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tv   The Five  FOX News  June 7, 2024 2:00pm-3:00pm PDT

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social media. i will say my husband and i are not big social media people, we do not post a lot, and i think the girls picked up on that and have become that way, as well, which i think really helped because they weren't comparing themselves to people all the time. >> neil: very impressive. riley, we don't have much time, but you are off to college, where you going and what are you going to study? >> i'm going to the university of florida and i am studying biomedical engineering. >> neil: incredible at the it i can't even spell medical engineering. riley, congratulations, tracy, you are a great family. without any overt pressure, just letting your kids be free to be their best. that is obviously what happened here. very jealous of both of you. congratulations. it is too late for my kids now, they keep saying they are doing their best, they are not. here is "the five." >> just keep supporting them, that's most important thing. >> neil: all right. [applause] ♪ ♪
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>> dana: i'm dana perino a lot of judge jeanine pirro, harold ford jr., jesse watters, greg gutfeld. it's 5:00 in point pleasant beach new jersey and this is "the five" beach bash. ♪ ♪ [applause] and welcome to "the five"'s beach fest. we are live, what a way to kickoff this summer with this amazing crowd. give a shout out to t-mobile for sponsoring the show. guys, th found our people. >> jesse: dana, i cannot believe you pulled this off. your idea, by the way. >> dana: we have a lot of fans. jeanine's first time pitt >> judge jeanine: yeah, it's my first time and i got to tell, dana, every weekend. [cheers and applause] >> dana: how about greg? >> greg: great to be here. >> dana: you like wearing shorts to work? >> greg: finally come i get a
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casual, actual casual friday. you know, this is for pride month. thoughts for the guys. >> dana: we honor them. we honor you come as well or good would not be a sure visit without hitting up that board walk behind us peer who better to guide us in the king f new jersey himself, the jersey shore mike "the situation" sorrentino. we met him earlier. check it out. ♪ ♪ i've got the crew with me, the judge. by jesse watters, greg gutfeld. we've lost him somewhere. >> jesse: already. >> dana: he is too short to ride the rides so we do not know where he is right now but i am so glad he came to the jersey chore. >> judge jeanine: i never been here, tell me about it pits before this is point pleasant beach, all families and fun. >> jesse: what are we doing today? >> dana: as you can imagine i want to show you a lot of different things but i needed to do my research and find as an expert. i got the best expert committee want to meet him? >> judge jeanine: sure!
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>> dana: mike the situation, great to have you, thank you so much for meeting us. >> what's up? >> judge jeanine: hi, how are you? >> guys, we have a bit of a situation on our hand. follow me. this way. i love the chicken tenders. >> dana: what do we have here? >> guys, we have all of the staples when you come to the jersey shore. >> oh, my gosh. >> fried oreos, pizza, chicken tenders. >> judge jeanine: cheers. >> jesse: tendys, cheers. >> dana: can we get some diet cokes around here? thank you. caroline, johnny, thank you. >> judge jeanine: jesse, get rid of the straw. >> you have good hair. he could probably be on "the jersey shore." >> jesse: if i get my haircut like you? >> your hair looks great.
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i think we are fueled up right now. i think it is time to step it up a notch. we've got some games. >> judge jeanine: all right, let's go! >> right here we have basketball and football right next to it, probably have a little competition. >> dana: oh, jesse, o oh, my gosh. >> these are warm-ups. >> dana: okay, okay. where did you get that? have you ever done the hippos? >> i have. >> jesse: let's go. ♪ ♪ >> jesse: 30! that's impossible! >> judge jeanine: what time is it? >> it's t-shirt time!
