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tv   FOX and Friends  FOX News  June 13, 2024 3:00am-4:00am PDT

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business investment in the future of people in human capital so good for him. >> todd: 20 seconds before we need to go off to "fox & friends," was does the far left hate the fact that especially black parents want choice where and how their kids are educated. >> a lot of control. you can't have people learning and growing if you are the big government group you take them on you want to own. they. >> carley: pennsylvania teacher's union president pushed back on social media saying this ain't it. to jay-z's announcement. but did not say why this ain't it. >> picture of a major choice supporter that's the problem. >> carley: thank you so much for joining us on this busy news day. president biden in italy for the g-7 summit there will be continuing conch of that on "fox & friends" which starts right now. >> todd: have a great day, everybody. ♪ thank you todd and carley we
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had an interesting conversation about chiropractor. >> brian: i'm pro-chiropractor. >> lawrence: and stretch lab. >> steve: just next three hours you are going to be watching "fox & friends" for this june the 13th, 2024. right now, president biden is in italy meeting with g-7 leaders in that country with world in chaos and terror threats coming across our southern borders. now, even joe biden's own administration admits the migrant screening, well it hasn't really happened right. and today on capitol hill, lawmakers are taking on campus will -- >> ainsley: life-threatening flooding across southern florida. what you need to know to stay safe if you live there. >> lawrence: "fox & friends"
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starts right now. >> steve: action. ♪ okay, let's start with a fox news alert. president biden as you can see right there has arrived for the first day of the g-7 summit in italy. >> brian: right now he is in a closed door working session with world leaders after taking a family photo you just witnessed. >> ainsley: this afternoon biden will hold a rare press conference with ukrainian president zelenskyy and answer questions for the first time since his son hunter's conviction. >> brian: only two questions though, right? >> steve: from each side. >> lawrence: luklucas tomlinson. >> lucas: along the coast in southeast italy. president biden meeting with ukraine's president will hold as we just mentioned a rare press conference for the first time since biden approved a request from ukraine to strike targets in russia using american weapons. now, according to a recent poll, nearly half of ukrainians view the war as a stalemate.
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and the "wall street journal" editorial board recently criticizing president biden over what it called his timidity and micromanagement of the war. accusing the white house of running a war based on academic theories of managing escalation instead of a plan for defeating russia's invasion. now, when president biden meets with world leaders today in italy, it's not likely there will be call to actually defeat russia. here's what else is on the agenda. cease-fire talks in gaza, russia's war in ukraine, of course. trade imbrainses with china. ai threats and developmental issues in africa. to help fund the war, the g-7 leaders plan to open today's session with an agreement to loan ukraine $50 billion using frozen russian assets as collateral. president zelenskyy and biden also expected to sign a separate bilateral security agreement to support ukraine financially for 10 years with no plan to use u.s. forces. pope francis will become the first pope to address a g-7 summit. he didn't have to go far of
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course in italy. president biden brought his family. pretty crowded on air force 1. all of hunter biden's adult children after their father being the first child the sitting american president to be convicted of a felony hunter, of course, not allowed to lee the country while he awaits sentencing, guys. >> steve: hunter probably would have been on the plane yesterday if he wasn't convicted, right? >> correct. he is not allowed to leave the country as he awaits sentencing now that he is a convicted felon. >> brian: six of the he seven on g 7 are in political peril. only one security is the prime minister of italy. >> lucas: brian did the math and after right wing political groups have done pretty well in european union elections, a lot of pressure on this g-7 and certainly something to watch today. >> steve: lucas, thank you very much. it's interesting. according to politico, they have a piece that came out. joe confided in somebody and he said hunter would have gotten a
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plea deal if he were not running for president. and running for re-election. but here's the thing. what it all comes down to is hunter biden's deal a year ago, he was going to get a probation only deal. but his attorneys insisted on an immunity thing so that he could never be prosecuted for a bunch of stuff in the future because they were thinking okay, the republicans are going to come after me with the fara thing. foreign agent registration thing. they didn't and now this is where he is. and for the president not to reveal whether or not is he going to pardon hunter, i mean, come on, if. >> brian: we know he is going to. >> steve: is he going to. >> brian: no political downside to it. >> lawrence: to steve's point, it wasn't just a typical immunity deal nobody everywhere seen it. >> lawrence: feds give immunity. he could never be charged again. is there any precedent for this.
