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tv   America Reports  FOX News  June 17, 2024 10:00am-11:00am PDT

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procedures and whatnot a california at the time. he was a celebrity household name at that time in the form of media covering the trial day in and day out. the executive director of the national center for victims of crime of home the sister of ron goldman sets. they really were so educating about the state of domestic violence victims. i spoke with michelle, sports world with a celebrity of o.j. and referred to as the time burned in the world's first reality tv star when a beautiful human was caught in a terrible tragedy. you don't want to miss it. >> 5 episodes. "the fox true crime podcast." absolutely fascinating. i will be listening. thanks to everyone. don't forget to dvr the show. for now, "america reports." >> john: thank you so much. any moment now, the white house press secretary will take questions from reporters from her very first on camera break
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down mike's briefing and nearly 3 weeks. this moment is expected to come up. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ >> sandra: video of that moment has gone viral as it appears to show president biden gazing into a hollywood crowd mormons before president obama steps in and then leads him off stage. >> the white house disputing claims that biden froze during the fund-raiser. reassure voters about biden's age and mental acuity. >> sandra: it is the issue that just won't go away. we are going to speak with him about that just ahead. >> john: first, the horrific death of a mother of five sparking outrage after authorities learned the suspect now arrested and charged with
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her murder was here in the united states illegally. i am john roberts in washington. sandra, here we go again. >> sandra: good to be with you, john, i am sandra smith and this is p21. failed policies after finding out that 23-year-old suspect across the southern border illegally just last year. police say it wasn't long until he attacked and killed rachel morin. body discovered back in august. >> john: on the suspect is no stranger to police in el salvador. he is wanted in the death of another young woman there. his ties to known gangs. >> sandra: we will get reaction and just moments. first, let's kick things off live in washington. david, the suspect was arrested in oklahoma? >> sandra, that's right. with the help of dna evidence, along with the fbi made that arrest on friday.
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rachel morin was 37 years old. she had 5 kids last august. she was found dead along a popular running trail which is about 30 miles northeast of baltimore on the way to the delaware border. not a word about her killer. her family lived with the pain of knowing someone who murdered her was potentially walking the streets. maybe even ready to attack again. police say they have their suspect. on friday, authorities in tulsa, oklahoma, arrested 23 years old and charged with the murder. he is from el salvador. fox news is told he crossed the border illegally into the u.s. in february 2023. police say he killed a woman in el salvador months before his escape to the united states. police obtained a dna match from home invasion in los angeles in march 2023. this is a surveillance video where several people including a young child were assaulted. the suspect disappeared police are saying he is that suspect.
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>> seemed to really and hop hopeless. the lead detective said to me, he said, "patients will win in the end." and that is what they have been doing. they have been diligently working very hard. >> is expected to face extradition from oklahoma to maryland. it could take several weeks of conflicted. he will likely spend the rest of his life in jail. we are waiting to see if the press secretary is asked about this. >> sandra: we will be watching for that. that press briefing is expected to be underway top of the hour at 2:00 eastern time. >> john: let's bring in rodney scott. former border patrol chief. the texas public policy foundation. good to have you with us. victor martinez hernandez entered the country illegally in february of 2023. one month after he allegedly
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murdered another young woman in el salvador. people at home have got to be wondering, how did a guy like that slip through the cracks here? >> yeah, thank you for having me on again. crimes like this infuriate me, because they are preventable. he slips through the cracks because of the chaos on our southwest border. the biden administration's reversal of the 27-your strategy have focused on preventing people from entering the united states until we knew who they wear. literally preventing crime. as biden administration chose to switch to this reactive posterior. this guy has been watching around for over a year. it highlights the challenges we have with betting. he had committed his crime in el salvador. however, we don't have a global database to be able to pull f from. we are checking u.s. databases. who knows how many more people like this are out there.
