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tv   FOX and Friends  FOX News  June 10, 2024 3:00am-4:00am PDT

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down uniform on plus the mask. she said you are going to be in the shot. she said what shot you? are going to stand there and hold the plattedder of calimari. i was wondering how we were going to hold this thing or prop it up. we are going to put you in the shot. i did. from there it became iconic. the rest is history. >> carley: their seconds until "fox & friends." i didn't know this before calimari is rhode island's official appetizer. really quickly, what's the best way to serve it? >> nice and crispy with pepper, hot pepper rings, garlic and olive oil and a little bit of aregular know basil. >> carley: just the way we like it. do you approve? >> todd: oh, man, i'm going to run out right now. >> carley: chef, thank you very much. have great day. >> thank you. you too. >> carley: sounds delicious. "fox & friends" starts right now. have a great day. ♪ ♪
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>> steve: all right. thank you, carley and todd. welcome aboard, folks. #:00 in new york city. monday, june 10th already, and this is "fox & friends." bed it all on red. trump rallies voters in sin city, vegas. feeling confident about the production chances out there in november. >> now we have a lot of democrats coming over, because really we are the party of common sense. we are a party of common sense. >> ainsley: plus all rise. hunter biden's federal gun trial resumes today at 8:15. will he take the stand? gregg jarrett weighs in just ahead. >> brian: going to talk on a raging bull. >> lawrence: a rodeo spirals out of control. >> brian: where are the clowns? shouldn't clowns be stopping that? >> lawrence: they jump in the stands. >> brian: don't make excuses. if you are running clown you got to stop them. >> that bull was running from
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the clown. >> some people are scared of clowns. >> ainsley: people were really injured though, weren't they? >> steve: going to find out. >> brian: i can't wait it's a cliffhanger. nothing happens until i read the tease. you guys can't do anything unless i read. >> lawrence: you have the power. >> steve: please read. >> brian: "fox & friends" begins right now, remember mornings are better with friends. get dressed. >> steve: okay. meanwhile, folks, let's start with this former president donald trump hit las vegas yesterday to hold his first campaign rally since his new york city criminal conviction. >> ainsley: and is he looking to continue building support in nevada with a key swing state primaries set for tomorrow. >> brian: is he up in almost all the polls there madeleine rivera joins us now. maddie? >> good morning, guys. capped off his western swing after raising millions of dollars in california he rallied voters in the sweltering heat railing against his conviction and touting his poll numbers in
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nevada. >> they indicted me over nothing. they opened up a whole new box and then i got indicted again and again and again. i i was never indicted. in this tiny period of time i was like a ping-pong pal o. is ball. >> fox news poll show donald trump meeting trump in a head-to-head matchup. in the margin of error. won't charge taxes on tips which is a major source of income for the las vegas. the colorado union represents the 60,000 hospitality workers says really is needed but that nevada workers know the difference between real solutions and wild campaign promises. trump also denounced the border policies particularly important issue for voters in the state. and though he didn't mention it on stage, trump went on x to endorse sam brown the leading candidate in the g.o.p. senate primary race. trump called the purple heart recipient a fearless american patriot who has pure grit and
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courage to take on enemies both foreign and domestic. the winner of the race will take on i object couple bent democratic senator jacqui rosen in november. lawrence, steve, ainsley and brian. >> steve: all right, madeleine, thank you very much. >> ainsley: no tax on tips is huge. i was in the service industry. imagine not having to pay taxes on your tips. >> steve: absolutely. that is great. particularly given the fact that the culinary union is so big out there. i just looked it up. any change in tip taxes would require an october 6 conditioning. the plan would be for donald trump when elected he would ask congress to do something about it. keep in mind one of the top things they got to do next year. the donald trump tax cuts package from 2017 will expire next year and this could be part of it. >> brian: if you are a member of congress who wants to go against that? i mean, i got to say, i'm impressed with the balance of the comedy at his rally as well
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as actually proposing policy initiatives. because, i think this is something that helps the working class immediately. day bun one. and if you remember the biden administration introduce the those new irs agents to find the pfine thepeople cutting the taxs skipping out with the tips. seeing the contrast between the two campaigns. i think this wins more voters. >> brian: what a few days he has h he was out in silicon valley. raised $12 million. with people that i didn't think liked him. silicon valley crowd pretty much the one that said we're going to correct what happened in 2016. did better on social media than hillary. do everything possible to destroy you in 2020. and we watched what the twitter files emerge. now you have senator j.d. vance set up a fundraiser out there and goes to newport beach on saturday. thousands lined up on the streets and went n front of 3,000. and then he had this fundraiser.