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>> ainsley: someone else -- some people are asking now if he is going to drop out because of hunter biden's conviction. would he drop out now and then he could say we need to be there for hunter. we need to be there as a family and then pave the past for michelle obama. >> lawrence: she said she is done. >> ainsley: she did say she is done. >> brian: that would be nuts. come out over and over again and said she is done this woman named kamala harris that's the problem. that's the stop sign. really go going to take a black woman, the first one, the history breaking keep saying she broke the glass ceiling and now say now that you have an opportunity to be president, step aside. >> ainsley: i guaranteed they would still do it if michelle obama said she would run. she said she is not interested in it. she said it in her book also said it to nbc. they don't care. they want to win. >> steve: well, to your point, ainsley, this would be the perfect time for joe biden to say, look, my family is in turmoil. i feel terrible about, you know, the political people came after
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hunter and now he is a convicted felon. and so i'm going to step aside i'm not going to run for re-election. and then that would open it up and go ahead and have all that stuff. the problem is, he could -- if he were to pardon hunter now, you know, there is another trial come up in october. it's after the convention. >> brian: that one is more damning because -- because forensically reconstruct all the deals to try to find out how much taxes he actually owes, the bad news is the sugar daddy is out of sugar. out of money. is he just a daddy. now, the daughter, whose daddy was financing hunter biden. >> lawrence: she is upset. >> brian: you are taking advantage of my dad. think about that for a second. steve, everything you are saying, his turmoil has all been out there. he is 53 years old. his problem is hopefully in his
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rear view mirror. if he was not going to run it would have been four years ago. that's when his son might have been still in the fl throws of addiction or get out of it. now it's in the rear view mirror. >> ainsley: much cleaner now. >> brian: unless he falls on his face in the debate glide through a very controversial dnc. >> steve: political item that says how joe biden says it's because i'm running for re-election that's why they came after him. it also says that apparently the campaign team thinks that trump may make an issue of hunter biden's conviction at the debates. they will say he is going to turn around and say look, joe, you are an addict -- at the same time, we have heard they are trying to hang that title convicted felon around donald trump's neck. and so if joe biden at the debate says, you know, this guy is a convicted felon, and all trump has got to do is turn over
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to joe and say you mean like your son? >> brian: be able to finish their sentences in this debate. >> steve: let's hope so. >> ainsley: lexy used a few reams of paper. >> steve: lawrence got a colored one. >> lawrence: she likes me more. >> ainsley: office of inspector general. in this report there is shocking admissions but how they are not vetting the people that are coming across our border illegally adequately. >> brian: only thing i would add is the people that are getting vetted a lot of these nations have these pima are not on the fbi watch list. have no idea to find out what they are doing in their small terror camps in their country, they come over here, names light up and get their i.d. but we know nothing about them. we used to have a looking glass into them afghanistan. we used to have people in syria we okay iraq not leaving the base.
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better idea of what is happening. they did the impossible. opened up the southern border at the same time they shut down our eyes in the middle east. and straggle asia and now we are really flying blind. >> lawrence: we already don't have the information and data as strong as it should be from overseas to know what we're dealing with. if you go deeper into the report. the report says that when they initially get the folks across the border, they are not even screaming. --screening. they do a soft screening and that's not much. and then 180 days what they have to do once application for asylum put in that's when they do the background and all that stuff. by that time some of these people are already through the country. >> steve: that's why we are talking about it. because yesterday the lead story was that these 8 guys from tajikistan it turns out had terror ties to isis-k and we didn't know about it until afterwards. the scariest part to me in that report is the fact that there
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information about these people. the federal government has it but the border patrol is not giving access to it when they do the initial screening. >> lawrence: exactly right. >> steve: and the government does not do complete checks on asylum z already in the country to the state of the union of 400,000 people. go into the computer and click on lawrence's name or my name or your name and see a whole list of what have been accused of? >> steve: after 9/11 the whole idea was for intelligence agencies to share information. but they are not doing it. >> lawrence: well, the report says that 54% of the completed affirmative asylum cases were not adjudicated within the 180 day period. we are saying 54% of the people that are coming across the border, because, if you are looking at the people that are coming across the border right
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now, all of them, all of them are saying asylum, asylum, asylum. because that triggers them go through -- to be able to get across the border. >> ainsley: they also found in this report they are not conducting complete checks on asylum seekers already in the country to ensure they have no suspicious background information on their record. >> brian: most of them are coming now do you san diego. robert holden a clear thinking democrat been out there before taking on this crazy city council know is talking about terror. it's a real concern and he remembers 9/11. >> we didn't learn our lesson in new york city we will never learn a legislative. it's frightening. we are headed to another 9/11. i predicted that i think we should have a secure border. we should know who is coming into our country. we don't and millions of migrants, illegal aliens have gotten through. it's a situation that we're just really rolling the dice here.
