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tv   FOX Friends First  FOX News  June 13, 2024 2:00am-3:00am PDT

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his flipping skills. look at that kid become a pretty good, tased, he still on the ru. hehe is banned from the ballpark going forward, maybe they can do an exhibition where he does backflips at the open. >> laura: maybe nancy pelosi will do that at the congressional baseball game.he >> that is when trump visitsrrow tomorrow. : is there a lightningtal? bolt that will hit the capitol dome? trump is coming, i mean, they said populism was over and itov was over in europe. trump was over. how many times can they declare trump politically over or populism is over. they have been wrong and wrong again. >> the tide is risingum internationally.o wa trump's returned to washington will b tune quite the day. stay tuned tomorrow. >> laura: great to be in the studio and that is it for us and follow me on social media. thank you for watching. jesse is >> carley: fox news alert.
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president biden will be at the g7 today in -- family photo and series of working sessions throughout the day. one of the biggest items is security agreement signing and press conference with ukrainian president zelenskyy. you are watching "fox and friends first" on busy thursday morning, i'm carley shimkus. >> todd: i'm todd piro. fox team coverage with rebecca graham. doug collins is standing by and lucas tomlinson is previewing major events we are expecting today. lucas. >> lucas: this is first time the two leaders have faced the press together since allowing ukraine to strike targets in russia. according to recent poll, half ukrainians view this as stalemate and "wall street journal" criticized president
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biden over his timidity and micromahmoud abbas of the war and accused biden of managing escalation instead of plan for defeating russia's innovation. when president biden meets with the seven largest economies in the world, not likely there will be a call to defeat russia. this is on the agenda. ceasefire talks, trade, and development al impacts in afric. ukraine wants to return to 1991 border, there is french -- excuse me, justin trudea meeting the prime minister. for russian forces to be defeated, that includes crimea. to help fund the war, open today's session with agreement to loan ukraine 50 billion using
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frozen russian assets as collateral. they are expected to assign a 10-year agreement and not commit u.s. forces to ukraine. pope frances will address the g7 summit and the president will meet with the prime minister. he brought with him hunter biden's children after their f father has been convicted of a felony. >> carley: big day for president trump. bring in rebecca grant. good morning to you. this is president biden's fourth g7 summit. how much does this one matter and what are you looking to take place today? >> this g7 meeting is actually pretty important. the g7 is a power center and
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what is new here is this long-term commitment to ukraine. biden and zelenskyy will assign a 10-year deal. congress will still have to fund that. other g7 members, canada, britain, and host italy have made a 10-year pledge to ukraine and that is a huge message to russia and to their overlords in china, while ukraine is not joining nato, europe and the g-7 and nato are behind ukraine against russia for as long as it takes and the financial asset deal is backing that up. >> todd: more detail, as we look at emmanuel macron meeting with the french president. what will be done differently from what taxpayers have provided for over two years now? >> it will be more of the same.
