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tv   America Reports  FOX News  June 10, 2024 10:00am-11:00am PDT

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tomorrow. emily, people are not evidence. what are they doing? >> it seems to me he saying one last effort saying do not be swayed by the first lady and bright colors, crying and putting her arm around ashley biden in the front row. only be swayed by the evidence submitted before you in this court and ignore the very loud noise visually that is the biden family showing up in the first lady and that front row. i wish she would've said i support my son but i will step aside out of the limelight. >> is biden country but you still need to look at the evidence. >> no one is above the law, biden says that. "america reports" is now. >> hunter biden's federal gun case began monday with jury selection. >> the first lady jill biden here to support her stepson. >> she and hunter later became lovers and crack cocaine
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abusers. >> today an emotional day for both hunter biden and his daughter, naomi biden when she took the stand. >> surveillance video used as evidence today allegedly shows how a throwing the gun in a trash can outside the local grocery store where it was found and turned over to police. >> sandra: closing arguments are underway. the jury could get the case as early as this afternoon. hello and welcome, everyone. i am sandra smith in new york. john, great to begin a brand-new week with you. >> john: another five days together. i'm john roberts in washington and this is "america reports." the prosecution now delivering closing argument after hunter biden's defense team rested their case without calling him to the stage. the defense said the president son did not knowingly live about his drug use when purchasing a handgun back in 2018. >> let's get straight to the fox news legal editor.
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carcarrie quebec. >> the prosecution opened with a bang. they pointed where the first lady was sitting where all of hunter biden's family was sitting to support him and they said this. the people sitting in this gallery are not evidence. they -- and then leo lies said you may have seen them on the news. you may have watched them react and the implication being those moments were emotional when they were crying, and then he said this. respectfully it does not matter. that's the tone they are setting. they are going through all the evidence, text messages, the book hunter biden wrote and the pictures and witness testimony all establishing that hunter biden was a drug user during the relevant period. i could tell you what struck me
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when leo weiss made that comment. i was also thinking about about how they are sitting there supporting their family member which of course makes sense, it is quite something when he think about the fact that hunter broke the law that this white house has currently really fought for in terms of stricter gun laws and gun safety and yet here they are. i'm curious about the reaction from the white house whether hunter biden is found acquitted or found guilty. what he's doing goes against what this white house has been advocating for in terms of guns and stricter laws. >> sandra: fox news legal analyst gregg jarrett. hunters defense appearing to be desperate. >> 's main defense is really quite desperate. he was so addicted that he was in denial about his addiction therefore he didn't knowingly lie.
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but under the law, being addled by drugs is not a defense. his real defense is a culmination of sympathy for our recovering addict and jury nullification, disregard -- the facts disregard the law. >> sandra: what are your thoughts on that, kerri. >> he's doing the best he can with the facts he has. because the evidence is so overwhelming about hunter's drug use, in his own words which is unusual in a case like this, to be able to present to the jury the sound of the defendant in his own words admitting to all kinds of drug use during the time period in which he purchased this gun which is of course against federal law. as far as desperation goes i don't know what else they would say instead of -- other than try to play to the jury's heartstrings. saying you've seen a lot of reaction, their sad things here but at the end of the day this is about evidence on the evidence is overwhelming.
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>> sandra: kerri, this new report from politico revealing how president biden's inner circle was so deeply involved, kerri, with the fast track of family's business dealings this is the headline and politico. "biden says he's not involved in his family's business dealings but his aides are telling another story." so if you look at this politico reporting showing interconnected ties between biden's aides and family businesses, tells a very specific story. what can you tell us about that? >> at first glance, it certainly appears inappropriate. but again what's the evidence and what exactly is the crime? just because aides had close involvement with someone's family doesn't necessarily indicate something criminal
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occurred. i'd want to know, do they have evidence that some of jill biden's family members did not register as foreign agents? or was there direct evidence that a foreign policy or to mr. policy decision, that he made during his tenure as vice president, if it was impacted by bribes or business dealings. they have to have evidence and they need to identify obvious crimes. >> sandra: kerri urbahn for us. thank you. we will bring you updates as they come in. >> john: it could be over soon. former president donald trump is set to take part in a virtual presentencing interview with probation officers tonight after his conviction on 34 felony carts of -- counts of falsifying business records. >> we don't know what time this will occur, the interview with
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the probation officer. former president trump does have a date with that officer today. it's a type of session required of any convicted defendant. as a convicted felon, the former president will be interviewed virtually. with his lawyer todd blanche to decide for ms. mar-a-lago to state. his privation officers in the manhattan criminal court where trump is found guilty and they will go over the case and trumps personal history. most defendants have to attend that type of meeting in person but judge juan merchan on granted an exemption. the report can also help trump. saying "the presentence report is a chance for the defendant's lawyer to say good things about the defendant. a counseling program, steady job, takes care of an ailing family member. the presentence interview is a chance for the defendant to try to make a good impression and explain why he or she deserves a lighter punishment. the trump campaign has responded saying in part "president trump
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and his legal team are already taking necessary steps to challenge and defeat the lawless manhattan d.a. case." this comes as manhattan district attorney alvin bragg says he will testify before the house judiciary committee before this case but will not do that until after trump is a sentence later next month. the republican-led panel wants to ask alvin bragg about the prosecution and if the biden justice department had any input or involvement in the charges. trump has attacked a prosecutor, a former biden doj official. the president claiming without any evidence that he somehow engineered this whole case against him. the white house has denied that. bragg has not commented but will likely do so when he appears at that hearing whenever it is held. we expect to hear from the former president in about an hour or so. he's addressing a christian group. he's not been shy about commenting about this case.