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>> steve: that's terrifying. hillary vaughn was on capitol hill yesterday and approached lawmakers who were trying to leave in their cars. and she asked him about this terror threat. and shouldn't the administration be doing more? let's go to capitol hill. >> do you think president biden's border policies are putting americans at risk for another 9/11. >> we should obviously arrest and detain people that commit terrorist acts, and so i think that, obviously, this is really important for us to address the issues here that you and others have raised. at the same time, we should be making sure that we have folks to secure a humane border policy. >> i don't think president biden has any responsibility for the facts that terrorists are being allowed into this country? >> the fact that they were identified and detained and we know where they are, they are doing their job. >> steve: know their name.
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>> lawrence: these people were identified after the fact and not including the people that haven't been identified. that's the real issue. you can't have terrorists running throughout the country and not expect some sort of attack to happen in the meantime. the real thing is we got really lucky here. really lucky. the fact that they were in three different major cities and that there was conversation -- they got attacked that essentially said there was some type of bomb. we don't know the full report on it but they were talking about bombs. and three different major cities. they could have been planning an attack. >> queens last night 1:30 in the morning they picked up a guy with tons of ammunition. >> steve: body armor. >> brian: body armor, police uniform, a mask, weighted whips. they don't know what this person was up to. bill melugin reports that multiple illegal immigrants wanted for murder arrested in two week span over in houston. he lists them. two of which from honduras, three from mexico. this thing is on fire.
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what else do you want the head of the fbi to say except for we have never seen some things -- alarms going off at the same time. to me, we used to be able to put ideology aside for this. it's amazing. >> lawrence: even barack obama. >> brian: knee-jerk reaction no big deal because of democrats in the white house. >> ainsley: why is it a political issue? why don't republicans and democrats read this report and get on the same page? this is about national security. this is protecting our country. >> steve: right. >> ainsley: nothing to do with politics. hillary vaughn talks about they are being vetted. >> only one doing that going in front of the faces and asking them questions, i wish more of the reporters would just put the microphone in their face and make them run on what they say. i mean, you can say -- i don't know if there is anything humane about letting terrorists in the country. >> she is one of my favorite. but, brian, to your point about christopher wray. at the fbi. when you sit in front of congress and you say, you know, the warning light is going off
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eh, eh, eh at the fbi. really what he is saying is do something. and they are not. >> brian: i would lo for him to make it clear that it bothers him that the border patrol is not communicating with ice who has been diminished and depleted from this administration because they looked at ice as racist and now they are not communicating with the terror task fomplets. >> ainsley: have to put politics aside. >> brian: new york city we had the best counter task force in the world and dialed it back under the previous administration and not ramped it up because of budget concerns because of illegal immigrant money. billions going to the illegals that we have to house. >> lawrence: unbelievable. >> steve: more on this throughout the morning. >> steve: former president trump will be back in capitol hill this morning for the first time since leaving in 2021. told the strategy sessions on the election and his 2025 agenda. >> ainsley: trump will meet with house republicans bore huddling one senate republicans. >> brian: it's going to be interesting. senior trump campaign official says this. these congressional meetings will be looking ahead at the policies that will save the
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nation. policies that are actually secure our border and make our communities safe again. >> steve: the former president will also address about 90 top ceos at the business round table later today. is he expected to slam joe biden's antibusiness regulations. >> brian: this is a couple of things. number one, going to be very interesting when he goes to the senate side. mitt romney is not going. >> steve: mitch talk to him for years. >> brian: senator murkowski. mitch mcconnell walking back effectively. why? basically somebody who thinks republicans first. okay, this is going to be my nominee i could deal with him. i would love to see if they are going to talk to each other. mitch mcconnell is all over leadership soon will be. >> lawrence: exactly right. to your point, i think that the former president knows his staff knows it he is in a much different position right now than he was a year ago. the indictments and the prosecution of him has rallied republicans.