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there is a new component, they figured out a clever deal to take the $260 billion of frozen russian assets and use interest from the assets to service new loan to ukraine that goes with operating expenses and to help the economy and new patriot missile battery. the policy pledge is a long-term pledge. even if ukraine is under pressure on the battlefield, even if it takes a couple year, this is the g-7 saying we will stand behind ukraine, the line stops here. russia will not win as long as it takes and backing up with bilateral security agreements which they are doing in place of a ukraine-nato membership, which they are not ready to do yet. >> carley: one little detail,
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leaders are lucky to go to the g-7, hosted in one of the most beautiful regions of italy, southern region of pulia, it is a luxury hotel and delicious meals will be shared together with the leaders from the largest seven global economies. on the other side is a little fear what is happening outside of this summit. yesterday four russian naval vessels, including a submaen radio, arrived in cuba, our backyard. you have to wonder about the timing of this and what message russia wants to send with that. >> do not worry, the coast guard plus u.s. navy is there and watching all that. you are right, russia is sending a message. the naval vessels in cuba are part of it. jen staltenberg said they are worried about russian spy
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concerns in europe and of course nuclear threat. this is vladamir putin acting out and it is offensive kharkiv system stalled out, he is showing russia is in it for a long fight. they will go over bigger issues. the pope is coming to talk about artificial intelligence. very interesting meeting coming up. >> todd: interesting stuff. let's bring in doug collins, former georgia congressman and iraq veteran. the establishment elites in europe got a wake-up call and got punched in the mouth from the right in this week's election. how do you see that impacting theum isit hanging over this summit and what deliverables come out of it? >> doug: it shows people are tired of what they are seeing in economies. they are seeing economies
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floundering and people are basically saying no, we're tired of high-minded ideals not getting us where we need to go. concerns about job security and where we're headed and this g-7um summit, they come together in the resort area, i'm having trouble. i'm having trouble, too empltoo. way for heads of state to commiserate together. >> carley: ukraine and president zelenskyy was invited to the g-7 summit. prime minister netanyahu was not. what is your read on that? could that be considered a snub? >> doug: i would consider it a snub. zelenskyy is showing up to everything from store opening to everything he can, he is desperate for money and resources and desperate to
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continue the fight. him being there and needing long-term agreements are nothing more than promise rings basically. the president can say, we'll be in there with you for the next 10 years, but president biden has to go to congress. if president trump gets electioned, that makes this an interesting issue. taking prime minister netanyahu out where they are talking about ceasefire, why wouldn't there be discussion there? why wouldn't you want him there? it shows priorities they are willing to touch on perimeter of things they think they can control, they don't want to get into stickier situation such as the israel and gaza situation, they don't want to bring in and mess up their situation. >> todd: another issue over this g-7, hunter biden's conviction. white house has not ruled out president biden commuting the
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sentence. karine jean-pierre was asked about it, here is what she said. >> the president, i have not spoken to the president about this. he was asked about pardon and answered clearly and forthright, i don't have anything beyond what the president said, he's been clear about this. >> todd: just to be clear, a pardon gets rid of the conviction, the commutation gets rid of the sentence. could he commute hunter biden's sentence? it would keep hunter out of jail and allows democrats to say we respected the rule of law and kept the conviction in place. >> doug: be clear here and circle back and make sure you can understand so we get all the press secretary, yes, that is what they laid forth here.
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he said he was not going to pardon him. he never said anything about commutation, now that it happened, commutation ramped up in last 12 to 24 hours. i see that happening later, if they can get away with it they will do it later in the fall. it is a political issue and will reek of giving preferential treatment here. biden has a problem of p perception in the country with how he's dealing with the situation given the fact most people see why hunter biden was found guilty, they can't see how donovan schultz was found guilty, there is comparison between the two. >> carley: hunter's next trial is alleged tax eshg evasion taking place in september. certainly one to watch.
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thank you so much for joining us and waking up early, we appreciate it. >> todd: a college campus in california vandalized while nearby stores are looted by anti-israel protesters. >> carley: and continuing coverage from the g-7 summit, when president biden arrive says, we will bring it to you live. don't go anywhere.
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her uncle's unhappy. i'm sensing an underlying issue. it's t-mobile. it started when we tried to get him under a new plan. but they they unexpectedly unraveled their “price lock” guarantee. which has made him, a bit... unruly. you called yourself the “un-carrier”. you sing about “price lock” on those commercials. “the price lock, the price lock...” so, if you could change the price, change the name! it's not a lock, i know a lock. so how can we undo the damage? we could all unsubscribe and switch to xfinity. their connection is unreal. and we could all un-experience this whole session. okay, that's uncalled for.