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and on the bay. the boats were on the outside of newport. then he goes over to vegas and finishes up and flies home. still a big gap of 36 million between the two campaigns. the president -- the former president is closing the gap. the big story is, i think that virginia, new hampshire, he is up in deed heat. nevada, and arizona four or five points the president is up. so he has got to feel good about where is he at right now. >> ainsley: he went after biden's border. he said something that broke a lot of news over the weekend but he said he wants president biden to take a drug test before the debate in about two and a half weeks. he said i will take one. he needs to take one. he said. is he not old. is he incompetent. >> brian: right. his age is not the problem. >> lawrence: whether it's the drug test or just explaining to the american people ups and downs of the president. one dain shuffling off the stage can't walk the full route
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overseas and suddenly able to be jacked up for a state of the union. two days later is he back to the same old same old. i don't know if it's a drug test or just explaining how is the president alert sometimes and sometimes not so much. >> brian: do with the nfl and major league baseball we find out what drugs he had are on. usually help your performance. why can't we find out the president. >> ainsley: might just be a mountain dew. red bull. >> steve: why is there so much pep in his step. >> lawrence: exactly. >> steve: maybe on those cheery days maybe the president starts his day watching "fox & friends." just saying. >> brian: looked himself up in the morning. v.p. short list except for more reports about frontrunners, rubio, j.d. vance and governor doug burgum and i also put in some classes some cases tom cotton. i also would say this is pretty clear. he very much likes doug burgum
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around him. especially when it comes. >> ainsley: he will definitely get some sort of job. >> brian: i hear the wives get along. >> ainsley: so successful a billionaire. self-made man i believe. >> steve: people are talking about the vice president because, that particular post because last week the former president said maybe i will announce that person, whoever that is at the rnc, which, you know, that makes a lot of sense because then it makes it a little more exciting who will it be. matt joaquin a republican strategist had this to fox news digital talking about the frontrunner behind the scenes. it turns out he says it's marco rubio. describes him this way an effective, disciplined communicator who rarely makes mistakes while demonstrating his ability to win a slightly higher percentage of white voters in 2022 than trump did in florida in 2020. marco rubio also appeals to the
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suburban and independent voters that will be key to trump's success and is the only contender from a true battleground state. trump would balance out his ticket by picking rubio for vice president which cannot be said from some of the other options these reasons is why many fear the selection of marco rubio the most. and do you know what? going back to new hampshire primary i heard from some of the top insiders marco rubio was their favorite. one of the reasons is first of all he is one of those guys who could be president on day one. if need be, hispanic, can speak spanish. given the fact that republicans have not had many good answers about abortion. the insiders really like marco rubio's approach to abortion and pro-life. >> lawrence: he has a few things going for him when it comes to the former president's side. he took a punch from him back in 2016. >> brian: gave some, too.
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a lot of video. >> ainsley: staunch allies. >> lawrence: he endorsed him over his governor ron desantis at the time. from what i hear the former president doesn't look too kindly of the people who decided to challenge him in this past election because he thought it was a forgone conclusion. the second thing is, he defends him on all the sunday shows. and is he not just defending him. he does it effectively. he punches back. they try to get him on his heels and he doesn't get on those heels much often also foreign policy. elephant in the room he is hispanic. second minority group that the democrats are concerned about, whether it's black voters is hispanic voters. he has a lot going for him but one thing totally right now is to steve's point. he can be president. and we would love to see him go against kamala harris in a debate.
