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tv   America Reports  FOX News  June 18, 2024 10:00am-11:00am PDT

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with this but they will put that at top shelf. brian, what are your quick thoughts of how this will go? >> i think it's crazy to do this. i don't know who he is kissing up to the squad perhaps because i don't think this helps a lot of elections a lot of senators a lot of aspiring congressional candidates on the left. i don't think this is helping for him. >> i think he has infuriated progressives by taking action on asylum, this is the latch on at the end to try to rail back the progressives. >> mr. halfway. >> mr. biden good day for him. >> morgan? >> i agree with kaylee. he is trying to show boat the american people he will do something on immigration but trying to lean left it doesn't work. >> thank you for watching we will go straight away into "america reports" now. >> john: harris thank you and the nypd holding a news conference at the dramatic director of an illegal immigrant
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accused of sexually assaulting a 13-year-old girl and a new york city park. the nypd says they have ecuadorian man in custody and they say he entered the united states illegally. with that hello i am john roberts in washington. sandra it's happening again and again and again. >> sandra: it's tough great to be with you, john this is "america reports" investigator saved a cross the border in 2021 which is a reoccurring trend as more instances of migrant crime pop up across this country. >> i don't want other parents who have lived this murder when kayla's murderer was found crossing the southwest border. >> he stole her life. he was in this country and in the state illegally. >> john: all of this comes as president biden will take to the podium next hour to roll out an executive action that will ultimately shield half a million illegal migrants from deportation.
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we will get senator josh hawley's thoughts on that. >> sandra: fox coverage starts now with new details on biden's new batch of exec of actions. >> john: but the brand-new migrant arrest in new york city that nypd is talking about. eric? >> that news conference breaking just now an illegal immigrant from ecuador arrested are branded under arrest suspected of sexually assaulting as you said a teenage girl in a new york city park last week. a police source says this photo shows 25-year-old christian giovanni ingolande after they recognize them from wanted posters. they pounce on him and he is accused of threatening two teens a girl and a boy both 13 years old after pulling a machete style knife and then forcing them into a secluded area of the woods in a park in the new york city borough of queens. that is where police say he used
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a shoe lace to bound their hands together before landing allegedly sexually assaulting the young girl. despite the dramatic experience the teens were able to describe this distinctive animal tattoo that you can see in the police sketch they described to the police sketch artist. that tattoo seems to match the animal tattoo seen on landy's chest. officer say he lives in a nearby it meant shelter and across the border in texas in 2021. many has an arrest record from low-level offenses republican candidate mark scott brown is calling for a migrant crime task force he says that is needed to focus on illegals. >> we are talking about people who have committed drug crimes, people who are here illegally we should be scrutinizing what they do. you are right we scrutinize mobsters and we scrutinized
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others but not enough. we need to start scrutinizing the recidivists more and more and more we will stop the crime. >> the police are praising the team victims for having the state of mind and the composure to describe different elements they saw, that tattoo and other details for crime from police that suspect in custody has been processed. the news conference ongoing john, back to you. >> john: eric shawn leading us out thank you, sandra? >> sandra: getting in for that now on the migrant arrested in broad daylight assault of that 13-year-old girl that is the chief of the detectives on the ongoing investigation we will see if we can pick up some more details from joe can you hear listen. >> district attorney's office charges are going to be as follows. for the female victim raping, sexual abuse, endangering the welfare of a child and possession of a weapon.
