tv Jesse Watters Primetime FOX News June 13, 2024 5:00pm-6:00pm PDT
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and ultimately humans and what's really best for society... >> you headed isabel. it's a threat to their power structure. family faith first. the government is not so important suddenly and neither is politics. as a you getting married it? you are about to get married yourself? >> i am on june 29th, right around the corner. >> i think there's a revival toward the things that matter most the things that have enduring importance in our lives. congratulations on that, best wishes. we are going to do a lot longer segment later on. that's it for us tonight. make sure to follow me on social media, thank you for watching. remember it's america now and forever. jesse watters is going to take it from here. >> jesse: welcome to jesse watters primetime p. are tonight.
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>> we have great unity, we have great common sense, we have one thing in mind that's making our country great. >> reporter: trump back in washington. biden in italy getting lost. >> i think she should step down. >> it should the democratic party remove her if she doesn't? >> i think so. >> jesse: wearing thin. >> the first runner-up is... >> jesse: a man wins ms. miss maryland. plus. >> are you a manly man? >> no. >> jesse: a swing and amaze pure goes of the words about her never wants to hear but at last night's congressional baseball game it's all democrats heard. >> and a swing and a miss.
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and a swing and a miss. and a swing and a miss that will end the inning. >> jesse: republicans roughed up democrats 31-11 the. at the baseball score. maybe a little preview of what's coming in november. if you think about it, baseball is kind of like politics. if you keep striking out you put the other team back at bad. all season democrats have been striking out with hoax after hoax, the dictator on day one, bloodbath and revenge. >> strike three... >> jesse: democrats just put the other team back at bat in their own home stadium, washington dc. donald trump back on capitol hill for the first time in
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almost four years. the former president spent the day meeting with house republicans, senators and businessmen. >> this was a great meeting. there is tremendous unity in the republican party. we want to see borders, we want to see strong military. we want to see money not wasted all over the world. we have great commonsense, a lot of very smart people in this room. a lot of people that love our country. they love it just beyond all else and the only thing that ab supersedes it is their family and maybe their faith in certain instances and that's very nice but they want this country to be great again and we are going to make a great again. >> jesse: donald trump is running around dc trying to unite the party in the country because teamwork makes the dream work. and we'd never seen the republican party disunited under trump. even gave them a birthday cake. >> [ inaudible ]
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[ applause ] >> jesse: there was so much love and unity in the room it broke adam shifts brain. >> guilty, guilty, guilty,... >> jesse: has battle cry was heard by the media and they went to work doing what they do best. >> apparently the former president made for -- made reference to hannibal lecter saying he even had a friend over for dinner. we've seen him praising hannibal lecter. apparently did it again this morning, not sure we fully understand the context of that. >> jesse: we weren't inside the room but neither was cnn and
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that's the point. we did what journalists do, we went towards sources who were actually there. did trump really call a flesh eating serial killer a nice guy? no. trump was joking that if he said something about hannibal lecter, the fake news media would say he was praising him. cnn took the bait. and that wasn't the only hoax. i'm getting word from my producers we have a new hoax alert. >> he said as it's gotten a lot of publicity and we broke this that he doesn't like the walkie, it's a horrible city he says. the campaign is pushed back on that. everybody comes out and didn't say it. of course he said it. that is according to almost everybody in the room. >> jesse: everybody in the room says he didn't say it. as soon as the news broke people inside the room debunked it. a congressman says i was in the meeting, president trump never disparaged milwaukee. another one, i was in the room
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appear president trump did not say this. another, trump was specifically referring to the crime rate in milwaukee. here's what trump had to say. >> democrats are also hating you on this comment that you made about milwaukee, the host city for the rnc for the convention and they seem to believe that you said that it was a horrible city. can you nip this in the bud and clarify what you meant. >> i think it was very clear what i meant. i said we are very concerned with crime. i love milwaukee, i have great friends in milwaukee. the crime numbers are terrible and we have to be very careful. >> jesse: how is the media directly quoting him if they are not in the room with him. and then telling the people inside of the room that they are wrong. it's what nancy pelosi calls the wrapup smear. you smear your opponent with lies, the press writes about it, that validates it and then the politicians run with it. as soon as the media reported the hoax, the mayor of milwaukee rushed to the camera.
