tv Hannity FOX News June 7, 2024 11:00pm-12:00am PDT
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i've seen it. you guys have fun, but it's fun. that's right. it's good to see you, brian. and can tune in, by the way, to fox and friends weekend tomorrow at a m eastern.-day tim kennedy, he was at he was at d-day. >> governor kevin stitt from oklahoma, john smoltz halliaalso of fame pitcher. he might be on brian greenberg's cardboard glorjohny walls. i haven't seen his office. he's got baseball cards adorning every wall there. >> i will also be on one nation with brian kilmeade thisn' weekend. don't miss his great show. he also has got dana whitet fois on honors on his show. and don't forget to check out ad the warget tr warriors on fox n. >> it's the book in, a film form, and it's some of the most amazing americans. i had a chance to sit downf thew with. >> and as we close, take a look at the war on warriors anywhere booksn wia look a are . fox news books sign copy at war >> warriors. .com thanks for having me. sean hannity is next sean:
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and welcome to hannity this toniay night tonight w have majr major breaking news fromng new york city not ago new york judge john merchan b issued a very bizarre, unusual letter notifying. orneys president donald trump's attorneys and the d.a.'s offic e about a social media post on the unified court public facebook page. now the post in question reads the following quote, my cousin is a juror . icte he says, trump is getting convicted. thank you, folks, for all of your hard work. the post was published the day before the verdict on wednesday, may 29th. in the letter, merchan did not indicate whether this post was valid or if the courts are investigating the matter. but this is by far very, very level and alarming development
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. we're going to have great jarrett, mike huckabee all coming up on this. and we are only 150 days away from the 2024 rac presidential election. this race is heating ue isp big time, but unfortunately for democrats, joe biden is slowing down. we'll explain all that straight ahead tonight. plus, i have a message forth that idiotic actor george clooney and his wife who thinc george ck that they sd have a say over america's over. n policy after all, they'll be raisingey money for joey. also, partl be three oforme my interview with former president donald trump. that's straight ahead tonight. iden aheadwe talk about the upcoming debate and trump will tell us what he reall ty thinkseneral about the attorney general, merrick garland. also tonight, we will shines an a bright light on the spies and others that lied in the02 fall of 2020. 51 quote, intel experts, they lie to you. joe biden to you. big tech lied to you.d th the media mob lied to you. they all spread propaganda, outright misinformation
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and interfered in our presidential election. all thanks to hunter biden's gun gun trial. tr a shadow beyond of a doubt that the laptop that all these lied about andd s suppressed is very real. accordin g to fbi testimony, it was also never tampered with. the fbi knew this the whole time and they did nothing to clear it up with big tech that they were meeting weekly with. it's time for people like brennan and clapper, others, all of them, to be held accountable for this disgusting lie. y de they were absolutely designed to help joe biden in 2020. but we begin in france, where bn joe biden just gave a speechspeh on democracy. this is th on demoe same bidenw who openly defied the u.s. supreme court. the samed the u. biden who spenn a lifetime allegedly selling access around the worl spentd. you know, the biden brand often with zero experience and nothing to offer but a name nothingit
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y. no american president has ever cared less about democracy has n joe biden. but that didn't stop him from playing make believe. and so he shuffled out to a seaside podium in france earlier today and tried his best to deliver a speech written by his staffers. needless to say, they didn't go particularly well. take a look. they could see.e all they could see was the outline of the shore the sho and the enormity of these cliffs. and i like to look, i know i'll get in trouble. >> the secret service and i go to the edge and look over. but think those cliffs, as my hostess showed. d fo >> me, that's a we're standings on top of. there were americans like sergeantli leonard. well, sergeant leonard fromes ay new jersey. does anyone believboelievee the rangers want america to go it alone todawaamericy? w >> well, we don't talk about about how hard it is, how many ways we're asked to walk away,
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we instincts are to walkncts a away. the most natural instincret is o walk away. could they or anyone ever a imaginree that america would do the same? wouldn't do the same. that's the rangers have fought up from point to hawk did mumble bumble stumble fumble. oh and talk about walking away. you mean the wayout walk joe thy you walked away and surrendered in the war against radical islamic terrorism and said, oh, you're not going to help g israel win their war? wow. now, if you spend a few minutes watching video of biden in france, it's beyond obviousn' that is not operating with a full deck of cards. and whoeve a fulr is in charge e white house is doing a pretty terrible job . look at this new poll. two thirds of middle class 2 americans, they are struggling financially because of biden inflation and it continues to rise. we see similarand it on the borr
