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tv   The Faulkner Focus  FOX News  June 14, 2024 8:00am-9:00am PDT

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23 sets of twins graduating from the same middle school. >> gillian: that's pretty wild. >> bill: nice to have you here. hope you have a good weekend. i hope today was not too rocky. >> gillian: it went by for me in a second. i feel like i've been here 20 minutes. >> bill: it will be a great weekend of weather and enjoy it at home as well. supreme court ruling on bump stock. we'll see what we get next week -- next thursday is the next big day and a stack of stuff still to be decided. decisions are still in the wings. have a great weekend, everybody on this friday. "the faulkner focus" is next and here is harris. >> harris: we begin with this fox news alert. tough words from former president donald trump to the department of justice over the ongoing cases against him.
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and some words of unity as trump works to bring the grand old party together 144 days until the november election. i'm harris faulkner and you are in "the faulkner focus." moving forward from those meetings on capitol hill with house and senate republicans, the nation's 45th president is focused on key issues shoring up his allies as he is also dealing with a little bit of unfinished business. in those meetings yesterday trump reportedly called those pursuing him at the justice department dirty no-good bastards and called president biden a dope. here he is after those meetings. >> there is tremendous unity in the republican party. we want to see borders. we want to see strong military. we want to see money not wasted all over the world. we have great common sense.
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a lot of very smart people in this room and a lot of people that love our country. >> harris: and now we'll hear from some lawmakers who were with him. >> i think he recognizes now, having been through a few elections, that unity is strength and the division is an invitation for your opponents to beat you. >> as wired as energetic i have seen him. >> very positive and unifying. >> one of the more encouraging meetings i've had in congress in the last year. >> bring together the teams and in the same direction. >> incredible master class display in leadership. >> very encouraging and upbeat. >> harris: i mentioned the former president is hinting who holy spirit presidential pick may be. coming up with me j.d. vance said to be on the short list that came out from trump
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recently is in "focus" in a moment. let's beginning with fox news correspondent aishah hosni on capitol hill. >> good morning to you. it was really important for president trump to come back to washington for the first time in four years. come back to capitol hill and really be the leader of a united, strong republican party in both chambers. he buried the hatchet with gop leader mitch mcconnell and in my one-on-one interview he offered a pretty stunning olive branch to one of his loudest critics, governor larry hogan. >> will you support hogan to win the senate seat. >> i would like to see him win. >> are you endorsing him? >> nobody has asked me that but i essentially would be endorsing him, yeah. >> team hogan shot back immediately with this. governor hogan has been clear he is not supporting donald trump. just as he did not in 2016 and 2020.
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now democrats are hitting trump hard on a comment that he made about the rnc host city milwaukee in one of these meetings yesterday calling it horrible. trump then tried to clarify what he meant. >> well, i think it was very clear what i meant. i said we're very concerned with crime. i love milwaukee, i have great friends in milwaukee but as you know, the crime numbers are terrible and we have to be very careful. i was referring to also the election, the ballots, the way it went down was very bad in milwaukee, very, very bad. >> for now trump and congressional republicans are in lock step. house speaker mike johnson who got another big lifeline from the president yesterday will go down to mar-a-lago on monday to talk more about policy. on the hill a group of senate republicans led by senator j.d. vance of ohio plan to hold a biden nominee in response to the
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administration's persecution of former president trump. harris. >> harris: i will get into that with him right away. thank you. in "focus" now republican senator j.d. vance of ohio and as aishah mentioned you are leading the effort to block the fast tracking of biden nominees. what's the strategy in terms of what your goal? >> there are two basic ideas here. the first is we can't reward the biden administration for engaging-in-law fare. they have weapon iized -- they e saying if you want to allow the nominations to sail through you need to stop using the federal government to destroy your political opponents. the second thing that we're trying to do is just deny joe biden some foot soldiers that he has shown he will use to go after political opposition. just to recap this is one of the most fundamental elements of american democracy is that we
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fight over elections. we try to persuade voters to elect us. whatever the dust clears and voters decide you don't try to use the power of the state to throw your opponents in jail. you try to beat them at the ballot box. the failure to follow that principle over the last few years from the biden administration i think threatens the foundation of our country. republicans have to push back against it. >> harris: can you give us a couple of names? i'm looking at -- the hill wrote extensively about this, senator. they said this blockade will extend to nominees who joined or supported organizations that celebrated the indictment of president trump, supported the get trump candidacy of alvin bragg or supported lawfare censorship in other ways. who are you looking at in particular? >> 44 in total. some from the department justice and some judicial nominations and other departments. people like charlie crist or janet yellen appointed to other boards or organizations within the federal government where