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we may hear more about this session with his probation officer when the former president speaks. >> john: if and when that alvin bragg testimony before congress happens, that will be must-see tv. eric, thank you. >> sandra: former president donald trump wrapping of four-day swing through battleground states. plus california. seeking support from deep-pocketed donors to service workers. alicia acuna is live in las vegas for us. trump also made an endorsement this weekend. >> hi, sandra. he did. there is drama brewing over the g.o.p. primary -- senate primary endorsement he made this weekend. primaries being held tomorrow. here's what happened. on sunday he threw his support behind leading candidate sam brown, a purple heart recipient injured in afghanistan. on truth social, trump called brown a "fearless american
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patriot." one of the other g.o.p. candidates, dr. jeff gunter, former ambassador to iceland under trump, has been busy on x, at one point posting "would you like to hear the inside baseball of what went down yesterday? the snakes are within." the snakes gunter seems to be referring to are senator mitch mcconnell and the national republicans editorial committee who gunter accuses of pressuring trump to endorse their preferred candidate. we reached out to the trump campaign on this one. the former president need a big news with this campaign promise. >> to those hotel workers and people who get tips coming or going to be very happy. when i get to office we are going to not charge taxes on tips. >> the culinary union which represents 6,000 hospitality workers responded. belief is needed for to earners. nevada workers are smart enough to use the difference between
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wild solutions and campaign promises from a convicted felon. a trump campaign spokesperson clarified telling fox "president trump will ask congress to eliminate taxes on tips." biden has aggressively stepped up the irs going after workers. before arriving in nevada from california, the trump campaign counting up all that money that he received after three big dollar fund-raisers. $33.5 million. 32 alicia acuna, live in las vegas. something else about those workers who depend on those tips. when you see the minimum wage hikes happening that we've been reporting has shut down some really special places like your favorite taco spot in san diego. what happens is, the minimum wage goes up. we've seen some businesses close. if they can stay in business, often times they passed along to the consumer and prices go up. guess what happens to those wage tipped workers, their tips go
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down. it's a huge impact on the economy to all that. it's an interesting group to target. steve on the is enticing enough that the culinary workers union is really freaked out about it. just the idea. james freeman coming up to talk more about this in the hour. stay with us. meanwhile, israel's military going on endearing dangerous rescue of four hostages held by hamas. they are united with their families. how did the idf pull it off question are former israeli investor to the united states, michael oren is up next to break it all down. >> sandra: olympic outrage. williams basketball star caitlin clark snubbed from the u.s. team that will travel to paris this summer. is it a smart move to leave a generational talent like clark on the sidelines? we will ask charlie arnault coming out. >> she's the biggest basketball star in the world, including the nba finals players. you have a chance to grow women's basketball.