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and foreign policy and safety and security with dismantled defund no bail laws. l la biden is underwater on almoswstn every single solitary issue. and despite the lawfare in new york, donalde despit trump new l leading in key battleground states. look at this fox news poll, trump up five. poa up five, nevada up, and florida. trump leads by 22 pointsy 22 on the topic of immigration, i nevada and is makingug huge electoral gainsamer with hispanic-americans. and get thisic, he's now tied with joe biden. second poll in a row in the commonwealth of virginia. that's a state biden carried by more thany ten points in 2020. but the bad news for biden doesn't end ther0 th foree so far in the democratic primary, the president has mocraticalready lost a half a m votes to uncommittedto as fears
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now grow that hundreds o of thousands of democrat s aren't going to bother even voting for joe in the general election. wh evebother voting y it. those policies are horrible. now far less progressives. they're furious that biden would even pretend to addrespros the border crisis he created with a phony executive order that won't help. they want unfettered illegal immigration and amnesty, no limits at all whatsoever. and then to make these matters worse, biden's own son is nos w on trial for gun crimes.s gun while joe makes gucon control a central of his campaign. perhaps the biggest revelation from hunte r biden's trial is that his infamous laptop from that was actually enterede into evidence by biden's owngove doj, his governmenrnt. r un now, for the first time ever under oath, the federal government has confirmedhe f gos we already knew that hunter's laptop is authentic. its context contents are authentic. it's frec ite of kind of foreigw
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interference. yorkyew york post stor that was suppressed over and over about the lapto aboutp in the fall of 2020 was accurate. this means that in the fall of 2020, you were lied to by t joe biden. you were lied to by the media mob. you wereo by to and you are a fe speech suppressed, big tech and even our own government. we know that 51 intel experts, m they lied to youan and knew and absolutely, positively nothing about the laptop. but they were organized by wink and tony blinken, who seems to have been sufficiently rewarded with a high ranking position. they signed a letter assuring you that the laptop had all the markings of russian disinformation and a russian disinformationformatio. these are the same people who claim be so concerned t with disinformation. in realityhis inatio, they're te people that spread the conspiracy theory in 2020.hy
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why? because they wanted their guy t to win. they wanted it to alter the result of an electio n. they're the ones who censored americans from even talkin theyg about the story. oh, and donaldin trump eight years ago may have paid an nda, which is perfectlyd an legal, and that may have been designed as a campaigl ann contribution. >> are these not all campaign te contributions? all of these people must be held accountable. e people, anyone that signed on to that intel letter that didn't know anythingo thl lett should never be trusted again. clapper, hayde clappn leon pane. brennan. morell. dozens of others spread outright misinformation in order to influence the election. >> take a look. i think there are a lot of issues related to thisw york "new york post" story that purportedly referencedced u the hunter biden emails. and asntden's e- i and several y former colleagues have pointed out publicly
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that it does bear the hallmarks of russian disinformation. sinformation is just classic textbook. soviet russian tradecraft at work. >> the just lies. the fbi knew it was real. >> a theh of 2020. woul would not tell social media giants the truth. remember, they were meeting with them weekly in the monthshe leading up to the 2020 elections, warning them they may be victims. be misinformation. it may be about hunter and joe biden. where' about bidens outrage fros now? joe biden used this misinformed session in a debate to lieli and to you and the american peopleig . everybody big tech used this tec letter to censor l the freedomdf of speech of americans that wanted to commentof on the election. they couldn't even send a private message to. the mob dutifully just echoed the lies. you know, like they peddle i the lies and conspiracy theories for three long years. you know about donald trump andt
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the russia hoax. that never happened. now, joe biden is presidenpenetn leading our country off a cliff. and make no mistake, io f they were this brazen when trump was president in 2020, oh ,you don't think they're cooking up something now as we speak? you'd be pretty naive.pretty n so what can we expect as the election year? here with more, fox news contributor, former speaker of theofaker house newt gingric. you know, when you think of the magnitude of this 51 formerts ke intel agents, they knew nothing. w joe biden flat out lying. the media mob just goes along and spreads the propaganda and the misinformation. what is this, the former soviet union and, everybody else involved in this lie? you know, the fbi knew what the laptop was real and they were warning tech they mayuld be be victims of misinformation. facebook and twittertims said, is this misinformation like you were warning us about or
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is it real? they wouldn't answer that. mr. speaker, your takeuldn't th i don't think it's complicated . you have a remarkably corrupt hational establishment. it hates america. it hates what we've stood. des it's desperate to change every rule from whether or not there are two sexes to whether or not your religious beliefs matter, to whether or not you should stand and pledge allegiance to the flag. i mean, go down the list. if you loo k at work, for example, that scott rasmussen has done on the top 1% of the sort of intellectual financial elite, they literally are in a different planeta differ and d j. trump, starting in 2015 wasg threatening to destroyroy th literally destroy their world. you mean my adviceei to the trump campaign is simple. it's about to hie p campt the l. that everything they've done has failed.
