tv Fox News Live FOX News June 15, 2024 1:00pm-2:00pm PDT
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buttered red paint on the fronts of the homes of some of the trustees of the brooklyn museum. they invade a tribute to octobee auntie fought at the rand out into raise your hand if you are a zionist of this is your chance to get out. most of them wear masks like the ku klux klan. sad to say new york city of all places has a very serious anti-semitism problem. >> it is getting very ugly but remember if you have your own hit or miss be sure to send it to us je are on f fnc that is t for this week show. thanks to my panel and to all of you for watching hope to see you right here next week. ♪ ♪ ♪. arthel: all eyes on the city of angels were president biden's
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fundraising at the motor city or donald trump is targeting voters in detroit today. trump's visit marks an effort to cut into president biden so-called blue wall of the presumptive gop nominee signaling it is a must win state as he tries to deny biden a second white house term hello everyone welcome to a brand-new hour of fox news like i am ararthel neville, high eric piccolo everyone thank you for joining us i'm eric shawn. it's the former presence fourth trip to the battleground state just this year. his first campaign stop in michigan since his new york city felony convictions. right now polls show biden and trump are in a dead heat in michigan the former president trying to tip the scale to push back to win over black voters especially this comes as president biden is in a los angeles today for a high dollar fundraising trip with celebrities being held there tonight. both campaigns shifting into high gear as the candidates prepare for their first debate in less than two weeks.
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>> are coming up to a debate i don't think want to talk about cocaine, guns, pouring site and we want to hear what have you got for america? that is what is starting now. >> mattison's life in detroit with the very latest remoter theory. >> good evening, eric hear! hear! at 180 church in detroit, michigan byron donaldson is on the stage of the event was slated to start with president trump headlining at 4:00 p.m. but we are running slightly behind schedule. but people have been here earlier the doors open at 1:00 p.m. peoples are lining up at 10:30 a.m. all committee members eager to harm the former present speaker and what is described as a community roundtable. as you mentioned this is his fourth trip to the state. michigan is key to this campaign they are eagle to flip it back to them after they lost on the 2020 election when it voted for biden. now, president trump promising to build a wall on the southern border trump in the north is instead hoping to tear down the
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blue wall of states focusing on states such as pennsylvania, wisconsin and right here in mission critical to that mission are the undecided and black voters many of those undecided voters were in line today but they tell me they will be making their decisions at the ballot box in november based off of what they hear the president say in this church here this afternoon we take a listen. >> are you coming into this event decided on your coding and november undecided? >> what's undecided i have come here to see what he has to offer. what he is going to say. what he's going to do for the country because the countries on a bad path and it needs to be corrected. >> i am hoping to hear major issues like unemployment here in detroit, and generally how is he going to address that kind of situation. i have basically open to hearing all about.
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[cheering] >> while we wait for president trump the speakers continue to take the stage we also heard from doctor ben carson who is a detroit native got a lot of applause in the crowd when he spoke as well but when it comes to the voters that we spoke to in-line the big issues we heard economy, southern border, and christian values eric i'll send it back to >> art madison they may also for other folks from the kind it will get back to you as soon as it starts, thank you. arthel: while the former president stumps and battleground michigan the current commander-in-chief is raising cash in california paid tonight president biden will take part l.a. fundraiser with hollywood heavy waiters, former president obama, george clooney and juliette roberts for some of these celebs that will be attending the event which is already raking in record-setting money before it even starts. lucas tomlinson's life from the white house with more on this. >> dozens of world leaders including many from the g8 seven
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have gathered in italy attend this ukraine peace summit in switzerland, president biden has instead opted to attend this fundraiser with hollywood elites the president arrived in los angeles earlier this morning pray forthat is his daughter asy behind him. most likely biden did some debate prep and jump on during the 12 hour flight with nothing on a schedule today perhaps more as well the debate less than two weeks away the headliners at tonight's fundraiser if you can see the slide one more time former president barack obama, george clooney, juliet roberts oceans 11 reunion there and jimmy kimmel fox told $28 million has already been collected. perhaps more coming at the door this evening with last-minute high-priced tickets sold. protesters are expected in los angeles tonight outside the venue by their calling this the democrats the largest hall for the democratic fundraiser and history that's more than the big call from radio city music hall back in march obama was at that
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went as well. while normally, paris and of the questions prison binds mental acuity the discussions behind the scenes and in that media questions have followed world leaders to switzerland is a british prime minister facing that question earlier. >> prime it is hard to describe prison binds mental acuity in your meetings? >> and arthel in case you or any of our viewers miss that, bert prime minister did not answer the question. >> he probably went to stay out of it lucas tomlinson thank you very much. right now over to the former president trump is speaking with michigan voters we told you about that's happening at this roundtable and detroit at the 180 church and see if we can hear anything. >> you can be my pastor any day but i needed to, i need it. thank you lorenzo. also we have a great group as you know. byron donaldson is an incredible
