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tv   Gutfeld  FOX News  June 12, 2024 12:00am-1:00am PDT

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if you're an active duty military or military veteran, sign up now and get your first year free. >> well, it's time to make another connection. a game show legend return. break out your leg warmers, wine and parachute pants for the ultimate eighties. >> pop culture trivia 83 show streaming now on fox nation, america is streaming. all right. unfortunately, that is all the time wly that e have left this . please set your dvr. why? so you never, everse, ever misss an episode of hannity monday through fridaye of, nine easter. >> in the meantime, let not your heart be troubled. why because greg.feld gutfeld well, actually sitting by with the idea to put a smile on your face, he's next. >> have a great night. yes.
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yes. yeah. i expect nothing less. happy tuesday, everyone. so today was a historic day. for the first time ever, hunter evf to hunter get of was found guilty of three felonies in his gun trial and faces to 25 years behindyear bars. the good news, if he goes bes prison lawyers say his family visits and his conjugal visits could be done at the same time ,but it's unlikely he'll get the maximum since it's his first conviction. community services likelconvicte he's already shown an interest in working with unwed mothers, just not the kids. n president bideotn froze for nearly 30 seconds at a white house event. bifroze his white house press tm hailed it as the longest he's gone without saying
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something stupid. he finally did out of it and exchanged a slight fist bump. doctors say his hand should heal in 4 to 6 months. riders from snl have beenn meeting with the4-6 mo biden top them reach young voters. meanwhile, writers, the biden campaign have been meeting with snl to help them write comedy. >> this week aoc and rachel maddow both claimed if donald trump is reelected, he'll lock them up even more terrified members of the view who fear trump will send them to fat camp mor researchers using a i have determined that elephants call each other by names in their ownelephant language. but i thought we already knew that. apolog
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>> the canadian cancer society has apologized for using the word for instead of thehe te more trans friendlndy front hole . not to be confused with the word. . south dakota governor kristi noem says trump choosing a woman vp would help him win. especially if someone needs to shoot a . and a texas court has ruled that books mentioning and cannot banned in schools and public libraries. >> it's great news for me and my new book, having 1,000% real. you know, it's you know, it's comin.g.
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you know it's coming. all right. so prior to, a jury finding bid hunter biden guilty in his gun gu, it unlikelyfound ally. the second amendment. you know, the thinany g that democrats hate more than they hate soap. >> last week in a last effort, hunter asked that charges be dropped because the questionnaire he filled out violated his second amendment rights. hunter's legal team argued that the question asking if he was a druggieargued t was adc unconstitutional and the state had no right to infringe on hiscause second amendment rights just because he did a little dopehe t and buy a little dope. >> i don'ti mean george stephanopoulos. o i mean so much coke even scarred, would have recommendede rehab. >> still, the defense has a point. so why it unconstitutional? well, they argued that intoxication statutes cannot stretch far enough
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to justify disarming a sober citizeten based exclusivelyug on past drug use. and that use. sorry, makes sense. is it constitutional, ment t the government, to remove the second amendment rights of a person baseo condmentd on n interpretation of a subjective standard? an addicrpretation of t is subj moreover, you don't losefirst am the first amendment right because you do drugs. so why wouldghts lose the secont it's a precondition. all right. a higher authority of lawws whe that displaces lower laws whenever they come into conflictne com. same so let's forget about hunter. the same law would bar a wounded velat who uses cannabs for pain from exercisingro his right to self-defense.e imagine a person in recoveryn re who now owns guns. ve should he go to jail? never mind that this ruling dissuades people fromind the frh to treatment or seeking mental health help. i neededea just reading that nok did you break the law. sure. but it's an unjust law.