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in the mail victim robbery in the first degree medicine, having a weapon, wrongful impressment, kidnapping, imprisonment and danger and welfare of a child. all the special victims thank you for your efforts to bringing this to a successful conclusion. they were local residents from that block there. like i said through social media through the help of you guys that picture was out there that sketch was plastered everywhere, everyone knew who we were looking for. we had tips coming in actually naming the perpetrator. they knew who he was and they saw him on the street they tried to detain him, they called 911, he began to fight back as the community was trying to retain him and he suffered some minor injuries while the community was holding in. we don't have confirmation of that we are hearing that
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possibly they may have used a belt to hold his feet together to keep him from running away. he has been bouncing around a little bit we know he entered the country from ecuador through texas through eagle pass, texas, back in june 25th of 2021. one of the tips we actually received from a landlord stated the mail had come to his building about two weeks previous trying to rent a room. we are pulling video to ascertain that i saw there were at least ten neighborhood people trying to do the right thing. the dna is still being processed when he did come in the country
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the federal government didn't take dna from him at the border so that is still being worked on. we are still processing our evidence to match that of wendy across the board he was with a 3-year-old child. don't know. >> one red bandanna was recovered from the scene and that is being processed at the lab still. as of right now they can come forward. >> obviously a lot of the tips that came in lead to the arrest of this migrant who has now been busted in the rape of a 13-year-old girl, the charges are on top with kidnapping,
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possession of a weapon, this is really, really bad, scary stuff that happened. the ongoing efforts in this investigation obviously the details are still coming out. >> john: what i thought was really interesting was the people in the neighborhood knew who this person was and when they saw him out there in the streets they took it upon themselves to restrain him even using a belt to tie him up at the ankles. while they waited for the police to come and get him. we will keep following that and bringing more news as it happens meanwhile this afternoon we are expecting president biden to make a major immigration announcement on the occasion of the 12th anniversary of the dock program the so-called dreamers program. a spring in josh hawley republican senator on the homeland security committee what the president will announce this afternoon is as follows. what effectively amounts to amnesty for some 550,000 people will put it up on the screen this is 500,000 spouses who are in this nation illegally but married to an american citizen.
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and 50,000 illegal immigrants stepchildren, what do you stay about this program? >> totally illegal, john, he does not have the authority to do this. has once again again violating the law. he is giving amnesty to at least half a million could be up to a million people, john this is after he has allowed in 9000000-10000000 illegals across the board or in three years and now he is granting illegal amnesty? this guy is totally out of control it's completely lawless. >> john: already laws on the books that handle this immigration coming in the country illegally and marrying someone who is an american citizen in order to qualify for green card status they need to return to their home country and apply for a visa. here is what chad will set about the program, listen here. >> if there is already prevention and immigration law that allows illegal aliens spouses who are married to u.s. citizens to cure their unlawful presence in the u.s. there is already a process in place so this exact of action is actually unnecessary. i think it is more for a
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headline and more for the president to show perhaps the left wing of his party he is doing something to help illegal aliens. >> john: to be eligible you have to have been in the country for ten years but most people would be eligible that are here for more than two decades and i guess promote length of this law say why make them go back to their home country to apply for a visa, why not just let them have i guess what is called polling place? >> this is exactly what biden is trying to do he is trying to alter the law we should be clear he is trying to skip the steps. the law says you have to go through certain process. you have to follow this legal procedure to have the ability to stay here but he says no, we will waive all of that aside. you can stay and why do it? the answer is it's another sop to his liberal base and the pro-amnesty crowd this is the most pro-amnesty open borders present in america's history and the lawlessness he will not enforce our laws. he won't close the border.
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he won't give ice or border patrols the resources they need and now granting mass amnesty it's outrageous. >> john: that announcement in the minutes ahead i wanted to ask you about some thing that happened this morning and that is the senate hearing on the origin of covid. you and chilean virologist robert gary went a couple of rounds with each other on the fact that the research he was involved with which was the paper called the proximal origin of covid which nailed it as natural origin and not a lab leak theory was used to censor people who suggested maybe it came from my lab. let's play that exchange here. >> do you regret the fact that your "work" was used too censor your fellow scientists? it was used to censor ordinary americans who ask questions about the virus do you regret that? >> when you write a paper i mean you get it in the journal we can't control that happens. >> you are not responsible at all. it's amazing nobody who was involved in any of this is responsible.