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>> todd: fox weather alert. state of emergency for florida as the region is -- drivers stranded and cars submerged in water. look at that, two women pushing their car through flood waters on a highway, that parking garage filled with water. severe weather expected to continue through the end of the week. flood watches are expected to remain in place until tomorrow evening. janice dean has the forecast. >> janice: close to 20 inches between fort lauderdale and miami. more rain in the forecast. there is live radar across south
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florida, central florida needs to keep an eye out. some areas have gotten a foot or more, they will get more around fort myers. tampa two to three, fort myers three to five. flooding will be a concern. we are watch ing the tropics. we are into hurricane season and we have multiple disturbances along the gulf coast from houston to new orleans. fox will keep you posted. severe storms toward ohio valley and great lakes and watching florida. heat continues for the west spreading across the central u.s.. carley, we'll toss to you. >> carley: thank you. helping other heroes, this navy
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veteran and former mta officer is running across 50 states raising awareness for paws of war. they train service dogs for veterans. they are heading to alaska to complete their 28th marathon. john barnetin jos me to talk about his wonderful mission. this is fantastic. glad to see you sitting down. >> i do a lot of training five to 10 miles per day preparing for marathons across the country and go ing going national when h 50 states. >> carley: it continues international. you have been through tough times in your life, that brought you to where you are today, tell me about that. >> july 4, 2012, i was stabbed in the eye by a criminal. i responded appropriately and
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p prevented him from killing others and killing myself. i prevented that and moving forward now. >> carley: you suffer from a lot of emotional and physical repercussions as a result. you were introduced to paws of war, how did they help you? >> i'm a first responder and veteran, they provided me with two dogs, sky and blue and they provide services for me and the dogs and help me in ways i can't explain. >> carley: your mission is to provide support for paws of war to help other veterans, as well. >> yes, i hope by running marathons to bring attention to paws of war and veterans and first responders can get help.
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26.26 miles. >> carley: going to alaska next, right? >> yes, anchorage. >> carley: to donate to paws of was where do they did? >> paws of >> carley: amazing, you are an ashes mazing individual and so is your six-year-old daughter over there. she's the star of the show today. thank you for joining us, this is a great cause. todd, over to you. >> todd: awesome stuff. live look in italy, president biden on his way to the g-7 summit. he is expected to arrive in a few minutes. we'll bring you his arrival right here, keep it here.
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prime minister. security agreement -- schedule the president has slated for today. a lot of working sessions and things get excited for him. he'll be viewing a sky-diving demonstration and then the most important thing of the day happens, he will be signing bilat real estate security agreement with ukraine and holding that join press conference with president zelenskyy, 1:45 p.m. eastern time. this seems nonbinding. sullivan says our support will last long into the future. particularly in the defense and security space. by signing this, will send russia signal of our resolve.
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if vladamir putin thinks he can outlast, he is wrong. >> how does the american taxpayer, american voter view that. speaking of voters hanging over the summit, just this week, esta establishment got as i use the phrase, punched in the mouth electorally. so many countries, england, france, germany, how will that hang over. will this be a crying session, the right wing is acting out and frustrated with what is happening. will deliverables come out of this, we will see. >> carley: all the g-7 leaders are heading up to this beautiful area and luxury hotel where the g-7 summit is. they will take a group pic. this summit is three days long,
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president biden is only participating today and tomorrow and will miss the big dinner tomorrow night. karen inner ca -- karine jean-pierre was asked why. she said not to read too much into it. he is heading to los angeles for a fundraiser with george clooney and julia roberts. that will be his weekend. he's in the summit with world leaders, ukraine will be a topic of conversation, israel will be a topic of conversation and we were talking to doug collins and he said saudi arabia moving away from the dollar will be interesting topic. that does not sound like good news. >> todd: not just saudi arabia, there is a move worldwide to say we don't view america anymore as the global superpower, we don't
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necessarily view their currency as world currency, that would have significant ramifications, we need to make sure the dollar remains the number one world currency. karine jean-pierre said don't read anything into attending the dinner. is joe biden not attending the dinner because it is too late or because he will hop on a plane to fund raise. both of those are sws are not good. >> carley: the picture has been taken. the president will participate in this working session number one of all the leaders and have many more throughout the day. day one of g-7 2024. >> todd: no dinner. >> carley: no dinner tomorrow. at home, fox news alert. new york city city man sounding alarm after isis-linked terror