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>> somebody say t-shirt time? >> it's jessica! >> i know this is the place to come. show us around the t-shirt section. >> judge jeanine: what about greg, dana? >> dana: i'm going with his nice blue, but look what i got for greg. >> are you ready? because now we have our t-shirts covered, there is only one thing left for us to accomplish. >> what do we got? >> get ready, guys. all right, guys, are you ready for a situation? it is time for some rides. >> judge jeanine: we've got "the five," we haven't even prepped yet. >> dana: i've came prepared, got our folders. judge of the a block, jesse b block, i'll take c, cc ration, this is your folder. >> let's go. ♪ ♪
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♪ ♪ >> oh, my god, it's happening! >> it's happening! >> we have a situation? >> guys, it wouldn't be complete at the jersey shore without taking a photo, a squad photo. >> i got this. [laughter] >> dana: always a great time, indeed come and thank you mike the situation for being there. his book it was just out. jesse had him on the show. >> jesse: "the reality check: making the best of a situation," see what he did there? play on words beard mike was great. dana did a shot underhand in the basket and judge jeanine set an all-time record for the hungry hungry hippos, 30. 30. 30 hungry hippo balls peered >> harold: 32 she said.
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>> dana: greg, i got you a t-shirt. i hope it fits. a little one for you here at the jersey shore. >> greg: that's beautiful. i love it. you know what? i feel old because when i look at the situation and i see that he's gotten old, that means i'm really old. i mean, remember, they have gone from cocaine to colonoscopies. [laughter] from stds to iras. from peer to bifocals. >> jesse: yes. >> greg: do you have any more? >> jesse: you are the only one that prepared for the show. >> judge jeanine: harold, i know you couldn't come with us to the t-shirt shop so i got you a t-shirt. it's called "rock the boat," which is what you do, harold. >> dana: rocking that boat. [applause] it was a great time. this boardwalk is a lot of good, clean fun, harold, where you can bring your kids. >> i got to tell you, this is my first time on the shore, and i didn't realize this people were this good beer going to come
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back. >> dana: let's get a little bit of news. next come inflation causing a summer concert cool down with some major artist like jennifer lopez even canceling their tours amid reports of poor ticket sales at the average ticket cost skyrockets. hardest hit, jesse watters. are you said jen jennifer lopezs not owing to have her concert cosmic >> jesse: j.lo when i go way back. she is with ben now, and i'm not that upset now. i heard because she couldn't sell out in vegas, that's the reason she is not doing the tour. i don't know if it is biden inflation, but i know back four years ago all concerts were free because you just had to go to a trump rally and they let you in. >> dana: that's true. harold, what do you think, the economy? is this a reflection of the economy? >> harold: i don't know, i think there are so many concerts and options people have come all of the festivals in individual concerts, so at some point there is a finite wallet. >> dana: the market works, supply and demand? >> harold: that's exactly what i'm saying. that is what greg told me to say before we got on the show. >> dana: greg, what do you
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know, concerts need to change? >> greg: it's an excuse. the only reason they canceled j.lo's tour was they couldn't find a stadium big enough for her ass. [laughter] [applause] thank you. it's jersey. here's the deal. america under joe biden has become a neighborhood that is pricing everyone out. the only people -- [applause] the only people who can afford a house in america are the rich or foreign rich people coming here or hedge funders buying up tons of houses. everybody else is screwed. by the way come inflation isn't just affecting prices. it's also immigration. he's inflated immigration. he's inflated crime. right? he's also inflated government control, right, by targeting political opposition. answer pressing political speech. so if you think, it's not just the price of food.
