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tv   FOX Friends First  FOX News  June 11, 2024 2:00am-3:00am PDT

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y'all, but i think we need ai week off.thk i'm not here to tell you -- thank you for what you did, but a week i don't know if you've been black before, but there are some stressful days. when you are black, i need a week. speed >> he ran through hit list accomplishment of winning over black voters. i don't think this helps. . forura: it is late that is it for us.foll follow us on social media and thank you for watching. it is my son 16th birthday today. that is what hy soe looked liken i saw him for the first time.r h and that is what he looks like now. a madelei >> carley: a "fox and friends first" exclusive, father of the missionary couple murdered by gangs in haiti are speaking out for the first time in an
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emotional interview you will only see here. >> todd: and nova music festival swarmed in new york city shooting off flairs and chanting this. >> todd: hometown congresswoman aoc being panned for saying this on the same day. >> false accusations of antisemitism are wielded against people of color and women of color by political activists. >> todd: more of her comments. >> carley: and andrew couomo wil be forced to testify hours from now. i'm carley shimkus. >> todd: i'm todd piro. house republicans releasing never before seen footage from january 6 appearing to show
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nancy pelosi making absolutely stunning admission on camera. >> carley: madeleine rivera is live in washington with newly released tapes and the white house response. >> madeleine: oversight committee has been working to obtain footage, this video was shot by former house speaker nancy pelosi's daughter. as the speaker was being rushed to a secure location, she had this exchange about how the evacuation was conducted. >> why weren't the national guard there to begin with? >> they thought they had sufficient resources. >> there's not a question, they did not know and i take responsibility for not having them prepare for more. >> madeleine: chairman of the subcommittee, is seizing on the new video saying that nancy
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pelosi's january 6 committee spent taxpayer money for investigation. her admission of responsibility directly contradicts her own narrative. a spokesperson called it cherrypicked and maintains she is not responsible for security for trying to white wash the deadly insurrection. here nancy pelosi herself. >> the president of the united states and his toteies do not want to face the facts and are trying to do revisionist history on january 6. >> madeleine: some clips have been shared and republicans slammed panel's work as partisan. >> carley: madeleine rivera, thank you. today's primary day in nevada and polls will open 7:00 a.m. pacific time, crowded republican
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senate primary has trump-backed sam brown, retired captain running for the pivotal seat. democrats hold slim 51-49 majority in the upper chamber. trump endorsed sam on sunday night saying brown will never let you know. jackie rosen is expected to easily win her primary to face the winner of today's republican contest. she describes brown as ultra-maga. we will hear from sam brown later this morning on "fox and friends" live. >> todd: a barn burner if brown wins, they look tied right now. president biden sparking concern, he appears to freeze at j juneteenth celebration yesterday on june tenth. the president stands there
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smiling as everyone around him is grooving to love theory. there he is. this comes as polling guru nate silvers biden's approval ratings are so low. silver posting this, biden hit an all all-time low. 5:38 and nate silver site. there is threshold where continuing to run is a bigger risk. are we there yet? i don't know, it is fair to ask. four not ms after the hour. jury deliberations continue in hunter biden's gun trial. >> carley: brooke singman has the latest. >> brooke: the jury will continue this morning after no verdict was reached yesterday. the first son did not testify in his own defense.
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he was joined by a dozen family members. before deliberations began, prosecution presented an alleged text in a potential blow to defense. text sent on october 11 says meet me at 7-11 at 3:00. it is unclear if hunter met that draw drug dualer. alan dershowitz says the message is clear. >> best thing that can happen to president trump is if hunter biden getting -- prove beyond any doubt it is where this trial is convicted. if you are trump tried in new york, automatic guilt. if you are biden and tried in delaware, very different.
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best thing that could happen to trump is acquittal for hunter biden. >> brooke: 345,000 dollars could cover jill biden's -- 1400 per hour to operate the first lady's government plane. jill biden has only missed one day of that trial. >> todd: glad i got up in the middle of the night to pay for jill biden to fly back and forth. >> carley: she flew from france and delaware and delaware to france on the same day president biden called called it an exist threat. fox cameras capturing illegals crossing into the country. here is what one told our crews.
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>> i love biden. >> why do you love him? >> biden help us. >> carley: telling comment there. how president biden's border is impacting communities coming up. >> todd: the woman who recorded thissige raing bull, an actual bull, break loose from the rodeo and land in the crowd is here to tell us about this chaotic scene she caught on camera, keep it right here on "fox and friends fi first". about this chaotic scene caught on camera, keep it right here on "fox and friends first". e she caught on camera, keep it right here on "fox and friends first".
