tv Gutfeld FOX News June 14, 2024 12:00am-1:01am PDT
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a thousand lives already saved by like that. be hero. whole life effect now for your life saving device at eight, seven, seven light back and go to light fact that net. the war in gaza is a growing challenge for president biden. at least thousand migrants are illegally crossing right here every day. a majority of those suspected terrorists were arrested right here in new york city. only fox news channel 90 five days early voting starts in pennsylvania,y 144 days till election day. yeah, this election matters. all right. that's all the time weth have left this evening. as always, thank you for being withisnk being making thew possible. please set your dvr so poss excitr ever miss an episode of hannity. in the meantime, let not your hearts be troubled. why? greg gutfeld standing by to put a smil standine your face.. >> have a great night.
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great, great. i know. i know, know. i know that that hannity show was pretty good. >> happy thursday, everyone. so president biden is in italy for the g7 summit. i don't want to say joe is outmf of it, but he says his first bus order of business is to meet chef boyardeete. h and every time he heard someone say g7e sa, he yelled bingo. >> and there he also awkwardlydh saluted the italian prime minister. but in joe's defense, itn prime sut was princess peach from the super mario brothers sub sunday. >> sunday is father's. then five-year-old calls it day
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. i called his dad to tell himkin hunter london roberts new book m claims that joe's son kept r joe's virginia o home and had with one of her young femalefemale f friend. who do you blame forwho that hunter? ngle f bringing around your youngri single friends to hunter is like bringing dog to kristi noem house. >> brian stelter says a news orz organizations are preparing for the ways trump may punish the medi r tha if he wins the election. the punishment brian fears the most being sent to a camp where there's an exercise that's pretty good. never, according to recent reports, a brooklyn supermarketk from a well known chainon is hoe ,a secret club giving you the more reason to rinse your produce before eating
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good practice. restaurants are now using robots that can cook serve and bus a meal. and get this, these robots are so if they recognize r you from tv, they'll spit fr. our foodec yeah he actually asks for that. oh, for russian warships t are sitting 200 miles off the coast of florida the president biden warns if they get any closer, they'llf th be 199 miles off the coastorida. of florida. >> and 60 3% of us surveyand respondents say playing musicc increases the duration of . upon hearing that a noted premature just downloadsha. >> stairway to heaven, stairway
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. no, it's 12 minutes, right? yes. anyway let's do a monologue. so senator j.d. vance. and congressman michael cloud have introduced a bill to eliminate diversityderal go and inclusion programs in the federal government. 20 other republican lawmakers have already signelicad on. it's called the dismantle dti act. and here's what it'le del do it will end dti training. it will rescin td biden's dti executive order. but don't worry, we won't ask joe to spell dti. >> that would require speechhavt therapist and we'd still have to spot him the d and the him the it would also outlaw mandatory d ai pledges forployee employees and prevent federal contracts with companiesd use dti, said vance. quote, the dti agenda is a i destructive ideology that breed s hatred in racial division americans tax dollars should not be co-optedthis to spread this radicald and divisive ideology.