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here's the catch. it is preventable. all border security is designed to prevent people from entering the united states until we have edited them. this administration's needs to get back to the basics. >> john: listen here. >> to my citizens in hartford county, every citizen in this country, that is a public safety crisis and one that we can easily fix by really coming up with a workable immigration policy for our country. it is just insane that we would allow things like rachel's murder to happen. we allowed it by letting him into this country unchallenged. >> dhs would have us believe that people paroled into this country awaiting asylum or removal proceedings are fully vetted. we don't need to worry about it. clearly, that is not the case. >> that is not the case. it is just short of a flat out lie. when they say fully vetted, that means fingerprints and those
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fingerprints are bounced off a u.s. database that checks criminal records in the united states. it is very misleading. there is no global criminal database. law enforcement since the beginning of time has actually done their best when it is a face-to-face interview. that of sweat real true vetting means. we can look and tell their and research it and call the embassy and asked some questions. border patrol agents don't have time for any of that. they are resting 5,000 people a day still. that chaos prevents true actual vetting from taking place. this administration is lying to america. it is preventable. border security is simple. come through our border in a slow orderly process where we have a chance to truly vent you. >> john: maryland's governor wes moore is laying the blame for the squarely on republicans. listen to what he said.
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>> when you have a coalition that is a bipartisan coalition both democrats and republicans that get literally ride out to the line to be able to get a deal done. because you had president trump who said this is not advantageous politically that the deal was killed. >> the immigration deal that was part of the ukraine-israel funding. that was january and february of this year. this guy came into the country a year prior to that. how in any way, shape, or form governor wes moore said be applied in this case? >> once again, he's wrong. he's talking about the senate bill. that was one republican. every border security expert i know fought against that bill. the house passed hr 2 earlier last year. that was a meaningful border security bill that would have prevented this from happening. that senate bill would have locked and a bunch of provisions that really would have still
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made sure this guy was loose. that is a very misleading statement. >> john: how many people are in this country awaiting asylum hearings or deportation removal proceedings? this is the way it has increased since fiscal year 2018. during the speech and administration, 2.6 million people were in the backlog. that backlog is 7,400,000 pe people. they are all walking around in the united states. each i.c.e. agent has 7,000 cases they have to look after. it seems that is an impossible task. >> it is an impossible task. i appreciate you highlighting that and how much worse it is getting. let's get to the talking points to the left that we want to help people that need asylum. we do. those numbers you just saw, the vast majority are cases of fraud where they are preventing us from getting to the people that
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truly need asylum. it is the same officers, the same immigration personnel processing all these cases. we can even get to legitimate immigration petitions of people trying to come into the united states to fill jobs because this chaos is overwhelming them. we had solutions not even just the last administration. the prior administration's getting better and better border security. we had this flow dramatically reduce where we could vet people better than ever before. the biden administration simply walked away from it. this is not sustainable. this is a crisis whether you are talking murderers or about fentanyl pouring across. there is nothing good about is wide open border. john: you are in charge. rodney scott, thank you for being with us. i appreciate it. >> thank you, have a good day.