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sow you can disagree with me,wh but you're really disagreeing with the second amendment. the shall not be infringed. period. but if that sounds familiat if t you. >> then you must be paying attention to our very own kat timpenr veryf. >> ro the flashback. flashback, dude. you can make the argument instead that this isn't constitution at all becauseexce the second amendment doesn't have an exception in it. foptior if you're addictedyou to something real. yes. so you could makcan make the ae that his second amendment rights are being violated, whicriing violh it would be fune joe biden essentially asking the cour joet. >> to make that argument. yes, ma'am. . ts next book the rules say you only applaud for me during the monologue. oud >> haha, but cat's next book should be called i try to keepat hunter out of jail. >> but imagine that the son ofpn a democrat president suddenly puts on an nra at.
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they say politics make strange bedfellows. well par, for the second amendmt sake, i hope hunter wore a . >> but i don't want the secondn' amendment getting genital warts . >> so while the verdict might be bad news for hunter,d it's also bad news for the second amendment. he was found guilt fory of being in possession of a firearm as aa drug user or addict.t but there are many, many americans who fall into this amorphouns whos, but it offers trump a golden opportunity to condemn it and put the democrats in a boxity to c.e if trump calls this unconstitutional and the dems agree, suddenly they're on the the side of the second amendment. but if they don't, that forcesee them to applaud the guilty verdict of the president'sguiltd >> i'll bet his dad would love that. so what of the commander in soiled briefs?
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no, he claimed he wouldn't. pardon hunter, but the odds of joe remembering he said that are slimmer. im >> the odds of michael loftus wearing underweathe oddsr. i' td say it's just another ider >> it's just another headache for joe. but that assumes he hast feelings above the neck line. here's joe at a juneteenththsuma nighstt. i don't know if that was o that joe or a statue of joe. if it was any more frozen hamase protesters wouldrs spray painted intifada on his face. >> at this point, the best they can do for him is unplug
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him, wait 5 minutes, then reboot before calling tech support. you want hear some words?a gu here's joe today at a gunn summit. a gusurol summitn control summi. >> he's talking about you gun owners by the way if they want to think, to take on government, if we get outou of line, which they're talking about, well, guess what? they neetalkind f-150s. they don't need a rifle. >> what did he just say?i kind >> i kind of know what he said, l, it's not about what you need, dude. >> it's your right to have a rifld it'so havee. and yet, this is the guy who believed january 6 was an insurrection. >> apparently we shouldn't worry because he has succeeds. >> or if 50 means he's effed upo . and so joe's h approvaisl ratins are dropping faster than jerry nadler's when his comes off.
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>> even liberal election forecaster nate silver is suggesting the unthinkable. biden drop out just like he did in 88 when dems went with a8 deo more marketable candidate, michael dukakis. >> silver says biden just hit an all time in approval, 37%. dropping out would be ak big risk, but there is some threshold below which continuing to run is a biggercr risk. dems would have been better servedwould've b. biden had decided a year ago not to seek a second term and give voterk s say. among the many popularg th democrats across the country. yeah, but many popular democrats. e what i hope nate doesn't fill out a gun application soon because apparently he's high too. who do they have? this guy we. >> he looks like. he looks like the tennis pro who gave the entire country club chlamydia this chuckle
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monster. i've seen whoopee cushions more depth. >> this guy. >> as transportation secretary. the only thing he transportedgam illegal immigrants on midnight flights. talkmiht fl about shallow bench. they make "fox and friends" look like this. a prim court mak. >> so what's joe think? >> na na na na. like looking? ywhere no. nobody steps down. not going anywhere. that's not way you do it. you'r if you're going to be me, you got to run againste t me. nobody wants to do it, right.t oh, they got the californiwha gy with the hair and the teeth. come on.the te etonly one who likes him is him and we got a vp lady laughing. t kathy, good luckha with that jud the mayor guy. judge . pete. he can't be medgpete. nobody respects him. and it's not because he's .
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because he's not a real judge. h but we've goe't to guess she can do handstands. rosie grant stands co-host about number two on yo he puts down ha ha and ha ha i'm homeless founder of the largest party dog on mike i love the bumper sticker says food is for losers york times best selling author and fox news contributor catch com. he doesn't wear hawaiian shirts . he wears hawaii as a shirt. "new york times" best selling author and comedian, former nwa world guy. >> so i'll go to you first,ut even though you're not a lawyer, but i'm interested vei in what you thought of this verdict, givenctverdic your fees on the second amendment. well, you know how i feel. actually, we about it this mornin.w hoauseg.