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>> janice: good morning, start with the west, it has been incredibly hot early this time of year, 20 to 30 degrees above average. parts of the southwest usually into june, july and august. look at temperatures today. furnace creek, good name, 119 for them. 108 in vegas, 110 in phoenix and that continues tomorrow and thursday. things will start to come down heading into the weekend. thursday we have 200 million above average spreading across the east in toward ohio valley, extension river friday and saturday and things starts to let up getting into the weekend. it has been hot so far this season for the west. our forecast today, showers and thunderstorms for texas, some could turn severe.
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florida, we are into tropical season and we don't have a named storm yet, we have a setup for heavy rain for the sunshine state. we could see 12 to 18 inches in and around the fort myers area. deep tropical moisture moving in. totals to the south and central part of the state and not expecting tropical development. it does not take a named storm to cause a lot of issues and you can see moisture working in for the west coast and south florida getting into thursday and friday and the weekend. we will keep you up to date on the forecast across florida. fox, for details. over to you. >> todd: thank you. fox news cameras capturing hurric hundreds of migrants crossing the border in jacumba, coming
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from turkey, india, yemen and mexico. here is what some told matt finn about how they feel about president biden? >> did you pay anyone to get here? >> no, i search internet and follow and got away and come here. >> what do you think of president biden? >> biden? i love biden. >> why do you love him? >> biden help us. >> todd: of course he helps you, by letting you in. bring in sheriff panel, wayne ivy, leo dlut to the know of lewis and clark county and rkirn donnahuuechl biden administration is looking into more border action, what goes through your mind when you see
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this administration struggling to reinvent the wheel when everything they need is on the books and has been forever? >> political stunt. too little too late, they could have secured the border long ago. instead they handcuffed men and women of border patrol and now we're overrun with drugs flooding the border, overrun with illegals coming across the border. they account have protected our border, fought terrorism, they are doing a political stunt and clown show. >> todd: 8 million migrants since president biden took office. people have lost their lives to drug overdoses with 70,000 being primarily fentanyl. president trump said over the weekend, listen.
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>> crooked joe signed an executive order that is pro-invasion, pro-child trafficking, pro-woman trafficking, pro-human trafficking and pro-drug dealers. it is a pro-drug dealer bill. it is weak and ineffective. millions of people will continue pouring in and coming right through the border like they have never come through before. they are changing the fabric of our country, destroying our country. >> todd: sheriff dlid you tell -- how would sheriffs like you partner with new trump administration to do away with what the cartels have done, put a stop to it. >> first thing we will do, go through the sheriff's association to talk about things and how we can partner, such as
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stopping the illegal flow. more importantly, cartels are overrunning and controlling the borders and been in power last three years. we need to address cartel, human trafficking and fentanyl overdoses. we're a border state, i tell you, every state in the united states is a border state. people are not staying there and have a lot of social impancts when they come to your community. they need help and they will run you dry quickly. not that we don't have compassion, that is not it, it is entering this country legally. >> todd: sheriff donahue, what happens if biden wins? will cartels grow more powerful than they are now if he gets a second term?
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>> without question, they will. we are overrun by illegal immigration, human smuggling, human trafficking and drugs. cartels are in every state in the united states and northern border is a threat, southern border is a threat and this is a national security issue, unfortunately, if he gets back in office, i fear for the united states as a whole. we cannot afford for him to do more damage than he's already done and this will pail in comparison if he gets another four years. the american people need to wake up. this is in your face right now with criminality, cartels and they will become more embolden and you will see far more criminality and violence in the united states. >> todd: thank you, keep up the
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fight. >> carley: "fox and friends" exclues i was, parents of the couple murdered by gangs during a mission trip to haiti join us for the first interview since this unthinkable tragedy, their story you will see only here, that is next. respiratory ♪ ♪ [ engine revving ] listen. horsepower keeps you going, but torque gets you going. ♪ ♪ [ engine revving ] the dodge hornet r/t. the totally torqued-out crossover. this is steve. steve takes voquezna. this is steve's stomach, where voquezna can kick some acid, heal acid-related damage to the esophagus called erosive esophagitis, and relieve related heartburn. voquezna is the first
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seek help for fever, stiff muscles, problems thinking, or sweating. common side effects include inflammation of the nose and throat, insomnia and sleepiness. ♪ as you go with austedo ♪ (male vo) ask your doctor for austedo xr. ♪ austedo xr. ♪ >> carley: a young missionary couple killed in haiti have been laid to rests in their home state of. david and natalie lloyd, their tragic deaths impacting thousands. donald trump post ing god bless davy and ninetyatalie. they were honored last week. >> the life of davy and natalie shine as beacon of hope, a contrast of the age that tells a
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beautiful story of a christian abata-like example that defies the norm. >> lisa and i realize before for davy and hey hey and we had nothing to learn about. she accepted haiti and loved davy and haiti with everything she had and of course the lord first. a match made in heaven. >> carley: ben and naomi baker and the father of davy lloyd, d david join me. we are so sorry for the loss of your children, who lived incredible lives of service and were bonded by their shared faith. naomi, what would you like people to know about natalie? >> she was a devoted wife.