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>> john: for the governor of maryland to say this is all a result of the republicans who killed this bill in the senate earlier this year when this guy came in a year prior to that, it would seem to be so disingenuous. >> it's another example of we don't know who is coming over the southern border. we are not keeping track of them once they are here. we will have a little -- noting the chinese national flowing over the border. last week showing us turkish immigrants. those coming from egypt. the numbers are on the rise even after that executive action on the part of the president. we are certainly covering it as it only seems to be getting worse. >> john: they don't have a big counter out there. all the folks are flooding across the border hoping to make it in under the wider. those who come in the above that number doesn't seem like much as happened to them. they get to stay at least for a
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while. >> we will have a live report coming from the border. bracing for a major heat wave later this week throughout the week. record high temperatures are possible across the eastern u.s. heat related illnesses. fonts with others joining us right now. how high are these temperatures expected to get? >> hot. new york city is an example. we will feel this from the great lakes to the ohio river valley. we get hot in new york city. last time we had a 100-degree day was back in 2012 about 16 years ago. back in 2021, that was our last june heat wave. a question for new york city is how much will be moderated by the ocean? we are expected to be in the low 90s with the heat on thursday lasting into saturday. notice the direction of the wind. it is going to be quite warm. when you factor in the humidity,
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i will show you that in a mo moment. d.c., baltimore torrance hartford is extending very far even into new england. well into the 90s. add in the dew points. a dewpoint is 70 degrees, that is something you would find typically in south texas or florida. the dew point is in the mid 60s. it's not oppressively sticky. we will be creeping up into the remainder of the week. we head into her sobriety. d.c. will feel like 100 degrees. all the way into areas of hartford in boston and into interior new england as you take it into burlington, vermont. it will be hot. there was a giant dome of high pressure. pushing that jet stream all the way to the north into canada. you talk about the heat that is going to be building. we are use to it. places further into new england that have not dealt with this sort of heat. in some cases ever. that is what we are going to be
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talking about specifically what i want you to pay attention to. record challenging for sure. we are going to talk about temperatures that are challenging long-standing records but also maybe even blowing past it. that will be the story through the week into the weekend. all the way in towards the northeast. for some of the advisories, and not just heat advisories but excessive heat watches, this will continue to change. it's going to be hot and folks need to be careful and find air conditioning. >> sandra: does upstate new york areas are prepared for this. hot high temperatures. thank you very much. we will keep watching that throughout the week. fox weather on your favorite tv connected device. find us on fox today. johnny, those temperatures are high. they are unrelenting. you look at the forecast going out. everyone has their ten-day
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forecast. >> john: in raleigh, north carolina, over the wee weekend. turf fields have the ground rubber and between the blades of fake grass and it is black. it absorbs the heat. my daughters had the entire team's feet were burning through the 5 games that they played. >> sandra: i hope you had a great father's day. i know you are running around chasing the kids. >> john: interstate 805 is a lovely piece of highway to drive on. interstate 95. >> sandra: not so much. >> john: not a happy father's day. another instance of president biden frozen this time being that upstaged by former president obama. why he says it is a biden issue that will not go away plus this. >> i just got our rent renewal. it is going up by $300 a month. here is what you can do today if
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you are in a similar position in your 20s with this astronomic cost of living. >> sandra: what is gen z doing about it? are they becoming the most financially savvy generation? we will ask a tiktok star who is looking to make that the case. i brought in ensure max protein with 30 grams of protein! those who tried me felt more energy in just two weeks. -ugh. -here, i'll take that. woo hoo! ensure max protein, 30 grams protein, 1 gram sugar, 25 vitamins and minerals. and a new fiber blend with a prebiotic. (♪) ♪ innovation in health care means nothing if no one can afford it. ♪ at evernorth, we're helping to unlock barriers.