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yes. yeah. and you also know that i agreet with everything in your monologue. i think that, you know, is something i write about a lot. my new book is the way that partisanship can divided us and actually convince us to argue in favor of giving up our owin fn rights. and i think this is a perfect example of that, because everybody who wantexampl becaus the biden family kind of go down. i understandfa and wherertainl that comes from, i certainly think that they've been involvedey in i don't think that this is the thing to toammi slam them on because based on the data we do have o basedn drug use and on gun ownership, tens of millions of americans could be guilty of felonies and be facing decades in prison over this exact thin andg wherei there was i mean, would i argue that he was a responsible wae or here? no, i wouldn't. but there was no victim here. also, the law doesn't designate based on sentences, wh obviously you of someone who uses marijuana, who is a veteran, who is a wounded veteran foo'n ored r pain, could fall thi under this. and i think that what you need
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neo to avoid and i write havin about this back to to avoid having partisanship kind cloud tak your thought is just take him out of it. take the biden's out of it. your, is it dowith you agree with and is it constitutional to have your second amendment rights, which it simply says shall not be infringednot ? u no.wa t but do you want that to be uhap to the subjective standardha of what does and does not qualify as an addict and then have the government quas at beik that are somehow allowed to make that determination? and if the answendr is no, as ii is for me, is i'm a strong supportefor of the first amendment, then you have to be against this. and alsoe agt , even if you like the law, if you love the law, you think it's a great law, you haveeau have to say that you can't really argue that it's constitutional. there's a difference between a statutorty law and a constitutional law. and you can't argue that this is constitutional regardless of how you feee itl about.el abo >> so, emily, in theut green room, you said you hope hunter biden, frye reading my thoughts. >> yeah. do would you agree with kat ort do you think that this is is
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this a different how do you look at itho youk? it's such a great point. and then let's let's have that is the foundatiot n over which let's put historical statutory application. >> so bottom line, in 1968, the gun control act was passed where congress you can't own, you can't possess a gun if y you're under the influence right, if you're addicted to these controlled substances. enter 1970, the controlled substances act substances act, which defined what thathe contt i'm going to go through the whole decade here. oh, no, no. but i'm making a good point.he d >> gutfeld stop it. so since then, you know,it the reason that tens of millions of americans are vulnerable and als.>> theo o thousands of our brothers and sisters and parents and uncles have been i incarcerated is because of those laws going back all those decadeshoses. so currently right now, almosty 157,000 people are incarcerated federally. that's this is a federal prosecutore a and 10% of them. the second most is for firearmso offensesnd. es so number one is drug offenses. so i also feel that whenen jurym when they were polled in the
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beginning and they said over half of themd , that they have direct family members with drug use, problems with firearms, brushes with the law, etc., that theythey saw ths being one more person where just because of your last name, you're not going to get away with it. because i saw my family get incarcerated, too, and i saw thw my, you know, get the g, get taken away also. soay als the end of the day, whn the president released the statement, we love our son, you know, we're goinreleasayingl his family in court looks so angry. i feel famil welcome to the rear world because there'eas 157,000 american families who are going through the same thing right now that hsthe just went through today. >> hmm. >> c. can i just, like, say something super fast? some thingyou to be?this a >> i would love i would love to see this actually get overturnedt overtuappeal on appd it can strengthen the second amendment rights for all oitf u. >> it would have to be the supreme court. yeah, they neede supreme d to circuit you l courts, you know, so >> all right. right. you two little legal ladies, pipe down. i got to get i got to getless g the guy in here.