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it's the cost of your freedoms and the price of being an american. we'll be right back. >> dana: before we do, let's get judge in. [cheers] jeanine? judge? >> greg: in your face, harold! >> dana: he's got a cute face, though. judge, one of the things we know on the boardwalk today is kind of expensive if you are buying toys for the kids. >> judge jeanine: yeah, i was looking at that. even buying beach balls or simple things, t-shirts are expensive, and the truth is, you know, people don't want to pay these inflated prices to go to some of these concerts, and you know only the really good ones now are getting a stadium full of fans. so going forward, you'd rather watch it on tv or watch it, like, what is it, what's her name who does the concerts in the movie theater -- >> dana: taylor swift. >> judge jeanine: taylor swift. instead of paying $5,000 or $10,000 for a ticket, watching
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on television peered >> dana: i would love that because then i can press pause and go to the bathroom. don't move a muscle, america, there are more surprises and guests to come on "the five" beach bash from the tiki bar. donald trump and joe biden training insults. we have more right after the break. ♪ ♪ [cheers] ♪ ♪ >> announcer: "the five"'s wh t-mobile for business. an take your business further mak is unmatched connectivity and 5g solutions from t-mobile for business. t-mobile connects 100,000 delta airlines employees, powers tractor supply's stores nationwide with reliable 5g business internet, and partners with pga of america
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on game changing innovation. this is how business goes further with t-mobile for business. everywhere but the seat. the seat is leather. alan, we get it. you love your bike. we do, too. that's why we're america's number-one motorcycle insurer. but do you have to wedge it into everything? what? i don't do that. this reminds me of my bike. the wolf was about the size of my new motorcycle. have you seen it, by the way? happy birthday, grandma! really? look how the brushstrokes follow the line of the gas tank. -hey! -hey! brought my plus-one. jamie?
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♪ ♪ [applause] >> judge jeanine: we are having a blast at the jersey shore at martel's tiki bar.
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now let's go to some politics peered with three more weeks until the first debate, joe biden and donald trump were trading insults and letting the trash talk live. >> you bring up your opponent, donald trump, he has said of your executive action, he's pretending to finally do something about the border, but it is all about show. he says we have a debate come up, biden's exec of order is and pathetic. >> is he describing himself? week and pathetic? [laughs] come on. speak are you ready for this debate? >> yes, yes. >> judge jeanine: president trump is hammering biden on the border crisis. >> we are so weak on the borders now. we were so strong. this guy goes to the beach all the time. you ever watch him in a bathing suit? 70 told him he looks good. oh, joe, you look great in a bathing suit b of 82 years old, you look fantastic. you get lift a chair. this year's hollow aluminum,
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billed for old people to lift and he can't lift it. >> judge jeanine: and that guilty verdict is not keeping trump down. new fox polling shows the former president is beating sleepy joe biden in arizona and florida and nevada. and it's a dead heat in the blue state of virginia. all right, seeing as donald trump, harold, is leading in all of those estates, beating biden, do you think biden is right when he says that donald trump is weak and pathetic? >> harold: i hope that they are able to get talking about the issues at some point. i think there are major differences between the two of them on trade. there is major differences on the economy. i'm interested in that debate for a lot of reasons, perhaps most important, jesse, is to get specifics on how do you lower food costs? how do you lower gas costs?
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mr. president, how do you think we should deal with reproductive rights for women across the country? i want both of them to be able to share their views on what the country choose. i do think in that poll you just put up, judge jeanine, the fact there is only a four-point difference in florida is really an interesting thing to me. i thought president trump would be up far bigger in florida. this race is a 50/50 race. this june 27 debate i think will take things a little bit in favor of whomever america thinks won that debate and then we will all be looking forward to the second one in august and maybe even a third one in september. >> judge jeanine: well, you know, dana, you are the one who is great with all of the numbers in the polls, what do you think of what harold said? >> judge jeanine: it's interesting virginia is tied partly because governor glenn youngkin has revitalized the republican property in virginia and achieve results so people are looking at that. i also think that northern part of virginia makes it fool's gold for republican sometimes peered however, if biden is having to spend money in virginia, that means he's not able to spend all