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guy. [applause] an incredible guy. i notice he happens to be on the list of potential vice presidents would anyone like to see him as a vice president? [applause] i noticed your name and that's good you should be on the list too. congressman john and james my friend is something special. [cheering] [applause] thank you john very much great job you are doing by the way i heard you have no trouble you're going to breeze right through it and you should because you've done a fantastic job at former secretary might really good friend for a long time ben carson doctor ben carson. [cheering] [applause] there is a man, he worked very hard no scandal, there was no
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scandal with ben. for years it was perfect, he did a great job we love it been a special person in kandy, the whole family. thank you, ben, for being here appreciate it. a man has the mojo is going to be a very great senator. taking off like a rocket he is leading in all of the polls he is going to be something very, very special mike rogers, mike thank you very much. [cheering] [applause] and mrs. rogers thank you for being here. so nice to meet you. thousand easy endorsement for me that was a real easy when he has got what it takes he will be one of the most former formidable senators i think he's going to do a phenomenal job bringing money back to your district bringing jobs back to your district. he is a big believer in that. a person who has endorsed us and has been fantastic he is run for office he could run for a lot of
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offices if you want he loved being a police chief is james and craig. where is james? james craig. a wonderful guy and thank you for the support i really do appreciate it. michigan gop chair a friend of mine also incredible politician at the time he left he did not lose the left after a while it went on to big things including being an ambassador. that one guy wanted to head up the gop because we think will win the state we are leading right now by a lot. we think were going to win it. pete, thank you pete. [cheering] so it is an honor to be i here o very important area for us. we have done more for i say it probably, more for the black population than any president since abraham lincoln. that is a big statement.
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[applause] and cricket it joe biden's and nothing for you except talk. it's only t talking it's nothing for anyone he is in europe walking around he doesn't know where he is he supposed to help detroit? i don't think that we achieve the lowest african-american unemployment rate the lowest african-american poverty rate ever recorded ever recorded during my four years. [cheering] [applause] we lifted 6.6 million people out of poverty. black americans saw their largest increase in homeownership on record there's never been anything like it this is during our period of time we gave record funding to historically black colleges and universities. you all know that and got great support i would tell you a quick story the heads of the colleges would come to washington once every after two years us and why do you guys keep coming i
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elected them i liked a couple of them they are friends of mine. the whole group they were just terrific people men and women heading up the colleges. i said why do you keep coming? because they won't give us long-term longterm financing wie back every year and ice and respectfully they make us feel like a bunch of beggars we have to come back to washington every year. i say we are going to take care of that i got them actually more money than they asked for by far we got them long term financing as is nothing sad as i will never see you again probably i will never meet you again because we got used to made and kept saying and he did it for a couple of years and said why do you have to keep coming back? he said we have been doing this for a long time for 20 years i guess the one gentleman said he was there 20 years he's been doing it for 20 years i said that is not right they do a very important job and a great job. so i got long-term financing by former president is at the 180 church in detroit.
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automobile and most in four and that you could afford to buy a home. it cost anyone twice as much you have to earn twice as much now as you did four years ago to buy a home. so people whether they are black, or white, or asian or hispanic we are all in this together. we know when things are not safe we know in our borders are open we know when things are too expensive. we know what is happening in europe when we are at war in the mid east we see what happens in ukraine just now we see what's happening off of our coast there's actually a russian nuclear sub there as well as other russian vessels. come on things were so much better that affects all of us. we'll have the same needs and desires we saw in new jersey and new jersey the largest rally political rally in the history of the state of new jersey. well over 100,000 people on the board on the beach they were
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people of every color, every race, it did not matter whether they are pipefitters, engineers, doctors, lawyers, carpenters just everybody young and old coming together. americans have had enough. eric: the trump administration the campaign with the numbers about that rally will be strikes musings of former president now used to have the term the reagan democrats they were the democrats who of course voted for ronald reagan. do you see a new generation of reagan democrats potentially but is trump democrats? >> i do. i have the largest district in new jersey i meet people over at six different counties and the rest of the state because i am the state chair for donald trump. young people come up to me. people never historically sell being involved i mean teenagers and young folks saying hey we want to do something different.