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>> ainsley: he would have to move to washington, d.c. he is a senator. so he could do that because you can't have a vp and president. >> steve: from the same state. >> ainsley: only one on that list that speaks a second language. he would reach the hispanic voters. is he a familiar face. one g.o.p. strategist who was anonymous said in an article said strongest voice in the senate for the american first agenda. is he excellent on tv. he never messes up. he says trump latino base and solid safe pick in a lot of upsides. >> brian: all three of you are wrong on everything. no, i would just say that's true, too. tom cotton is extremely strong. >> ainsley: is he great. the whole list is good. >> brian: he could be secretary of defense. burgum number two or energy. all be in there tim scott really strong. tim scott is doing something else that j.d. vance is doing. formed a super pac. trying to tie up the black vote. actually raising money with a super pac for trump. so i think that also adds a lot.
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people are sincerely on board in 2016 they weren't. in 202024 president has machine going. >> ainsley: byron donds is on the list. is he strong. >> steve: also florida, that's a problem. >> he is going to have a future in politics. >> steve: one other note about marco rubio. because he and the president are florida residents. they have behind the scenes worked out a plan where he could he could go to another state. could be a battleground state where marco rubio moved to i'm not going to say two states i heard but he would help put those in the trump column. >> brian: do you want senate race. j.d. vance had a very tough race fill to see the. do you want to open up a ohio race? do you want to open up a florida race? >> steve: he is on the show today. >> lawrence: i will say a final point there was all this talk
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about confusion within the republican party. it looks like nikki haley, to other folks that challenged. the parties is coming together. so, again, the process worked. people got challenged. >> brian: i do think nikki haley's people have got to be addressed. she getting a lot of votes in every state still. i think they should come forward. the other thing is j.d. vance's foreign policy scares me. very smart. i appreciate his service. he tends to go isolationist. i don't think that's what we need as a country. >> steve: all right. meanwhile, let's talk, brian something we need as a country. we need a strong border. >> brian: some would say. >> steve: we haven't had it for a while. of course now the president is taking executive action. he has got crazy numbers. nobody quite understands what they are doing. it still seems like thousands are coming across every day. the department of homeland security secretary mayorkas was on with martha raddatz yesterday and essentially mayorkas was kind of taking a victory lap where it's like, hey, finally we are taking action because republicans wouldn't do
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anything. martha called him on it. listen to this. >> i want to go back to an interview i did with you in march 2021, two months into your tenure as dhs secretary. you seemed totally confident then that you that under control. let's listen to what you told me. >> we have seen large numbers of migration in the past. we know how to address it. we have a plan. we are executing on our plan. and we will succeed. one thing that is also clear it takes time. it's tough. but we can do it. this is what we do and we will accomplish our mission. >> we will succeed. three years ago. since then 6.5 million migrants have been apprehended along the southern border. it would be very hard to call this a success. >> martha, remember something that immigration, migration is a dynamic phenomenon. it is something that we alone are -- it's not just us who is
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experiencing it. throughout the region and throughout the world. >> brian: they are all fed up. they know he has been flat out lying the whole time. they know the reversal of the exordz did on the president. lack of enforcement even when title 42 was in place. now they want to blame the legislation. do you remember the genesis of the legislation that was bipartisan led by senator lankford on the right. he wanted foreign aid money. the republicans came back and said yeah, you want foreign aid money, first, do the border. they started negotiating. if it wasn't for the reluctance of republicans to sign off on the foreign aid money and putting the border in there, the president had no interest in legislation. even the legislation that he put out there in year one. he never talked about it. he had a republican. he had a democratic senate. and democratic house. he evidently put out his border policy legislation. no one even looked at it. and his own party didn't want it. >> lawrence: i got to be honest. i know why we cover this of
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another network finally pushing back. but it's really knowing that we have to celebrate them doing the bear minimum. i mean, they have four years of numbers to reflect on each year it's gone up. and they don't push the administration on it. they wait until elections year where all the toll polls are showing the tone of the person people have changed. then they start pushing back. i hope that in the future some of these reporters do this along the journey instead of waiting until the issue has reached the height, 10 year high i think that's what it is. and hopefully we can get policy changes in the future. can't wait until just election year. >> ainsley: internal memo from border patrol that was released obtained by fox. it instructs agents in san diego to release single adults from the eastern hemisphere countries. most of the eastern hemisphere countries. they are considered hard or very hard to remove.