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of that money elsewhere, so that gets tighter. the other thing is biden cannot hold a news cycle come he cannot win a new cycle. he can go to france and still not win a new cycle. abc news did this big interview with him. they went over there when he was interviewing, what, zelenskyy, they do a big interview with biden, makes no news, doesn't even make this interview with biden in france didn't even make the front page of their website. so i think in the lead up between now and the debate, trump is going to try to figure out a way to win every news cycle, like he has been doing, and that gets you that hype, leading up to the mike tyson, what's his name -- >> harold: jake paul. >> dana: i was going to say john paul, but he was a pope. but like that, you have to get hyped for that and get ready but i think this is the ramp up to that. biden can't win a new cycle. >> judge jeanine: you know, jesse, one of the things donald trump has done is he has really criticized joe biden in this alleged securing the border, executive order, you
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know, do you think the public is buying that joe biden is securing the border? 1.8 million can still come in every year? >> jesse: absolutely not and if i am trump at the debate stage and he calls me weak, i say joe, the taliban told you what to do. the cartels tell you what to do. i'd say aoc bosses you are around, joe biden. you are the weakest president we have ever had in the history of the united states of america. these border control policies that he just initiated, they changed the definition of fear so you don't even have to say you are scared in order to get asylum. if you are just silent, they interpret that as being scared and they let you come on in and harold, this is not a 50/50 race. joe biden is losing every single battleground state. and if you are tied in virginia this is looking like an absolute landslide. >> harold: he has four points ahead in florida. >> jesse: four points ahead in florida. he is up in all of the rust belt states that he needs to win, he
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is up in the sun belt. >> dana: and he is going to win nevada. >> jesse: now donald trump is picking off joe biden space with young people, blacks, and hispanics. joe biden is on the defensive big time and joe biden is raising boatloads of money. there even in the war chest. you might as well just quit. >> judge jeanine: greg, do you know that the trump campaign raised $300 million in may? take that one, harold, too. but in addition to that -- i love you, though, harold. but in addition to that, greg, the truth is the democrats hope that the convicted felon moniker would put an end to donald trump. it doesn't mean darn thing. >> greg: well come i think they forget -- that's a mistake the democrats have made as they have abdicated their role as the victim. they are the victim party. they just made trump the victim. whoops. think about this. it is three weeks until the
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debate. what is that in biden years? [laughter] this guy is declining so fast, ukraine is sending him aid. [laughter] but you know what? there is a sense of existential dread among the democrats because they realize that america has gone from wanting change to the deciding for change. it's like when you were a young guy and you were dating a girl, and you are selfish and uncaring. she wanted to leave you. but then when she decided she was going to leave you, then you make the promises. then you swear you are going to change. then you say oh, i'm going to be different, please don't leave me, please don't leave me, i'll change. that's america. what the democrats have noticed is that a decision has been made. the americans want to change, and they are looking at trump in a different way. there are some people that aren't crazy about him but they realize biden is a bigger risk
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to the country than donald trump is a risk to your feelings. >> judge jeanine: all right. all right. >> jesse: a girl never left you, did she? a girl would never leave greg. >> judge jeanine: coming up next, the media is totally in the bag for the democrats. wait until you see what left-wing clown jimmy kimmel is doing to help biden. ♪ ♪
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♪ ♪ [cheers] >> harold: critics accusing the media of once again being in the tank for the democrats. abcs of the late-night comedian jimmy kimmel announcing he will be hosting a star-studded fundraiser for the biden campaign.