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suspectless were arrested after walking into our country across our southern border. >> todd: brooke singman has more. >> brooke: rob effort holden is calling out president biden and warning of potential terror attacks, following the arrest of terist ares who crossed through the southern border. >> it is frightening. we are heading to another 9/11, i predicted that. we should have a secure border and know who is coming into our country. we don't. millions of migrants and illegal aliens have gotten through. it is a situation we just really rolling the dice here. i've been critical of president biden, the way he handled this from the get-go, he's been asleep at the wheel. >> brooke: the suspected terrorists come from tajikistan
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days after new report was released calling screening of migrants inadequate. dhs will remain at risk of admitting dangerous persons into the country or enabling asylum seekers who pose a threat to national security to continue to reside in the united states. some democrats are still brushing off the threats. listen. >> do you think president biden's border policies are putting americans at risk for another 9/11? >> we should make sure we have humane and secure border policy and i will support the president. >> know ares need to stop opposing additional resources to help to continue to enforce the law. they were identified and detained and we know where they are is them doing their job. >> brooke: suspected terrorists entering the united states is up
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2500% under the biden administration. >> todd: not good, should be zero. busy brad, question mark. manhattan d.a. says he will not appear on capitol hill as house republicans hold a hearing on former president trump's trial. he is set to testify on july 12th, one day after the sentencing. federal election officer and andrew bailey will testify at today's hearing and join me now. i emphasize the election in your title, we're set to hear from somebody who understands how election law works. juan merchan cannot silence you. what are your points today? >> judge merchan obliterated federal election law with the jury charge he gave asking the injury if donovan schultz willfully contributed to campaign and legal standard is knowing and willful standard, he
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upended that standard. that is one thing where the department of justice should have intervened and protected the jurisdiction of federal government to enforce federal finance law. they didn't. it is perplexing why they didn't do that. long-standing supreme court precedence said they should. >> todd: people always fight over jurisdiction, in this case it was cedeed so easily. they will make this point, ag bailey, they merely followed facts and law up in new york city. how will you cut the legs out from under that argument? >> they bent the law to meet the facts in a legal charge. unseemly amount of prosecutorial misconduct. it injects statutory and
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constitutional violations into the process from the charging document on to the j deliberations. this is not legally valid conviction and emphasizes witch hunt prosecution. important american people understand goal was never to convict president trump, it was to remove him from the prejudicial presidential campaign trail. >> todd: focus on this michael colangelo and alvin bragg. number three starter in yankees is not waving his hand and saying, send me to i think issel a for my craft. what reason could michael colangelo have to leave the doj, go down to the manhattan d.a. if not for desire to help democrats and get trump?
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>> the doj may not have intervened to reassert jurisdiction of the fec, appropriate legal avenue, they deployed resources to the state of new york in the form ever of mic michael colangelo who led prosecution against president trump on behalf of alvin bragg. he takes a pay cut to work in court. he is politically motivated. there was no case to begin with. subsequent prosecutor would have dismissed it. biden is behind this whole thing. he's managed doj, with the soros-backed institute to alvin bragg's office with intent of dismantling the criminal justice system. alvin bragg is ignoring crime on subways and streets and being trained to weaponize against biden political opponents.
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>> todd: if we don't stop this lawfare, can our century-old justice system survive? >> it can't and we have a big threat to the first amendment and whether or not candidates can run for office because we'll have turned loose all prosecutors, state or local, to go after individual candidates for perceived violation of campaign finance law. >> todd: thank you for what you are about to do today, the world needs to hear it. president trump posted second tiktok, teasing an interview. >> carley: that looks intimidateings. president biden and former president trump will layout their agendas to business leaders today. cheryl casone is here with both stories next.
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>> todd: former president donovan schultz will capitol hill today. >> carley: cheryl casone from our sister network fox business joins us now.