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she had no children of her own, little kelly over there was a s spiritual child of hers. she was sweet and loved those children. loved haiti. loved davy. an incredible human. >> carley: dave, what would you remember about your daughter? >> so many things. if you were to sum it up, their lives, it is about love and about commitment, their love for god and love for each other and commitment to the calling and the commitment to the people of haiti that they evenually gave their lives for. >> tell us about your son and who he was as a person? >> he was amazing, there wasn't anything he couldn't do or figure out. he would go and learn how to do
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anything and fix it. it was all about sharing love of christian abata with others and upon hadding those in need and they did that during their time there in haiti. >> carley: they did just that. ben, the situation in haiti has been going on for sometime now, almost completely out of the news in the united states and given what happened, it feels like it shouldn't be. what are conditions in haiti? >> it is awful over there and david could probably speak more to that than me being there so long and understand ing the people of haiti and knowing how to speak the language. it is like almost complete anarchy with very little government set up, it makes everything difficult for people there, especially. it is a dark place.
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i believe that the darkest places need light and davy and natalie were there. >> carley: david, pick up where ben left off. your son and daughter-in-law were working for a mission that you and your wife started. you have given of yourself and your family, too. tell us about the situation there and what needs to be done to help these people. >> yeah, it is terrible. we've been there 26 years, started missions 24 years ago. the last four years have been complete anarchy, we have no current elected officials, they are by a ruling group trying to help haiti.
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gangs have stepped in, there is no rule of law, and have taken over. killing the president themselves, i don't know the details, i don't know if a gang or mrit cap opposition, but everybody expected international help would step in then and prime minister two years ago begged for international help saying the gangs had become too strong and were getting unlimited supply of ammo in the country and they said police were outmanned and needed help. a year later, it was approved for international force to come in, we are still waiting for them to get there. what we have experienced is great tragedy, haitian people have been experiencing this f forfour or five years. they are affected by gangs and
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their family members have been killed by it. >> carley: my goodness, naomi, your son and daughter were missionaries in the truest sense. they were bringing the word of god despite rest unfolding around them. they were in danger, they voluntarily put themselves in that situation for the greater good. i mean, the character your daughter showed at such a young age, how remarkable is that? >> it is beautiful. it is truly beautiful to see what they did there and how much they love the culture and the people. >> carley: ben, before i let you go, at the funeral, you spoke about the moment davy asked permission to marry your daughter. apparently, he was sweating, can you tell us about that? >> as dad of four daughters, it
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is next to salvation, most important decision you will make is choosing a spouse for life. it is a big deal, i want to make sure it is the right one and of course, davy was and its amazing how they fit together. >> carley: your son and daughter were more special than most and god secured a spot in heaven for them on the day they were born. dave and naomi, thank you for joining us and allowing us to remember your children with you. >> thank you. >> carley: you're welcome. >> todd: such absolute strength, those missionaries were doing the lord's work, may the lord watch over that family. >> carley: thousands attended the funeral. >> todd: now to this, president biden making an appeal to black voters on june tenth and
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sparking controversy when he said this. >> president biden: be clear, they are all ghosts in new g garments trying to take it back and making it harder for black people to vote, closing doors of opportunity, attacking values of diversity, equity and inclusion. >> todd: oh, boy, joining me now is larry elder. how do you view a false fearmongering statement like that? >> well, todd, i'm old enough to know every republican candidate, republican president in my lifetime has been called a racist. i was 12 years old when barry g goldwater was elected and stifrn of fascismismful is in the air. fast forward to george herbert walker bush. he was called a racist and soros
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compared him to a propaganda minister of adolf hitler. donald trump has taken it to another level, it is on steroids. that is what democrats do, they have lost the white vote, the way they win elections, tell black people they are perpetual victims and that is what they do. >> carley: larry, at this j juneteenth ceremony, the president made a speech, cameras were on the president when he appeared to freeze during a performance for quite sometime. it is getting attention this morning. take a look at this. ♪ ♪