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[boos] it says "poorly rated show on tv that donald trump's hate watches. i am entering president biden and president obama with special guests george clooney, julia roberts, and many more. and you are invited." just this week, kimmel had vice president kamala harris on his show and in the past he has also sat down with president biden. >> are you aware that there is a strain of cannabis named after you? kamala kush, did you know that? >> really? speak often get asked, the republicans don't place where, why do you play it square? >> it's like you are playing monopoly with someone who won't pass go and won't follow any of the rules and how do you ever make any progress if they are not following the rules? >> we've got to send them to jail. [laughter and applause] >> in jail? >> harold: and legendary
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democratic strategist james carville says the media needs to get tougher on president biden's opponent, former president trump. >> i don't have anything -- i really don't. other times in american history, but not right now. [bleep]. the real objectivity in this country right now is we are either going to have a constitution or we are not. >> harold: so greg, your thoughts about jimmy kimmel, and even the things that carville is saying about president trump and most important, what do you think about jimmy kimmel and what he is doing for the biden campaign? >> greg: it's pretty strange to see, even though his show isn't watched by anybody, he is still a late-night show host. could you imagine johnny carson, david letterman, jay leno, any of those people actually sending out a fundraising email? i mean, and also, kimmel used to be host of the man show, where
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he interviewed women in bikinis on trampolines. so he went from like basically drooling over women on trampolines to schilling for a drooling man on a stretcher. it is strange. it is weird. his old job of telling jokes is now being replaced by schilling for pos politicians. i don't how abc is okay with that. >> harold: dana, you can pick up on that but what about the cargo point? is he right that the media he believes is not questioning president trump enough, is that something that you feel the same way about? >> dana: i find that odd because president trump is the only one talking to the media all the time. even under a gag order he talks more to the media than joe biden does. joe biden hasn't even done an interview with "the new york times" so i think that is a little bit suspect. the media just decide to write whatever they want about trump
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without even checking. and then the democrats freaked out because there was a story written by news reporters of "the wall street journal" with 45 different sources all saying that joe biden has lost a step, and the media goes nuts and they attack the reporters instead of saying we have a problem. i do think that jimmy kimmel has kind of given up on getting ratings because any of those previous comedians greg mentioned, they would have been reaching out to the trump campaign and they would have said, let's go. let's have you on my show. i think trump would do it. >> greg: absolutely. >> dana: that's how you get ratings. to me i feel like they have given up. the capitol wants the biden campaign wants to do hillary clinton in the 2016 campaign, the roar campaign all the celebrities, it didn't work. it is biden's safest place. he does not want to do big events in new hampshire even because only 30 people showed up and as jesse pointed out 12 of them were staffers. so i find that all a little bit
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odd. i do wish that more of them would do in-depth interviews. i think biden sitting down and doing the "time" magazine interview, the long one, everyone should read that for themselves. that should be read and the transcript audio should be released. >> harold: your thoughts on whether or not president trump -- you think he would accept jimmy kimmel invitation to debate joe biden and a late-night setting like that? >> judge jeanine: donald trump would go into the lion's den and poke the lion. he's willing to go anywhere, anytime, anyhow, okay? so jimmy kimmel is the least of his worries. but i've got to tell you, when you hear carville say something like the real objectivity in this country now is either we are going to have a constitution or we are not, which i think is really incredible given the fact that the democrats were the ones who suppressed free speech, who suppressed the first amendment during the 2020 election when antony blinken got 52 so-called
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intel guys to come out and say the laptop, which is now the central piece in a criminal case against hunter biden, was russian disinformation. the democrats should not talk about the constitution because they are the ones who have been destroying it at every step. [applause] >> harold: i have a slightly different opinion about that, but jesse, what are your thoughts about this? >> jesse: because joe biden needs a lot more help than donald trump does. joe biden needs kimmel. he needs bill clinton. he needs barack obama. he needs george clooney to raise money. donald trump can throw a fundraiser and raise $50 million just by himself. and if we were at fox and greg tried to throw a fundraiser for donald trump, they'd have to call this show "the four." he would be out of here so fast, they would never allow that. and then for carville to say they need to be tough, how much more tougher can the media beyond trunk? they are trying to throw him in
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prison. they are trying to call him a racist. they're trying to strip him off the ballot. so i don't know what more they can do. whatever they are doing is working because he is up in all of the polls and now he is raising more money and he is going to cruise to reelection, harold. >> harold: quick question, the judge has said she think there should be another debate, you think three to debates? >> jesse: the third debate should be on fox news, how about that? [applause] >> harold: coming up, jesse, grab your speedo because a "the five" is hitting the beach when we come back live from the jersey shore. ♪ ♪
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♪ ♪ >> jesse: all right, welcome back to "the five" summer beach bash, everybody, we are down here at point pleasant beach on the boardwalk, and summer is
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almost in full swing but the most important thing is the lifeguards are the real heroes of the summer, and we've got one here. we've got brian. what's? >> nice to meet you, my name is brian, welcome to point pleasant, i am the chief lifeguard and i just wanted to go over some ocean safety with you as we kickoff the summer. our second most important tool as a lifeguard is this right here, it's our whistle, so i got you guys some whistles. [whistle blowing] here we go. here we go. >> greg: do not give jeanine a whistle. >> all right, here's what we are going to do. >> greg: we need these in new york. >> best whistle on account of three. one, two, three. [whistles blowing] >> pretty good, not bad. i want you to create a seal over it with your tongue like you are spitting out sunflower seeds. [whistles blowing] much better. very good.