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where he stands in the national polls right now. where he stands on the issues right now. there couldn't be a better time for him to go meet with the republicans to set the agenda. and, remember, we're a month away from the convention or two months away? about a month and a half away from the convention. what a better time? >> brian: go ahead, steve. >> steve: i was going to say, this was something he did not do in 2016. essentially he was elected and then it's like okay. >> brian: one senator liked him senator sessions. >> steve: now what are we going to do. it's smart on behalf of the campaign that they would do that apparently behind the scenes is he already working with speaker mike johnson. >> brian: what does it take to get the majority in the senate? larry hogan. they should leave larry hogan alone. >> >> steve: larry hogan would be a great senator from t the state f maryland. >> brian: what's it going to take to beat jon tester and sharing of ideas. >> ainsley: only five more months until the elections. we know joe biden is trying to appeal to the black voters. so he going to black radio
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stations and black events and black colleges. >> brian: and condemning america. >> ainsley: exactly. older crowd with pickleball and bingo. and now we are getting reports, not only is he trying to pay for younger people's college, is he also trying to lure them with birth control and beer. >> brian: one goes with the other. >> steve: it's in the "the washington post." >> brian: first the beer and then the birth control. >> lawrence: get i in trouble. >> brian: reverse the order. >> steve: not the campaign a bunch of donors getting together. "the washington post" reports this morning a group of democratic donors thinks it might have found a cure for what ails you like a dance party, a comedy show, or a place to chill out. sometimes there will be beer. there will be manicures. how about a boot shine, a rent check sweepstakes, handout of contraceptive pools or cooling towers. and apparently they are targeting a couple of battleground states arizona and pennsylvania. in pennsylvania, the whole idea is to get young people who don't
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vote interested. and they are trying to get 100,000 young people, people under 30 in pennsylvania to show up to some of this stuff. >> lawrence: i will give them credit though, ainsley, they are not even hiding that they are trying to buy votes. >> ainsley: this is the founder of linked, in is he funding. this it's just a weird combination. manicures, beer and boot shine and rent check sweepstakes. contraceptive pills, cooling towels? >> steve: just imagine if it worked? what if you get a bunch of people aren't engaged in politics they gave me free pizza and beer. i'm going to vote for that person. >> lawrence: i know we joke about this because it's like ridiculous. what the president is asking these young people and as well as the other democrats, take this temporary gift right now and dismiss that you can't buy a house, right? , the explain when you go to the grocery store. and i think they feel like okay, just one last effort right here, so we can appear like we are doing something in the temporary
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that is going to impact. >> ainsley: can't pay your bill but can you drink beer. here is your beer and manicure. >> brian: if you want to know what i think. i want to find out what the influencers think. >> steve: oh, good. >> brian: go on the internet and get opinions. >> ainsley: worldwide web. >> steve: interweb. >> brian: www.and guy on. so easy. can you learn so frch me and two guys who made name on internet. jake paul. one of which is a boxer going to be fighting tyson. >> steve: some day. >> brian: we think november is the new days. severing boxing with you. [laughter] unbelievable she jogged before today's show. jake paul was on yesterday and he talked about what young people want. >> i think that's what's important young people. speaking out and saying how they are going to help. my brother invited biden onto the podcast the last i heard.