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this bill would ensure they are not. well said j.d. you hear me? >> but while smart people know k dti is racist, the most coddled bigots in america talking heads on msnbcbigots, they can't get f of it. and if you don't like dti, well, then you are youe de the >> it's known as d, it represents institution organizations or entities. commitment to changinghey mean the culture. >> at this point, it's evident what they mean by dti, right? po okay. it means black people. it's not fashionable to be whatly racist anymore in america, unlike what they call the good old days. >> so what we've see gd daysn ih the anti eye movement is a reframing of what di was supposed s do in addition to the tha benefits that are associated with it. it is no are asw being used as a terma te that literally is a euphemism. >> the n-word. great. so now defining di is like saying the n-word. they're almost right, but for the wrong reason. and that d eyes focus skin color casts doubt the
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on the quality of minority employee os. double >> it is racist.d yet biden doubled down on dti, e a juneteenth juneteenth speech at which they're all ghostw and new guards trying to take back there are takingmaking your freedoms make it harder b for black people to vote orpporu have your vote count it. closing doors of opportunityni,h attacking the values of diversity, equity and inclusio o n, if you can believe it. banning books about black experiences,s drive your race and rewrite history. what would i seriously call me? i don't know. tryiecipher that is like trying to separate conjoined twins wheno deciph yoy want to bang the hot one. >> getting rid of dti is good because equity means equal outcomes regardless of achievement, competence or
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effort. let's just say for a moment there are a disproportionate amount of black clarinet playerofplayers in an orchestraw equity demands. we one give one of their spots p to a less talented asian. >> it's as simple as brian kilmeade. >> but the race hustlers assume eqat since equity sounds equality, you think it's theualy same. but that's like saying bom ub bb and bomb are the same. one can kill you, but the other can clear up a rash you got from larryh hot tub equity taks revenge for things that never happened to you by punishing people who have never done anything to you die. does it bring together? us. it divides us. it's intended to divide us. itit's makes for less qualified pilots, turns bigoted plagiarists into universal presidents. and worse, it ruins star wars.
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now, when it started, people didn't have much issue with the g.i., but then it butn affected stuff that mattered job prospects, investment outcomes, your health and safety. still, it continued. and why by exploitingsurv the survival instinct of bureaucratsivalinct of who d the choice to focus on the long term goals of increasing a company's profitability, or do i do what keeps me employed thd gets me promoted faster in the short term? you see how it worksort term. en if i hire the incompetent, i am safe. if i try to pursue actual metrics of success, i am not. it's no wonder i consultants were the number one recipient of dti. their made up job wasbate t to exacerbate the problems they created. it's likhee putting john kerry o in charge of getting rid of deadwood ofd. that's how you things likebeingo being good at math is racist. and if you questiot n, d more you're racist and i demand more money. but i really m. is au ar math question. let's say you're at a restaurant with a fulle menu,
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but customers are told they can only eat salad or they'le toldlt their jobs. but after the first line of people hit the buffet, what'sstne left are slim pickin. meanwhile, all the otherl delicious foodth is left untouched. it's the same with hiring shrinkheg. pool of applicants. you're left with fewer choices w as the numbers and the others who been beaten, who may be more qualifie d are left dei. on hired. that's d-i. and yet they tried y tr to browbeat us into accepting institutional racism in the name of eliminating institutional racism and our taxesnal raci fu. >> well, not hunter biden's. ita it's another reason i admirei ae that man. actuall >> so we're actually paying out of our own pockets to bediscrimi racially discriminated against. that's like me paying someone to putt. g out on my. >> sure. and boy, is that expensive. cigarettes 12 bucks a pack. so kudos to vance cloud for
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doing something about this nonsense. although thie althoughs bill shd be called the end taxpayer funded racism act or ever pra, which does sound like something joe biden would say. let's work tonight's gas. he's so white, he gets sunburned by a picture. a beach. fox news contributor tom shillue. when she shows up, everyone's interest rate rises. host of the evening editore liz mcdonald when she plays spin the bottle, everyone else plays hide and seek. "new york times" best selling author fox news contributor got tip and he could mount rushmorer . "new york times" best selling author, comedian and former nw.a jimmy oh, so curious how good