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hey, do you wishuy you could t go to prison so you could have a roof over your head? >> i guessu coul i. do as a as a homeless. and i realized i realized noww t that i have a i've developedd an a cardboard and shellfish allergy. >> s shellfiso no more sitting aroune beaten clams out of a box. i got a free tomato juice. i want to talk about joe locking up the day. you got to keep him away from bright light ls. t ligh yeah, it's like they're calling him home. that's where he wenty are. >> he was just standing there. uncle boosie. is that you. everybody in heaven on green threw. you can't even clap at that point as to the gun thing. >> it's, you know, it's a veryt good point. in iand true. and this isn't what i want hunter to go to jail. that's kinand isd how it feels .
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>> what about the rest of the laptop? yeaht th, right. sweet, i'm tired. >> these crimes. where? well, in an excel spreadsheet, you got to be carefu likl about pulling that down. and how does that look when trump ha hiss his do something that's 34 felonies? yes, but you're slinging guns around high school dumpstersd and doing drugs like that's just three like that makes zero sense. the only thing good about this is it gively abouts hunter a ber story when he meets his fellowyn inmates. right? because if he's like, well, i opened up several shell companieif he' severals and i wr money from the ukraine and then putting that in the shell thats and 10% would go to my father. you might as well just it, dude. >> right therea du. kyra's finish his finish
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his house. nailed it. yeah. he wouldn't have got that far. but it's all right. look, i really disagree with you and cat, but i just feel like your examples are flawedbut ife your. like when you talked about, oh, the veteran wait is legal prescription week is legal, so he's not an addict. he could say he can fill it. this guy lied about it being an addict. he's taking legal, illegal, controlled crack. okay. you have to commit the crime to get ie tt. and then he now he has a gun. and what do you how do you think that's going to go? there's a reason why that's in place. mplyanybods who lives in inner city, goes deal with drug dealers and that there's a reasonthso he was sohe dangerous. he's just lucky when he left the gun in then hen in it was se in his family who got it right. he left it there and someone tell it or he goes to pay. he doesn't have his money. there's a reason why when we put these things in place, if crack was legal, he wouldn't be an addict. alcohol he woul. unfor alcohol. unfortunately, alcohol is legal because it was firsttuly alcohs it's ten times worse than most
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drugs, 1,000%. but you can drink all the beerba you want and say, i'm not an alcoholic and you're not lying. he went in thereen't lyihe aske are you an addict? said, i didn't check the box and then hadas h addict litera. 7000 people testify that he lied. so him sit in jail like the rest of ussend h who commit. crimes. you not smoke. crack is illegal. cr you go to jail. >>g we if you get arrested for a felony, you can't vote legal t . >> you get arrested for a felony, you can't vote. you can't own a gun is a reason for it ownn there'a reason. >> all right. yeah, well, that was a spirited discussion spirited. >> all right, up next, pelosi admits some fault in the january 6 assault. >> if you'll be in the new york area and lake tickets to gutfeld, go to slash gutfeld and click on link to join our studio audience for
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>> ellipse does all the work for you. call now and order ellipse. it's coming your way. hey hey, it's. day. hey. >>ncy makes it clear why the national was in near. >> our video of the day comes to us from newly released wil guar january 6es with features the frozen faced fiend that is nancy pelosinanc taking responsibility for not having the national guard d at the capitol that day. >> watch. we have responsibilityay wat to carry. we did not have any accountability for what was going on there and we should have. this is ridiculous. i'm going to ask me in the middle the thing. but they've already breached the inaugural stuff. should call the capitol police. i mean, the national guard. ben why was the national guard there to begin with?
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they thought that they had sufficient. i question how far they haveow been. they don't know. they clearly know. and i take responsibility foron not havingsibili to prepare for because it's stupid to be in a situation that they thought they hadt they. they thought these people would act civilized. though athey thought these peope a . >> oh, wow. even with the mask. even with a mask, she sounds hideous. >> all right. emily, what is going on here? wh iy is this out now? what could be? why is she taking, like responsibility for this? there's something going on here. well ig , her daughter is making>> h a documentary. >> so this was part of all the fileer daughtey that's thatt after everyone found out about it. but the irondy y is that after we all saw this video, pelosi's spokesperson released statement saying that three years later, house republicans are still trying to whitewas ph january 6h .