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never they are not responsible peer people have lost their jobs, do you stand by your assertion and your nature piece that sarris covid two is not a laboratory construct? >> we did and that is exactly the same -- >> couldn't possibly be. >> does the same conclusion the intelligence community came to. >> that's a lie let's stop right there. that is a lie. >> john: fiery exchange there, senator. and he did not accurately reflect the belief of at least a couple of the intelligence agencies including the fbi who are leaning toward a lab leak theory. >> and have for years, john. for years now key components of our government have assessed this came -- covid came from a lab leak and this guy knows that he worked for frau to come he knows that. he is still lying about it. he is under oath here he is under oath in the american public saying no, no, no that's all a conspiracy, what a total bald-faced lie. these people push this
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propaganda. the worst part is the censorship. you ask a question they wouldn't let you report on it if you post something on social media that kicked you off, people lost their jobs because of this and they are still lying about it it is unbelievable. there should be consequences. people like him should not have their jobs or the government should not have their pensions they ought to be held accountable. to be on taking some heat for reporting that people were talking about a lab leak theory in the spring of 2020 anthony fauci now is saying he is keeping an open mind about all possibilities. senator, good to talk to we appreciate you taking the time. so the problem is, sandra, are we ever really going to know? because you do have some intelligence agencies who are saying we think it was natural origin, but the department of energy says lab leak, fbi leans toward lab leak, we may never know as dr. fauci says although i thought he would be a little more curious. >> sandra: that has been the point all along, right? why dismiss anything before we
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know factually what happened. senator rand paul will have a lot to say he would join us live coming up on this program. >> john: looking forward to that ahead now this. >> people were hurting and what did he do right before the election? releases oil from the petroleum reserve, gas prices fell a little bit. >> sandra: that was senator ted cruz teeing off the release of oil from the nation's emergency supply just in time for the 2020 midterm elections. is the administration preparing to do this again to boost biden's reelection chances for the presidency? steve short joins us on that. >> john: and justin timberlake lands in trouble with the law during a visit to the hamptons. what the singer is accused of doing. plaque psoriasis. thanks to skyrizi i'm playing with clearer skin. 3 out of 4 people achieved 90% clearer skin at 4 months. and skyrizi is just 4 doses a year after 2 starter doses. serious allergic reactions and an increased risk of infections or a lower ability to fight them may occur.
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>> sandra: atop biden energy advisor says they could turn on the tap to reduce stomach release more oil from the emergency supply in the coming months, why? combat rising prices very triple-a report and the average for a ton of gasoline is at $3.44 a gallon which is down $0.15 from a month ago and $0.13 from a year ago but we are still way above prices when biden took office. a gallon of gas in january 2021 was $2.39 a gallon steve forbes is here at forbes media, always enjoy the conversation with you, steve, let's talk about this. this is the spr the emergency oil reserves in this country and under biden we have seen them completed. the right is making the case that he is using this as a tool to bring down gas prices when it
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is politically convenient rather than just pumping more oil and refining more of it into gasoline. what say you? >> i mean i am shocked to see gambling in the joint -- so yes, it is absolutely political and its amazing they criticize donald trump when he wanted to fill up the petroleum reserves. >> sandra: bailing out big energy companies. >> and prices were cheap so no matter what he does it's always wrong. if he does a this bailout he is ripping on the taxpayer but the thing is here of course it will do it. and they went to venezuela a nice regime there they are helping to support, iran they have lifted the embargo or quarantine they have against iran so why not do it here? production amazingly is up but the only reason it is up is because of the private sector. the government is doing everything they can to thwart it including setting natural gas to europe and making them more dependent on the bottom of
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>> sandra: this isn't us just speculating they may go this route i had put election day but he really has the ear of the president but one of his closest advisors on energy said this. presses at the pump are still "too high for many americans and he also said "we will do everything we can to make sure the market is supplied well enough for american consumers" he says i think we have enough in the spr if it is necessary. so there is the indication they may go this route. there is no indication it's to go with jerome moore or produce more to bring the prices down but the energy picture in this as of overall energy price increases of 35% paid gasoline prices of 40% considering when they come down a little bit from the highs under this president. electricity prices are up,
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utility prices are up double digits there's really nowhere to run and nowhere to hide so what is the risk of using the spr to bring prices down? >> the risk is what if we have an emergency or a war in the middle east? oil production and shipping is distracted? the cat's-paw are already disrupting shifting so that's not hypothetical that's our thing that can happen and where does that leave us? vulnerable. >> sandra: does exactly the case. you mentioned when the republicans under trump wanted to bring more oil to fill up the reserves, right? i think trump tried to do that at $24 a barrel and they said no, no, no that's a bailout of big oil they say fill out the spr at these levels so what would it mean if we are willing to look at the last oil price go fill it up at $80 a barrel? that's what it's at today. >> this is why the american people don't buy biden's thing everything is glorious out there
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that's why the inflation numbers you get are an inaccurate reflection of how it is impacting people. retail sales not very good the last report. people are starting to pull back. the money they got from the kofi cockburn release funds have run out. they're not getting the raises they need and millions of people are taking part time jobs not they want to but out of necessity. >> sandra: let me pick your brain on the politics of this because we are reporting on the perilous environment we have now because of the immigration policy and we saw that as a number one issue for voters in the primaries as we head toward election day. do you believe the economy will once again be the biggest priority for americans as we see these prices are still sky-high? >> the american people know whatever numbers you want on it monthly basis things are not as good as they work when donald trump was in charge before the kofi cockburn crisis and i think that will be a stark contrast if they have this debate in a few days.