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that was after biden's exdetective order. >> steve: things really aren't changing much. >> brian: 62% of the country in support of mass deportation. keep putting down trump's idea. 63%. that's how much has changed. >> lawrence: from democratic and independent voters. hunter biden's gun trial continues this morning at 8:15 owner. 15eastern. we are waiting to see if the defense calls the first son to testify. >> ainsley: rich edson outside the courthouse in wilmington, delaware. hey,rich, what's the latest? >> good morning. on friday lead defense attorney abbe lowell overheard saying he was going to take the weekend to decide if hunter biden was going to get called to the stand. that answer is due in a couple of hours when court reconvenes here. i will figure out if we are going to see hunter take the stand. if he does not. decides against taking the stand. this could all happen very, very quickly. we could get into closing arguments and jury deliberations by this afternoon.
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if hunter does testify, prosecutors have indicated they may put on rebuttal witnesses, that would extend this trial further. last week and it was the defense calling hunter's daughter naomi. she delivered emotional testimony about how during the summer of 2018, she said her father was the clearest she had seen him since her uncle beau died in 2015. father used text messages, bank records, ex-girlfriend, sister-in-law who he was in a relationship with to paint a picture of rampant drug use when he purchased and possessed that firearm and allegedly swore on a form that he was not a drug user. hunter's lawyer have drawn testimony that dunn actually saw him use crack in october 2018 those the month he bought the firearm. the prosecution introduced text messages, one the day after he bought that gun. hohallie biden his sister-in-law meeting a dealer named mookie. day after that he texted hallie he was smoking crack. hunter's attorneys maintain he
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may not have wanted hallie to know where he was so he lied to her over texts. introduced that infamous laptop into evidence. fbi agent testified that it did not appear to be tampered with after hunter dropped it off at computer repair shop. all that last week. see where this heads in a couple hours from now and whether hunter biden or any other witnesses for the defense will take the stand. back to you. >> steve: it's a deliver langer. thank you very much. we know -- either today hunter is going to take the stand or not. and we could have closing arguments. we know that jill biden is probably going to be in the courtroom. because she -- remember, she flew from france to be in the courtroom on friday and then flew back to france for that state dinner. but, the curious thing, the x-factor is this. joe biden, the president is in delaware today. which makes no sense. he flew from france to delaware. >> ainsley: what are you saying? >> steve: here's the thing he has a juneteenth concert tonight
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at the white house. why did he go to delaware today? can you imagine if the president of the united states sat in the courtroom during closing arguments today? would that have an impact on the jury? >> ainsley: does he have anything on the calendar? >> steve: not one thing, ainsley. not one thing. >> lawrence: do you think it would be appropriate, steve for him to do that? >> steve: it's his son. with yeah, why not? but obviously this is a message that will be sent to the jury. >> ainsley: the president of the united states and first lady walk into his son's trial. >> steve: right. >> ainsley: and jury sees them that's pretty powerful. >> steve: think about it. she has been doing every day so secret service knows how that room works. it's secure. >> lawrence: the special counsel, the president is still his boss in theory the president can fire the special counsel. we just got take all of that. son and boss. >> brian: politically he doesn't benefit from it. >> steve: no. >> brian: we will see.