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it's shameful, unpatriotic and pathetic. what i think is pathetic is the findings from the gop january 6 committee that returned ten key findings among the house democrats like speaker pelosi, were too concerned with optics after the summer of love. and so they didn't want to deploy the national guard. they were too afraid of having ready any form of lawf la enforcement because they didn't want it to look bad while the streets were being burneforn det down. >> so that it's all her fault, not trump's. yeah, she dis ar down sod it vi, vindicate trump who said that he called for ? e national guard yeah, i think it vindicateses trump and they should releas tr >> all of the joy sixersary right now. yeah. yeah. it's ridiculou6th people rightsr you it's like why are we seeingo thisw. now? ad becau nancy was must she must have really felt bad because both were going. >> yeah. like she was she was scared so sober that both hands had the ability to tald thk. i can grab that back of that t and talk to you. ,carrie, we hahat dad
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a responsibility. i don't know how i'm going to buy stocks. do insider trading. if i hadnow., it felt likenc a performance. it's like she knew. >> like it' i don't know. so let me get this straight. itew te knew they were going ine building. yeah. and she did nothing about it lr >> lock her up. 20 years. 20 years. u get.o yot yo. >> mm. o 20 years. cap. what do you make of. i see a conspiracy. i'm wondering why this, why we saw this now and her. >> like you said, i'm like her daughter filming this.trucky that's what i'm struck by. her daughter film that she's making a documentary. >> what is going on in this family? yeah, yeah lik, yeah. i want to like the i would give anything. bravo reality show the pelosis . >> it's also creepy. it's so and by the way,g: it' the jurys committee that why isn't that like eight it's likee that should be in there but it wasn't because the two
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republicans were republican. >> yeah what's that gold greg they saw something. they say if this keeps going on, it get gold ths we we got hm another hope. they put people lives at riskp y to get rid of trump. yeah, they could have made the call and they did it because thdn'te this is how we m and that's what it is. >> yeah, it's anothet it is.rt s they're right. up next, rachel maddow declared trump makes her scared. our military has been infested by a woke revolution the military i think we grew up and you left your politics at the door. it's difficult to overstate the division that is being into our military. >> it's about our sovereignty. it's about our liberty. it's about our constitution. these veterans are putting the record straight. pete hegseth hosts the war pete hegseth hosts the war on warriors streaming only on fox nation. if you're an active duty if you're an active duty military or military veteranon p now and get your first year free. >> i look back with great >> i look back with great satisfactionle d. >> i look back with great satisfactionle
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this correctly. let's look at the answer. savage it's not about what you know oh my goodness. it's how you think. do not feel ashamed or stupid as i am the 1% club mondays on fox and any time on prime with over 75 million multitude of viewers, more people to be than visit old faithful every year which means to me is more than spewing boiling hot water all over the place several times a day. to me, it's more popular than old faithful. a story in five words i will. >> trump send maddow camping. so, michae l. d when asked if she worriedtr trump could target her, rachel maddocould w told the ree sources newsletter, quote, i'm worried about the country broad about d. enly o if we put someone in powerf who is openly vowing to build camp ts, hold millions of peopl, what convinces you that these massive camps he's planning are only for migrants? sog ar i'm worried about me, but only as much as i'm worried
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about all of us. so, mike, you live in these makeshift homeless camps. do you think she's. she has every right to be worried. she well, she should be worried about any kind of camp like rachel maddow. going camping is a show i would watch. yeah, because she would talkto d about how to build a fire and the history of fire all day long. >> and then she'd starvedeath. to death. she's most boring. my goodness. i'm serious, though. i wouly god. >> a show rachel maddow goes to camps. but -- but but no one no one'soo going to go to a camp becauseset like conservatives don't want to waste the money on it. iv te ofright you'd have to hiry counselors and then brainwashing y people of all different colors and spectrums. and then like gavin newsom can't buy a tent for a homeless guy for under 500.