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you are. no particular reason whatsoever . > the weirdest thing about dy ra that it makes the wg abou yok racially. >> so if a minority employee doescially sy up, you go, oh, he must go h diy hire. >> actually plants the seed of racism where it shouldn'theri be. >> it's also a good way to cover up some really >> tn becauseot sh especially we're seeing in this administration where you can no wngt anyone in any job who'st qualified, they just have to meety certain box. if it's not the color of skin, yo's who they sleep with oe r how dress. and instead of them having to be quiet, you can just do as many favors as you wantn done lobbyists and who? whomever. because if anyone says, well, what are the qualifications? you'll go, oh, that's racist. yeah, you knows yoy that's, thed our help to get jobs. they can't do anything without us. and that's w that's alwa that an that did that democratic line of we have to raise the black children even though they're adults olts orr whatever minority is because you know, you leave them by themselves. what are they going to ds.o? i
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so it's one of the most frustrating things i would never want job that i was put in because i'm light skinned with tattoos, i would be lik se i would leave. >> i would you know, you can play. you're not nobody wants to be given and no real person wants to be given a career because they're going to inside, they're going to be a mess. and this miserable experienceu n when you know you're not qualified for doing something. snd what really botherr -- about this is when they they sit there on their things and the people who n th are this act know better. >> they knowt that who is sitting on these journalists tv shows, unless they're protecting their ownss e personal interests. because if you're a die hire, they're like, well, he's not qualifiehe'salified d well, it'e of racism is why he's not qualified, so you can't fire him... it's -- it's pathetic as this country is the only this is this is news breaking. i just found this out recently. d this wholeroun country. greg, are you aware it's like 85% white? yeah youware it'. whit did you know that this was a white country? i had no idea. so there's probabl no idey going to be aroun more white people around than us because there's more of
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them. becathere's but this is the onee you don't see germany or switzerland or . ning sweden changing their demographics and opening doors to minorities from otherce to establish themselves and build families. you don't seto e anywhere else now but in america. and now they're trying to cheapen it by controlling. ia >> and it's sad. it's as racist as it gets. shillu ae as white supremacist,s how do you feel about what what tyrus just said? know, i think, you know, obviously we should get rid hav of dei, but maybe maybe we should have like a two year period. just try out a mend it, end it approach. just add one category to the list. regular white. mm. because just put them on there. >> everybody else is on there. but if, you know, it's funny,>>' the point you're making is ironic. >> if you did that, the des . a is dead. well, maybe we would figure that out, right? yeah, it would happen. t
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>> and you know, you might want to go in slowly. you might start with, like, super regular white dude that people make. white dude jokeswhite about onk shows. you know, the guy who everyone says, oh, you're a really white guy. yes. are you kidding yourself? yeah well, you know what? >> go ahead and make it actually to the list. that's all we need to do. for now. you are like you're you are theh guy in the commercials cort never has the right answe . yeah, right. everybody, do you have the you have the black woman, e the asian dude, the fella, and you and you're the dumbest in every commercial. >> i'm making the audience very uncomfortabl te, and i love it. >> liz you know, business isn'te the problem with the guys. it created a separate, separate paralleld paral that didn't have anything to do with profitability or efficiency. yeah profita that's right. and it's almost like make work. and by the way, i'm going to admit to for the first time in network television, a dei wa fashion violation, i was so busy, i ran out of the officei'e
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and now wearing two left shoes. >> oarft shoesh, my feet are ki. i don't have diversity in my e shoes, but i have equity and inclusion. >> yes, but technicall y, technically, you left shoes on. >> that's equity inclusion, right? oh, you knowwhat what you are n. >> no, liz, you are identifying as disabled. all it i am. t i'm. i'm taking lunch to the congress to let you know that is a very neurodivergent thin verg to. >> do. l yes, i'm in a lot of pain, but i'll carryot on. >> hey, it worked out for out the game. best in show. left fee oh, that's right. yeah. yeah. two left feet. yeah, that's right. you dance in a circle. >> is that it, liz? we'll get a zoom shot next after the commercial break. and my two left shoes. kelly my right now is. is it going away? die, or is this just. yes, it is. companies are gettinindei?g rido of it. by the way, reportedly the house of representatives got rid of their ownly the hpre. and i love the story today that i delay the rollout delay of electric vehicle charging