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>> donald trump wants to talk about things that he thing so horrible, all of us lived through his presidency so right back at you buddy. >> joe biden saying i happen to love milwaukee. he didn't write that himself. kamala harris saying milwaukee is a beautiful city and for the record, milwaukee was the third most violent city in the nation, third most. so when primetime goes to the convention, johnny is going to have two bodyguards. democrats are down late in the game, you can't yank them because you have no bullpen. so you just have to keep throwing trash. here's more. the media wants to to thank trump spent every waking second plotting revenge. >> i'm told there's a similar dynamic behind closed doors with advisors or other republicans where he will talk about revenge , sometimes get a look of d. really mean that and he makes it clear he does. this is his retribution, that's
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the word that's been at the centre of this campaign for a year now. >> they're not going to be... it's going to be true believers and loyalists. if trump says he wants revenge or i want to target a particular person or institution they are going to do that. >> jesse: who are these advisors that are leaking this to msnbc? they don't exist. it's made up. trump's people don't talk to this guy. look at him. he's on morning joe. they say trump went to washington to harness the power of congress to go to war against the democrats. really? people inside of the room told us revenge never came up. it was the economy, foreign policy and election strategy. it was forward-looking. a feeling that washington hasn't felt in four years. that's not revenge, that's success and like trump says, success is his revenge. she was in the room with trump
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today she joins me now. so he did not praise hannibal lecter? >> much to cnn's despair he did not. he joked about the fact that they were going to report fake news and many of us were there. they don't want to talk about the fact that he has a plan in dealing with our foreign policy debacles that this diminished ration has caused. we are excited about the numbers we are hearing. >> jesse: what were the policies that he was discussing today behind closed doors with you guys? >> the number 1 issue that he has is concern for what's happening with russia. there's the media really silencing what's happening with russia. warships off the coast of cuba and also florida. i think more importantly he made sure that the american people would know that what is currently happening in ukraine and israel would've never happened under him and he does have a plan and solution moving forward and i also want to point out that he understands that
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world leaders respect him and right now what's coming out of the white house, a lot of people realize that joe biden is likely not going to be the nominee which is from what we are hearing on capitol hill, representative kylie had reported that kamala harris eyeing a run for california governor because of it. >> jesse: so you are hearing also in dc that joe biden isn't going to be the democrat nominee? >> correct. it appears that our colleagues are trying to put guardrails on a 2024 presidential election with president trump and also what you are seeing is according to our pulling, you know as well as i do that they have been trying to paint republicans as anti- woman and trying to push an abortion crisis right now with the election and i don't think that's a case. a lot of the american people know that this is a state rights decision so i think that they know that they are losing. >> jesse: the straight truth from inside the room, didn't need any spin from cnn. thank you so much. we always appreciate you coming
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on the show. north dakota governor and potential vp candidate joins me now. so you are going to be in milwaukee, it has a crime problem. third worst violent crime last year of any city in the united states. are you used to this so far, they just make things up and then merchandise it? >> i wish that every american could see what i've seen the last six months because the opportunity to be with president trump, be in the room, see what's reported whether it's at the trial or at a rally, whether it's at a fundraiser, the thing that i see reported versus... are two different planets just like you described tonight. >> jesse: when you guys are behind-the-scenes talking policy , personnel, what you mostly focused on? >> i want to say when president trump... guided over a dozen events
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between roundtables, rallies and fundraiser things, sometimes 500 people, sometimes a thousand. whether he's in the line getting the photo or at a roundtable with the owners that are job creators, the number 1 thing people don't report is he's curious. he's asking them how are biden's regulations hurting you. what'd the things you need to help moving forward. are they being affected -- affected by inflation? he understands. he was in the hospitality business. he cares about what people are experiencing and then that feeds into his thinking. i looked at that schedule that he had, and joe biden couldn't have done one of those events and he did 14 nonstop 12 hours a day moving between locations. incredible the energy and the stamina. he's got real interest in people. >> jesse: how unified is the republican party right now? >> never been more unified.