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they have come out and endorsed the lawfare against trump or others. the basic principle here is you cannot support the weaponization, the criminalization of politics. you can't try to throw your opponents in jail. if you do we won't allow you to have the job or at the least the democrats can fight more. they have their options that they can pursue but we won't make it easy for them if you are endorsing this lawfare. >> harris: that's fascinating. the pledge will last until election day so the american people can weigh in before the decisions are made for them by people that are on that list who, as you said, are against trump. fascinating. all right. a lot of buzz around who will be former president donald trump's number two on the ticket. our own aishah hosni got a little teaser on the highly-anticipated choice. watch. >> a lot of folks surrounding you, some of them are on the short list for vp. was your pick for vp in that
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room with you? >> probably, yeah, probably. i don't want to go -- but probably. i think we'll announce it during the convention. i have a pretty good idea. we have some really talented people. i have a pretty good idea. >> can you give us a hint? >> i will tell you fairly soon. >> harris: she tried everything. sources telling fox news that trump's vice presidential short list is made up of lawmakers, state leaders and former cabinet members and you, senator, are on that list and you were in the room with the president yesterday. first of all, i've watched other interviews with you recently and i know i've heard you say, look, you are not really going for the job. if it's yours, great. you just want the right person for the president to make his own decision. i want to take it further. what is your vision about the job of vice president? and how would you overlay that if you had to debate maybe a kamala harris? >> well look, i think the job of vice president is fundamentally to support the country and to
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support the guy at the top that people elected president. one of the problems that we have in the republican party is frankly you have a president who is elected on a popular agenda. he wants to bring manufacturing jobs back from china. wants to penalize people who manufacture overseas with tariffs. he wants to deport a lot of illegal aliens who have come in illegally over the last couple of years. you can't have republicans stabbing that president in the back from other parts of the government. i think the most important thing here is to recognize that we have a very popular agenda but more importantly we have an agenda in the republican party that is good for the country that can redeliver peace and prosperity. don't use the vice presidency or senate to advance your own personal ambition but the good of the country. that's what i would most like to see in a vice president. there are a lot of people on the list who could do that job well.
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i'm glad it is not my choice. >> harris: it is so good to have you on the show, senator vance. thank you very much. >> thank you, have a good one. >> harris: rockets and drones have come down on israel from lebanon, the hezbollah terrorists there continuing their attack from the north. in gaza civilians are being -- beginning to take on hamas for dragging out its brutal war and not signing on to a cease-fire. well, you know there was a cease-fire and it was october 6th. and then hamas broke it on october 7th. so they could start with that argument. retired marine bomb tech joey jones in "focus." and biden, is he okay? is it acuity? what's going on with him? and the world is watching at the g7 summit. it is an issue on top of voters' minds and fanning democrats' fears for november.
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>> harris: in has been going on for a while now and picking up. hezbollah terrorists are firing another barrage of rockets and drones into northern israel. it is happening almost non-stop. the fiery attacks are fueling fears of a wider war that could engulf much of the middle east. meanwhile, central command, u.s. central command says the houthi rebels also an iran-backed group launched to cruise missiles and
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hit a commercial ship. the ship caught fire and one person was severely injured. the terror group again has refused to accept a cease-fire deal. president biden at the g7 summit yesterday. >> president biden, did you have a chance to discuss a possible cease-fire? >> president biden: yes. >> are you confident it will be done soon, sir? >> president biden: no, i'm not -- i haven't lost hope. >> harris: the "wall street journal" with a headline emboldened gazans express anger at hamas/israel. hamas blamed israel. >> the 7th of october was a reaction against occupation. what comes after that shows the real face of israel. we need an israeli clear
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position from israel to accept the cease-fire, complete withdrawal from gaza. i think if the united states administration acted in a positive say situation the situation not only in the eyes of israel we can reach soon and agreement. >> harris: joey jones, retired marine bomb tech joins me now. joey, october 6th we had a cease-fire. october 7th we didn't because hamas terrorists put out a massacre raping, burning, all the horrible, horrific things that happened to israelis on october 7th. broke the cease-fire. where is this now? >> right now it's in a place where we have, i think, close to 100 hostages that aren't accounted for. close to 40 they have remains trying to get back. 40 they know are dead and several dozen more they don't know. i think that is the underlying narrative that a lot of people don't want the talk about. it is easy to show where