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and, you know, let's see what happens. i have invited biden to my fight. i want both donald trump jr. and biden to come to my fight. but, who knows which president is actually going to show up, talk to the people, get into the weeds,and meet the young voters where they are at and give them that representation and give them that voice and somebody who is going to fight for us. >> steve: he said he might wind up voting for donald trump. he said to both candidates. we are the smartest generation. most access to information. you can't fool us. we just want the truth and we want authenticity. >> lawrence: that's what i was getting ready to say, love or hate tiktok. >> brian: hate. >> lawrence: i know brian hates tiktok when you compare biden tiktok. you see the braggadocious big billionaire and all these other
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people that essentially running to biden. partly of tiktok is being real or at least pretending to be real. >> ainsley: i like that they were in each otherrens faces and start cracking up. you don't see that side of him. >> steve: tiktok is all about the editing. the smartest minds in hollywood put together tiktok videos to make joe biden look like he is with it brief breerch chinese get all that information why should not be on tiktok as a country again, i'm going to have to take the lead on this. >> ainsley: keep talking about this. you are eating up carley's time. >> brian: i don't care. [laughter] >> carley: right here. lawrence an honest response. >> carley: here's the list, boxing, beer, boot control and boot shine. [bell] >> brian: a lot of b's. brian. >> ainsley: can you imagine
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brian kilmeade give me a manicure and. >> brian: and a cooling towel. >> brian: brian, can i give the headlines now thank you so much. a mob of israel protesters trashed the campus overnight taking over part of the student services building. a spokesperson says up to 100 protesters took over the first floor causing staffers and the college president to shelter in place hours on the upper floors, they are now safe but this ugly scene comes nearly six weeks after activists set up an encampment on school grounds. listen to this. a media consultant for ousted trump special prosecutor nathan wade interrupted an interview after wade is pressed on his romantic relationship with fulton county district attorney fani willis. watch. >> these exact dates i'm getting -- i'm getting signals here. >> do you want to go off for a
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second? >> yes. >> everything okay? >> yeah. >> carley: after leaving the room and holding a side bar with a media consultant, a side bar conversation, wade said he could not answer the timeline question since it's a, quote, pending issue before the georgia court of appeals. and a lot of jeopardy viewers left puzzled over what they feel was an easy payable to question on tuesday's episode. >> for final today our contestants are dealing with u.s. geography. here's the clue. [bell] >> of the 10 u.s. states with two-word names, this one stretches the farthest south. what state did you write down, sarah? what is new mexico. and that is correct. >> carley: gender fans thought that was a layup took to social media to air their complaints. a lot of people think the final question should be a lot tougher and not one that would be asked on the show are you smarter than a fifth grader, guys. social media up in arms over jeopardy's final question.
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>> steve: that's right. carley thank you very much. >> brian: i would love to have a consultant break in on my behalf sometimes on the show and say brian, we can't have you stop. >> lawrence: no you would not. >> brian: 25 minutes after the hour. thank you, carley. >> carley: thank you. >> brian: a meet of russian war ships >> steve: how concerned we all should be. ♪ so for faster pain relief, advil the pain away. did you know... 80% of women are struggling with hair damage? just like i was.
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♪ >> steve: all right. it's 6:30 down in florida. we got a fox weather alert. governor desantis in that state has declared a state of emergency for south florida as that three-point line depression disturbance soaks the region and triggers. >> turning major roadways two women pushing their cars in miami on a highway. >> brian: this storm. >> ainsley: actually one lady pushing it. another woman walking. >> brian: got to be in neutral. >> steve: i hope so. >> neutral or best quads in america. janice dean has the fox weather forecast. serious situation across south
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florida. we had a lot of rainfall coming in a short period of time. take a look at the rain totals over the past two days. over 2 feet of rain in and around the miami area. you know, close to two -- you know, sorry over two feet and close to 2 feet in a lot of these regions. we got more rain in the forecast. unfortunately, this is not even a named storm. it's not a depression. it's just three-point moisture streaming into this area. and you know the soil is full. it's not runoff. and you can see the flood alert. fort myers and naples. flash flood warnings. we had a flash flood emergency for the miami area. all of the rain streaming in over the next couple of days through the weekend. so this is something we're going to watch for. also watching the tropics along the gulf coast. we could see development next week and the heat is going to be a huge story for not only the west but the central u.s. and the east coast heading into next week. fox for all of your latest details and of course we will keep you up to dated. this florida situation it does
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not take a named storm to cause all of that destruction and this is just deep three-point moisture moving into the same areas. >> steve: that's why it's a state of emergency. all right, j.d.,thank you. meanwhile a fleet of four russian warships now just off the coast of florida in the critickian. >> brian: that includes nuclear capable submarine in the havana harbor. >> lawrence: comes as the g-7 summit is now underway in italy where president biden is making support for ukraine a top priority. >> ainsley: here to react is fox news correspondent benjamin hall. hey, benjamin. yeah, good to see you this morning. >> ainsley: what exactly does this mean for america? >> well, i think first and foremost this is a clear signal from vladimir putin. you know, what is happening at the moment in ukraine as well as what we are seeing at the g 7 in the moment. russia is on the back foot at the moment. after the u.s. gave permission for u.s. weapons to be used inside raush against russian facilities targeting car difficult, after a new patriot
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missile gotten over there 10 yer guarantee that the g-7 will support ukraine. this is vladimir putin. very clear, he's said last week showing that he still has cards up his sleeve. that he still has ways of threatening the west. so we have seen this move over the last week towards cuba. four ships. as you said one nuclear submarine amongst them. both the cubans as well as the white house have said there are no nuclear missiles on board. that being said, the frigate is being sent overred a admiral, cruise missile. so there are some questions about whether or not it is armed to its maximum. but, this is vladimir putin sending a clear message that he may be on the back foot in ukraine at the moment. it is a stalemate there but he still has an ability to get weapons towards the u.s. no sign, of course, that he is planning to do anything at the moment. any sign of an attack.