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our most important tool right here is our rescue torpedo. we are actually going to have jesse help and be my victim -- >> jesse: the most important tool. >> didn't say it like that. jesse bogle over here and be the victim and i will demonstrate a torpedo rescue. obviously this would be in the water. today we are on the beach. >> dana: godspeed. >> greg: fun fact, my nickname in college was huge torpedo. >> he is a drowning victim. >> dana: biggest tool. >> i'm going to bring the strap of the torpedo. arms are going to come through, going to put it across my chest. okay, going to come out through the side. as i'm lying down, i throw it as i enter the water to get not get tangled, swim swim swim. once i get five yards out, i get ahead of my handle, i put it in front of jesse and i say, don't grab me, grab this because we don't want a panicking victim to drown the lifeguard in the process bids be what if i want to grab you. >> we will talk about that
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later. i am a married man, jesse. until we get to safety. just like that. well done. a round of applause. thank you very much. if you noticed, i brought three torpedoes here so i would like you guys to give this a try. i will be a victim, judge jeanine, and dana, can you guys be victims and see if they can try to rescue you. >> dana: we would love to try that. >> jesse: do we have to choose which one we want to rescue? >> judge jeanine: shut up, jesse! >> totally up to you. you identified a drowning victim. going to grab that strap, put it over your shoulder so it is across your chest. >> dana: i'm drowning! >> now you are going to come, throw it out, hand me, don't grab me, grab this. >> jesse: told grab me, grab this, dana! >> and back to safety. greg, you let me drown. that's okay. >> greg: hey, i have a question. do you guys have dei policies for lifeguards? i have noticed a lack of
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diversity. no plus size lifeguards. have you noticed this? >> i was actually thinner in my younger years. i'm putting on some pounds. >> greg: i noticed that. >> it is awesome you guys are up here. >> dana: how many times of years when you have to do one of these torpedoes? >> last year 590. >> judge jeanine: what? >> dana: need to learn how to swim. >> judge jeanine: so how many lifeguards you have here? >> about 100, a little over 100. 15 lifeguard stands. this is one of the easiest beaches of the jersey shore, we are very crowded and very busy. >> judge jeanine: wow. >> jesse: jeanine, he is not going to give you mouth-to-mouth. >> judge jeanine: stop it, jesse! i've got harold who saved me. >> greg: who decides who to save? like you were all at the beach, you see somebody out there, is there a taking turns thing? >> and welcome if you are sitting with your partner you would identify someone who is in trouble. >> greg: what if you're having lunch? >> during lunch break, somebody
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goes, we rotate and keep everybody fresh. >> jesse: thank you guys very much. we've got fan mail next. >> judge jeanine: ea! >> thank you guys. ♪ ♪ >> announcer: "the five"'s beach bash is sponsored by business further atom what makes it possible is unmatched connectivity and 5g solutions from t-mobile for business. t-mobile connects 100,000 delta airlines employees, powers tractor supply's stores nationwide with reliable 5g business internet, and partners with pga of america on game changing innovation. this is how business goes further with t-mobile for business. everyone say, “space pod.”