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♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ >> sandra: all right, that is on live look and mar-a-lago. top republicans are meeting with
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former president donald trump mapping out plans for a strategy to govern the country starting on day 1. if trump wins a second term with the g.o.p. getting full control of congress. eliminating taxes on tips. the former president is encouraging voters to write "no tax on tips" on restaurant receipts, john. >> john: looking at those receipts, this has become a big meme on x as well. at the restaurant. some of those folks are big tippers. this guy had a $60 bill and tip $60 and wrote, vote in speech in and you won't be getting tax on these tips." >> sandra: they don't always happen that way. when you work in that industry which so many of us have, you live in that day where someone is feeling very generous. you want to take as much of that home as possible. >> john: it's going to be very, very popular in places
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that are hubs for a service like las vegas and nevada. if trump can flip clark county in nevada, that would be huge. that would lead -- >> sandra: there is another one of those receipts. someone writing "no tax on tips." >> john: we will see how far this meme goes. we are waiting for the first white house briefing in 20 days as concerns grow over a president biden fitness for office. byron york is waiting in the wings. let's go to the main stage with the rich edson live at the white house. the white house responding to this video. >> they are. this is following that weekend in los angeles where president biden was raising money knocking his opponent. barbra streisand, julia roberts, george clooney and others at the peacock creator. that campaign says it raised more than $30 billion at the event. when the event finishes, biden
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stays on stage until obama takes him off the stage. the president was taking in an applauding crowd for a few seconds. the senior obama advisor responded, "biden appears to freeze up and has to be that upstaged by obama, saying "this did not happen." jimmy kimmel led a discussion with biden obama. a second speech in presidency would overhaul the supreme court even further. >> the next president is likely to have 2 new supreme court nominees. 2 more. 2 more. he is already appointed 2 that have been very negative in terms of the rights of individuals. the idea that he if reelected will point to more as upside down -- i really mean it. >> biden is contending with trump's rapidly fund-raising. a dinner in palm beach with
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investor john paulson. trump and the rnc says they raised more than $140 million. the glitzy l.a. event for biden shows the president is out of touch. >> hollywood movie stars and big tech billionaires, that's who the democrat party is fighting for. environmental billionaires in california. that's who they care about. people who are in bed with china, that is who the democrats care about. >> the president has to virginia for fund-raising events with the clintons and former virginia governor. john. >> john: just to double check that you set obama's office said that the former president did not take biden by the wrist and lead them off stage? >> the obama office responded saying, that did not happen. >> john: the video would appear to tell a different story. i guess it is all in the interpretation. thank you. sandra. >> sandra: joining us for
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more, byron york, chief political correspondent for the "washington examiner" and a fox news contributor. as we get more more of these moments, we do show these in their entirety. the clip is about 70 seconds. we will play it with sound but i will jump in as it goes. our viewers can watch it in its entirety. here it is. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ so there is a good few seconds i'm sure you have watched this multiple times by now where biden does not appear to move and obama reaches out and taps a man grabbed his hand and turned him around and walks out the stage. brit hume's take as the following. "biden is senile and decrepit. not sure that obama needed to lead him away." absorbing the applause for a bed when obama reached out and grabbed his wrist."
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is this another moment -- as many have been seeing and witnessing of the president? is this more on president obama for making it look like a needed assistance off the stage? >> clearly there was one person who felt that president biden needed some guidance and an escort out the stage. that was president obama. i don't think any of this would be happening had we not had the incident last week at the white house at the juneteenth concert. at that, the president was standing among a line of people who were swaying and clapping to music. the president that appeared to be frozen for nearly a minute. not just a few seconds but nearly a minute. it looks really, really weird. the brother of george floyd was standing next to the president
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and was clapping and engage the president very briefly and biden goes back and stared some more. i don't think president obama would have done what he did and others would be quite as concerned had we not seen what happened last week. >> sandra: okay, "the wall street journal" says the biden campaign needs younger voters making the case that more and more instances like this are probably not reaching the younger crowd. the president is getting help from high wattage hollywood stars. most of them are over the age of 50. is this a strategy that is working for the biden campaign? >> 50 is kind and generous. robert de niro is 80 years old. i think they had carole king playing for them. she is 82 years old. steven spielberg is masterminding a lot of this. he is 77 years old. this is not the young gene generation. clearly what the president is worried about in his reelection
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campaign is that he can't put the obama coalition of minorities and young people and women to gather, because none of them are as enthusiastic about him, joe biden, as they were about barack obama. that certainly includes younger voters as well. >> sandra: you are writing about this in the "washington examiner." you write, "this is the biden issues that won't go away." freezing up in front of the public causing concern for voters. it has already been on the right side of the aisle. why do you think it is not going to go away for the president? >> because life is life. and when people began to suffer age-related infirmities, they don't get better. president biden is 81 years old. he is going to be 82 in nov november. it only goes in one direction.