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there's a smarter way to save. comcast business mobile. you could save up to 70% on your wireless bill. so you don't have to compromise. powering smarter savings. powering possibilities. >> sandra: reaction pouring in after israel's military conducted a bold rescue operation to free four hostages from hamas captivity. the three men and one woman said to be in good health that have been reunited with their families. former israeli ambassador to the u.s., michael oren, will join us with reaction. but first, trey yingst's live in tel aviv at this hour for us with more and secretary of state antony blinken arriving in israel to participate in israel-hamas cease-fire talks. what's the latest? >> hey, sandra. today u.s. secretary of state antony blinken landed in israel for meetings about a possible
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cease-fire with hamas. blinken spoke on the tarmac before taking off. blinken says israel is on board with the agreement and it's up to hamas to make a decision. >> the only party that's not accepted, the only party that's not said yes is hamas. that's who everyone is waiting on. that's who the palestinians in gaza are waiting on. >> his visit comes after a daring hostage rescue this week that brought four israelis home. new details are being reported by "the wall street journal" explaining that the mission almost failed, as is really special forces battled hamas gunmen in central gaza after securing the hostages, the israelis came under rpg and small arms fire in the streets of a refugee camp. for israelis, the successful mission was a moment of hope. for the palestinians it was a day of death and destruction. the hamas run health ministry says nearly 300 people, mostly civilians were killed during the
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operation. videos from central gaza short hospital overflowing with injured and dead patients. as we continue to gather more information about the raid we are also following a major political development overnight. two members of the israeli war cabinet resigned from their positions in the emergency government overnight. sandra. >> sandra: trey yingst live in tel aviv for us. >> john: let's bring in michael oren, former israeli ambassador to the united states. mr. ambassador, great to see y you. it's unfortunate you are here because it is so hot in israel and everybody would like to see that situation calmed down. there's a report that nbc news is carrying that the united states may in the days ahead sort of glow around israel and negotiate directly with hamas. for the release of the american hostages being held. what do you think of that? does it undercut israel's
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efforts to get the hostages out? >> great to be with you. we are going to celebrate the release and freedom of any hostages. the joy that the release of these four hostages brought to israel and around the world. five americans remain in her end is hamas captivity. if they can be released by any means we will celebrate of course. we have to be very concerned that if the united states is going to negotiate separate with hamas, whether it's going to increase the price of the release of the rest of the hostages is crating a different category of hostages. those who have american passports. those who don't have american passports. it's very important and whatever comes about from this initiative that the united states continues to put ultimate pressure on hamas, on the qataris who support hamas, and to let the israeli defense forces to do their work. the hostages, the release would not have been -- would not have happened if not for israeli commandos. they came under furious fire.
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gunmen and hundreds of civilians who've been given guns. the people keeping these hostages prisoners, the family of a journalist, and a doctor. the whole division between civilians and combatants in gaza breaks down. let the idea do its work the best way we know, to release hostages by keeping pressure upon the terrorists. >> john: to show how intractable this problem is, the israeli commandos who stage this raid prepared in the same way that israeli commandos did 48 years ago for the raid. a palestinian hijacking operation. this has been going on for so long. when asked about this. benny gantz announced he's leaving the unity cabinet. netanyahu reached out to him on x saying unfortunately -- sorry, benny gantz said this. >> l that we are leaving the wartime
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cabinet today. with a heavy heart but with a whole heart. we present ourselves today to the battle for the fate of the state of israel for generations to come. >> john: netanyahu reached out to him on x saying israel is an existential war on several fronts. it's not time to abandon the campaign. it's time to join forces. my doors open to any zionist party ready to get on and ensuring the safety of our citizens." benny gantz had suggested that netanyahu is prolonging the war to try to stay in office. >> i don't see -- i'm not a spokesman for the government. i'm not in any official pos position. the prime minister is not the commander in chief. the prime minister has answer to a war cabinet that has to answer to a wider cabinet and then that cabinet has to answer to the people of israel. i strongly believe that if
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netanyahu were to go tomorrow we would have pretty much the same policies. probably more aggressive policies. in contrary to the impression he makes some people, netanyahu was very conflict averse. you could have israeli leaders who could be much more aggressive. i don't expect any change in policy here as a result of what benny gantz has done. probably make it more difficult to reach some type of compromise with the biden administration over that package that the president announced a week ago last friday. there are people in the immediate government. still has 64 seats. it will stay in government but it could make it more hard line on issues like reaching a cease-fire agreement. >> john: in terms of the agreement the president biden was promoting. here is what antony blinken said as he touched down in tel aviv today. >> do you want a cease-fire?