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civilians are being killed in gaza and a terrible tragedy and easy for protestors and other countries to harp on that. i don't know how you bring that up without saying hamas should release the hostages as a means to end the suffering for the palestinian people and i think that you have a stalemate in ideology and mission. the idea that israel is going to do a cease-fire so that hamas can survive i think is absolutely not an attainable goal. they won't stop fighting forever. israel has promised to eliminate hamas. i don't know that the israeli people fully back that. they want the hostages home first. i don't think they're upset by it, either. hamas wants to survive. israel wants them gone and i don't know how a cease-fire is a path for either one to achieve their goal. >> harris: i want to talk about lebanon now and that is where the hezbollah terrorists are perched and firing on the northern part of israel. now that isn't fresh and new in this war against hamas, but it
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is now picking up. is israel capable of fighting a front coming from both directions in different places in their country? >> i think the u.s. gets directly involved in that situation. that's scary. i don't want that. listen, let me be clear. it's hypocritical to see i don't want to see us involved if ukraine and afghanistan and israel. it is hypocritical to say one and not the other for the same reasons. that something a lot of republicans and conservatives weary of war are struggling with. a faction of the party that is pro-war and pro-defense for honest reasons believing that's the best way to keep us safe. at the end of the day we're stressed. military can't recruit. struggling paying for the things we need and being involved in conflicts abroad, multiple conflicts is something that should be a bigger part of this presidential election than we're talking about. >> harris: why hasn't there in
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your estimation, as a warrior, been as much of a fight from this administration for a cease-fire between russia and ukraine as there has been against our best ally in the middle east, israel. >> depends on priorities. your moral compass lies. the left especially but the inner beltway group including republicans has this narrative that repelling russia at all costs is our moral obligation. you have to understands even though russia is a foe. the problem is they have a faction of folks in this country that will protest against helping israel. anyone from the west for a lot of people on the left in this country is viewed as an oppressor. no matter how many hundreds or thousands of years. anyone from the west and western influence is the oppressor and so when you have that overlaid on top of israel it doesn't
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matter what hamas has done, they still can in their minds justify israel as the aggressor, oppressor and bad guy and where the difference in ideology is. unfortunately in the beltway there is more constituents on war in ukraine and israel. it spends a lot of money in northern virginia and on campaigns and it won't change regardless where the war is. >> harris: joey jones breaking it down as you always do. thank you very much. from one warrior to another. on this friday june 14th i want to extend a special thank you from me and my family for watching vietnam footsteps of my father on fox nation. i want to share this detail with you today. my dad would have been 87 years old today. the lord must have had a very special mission for a baby born in patriot country texas in a farming town who would grow up to be a combat pilot in the u.s. army. june 14th is the army's birthday
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today, too and united states flag day. i miss him and my mom on june 14th more than you can know. they are the reasons why i'm such a stubborn patriot. my mom loved celebrating my dad's birthday when we lived on military bases. flag and army day were huge. can you imagine on a military base? from my limited series on fox nation, here is a little bit of my conversation that i had never had before with my dad's baby brothers in dallas, texas. ♪ >> we were together when the military folded this and handed me this flag. i thought maybe we would take this time to gather over that flag. just take a moment of peace.
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a number of people who have reached out since watching this special to me personally and to my family in dallas is unimaginable. i want to say thank you to all of them and especially to those men who served in vietnam, who are with us still. welcome home and thank you for loving this nation and going so far away in her name. vietnam, footsteps of my father, is available right now on fox nation. chilling new information on a suspected jihadist arrested with a terrifying arsenal in his car. questions over whether the president is paying enough attention or any at all to our national security at home. plus new yorkers say jewish hate
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should not be able to be hiding. people who spew it should not hide behind masks. critics are calling on new york's governor to move on this and now. >> she has created a culture where masks are viewed as virtuous. maybe have your d.a.s actually punish people who do things that go beyond speech such as vandalism, harassing jews in the street. >> harris: so it is not just one governor but the focus is on where a lot of this has happened in recent months and continues. governor hochul in new york, there has to be something these leaders can do. ugly protesting exploding in recent days. many worry it is a matter of time before we see all-out violence. again ben domenech next.