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i don't think they will, but if they do it will be glaring. what were things like when donald trump was head of the economy? what was it like with joe biden and joe biden is talking about tax increases won't hit lower income people here it has with inflation. inflation is a hidden tax is a hidden sales tax hitting people who can afford the least. >> sandra: to your point we show cracks in the consumer as far as the spending report that is something we will certainly watch. thank you very much good to have you today. john? >> john: sent her concerns was growing unedited videos shall president biden apparent to loot foul look lost and confused at several events. katie pavlich up next in the white house's defense and whether that will end with voters. >> john: plus forma president trump a positivist campaign honing wisconsin bryan llenas standing by at a former president's rally leader this afternoon hey, bran. >> hey, sandor. formal president trump loss wisconsin by fewer than 21,000
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votes in 2020 after winning it in 2 2016 in just a couple of hours he will speak here in racine, wisconsin, a preview of what he is going to say and a preview of his debate prep ahead of the debate next week next. the good stuff — and you don't need a satellite dish? oh, i used to love doin' my business on those things! you're one sick pigeon. them dishes kept the rain off our beaks! we just have different priorities is all. satellite-free directv... never thought i'd see the day. well, our lifespans are quite short... stream directv without a satellite dish. i'm going to do this thing with my neck, just for a bit.
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neither is a blown weekend. with paycom, employees do their own payroll so you can fix problems before they become problems. - hmm! get paycom and make the unnecessary, unnecessary. - see you down the line. lead to we are waiting president biden's announcement that would or grant present done my permanent resident to over 100,000 residents that would protect spouses of citizens from being deported as we hear this from the border. >> i think you all have called this the cheaper fakes video and that is exactly what they are they are cheap fakes video they are done in bad faith. it tells you everything that we need to know. about how desperate republicans are here. instead of talking about the president's performance in
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office and what i mean by that is his legislative wins what he has been able to do the american people across the country we are seeing these deepfakes comedies manipulated videos. >> john: that was yesterday white house practiced stomach press secretary karine jean-pierre dismissing what she called "cheap fake" clips of president biden even though unedited video show the president appearing to be lost, frozen, and confused at a number of events a spring in fox news contributor katie pavlich who also serves as editor for now she didn't say these were selectively edited clips that only showed joe biden and joe biden walking away at the end and missed where he was shaking hands with people or people who said he was about to sit in a invisible chair when there was one behind him she said they were manipulated videos. like this video from the weekend when he and obama were at this massive fund-raiser and obama grabbed him by the cough and said it time to go. >> she is trying to argue this
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is fake. what you are seeing is not happening. these are about as fake as the hunter biden laptop. they are real, people can see for themselves what they are. i noticed that the media was trying to help her in her argument to help this cheap fake argument with what is going on with the president but this is not an isolated incident as they are trying to claim. you of course have the special counsel investigation report in february not charging the president as a result of them saying he had a core memory and couldn't remember basic things -- >> john: we are not allowed to actually hear that. >> they are not releasing that audio. >> john: someone may use it to make a deepfake. >> that's what they claim so that will not release audio of that it'd tell mike interview. we have this "wall street journal" article that says behind the scenes as the white house tries to say behind the he is full of vigor, he is not the same person as he was ten years ago. he has not been made available to the white house press core to take a cognitive test. the white house is not made the
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white house physician for questioning over and over and over again so why they try to say it isn't happening they are not doing certain things they could to mitigate this issue. >> clearly that is an entire video as it was shot there is nothing manipulated about that. you saw clearly obama grabs him by the wrist and turned to him and goes out of his hand on his back and then this at the juneteenth concert everyone is grooving to the music and he is sitting there. williams put it down to him being an "old white guy" and why would he move when there's music playing but this has not been manipulated that out all. >> it has not been manipulated but i think the key is we have to remember a year ago the biden administration was ordered by a judge to stop contacting social media companies and demanding censorship of this kind of information. if the judge had not told him to stop that content they would still be pressuring platforms like twitter, x, youtube, facebook to take this true