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k yeah. so like rachel maddow, now, if d she wants to do an episode of naked and afraid, i'd watchws it, where are my clothes? ram rachel maddow. >>ch i'm naked and afraid. kat i love how think that if trump wins, like their career is in jeopardyeopard, their cars will explode if he's in power becaus h e, he'll give them soit much material, it will reinvigorate their careers . >> do you remember the show? like the tax returns? and they were like drying it out fo wholenothinr that time and nothi and it was like nothing. i rememberg that watching. thi >> yeah, i don't remember how much fun she had with that. yeah. i also just i can't if shes really believes it or not, that's what i can't decide. i can't decidere not lit. she really actually is afraid. or if she's just saying that ori it's even thinking about it. cause i don't.
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i don't. i don't know how you could really believe that. hod i think there's a lotratche of ratcheting up of rhetoric that happens, and it's alreadyet been ratcheted up so high that there's you have to just keep going and theep goingn you're maybe not even really thinking about it like you have to be. well, i'm scared about this, but i think a lot of therump people that i talked to who support trump, this is likeus at the top of the list of why? because they're just like, oh, this that. >> this is why i shouldn't. >> and it's this thing that's objectively ridiculous, that it's self-important, it's importance. it's the kind of self-importanta air that these people have. >> it's such a turnoff to the average person where it's like you reallygen wh tohink that he's going to take time, that you're so dangerous that he's going to put you i t fson a shut up. : it's true. it's an ego thing. you always i it' ego thisto - with entertainers. >> they go like, oh, they're going to come for me next. no, nobody- enul about any of these idiots. >> no everyone, barely own nobody who watch them except their own echo chamber. do you thinkoamber do going to e
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time to give that? and here's the thing, they're not going to have this. i disagree. you it worked the first time because people thought there might be some trut the fbecaus up w this russia thing. we put up with it for eight years now. yeah. now, wheh this[ bleeps r 8 yearn she comes in not to be like, what are you going to say now? liar. what else you got? because did it is past that. they overplayed their hand. now they're worried consequences. everybody who bought and tried to get away with stuff and lied and pushed false narratives are now afraidfa now a going tot their come up beings and they call it revenge. you're going to stick me in a camp. e what is that? no, but you shouldn't be allowed to call yourself a journalist when you peddle in lie aournalisen yous and narrative. so if anything, people, once he wins, you your whole thing,gn you've got what are you going to do now? because no matter what you do, he's going to finish his four years and he wins. and they jus finisht can't have l so yeah, he's going to lock meoc up. you know, the celtics don't wipn the championship. jayson tatum, jaylen brown are going to come to my house and beat mtaand e. by the way, what she how does she think he's going to lock lock her up like what could up i'm like jeanette
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and she check out leaps from he becomes president i go to she leaves out all the stuff in between and that's what i was asking you guys like on what? like, is it because she is a journalist? is she er whatever is. kno i couldn't.e i didn't know because it is so preposterous. >> and if it is being a journalist, then look to your pal obama. h vo you want to see the high volumem of journalists that were in prisoprn. >> but to your point, too, it's like they're in a space capsulpsule and they haven't evolved. it is so outdated. it's like listening to robert de niro when he was rantingting and raving on the new york corner, the stuff that was coming rly the t out of his mou, you know, trump's not going to accept the results and the fascisesultsm and he's still wes a mask. and it was lik le watching someone from 2016 or even earlier and you're like, we're so past that. so i don't know who listens to her, but ittt know me sad to. i have to say this as maybe liam is this sounds that there i are camps with millions of people in them and they're in china. so i f i were her. tim i would steward her time and her platform a little better because the trum a lp derangement syndromeme is so old and i wish she wouldso
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use it for some actual good. well points. well put. >> maybe msnbc will bring in a bunch of republicans and they'll go on tv and say shy would go ae to go, yeah, oh coming up, a coach did a slam dunk, a question that stunk on your period. >> sutton gushes happen. thy goodbye gush beers thanks u to always ultrathin with rapidsn drive that absorbs two times faster. faster. >> hello clean and comfortable. always fear no gush. >> let's get the rest of these >> let's get the rest of these plants organic from miracle-gro has grown me the best garden i ever had. >> good soil and you get good results. this soil will blow you away. it's the martha stewart of soil. >> what is it about cindy crawford? the secret to cindy? surprisingly ageless skin
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host a hall of famers and the home to the negro leagues. john gibson, jackie robinson and now the giants take on the cardinals in a celebration over a century in the making and they'll be at driftwood beef and meat on fox . we got another clip fors you it's video of the day hey. >> hey guys you the race baiting question was ice by pivoting to . our video of the day comes to us from joe missoula, a 35 year old head coach of the boston celtics. ch o >> i will murder a sportswriter. recently asked him what it's like to be a black coach in the finals, and his answer let the audience spewed. let' finals answs it.