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>> jesse: is out of feeling or can you see numbers to that? >> everybody is coming together. you are seeing it in the primaries that are happening around the nation right now. everybody is unified and they are unified for two reasons. one is because they know that president trump represents strength whether that's on the world stage or on the economy or the border or it's fighting inflation, he represents that strength. they are also unified because what's the alternative? the alternative is joe biden's weakness which has started wars, it's inviting wars. it's inviting russia to come to cuba. president trump is actually a deterrent. we talked about our defence budget. but that kind the white house and we don't have to raise our defence budget a dime and also we've got a better deterrent because they know that we've got strength that we would be willing to use. al raed -- our economy, diplomacy. >> jesse: i was looking at the new york times over the weekend, big hit piece. your name keeps coming up as vp.
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big hit piece, how are you feeling about all of this? >> a lot of that is a distraction. of the key is the ability to focus on... the key is making sure that we elect president trump because there's never been a politician, a leader like him in history. no one has raised the kind of money that he's been able to raise. no one generates the crowds he's been able to generate and no one has the enthusiasm. you go to a fundraiser and they say there's going to be san francisco or all of these rides -- riots and protesters and nobody shows up to protest against them but i thousand people are waving their flags and cheering for him. you get down to newport and it's people lined up with boats on the water. i take it back to one thing, the people that show up and are waving the flags along the sidewalks. they are all working, they all have jobs and they all know they were better off under president
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>> jesse: last night we told you biden can't run on his record so they are going to drag him across the finish line and replace him with come all after inauguration. they have to distract you from how old and incompetent he has. the way they do that is to slap those labels on trump. you will hear trump say the most common sense things biden's
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failed policies. the shower presser regulations making you have a bad hair day. this weak trump said democrats are going to start putting electric batteries not just in cars but in boats. and if you know anything about how heavy these batteries are, that boat is going down. >> there's a shark 10 yards away from the boat. do i get electrocuted if the boat is sinking and water goes over the battery, the boat is sinking, do i stay on top of the bow and get electrocuted or do i jump over by the shark and not get electrocuted. >> jesse: you hear that and you laugh but it makes sense. the media here is it and calls him senile. >> he's out there talking about wind turbines and sharks in boats and sinking, not talking about issues voters care about. >> if this was your father you would take him in for a neurological exam. >> fox news didn't carry them or
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broadcast them. didn't air them after the fact either. in the words of stephen king, that speech was like listening to your senile uncle at the dinner table after he has that third drink. >> jesse: except fox did our that and we aired it monday. biden says cannibals snacked on his uncle and that he started the civil rights movement, that a lightning strike burned his house down and almost killed dr jill and whiskers the cat. and he's a puerto rican truck driving jewish professor who went to a historically black college and captain their undefeated football team and won a lawsuit for a guy who lost a testicle in a construction accident. trump stories relate to real concerns people have about public policy. biden stories, the fantastical lies of an insecure old man desperately trying to relate to people. biden was in europe today at the g7 and wandered alone into an italian field.