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he would not expect that but it is true. there is really something happening out there. it is a love for america it's the ultimate decision whether going to continue to be the shining city on the hill. whether we're going to be the leader of the world or globalism over going to fall in place and be like everybody else. i want us to be the leader i believe americans of every persuasion what us to be the leader as well. eric: michigan poses some challenges union state president biden being a union president. he walked the picket line at that point's for the same times that the policy and vote 100,000 people voted uncommitted in the democratic primary. 101,000 is like 4% of the democratic votes in the last presidential election in michigan so what does it mean if you have that many people voting uncommitted and democratic primary? do you see complications there
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for the president? >> it is complicated for biden's got a problem because he is trying to walk the line. try to ride the fence he saying he is pro israel but not really he is called palestinian he's going back and forth. if you're not hot or cold you are nothing. he is there, he is a luke warm and not telling it how it is. he's got a real problem. he's got a problem with the workers, not the leadership and sinsome of these unions but the workers they are afraid about tvs they know this president biden continues on where going to be building plants out in mexico and other places rather than reinforce what we have here, build more here we want american made cars in the united unitedstates of america fueled y american energy i believe every race, color, creed believes that as i do. eric: on that when we reach with the white house has been saying
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that this could be a template for the biting campaign and their successes white house as more people are working than any other point in history. they rescued the economy, change the course of the pandemic they are rebuilding our infrastructure around the world to support ukraine against putin. lowering the cost of families everyday living expenses the white house claims create 11 million jobs unemployment rate historically low. how do republicans how does president trump and how do you respond to that when the biden administration comes out and says no look we are doing a great job. the economy is good you deserve our support. >> people know better than that. all of that list is such nonsense that we had a half hour i could go through it all, obviously we don't to let me tell you just they were in better shape than ever men and women want to buy a home they have to earn twice income they did before. we go to the grocery store and realize how expensive everything is. when you see open borders and much more dangerous country now
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that we did before. when you see what they are doing to our military pretty see our national debt growing. seeing people strongly more than they ever did before is just not true for the things you're saying is not true and he can put that out and try to convince you to believe it there's a word and politics and you have heard it enter intuitive. he was and what? what is he talking about that is not make sense and it doesn't. >> to represent atlantic city what are the odds do you think on the presidential race? >> trump is going to win. the question here is not going to win or not in my mind is how big he's going to win and how many states he is going to carry. he is going to win because they're going to be independent set vote for him. of course republicans are going to be democrats who love america the reagan democrats in the past are going to say we cannot keep
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going along this path other than politics a lot of years i've never seen anything like it. i have never seen so many people fired up on the side of getting a change going back to where we were four years ago and getting a new president. a president we know is tried and true. i have not seen it. there's something written in the air there's going to be change we are going to win and get our country back on track. >> new jersey congressman and chef of andrew represent the southern part of new jersey if you are in atlantic city or nearby congressmen good to see you thank you for your insight. >> raised your hands if you are a zionist. this is your chance to get out. this is your chance to get out. >> eight chilling scene and new york city this week. anti- israel protesters many with their faces covered taking over subway car or warning any
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zionist to identify themselves and get off the train anti-semitic incidents like this have prompted governor kathy hochul to consider banning facemasks on public transit was let's go to cb cotton is alive and new york city with the very latest on this story. >> no timeline has been shared from a new york governor kathy hochul would like to see a mask ban put back in place she has had this would likely require the help of new york state lawmakers who have already wrapped up their legislative session for the year immediate path forward is not clear at this time. still covered conscious new yorkers are already pushing back an account labeled covid advocacy new york wrote on x governor kathy hochul seven cnn she is considering banning masks in new york. we need to speak out against this. hogle did say during a press briefing any sort of legislation would include exemptions for help for religious reasons. she said reinstating a mask ban
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on the city's transit system is quote the primary focus and explained this will be an effort to target potential hate crimes. she also said criminals also have become a problem, listen. >> monday night a group donning masks took over subway car scaring writers is as vile and disgusting people are committing wearing masks were able to commit crimes there undetected it's a challenge for law enforcement. >> speaking to allegations of anti-semitism anti- israel demonstrates were caught on camera waving flags associate with terror groups, hamas and has blood later several of the masks demonstrators swarmed the subway station some israeli survivors of the october 7 hamas attack were here in the city this week they told us they were
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left shocked and hurt by the scenes unfolding in the big apple, listen. >> they were screaming and tea folk, it was a trigger for me and in a moment i'm triggered that is what happens to my body and i could look from the window and see them. it was very sad. >> "new york post" was reported new york state attorney general letitia james is also now a part of the initial discussions about possibly reinstating a mask ban. >> cb cotton and new york city, thank you very much. massive crowds and london cheering on princess kate as she made her first public appearance since announcing her battle with cancer we will have more fromm today's celebration coming up next. ensure complete with 30 grams of protein.