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that is the reason that it doesn't get better. i would expect, if what we have been seeing at the hollywood fund-raiser, at the junet juneteenth -- examples of the president's current condition, we will see more of it. he has a lot of public events. the voters will have to make their own decision based on what they see. >> that leads me to my final question. it is sort of a prediction on your part. what happens when the debates -- what happens, the convention if this is an issue that doesn't improve? >> president biden famously got through his state of the union address. he was kind of loud but he got through the whole thing. he mindfully get through the debates without any problems as well. that doesn't mean this problem is not here and that it won't recur in other places. i think if a republican thanks -- joe biden doesn't know where he is, i think they are
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fooling themselves. >> sandra: thank you for coming on. >> thank you. >> john: sandra, israel and the hezbollah terror group ramping up cross-border attacks into israel. lieutenant general keith catalog reacts coming up next. >> sandra: a doctor turned whistleblower is in court after exposing a texas hospitals alleging gender-affirming care for minors. nick foye is on the ground in houston with that story coming up. >> hey, sandra, a texas surgeon claimed that he is trying to protect children. the federal government says he should be a convicted felon. while prosecutors just released that gives us some insight into their argument next. 's to getting better with age. here's to beating these two every thursday. help fuel today with boost high protein, complete nutrition you need... ...without the stuff you don't. so, here's to now. boost.
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monetary against -- comes as the idf warns that intense cross-border fighting from hezbollah for trigger serious escalation. fox news contributor and former national security advisor to president trump and vice president mike pence. here is what he said about the potential escalation between lebanon and israel. >> hezbollah's increasing oppraggression is being asked te brink of a wider escalation that could have devastating consequences for lebanon and the entire region. israel has a duty to defend the people of israel. we will fulfill that duty at all costs. >> john: that sounds like a slap back to hezbollah more than anything. if you look at hezbollah. if you look at israel or iran, i don't think anyone wants a war. that is my follow. i don't think anyone really
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wants a war between israel and hezbollah. >> and i don't think that i do either. when you look at what's happening at the border with lebanon and hezbollah, they have had to evacuate 80,000 people. the demographics of the united states 30 expert on the united states. that's moving 2 million people. they need to solve that problem. this problem should have installed a long time ago. back in the security council resolution 1700 that was passed in 2006, it was in room forces for lebanon. they were supposed to move north of the river. they have been able to arm it and haven't been able to stop the problems they have up there. a constant threat. part of his message goes to the west. you need to help us solve this problem that hasn't been solved in 18 years. we are prepared to take further action. a lot of the hezbollah families live south of the river.
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>> john: i swear, i silenced that phone. i don't know how that happened. what do you think hezbollah is up to here? are they harassing israel to a greater degree to put pressure on them to agree to a cease-fire with hamas leaving hamas in place? >> he is playing it both ways. hezbollah is part of the lebanese government. at the nr parliament. he is concerned that the israelis can come across hard. if you look at what hezbollah should have done if they wanted to do it. they should have done it when they were so focused on gaza. i believe the israelis can pivot really hard if they want. i don't think you want to have a third lebanese war. the israelis reach a point where there is no choice. evacuating that many citizens, constant missile attacks, i think they will respond. they reached out by their comments. help us out. help us solve this problem.
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honestly, with our administration right now, knocking one down at a time. this happens to be another one. >> john: the former israeli ambassador to the u.s. sitting where you are last week. he and i spent some time together in 2006. up in the north. i said, it is worse now than it was back in 2006. how can that possibly be? places like that, they were all getting rocketed on a daily basis. he says it is getting worse. biden administration advisor is in israel today to try to put a lid on things. do you think you will have any success? >> no, they just talk about it. if they really want to fix this problem, go back to the u.n. enforced provisions of 1701. they talk about it. all these arcade game of
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whack a mole. you know in the white house, no decision -- these are all hard. they are going to have to do something. i think that was a cry for help to the west. help us solve this problem. >> john: we will see what happens. hopefully it will not escalate. that would be bad for everyone considering hezbollah has missiles that could hit everywhere in israel. in general, great to get your take on things. >> sandra: a whistleblower who is supposed the texas hospital for allegedly conducting gender transition and care on children is in court today. faces 4 felony charges. more on this for us. what are you learning ahead of today's arraignment? >> sandra, for the first time, the u.s. attorney's office for the southern district of texas is commenting of the indictment. he is said to appear in federal court in houston at 3:00 eastern time. under 1.5 hours from now.