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>> hey, joe. vince gill with yahoo! sports for first time since 1 1975, this is the nba finals 2 where you have two black head coaches. given the plight, sometimes of black coaches in the nba, do you think this is a significant moment that yok it's su pride i? >> how do you view this or do you not see it at all? i wonder how many of those are being christian coaches? >> i haven't heard an awkward ta silence like that since i showed up at larry kudlow'ncs house and clothes and clothes. makes, what do you what was the what was the point that journalist was trying to make and what was the point? the athlett wapoine trying to ma >> well, the journalist that'ske that come on that, you just stop using that term and it's yeah, that's more watered down . than racist. yeah. stop. what?
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what, joe? cam like i said, i used when joe came in, i thought he was too young. he didn't have experience as a lifelong celtic fan and then he pulls a stunt like this and you heard the proverbial race baiting pin just drop and nobody had a follow up question because they're all full. >> they were trying to get him br a gotcha moment to . and i'm glad to see a brother s stand up and say, my skin has nothing to dayso with my coachig ability or anything like that. it was my work ethic and mit's y faith that got me where i was at. and so and it just ended it. forget the fact we're up to,. well, forget the fact that we're going to probably sweep forget the fact that will cain has to probably where i love tara's shirt for a whole week at tv for the bet. yeah, i invaded his i invaded his podcast and dropping the bet and the went for it.r li my kids have been prank calling him all week bin. but again, it just goeser back to the point, like most of us, where i'm so of, hey, is is the funny black on my skin color light skin. d this has nothing to do with my character and my jokes. chd jokes. i'm glad to see thate
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prominent black athletes are tied. a lot of times they takes the oh, i guess is cool and i'm glad to find enough of this. and he puts he's done this before d t. he did it with the royal family. like, what was it like sitting next to prince? singe, was theres only because that's the only king i serve. so he just murdersg all the time. >> kat as a devout christian and sports lover, how do these comments how do these comments make you feel ho >> like i could be a sportswriter. yeah. yahoo! becau >> no, i'm completely serious because i could have known he would have answered this way. and there are few things i follow less than basketball. okay?w because you know what i diwhatd >> i googled him. you know, to think that you'rere goin goingg to go into an interw and not go, this is the same person when he was asked about you meeting with the royal family, he answered something along lines of, oh,, mary and joseph. >> right. this is a this is h thisa chrisr this is a man who prioritizes his faith, talks about his answhis faveuth. >> you could have known he would have answered this way if you bothered to google. so gle so sportswriters don't need
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to know sports. yeah, yeah. or even pretend or google it. >> so i'm just saying like, you know, if i if things don't work out here on espn.go >> there you go. s. >> michael, do they do >>sy putting basketball game on at the shelter? no, they do not. no, don't do that. >> no. but they do throw chicken wings from a distance. they try to catch it very exciting. are they cooked or are they just not sure? from chicken brought to you, you're in a rural shelter where you actually had to fight to kill the chicken. you. yes. and you have to ride the rails out of town. yeah. with when you're in feathers, out of your teeth with your single can of pork, ca n be with all my belongings in a bandana segment i've had. the question was crazy. likesports was like, for the first time since 1975. >> okay, so this was settled in 75. >> like, what are we are we
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lariously going to argue about lack of diversity in the nba? let'ity inh, let's let's have tt fight. coralyzes ou trans people havent even coached one team yet. and that's what i want to see. i want to say let's get in there and fighet. like when you are single and help me change my dress. loe, you are insane. you are insane tonight. do off this you have taken special, outright outrageous pills. all right? laughs to you, emily, but goneye because them. what do you think? yeah, i love your point. do your research. do your research on the person that they are covering. but the problem is we live in an anti christian anti society so that's why harrison but -- but but thank you i always think about chris and i know that with right nowsi