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♪ ♪. eric: royal fans a thrill that princess kate's return to the public eye it happened during the trooping of t the color celebration. kate wash over the rate alongside with her family after showing the update on her battle with cancer. stephanie bennett live outside of buckingham palace and london with the very latest on the joy celebration today. >> it was music, majesty and
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military precision today. the crowd very thick and excited to be here. we talk with people who travel from all across the world from america, crossed the pond where you are. also down in australia. just to kind of be here and witness this moment today. i think it was wanted by the public it was definitely needed by the royal family after such a tumultuous start to this year this last six months has been very tough on them as it within the family going through cancer right now. this is kind of a moment to set that aside and have a joyous occasion today. both king and princess kate were in attendance despite their cancer battles the event of course marks the sovereign's official birthday king charles iii actual birthday is in november but last of the king rode on horseback, this time a little laid-back he wrote in the carriage with his queen camilla. prince williams wrote on horseback and princess kate
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behind at three choate came down to the wire whether she's going to attend today after missing last week's review which is essentially a dress rehearsal for the big day the 42-year-old princess looking glamorous as always in a white wearing the irish guard regimental brooch as she is the regiment's kernel of course but the princess gave us an update on her health last night saying she is making good progress but as a millions in note with chemotherapy there are good days and there are bad days. she also gave us an insight into her personal life is saying she has been engaging with her children school life. sergio a little work from home and also she is looking forward to joining a few public engagements over the summer a positive sign. >> very exciting to know kate is going to come out and be here and be with the family be part of this really important that we are really excited to see that but also just to be a part of the big celebration at a country we've only been to a couple of times. >> a lot of questions of course
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noticeably absent harry and meghan were it not invited they have actually not attended for the last few years or so but for now the princess of wales admits she's not out of the woods just yet she is still of course these undergo more chemotherapy treatment his message is and has always been the same shoe insert privacy and also wants to recover it with her family back to you. >> stephanie best wishes of course to the princess and his majesty after seeing her in public today thank you, good to see you. arthel: absolutely the palace has been very tightlipped about the details of princess kate's cancer diagnosis. her statement yesterday pulled back the curtain up bits and as you just saw people were thrilled a course to see her this morning let's bring it former royal british newspaper the sun duncan, thank you for being here. we all know cancer can touch anyone of us and has touched many of our families.
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do you think kate's handling of her bout with cancer, king charles as well has brought about a more personable persona of the royal family? >> good evening. yes, i think it has. i think kate was a popular before she disappeared off the radar frankly with this mysterious abdominal surgery that turned out to be cancerous. her popularity in the uk now is off the scale. overwhelmed with the courage she has shown. and of course seeing her out in public today more importantly perhaps has given the british public this optimism that she is okay the conspiracy theories about her health are not true and hopefully she is on the mend. arthel: i want to read a part of a statement from princess kate just rubbed yes that she says quote i am making good progress but is anyone going through
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chemotherapy will know, there are good days and bad days. i am learning how to be patient especially with uncertainty taking each day as it comes. listening to my body and allowing myself to take this much needed time to heal. so, does it appear kate has taken on now a greater sense of purpose being there for her children of course but also encouraging the masses. showing cancer can attack even a princess. >> yes there's an old expression after the queens rain never explain, never complained and in fact the queen mother had breast cancer in the 1970s we did not know that until after her death. this marks the sea see change e way the royals are. they do explain and this is kate
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really revealing more about her private health than any other royal than we can member doing. that is perhaps an indication of the days of social media and speculation. and i think, as i say all that's done is when her more and more fans. if you go through chemotherapy it's a very, very grueling process it is a frightening process it is full of unknowns. but of good days and bad days. and is quite refreshing hearing that. arthel: that is the point fighting cancer is difficult, it is an grueling as you say. i am wondering if kate's public battle and some yet to be known twist of fate is showing the world that regardless of pedigree or politics we are all human beings with shared insecurities and visions of hope. >> absolutely right.