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>> carley: you have the president standing in between the vice and george floyd's brother on the other side of him who wrapped his arm around him to help him out with some time the president being stationary. this video will not help with the age concerns, as well. >> come on, carley, that was joe biden's version of doing the robot. i believe those debates will not take place. donald trump issued a couple demands, one is joe biden take a drug test. as you know, he was confuse order iraq and ukraine. >> todd: none of that worked well yesterday to win black votes. shifting gears, surrounding
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exhibit, honoring -- victims of nova music festival. chanting long live intifada and at the same moment, this is happening, congresswoman aoc, alexandria ocasio-cortez being panned for saying this. watch. >> at the same time, it is also true that accusations and false accusations of antisemitism are wielded against people of color and women of color by bad faith political actors and weaponizing antisemitism is used to divide us and create a false choice between fight for jewish safety and cause for palestinian self-d self-determination. >> c >> todd: are my eyes deceiving me? calling for elimination of
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israel, celebration at basically a museum that shows artifacts from the day. there is a port-a-potty where you see bullet holes where people did not make it out of those. i guess that is not antisemitism, larry. >> todd, your eyes do not deceive. anti-defamation league have conducted surveys on antisemitism and blacks that are antisemitism is higher than nonblack -- serious problem in the democratic party. you have hakeem jeffress jeffers and he wrote a paper in college defending and al sharpton, a democratic king maker with a
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long list of antisemitism comments. there was riot between blacks and jews in 1991, blacks were assaulting jews and he is on tape saying if the jews want to come to my house, let them do it. serious problem, not just aoc and ilhan omar, long series in the democratic party. >> todd: larry elder, we thank you. former new york governor an crew cust cuoma will testify before lawmakers in a few hours. >> carley: cheryl casone will preview his testimony coming up n next. ur skin is ever-changing, take care of it with gold bond's age renew formulations of 7 moisturizers and 3 vitamins.
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>> todd: happening today, former new york governor andrew cuomo will testify in front of a panel. >> carley: expected to drill him on him and nursing homes during covid-19. cheryl casone has more. >> cheryl: former governor of new york resigned back in 2021 from his position amidsexual
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harassment and misconduct accusation testified behind closed doors in front of the house covid subcommittee. not tied to his resignation, cuomo has been charged for 15,000 nursing home deaths after he ordered covid positive res residents had to be necessary nursing homes. the governor is blamed for the loss of loved ones. brad winstrop says cuomo implemented nursing home policies that had deadly consequence. nicole malliotakis says cuomo stonewalled and proved government a response plans
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forcing nursing homes to accept positive patients even if they could not care for them. there has been chatter about andrew cuomo running for mayor of new york city as eric adams has other legal issues he is dealing with. other thing, he has been out and about, he was at a dinner with r robert deniro, he says he regrets from resigning as governor of new york. this is a separate issue today. it is behind closed doored and transcribed. >> carley: i heard rumors about his mayoral run. we'll see if this testimony today and what trans pyres has reflection on those future ambitions. thank you, cheryl, see you soon.
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this is cool. workersic maing blue collar cool, young workers posting on social media apps. >> in today's episode, we have -- going on. ♪ ♪ ♪ >> carley: there are big social media followings. they join us now. i don't know about carp entry or welding, but i watched both your videos and i was entertained. what are you doing on social
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media? >> the main reason we do this, give insight into what the building industry really is. and changen the narrative what e think about us as carpenters. this is a great occupation and kids coming up should not be afraid of it. >> why did you decide to become a welder, you have a big following. i'm sure that comes with financial benefit and opportunities, as well. >> i started my welding career 15 years ago, i've worked from nuclear power plant to hydro electric turbine units and i want to show that you are not limited by the way you look, you are not in a box everyone wants to put you in.