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crazy. >> so we only have eight because they can't find>>c black electricians in certain states where there aren't a lot. of them. going back to my restaurant metaphor that al estauranl of you loved, right? it's so it just feels like dei never lead the lead. >> this show with diy topics topine learned. >> yeah, well, we did. but anyway, so let's carry on. >> liz. is that so? so is this is this a trendo that's going to go away? i don't know. i mean, the government's ow.e priv keeping it alive, but private sector is not getting rid of it. well, yeah , because you nevere want it like you're never on a plane and there's turbulence and you're like, i hopthere' ans a really diverse crew in the cockpit at last word to you, you what say you from a libertarian whe? ectiv >> well, as you know, i think most government programs should be eliminate vernmentd. >> so, i mean, for me, i wouldth
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strongly disagree if it was the government banning diy, as in banning a school of thought. right. it does notht whict have the rid do because the first amendment. but what this does is just eliminatese first taxpayer funa programs, which i think a lot of those, regardlessthink of wt they have to do with, should be eliminated for like this one being proven useless. >> so i think they shoulde al eliminate it and then give all the money back to us. >> but i agreey ba. obnoxious bullying on msnbc, right? yeah, that's so ignorant. and it's so tunnel vision. right? right. if there was six that showed this stuff worked. others repeated studies showinsg it doesn't make anything better. so we're just throwing money into i we atot for no good reason, by the way. >> i mean, if if msnbc believed in diy, they have a few white hosts there that should step aside. but they e a won't. and by the way, our president is white and he has a viceidenth president who is black. he should step aside to help with the diyblack.side obvious s are spinning because it trumps odds spinnin. 's >> winning if you'll be in
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the new york area and like tickets to see gutfeld go to slash gutfeld and click on the link to join our studio audience. >> every generation somebody arises to annihilate us. nearly 50% of jews in america have changed their behavior for being targeted. this student came down directly in my face and spotted me. your grandparent should have burned and died. and i we're not going to stop until you do what's going on on campuses now. reminds me of world war two. just what would have happened if hitler had ticked off anti-semitism in america? narrated by benjamin hall only on fox nation. >> anybody who owns property should worry about home titles after there's no other crime that is so easy, so quick and so lucrative. your home, your equity and your peace of mind can all be stolen in one fell swoop by home title thieves like matthew cox . nobody thinks that i can take their house. nobody thinks that believe it
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that's b 82 to 1 5215. >> a story in five words. trump's chances two in three. >> shillue the economist which. is a magazine, came out with its election forecast model and predictsth trump hasto a two in three shot at winning . >> should people be optimistic? will remember the red wave phenomenon yeah, well, now also, i mean, two and three. i looked at that and i was like, what does that mean, two, three? it's like 66%, right? but the percentages obviously becat matters don' because in 26 they give trump less than 1% chance to get elected and he won bigly. right?
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so this time around, bigly. >> we we have to contendphenomen with what we what is a new phenomenon and that is early voting. and i think early voting is cheating. i think it's a terrible thing we have an election day in this country and we should vote on we hav day. about >> elections are about people who are motivated to vote a monto ar h. h. lot of these states have a month like so it's a month of early votin og. rtunit and that is just an opportunity for democratic officials to stuffialso st into bags. and that means what i'm saying when i say it's cheating. what saying is it takes awayaway the whole idea of someone who's motivate ided to vote becauseha' they have some stake in what's going on in the country. go iead, you hav democratic officials and other people funded by mark zuckerberg going around stopping is a big bags like sandy claus for waiting for election day.e to so that's what we have to contend with. the democrats only have th bags of votes in about win five states in order to win. >> and that's what we have to worry about. sot we no overconfidence. everyone has to get out and vote, right,o ge liz?
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>> that's a very chilling it's a very chilling message from the scary white man. what's it what do you how do you feel about this forecast? >> it's the economist, which i believe is a rea whichl. yeah, the same forecasts in 2020, 83%. . biden's going to win. so it's a pretty decent mode l i mean, it's like 10,000 simulations, whatever. but you make a good point. we it's privilege to vote. s so just vote on election dayte o and set aside that day. dayi, i just think there's been abuse that was launched by nancy pelosi in 2020 that does need to be rolled back. i will say that trump's doing swamrolled back. thap vote, get, early vote, early mail in ballots. he's tryin theg to push that to take advantage of it. and then you have biden dragooned in federal out workers to get out the vote, which is kind of weird, too. i meane kin, 15 cabinet secretae were just subpoenaed for documents on that. n secrus what is drag ruining me. >> meaning, justin, he just getting them to do it. >> my word, i would likeust...