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information down. you have to think in the context of the background and was the white house was doing for two years while president biden was in office. this is something they would demand to be removed and with what people are thinking she blames this on republicans that this narrative is out there. this is a top concern for vo voters. showing up in poll after poll as something people are concerned about. >> when you see video like this taken when there is a skydiving exhibition plate of the flags at the g7, biden is here with everybody and he wanders away. off camera clearly somebody had landed on the ground and he gave him a thumbs up but the italian prime minister comes over and grabs him and says oh, no we are back over here. you need to turn your attention this way but it could have been an honest thing where he was looking at the skydiving and was very interested but he just keeps feeding the same narrative that he needs to be directed on where to go and what is up. >> if you continue the video after the prime minister of
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italy pulls him back over, it gets even stranger. the white house is trying to manage a set of bad facts here and the issue of trying to claim that this is a republican narrative they don't want people to see this and believe what they are doing but again the white house has some options here. they can make the president more available for additional press conferences, he is unavailable to us. >> john: why would they do that? >> they can put the white house out to answer questions he will have and not just the press corps but the american people when you talk to posters about what they are making. >> john: but when you say my husband is about the same age as the other guy we won't play what she said but you talk for longevity, right? both biden and trump have longevity in their family tree like joe biden sr. lived to be 86 years old his mother, jean biden lived to be 92 years old conversely. donald trump's father, fred love to be 93 and his mother, mary lived to be 88 so there should have some time to go but
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chronological age can sometimes be a much different thing than cognitive age. >> and the white house and joe biden try to make the point they are very similar in age. voters are capable of looking at that saying they may be similar in age but how are they similar in terms of campaigning and their cognitive abilities to handle the office of president? is joe biden up for second term and is president trump available for a second term as commander in chief and there are grave concerns not just people are watching but what enemies are watching over the world when you have to have our allies pulling the president back in the fray and participating in that event. >> john: a lot to consider when the balloting starts. >> sooner than we know coming fast. >> john: in september. >> sandra: resident trump campaign is keying in on swing states he nearly lost in 2020 but they are focusing on wisconsin as the polls show he
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and joe are neck and neck in this year's race bryan llenas is here live in racing for us brian, what is the former president expected to talk about in this rally today? >> sandra 4:00 p.m. eastern the former president will speak here at this rally and we expect him to potentially make his first comments on president biden's latest immigration and executive action we also expect him to talk about law and order, his campaign highlighting the fact there are 13,000 police officers statewide or a record low and of course we expect him to talk about inflation particularly highlighted those gas prices the trump campaign really wanted to make a point here that gas prices are more than a dollar more per gallon then they were here in wisconsin in january of 2021 when biden took office about $3.28 a gallon according to aaa. no look, all consumer products when you take the food come the
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shelter, energy, transportation things are about 20% more expensive in the midwest since biden took office. voters who came out for this rally tell us immigration and inflation are the most important issues for us. >> and mostly the border and the economy is bad i mean inflation is terrible. i see families trying to feed their kids and it's hard. >> the prices, everything has gone up in price. i'm a retired schoolteacher and i am blowing through my savings just trying to keep up. food, electric, gas for my home heating, everything is incr increased. >> so many seniors are on fixed incomes they are more than a million seniors in wisconsin making up 20% of the state's population. first lady joe biden launched a national seniors campaign in wisconsin last week, they are
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clearly aware the older voters could make all the difference this election given that the polls are showing younger voters flocking to trump in numbers we really have not seen. and a marist poll out today of registered voters shows trump and biden tied with young voters under 45 and trump is up at one point with voters over 45. that same shows them tied 49-49 nationally and here in wisconsin biden needs to make big waves with big voter turnout in milwaukee were democrats have bought ten billboards highlighting closed-door comments from president trump made the republicans calling milwaukee a "horrible city" trump clarified those later with fox. >> i think is very clear what i meant i so we were very concerned with crime, i love milwaukee i have great friends in milwaukee but i was referring to also the election the ballots the way it went down was very bad in milwaukee, very, very b bad. >> of course the republican