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there are no rules. work harvard, try hard and be good at what you do and people will respect you. >> carley: that is so cool. matt, engagement around your videos is huge. vocational focus community college is on the rise. trade industries are having a moment right now, why do you think that is? >> i think people are a little tired of going into det with student loans and figuring out how to support families without going through that. trade is great way to do that. >> carley: cost of college versus cost of trade school is drastic, if anybody, you want to inspire young women who could be interested in following your path. if anybody is listening and heard something you said, follows you on socialia, how should they go about doing it? >> i went two a two-year school
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and got a degree in applied science with focus on welding. that started foundation for people believing in me. you can't say i can't do it because i have this degree, i have certifications to prove i can. it speaks to the possibility of graduating with no student debt. i paid through college and graduated with zero student debt. >> carley: that is fantastic. "wall street journal" featured both of you saying you are making blue collar cool and we wanted to meet you and hear your story. thank you for joining us. have a great day. >> todd: don't sell yourself short, i've seen you weld. >> carley: secret between me and todd. yeah. have you seen this video of a
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bull jumping over a fen ce into the rodeo? the woman who recorded it is here to tell you what it was like. >> todd: here is steve doocy with look at what is coming up top of the hour. you are getting an early birthday present. >> steve: i learned to weld in high school in the day when they had metal shop. >> carley: i did take wood shop and i have the key rack i made. >> todd: me, too. it works. >> steve: things we keep forever to show our children, look what i made in high school. >> carley: exactly right. >> steve: i made a gun rack. i know. "fox and friends" kicks off in eight minutes and two seconds. we have a busy program on "fox and friends". power and senate on the line, stakes are high and nevada state voters head to the polls today
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for the state's primary election. republican candidate and retired army captain sam brown, sam will join us this morning. also new york city police depend is looking for two migrants that attacked and robbed a tourist and if that is not enough, they were staying in a taxpayer funded shelter. should not work that way. calls are growing to shut down migrant shelters, we'll talk to a democrat who is joinings them. this middle school principal is cracking down on vaping in school. remember smoking in the boys room, now they are vaping. he will tell us about unique punishment he has in store for rule breakers. busy three hours, kicks off seven minutes and 45 seconds from now on the channel you
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trust for morning news. todd and carley back in a couple, you are watch ing "fox and friends first". dinner compreh dinner compreh ," " ." ♪ ♪ ♪ have you always had trouble losing weight and keeping it off? same. discover the power of wegovy®. ♪ ♪ with wegovy®, i lost 35 pounds. and some lost over 46 pounds. ♪ ♪ and i'm keeping the weight off. wegovy® helps you lose weight and keep it off. i'm reducing my risk.
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♪ stand up next to you ♪ and defend her still today. >> oh. [bleep], [bleep] >> todd: oh my gosh. have you seen these videos yet? shows the moment a bull breaks
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loose at oregon rodeo jumps the fence and hurts five people in the process. danielle smithers was in the stands and caught it all in camera the shot you saw in the stands. danielle, set the scene for us as you are taking this video. what going through your mind. >> first of all, good morning, thank you for having me. the first initial thing that i thought was, wow, you can hear me state in the video i'm completely in shock. a friend and mine had just been down there in the common area where that bull had jumped moments before returning do our seats. and we were actually standing at the gate to try to get a closer look at the bulls. and the sheriff's department was very diligent in doing their job they looked right at us and said you are either in or out. this is not a safe place for you to be and you need to return to your seats. so we went up and took our seats and i initially started shining my flashlight and swaying with the crowd and turned around and
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looked at my husband and said this is way too beautiful for me to be shining the light. i'm going to stop and i'm going to start recording this. and i just happened to catch him right as he was coming out of the gate. >> todd: unreal. were you scared for your family's safety when you saw this bull do this jump over the fence? >> my entire family was there. we even had a group of friends there. and i was not scared at all. at that point when that bull escaped i was in probably the safest place that i could have been high in those bleachers. my thoughts did go out to the people that i had initially seen moments before in the common area. >> todd: those people while injured are not life-threatening injuries. thank god. let's be real, if to the for the quick work of the rodeo crew, how much worse could this have been danielle? >> it could have been much worse. the rodeo crew i will say was absolutely amazing.
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they immediately they had been following that bull. they said he was out to get to safe place. they initiated protocol. and i haven't timed the video, but i would say that they had him in less than 30 seconds roped and contained. >> todd: wow. >> they were amazing. >> todd: we got to run. will you bring your family back to the rodeo ever again? 5 seconds to you you, danielle. >> most definitely. not only the sisters rodeo every year but every other rodeo that is close. we are definite rodeo fans. >> todd: danielle smithers thank you for that video. the bull was named party bus. more like the bachelor party at the end of the night at the beginning. >> carley: not a busy would want to be on. >> todd: "fox & friends" begins right now. >> carley: have a good day, everybody. ♪ >> the sitcom begins. >> brian: sounds liked i should be walking -- and the kitche


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