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that's whyfa your polling number said. and therefore there ought to be some kind of planning teamteam on the conservative side that they're oe co trying to im. if you were a vicious, dishonest, desperate, had the power of the fbi, the power the justice department, all the other powers that the establishepowersd one has, whatd you do in the next four months? dthey're not going to go down easily. they're not going to say, well, yes, it's trues, that.incompet joe biden is totally incompetent. yes, that's true. the world's really dangerous and getting more dangerous because he's incompetent. gerous they're going to say, what ist e it we have to do to stop trump and to stop the trump movement? and given their track record from 2015 on, i, i really worry about how radical and how dangerous they're going to be in the next five months. >> i mean, let me look at the internals of these polls. you got trump up five, arizona, trump up five in nevada.
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up he didn't win nevada 16 or 20. he's up in florida. not a big surprise. in fl48, 48 in virginia. but then if you dig deeper into the poll, what do you learn? >> and this has been consistent with other polling, mr. speaker, and that is. yeah, okay, joe biden does o have a lead among african-americans, amo but in 2, it was 81 points. now it's down to 48 points. wow. and then if you look at donaldlk trump, he had 9% of th ae african american vote. he's at 25% today, again, consistent with other polls. >> other polls have him tied with hispanics. another dramatic shift. how real is this? >> well, we have we run a project called the america's new majority project, and we've had over 5000 african-americans polled, over 5000 latinos. i can tell you, as of right now ,donald trump will get a bigger share of the black vote
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than any republican since dwight eisenhower. it is going to be shocking and it may. that alone makes, it almostes impossible for biden to win. i suspec t trump is going to carry latinos because on virtually every ground fromem from from biden inflation killing them when they go to the grocery store to the fact that they came here illegally or in some cases they're second, third and fourth generation. they don't want to seeth venezuelan thugs and mexican cartel members in their neighborhoods. they don't want to see their children killed with over 100,000 drug deaths a year. just go down the list. e potentiai lat th here for a new trump coalition to replace the fdr coalition for the first time since 1932, i think it's very real. and if the president trump doese win and if he does doesn't govern well, and certainly he was doing that prio pr to covid in his first term, i think you could see in the
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next few years a profound shift in how america is run and who's in charge and what the values are that are being pushe butds e by the government. >> all right, speaker gingrich, thank you. now, more bad for biden. both republicans and democrats are now openly talking about the elephant in the room, and that is joe biden's obvious decline. but the administration's wacky energy, she dares to disagree. try not to laugh. but here is what jennifer granholm told fox news digital. o quote, the president is utterly on his game. ehe the wisest, most knowledgeable person in the room. he is he is thoughtful and he is wise. really. okay. it's sort of like he gets more done in an hour. the average american does in an entire day. anyway, earlier tonightire dayt merchan, as we've been telling you from the trump trial, sent s a letter to lawyers on both sides in that case, letting them that before the verdict verdict was announced,
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a facebook user left a comment a on one of the state court system poststeystem writing, qu, my cousin is a juror and says trump is getting convicted. legal analysis with great jared is coming up. but first, joining us with reaction to all of this, former arkansasaction governor mike huckabee, fox news contributor lisa boothe. lisa let's first talk about jennifer granholm. i think my favorite line about, joe biden being so sharp was he gets more done in an hour than the average person does in a full day. i'm like realln fuly. i haven't seen that guy. not one time. yeah. who who believes that at this point right. you don't believe your lying ears? don't believe your lying eyes. joe is fine. and of course, they're freaking out after this "wall street journal" articl the talking about how joe biden is slipping behind closed doors, interviewing 45 people close to the president over several monthslose, basically telling us what we already know, what we already see when
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joe biden takes the stage. >> but i will say, i think the some of the conversation around joe biden's agconversae and ment fitness does detractrae a little bit and take away from joe biden just being a terrible man, a terrible president. i mean, this a guy who has unleashed on america through open borders and the lawfare wag that he has waged against donald trump it. >> and it's just like when the speciaagainsld trumpl came m oh, joe biden's this well-meaning, you know, sympathetic elderly old man, as mishandledn had classified information sinceifie the 1970s, the 1980s. >> how is that well-intentioned or well-meaninmisinforwell-intgl let me ask you, mike what about the judge merchane telling that both the prosecutio n and todd blanche, the president's attorney, about the new york case, you know, that became aware of this facebook page post? my cousin's a juror. ro trump is getting convicted. thank you, folks, for all your hard worp isnvicted k. let's assume, governor, that's true in an y court of law.e that has to be cause for a mistrial.