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>> press hamas to say yes. if you want to alleviate the terrible suffering of palestinians in gaza, press hamas to say yes. if you want to get all the hostages home, press hamas to say yes. if you want to put israelis and palestinians alike on the path more durable peace and security, press hamas to say yes. if you want to prevent this conflict from spreading, press hamas to say yes. >> john: a quick answer. press hamas to say yes to a cease-fire? it's still not unconditional surrender from hamas. it is press hamas for a cease-fire which would leave them in power. >> which is why i think the majority of israelis oppose it. i cannot be a permanent
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cease-fire that enables hamas to come out of the tunnels, declare victory, reconquer gaza and stage the next horrendous attack on the state of israel. >> john: ambassador, always great to spend time. thank you for dropping by. we look forward to having you stateside for a while. >> we had to wait all those months just to get the money. it's not who we are. it's not who america is. >> sandra: president biden keeping the white house busy, having to correct repeated mistakes. james freeman is up next on how the president's gaffes are becoming his greatest vulnerability. >> john: the search for loose change people misplace or throw away. guess how much it's worth. well, millions of dollars.
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and a sense of some within the country wanting to let that slip. the idea that we've become semiisolationist now which some are talking about. the idea that we had to wait all those months just to get the money for iraq. >> sandra: for iraq for president by yesterday confusing iraq and ukraine and it was in the first time that's happened. here he is talking about russia's vladimir putin. >> it's hard to tell but he's clearly losing the war in iraq. clearly losing the war at home. >> sandra: okay, james freeman is the assistant editor for "the wall street journal," editorial page in fox news contributor. i suppose you know the one thing that you have to careful of, this can happen to anyone. seems to be a trend. voters are noticing. >> it often does happen to the president. it's been a pattern throughout
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his tenure. speaking of ukraine, you go back to that disastrous press conference weeks before vladimir putin invaded when president biden suggested that may be a minor incursion might not meet much response. a long pattern of disastrous moments, speaking off-the-cuff, often incoherent, confused. you can see the white house publishes the transcripts of all the speaking events, entire paragraphs, often difficult to tell what he's trying to say. it's been an issue. the white house is trying to manage with a lot less access, a lot fewer unscripted remarks over the last few years. he has just really avoided the public speaking than a normal president would do. now we get back to the question of why is he running for reelection.
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>> sandra: very few interviews, very few off-the-cuff remarks, very few public speaking engagements. but there was enough to pull this together. >> distinguished guests please welcome the honorable lloyd j austin the third, secretary of defense. >> and line around actually. when i was vice president, things were kind of bad during the pandemic. four more years. pause. >> four more years! >> sandra: which has all led the atlantic to write this piece on biden's candidacy. ruthie biden, its title. his approval numbers would be higher and he imposed a four year limit on himself and served as a bridge to younger democratic leaders like many people i've made the unwelcome
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comparison between biden and supreme court justice ruth bader ginsburg. the late liberal icon whose legacy was seen by her unwillingness to retire while barack obama was still present. biden's conduct is far worse than ginsberg. that's quite the comparison for the atlantic. >> the bridge, that was his term, joe biden's term when he ran in 2020. it was explicit and obviously the implicit premise of his campaign was that he was going to be kind of a caretaker president. the new generation of democrats would take over. when the 2022 elections went a little bit better than democrats expected, he seized the moment to say i'm running again and they have been stuck with him ever since. as they -- approached the convention, people are wondering, does it have to be this way? i think it does. speak to you and i spent a lot of time chewing on the economy. your take is anger still pretty good. when you look at those headline
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numbers, we know when it comes to the working class of people taking on extra jobs and inflation, it's still tough out there. with all the talk of lowering taxes, the former president donald trump seems to be championing his message on the economy in making his case at a rally in nevada. >> people are saying to themselves, were we better off four years ago or now? it wasn't even close. we have the greatest economy in history. but we didn't taxes, no one is ever done. even ronald reagan give a big tax cut. we have the biggest tax cut in history, the biggest regular tory cut. no one did what we did and everybody was happy. >> sandra: people dealing with sky high prices when inflation has slowed, prices have not come down that's taken people a lot more work to pay for what they were just a few years ago. is this message going to work?
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>> on the tax piece, it's true. the u.s. was uncompetitive for businesses based here. now it's competitive. the trump tax reform was a sea change. we talk about the economy, it's still a tight job market. jobs are plenty full. that's good but we are growing more slowly than when president biden took office and of course the big issue, as you mentioned, people are poor because of what he and others in washington but he's really the main author of this inflation degrading the value of our currency, destroying our purchasing power, and it's no surprise. i think sometimes democrats were to wander why don't people feel better? this is the issue that hits everybody. it's the bedrock issue in the economy. how far do the dollars in your wallet go? i think it gets back to the problem with a lot of voters thinking the president's tools. it's hard to think things are going to get much better, that he's got the ability to recognize the mistakes from his first term and fix them.