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to have a dragon rings story. >> time out. name? oh, yeah. as goo yeah, that worked. that was good. yeah. cat makes me think you know what they should give voters a choice? if you votshould ge the day of election, it's your day off. >> but if you decide to do vote beforehand, you can't have the day offan't. me >> yeah, i just came up with that. that's pretty good. >> t be i will be selling voted stickers to sell people. that's a four. so that can lie.t al >> i don't like that at all. i don't like that at all.this >> the day off. what do you make of this prediction? we got like five months to go, but in biden years, that's seven hundred years. >> that's what i know. that's what i mean. but it's not just biden years. >>s no five months ago, as far as we knew, j.lo, woman in a happy marriage, planning a stadium tour. right. >> ooh. okay. five or five months ago, five months ago, people were still like nikki haley. n yeah, right.
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so i jus t have five, five months from now, all of our lives are going to be different. >> yeah, i know. remembero be different conversae had on the show? yeah. we're going to wake up. showngp ting to wake uthe on election day. >> you say, boy, cat was right and things are different. hat shfive months from now, i cn be doing this show and this. we could all be surrounded by space aliens. >> yeah, well, i'm going to. >> i'm gi'm to be £60 heavier.t yeah, that's right. you're going to be gaining weight. yeah. tyruyou'reing weights last word. >> what say you?whu i do think voting dasay y shouly be national holiday. i think. give us two days. aboutone vote, one a party abo. i think that's i think that would be i think we should that should have been done the other yeah. and cats right. who knows what's going to happen but again i just can't help can but just be the e who's been watching this movie for a whileng thise and id like everything that. no, it was a fact. everything accused trump of doing. they've done. yeah. us fo and they've been hinting at us forever that trump will never leave office if he loses. so i'm assumins sog if
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biden doesn't win loo be and behold, there's going to be a reason why he doesn't leave, because they been kindn whhe doe telemarketing the play. yeah. so convicted felonenarketing ani can't leave the office for a bit i just i just feel like they've said it so much they usually it's projection with the democratic party so that's my concern. >> my prediction is they'll >> my wil that 911 the police will come, they go, there's a strange smell coming il. st the teachers boos in, our students losir damage in thl you knowd , 80% of women new pa are struggling with their s. ls... dryness and frizz could be damaged. hair that can't be tamed, hair that can't be tamed, moisture rescue deep conditioner was first of its kind mounting pro-v pearls locks in moisturefi repair six months of damage in one wash without way downloo guaranteed or your money back for resilience.
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in california. aren't they all d who was arrested for being drunk in class is no longer facing charge s? that's because, according to the local d.a., quote, it is nott is to teach drunk. back in october, wendy munson, seen here looking like a person se. d wendy munson we all knew a wendy munson, didn't we? some wwe, too.wa >> well, she was busted while teaching after a coworkegr. she ale was all boozed up. her blood alcohol level was twice legal limit, and she was initially charged with dui and child endangermentd . dn't but they couldn't prove she drove to school drune k and said it's possible she only drank after she arrived at school, drane arriveh apparently isn't l . >> but they first noticed she had a problem, which not kept teaching the kids to do the alphabet backwards. >> liz, liz, liz, do you think drunk is an underreported
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thing? >> yes, we did. by theted thing? by way, you know what? >> it's not illegal. what are they waitin ag for? >> for a drunk teacher to dropro a stapler on a kid's head. sop ? chin >> so teaching undere. the influence. yoteou teach your kid no be publicly intoxicated. intoxicated. but a teacher comes in andacher. >> i mean, maybe bring back public intoxication laws. i think california got rid of it. so, you know, just ask the whit te house how that would work. >> yeah. think about what these drunk teachers might do. >> they mithey might put on two left shoes. yeah t. thanks for putting up. >> yeah. and you're welcome>> thank, amet >> kat. o most of these kids are on something. why shouldds are the teachers bt out? i say they are. well i, i don't know. i read. i read a lot of. l i read a lot of thotthe researc >> and it seems to me theseerme kids are being overmedicateddica and underserved by our teachers.