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national convention would be held in milwaukee next month and by the way politico is saying the former president is preparing for the first debate next week as soon as early this month and he has not been doing the formal mock debate preps he is instead having informal policy discussions with advisors and even senators like ohio sender j.d. vance who is on the list for potential vp pick. center? >> sandra: bryan llenas, thank you. spewing beautiful day in racing, president biden's rewrite of title ix hits a brick wall after a judge holds its enforcement and six more states. early gains and attorney general jason mraz are coming up plus this. >> our kids are telling us on the surveys they are telling us nearly half of them feel social media makes it worse the feeling about their body image. >> the surgeon general's warning about the effects of social media in our children suggesting mental health warnings in the use of social media.
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dr. marc siegel spoke with surgeon general he will join us on that live next. scanning the news, and watching their spending. good vision is more important than ever, but so especially now is saving. that's why america's best includes a free eye exam when you buy two pairs of glasses for just $79.95, that's a savings of at least sixty nine bucks. two pairs for $79.95. includes a free exam. that's not just a better deal, it's america's best. book an exam online today at america's ann, you're on mute. here's to getting better with age. here's to beating these two every thursday. help fuel today with boost high protein, complete nutrition you need... ...without the stuff you don't. so, here's to now. boost. the tempur-pedic breeze makes sleep feel cool. so, no more sweating all night... or blasting the air conditioning. because the tempur-breeze feels up to 10° cooler, all night long. during our july 4th sale, save $500 on cooling
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>> yes, there are a number that say the issue is complex but i believe firmly in america we can do hard things. we can take on complex issues. what is at stake is the health and well-being of our children we should absolutely do that. >> sandra: the u.s. surgeon general earlier on his push for health warnings on social media platforms. let's bring in dr. marc siegel professor of medicine at nyu medical center also a fox news contributor. a medical contribute or i should say, great to have you. this is something everyone's worried about. this is something everyone is talking about, but no one knows what to do. i mean, parents everywhere are dealing with this.
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do you agree? should there be mental health warnings when it comes to using social media platforms? >> sandra, i do agree that it should be set up with a digital warning if it is beyond a certain amount. in other words, overuse and that is what he is talking about. he is talking about going to congress with that. he is a surgeon general 60 years after the cigarette warnings came out from congress which the surgeon general, terry at that time, in 1964, urged and that it has led to a tremendous decrease in cigarette use. get if thing here that is really important is the surgeon general has two young children. you have children and i have children a six and a 7-year-old and he was very disturbed when his daughter came home from preschool and says how do i put this picture up on social media, he went over the country talking to parents and talking to children and he is convinced that parents are up in arms at the connection between
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social media and their growing mental health crisis in this country. and then he says how our parents -- he said this to me yesterday, how are parent supposed to fight back against product engineers? right? against all of this business that goes into making social media so attractive. it's an unfair fight and that's what he wants the warnings. that's what he wants the companies to pony up health data they may have two make the connection stronger because you put out the advisor a year ago he has reached the point he is positive he has reached between the growing anxiety and depression among teens and i agree with him. >> sandra: what i hear in high school and in school such a big problem at the public schools where they don't have really a tried and true method yet for restraining the cell phone use of kids in the hallways of the classroom. there is rampant use. the teacher sort of feel like their hands are tied there's not a lot they can do about it but it is kids in the hallways and
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in the classrooms and they are on their cell phones. that is where the parents can't be looking over their shoulder and knowing what they are on or what social media platform they are on where you send your kids to the front house even even at your house it's not allowed but they may have access to it there if they go there. to your point flashbacks of the surgeon general terry in 1964 and think about the impact this report had on smoking and health, listen. >> in this relationship between cigarette smoking and health was with lung cancer there was a very strong relationship and probably a causal relationship between heart disease and cigarette smoke. >> sandra: it's funny too when you are on social media there are all of these looked back set time and how crazy things were and there was an ashtray at every single seat on the airplane that people smoke and they didn't know the harms it was doing to their health even secondhand smoke. but then we learned and the warnings were out there and there has been a significant