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we in britain hold the royal family up to something very, very special. but they are still human beings. i think this human side of kate will do nothing but improve her standing in the public as we saw today in london. absolutely adore her and wish her the best. arthel: wheat we leave it thereo wish princess kate the best as well from here duncan thank you so much for joining us, take care. >> moscow flexing its military might write in america's backyard were talk about those russian warships that are docked in cuba we are now responding with our own short of force but we have more details on that as "fox news live" continue straight ahead.
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arthel: early morning explosion killed eight idf soldiers in southern gaza where israel is conducting its rafah ground offensive explosive hitting their armored vehicle as part of a convoy returning from an overnight mission. a spokesman for israeli military saying it is now looking into whether someone uses an antitank missile to cause the incident paid this is the deadliest attack on the idf since january when hamas attack t killed 21 soldiers. >> today i am pleased to announce the united states will provide more than one half billion dollars to address ukraine it energy needs. united states stands with the people of ukraine. vice president harris at
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international peace summit for ukraine and switzerland. there noticeably absent meant to map out into the war meantime russian forces small gains in the east and northeast ukraine. nuclear submarines 60 miles off the coast of florida. biden's weakness it's in grave danger progress for president trump of course putting president biden for russia docking warships in cuba. the senate fleet on once included a nuclear sub to conduct military exercises in the atlantic. the next eight the u.s., we sailed our own fast attack nuclear powered submarine to the naval base in guantanamo bay. he was southern command said the sub's visit was preplanned all this comes in at the tensions
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between the u.s. and russia over the war in ukraine who knows more about this than dan hoffman former cia station chief in moscow among other places he joins us now dan always good to see you. as putin yet again poking at the u.s. and poking at us by doing this? >> yes. this is just another part of his strategy of rhetorical nuclear brinkmanship. he knows if he threatens the risk of nuclear war the united states responds by seeking to de-escalate. that's what he's holding a military exercises now nuclear exercises is what he threatened nuclear war when finland was trying to join nato and threatened nuclear war at the very beginning the onset of russia's invasion of ukraine. each time the biden administration is delayed giving ukraine with a needed first to his job on antitank weapons and a long-range artillery and tanks, all the things you create need for the counteroffensive last summer this is a putin
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dabbling up the pressure right now. seeking to influence the united states it will not permit ukraine to use some of the weapons we have given them to strike inside russian territory. see for the pentagon says there is no threat the pentagon also says there are not nuclear weapons on the ships they point out russia has conducted these military exercises in the western hemisphere almost every year they go down to venezuela. they have docked it during the trump administration there is a spite ship for example. you see this because we saw that nuclear powered submarine one of the most advanced subs the most advanced sub they have a ratcheting up the message from putin. >> i do what i served at cia our leadership analyst used to refer to something called historical placement you look at a foreign leader and you look at when they were born were the formative experiences on their life and it is clear for president biden is the cuban missile crisis. in fact the president biden has
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invoked the cuban missile crisis numerous times publicly said he seeks to avoid armageddon or direct conflict with russia the vladimir putin kgb spy that he is is trying to use that against our president. >> these are mind games they play at the highest levels. and speaking of that, the courageous brave notable wall street journal reporter stays imprisoned in russia and will stand to trial your thoughts on that? pixies reported being held in a prison i is a nasty place, i hae been there is again reportedly allowed a one hour outside of s cell each day he has been held over a year since march of 2023. it is another brazen example of vladimir putin russia absolutely not respecting the rule of law there is no rule of law in russia. vladimir putin is seeking to extort the united states he has
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a number of russian citizens who are overseas for crimes they did commit in jail and he would like to get them back and he knows the only way to do it is a swap of the sort we saw with united states engineered the release of brittney griner at the basketball player return for the merchant of death. >> here at fox news with core sd with evan who is with our corporate because in the wall street journal journalism is not a crime. we wish him the very best. they said they may not have a swap until after a verdict do you think that is part of putin's plan to try to get a verdict and then swap as you say? >> absolutely by the trial is a sham but is designed to dial up a rush as a leverage so if evan is in fact if he is convicted in this kangaroo russian court that would enable the russians to demand even more from us. they've got deep covid russian intelligence officers have been