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these are in the lead-up to maritime operations that he is doing in the caribbean over the next week. both of the cubans and perhaps also with the venezuelans. just a sign from him that there are threats, perhaps, that he can reach out. >> brian: ben, the other thing to point out the navy -- half miss deeply embarrassing to him and force it out of the reports in crimea, correct? >> absolutely. some of the aircraft carriers not being able to make destination the navy the few ships that remain floating are not in the best strength at all. and this flotilla coming over, two of them are supply ships because the fact is they are never sure about whether their navy will be able to reach its final destination. look, we do look at the ships that are being sent and we don't feel they are the most viable ships. nevertheless, they do and can carry serious weapons. >> lawrence: ben, we have been
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following anti-still across the college campuses and across the major cities. you have this new special that addresses that, right? >> ben: yes, that's right. we have all been watching the protests that have been happening around the u.s. cal state the last couple of days seen the protests there. what we have started so see these are not protests against the death toll inside gaza. these are shifting towards still. they aren't really shifting into a sense of anti-jews. we put this specials together cases we have seen whether social media, protests, on college campuses as well. you heard the harvard professor saying that calling for genocide against the jews was not perhaps semitic. so we put them all together and looked at it. what we are looking at aspell final point how anti-semitism is burning israeli flags we see burning american flags as well. a real concern about the direction that it's going.
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benjamin man hall reporting live for us this morning thank you. >> thanks, guys. >> brian: a fox news alert. the dhs inspector general's office warning that inadequate migrant vetting procedures pose a significant threat to national security. >> retired acting ice director tom homan is next.
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done settling? ask your rheumatologist for rinvoq. and take back what's yours. abbvie could help you save. >> brian: fox news alert now the dhs inspector general's office issuing a stark warning on inadequate migrant vetting policies just days before a suspected terrorists were arrested after crossing our border. here with more "fox & friends" contributor former acting ice director tom homan. i wonder what you thought about they got through and then we got them in the fact is there were days in between that and they had fanned out across the country? >> look, i think lawrence jones was right early when he said we are lucky. we have got the best
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intelligence apparatus in the world, the united states. they are not always perfect. they get it wrong. they got it wrong in iraq. they got it wrong on 9/11. we got lucky this time. look, people need to know, this administration, i think -- not only southwest border, the biggest national security vulnerability i have seen in my lifetime, but this administration itself is a national security vulnerability because of the decisions we are making on the southern border and law enforcement. >> brian: the decision is lack of communication. ice seems to be the stepchild that nobody wants to deal with you about, yet, we need them more than ever. they have been depleted and defamed and they have been demanned and now we are finding out that border patrol is not communicating with law enforcement in our country. how long has that been the case? >> under this administration. look, you know, the ig didn't need to spend millions of dollars doing this investigation to come to this conclusion. they could have simply called me. i have been screaming about this issue fox network for three years. they can ask any border patrol agent or ice agent about the
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vetting procedure. this administration sun friendly to ice and the border patrol. we know that. i understand this administration sanctuary cities exploded. the biggest cities in the united states, the police departments won't cooperate with ice. it isn't a coincidence eight people were arrested in sanctuary cities, philadelphia, new york, and l.a. sanctuaries are sanctuaries for criminals. they are sanctuaries for terrorists. >> brian: interviewed the acting ice director and here's what he said about this information now that they picked up these 8. three of which many of which are in new york. let' listen. >> no information on individuals. it's quite common where just nothing. you don't have anything. it's no criminal contribution convictions there is no threat information or whatever on these individuals or maybe these individuals from an area particularly of concern but that pops up later when you get the information later on as soon as we become aware of any information, like in this case we became aware working collaboratively with fbi. we went out and got them.