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>>ur teachers. thank you.than thank k you. >> all right. well, i don't i don't knowseven that a lot of seven year olds are on drugs because i feel like-ydrug being seven is enouga drug in itself. >> hmm. well, you don't known eh of a t of stuff. yeah, that's true. awesome. yeah. so i'm of mad that she stoppedse drinking long enough to let us know what happened. >> yeag en th, you know, she ses she not talking about it. yeah, but that also. the >> and why don't we ask the kids? was this a regular thing? ofteuli'm sure it probably does happen more often. it makes me rethink everything from my own childhood. hood. >> like, you know, like the fun teacher who, like, rode his bike to works, right? was he really fun and quirky, or did he just have a lot of duis? yer diave s. >> how? i mean, i went to grade school. tyra's in the seventies. how many of my teachers werell v totally boozed up. >> i'll never knower. ies yo >> based on the songs in the seventies, you had bigger things to worrhingorry aboy abo. i mean, i think a bigger problem is drunk panelists. unke
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>> you know, i'm saying, you know, oh, no, you know what? i'm joking over. >> as a former teacher, this is disgusting. there'this is there's a moral. r >> there used to be a moral code. moral turpite was the word turpitude. yes. it was made famous by the movie porky's. . >> yes. i'm using that as a reference. moral turpitudl turpite. you know, it must be a ball breaker. we need more bullies in thehe school. >> you know, because she held she rule with ironr inschool b t as tommy turner. but anyways, you have see the movie. but the point is, is that what is goins g on in schools now? teachers are drunk. everyone wants is having?teaches like the nightclub is the education. so should we send our kids to the clubs so sen to learn math and english is gone beyond the pale for someone to say it's not against the law, but someone ane at the school should be like, you know what? you need to resign. at least back inign. bac our day when i someone was drinking, it was the p.e. coach who wife left himh whos right?an
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he was just in the corner with his whistle, with his flask crying. we all kind of knecryingw. ld >> but even then, he could be like two more lap twos, you know? >> so, yes, it's so true.mmy. it was always the janitor who was drunk. tommy, you know, you don't do you know your kids don't go to school, do they? you keep them in a in aasemen basement? >> well, they did. they were home schooled forf th most of the middle school years, but they were in public bu in elementary school.ll and i'll say this. whensay th my kids were seven ys old, i did story hour prettyun every night drunk. >> yeah. i mean, i had a couple you know, i would work >> i'd go home, i'd have ale couple of cocktails and i'd do storieans. >> and i was pretty good at story out. and i was started to grow a to stash. yeah, i had. so liste grow n i have some sym for this woman. have you ever been around? th evesecond graders? they didn't notice. some other faculty knows the kids some didn't notice.if because if you're around second graders, they're.
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they seem like are aroun a bunch of drunks. >> yeah, yeah, yeah. remind me. thethe only time i was around s was when i was a super shoppingy santa. >> so i did this for a couples of days for a story. yeah, four days. >> and, man, they were, like,. i went to the. i was at, what was it, plymouth meeting mall or some, some mall outside of philly. lled i got yelled at because i was drinking. i wente to a restaurant theate. >> c i had a couple of drinkousl at lunch and went back and they were like, what are you doink ang? can you imagine how off the kids wer e coming to see elf santa? >> and as a little elf to oh, okay. i would say to you, takee th the beard when you were drinking even around your neck, get like? that. the best part about thisi miss is when i left, i drove. i missed my exit so i turned around and drove back through
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the tollbooth. i like. i don't know. it was 87, 76, philly, whatever. and i didn't know that theyture take a picture, so they had a picture of me for my ticket and it showe f d up me goinga sant the wrong way. be. ata beer, really rudea >> they saw a picture, a a little hat and then thingsnd a little. anyway, why do i share with you a little left footer coming up? what cardiology hits biking mythology. >> riley green on "fox and friends" watch is must see friday friday who would you say about where you're from he rose or daddy's among the all-american summer concert series is presented by lowe's. >> lowe's knows home improvement. >> for years i've been sharing how creeper races help my skin smoother, firmer and younger. and now the system i've loved for almost a decade is even better now. you can transform your skin from this tip.