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>> jesse: people are falling out of the skies and he can't even focus. wise he always going in the wrong direction? and why he -- is the always moving in such slow-motion. world leaders have to hurt him like a stray sheep. reportedly the main focus in italy has been making sure biden gets his sleep. >> president biden got a much earlier start than he usually does today. aids typically keep him as close to an east coast schedule even on a trip like this as they
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possibly can one it's possible but today when you look at the tape he was rolling out of the hotel about 5:11 am eastern. >> jesse: you can see the cpap creases on his face when he leaves the white house at noon. now joe is trying to turn sleepy joe into an asset. >> what he's doing at three in the morning i don't know. >> jesse: today biden signed a ten-year defence agreement with ukraine and confirmed that we expect to see ukraine joined nato in the future. what? do we get a say in that? oh and we've loosened the rules of engagement allowing american weapons to be fired from ukraine into russia proper. ukraine will be getting f-16s this summer. and those of you in miami may have noticed but the russian navy just held a poor call in cuba 90 miles up the american coast. china's building deep water ports in south america, hello munro doctor npr china selling
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dual use tech to russia's war machine. china just landed on the moon and saudi arabia just ended its 80 year deal with the united states to sell oil solely in dollars. i think that's enough to worry about. does the man wandering alone into an italian field look like he has everything under control? it's not a shark but it's pretty scary. former sec reof state -- secretary of state mike pompeo joins me know. you are seeing the president wander around alone away from everybody as people are falling out of the sky. does not give you confidence that he has this world under control? >> it's good to be with you and thank goodness for prime minister who grabbed him and kept him from walking off completely. it certainly doesn't give any american confidence and the contrast between seeing
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president biden unable to perform basic functions to keep america safe and we know the policies have failed. i think the american people, it was a bad day for america and one sense. we saw our president failed to be able to lead on the world stage but it was a good day and we got to say there's a sharp contrast as we all consider what's going to happen in november. >> jesse: we want to win proxy wars. we also want to make peace everywhere donald trump's big message today on foreign policy behind the scenes at sec. was we of these messes in europe, in asia, in the middle east if he were president. >> it's remarkable to watch the biden administration say we've done such a good job, everybody's working hand-in-hand. you've gotten tens of thousands of ukrainians killed. you failed to deter. 1200 israelis dead on your watch.
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still a war going on in gaza. the failure of the policy isn't that you react after the crisis is taking place it's that you are strong enough and then america's leading sufficiently so you can deter the bad guys. the other folks that watch this today were chairman kim in north korea,... they all watched what happened today in italy and said we think we are right, this may well be the time that we continue to probe and test america because when president biden said he doesn't know what donald trump is doing at three m, i hope we never get that three m call with president biden as commander-in-chief. >> jesse: he wants to pat himself on the back for reacting but we shouldn't have been in this position in the first place. today fanny willis took us to church. >> i'm so tired of hearing these idiots call my name as fanny in
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a way to attempt to humiliate me because like silly schoolboys, the name reminds them of a woman's rear. they get mad when i call out their lunacy. you can't pistol on me and tell me it's raining. >> jesse: we are not trying to humiliate her, we thought her name was... and i we don't feel like going back. nathan wade went on cnn and was asked when did you start sleeping with her. >> these exact dates are at issue and these dates are -- i'm getting signalled here.
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>> why did you stop the ballots? there is video viewed stopping the ballots. do you have anything to say? wanda? what do you want to say to the people of bridgeport? >> jesse: that was johnny confronting wander the stuff her after she was shoving a legal ballots in a dropbox peer she was arrested along with three other democrats. she was charged with ballot fraud and witness intimidation tied to the 2019 election. tonight we got our hands on the
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arrest warrant. >> we learned investigators examined absentee ballots, surveillance video from bridgeport senior housing and use witnessed interviews as evidenced to make the arrest. a voter who did not request an absentee ballot told investigators wanda came to my house and told me only to sign the bottom of the blank application. she went on to say i have done with the -- done this with wanda over the past ten years. wanda said no. >> jesse: it was a got punched a democrats peer she's been there ballot wizard for over a decade. wanda has a government job, runs the city's democratic party and is the gatekeeper at the mayor's office. now she's busted and democrats need to answer some questions. reporters have been chasing down connecticut's democratic governor since the arrest. he endorsed the men wanda allegedly stopped for.