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the doctor is facing 4 felony charges related to hipaa violations after he released redacted records claiming to show a secret and illegal transgender medicine clinic for kids at texas children's hospital. according to the u.s. attorney's office, "the 4-count i count indictment alleges him of obtaining personal information including patient names, treatment codes and the attending physician from texas children's hospital's electronic system without authorization. false pretenses and within ten to cause malicious harm to texas children's hospital. "fox news reached out to the hospital for comment. so far, we haven't heard back. he claims the hospital continued performing transition procedures for kids after its ceo claimed that a clinic down. >> they were giving every indication to the public that they were shutting down this program. i worked there. i do surgery there.
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i knew this was untrue. they not only continued that program but expanded it behind closed doors. especially as a doctor, the most important currency we had. the fact that they were lying to the public is an egregious violation of medical ethics. >> if convicted, he faces after ten years in prison. he will be in person today as he faces a judge for the first time. >> sandra: i know you will keep us posted. thank you. >> john: sandra, what is it like teeing off with the world's greatest golfer? we will ask the high school biology teacher who qualified for this past weekend's u.s. open. plus this. >> over several years, i have helped thousands of young people financially thrive and not just survive, here is what people have said have been most helpful for them. maybe it will help you. >> sandra: we are listening.
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gen zers are getting crafty with their cash in the wake of sky high inflation. guiding her million plus tick talkers through the thick of it. how to not only survive but to thrive financially next. -electric for short trips... -hmmm? ...gas for long. hmmm? quite the paradox... -it really is both. -hmmm. the lexus rx plug-in hybrid. clearer skin at 4 months. and skyrizi is just 4 doses a year after 2 starter doses. serious allergic reactions and an increased risk of infections or a lower ability to fight them may occur.
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>> sandra: all right, gen zers are appearing to get more financially savvy with their money. they are doing it a lot sooner. a new survey reveals gen z adults on average are beginning to save money at the age of 19. that is impressive. that is years younger compared to baby boomers or millennials. our guest takes two tiktok. let's bring her in now. a low price known as -- great to
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have you here. we know there's a whole lot of attention on this. young people are out there dismayed by sky high inflation. high prices are just about everywhere. affordability or going out the window. buying a home to a car come everywhere they look is tough. how are they turning to investing to sort of balance that out? >> it is interesting. when you look at investing at the age of 25 versus the age of 19, just $5,000 a year by retiring at the age of 65, that difference of just 6 years showcases that you are may be losing out on $500,000 as far as it is compounding over 7% year-over-year. when you look at that as a young person, that urges you to want to start early and you want to do it often. >> sandra: i know you have some specific ways that you tell your followers they can do this.