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scale back in people smoking in this country. dr. siegel, can we do this with social media too and is it that bad for our mental health? what are you hearing and seeing? >> i am hearing it's not bad for our mental health there is a statistic you didn't mention which is what got the surgeon general going. 40% of kids 8-12 are using it. not even teens, preteens, 8-12 regularly 40% and he made a point. he has made this point and so a buy and so about violence or sexuality about bullying but he made a really good point to me yesterday that i haven't heard. what about replacement, you're supposed to be learning math and reading and socialization. instead you are buying into whatever tiktok and facebook are telling you and you are not learning that. >> sandra: it was a very important interview a podcast you did let's play this sound bite because it was cut from it, listen. >> the drain on their time is
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really profound. right now as of last summer the average amount of use of social media wrong teens was 4.8 hours. that's almost five hours a day. so think about what are you not doing if you are spending five hours a day on social media. for many kids that means you are sleeping less, you are spending less time in person with others and building social skills for in person interaction, it also is compromising physical activity. >> sandra: five hours a day? i mean how can you have time for anything else? final thought, dr. siegel. >> i think i agree the point he has made. you talked about schools, i don't think you should be bringing your cell phones into the classroom and at home, our dinner table should not have iphones. it should not be parents and kids alike all looking at their iphones. how about we look at each other for a change? >> sandra: such an interesting point. i think we were being honest all of us and i think the work for so many of us we are on there
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but a lot of us probably hope we can scale back on our youth and our looking at it. and maybe the kids feel the same. maybe they just like the extra push to scale back a little bit. thank you very much, dr. siegel. appreciate the conversation. >> great to be with you, sandra, thank you. >> john: we are having that very argument in our home. justin timberlake arrested and held overnight and are released on his own recognizance after his arraignment. why cops stop the prince of pop and what he told the officers. >> sandra: what a story and bring new information coming out of that one. meanwhile president biden marking the 12 anniversary of dacra as he announces new actions to protect half a million immigrants who are here illegally from deportation we will get a reaction from chief chris clem who will join us live coming up my name is caron and i'm from brooklyn. i work for the city of new york as a police administrator. i oversee approximately 20 people and my memory just has to be sharp.
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♪ ♪ [sfx] water lapping. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ [sfx] water splashing. ♪ ♪ [sfx] ambient / laughing. ♪ ♪
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jonathan? >> hey, the rest of justin timberlake was confirmed to us early this morning by the suffolk county d.a.'s office on new york's long island and within hours timberlake appeared in court charged with one count of driving while intoxicated. incited for failure to keep right and failure to stop at a stop sign. the arrest happened in sag harbor, that's a waterfront town about 100 miles east of new york city periods popular with wealthy celebrities. timberlake had reportedly just left a hotel there when he was pulled over and according to court documents police officers said they smelled alcohol on his breath. timberlake apparently told the officers he had one martini and he refused to take a chemical test. the singer who of course is so well known for his dance moves then failed a fields of writing test when asked to do a one leg and stand and a walk and turn. tmz also reports that friends of
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timberlake tried to intervene with police officers, but they refused to let the star go. instead they handcuffed and arrested him and tmz says the entire incident was caught on police body can. we may well see that in the future. timberlake is currently between dates on his forget tomorrow world tour who last performed in miami on saturday is due to play two shows in chicago and this weekend the two in new york's at madison square garden next week. next court date july 26th and is due to perform in poland three days later as part of the world to. >> john: i would hazard a guess the chances of that body cam coming out are directly proportional to any resistance that justin timberlake or his team has for these charges. thank you. >> more on that next hour meanwhile are we getting any closer to determining how kofi cockburn came from? rand paul has been center of the ongoing investigations he has an
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