2021 when president biden assumed office. you can see there more than 8 million encounters total along the border. total border apprehensions of illegals 6.9 million, total
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entry encounters nearly 1.1 million. sounds like from bill's reporting there not a lot has changed since monday when this order went into effect -- tuesday, excuse me. >> no. absolutely not. the numbers have gone up, if anything. i think people from around the world are more apprehensive, thought there would be a big lockdown. more are flocking to the southern border. san diego we're becoming the number one hot spot along the border recently. primarily because in california we roll out the red carpet for migrants to come across illegally into our county and into our state. we give free insurance, free medical and it is just chaos for california. drop-off numbers in the last couple of days were 800 per day. little has changed here in the san diego sector of the border.
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>> gillian: one feature of biden's executive orders that critics across the board point to is the lack of specific enforcement mechanisms. it is not like once the e.o. goes into effect as we were seeing some miraculous border wall rises from the ground once they hit 2500 illegal encounters a day and thousands of border patrol agents, you know, emerge from the bushes to apprehend people. take a look at this. this is from the "new york post." they obtained a government memo that says single adult families are hard to remove with countries that don't repeat repatriation flights may be placed into section 240 removal proceedings. there is a whole process once folks are apprehended. not as if they're apprehended and moved back across the border five seconds later. >> no, there is too many loopholes in this. it is really the executive
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order, the words came out but the execution hasn't happened. there is very little excuse. you just don't have border patrol agents to actually be removing these people. and the vetting to me is the biggest problem. the border patrol does not have enough time to properly vet these people as we saw what, 150 migrants per border patrol agent there just in california. and the vetting -- you have to figure out who is good and who is bad and who may mean us harm. i think that's a big safety concern not only for san diego county but also for the entire country that overwhelming numbers coming across, not properly vetted. we don't have the databases from all the countries to know who they are and what their intentions are here in california or the rest of the country. we have boats coming across that are beaching themselves on our beaches. and we have dozens of people
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getting off avoiding border patrol by this process and then just walking into our streets and going wherever they want. there is still the chaos and execution of this executive order. there has been no meat on the bone for that and we've seen the same things happening. i think we'll continue to see this many people still coming across. >> gillian: correct me real quick if i'm wrong on this. it sounds like in order for the enforcement mechanism to work, we have to have a pre-existing agreement with other countries for repatriation to take place, right? just a couple seconds left. >> we do. those are called -- we have things in place. we have embassies throughout the world for people to apply to. and a ply for visas or come into our country. why would you do that if you can somebody five or ten grand and get to come across our border illegally and go to the head of the line above everybody else trying to do it legally?
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we have to go back to a legal process that works. >> gillian: jim desmond joining us this morning. thank you so much. >> thank you. >> bill: 25 minutes past the hour, gillian, air force one has returned to normandy. it landed a few minutes ago and we'll see the president emerge in a matter of minutes and hear his speech, which is really the cap to the entire trip. we followed all the d-day ceremonies from yesterday and boy it was just extraordinary to see the emotion, to see the veterans who have come back. average age 100. the strength in these men is extraordinary to see. we'll get you back there in a moment on another beautiful day on the person shores of france. hunter biden is back in court. the first lady has flown home from france to be there yet again. prosecutors say they will wrap up the case today. when will the jury start deliberations? we might be on verdict watch soon. a controversial group of armed citizens in the state of connecticut.
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they say they are fed up with crime and are taking matters into their own hands. >> our goal is to help the people here on this street and in hartford understand that if they want to stop the crime and the violence, that they might have to do it themselves. ♪ limu emu... ♪ and doug. (bell ringing) limu, someone needs to customize and save hundreds on car insurance with liberty mutual. let's fly! (inaudible sounds) chief! doug. (inaudible sounds) ooooo ah. (elevator doors opening) (inaudible sounds) i thought you were right behind me. only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty, liberty, liberty, ♪ ♪ liberty. ♪
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some people taking otezla had depression, suicidal thoughts or weight loss. upper respiratory tract infection and headache may occur. ♪ [announcer] with clearer skin girls' day out is a good day out. live in the moment. ask your doctor about otezla. >> gillian: the stock market reacting to a hotter than expected monthly jobs report. the u.s. adding 272,000 jobs last month. that's nearly 100,000 more than was expected. unemployment ticked up to 4%. >> bill: after the close today, hottest thing in the world right now. we'll see whether or not it can stay hot. hunter biden is back in court day five. federal gun trial. headline on today's "new york post," burned by biden.