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>> cheryl: president trump will be in washington meeting with business round table and talking to business leaders making pitch, if you reelect me, i'm going to lower taxes more. i will actually deregulate even more. you have janet yellen speaking at the economic club of new york today making opposite pitch to business leaders in new york. she will say, we don't believe innic trel-down economic, it has to be a public-private partnership. most americans, disagree with her. look at polls as far as general election coming up in november, pennsylvania in play now. look at this, we see this new poll that shows that the former president leads biden by two points in pennsylvania. joe biden was born in pennsylvania, by the way. from the economists, this is a
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good one, they show former president trump has two thirds chance of winning the election in november, they took a deep dive into the swing states. it will come down to the swing states. biden won them in 2020, donovan schultz won five of the six in 2016, that is what polls are telling us. >> todd: biden's tax plan hurts big business and everybody. i don't think republicans are driving that point home, interesting to see if they do. trump is going after the youth vote, vis-a-vis, logan paul. >> cheryl: 29-year-old logan paul and his brother. he has a podcast and appeared in a podcast the former president posted. donald trump, looks like they already taped it. here is jake paul saying young americans want somebody to fight in the white house.
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watch. >> have to do with democrat or republican, it is about which president is going to fight for us and represent us the best way possible >> that is what the young people in america want, we want solutions, we don't want marketing and bs put in front 'of us. >> cheryl: that youth vote was critical for joe biden in 2020, that youth vote, if you look at ufc fights where president trump attended one in new jersey. youth vote not happy, they can't afford a house. >> carley: interesting to see the face-to-face shot between former president and jake paul. speaking of fights, there was one last night. >> cheryl: congressional baseball game, every year something happens. protesters jumped on the field, climate activists tried to shut
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down the game. the group responsible for what you are seeing, eight of us have been arrested for shutting down the congressional baseball game. it is be ms of congress who should be locked up. they are all going to be facing federal charges. they were arrested by u.s. capitol hill police. this is a charity event. this game, democrats and republicans raising money for charity. >> carley: when people try to do this every single year, you see fliers all over washington, d.c., this year they jumped on the field. >> todd: i think they did persuade me to their side of the argument, said no one ever, stop doing this. >> carley: republicans won 31-11 against democrats. fourth straight within in the congressional baseball game.
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>> todd: heavy hitter, cheryl casone will be on mornings with maria. >> cheryl: i will pay you money later. >> todd: i will take that money. hillary clinton dropped an end endorsement for a member of the squad. >> c lawrence jones will look at what is coming up. >> lawrence: do you really want her endorsement? she did lose. maybe she can come to a strategy on why she lost that race. jam-packed thursday morning. president biden touching down in italy, ahead of the g-7, set to assign a security agreement with ukr ukrainian president zelenskyy today. russian ships are off the shores, apparent show of aggression. benjamin hall has the latest and senator ted cruz will react to other major security concern at
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the southern border. ig report warns of inadequate dhs vetting practices. we learn more about eight suspected terrorists who crossed the border illegally. senator tom cotton on national security implication, plus beer and birth control, the new democratic strategy for winning over young voters. get the pulse of the people on how effective it might be and tom homan's stark warning. and riley gaines about women's sports and jeremy hunt will react to biden's proposed pay raise for troops. it is a jam-packed thursday morning on a friday eve. see you in a bit.
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liberty mutual customized my car insurance and i saved hundreds. with all the money i saved i thought i'd buy stilts. being so tall definitely has its advantages. oh whoa. here you go, kiddo. thanks. hi honey ready to go? yup. there it is, there it is... we go. i guess it also has some disadvantages. yes it does. only pay for what you need.
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♪liberty. liberty. liberty, liberty.♪ we are back with a fox news alert a mob of anti-israel protesters vandalizing call state university. completely vandalizing that campus right outside of l.a. >> ainsley: it's still happening. chanley joint us now. >> happening after six weeks of peaceful encampment at cal state los angeles when it escalated rapidly wednesday. pro-palestinian protesters began blocking the entrances and exits to the student center. the windows were vandalized and
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campus furniture overturned blocking doors. soon looting and damaging nearby stores. the university spokesperson said the group of up to 100 protesters took over the first floor causing the employees including the university president reportedly on the up irfloors to shelter in place for hours. staff members are now safe and sound. meanwhile law enforcement officers from various agencies gathered nearby and helicopters buzzed overhead. the gaza solidarity encampment group claimed to be staging a sit-in. >> we are trying to get our money taken away from the genocide happening in gaza. we have been ignored. we are tired of being ignored. chainsaws front door of the building. chain themselves until university president to divest university glundz anti-israel protests on campuses continue across the nation. as they do, planned committee hearing in the house is actually set on an anti-semitism is taki.