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>> harris: officials with new details on a suspected jihadist
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who was busted with an arsenal of weapons just blocks from new york's laguardia airport. police say they found it in his car, including a loaded pistol. some kind of axe and sword that this guy looks like made himself. and 179 rounds of ammunition. video shows the suspect was all smiles as police walked him out of the station in cuffs yesterday. look at this. now he faces several weapons and ammo charges and is being held without bail. currently he is not facing any terrorism charges according to the f.b.i. but an investigation is ongoing. the queens district attorney had this to say. >> you add together the language that was on the baton, which is, you know, god and forgiveness. you left me no choice, you will learn today. you add that plus the uniforms that give him access to other places in the city of new york
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or all the places in the city of new york i think it is very concerning. >> harris: other uniforms that gave him access to all the places in the city of new york? that's terrifying. this is after those remember eight suspects with possible terror ties all crossing the southern border illegally were just arrested. some critics are putting the blame on president biden. is he asleep at the switch? does he know what's going on? a new opinion piece has this headline. suspected isis terrorists slip across southern border while biden fixates on trump. ben domenech, editor at large for the spectator. ben, this is more than just a little concerning. when she says that this suspect had uniforms to get into any place he wanted to go in the city of new york, that's terrifying. that is the definition of terror. >> look, harris, one of the things we can say here is first off we have to be grateful to the nypd, the best law
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enforcement facility in the world and their ability to stand up and frankly find people engaged in this type of preface to dangerous behavior. not every city has the nypd or has that quality of law enforcement and one of the things that we know is a consequence of the biden policy as relates to the border, the people coming across are of increasing security concerns. there are numbers of examples of people crossing the border illegally who are coming into this country illegally who should not be allowed to come into this country but the biden administration is making the policy choice and has made the policy choice to let them into this country. i don't believe that we can have for one second any confidence that none of the people coming across this border do not bear americans ill will or will not engage in the type of violent and criminal and potentially terrorist activity against american citizens. that's something that americans
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just don't have the ability to have confidence in given the degree to which this administration has failed to live up to its responsibility to insure our homeland security. >> harris: a great point. as you are saying that i'm thinking about why new yorkers want the governor of the state to take the masks off the people protesting who are wearing and shouting israel go to hell and death to america and from the river to the sea and so many things. you know, threats against jewish americans in our country as well at some of those protests. i get it now because you can't even tell us that the people coming across the southern border maybe like the last nine suspects including the jihadist as they call him or maybe he calls himself. you can't tell us much about these people. if they cover their faces you can tell us 0 about them. >> you are right. keep in mind this isn't just confined to america. what we're seeing around the world right now particularly in the western world and europe and
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the like is the degrasdation of these leaders who fail to live up to their obligation to actually manage these migrant crises in a way that can have any of the confidence of their citizens. there is a reason why georgia maloney is the most popular pop titian in europe now because she brought down immigration by almost 70%. it is because the fact is that they don't have any confidence that the people who are walking around in britain and france and elsewhere around europe are people who have been thoroughly vetted and don't represent a threat to the citizens there and we have the same problem here at home even to a greater degree. >> harris: all right. i will switch gears and go to this. newly released documents are suggesting president biden witnessed his german shepherd commander attack secret confidence personnel many times. a conservative watchdog group has 116 pages of records. one email details commander
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biting an agent through his jacket while biden was out for a walk with the dog and the dog was actually on a leash. one staffer suggested they use a muzzle on commander for everybody's safety. a third email details a staffer requesting emergency medical treatment after the dog bit him. secret service beginning wishing each other, quote, a safe shift as incidents with commander were piling up. this isn't funny anymore. this is not a joke. >> it really isn't. look, in the pantheon of horrible things that joe biden has done to this country it isn't in the top ten but something that is indicative of his character and his inability to manage even the smallest sort of tasks, especially when it comes to the protection of these secret service agents putting their lives on the line on a daily basis to protect you, the commander-in-chief and you can't bring your dog to heel?
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it is a complete example of how terribly this white house has been run. this was even an issue that could result in this type of story being told. it needed to be addressed much earlier on and look, these problems can be solved when it comes to dogs. they can be addressed. the fact that the president was unwilling to address them and take them seriously and look out for the secret service agents involved. if it was an r after his name everyone will be talking to him but because it's a d the media protects him. >> harris: 116 pages on anything is a lot of information. we'll dig through it. ben domenech. thank you very much. backlash for president biden after he snapped at a reporter for the major crime of simply asking a question. >> president biden: i wish you guys would play by the rules a little bit. ask me another subject.