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thoughtsmistrial. absolutely has to be. >> i mean, this whole case stunk as bad as you thought it could. now it smells like a three week garbage strike in august in new york city. on the streets. >> all right, lisa, let me get your reaction to that as well. i mean, wo.w, that's not a causo for a mistrial. >> i don't know what is. w whi mean, absolutely. >> i mean, the fix was in from the beginning, right? we know alvin bragg campaigned on getting donald trump. he elevated a misdemeanor to a o felony, never laid out what that other crimutte was that donald trump allegedly engaged in. and then we've got a who quite literally donated to stop republican ts who donated to joe biden, who is basically setgaint the game against donald trump this entire time. we know what democratsdonald are trying to do with us. so i hope that donald trump gets a with us because we need him in the white house. i mean, look what joe biden hase done to this nation in such a short period of time natio. so, you know, i pray to god that this is a mistrial.
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and we an actual real electionll where we, the people get to decideecwe t the outcome. >> what a concept. yeah, what an interesting concept. very well said. lisa, thank you. governor, thank you.5 coming up, day five in the hunter biden gun trial. the prosecutorane hunter and they rested today. will hunter take the stand in his ownl hu defense?hi we're going to tell you what his lawyer had to say. and breaking news, judge merchan pointing out that in the state facebook pagea that in fact, somebody who claims to be the cousikn of one of the jurors the day before the verdict comes in, the actually said trumps getting convicted. >> calls for mistriause for ria frank jarrett weighs in straight at. >> been there, done that best around. >> i'm having fun don't put me down on that with allegro. allergies won't hold me back. i want you allegro starts working two times faster than claritin and unlike zyrtec or won't make me drowsy, nothing
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. after months of criticism over undisclosed gifts, the u.s. court justices are filing financial disclosure reports, reports for eight of the nine sitting justices were released to the public friday. they show justice clarence thomas took two luxury trips with. a megadonor justice kantor g. brown jackson received thousands of dollars worth of concert tickets and artwork. just last year, the supreme court adopted an ethics code, but there is no way to enforce it. >> and president biden is publicly apologizing to ukraine for the months long congressional holdup of american military assistance . his apology coming during a meeting with president vladimir wolinski in paris friday. the delay in delivering billions in aid allowed russia to make gains on the battlefield. president biden is pledging an additional 225 million in aid to key delhi. paynter now back to "hannity". all right. it was day five of hunter hunte
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biden's gun trial in delaware, and the first lady, joe biden, flew all the way back from france to be in courew all bact. the prosecution rested and the defense began to makosecutioe their case. hunter's lawyer, abbe lowell, first called to employees from the gun store where hunter purchased the and then called hunter's daughter naomi, to the stand before court adjourned for the day, abbe lowell said he would decide over the weekend whether or not he would call hunter to the stand next weer k. that' and earlier tonight. this is huge. judge merchagen from the trump trial sent a letter to lawyers on both sides in the in that case, letting them know that before the verdict was announced, a facebook user believed the day before the verdict left to comment on one of the state court systems posecourd, writing, quo, my cousin is a juror and says, trump is getting convicted. okay. was the fix in froanmal the beginning, is this cause for a mistrial? here with reaction, fox news
