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tv   America Reports  FOX News  June 18, 2024 11:00am-12:00pm PDT

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♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ >> sandra: there have been many a series of unedited videos like you just saw and are seeing right here sparking concerns about the health and mental acuity as the president campaigned for a second term as president but they are going after the people who are reporting on it. hello and welcome everyone i am
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sandra smith in new york and they showed that defense of the president during the white house press briefing at this time yesterday, john. >> john: if you don't like the message blame the messenger that's all they play politics. i am john roberts in washington this is a "america reports" accusing many outlets of deceptively editing some clips and claiming what americans are seen with their own eyes like this. isn't real. >> just because you are standing up listening to music and not dancing that is not a health issue. let's not forget president obama, president biden have a relationship. they are friends. they are like family to each other. and i think that is what you saw. the president walked over to give a thumbs up to divers who had just landed right in front of him. if you run that table a bit longer you see what was happening and what the president was actually doing and it's a cheap fake. >> john: with the latest tactic resonate with voters? we will ask ahead.
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>> the propaganda involved in the origins of covid-19 is astounding to me. >> this circumstantial evidence is strong this is a man-made virus and probably leaked from a lab. >> like the hunter biden laptop destroyed that expert said it was disinformation. >> whether it was a wet market or the wuhan lab china is to blame. >> sandra: >> john: chat has the latest, chad? >> john, good afternoon. there was a time when talk about
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a lab leak was dismissed as a conspiracy theory that senators probed deeper today. there are questions about a paper published in the magazine "nature" it dismissed the theory that the virus started in the lab. >> when you write a paper you get it in the journal. we can't control what happens. >> so you are not responsible at all. it's amazing, nobody who was involved in any of this is responsible. never! are so many of your other papers retracted or subjected to formal expressions of concern? four of them, right? >> they were not from my lab. >> they are not europe's? >> they are not mine. >> gary and others wrote they did not think a lab could generate copan covid-19. they argued the virus came via a spillover from animals to humans. gary and his colleagues scored criticism for his article about paris origins from other scientists at the hearing. >> this is the most egregious form of scientific misconduct.
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publishing a paper you know the conclusions are untrue. >> the emails themselves are unbelievably incriminating. they wrote one thing and said the other with an article quoted 1500 times as it said destroy people's careers. >> there is debate whether major media organizations and the government suppressed the lab leak theory. dr. anthony fauci did not testify at the hearing but now fauci is not ruling out the possibility that the virus turned in a lab. >> we don't know what the origin is i keep a completely open mind. >> rand paul has long been suspected and what sparked the pandemic he says what finding the answers to copan code is "one of the most debated questions of our time." john? >> john: chad pergram with the
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latest from capitol hill on t that. now to sam. >> let's bring in rand paul ranking member of the senate homeland security committee. senator, great to have you here. i couldn't help but wonder what was going through your mind. one dr. anthony fauci says he keeps an open mind on the origins of covid. >> i figured that would be one more lie because he was never open-minded about this. it's crazy and it came from animals and then he quoted this paper from proximal origins in nature but he helped write the article and he never told anybody he was part of the planning stages for it, but the people who wrote this journal article proximal origins all of them were privately emailing each other saying man, this looks like it came to the lab and it looks like the virus had been manipulative and the public saying the opposite. there has never been an exposure of democracy to this level and i
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was amazed one of the authors showed up today because it was pointed out to him that he was saying in private that he thought it came to a lab one saying it in public and concluding in a scientific article in fact he says this is not a luxury construct and i made the point that scientists don't typically speak that way. they speak in odds and ratios and likelihood. they don't usually just adamantly say something cannot be true. particularly in this case when we are looking at circumstantial evidence but all the evidence lies on one side that it came from aloud and there is no evidence it came from animals. not 100% certain but it's all circumstantial but there is a plethora of evidence saying it came from a lab. >> sandra: there have been some fireworks in the room for sure. i want to get your reaction to this moment with one of the doctors accusing him of scientific misconduct over this paper claiming no evidence, senator, of a lab leak.