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>> no, guys, listen. we received response fromth the district saying that the des who didn'tent' even know existed before that point, had an issue with their image notende being racially and gender inclusive, as well as opposing an image pure colonization, white power, white supremacy, and even going as far as to say that it was alluding to racist anti-black imagery in th to race south. >> so an ancient norse god alludes to racist, anti-black imagery in thee sout south. i'm sorry. when i see a muscular blond man wieldingh? a a hammer, i only know somebody is going to be thor tonight. >> so, kat, why do people go t around looking for things to deem racist? >> i mean, how i s thor a racist? >> if he were real, he wouldwo be upsetul. . i will tell you why.ll it's because these are paid to do the deed.
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they finally, when whoever they're married to said, honey,o what did you do at work today? they had an answer i. >> if they don't say thingss no are racist, then there's no need for them to keep their jobs. yeahd foro keep, so they had tok everything on again. >> i don't kno w what this ancient story has to do. with the south. it doesn't have anything to do with it. obviousl havy, but that's job i what their entire job is. so it's not like they were just like meddling around that. >> that was their job. you know, tyrus, they sound like a bunch of.d >> thor losers. oh. oh, no, no, no. they. i'm so proud of that. i want to talk. k to i want to talk to eachd and every one of you that i know aftere of the show. are you proud of that? oh, i'm about as proud of you
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as the and proud as the people who had nothing else to do. two cats. wonderful point and point out the thor is racist. and how do you know thor has a ? mm-hmm. he's a god. he could have 9000 things. we don'tav know.s lowe >> he gets lower extremities. could be chimpanzee. who knows? because he's a makule believe character. >> he could be whatever[ you wantblee to be. wan how is he? if they put this is wrong, ifthn they put every one of the things they asked for and said, drop it, you know what would be it would no? one knows because no one can draw that and one thing. >> s becauo no mascots for anyby until we can have one.thing. >> that looks like everybody, right? yeah, like a multi-heade anybod tom, are you aware of the norsge mythology? >> yeah, i figured you would, because got the hammer and it makes thunde. hamr. yes. yeah. no, he's not racist. thhe'se of typ >> the vikings weren't racist.
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they. they killed whitcisteye people. oh, really?? yeah. they went into england and chopped everybody up int. ok all their stuff >> they didn't colonize anything. they made bread with.that >> they were open minded about that. very thought crossed many, many barriers. the funniest thing about the story was that the sed manyy searchedo a.i. to generate the image they should use. googleage.ey shoul. >> tha >> they would have got black thor. that's right. a >> that's right. that's right. google, i thought, looks like rick james, but rick james just rolled over in his re grave. yed s. >> liz, do you consider this a thor subject? my fee feet are.e. no, my feet. getting your doo r. >> i know this is discrimination against thor . he's a his pronouns are norse. god. okay. yes, he's just a cartoons prono
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>> what is wrong with these people? and by the way, he's not italian. why is he wearing a roman toga in this air generated cartoo in? >> he's a norse god.e but you're right. i mean, they have to loo look fr something and search for something to justify their paycheck. >> and also, you know, there's a lot of people now as as woke culture is being found saying there is no cancel culture. oh, nobody losre it their job. cancel culture isn't just about people. it's about people, place cancs and things. all of these things that could get you canceledanhing are just ideas, objects, doors, gods. >> it's about, as kat says, people finding issues justify their own existence. >> so that's cancel culture defined by greg gutfeld oh your next very thought. >> thank you. soaring rhetoric of yes. appar soaring rhetoric of yes. appar would you do aenn alien a favor if? if? >> he wa to parent. >> yeah. i mean nice going though. nothing likeialize