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brian brian no information on some of these guys. you mean countries that just don't cooperate. >> absolutely. do you think china, russia, turkey, syria, do you think north korea, do you think any of these countries where thousands of their nationals have entered the united states have been released? do you think these countries are sharing national security information about the people that entered the united states. p.j. is a good guy but soft shielding it. how do you end this? end catch and release. you enter this country illegally without proper documentation you shall be detained. not maybe, not think about it. shall be detained. when you detain them, then we have time to do deep dive. border patrol is look through the pocket trash for phone numbers and addresses. talk to these people. do a deep dive investigative interview. they are not allowed to do that anymore. the main focus process quickly and release quickly because we don't want overcrowding. if we have overcrowding we have
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bad optics. let border patrol do their job end catch and release let them do their word. >> brian: if trump wins and you get back in, there is that going to change? >> day one. >> brian: thank you so much. s> two words i get. lia thomas will not be allowed to compete in the olympic. riley gaines competed against thomas before. tell us what this means for women, next. ♪ joint pain was killing my creativity. blue-emu gave me my hobbies back. it's the arthritis pain relief our joints rely on. shop our expanded family of products at major online retailers.
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>> brian: back with sports headlines, a moment of silence and attribute. a video right before game three of the nba finals in honor of the late great jerry west. >> an nba corner stone for over six decades. wes an an all-star every year he played and helped the lakers to the nba finals nine times. the lakers have done it. off the court wes brilliance continued serving as architect of 8 championships team. >> brian: he died yesterday at the age of 86. nicknamed the logo his silhouette featured on the nba seal. putting the mavericks aaway game six goes to them. blew a 21 point lead but able to hold onto the victory.
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football now, kind of. what about a night in foxborough, what a night it was. tom brady inducted into the new england sports hall of fame. patriots hall of fame at gilt stadium. atgillette stadium. >> to my teammates, we fought together, we bled together, we cried together, we celebrated and won together i would go to battle with any one of you guys because i know what you are all about i think is he coming back sounds like it -- wait a second he is in the fox. 12-foot statue put up in his honor. messi making it clear inter miami last stop in storied career 36-year-old sa saying ths inter miami my last club. i enjoy playing football. i'm aware there is less and less left. he said it in spanish. messi under contract through 2025 and the last season his team is in first place. now over to ainsley.
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ainsley? >> ainsley: thank you so much, brian. transgender swimmer lia thomas losen aappeal to compete in the olympics and other elite women's swimming events. as a swiss based court upholds a 2022 why world aquatics. riley gaines outkick contributor and host gains podcast on good morning to you, riley. >> good morning, ainsley, thanks for having me on. >> ainsley: thanks for coming on. i wanted to get your reaction. have you been fighting for this. and you competed against lee a what's your reaction? they're not allowing her to compete in the women's aaquatic particulars event. >> it's sad that it's -- this is where we are at. it should have never gotten this far. can i not believe we have to have a court ruling to know it's unfair to have men compete in women's sports. like have the judge make a ruling sun sets in the west. this is a victory for women and girls everywhere. this is a victory really for
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humanity this ruling. this is great news. we have seen the headlines. we have seen the reports. many of them say that thomas is banned from the olympics outright. but that's not true. no one is banning thomas from competing in the olympics. he has every opportunity. and i actually encourage him to compete or at least try to compete in his rightful category. that being the men's category. you and i both know that he would never actually be able to compete in this category, which is why i believe is he trying to compete in the women's category. but, nonetheless, this ruling is a victory. >> ainsley: leah could compete in open category for trans athletes. they developed different category for trans athletes. i understand they did away with it because there were no takers. >> that's right. world aquatics they were one of the first ones to make the bold first step in prioritizing fairness and safety over inclusion. they created an open category. no one competed in this
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category. that's the reality of the situation. thomas did not want to compete or any trans athlete, male identifying as a woman, unless they were competing against women. dominating in the women's category. which i think, you know, we hear the narrative they just want to play. that has been proven to be not true on the basis of no one competing in this open category. >> ainsley: riley, real quickly will the ncaa follow suit? >> i hope so. i believe the ncaa needs to remove every award title record from thomas and reinstate them to the rightful and deserving female athletes that thomas stole them from, but that would require honesty and just a little bit of courage, all of which are in very, very short supply at the ncaa. >> ainsley: thank you so much, riley for coming on with us. >> thanks, ainsley. >> ainsley: you are welcome. catch gains for girls on we have a fox news alert. the g-7 summit now underway in italy. peter doocy hats latest on biden's priorities abroad.
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thursday, june 13th. this is fox and friends, i hope you are dressed. overnight. full palestinian protesters barricading themselves in a cal state los angeles billing and completely trashed the place with school staff trappe


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