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>> carley: endorsement in one of the biggest primaries. the failed presidential candidate is backing west chester executive george lattimer who is jamaal bowman for congressional seat in new york's 16th district. clinton writing on x with trump on the ballot we need strong principalled democrats in congress. george lattimer will protect abortion rights, stand up to the nra and fight for president biden's agenda just like he has always done. >> david webb david joins us now. what do you make of this dem on dem violence the queen of the establishment in hillary clinton vs. the squad? >> let's go down a different road. donors to the clinton foundation, people like over the years you have had sabon george
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soros. names sound familiar. jewish fund of chicago big donors. hillary clinton has to protect the hillary clinton foundation. hillary clinton doesn't care between the two. at one point she said i'm the most progressive when she was running against donald trump. used her progressive credentials. jamaal bowman upset the apple cart not the money cart politically and she protecting it. her endorsement of lattimer are irrelevant. lattimer shows a lot of strong polling against bottom. bowman is a known liar. committed a crime in the house by pulling the fire alarm. this guy is damaged goods. former west chester county executive against a progressive democrat. it's kind of a straightforward. so clinton is protecting her donor base. >> yeah, clinton doesn't have anything to do with the fact presidentialing shows before the endorsement bowman is down 17
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points. >> todd: alarm bells are ringing. >> carley: a lot of people say because of his stance on israel. remember when he came out and supported a lot of these protests and what's going on. people in this district don't like that. >> no. combine all of that the bad press but really think about how the clintons have survived. they know how to play the game as it goes along. and they are getting a lot of pushback from these funds and these major donors. george soros' organizations fund a lot of this. we have seen that the money trail is established. george so, roast also don't united states to the clinton foundation. >> todd: with the clintons it's always about the money and you can always follow the money. >> $3 billion plus. >> todd: nathan wade did an interview with cnn and his media consultant actually interrupted after he was asked about his relationship with fulton county d.a. fani willis. watch. this there has been this effort
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to -- to say that, okay, these exact dates are -- are -- are at issue. and these exact dates are -- i'm getting -- i'm getting signals here. >> do you want to go off for a second? >> yes. >> everything okay? >> yeah. >> todd: the old audio issues there. >> signal by the consultants i thought signal in his ear. >> i don't know but, fani willis and nathan wade couple need new media to teach them about optics. >> need new attorneys there are still some legal battles going on underway which could involve him and his relationship with her. you know, there is still an effort to get her disqualified. so there is more going on. and the last thing they need is a blow hard who wasn't qualified
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to do the job scrig up the dates which then goes into the appeal. these two are liked worst power couple, we will call it that, or the low power couple when it comes legally. they are only interested in going after trump. they can't effect that case. that's what this is about. >> carley: also something interesting going on with jay-z. his organization rock nation is -- appears to be supporting school choice. supporting these vouchers for young people who live in underprivileged communities. typically a republican issue and he is saying that this is the right way to go. >> he got a lot of pushback for doing that think about it, in philadelphia, where 65% of black parents is reported have moved since covid. moved their kids into charter schools. the failing schools in philadelphia, pennsylvania has charter schools. it has choice. something the governor fought against. i think it's a good move for him. look, i can't know all his reasons, but it's not a bad
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business investment in the future of people in human capital so good for him. >> todd: 20 seconds before we need to go off to "fox & friends," was does the far left hate the fact that especially black parents want choice where and how their kids are educated. >> a lot of control. you can't have people learning and growing if you are the big government group you take them on you want to own. they. >> carley: pennsylvania teacher's union president pushed back on social media saying this ain't it. to jay-z's announcement. but did not say why this ain't it. >> picture of a major choice supporter that's the problem. >> carley: thank you so much for joining us on this busy news day. president biden in italy for the g-7 summit there will be continuing conch of that on "fox & friends" which starts right now. >> todd: have a great day, everybody. ♪


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