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♪ ♪ [sfx] water lapping. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ [sfx] water splashing. ♪ ♪ [sfx] ambient / laughing.
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♪ ♪ >> greg: it is "fan mail friday," live from martell's tiki bar at the jersey shore. the first question is a doozy! all right, this is from zach. you are traveling with a friend. you get picked for a free upgrade to first class. do you leave your friend or significant other behind and take the upgrade? we already know what jesse is going to say, so let's get him out of the way. jesse, you would abandon your own child for first class. >> jesse: if it's a friend, you definitely take the upgrade. if it's a spouse, you definitely take the upgrade. [laughter] >> greg: judge, what say you? >> judge jeanine: i initially thought i would probably do it,
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but you know what, if i had a friend who wasn't normally in first class, i would give it to my friend. i really would. >> greg: liar! >> judge jeanine: i'm not. >> jesse: liberal! >> judge jeanine: yes. >> greg: harold, you only fly private so this makes no sense to you. you limousine liberal. you make me sick to my stomach. >> harold: i would give up my private jet and my first class to any friend. every time. >> greg: all right, dana? >> dana: i don't know who these people are, i'm definitely taking the upgrade. >> greg: taking the upgrade, doesn't matter, just go in the baggage compartment. >> dana: i always get upgraded. >> greg: exactly. second question. this is a great question. what tv show was canceled too early? that you would like to see come back? jesse, would it be "the o'reilly factor?" >> jesse: we had a good run, greg. i would say "live pd." i love "live pd," they canceled the during the summer of love
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and they've got to bring it back. >> greg: dana? >> dana: i watched a show on that flick from our strata called "offspring," so good but only seven seasons and i could have gone longer. >> greg: wow, she picked one from australia. >> harold: mine is british. idris albro and "luther." >> greg: judge? >> judge jeanine: "lioness" -- >> harold: it coming back. >> judge jeanine: so my wish has been granted. >> greg: you know what come i think they should do a senior "baywatch." >> judge jeanine: don't even go there, greg. >> greg: bring all of the original with new implants. and it could be at the villages. the villages lake. >> dana: with the alligators? >> greg: exactly, they have to fight alligators. what was your reaction when you first saw yourself on tele television? dana?
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>> dana: oh, my gosh, i do remember one time they played back something and i blink a lot, way too much. >> greg: you are like a hostage sending a message. >> dana: yeah. >> greg: you are doing morse code right now. >> dana: help me come help me. >> greg: judge? >> judge jeanine: i remember the first time i was on, it was "the today show" and the driver got lost, so there was no hair and no makeup. i looked like a nightmare. i didn't come out for like a week after that. >> greg: harold? >> harold: looked, had a bad hairstyle, i had a part in my head. >> greg: i remember that part. >> harold: had to get rid of it tab, terrible. >> greg: good move on your part. see what i did there? >> jesse: i was 13 and they interviewed me during the milli vanilli scandal and i was at a footlocker in philly, and so they interviewed me, i said my piece, i told my parents i'm going to be on tv tonight, mom and dad, you've got to watch, and then we waited for the news, and they showed me, and then an old lady's voice was dubbed over
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my voice. like milli vanilli. >> greg: wow. i just remember one of the first times i saw myself on tv i thought, wow, who is this good looking guy? >> judge jeanine: of course you did. >> greg: do we have time for another? okay. what's the worst thing to heat up in an office break room microwave? and don't say jessie's hair, dana. >> dana: well, it's obviously fish, but i'm going to give you another tip. if you ever cook cauliflower in a microwave and burn it, you will be exiled to another country. >> greg: judge? >> judge jeanine: that you shouldn't put in a microwave in the office? >> greg: yeah. >> judge jeanine: i don't know. i don't cook in the microwave in the office. >> greg: no, somebody else does it. >> judge jeanine: i don't go in that room. fish smells bad. what else is new? >> greg: jesse? >> jesse: indian food. >> greg: boo!