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ex-girlfriend hallie testifying the president's son hooked her on crack. prosecutors expected to wrap the case today. lucas tomlinson is watching all this as the first lady has returned from france to be there again. lucas, good morning. in wilmington. >> good morning. that's right. a quick round-trip for the first lady. she just yesterday we saw her celebrating the 80th anniversary of the d-day invasion and now she flew back overnight to be in the courtroom with hunter. we saw them both enter the courthouse this morning. the first lady and hunter to begin day five of the gun charge . we're just hearing court is underway that an f.b.i. forensic chemist has just testified that pouch that hallie biden found the gun in and tossed outside the gourmet store, that contained cocaine residue. the big headline this morning is this f.b.i. expert has said that cocaine was discovered in the pouch that contained the gun
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that hallie biden tossed in the trash can. in this video hallie biden is the star witness. this video is showing her hunter's newly purchased revolver in the trash outside the local gourmet shop a few miles from where i'm standing. the gun's purchase by hunter allegedly on drugs. the reason for the trial he was one text exchange between hunter and hallie. they admitted smoking crack together while they had a sexual relationship. hallie saying i called you 500 times in the past 24 hours and you don't answer i need an answer. practice what you preach. hunter, he was sleeping in a car smoking crack on fourth and rodney. the revolver shown to the jury yesterday. she found it inside hunter's car. went to get rid of it immediately worried hunter might use it or kids might discover
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it. asked by the prosecutor did it appear that hunter was using drugs around the time he purchased the gun, again why we're here, hallie said quote, he could have been. later on cross examination hunter's attorney lowell asked hallie if she saw hunter using drugs during that time and she said she did not. the first lady flying back from normandy to be in the courtroom with her stepson, hunter. she is scheduled immediately after today's session to fly back to europe to attend the state dinner with president biden tonight. >> bill: wow. that's a lot. thank you, keep us posted from wilmington, delaware. thank you. >> gillian: for more earn today's testimony now let's bring in andrew cherkasky former federal prosecutor. quite a whirlwind trip for the
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first lady yesterday and day with her arriving in court a few moments ago. yesterday's testimony was the movements of hallie biden during a key time. she was the witness who found hunter biden's gun in his car and decided it looked like according to her testimony to dispose of it on her own in the trash can dumpster outside the janssen grocery store. when she told him he had done that he reprimanded her. told her to go back and try and get the gun back, which she later did. was unable to find it and then at his urging filed a police report. tell us what it means for this case. >> the prosecutors have hunter biden cornered at this point. they have him addicted to drugs with many witnesses. the issue whether he is using
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drugs around the time of purchasing the drug, they have him on that. hallie biden yesterday testified to a text message two days later he tells her he is going to a store to meet his drug dealer. found the bag the gun was in had cocaine on it. there is just a mountain of evidence against him. it seems like the only defense that he is using is something that we in the criminal defense community call the shaggy defense. reference to the pop song, it wasn't me. no matter how bad the evidence is against you you say it wasn't me. that's the shaggy defense. ask any criminal defense lawyer, they know about that. that's what's going on. >> bill: the whole idea is to prove he was on drugs at the time he got the gun and lowell will argue the other way. hallie biden on the stand. hunter did. it was a terrible experience i went to and embarrassed and ashamed and regret that period
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of my life. when hunter biden smoked crack it could leave him agitated or high strong and other times functioning as well. end quote. >> joe biden called hunter the smartest man he knows and getting his dead brother's widow hooked on crack cocaine right in this time frame. so we have to understand what it is that hunter biden is truly up to at this point in his life. how dangerous it was for him to buy a firearm. we talk about firearm rights. we talk about firearm controls that go on in this country. joe biden was key behind the bill that actually had -- made it illegal to purchase a gun while addicted to drugs. when you look at what hunter biden is doing in the time frame we see how big a deal that is. the defense looking merely at the idea of whether on the date of the purchase hunter biden intended in his own mind to lie on that form. was he really thinking that he