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here they are breaking down money mapping. watch. >> here is the priceless way to make the most of your money. number one checking account, bills, rants, et cetera. checking account for your wants, dining out, entertainment. a high-yield savings account your emergency fund and a high-yield savings account for your short-term goals and lastly number five, a high-yield savings account for your long-term goals. >> sandra: that might be allowed for somebody to break down. it really helps manage how you are spending your money and how you are saving your money. >> when it comes to budgeting, i like to tell people to allocate their income into the 3 different buckets. that is needs, wants, savings, and investments. like i mentioned before. we don't want to just survive. we want to financially thrive. it is all about allocating the income to your needs and wants
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and investments. invest early and often and pay down that credit card debt or pay in full and on time. these little simple things over time can impact not just my generation going about future generations. >> sandra: people want their financial independence. dealing with -- wait for it. the high rent prices. >> before you talk to your landlord, do your research of similar apartments within your area and bring that information to the conversation. consider moving to a place that has rent stabilization, especially if you live in an area that has a high cost of living. this could be your biggest win. but you are probably too fearful to take it. that is asking for a raise at work. >> sandra: interesting. what is your advice? >> go for it. there's never a better time than now. if you are struggling, all the
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younger americans out there today, asking for that race can be the difference of putting food on the table and you being able to invest again starting at the age of 19 versus 25. that difference of $500,000 is life-changing money. >> sandra: before we wrap up, how did you get into all this? >> my mom was a finance major way back in the day and has inspired me throughout the entire period as a young woman in this space to continue forward and that money liberate you instead of intimidate you. >> sandra: you are going to be a doctor and there was a change of life plans. that's a really interesting story. you are inspiring a lot of people to save and that is great. thank you for being here. >> john: she probably would make a great doctor as well. we are awaiting an update from police after a weekend shooting wounded a mother and father protecting their baby and a toddler at a splash pad.
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another other people were hurt. what was the motive? we know you care. [music plays] but if this is all too real for you and your loved ones. make the call. because we care too. ♪ home instead. to us, it's personal. all these games on directv— and no satellite on the roof! think about this: blue jays, cardinals, orioles... what's missing? the andean condor? no, walnut-brain! pigeons! they'd rather name a team after socks! to be fair, we're not very athletic. voices of people with cidp: cidp disrupts. cidp derails. let's be honest... all: cidp sucks! voices of people with cidp: but living with cidp doesn't have to. when you sign up at, you'll find inspiration in real patient stories, helpful tips, reliable information, and more. cidp can be tough. but finding hope just got a little easier.
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speak with you in just a few minutes, police in michigan will provide an update at a shooting
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at a splash pad over the weekend after a weekend of violence across america. 2 people are dead and 15 others. hurt after another shooting in texas. mike tobin joins us with more on this. what happened in these instances? >> the carnage in michigan appears to be completely random. michael william nash open fire. he had no middle history. north of detroit. he rode loaded once during the shooting and unloaded 28 rounds into the crowds of parents and children playing at the water park. one couple was shot 7 times while trying to shield their 7-year-old and 2-year-old daughters. if you are trying to help the victims, be careful. scammers are establishing bogus pages of the shooting. no one knows why michael william nash open fire. local dolomite local law enforcement tracked him down. he had a handgun. he turned on himself.
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>> after a period of time, we breached the home. and deployed drones to begin an examination of the home to make a determination of it but it was a hostile act area. we located the individual deceased in the home. >> more bloodshed north of austin, texas, a town called round rock. 2 groups got into a dispute, and people started shooting. several people were in jeweled and 2 people were killed. those shooters are on the run. >> our goal is to put those people behind bars and get them put away for life. we are going to work tirelessly to do that. no stones unturned. >> police say they are looking for a black male, 19-20 with short dreadlocks. >> john: not a great weekend. >> sandra: moments from now,
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white house press secretary karine jean-pierre is set to hold her on camera press briefing and nearly 3 weeks. we have reporters in the room and we will keep an eye on that. >> john: new developments 5 years after a wild shoot-out. we will tell you why 4 police officers are being indicted. that story is just ahead. iberogast indigestion iberogast bloating iberogast thanks to a unique combination of herbs, iberogast helps relieve six digestive symptoms to help you feel better. six digestive symptoms. the power of nature. iberogast. with so many choices on there are so many tina feys i could be. so i hired body doubles. indoorsy tina loves a deluxe suite. ooh! booking.yeah veteran homeowners, have you looked at the interest rates on your credit cards lately? get ready for a shock. on credit cards is now over 22%. if you want to save hundreds of dollars every month,
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