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blue! blue! >> jesse: let's go, brandon! [laughter] [cheers] >> greg: way to get out of trouble. >> jesse: i was close. >> greg: harold, did i ask you already? >> harold: any food who that is cooked by someone who can't cook, always smelly when you reheat it be that the judge cooks well. data cooks well. >> greg: you are in the green room, somebody comes in and reheats their lunch because they have to eat lunch there. broccoli, brussels sprouts. >> judge jeanine: horrible, horrible. and fish. >> greg: who does that? kilmeade. >> judge jeanine: oh, pour -- >> greg: he lives in a broom closet. "one more thing" is up next. >> judge jeanine: i don't get that. ♪ ♪
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>> announcer: "the five"'s beach bash is sponsored by empower. start taking control at [ (inner monologue) seriously, look at these guys. they are playing great. meanwhile, i'm on the green and all i can think about is all the green i'm spending on 3 kids in college. not to mention the kitchen remodel, and we'd just remodel the bathrooms last month. with empower, i get all of my financial questions answered. so i don't have to worry. so you're like a guru now? oh here it comes— join 18 million americans and take control of your financial future with a real time dashboard and real live conversations. empower. what's next.
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♪ [cheers] jean okay. [. [cheers and applause] >> dana: all right. time now for "one more thing." judge? >> judge jeanine: i want to give a very special shout-out to sean and rebecca who are here at more tell's having their wedding rehearsal dinner. [cheers] >> judge jeanine: they are huge fabs of "the five" and come from a family of great patriots who watch the show every day. wishing a lifetime of love and happiness for those two. congrats, sean and rebecca. [cheers] >> dana: greg gutfeld? >> greg: we have a couple of divorces to celebrate. [laughter] >> greg: all right. tonight, on heading back to new york to do my show, brand new
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kennedy, tyler fischer, joe machi kat timpf and tyrus. [cheers] >> greg: and now it's time for greg's pride month news. [laughter] >> greg: so, check out these cocks. peacocks. a pride of peacocks. i love a good pride of peacocks. pride hanging out on an sprawlian lawn. we also have some peacocks showing off their feathers. ha ha ha ha. look at that! check out that peacock. >> dana: all right. great crowd. before you start chanting i do want to just say thanks for my one more thing i want to say thank you, everybody, for coming. the jersey shore is a special place. thank you. [cheers and applause] >> dana: thank you so much. i just want to also show you this. it wouldn't be summer without a dog surfing competition.
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check this out. i believe it was in florida. there we go. and these dogs really know how to get in the spirit of summer. they will never need torpedo rescued by brian because they know how to swim. all right, jesse? >> jesse: it's happy national doughnut day, everybody. and. >> oh, yeah. >> we went to muller's in bay head. [cheers] mull letters very popular peanut butter and bacon glaze doughnut and this is going to be all for me. >> dana: let's see it. is it good? >> jesse: delicious. >> crowd favorite for sure. harold ford jr.? >> harold: oklahoma sooners swept the texas longhorns in the women's college world series winning their fourth women's college world series in a row. they won 8-4. beat them in the two-game series and scored 21 total hits against them. they are now tied with arizona,
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the great jenny hinkle is my friend who played for them behind ucla for women's most. >> jesse: did you go girl. >> dana: you go, girl. we want to thank mike the situation for showing us around the jersey the boardwalk. we have big summer plans we are going to be in milwaukee. >> greg: isn't it funny. >> dana: situation. >> greg: situation wrote a book. has he read one? >> dana: how dare you are. i bet he has read your books. >> greg: i don't think he has ever read a book. >> jesse: come on. let's go. situation right there. greg. >> dana: we loved it. thank you for having us march tell tiki bar. that's going to be it for us. huge thanks to all of you have. great night, everybody. >> harold: happy birthday, peter. ♪
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