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was an addict or using drugs or can they create some sort of distraction in the defense in very biden-friendly delaware to cause the jury to forgive him for that? maybe i wasn't an addict that day or using drugs that day. >> gillian: real quick we have heard from karine jean-pierre from the podium speaking on behalf of the president saying he would not pardon his son. we heard it from the president himself talking to abc. take a listen. >> as we sit here in normandy, your son, hunter, is on trial and i know that you cannot speak about an ongoing federal prosecution. but let me ask you will you accept the jury's outcome, their verdict no matter what it? >> yes. >> have you ruled out a pardon for your son? >> yes. >> gillian: what do you make of it? >> that's what he says. it could be because the amount of jail time that hunter biden is looking at here is relatively
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low and so the political payoff of pardoning him, it might not be worth it given he might be in jail for a few months for this. whether he pardons him on the tax charges, that trial coming up later this month, and one in which that trial he faces much more jail time. so that's what joe biden is saying right now. it doesn't matter once the election is over. either he will be a lame duck on his way out or lame duck starting a second term and do whatever he wants. >> bill: hunter biden's attorney says we might call two or three witnesses. it seems to be very close to closing arguments there. >> he would not have to disclose whether hunter biden is taking the stand until the moment hunter biden decides to not take the stand. quite a moment. >> bill: thank you. >> gillian: president biden is about to speak in normandy appearing near the cliffs scaled by american rangers on d-day 80
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years ago. we'll bring it to you live as it happens. plus this. vladimir putin once again raising the specter of nuclear war. his chilling warning sent to the west. stick with us. it's time. yes, the time has come for a fresh approach to dog food. everyday, more dog people are deciding it's time to quit the kibble and feed their dogs fresh food from the farmer's dog. made by vets and delivered right to your door precisely portioned for your dog's needs. it's an idea whose time has come. ♪ but st. jude has gotten us through it. st. jude is hope for every child diagnosed with cancer because the research is being shared all over the world.
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>> bill: ominous warnings this week from vladimir putin in light of the d-day ceremonies in normandy. the russian leader threatening that russia could provide weapons to other countries in europe to use against western targets. he also says the west should think twice if it assumes moscow would never use a nuclear weapon. dan hoffman, former c.i.a. chief of station and fox news contributor. good morning to you. this came as a result of countries like germany giving ukraine weapons that they could use on russian territory and we
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have done something similar in recent days. what do you think about what putin is saying? >> what we did was very limited. we're giving ukraine the authority to use u.s. munitions into the kharkiv region right over the border in belgrade to deny russia and effective offensive against ukraine in that region. extremely limited. what putin is doing is trying to induce nato not to give ukraine further authorization to strike further targets inside russia. ukraine has been striking oil refineries and russian military sites. putin dials up the escalation retoreically and very recklessly because he knows that has an impact on the biden administration and it has induced us not to give ukraine what they need when they need it. tanks, long range artillery. >> bill: today in france with president biden meeting zelenskyy order an apology for
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delay in weapons. >> president biden: i assure you the united states will stand with you. we said that all during the dey bait and continue to say it. the united states is standing with you. you are the bull work against the aggression taking place. >> we appreciate your support standing with us shoulder to shoulder. >> biden said we're still in completely, thoroughly. dan. >> well, i think that our actions have not matched the president's words when it comes to our support for ukraine. again, look, vladimir putin's war in ukraine has been an utter failure over 400,000 casualties, nato has been awakened from its post cold war slump and new membership from sweden and finland. russia has failed to topple the government in ukraine. that was their objective. the one area putin has been
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successful is escalation paralysis on the biden administration. the president hasn't tried to convince our country what we need to do and hasn't the country behind giving ukraine all those military equipment that they need desperately to carry on the fight. that counter offensive last summer would have been more effective if we had given ukraine the long range artillery and tanks they needed at the time. historically that's not going to be very kind to this administration. >> bill: so interesting when you talk about putin and kgb roots and want to ask you as we see the flyover of helicopters carrying president biden past pointe du hoc. they see how high the cliffs are. the germans were dug with with garrisons and up down the beach for ours. the only way to get to the location was scale the cliff and then engage in one-on-one combat