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when he's in public and doesn't even appear to understand what the problems are. >> sandra: we have the white house we love when they can join us for talking to one of his top economic advisors. there was not an acknowledgment this was in any way inflation avoidable. he suggested it was unavoidable due to us coming out of the covid pandemic. it's a discussion in a debate that will continue. thank you. >> new concerns that the biden administration does not want to crack down on the border crisis. as the president weighing a plan to protect some illegal migrants as border patrol gets set to release more of them into the u.s. former acting dhs secretary chad wolf is up next. plus this. >> the degree of animosity people have for trump is actually somewhat of a mystery to me. i can't quite crack it. >> sandra: that was canadian psychologist jordan peterson gaining attention for calling out the so-called trump
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derangement syndrome. why is there so much animosity toward the former president? we will ask byron york. .and blu, you need clear answers. people with graves' could also get thyroid eye disease, or t-e-d, which may need a different doctor. find a t-e-d eye specialist at [music playing] tiffany: my daughter is mila. she is 19 months old. she is a little ray of sunshine. one of the happiest babies you'll probably ever meet. [giggles] children with down syndrome typically have a higher risk for developing acute myeloid leukemia, or just leukemia in general.
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>> john: despite last week's executive order it seems the biden administration doesn't want to crackdown on illegal immigration after all. "the new york times" reports the president is considering a proposal to protect undocumented spouses of u.s. citizens from being deported. a new border patrol member reveals some migrants are being released freely into the united states on a notice to appear order. let's bring in chad wolf, former acting dhs secretary. bill melugin got a hold of this. he's been doing tremendous work on the border.
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this was sent to border patrol agents in the san diego sector saying that "you only detain people if they are from uzbekistan, russia, georgia, kurdistan, moldova. although others process as "notice to appear" and release them on their own recognizance." what does that effectively mean? >> it means at least they are in the san diego sector that this cap and this executive order is going to have very little teeth. that memo was what we call and limitation guidance. to get an executive order but how to implement it and who is it applicable to. in the san diego sector they are exempting about 100 countries in the eastern hemisphere. it appears if they come in after the cap has been reached they're not going to be returned back to mexico as president biden and others have said. >> john: because we can't do that. >> mexico is not taking those individuals back. they largely take spanish
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speaking individuals back. >> john: if you have people from nepal or mauritania or india or wherever that's not on that little list, you're not going to send them back. >> no, you're not sending them to mexico and you're not sending them home either because they got problems on getting foreign nationals to return home as well. with the biden administration is done, instead of taking the last three and a half years and trying to reach agreements with countries to remove their individuals on foreign nationals back, they have issued an executive order saying this is going to apply to everyone but if you read the fine print, it actually just applies to a very small percentage of folks. >> john: yesterday on abcs "this week," a good friend of mine, martha raddatz, tried to pin down at alejandro mayorkas on whether or not this deal was working. listen to this exchange. >> what has the impact been? how many migrants have been turned away between those ports of entry? >> martha, we are at a very early stage. implementation as you know it has just begun.
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it's early. the signs are positive. our personnel have done an extraordinary job in implementing a very big shift in how we operate on the southern border. >> john: just took 20 seconds to say absolutely nothing. >> absolutely nothing because it's a seven day average. i'm not sure why he's not being transparent with the american people. >> john: has he ever been? the border is close. the borders close. >> he talks. the answer is nothing. nothing has changed along the border. we'll see if anything does change. >> john: we talked to greg abbott last week without this executive order was going to make it worse because people would rush to try to get in under the threshold. what do you think? >> it is certainly at play. smugglers, traffickers, cartel members are going to try to get people in under that cap and they will start fondling to ports of entry. you can sign up. it it's not anything to do with
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the 2500 numerical cap. >> john: what about this planned to parole people, undocumented immigrants married to a u.s. citizen? there's plenty of occasions where people fall in love somewhere in a remote part of the world. they get married. the spouse becomes a u.s. citizen. does that not fall under -- >> it doesn't play in this instance. a person enters that country illegally, they fall in love and marry a u.s. citizen, they are still here illegally. the same benefits don't apply. however, there is, under law they can leave, go back to their home country, get an exemption to come back. because they are married to u.s. citizen so there's already something in place that allows for curing their illegal status. parole in place. it's fascinating. it's not actually not a law. parole is that you are per rolling someone into the