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the governor thinks the mayor had nothing to do with it of course but says wanda should take the fall. >> i think she should step down. if she won't step down, should the democratic report -- democratic party remove her? >> i should thank so. >> are you going to ask them to do that. >> i hope they do the right thing. >> jesse: hours after wanda was arrested, he signed a bill that puts a camera on every dropbox in the state. primetime called for this months ago. it took four arrests to make it happen. it's not enough to end corruption and secure elections but it's a step in the right direction. next let's get rid of the drop boxes altogether. they are ripe for fraud. will have more on wanda soon. we have new details on biden's bad dog. the president watched as commander attacked secret service agents. kevin corke is in dc with the story.
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>> an exclusive window into the harrowing circumstances surrounding commander, the president's dog and his numerous attacks on secret service agents which could top three dozen such attacks according to new really -- newly released records. apparently the president himself was present for at least three of those attacks. now everybody knows commander has been known to bite but there are a lot of examples you may not know about including this one. as i started to walk toward him, him being the president, to see if you needed help, commander ran through his legs and bit my left arm through the front of my jacket. i pulled my arm away and yelled no, potus yelled and then blank. the story went on to say that the dog later jumped up and bit him in the left arm again for a second time. his suit coat had not one, not to but three holes. and that's not it, there are
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other conversations between secret service officials including this one from september 2023. tmz just reported a dog bite at the white house -- dog bite at the white house. can we find a way to get this dog muzzled. you will recall former first dog major was also rehoused back in 2021 after apparently attacking a lot of people. secret service members wish each other safe shift as the attacks mounted. that's really damning right there. that tells you plenty. >> i've been written by a vicious democrat dog and it hurts. still have a mark on my upper thigh. thank you so much. >> jesse: so what is a man? >> why does society want men to act like women. >> now they are djs and
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. >> jesse: happy dei thursday. we're bringing you the best stories about diversity, equity and inclusion. first stop the beauty pageant crowned their winter over the weekend. sorry ladies, the crown went to an asian man. >> the first runner-up is... >> trace: >> jesse: they were born cambodian baby boy before getting a sex change. they say we see bailey's win as a win for everyone who dreamed the impossible dream. impossible. we told you about how biden spent nearly a billion dollars and only built seven ev charging stations. now we are finding out why.
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white house insiders are blaming dei. the regulations for government contractors are huge roadblocks. construction can't start until the builders prove they are inclusive. they have to host block parties and minority communities with interpreters in case nobody speaks english. and they have to hire minority subcontractors to do all the work. good luck finding a black electrician in maine. mountain view high school was pumped to hear their gay senior gift will be a massive mural of thor representing their thunder mascot. the school's equity office cancelled it because thor is racist. according to one student, the equity office said thor was... and is a white supremacist and the image should be more inclusive. no dei thursday is complete without a primetime victory. transits will merit leah thomas will not be participating in the
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summer olympics. thomas lost a legal battle that he hoped would overturn a policy that bans athletes who have been through male puberty from competing in the female category. you can try again in four years. let's bring an author of the sad truth about happiness... when you hear how preposterous some of these dei items are, what goes through your mind? >> of course i live within the ecosystem of academia so none of this surprises me up and warn against this for two decades picked just make you feel better down there in the united states we are even crazier in canada. let me give you a few examples to add to your d. -- dei thursday lineup. at my university, or five-year strategic plan posits that we must now all indigenous eyes and
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decolonize our curriculum. it doesn't matter what you are teaching, you to be teaching pure mathematics or neuroscience or shakespeare, you need to decolonize and indigent eyes that. second example, on may 17th you'll be happy to hear that we held a symposium on menstrual equity because it turns out that menstruation is a human rights. i didn't know that women were forbidden to men straight in canada but apparently we need to have a symposium. third quick example, university of waterloo is searching for a professor in artificial intelligence, they have to be either gender fluidity, nonbinary or whatever -- or to spirit. you haven't reached the level of lunacy that we have in canada. >> i'm enjoying the canadian dei edition on dei thursday very much.