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turn to ainsley you have something special to read out loud. >> the u.s. is calling for the u.n. security council to vote or the proposed gaza cease-fire deal that's currently on the table. it comes after long time israeli war cabinet member benny gantz unexpectedly resigned from his position yesterday. meanwhile, have a democratic video released by the idf shows the moment israeli troops were able to secure two hostages in that daring helicopter rescue out of gaza over the weekend. gary congressman mike collins revealing one of his staffers and a friend were attacked in washington, d.c. over the weekend. he says the suspect stole a watch. collins says in mart pour nation's capital a war zone because of pro-criminal policies pedaled by d.c.'s government. police posting this photo of the suspect's car saying they believe it was involved in several armed robberies across the city. wnba star caitlin clark is taking the high rode after she was snubbed from the team
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u.s.a.'s olympic basketball roster. >> no disappointment. gives you something to work for. you know, it's a dream. hopefully one day i can be there. i think it's a little more motivation. you remember that. and you know, hopefully in four years, when four years comes back around i can be there. >> ainsley: clark says team officials told her about the decision before the news got out. four people were hurt when a bull broke loose and jumped into the stands during a rodeo in oregon on saturday. take a look. >> oh. >> oh my god. open the gate. open the gate. >> officials say the bull walls heading back to holding pen when it made a beeline for the fence leaping over the crowd. handlers were able to get things back over control in a few minutes. incredibly everyone is expected to be okay. all right. so they were injured but they are going to be fine. >> steve: well, who knew that a bull could jump like that. >> lawrence: that happens
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occasionally. i'm just curious what brian, as a yankee would do is if something. >> brian: i would look for a child to hold up in front of me -- no, i'm kidding. i would definitely put my hand up. wait for him to come to me, grab him around the head and try to hold him until some clown could bail me out. >> lawrence: brian, do you know what color not to wear at a rodeo? >> brian: would it be red? >> lawrence: very good. >> brian: that's why i'm not a bulls fan. >> ainsley: have you all been to cabo. there was that bull that was loose on the beach. the lady was not wearing red. trying to feed the bull and it attacked her. >> steve: keep in mind. there are tens of thousands of people every year who go to papatch leona spain to run in front of the bull wear the rednecker chiefs.
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>> brian: if i could quote the president, don't. [laughter] >> steve: it doesn't work. >> brian: meanwhile, president biden, once again, mixing up two very different countries. >> i mean the idea we had wait all those months just to get the money for iraq? >> brian: congressman ryan. >> lawrence: congress ryan zinke. >> brian: sorry. >> ainsley: brian, don't. >> brian: don't. nice to see you, congressman. mr. secretary. ♪ i get around ♪ (male vo) kate made progress with her mental health, but her medication caused unintentional movements in her face, hands, and feet called tardive dyskinesia, or td. so her doctor prescribed austedo xr— a once-daily td treatment for adults. ♪ as you go with austedo ♪ austedo xr significantly reduced kate's td movements.
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former president trump laying out his vision for america in battleground nevada on sunday. saying common sense trans sends all party afill united states. >> democrats are coming over. we are the party of common sense. we are a party of common sense. we want to have that strong military. we have to. i totally rebuilt the military. all of the things that we did, that's what they want this as the "new york times" piece tries to warn stronger border, more manufacturing jobs, law and order and end to foreign wars no. joke. that's supposed to scare people. joining us now his thoughts former cabinet secretary for president trump and now congressman in montana ryan zinke. great to see. >> great to be with you. i think they forget this is a movement. it's more than just a candidate. this is a movement because america is not where the biden
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administration is on almost any issue. what is interesting is. >> brian: so common sense works? you are not even talking conservative? >> and do what you say you are going to do. a promise made should be a promise kept. in the white house, when i walked. in steve bannon had an office just off the side there was a long list of things that president trump promised during the campaign. and this huge whiteboard was there and every time the president would accomplish one, that went off the board and this is what we are working on. and what you are seeing in this article yeah, we want a secure border. you know what he? also understands service industry. he says, you know what? let's not tax service industry tips. he gets it. if you are in the service industry. look, it's tough. not taxing tips. yeah, this is exactly what we need to do. common sense. you know, to feed the economy. >> brian: just so interesting because he ran in 2016 and 2020. the issues are coming full circle. when he is talking about law and order. putting federal troops into poorltd and talking about some of the unrest in the streets. like what are you doing you?