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united states. you are per rolling them. >> john: you said it's not in law. >> not called out in immigration law. parole in place is a term that they've. >> john: does that mean they made it up? >> yes, it's a unlawful use of parole. >> john: thanks, nice to see you as always. >> sandra: anti-israel protests in washington leaving o wave of damage and vandalism near the white house. steve hilton here to react to the latest demonstrations. >> john: officials in florida warning beachgoers after a series of shark attacks over the weekend. we are live in miami with more. >> three separate attacks in one afternoon in a popular destination in florida. i'm going to tell you what shark experts are saying coming up after the break. r credit? here's great news. at newday we've been granted automatic authority by the va to make our own loan
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>> john: wow. look at that picture from north carolina. picture-perfect blue sky, white sand beach. as your blue ocean. can we get someone to fill in for me? surf's up for these dogs in
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florida, the coastal town hosting its third annual dog surfing extravaganza. crowds gathered to watch the pups ride the waves. the surfboards were specifically designed for dogs. [laughs] look at that. they are out there having a lot of fun. the event was a fund-raiser for canines for warriors. among other charitable organizations. >> sandra: stay in the chair. we will arrange for you to get some time off. >> john: would your dog stay on the board? >> sandra: i'm watching the dogs and they thoroughly look -- maybe somebody thinks they look timid or scared but they look like they are enjoying it and getting the hang of it. >> john: our daughter took our golden retriever on a paddleboard one day. she got about 100 yards from shore. he jumped off the board. >> sandra: i would assume mine would do the same. i have a german wired hair and they would love to swim and i think he would just die then.
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>> john: our dog doesn't like to swim but apparently also doesn't like being on a paddleboard. >> sandra: love it. >> john: now this. ["jaws" music plays] >> sandra: that clip of course from the iconic film "jaws" as florida officials are warning beachgoers to be on high alert after three shark attacks within 4 miles of each other reported in less than two hours along the panhandle on saturday alone. dana marine mcnichols' life for us. >> good afternoon. we know the reports say that the women were enjoying themselves swimming in the ocean in waist deep water when they were bitten by that shark. authorities don't know what type
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of shark was involved in these attacks but see what happened was extremely rare. these two separate attacks have been on friday afternoon, as you said, only two hours apart from each other, 4 miles away from each other on the same beach in the florida panhandle. a popular vacation spot. this is a tragic start of the summer season, a 45-year-old woman had critical injuries on her stomach and needed part of her arm amputated. two teenage girls were involved in the second shark attack. one had serious injuries to her hand and leg. the other girl with a flesh wound to her foot. during this time of year it's common for small fish to travel in schools near the shore which might've been a country meeting factor in the attack according to the bay county sheriff's office. they did patrol the shoreline in a helicopter and saw a notable presence of sharks specifically bull sharks. they also saw a 14-foot hammerhead shark.
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>> we know that we share the water with sharks. as tragic as this is, there are always sharks. people have to be careful. >> this fire chief says he's reaching out to experts for insight on rising golf temperatures or even the series current could have been a factor. we spoke to a shark expert. >> only go into the water, it's a sharks home. it's their environment. what has happened with the shark attacks is very much an anomaly. this isn't something we would expect. it is certainly -- shortly isn't something we think -- people should think is going to occur. >> the beach has since been reopened. all three victims are in stable conditions but two of them with life altering injuries and we are wishing them a smooth recovery.
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>> sandra: that's a lot, a lot to watch as we head into the deeper summer months. thank you, dana marie. >> john: closing arguments today in hunter biden's federal gun trial after his attorney announced that he would not be testifying in his own defense. could this hurt or help his case? we'll break down the latest development with professor turley just ahead. >> sandra: plus, team usa snub. how is fever ricky caitlin clark responding to being left off the olympic team roster. we will sit down with charly arnolt just ahead.
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>> john: live pictures along the border there in california. so many people are coming across the border illegally from mexico. into the desert area of southern california. sandra, this memo that bill melugin obtained to border patrol agents in the san diego
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sector saying "unless people come from uzbekistan, russia, georgia, kurdistan and moldova, process them with a notice to appear and let them go." >> sandra: yeah, i mean, it's incredible. i think about live images like the one we had on our screen a second ago. you could kill up any day, any day, and that's what we are pretty think about the executive action the president took to stem the flow. we have not seen any change. that was to shut down the border but these are still the live images. >> john: it was designed to stop people from coming across the border. we double that for months now at the very least. the border is reopened to that number gets down to 1500 which is 1500 above where jeh johnson said it would be. this is not in any way, shape, or form deterring people from coming across th


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