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i will be happy to answer in detail later. >> harris: the white house correspondents' association is answering reminding the president of the importance of a free press. hum. plus the president is in los angeles. that will begin tomorrow and he will be trying to rake in some big money. a glitzy fundraiser on tap hosted by george clooney and julia roberts with an appearance by former president obama. elitism at its height. is it out of touch? a lot of questions being asked. the great debate on the power panel coming next. ♪ choice hotels is a family of brands with a hotel for any traveler you want to be. like #1 chef dad, cookin' up a free, hot breakfast for the entire family at a comfort hotel. mom made this. umm... i...added... the garnish. stay twice and get a $50 gift card when you book direct.
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with absorbine pro, pain won't hold you back from your passions. it's the only solution with two max-strength anesthetics to deliver the strongest numbing pain relief available. so, do your thing like a pro, pain-free. absorbine pro. >> harris: cash on a saturday night for president biden, so he hopes. he is set to attend a glitzy fundraiser in los angeles tomorrow with an a-list of stars. george clooney will host it along with julia roberts. former president barack obama will be there, comedian jimmie kimmel coming after reports of tension between biden and clooney, a democratic mega donor. his wife led the charge to secure international criminal
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court warrants for prime minister netanyahu. they wanted him arrested as a war criminal. biden called that move outrageous at the time and said he supported a push for sanctions on the icc because of it. clooney then called the west wing and complained to an aide that any actions could affect his wife. not much action from the president after that. >> both sides of the aisle said they would sanction the icc for trying to go after israel. that was biden administration policy. all of a sudden out of the blue they say they no longer will support those bipartisan sanctions against the icc. now we understand they may have done it as a quid pro quo because george clooney asked them to before he did a fundraiser. >> harris: politics, such a blood sport . william la jeunesse in l.a. >> four years ago biden came out here and hit up california for 300 million. number one state. he is not coming out here for votes this time but for money
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used the pay for the attack ads in the six battleground states. crucial, you say, because to some voters hanging out with celebrity validates his appeal. even if the hollywood fat cats attending have nothing in common for the average voter. >> you aren't looking at george clooney for voting advice. >> he has something others don't. this saturday he and julia roberts will activate the hollywood money machine for president biden. >> president biden: that's character in real life and that's george clooney. >> the entertainment industry gave democrats 104 million. ten times more than republicans in 2020. biden highlights his blue collar roots while calling out trump. >> president biden: donald trump looks at the world differently than you and me. how he can help billionaire friends gain control. >> both candidates are raising a
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lot of money from big tech and with a street. biden's donors are wealthy individuals and hedge fund executives. biden is saying look at the policies i'm doing, not where i'm raising money. donald trump is trying to say i'm the guy that fights for you even though i am rich. >> big money often buys attack ads. will celebrity endorsement help move the needle? biden is banking on them. >> president biden: i'm joe biden and i approve this message. >> the potential down side some voters see it as a bunch of wealthy coastal elites but carries a lot of social miffed yeah potential as many celebrities have given the campaign permission to use name and image in fundraising materials. trump was here last week raising $25 million. the state does serve a purpose. >> harris: always, thank you. there are concerns the hollywood fundraiser may make president biden look out of touch with average americans.
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charlamagne tha god had some -- to say it planer >> how they talk. nobody wants to hear the normal political voice anymore. before democrats worry about explaining their side of an issue they need to learn something more basic. how to talk like real people. >> harris: former senior advisor to president obama, david axelrod, says same. >> authenticity is the coin of the realm in presidential politics. no one ever says i wish donald trump would speak his mind. that never happens. if you look at history the more authentic candidate tends to win. joe biden has his own authenticity but sometimes he speaks in a language of washington. >> harris: fox news analyst gianno caldwell and marie harf. i will start with you, gianno.