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with nazi soldiers. and a lot of americans died in the process but that was the act of heroism we talked about yesterday. interesting what putin said. he said when the german tanks used by the ukrainian military, german tanks were used in ukraine, he said it provoked a moral and ethical shock in russia. that's a direct reference to world war ii. i don't know where putin is going with that. i think it is something we need to pay attention to. what do you think, dan? >> i think it's been an all too common reference for vladimir putin. he wants to portray the war as russia defending itself from nato which is not the case. it was russia that launched the unprovoked barbaric war on ukraine and could stop the war if they stopped raining hell on
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ukrainian civilians. that's how vladimir putin claims it. he calls the ukrainians nazi. that's the prob -- propaganda routine. >> bill: we committed more aid today in military aid to ukraine. let's speak again very soon. dan hoffman, thanks. >> if you don't know what your children are seeing, they could be seeing any number of dangerous things like violence, self-harm, unhealthy beauty standards. if parents want to make sure their kids are safe they need to spend time with them. >> gillian: parents warning against the harms of teens spending way too much time on the internet. a new study finds too much use can alter kids' brain structures. president biden set to speak any moment from the pointe du hoc momment in normandy. we'll take you there live as it gets underway.
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>> gillian: a new study finds excessive internet use my harm teenagers' brains and change its structure. they had disruptions in the parts of the brains involved in executive functionings. researcher say it may lead to problems with attention span, impulse control and decision making. dr. siegel, this is interesting. a study that doesn't just focus on social media like we talk about all the time. this is internet use at large. they defined used these criteria to make a clinical diagnosis for teen addiction to the internet. take a look. one's persistent preoccupation from the internet. withdrawal systems when away from it and sacrificing relationships. it is not shocking to you i'm guessing. >> not shocking but very confirmatory. it looks at a 10-year period of
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time. 12 different imaging studies looking at something you described really well called internet addiction and gaming disorder. different but same idea. emotional processing is off in addition to judgment and attention and memory that you mentioned. and it is literally the brain looks the way it does when you have a substance abuse disorder. functional mri is used to look at the brain. blood flow and we can see with this image how these things change with people that are addicted to the internet. that is defined as people who, as you said also, are disrupted from normal life. they can't make judgments, they have problems with thinking, with memory and with emotional relationships with others. it doesn't surprise me, but functional mri and the ability to see it in neurological testing and radiological testing is really important and very
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new. that is the part that's new here. >> gillian: my question about all of this, i'm asking for a friend, is what is the difference or is there one between this kind of addiction and people who sort of practically speaking need to rely on the internet for information, for news, maybe to do their -- conduct their daily lives, do their job? or is all of this falling under the umbrella of internet addiction. >> the answer is some people are more resistant to this addiction than others. the number is somewhere between 5% and 10%. you might have a brain that does fine with the internet. you could be zoned in. i don't want people out there to think it affects everyone. the reason this is important that we're bringing it to our viewers' attention. this is the ages of ten to 19 we're talking about in the
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study. even if it's only five to 10% be on the look out for. plenty of people can work with the internet eight hours a day and not have this happen. same thing with substance abuse. a similar comparison. people can have a glass of wine and not end up with alcoholism. other people are prone to it. we are moving in the direction, especially with artificial intelligence to prove who is most at risk. >> gillian: if you are a parent of a teen or pre-teen are there signs to look for that maybe they're heading in a bad direction with this or cross your fingers and hope it turns out okay? >> another great question. i look for irritability. changes in behavior. people that get isolated. most of all i tell parents the same thing as with social media. what are you providing as an alternative? do you have dinner conversation


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