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menstruation is a human right that i don't need because i can be a little bit of a complainer. when you process some of these things, what do you think the end goal is besides screwing around with everybody else. what you think is really motivating it? >> postmodernism, i call it the granddaddy of all parasitic ideas because it purports that there are no objective truths. it's a form of intellectual terrorism. operas down, slavery as freedom, men or women. it's a way to liberate ourselves from the pesky shackles of reality. it's grotesque, it needs to end and we need to return to a commitment to reason, logic and science. >> jesse: it's like modern arts. i don't understand it, it changes all the roles, makes no sense but people thank it's amazing.
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happy dei thursday to our canadian friends. a new study says men won't call out sick from work because it's not manly. so what does it mean to be a man? johnny went out and found out. >> define a man. >> that's not simple. >> it's a tough one right? >> it's a tough one. >> this is hard to. >> someone who is strong. >> if that demand, what the manly man? >> someone who looks good doing it. >> the firefighter who is at the door in the middle of the night. >> he drives a harley for no reason. >> a manly man takes orders from his wife?
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>> are you a manly man? >> no. >> what is a man have to do to be considered a real man? >> have a job at. >> love a man that works out. >> he's not sitting out here. >> not giving up [ bleep ] what other people think. >> why does today's society want men to act like women. >> they used to go to war now they are djs. >> masculine characteristics have been demonized. >> he was complaining to some woman about something that women do. >> every time i think about trump i get allergic. >> and want to put men and women sports and the women lose. that's not funny. should men cry? >> i don't want to see men crying. >> i cry a lot. >> i love crying, i think it's so fun. >> he came to my office, tears in his eyes. >> mentor saying they are afraid
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to take a sick day because they don't want to appear weak. >> they should suck it up at. >> what if you did have covid and you got the whole office sick. >> so you are a big believer in ... >> should men be drinking out of straws? >> yes. >> do you think that's very manly? >> yes. >> father's day is coming up, what is more -- one important lesson about manhood that your father is taught you. >> to be financially responsible. >> they all want one thing and it's inevitable. >> is joe biden a manly president? >> he is not as sure of himself. >> he's doing better than trump i know that. >> how's the crime? >> worse every day. >> how's the border? >> it's messed up now man. >> tell me again why biden is better than trump.
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>> you have a good point. >> can men get pregnant? >> i don't know because i have -- i'm not sure if. >> i will tell you at the time, i'll keep you in suspense. >> jesse watters, manly man what you think? >> he's going to see it. >> he's a man but he does wear makeup because he's on tv. >> i think he has cojones man. >> jesse: the spartan race part two next. sues keep piling up? it may be due to a buildup of amyloid plaques in the brain. visit
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through the mud to make what is this a 5 k? a 5 k got stuck in the mud, had to be rescued, pulled out by gerrit but i can't let them go. now this is a ropes course. this is what they due for f fun. i don't understand these people. these people are crazy! but this is what they due in their free time. look at this. this is just vicious currents, water streaming through their nostrils. other even swimming? what is this? this is going on their barbed wire. running. fire is involved. they want to torture themselves. working for presage -- jesse watters prime time, they have to do in their free time. we are very proud of a keylock on everyone else on the fox group. talking about tony's. -- koneh's. will not aquila, obviously. [laughter] let's do some stacks.
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mark from whitefield, kansas, "there's only one thing worse then a broken record, a shifty broken record." i just want to apologize to the audience, that was a terrible shifty soundbite. tyler from kentucky, "watch out for that doug burgum fellow, he has great hair." they're here alone will get you on the ticket. greg know we've got janine from milwaukee, and -- wisconsin, "come to milwaukee, exhibit a city with beautiful people. state downtown, and obraro recap take a picture with the bronze funds. we'll be there in milwaukee the whole week, johnny will be there cutting trouble." johnny from brooklyn, "what about men blowing up candles? is that manly? ." only on a birthday cake. if you're doing it in a dining room, use the software. always remember, i am watters, this is my world. >> ♪ ♪ >> sean:
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