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are crazy. now they are saying coming. at the border, of course we need build a wall. of course we need control. of course we don't want 8 million people here that we don't know. and of course we want to have a strong military. it's rather than what do conservatives and liberals think. why like bill maher and jon stewart said what happened to logic and james carville, too. other thing i want to bring up foreign policy, you fight wars as well as representatives now in congress. the 39 of the united states overseas, went after republicans. which many presidents never would do. but here's what he said and here's what he got confused. >> the idea that we have become semiisolationists now that some are talking about. the idea we had to wait all those months just to get the money for iraq and because we -- i mean, it just -- it's just -- it's not who we are. it's not who america is.
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>> brian: see iraq and iran. very rare iraq and ukraine. >> when you talk about isolationism. you talk about the biden administration. start with afghanistan. no plan in ukraine. $130 billion, we have no plan. israel on fire. first time that direct strike from iran. we are talking icbm launch. direct strike. we do nothing but shoot them down. and of course you had -- isolationists our allies don't trust us and our enemies don't fear us. that isolates the u.s. >> brian: you guys wrote a check for $65 billion and you said get them equipment. did you that. none of the equipment has arrived. he wants to focus on the delay in congress. that's fine. that ship has sailed. the real issue is where's the stuff? where is the training of the f-16 pilots? where are the f 16s? it's been a year and a half. how long does it take to deliver something that was on pallets ready do go. >> and withholds ammunition from
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israel. still doing it. right? it is willful or incompetence, i'm thinking it's a little bit of both. look at our foreign policy in the middle east. and this administration, many of them were obama retreads, have an affinity towards iran. it's almost at the state department has been compromised. because inside there is this sympathy and support of iran from the sanctions and now this action. i think america is figuring it out. >> brian: many people at the state department don't like the country. that's been the case for a long time. congressman, i will talk to you more on radio if that's okay. >> i look forward to it. >> brian: good to see you and good luck with your re-election. >> ryan and five seals in congress we are going to get seven. >> brian: let's see it. congressman, thank you so much. go over to carley who i know you are a fan of. >> carley: i'm fan of his and yours, too brian. >> brian: thank you. >> carley: more news to get. to say happening today, officials are surveying the now fully cleared shipping channel
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at the site where the francis scott key bridge collapsed. they will be inspecting under the water to make sure it's safe for the channels to reopen. operations started about an hour ago after it reopens crews will still be working to remove more debris from outside the channel throughout the month. it's a huge job ongoing now. home surveillance video capturing a fire spreading close to a home in cots dale, arizona. look at that this happened before firefighters were age to put it out. the homens owner says she was watching the live feed in horror after flames sparked in a neighboring to move towards her house. firefighters put out the blaze after neighbors tried extinguishing it themselves. officials say the fire was accidently sparked by nearby construction workers who were putting up a fence. friends and colleagues of jailed "wall street journal" reporter evan gershkovich gathering in brooklyn yesterday, holding a barbecue to raise awareness of his 14 months in russian prison.