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on why he was vilified for speaking up for his faith at aah catholic college. i had a note that the nfl had no problem having pray for tomorrow b their twitter handle all 32 teams when he tragicallyc droppeallyd on the field like oa prayer is only okay when everyone else does it. sone else i applaud thisoach coach irrespective of sports team skin colorsespectiv for bea bastion and a beacon forbe being a christian man in this social environment, right. >> wow. all right. up next, a texas court over rules banning books on ina, schoolth. hink o >>f i tried to put my arm aroud any event that i can absolutely at new day, usa. that's what we're doing. we put our arm around the veterans. it'sn ani, the veteran out there that he needs to refi his home. he may want to purchas g feeline. we can help them and provide that financial solution for themompany, and families. >> it's a great, rewarding feeling. everybody in the company, they have that deference no o respect and that love
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absolutely free. that's been 82 215215. >> good value watching it's side by yeah nobody's watching guys it's almost 11 on the east coast apb you probably pass out on your mypillow so let'ass talk about and . a texas district court hast let' ruled that houston area. schools and libraries can no longer banned books that mentionhouston schoo and quote, i brokebu my and larry the leprechaun. >> tyrus is art. these books are a gateway to. shakespeare and chaucer know
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because i read shakespeare and chaucer. i didn't read these. thi i think this is a gateway for g your new tv show where you travel to librarieatews checking to make sure they have things about parts and . >> that is a great emily. come on.s a i as agrean adolescent boy, i kw in my past. not noinw. >> i love books about , but yeah, look i, i. if this is what gets i a little boy to read, then i love it. s i'm all for it. i think it's funny that this whole article was filed under and is hysterical, that there's, like, columns of that. but at the end the day, the ruling said that you can't be on a book because you don't want people to see o the messagy ,but you can ban it ifout want t it's unpopular. so i feel like for thoselar so f communities that don't want their kids to read about and t then you can say, well, it's just unpopular. >> cat my dream is to be numberm one on amazon and the parazt category. >> i don't even know if there is a ine category, but i, i want to be the trailblazer.
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no, i'm just i'm really glad that this ruling has finallyse made because everyone on staff i know i speak for all of us. so we've been really sick of pick it up your slack while you've been away lobbying for that. it was tough. it was tough being a homeless guy. you come into a lot of contact with smelly and terrible. yeah. how? i know i'm alive. yesterda contah smely is. but it really is a universal phenomenon that unites people rather than divides flat are always funny. >> are always funn are y and no'r one wants as long as they're not teaching like little kids stuffteaching. right? those are. those are the only books you want out of the library. here'ss seosare th i want to kns who's writing the these books. right? because like, when you write a book and you guys have written bote e a boh, i wre a book, neither stunning nor brave, doing well at you don't you don't tell people about your book because then you've got to do the follow up. this don mcmillan, that's like her whole thing. it's dshe's written like five bs
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exclusively about . what'sthing all that about? and they all have, like, these pseudo titles. i brokd theye my so noisy. i need a second. but oh, all my. it's like, hey, lady, slowy, down. >> we get it ladie. >> i need a second. but it's a good. i glued my . i glued my . yes. wow. all right. we'll talk about that after the show, michael. reg: wil back after i look for star backyardsd cavi yellow with brand pressure treated pine. ifti doesn't have this
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