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arrested in slovenia they've got military intelligence officer and brazil and they have got putin hired a hitman in germany who killed an ethnic chechen georgian citizen on the streets of berlin he is serving time there. those are some of putin's cronies he would like to get back. so far our best forever and we'll see what happens finally it's the eve of father's day you have written a very moving and touching personal piece about your wife who passed away from cancer. raising her t your two boys andr issues your thoughts as us fathers are about to celebrate tomorrow there is kim with your sons. >> yes on this of father's day a bit thinking a lot about my very dear friend eric reese eric's daughter jessie passed away when she was 12 years old from brain cancer. but before she died she created joy jars to help kids like her in the fight for their lives
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against pediatric cancer. she filled those charged with toys and gifts and hats because kids with cancer lose their hair she stuffed 3000 jars and give us to kids in hospitals in her hometown to honor her memory. eric reese gray the jesse reese foundation the foundation a ship to hundreds of thousands of joy jars to kids all over the world but my family to honor my late wife supports he jesse reese foundation might sons and i cannot thank jesse enough i wish we could thank her in person but i have a feeling she knows how much we appreciate the philanthropy, the path to philanthropy she has shown a touch which soothes our broken hearts. that is so wonderful and only can you support it and you do but our viewers can support the jesse reese foundation joy jars fantastic go to jesse reese foundation are ees another example of love and giving and caring in our best to you and your family and dan, happy
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father's day. >> thanks, same to you. >> good to see you thank you. ups and downs. l's (husband) what about communication? (fisher investments) we check in regularly to keep you informed. (wife) which means you'll help us stay on track? (fisher investments) yes. as a fiduciary, we always put your interests first. because we do better when you do better. at fisher investments, we're clearly different.
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more than two dozen people including several children got stuck on a ride at an amusement park in portland last night they there were left dangling upside down for around half an hour. emergency crews were able to lower the right and get everyone back on solid ground thankfully. meanwhile, republicans are not giving up on their fight to charge attorney general american garland with contempt. but details on that coming up next. complete nutrition you need... ...without the stuff you don't. so, here's to now. boost. right now you can get a free footlong at subway. just buy any footlong in the app and get one free. just scan the qr code and enter promo code flbogo. it only works from the other side of the screen, buddy. you still got a land line in your house. order now in the subway app. liberty mutual customized my car insurance and i saved hundreds.
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eric: speaker mike johnson said the house will be heading to court and moved to try to to force attorney general merrick garland to release audio recordings of president biden's interview with special counsel robert her. after not prosecute garland after they held in contempt for refusing to handover the tapes. lawmakers do have the transcripts of the interview madeleimadeleine rivera picks ue story. >> republicans had expected the justice department want to prosecute attorney general merrick garland this comes after the house voted on wednesday nearly along party lines to hold garland in contempt for refusing to handover the audio recordings of president biden interview a special counsel robert hur.
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in a statement house speaker mike johnson says i will be certifying the report to the u.s. attorney for the district of columbia. we'll also have to enforce a subpoena of attorney general garland in federal court. johnson acc accuse the abided demonstration of a two-tier justice system. d.o.j. is essentially saying it's hands are tied after the president assert executive privilege over the tapes. setting long-standing policy of the depa department says they determined the response by attorney general carlin to the subpoena issued by the committee did not constitute a crime report it won't bring the contempt citation before a grand jury or take any other action to prosecute garland. justice department is already handed the transcript of the recording. department has the pastor going to prosecute other attorneys jennifer house contempt citation. most recently 2019 former attorney general bill barth in 2012 eric holder became the first ag to be held in contempt of congress. in both cases former president trump at obama exerted a executive privilege over certain records sought by the house
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oversight committee. civil right madeline thanks so much. arthel: that is going to do for us we are back tomorrow at noon eastern please join us then. in the meantime at 6:00 p.m. eastern today the fox report with jon scott. ♪ okay everyone, our mission is to provide complete, balanced nutrition for strength and energy. yay - woo hoo! ensure, with 27 vitamins and minerals, nutrients for immune health. and ensure complete with 30 grams of protein. (♪) ♪ ♪ ♪ chewy, a citi client, uses citi's financial expertise
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