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contributor miranda devine. she was in the delaware courtroom this week and fox news legal analyst gregg jarrett. miranda, i got to get to you, but i got to get to issue of what this letter is saying. greg jarrettwe, your legal analysis here is this. now, i would assume a motion from mistrials going outbeing wr and being written as we speak. >> oh, absolutely. if it is true, and that's a big here. >> but if it is true, it is grounds to vacatee th the conviction and order a new triaconvicl. i think, you know, what this judge needs to do is appoint and independent, impartial officer of the court to conduc t investigation. that may include spinning facebook a, identify who this person is, who posted it, because the message indicates that a juror spoke with a relative about the case. e told now, jurors are admonished
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at the outset of the trial, thatt yort allowed to talk to your wife, your spouse, anybody about this case. >> that taints the impartiality of the juror, an outsidety of influence potentiallthy. and not only that, it also suggests that perhaps before deliberations even began. the jurors had alreadyy it decid to convict. that's another grounds for misconduct. >> you know, impartiality is the centerpiece of our constitutional right for a fair trial, which is why jurors are told, you can't talk to anybody about it. >> don't watch the media don't engage in social media. but this message suggests that this is egregious. >> juror. it's up to the judge to get to the bottom of it. and as i say, if there's meritse to it, the case gets tossed. >> a new trial is ordered. well why is i don't trusttrust judge marchan at all? >> all right. let me turthjudgn to you, miran,
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you spent most of the week in the courtroom in this trial . >> i thought the analysis of jonathan turley was prett aby because abbe lowell and let'sa l be clear, abbe lowell is a real attorney and he's a very sharp attorney, very successful attorney. >> but his arguments fromg wa the beginning was, well, okay, the evidence at the trial, the laptop, it's not fully authentid he'sc. and he's trying to argue a that that hunter was not using drugs when he signednd arguing e the paperwork and that the laptop was tampere d with. well, they put on an fbi agenton that said no, authentic. we know the fbi knew that. and in march of 2020, according to just the >> and the fbi agent wasge sayig no, we never tampered with it. and then what's interesting it's almost like an o.j. defense, you know. well, biden didn't know he wascs lying on the form because he he thought he was being asked, are you using drugs? meaning are you using drugsfilln
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as you're filling out the form? that's. what the judge thealread judge has already instructed y the jury that if he used it tm around the time that he had filled out the form, like the next day, which text messages show thatex he's admitting that he used it, seeking a drug dealer can't make it up. his name is mookie. that that based on the judge'sin instructions, that whole thing collapses. reaction? >> yes, it does. but of course, that's what abbe lowell is aiming for, is to throng tw enough confusion aroud that at least one juror will believe his sob story and believe this idea that hunter biden, in his own mindiden believed that he was nt an addict and was not a drugmomt user at the moment that he signed the form. it's a very technical argument o . and look, there are seven ouf t of 12 jurors who have family members or close friendsalcoholi
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who have suffered from addiction or alcoholism. so they're going to be partial to the idea that hunter biden really, you know wasn'tri in his right mind for a lot of this period, but he wasmi lot valiantly trying to do rehab. he went through six rehab attempts in four years and that he'd just come out of one.d and so in his mind, he thought he was clean. you unfortunately for them, w there have been some prosecution witnessesosecue zoe kasten, who was one of hunter biden's many lovers at that time, and she testified that he was smoking crack 20 minutes around about that time. and look even naomi biden, his daughter, who kind of sad figure today when she testified under cross-examination, there were several text messages which showed that just a few days afterafte hunter biden bout that gun and before hallie biden threw it in a trascah can that hunter biden was unavailable to her, she came a c to new york.