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>> great reporter, great friends. and he should be here barbecuing with us right now. >> evan loves mixing different groups of people. that's what we have done here. we have the "wall street journal" reporters, we have friends of evan's from high school and college. >> just to keep him just spare a thought for him because it's going to be a tough summer for him in prison. and we want people to -- and we wanted him to know that people are rooting for him. >> carley: gershkovich is scheduled to appear back in russian court at the end of this month. those are the headlines, brian, over to you. >> brian: if president trump wins is he going to make that a priority he said. thank you so much. hunter biden's federal gun trial resumes we will wait to see if he actually takes the stand. gregg jarrett on the impact that will have. that's 'his picture. (♪)
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♪ >> steve: welcome back. in about 90 minutes, hunter biden's federal gun trial set to resume in delaware.
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the second week kicking off as we wait to see if hunter himself will testify. joining us now is fox news legal analyst gregg jarrett. greg, good morning to you. >> gregg: good morning, steve. >> steve: so, what are the possibilities that hunter biden, after all that damaging testimony is going to say, you know what? i want to sit down and explain it all? >> gregg: yeah. i think it's close to zero percent. he would get shredded on cross-examination. and open the door more rebuttal witnesses who would make him look even more guilty. his problem is there's no defending the indefensible. the evidence is overwhelming e lied. he incriminated himself on the laptop. and his own book. witnesses confirm the lie. remember, prosecutors, steve, don't have to prove that he was addicted on the day of the purchase. only the general time frame. they have done that easily. so in a normal case, this would
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be a hasty conviction. but, you know, it's delaware. it's the biden's personal thiefdom and a friendly jury. >> steve: that's right. as we said during the trump trial it just takes one because and we remember from jury picking. every person on this jury said, yeah, i know somebody who was addicted to drugs or alcohol or something like that. so, there is a sympathetic, you know, under current there along with the fact there could be jury nullification. oh, let's not do that. >> gregg: yeah, his main defense is really quite desperate that he was so addicted that he was in denial about his addiction, therefore, didn't knowingly lie. but, the law being addled by drugs is not a defense, which means, as you point out, steve, his real defense is a combination of sympathy for a recovering addict and jury nullification, ignore the facts, disregard the law. it doesn't matter that the supreme court has said, you
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know, juries have no right to negate the law. they do it anyway. because the secrecy of deliberations protects them. they can do as they please and not explain it. >> steve: you know, the other thing that we don't know exactly what the impact has been, but, the first lady has been in the front row every day of the trial. today, the president of the united states is in delaware. he's got nothing on his schedule until 5:00 or 6:00 tonight. he flies back to the white house for a juneteenth concert. can you imagine if the president of the united states showed up during closing arguments and jury instructions what message that would send to the pima jury box who, in that state, 60% of them voted for joe biden. bidens have long and disgraceful record of influence peddling, maybe it extends to trying to
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unduly influence a jury with joe suddenly showing up. that's risky and fool hearty. would like like such an overt act to try to send a visual message to the jurors mae hey, i'm the president. this is my state, you owe it to me. i think that my boomerang against him. but, you know. if nothing else, steve. this trial has blown the lid off the lie that the laptop was stolen or russian disinformation. first witness put that one to rest. >> steve: see what happens in 90 minutes it all kicks off. greg, thank you very much. >> >> gregg: okay. thanks. >> steve: meanwhile on this monday a stunning new report revealing how bad pandemic learning loss was for our kids. dr. marc siegel says it's time for parents to take action because it's medical monday. ♪
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♪ >> ainsley: america's children continue to feel the impact of learning loss brought on by the pandemic. according to a new survey, 9 #% of elementary school teachers say their students are struggling more with listening and following directions compared to five years ago. 85 percent said the same about peer interaction and 77 percent