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is possible? and b, why do you think that this keeps comingdo y a los do you sense that they're trying to. primuseney some big reveal? >> oh, wow. i didn't think of that. greg. mentioned that to mehe before the show so i could have a theory about it. >> could but. but how about this harvard researcher? >> he might be an alien. he m, and he's just trying to, you know, prime things for us. >> i don't know about thiss alien stuff. >> i think they might be already amongst us. al they might be in congress. >> i can think of one congressman from california. maybe he's a bit of a new gha that tucker said that it's like might be a spirituald phenomenon. yes. and i think that's an interesting theory. e the one thing i don't think is that, you know, elon musk wants to go colonizeth planets.h >> don't do that.atth i mean, that's not goingat to work like's n. it see >> this go to like it kind of seems like another planet there. doanet you remember they triedee to do the biodome a couple of years ago and yeah, it lasted like three weeks
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and they sent out for take out. that's right. doesn' tntt doesn't work. i don you know what?'t i don't care. this they keep saying we're haven't these ufo sightings. they're never really that good, but they cite them as evidence of something happening a that's already here. what say you? e do you have any, like, inclination to believe this is happening? >> i'm totallyis iening? open mo to ufos. in fact, i watch it all the time. ufos. those documentaries but, you know, i look around. i always thought certaint cert aipeople were from another planet. >> right. haven't you like the view or nancke..y pelosi or your watch? >> because i don't want to be wn >>rt that species. right. iunny but it is edifying to know there's intelligent life out inere somewhere. >> well, we don't know if t it's intelligent. we keep thinking that these alienshans are s somewhat smartr they have a certain way they. >> look. but what if they're really stupid and ugly? well, you can't stupid little white maid and un. what if, like, the aliens were, like, just like you could. >> they were like, a personality type.
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like what are you talking about? >> i don't know. i'm just trying to. >> i'm spig out heg here. what if this tyrus, what if aliens were. delicious. like it tasted like cinnabons? but they had a high protein so that if you ate them, you never got fat. but let's say they were gentle and cute and nice, but they weregentle cut tasty. e do >> what would we do? well, i would eat them. at i what if they said hello? we come in peace, but they're deliciou says. e >> we never think about eating aliens. we eat earthlingats. elk we eat fish, we eat elk, we eat cattle. l of >> and all of a sudden thishi alien goes, hey, we come in peace. you go. you known goes w you're not ear, we're having you tonight t. >> i need another food group. tyrus, is there a questiona quei in here? >> your four questions. four questions. answer them. what are you hiding, guy? it. >> oh, it's me. oh, listen. oh, man. this is not where i wanted
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to come out. >> i listen when they brought me here, it was just supposed to take you out. >> yea yh, and because you ask. too many questions. >> i do. >> i dbut grew on me, which is hilarious m. >> and i just couldn't do it, you know, and ate a couple of times. e >> it's like. like the finger slit his neck. get him out of herthfingerise, ? >> but then when cat beam down. come on, cat, come out. it's time to go. we cam saie down and yeah, they said take a little mean little writer and him a famous tv star. and when he's at the pinnacle, thenr we'll bring him up.lled but the whole point then they call, they said, look, he's a littld e too into the probe thing so he's not our guy. >> and then cat and i've beeno i stuck here ever since, so. hi, guys. welcome. th for for sharing your planetee . >> yeah. operation craig butterfield.
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>> yes, narco. so i hope you're happy. i got this planned. you know what the government will do if they find alien ts, they'll just say, ooh, a new tax base. >> exactly. that's why they're not showingse themselves to us. they're like, you guys got to do a lot of paperwork. yeah. say. like, every day there's a new form you have to fill out. if you don't fill ous y t the form, you all. >> plus, we're dea aliens. >> our. nicely done. wraps it all up in a little forr you. the viewer whom i love and care about almost obsessively. >> some might say you should be worried. >> we'll be right back. >> your best defense against acl erosion and is strong enamel. nothing beats it. i recommend pro enamelthat thi e shield because it actively shields the enamel to defend againslly workt erosion and cav. i think that this product is a game changer for my patients. it really our military has been
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