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they were supposed to swap over a car. she him plaintive messages saying, dad, i want to hang out. and shndthey tfiede testified te thought he looked good and that he was clean and he'd been throughad beenh rehab and he was clear headed. but the text messages told another story that this was a father that she couldn't get hold of until two in the morning. i'm not in the courtroom like you have. and i feel that the prosecution has absolutely made their case beyond any shadow of a doubt. however it's a friendly venue. however, the issue of whether or not there might be a sympathy factor, you know, this is home turf for the bidens. this is not like trump in new york, an unfriendly, you know , venue for the bidens. you get a read on the jury? >> do you get a read on whether or not the prosecution's case t was so overwhelming that they can't vote any other way but guiltyth way? it's certainly the way it feels in there. the prosecutors have been getting increasingly more confidenty ecutors . and, you know, after the sort
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of courts dispersed and hung around one afternoon, and that was it been a very good day for them. and they were just a hoop. and abbe lowell is looking more, more angry. he seems actually i mean, i know he gets paid a lot of moneyd ey. he's highly regarded, but he seems a little disorganized. and in fact, he was, you know,se sort of shouted by one of the witnesses today, one of the gun store employees who just said how annoying it wasndt that prosecutor that hunter biden's defense team had been a messs defens to deal with ande had to call them and he should be asleep because he's too shifhiftt worker and he's sick f it. and so abbe lowell has you know ,i don't know if he's done such a great job. maybe this is part of his technique is to show the jurors that 100 doesn't have that's like a defense team. r asbut that image is undercutut by the the sort of biden family presence in the courtroom. you know, joe biden dressed to the nines.
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she's there every day. but yesterday when she had to go to paris, but she' s back again today. and, you know, hunter biden's aunt, val biden, his wife, i mean, they're all likereal hou something out of real housewives of wilmington, you know, very, very well put together. and it certainly projects wellni put together, yelling at people's faces, you know,belh saying you're not you know, what's wrong here? thant. h thank you both. so i appreciate it. miranda, you've been very generous all week with your time the. know you've been working hard. thank you. all right. coming up, earlier this weekcomm i did ask president trump about merrick garland refusing th releaset the audio of biden's interview with the special counsel. you know, whenunse i was i still vice president in 2009, also about his upcoming debate on fake news, cnn's later thisyt month. we'll play that straight ahead . what makes bolan brandt sheets
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business and news headlines on sirius xm. any time anywhere. fox news audio on sirius xm america is listening. all right. now more of my interview with former president donald trump from earlier this week at mar a lago in palm beach, florida. take a look. let me ask you about merrick garland. he said a lot before congress yesterday. he had a very rough day yesterday. had he testified he will not provide the audio recordingsroug of the robert hur interview. >> this is one where joe biden, for example, of many examples,d struggling cognitively and saibd it was i still was still vice president in 2009. >> let's see how he became vice president. and i sat there and i said, wow. and then the wholet. and a question mark asked, you know, garland, you know, will youe provide or any and all documents, communicationd als that may have taken place with alvin bragged letitia
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james fani willis, his office. again, no commitment to do anything like that. then, of course, you had, you know , jim jordan and jim jordan was asking, you know, pressing on whether or not the whole documents case where they had the footnote, which eileen cannon is now going to be looking into a lot of issues, including whether or not it was a proper appointment and why now do the documents look different than maybe foot the pictures or whatever the footnote had hae they a itthey admittednote was not the same a big deal? i would think so. l of t and all of thahat. what do you say about merrick garland? i'm disappointed in him. >> you know, he was veryer liberal, known as being very liberaknown asl. being i always looked upon hime as being a very legitimate person . and i'm very disappointed that he's allowed this all to happen e ha. >> a raid of mar a lago. c they could have had whatever they wantedould'vever,
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you understand? >> why didn't you let the fbi in here? fbi and it was no problem. didn't they go into the room? ye ts to the di, let him go? and didn't they call back two days later and say, woulysd puta a padlock on that? they said, would you putpadlocko a second padlock because they had a patio and you did. and my next question is if they wanted to come back, would you have let them back? sure. i they kno w and if they wanted to take the documents, would you have let them? i would have let theethe dom, en though i didn't have to. because you have few residential records, which is very specifically. it's up to the president. it's all up. why didn't t. ? you know, the new york times had an article and it headlined please, please, please, mr.e president, can we have your documents? ocumentsthey said in this artic, probably the writer was fired. >> but basically it's up to thee president what he wants to do. they never asked. they never once said, can we come and look at principley dk t litical stunt? >> i think that backfired on them. joe biden makeired my day. >> i wanted you to debate, but then he wants to setbate him all rules. he wants to pick the networks. he wants the only way out fohe s networks. he he wants to set all the rules.