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>> i agree with david. authenticity is what the voters want. they want somebody that understands their plight and issues and why inflation is up and wages are down. the problem for joe biden is when he becomes authentic he says things which makes a lot of people cringe just like when he said if you don't vote for me you ain't black or when he said i don't want my kids growing up in a racial jungle and says any number of things which some people would consider to be racist. those comments and perhaps himself. it makes people think why would we want to support this guy? versus what he does best when he speaks in washington tones that lobbyists and other politicians and consultants get. that's his audience, not the american people. >> harris: we talk about what people focus on. i don't know if anybody will focus on george clooney and biden made up after the whole icc conflict they had going on. i do think trying to get a
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younger vote should be, you know, one of the goals for him if he is going to hollywood and california. i asked both my daughters, 15 and 17, they didn't know who george clooney or julia roberts was but they know her daughter. i'm just saying. >> i could do a whole movie weekend with them, harris, i love them both. we can go back even further. i do think you are right, harris, joe biden needs to shore up the youth vote. he needs to really overperform. celebrities can help with that but they aren't all of it. hillary clinton had a lot of celebrity support in 2016 and it did not get her the white house. i think that on any given day, donald trump says a million cringe-worthy things and joe biden, you know, used to be the talk of democrat politics that let biden be biden. when he says washington speak and gets into that sort of d.c.
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acronyms, deep in policy is not actually who he is at root. >> harris: there has to be a way between talking in acronyms and speaking in verbs and nouns. there has to be someplace in the million. a million from trump grew two heads. >> it's a contest between two people. when biden and the vice president kamala harris get on the stump and actually do retail politics they are much better and they should do more of that. >> harris: oh really? okay. >> kamala harris, are you serious? the laughs. she doesn't connect with people and one of the issues the biden administration has had. we saw the white house officials went on the record saying she is not doing anything for their campaign. it is not that black women, a big constituency are saying i'll vote for joe biden because of kamala harris.
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no one is saying that anymore. what was making sense in 2020 doesn't make sense today. >> harris: all right. this might not make sense but it sure is getting some viral footage on social media. video shows president biden wandering off yesterday during a skydiving demonstration at the g7. just watch. i asked my team to take down the banner with the words on it because i wanted you to see as they pull out here. so the skydiver had just landed behind the president. he literally turned his back to the man landing on the ground and as some shiny object got his
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attention and then the prime minister of italy has to go and get him. thank the good lord for her. we don't know where he was going. the "new york post" said the meanderer in chief. we saw the video of biden looking frozen during a concert. we are by the grace of god all going to reach a golden age. this is not about age, though. this is about fitness for the presidency, gianno. >> in fairness, he might have saw a bird in a tree or maybe heard the sound of an ice cream truck. that might have been what happened. but you know what? think back to what many democrats said in 2020 how he was going to make us look presidential on the world stage and we've seen not that at all. world leaders are scratching their head wondering what's going on with joe biden. there are a lot of world leaders that like joe biden because he gives a lot of free stuff and the u.s. economy is pretty much open for other countries under
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his watch. but this is embarrassing. it is not about age. we know that donald trump is younger than him beautiful of vigor. he has a lot of energy and he does have the mental acuity to run this country. joe biden, i'm not so sure. >> harris: they are only three years apart. we all age and we all have health that's different from one another. that's not the issue. god bless him. but is that the person who is fit to run the country? marie, none of us is a doctor. he has told us to watch him. that's what we do. >> look, i would also point people to the press conference he did with the ukrainian president zell and the number of remarks and when in normandy for the d-day. i think he was walking to a paratrooper that just landed. the bigger take away if you watch the video and comments
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standing by ukraine, talking about a 10-year partnership he just announced. that's important news. talking about possibly being able to use american weapons to hit further into russia are serious topics he is engaged in. >> harris: if you are saying that giving those u.s. weapons to ukraine to hit further into russia, you realize at least 84% of the target-rich environment uncovered by the u.s. weapons is a total smoke screen. we have to move on. the white house correspondents' association is firing back to president biden after he snapped at a reporter for what he considered an off-topic question yesterday. >> was your son able to get a fair trial? >> can you give us your assessment of hamas's response and do you believe that they are trying to work towards a deal or is this response working against a deal? >> president biden: i wish you guys would play by the rules a little bit. i'm here to talk about a
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critical situation in ukraine. ask me another subject and i'll be happy to answer in detail later. the bottom line is we've made an agreement -- >> harris: all right. very quick, gianno. >> political headline foreign policy becomes a liability for biden's campaign as he heads to france and we're continuing to see that. are you the president of the united states and know people will ask you questions and answer them and move on. you don't have to chastise the press. >> the press can ask whatever they want. he announced major foreign policy initiatives. if they want to waste a question asking about something he has already answered about his son, fine. i don't think that serves the american people as well as asking about ukraine, hamas, how we'll get the hostages home. i have think that would be a better. >> it was actually gaza. >> the first part wasn't. >> harris: goodness, happy weekend. "outnumbered" next. and the raptor cake.
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