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said about using basic classroom supplies. joining us now is fox news medical contributor dr. marc siegel, hey, dr. siegel. >> marc: hi, ainsley good to be with you. good morning. >> ainsley: makes parents very nervous what do we do? >> dr. siegel: sealing this an education week survey as you showed it's frightening. the word listening, sharing, socialization. can you imagine of a kid and we are talking about kids from pre-k up to 3rd grade don't know how to listen and the vast majority of teachers, that's how you learn is by listening. and this is really disturbing. now, the cdc has also shown that we are at 11% of kids with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, ainsley. all-time high. you said what do you do about it. you are already doing it with your daughter. let me tell you what do you about it. you make it family-based. you take it out of the classroom and back into the family and you try to limit the amount of
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screen time and social media use and internet use that your kids have. because, other surveys show and other studies show it's directly correlated with anxiety and the inability to learn. >> ainsley: yeah. have you seen a difference in what children are faced with nowadays? i feel like every parent is worried we are all hiring tutors to help our kids in second and third grade. we are trying to give them -- i remember one teacher told me if you want your child to listen more. you need to give them a 1, 2, 3, like brush your honor teeth, go be pick out your books, put on your pajamas, like they are good with a list. i feel like our parents never worried about this kind of thing. they let us grow up. >> that's really a good point. that's a really good lesson you just said how you have to get back to basics with your kids. do you know why? it isn't just schools the way i just said. it's also that during the pandemic, over 3 years. kids were isolated. and they were on their iphones at a very young age. i mean before the age of five. and they were home and they were
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shut down our schools were closed. so the basics play time. i think you learn more in play time by the way than you actually learn sitting in a class sometimes. that was shut down. there wasn't physical education. that was shut down. fear of spreading the virus. when it comes to public health. have you got to look at the consequences and the costs of what you are doing. we saw this happening early on. kids wearing masks can't read other kids' faces. can't read the teachers' faces. you are right. you have to get back to basics with your child. and you have to be calm and soothing and caring and loving and love will get us through. this we have a long way to go. we have to overcome math and reading scores are way down as well. >> ainsley: i know. math has dropped 7 points after the pandemic and reading dropped 5 points after the pandemic. dr. siegel, thank you so much. >> dr. siegel: great to see you, ainsley. >> ainsley: you too. let's throw it over to carley
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she had a business addition of fox and trends. >> carley: scenes like this are apparently becoming more common in the workplace. >> i'm saying pam. i'm sorry, who is this gentleman sitting behind you. >> hello, misled. i'm dale, i'm vernon's stepbrother. i think i might be able to help with the panel, pam dilemma. >> carley: that will be great. a quarter of gen z job seekers are involving their parents in the interview process. 31% had a parent join them for their in person interview. if you believe that. 29% had them join a virtual interview. there is also this, blue collar workers are going viral. the "wall street journal" says it's because, quote: gen z plumbers and construction workers are making blue collar cool. >> in today's episode we got a little kitchen going on. and i felt the sense of drano and fish sauce hit my nostrils.
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>> trend setter, league of my own ♪ it don't get better. >> carley: i get it. according to the "wall street journal," there were more than half a million posts using #blue collar on tiktok in just the first four months of this year. 64% increase compared to 2023. blue collar is cool, guys. >> steve: that's right. and somewhere mike rowe is saying i told you that. >> carley: yeah, right? >> steve: thing about these people are show thawing can actually do stuff if you put your phone down for one minute. >> carley: only thing about that is you put the phone down to do this stuff but you are recording the thing you are doing on your phone. so the phone is still a part of it. but i also think that a reason why this blue collar is cool shows real america. people are into it. >> lawrence: also, you don't have to go to college and you don't need all that debt and we don't have to pay for it. >> carley: not paying a student loan so cool. >> ainsley: become the electrician you own the company.
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>> lawrence: pass it down to your kids. >> ainsley: your name is on the truck. >> brian: i would love a situation where you do both. you learn a trade and you go to school. i would love to see both. >> ainsley: i agree with that i like a college education. >> brian: fix something. >> steve: learn a lot today on "fox & friends." look who coming ahead. stay with us, folks. >> brian: yeah. they look nice. really nice ♪ i can guarantee
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