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no rulesw has your team been abe to successfully specific termsoo in these debatesti, for example? i think that you should have a say in theth moderator. i think you should have a say in what the format is saying. you know, all of these things have your team. and let me tell you what>> ltell happened. they came to me with an offer that i couldn't accept and i immediately accepted it. they said fake tapper is going to be the moderator now. maybte he'll be fair. i hope he's going to be fair. i think there's pressure on him to be fair. did you se pressur er te the stuff i played about him? i know i'm going to keep it. they said he's going to be the moderatoe thr with a couple of other people that, you know, wouldn't be exactly on the listw . but they said it's going to be cnn. they also to be seated. i said, i want to be seated. you know, you should stand up for a debate. i've never seen a seated debate. i guess you can do the standing. it's going to be standing. but they gave a listf de of demands. number one, it was cnnmands numr
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two. if you take a look, jake, not exactly been great to republicans or to trump. so they gave us a liste us of things that, oh, no audience is not going to be in audience. i like the feel of an audience. you know, you get sort of aence there's a mood that used to win. but -- but we have nobody in the audience, not eve.n your family. i mean, there's nobody we're like in the this is probably a very sterile room. >> but here's the thing. i immediately because they thought i was not going to accept, they said we're going to make him an offerwouldn that he he's just going to have to refuse. refus and i accepted it because i think it's very important t that we have a debate. i think they wanted me not to accept it so that they cave e say we made an offer he didn't accept and therefore we don't have to debate. debatbut know what?e the country has to have a debate now with the republicanthcountravs. i didn't debate because i was up 67, 80 points and everybodyw . so i said, why would i debate when you're up, you know, get me down. wod i debai actually said get me to 25 or 30 points, but i was
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up 60,d 70 points.d and i said, i'm not going to do it. why should i d do that? and i think it turned out to bet a right why should i put myself the when somebody said country needs these debates? that'sthfor sure is it. show up on the show on the republic. why should i put myself out there when somebod putty is at one and i'm at 88? okay. but with -- of regard to a demo and a republican, i think it's vital. and i'd love to have kennedyh in the debate, too. i think it's important to him. the probleketom is his poll nums are terrible. >> he's down. so this should be a threshold for him. yeah, sure, it should be probably. i think they have like 20, 25% or something. but his numbers are lousyy an and seem to be getting worse. but i don't mind having him in the debate. i think it would be goode bu n't mind, but his numbers are too low. but look, the republican and, the democrat should debate not only tradition, the country has to see where we are. the country has to see what's going on. our country is going to and we have to change it and we have to change it fast or we're not going to have a country.
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>> and coming up, you will not>s believe new york city's latest ridiculous idea to stop subway crim newe. orge c to a report, by the way,lo george clooney apparently called the white house to defend his wife after t biden criticized the internationao del court for issuing a warrant for netanyahu's arrest. mr. clooney, i have a message for. >> you and your wife and jimmy fallon straight ahea d. you know what's crazy? that this is better than cooking at home. i mean, more affordable than groceries, of course. okay. groceries are expensive. >> i was in trouble there for a sec. what you are is this is this dog food in your fridge? >> it's not dog food. it's freshpet. real meat. real veggies. it seems like a lot of space to waste a dog. you're all the family i need.
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and relax. >> ellipse does all the work for you. call now. >> order ellipse. and turning now to our nation'so capital, "the washington post" recently reported that the white house got anrt angry phone call from none other than george clooney. looneythe hollywood leftist eli actor is married to human rights. amal clooney and her legal team helped the international
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criminal court officially accused israel of war crimes and issued an arrest warrant for prime minister benjamirrann netanyahu. this move is so outlandishrageou and so outrageous. even joe biden publicly disagreed, but apparently clooney didn't like biden trashing his wife's work and called one of joe's top advisers to let him know it . so what? we have to stop for a secondnd a and ask ourselves, what is gege who does he think he is? he's a hollywood leftist liber liberal, elitist actor. you knowelitis, the from e.r.. now he thinks he can dictated no poreign policy for the united states. he thinks he can turn this countrlicy fory against its grel ally in the middle east. why? becaus thee a bleeding heart liberal. because he's raising money for democrats. bleedinberal, rng mwhat qualif. does he have to weigh in on anwy of this? and here's the worst part wha of this. what makes all of this really
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awkward is clooneyt thi is sete to headline a major fundraiser for biden next weekend in lo smore angeles. all right. here with more is the host of the hit show fox saturday night, jimmy fallon. okay. i'm not going to be all, you know, you know, giggles with you tonight because i'm really over this. >> i get it. so, jimmy, you tell me. yeah, go ahead. you explain this to me. the number of the 1200 israelis killed in the terror attack.ledn you know, all the terror tunnels, the tens and tens and tens of thousands of rockets fired israel on a regular basis. the hundreds takenhe and taken out of their country. well, what part? this is george clooney, the not understanding where is his moral compass and clarity? isnd why isn't he speaking out about the murder, the , the kidnapping, the the radical
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islamic terrorists that did this to israel that haveel as charter the destruction of the state of israele? e no what part of that is he not kidding? and if he wants the international criminal court, he and his lovely bride to do something. where are they charging inadimir putin dthing wh, who wd out entire neighborhoods in ukraine? their silence there is deafening, you know. moe they that morally bankrupt ? because i thiny k they arebankr >> yeah, i mean, they are. this is one of those reminders t of just how dumbhi 1 actors can be without screenwriters. you know, because when you leave a guy like clooney to think for himself, he gravitates towards the side of the conflict you just described. that doesn't align with the way we value which does human life. the reason israel is our staunchest ally in that regionn isra is they're the onlv who share our values. so george clooney, a membealr of woke hollywood who was always hollering and screaming about women being oppressed. nobody knows more about women being oppressed than the folks living under the rule of hamass
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. so, yes, this is a disgusting effort by him, but it really reflectsaim on the weak leadersp in the white house that he would even think he'd have a voice in the huddle. like a call like thise is supposed to go straight to voicemailik. whe but the scariest part of this call, sean, is when clooney asked to speak to the uni president of the united states, they actually put jill on the phony poe. but don't make me laugh becausef i'm really about it. but you think about this. i get. murder,, beheadings, babiesthe n killed and slaughtered. the only answelyr is if you have any sense of moral right and wrong and mora l clarity is that you support israel in their victor they over radical islamic terrorists that attacked them. the equivalent of 40,000 americans killed in a day. if you extrapolate population. all right. on to a different issue. new york city has a lot of problems. this is one of them. too many people are not paying their subway and,
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their bus fares, and they're jumping the turnstiles or finding creative mee ways to avd paying for it. and it's costing new york transit authority, about $700 million a year. so the mta is asking a simpleasi question. >>ng a simple why aren't peoplr are they really that stupid left out to find out? they're now offering between 500,000 and $1,000,000 to a behavioral analyst who can, quote, grounded research on the motives options behind fare evasion and then, quote, develop at least three distinct behavioral interventionst 3 , n prevent it. keep in mind, every subway or bus rided ev in new york costs about three bucks. okay. yeah, i'm going to let you take that one, because if i go at it, i think my head's goingi to explode. >> no, no, you're worked up. now. we understand you moved
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to florida. it's stories like this, they get you. i understand. k wa like if new york wanted to invest $1,000,000, right? if new york wanted to invest $1,000,000 in a psychologist, p that would study why people root for the mets. i get it. okaye fo ts i. know why but we know why they jumped the subway turnstile, sean. they don'tways want to pay and they're not going to jail. the proble arem in york right nw is the overall lack of regard for the qualitk thy of life of s citizens. when you look at the subway with all the hobbits and time travelers and pantless winos, my family wanted to ridetold the subway, i told them to go someplace safer like baghdad. it's bad. o goi. all right. you made me laugh. you broke the. you broke me down. and that's what you do every t saturday night. by the way, i noticed on your podcast you have really good interviews, but you never invited me. so what's up with thatr invite ? oh, you stop and happily come in on a saturday night. you're the best it ever,t whatev
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you know. you get whatever you wan you wa >> you're always shaking me down. that's a real invitation. >> sean: tyou get whatever you t >> ie f you invite yourself, i guess i'll have to take you. yourwill hall right. >> we'll be watching. i'll reach outre the b. >> you're the best. well, we'll be watching tomorrow night. all right. >> laura hannity straight ahead . >> did you know taking zs all at night relieves allergies while you sleep so you wake refreshed for more productive day, get 24 hour continuous relief that does not fade. >> the wise old take zazzle at night, whether because of discomfort, lack of mobility, your lifestyle or occupation you sit in actively way too many hours a day, that sedentary is terrible for your health. it's time to add some extra steps to your day. introducing ulips a premium quality seated exerciser that strengthens legs, increases mobility and boosts
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