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listen. >> the authors knew at that time contemporaneously while writing the papers submitting the paper and publishing the paper were untrue. this is the most egregious form of scientific misconduct. publishing a paper where you know the conclusions are untrue. >> there is no fraud. yes indeed some of the authors change their mind during the course of writing that paper over a period of weeks. that is not fraud, sir. that is the way the scientific method works. >> sandra: watch of the american public think of that? >> what they should know is whether the scientists who are publicly saying there is no way it came from the lab were simultaneously saying in private in emails back and forth to each other that this genetic sequence of this virus was inconsistent with natural evolutionary theory. with the expectations of natural evolutionary theory. they did not think it was
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consistent with nature and at the same time they were saying the opposite. so yes, that is scientific fraud. and i think he was caught pretty much dead to rights on that. i was kind of surprised democrats brought them in because was still saying things that had been largely debunked. speeches senator i wanted to finally get your thought on this, dr. anthony fauci sitting down for a new interview on cbs morning show. and he talked about the mistakes from the pandemic. listen. >> essentially major social distancing in schools was the right thing. how long you kept it was the problem. i kept on saying close the bars open the schools. open the schools as quickly and as safely as you possibly can. but initially to close it down was correct. >> not talking about initially. >> keeping it for a year was not a good idea. >> so we will not repeat it? >> correct. >> sandra: for all of us who had little kids at that time, we know the message was closed on
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the schools and he stood by t that. >> i wrote a book "deception" and we quote didn't, anthony fauci 26 different times 13 times in favor of closing schools, 13 times often in the same day to open the schools. so he was on both sides. he wanted detention, he wanted to please everyone and if people said it was dangerous he wanted to assure them he knew it was dangerous also and people said the government was going too far he wanted them to like him too but he was all over the map on both sides of every issue but he never was forthright with his goals. i tried an committee of 2020 showing the data that showed the kids were not dying from this, the kids were not being infected all over europe. that sweden was doing fine with the schools open and he would not listen. he was too cool-headed and he said my way or the highway. it's a consequence many, many kids lost a year or two ago of education and some kids from poor less functional families actually were just lost completely to the covid
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lockdowns. >> sandra: i mean really important that we work through the mistakes or god forbid we have to go through any of this again, great to have you, senator think of coming on today. >> thank you. >> sandra: interesting admission from dr. fauci that it was a mistake in retrospect to shut down the schools. he is saying he was saying close the bars close the restaurant open the schools but it was a question how long it took to say that in what capacity we got the kids back in the school for those of us who had a kindergartner at a time they were masked and sitting very far apart and a lot of times not even into the classroom. >> john: it all seems like a bad dream now, doesn't it? all the stuff we were told not to be true like the arbitrary 6-foot distancing there was never any scientific evidence behind that it was just somebody's gas, member putting a plexiglas in restaurants and on school desks come of that didn't work either. and the masking thing unless you had an letter and 95 mask you may have just been out there in the open.
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goodness gracious. >> sandra: still some of those outdoor bubble restaurants all over new york city. that they put up in the middle of the street. >> john: i am still seeing people driving alone in their cars wearing a mask. >> sandra: that is boggling. >> john: i still can't figure that out periods if you can figure this out, justin timberlake may be the one crying a river why the star spent his tuesday morning in a new york state courtroom. >> sandra: plus a major win in the fight for fairness in women's sports, the attorney general are standing by together to react. >> for 50 years title ix has allowed girls to compete to xl to get college scholarships. to learn about team building. and to develop the skills that will help them all of theirmy live fs. because i know so many of you have served our country honorably. one of the benefits that we as a country give you as a veteran
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>> sandra: fox news alert as we look at the stock market the dow is under 1700 still when measured by the s&p 500 any game today will be a new record high for the s&p from the broader u.s. stock market. the nasdaq also on track for a seventh straight record close that's the technology heavy nasdaq. so there's quite a rally because of weaker than expected economic data that retail sales we talked about with steve forbes that are weaker than expected read on retail sales is boosting hopes for a fed rate cut hoping the interest rates may come down so the market is playing that end right now the dow is up 5 and s&p and nasdaq on the track for
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record closes. >> john: it's all hocus-pocus to me. a federal judge in kentucky temporarily blocks the new title ix role in six more states. let's bring in really gains independent ambassador and contributor jason mirrors the attorney general of the commonwealth of virginia. one of the states that prevailed in court. four states had already blocked the implementation of the new revised biden title ix and now virginia, tennessee, ohio, and west virginia added to that rarely come your reaction? >> this is a huge win. of course a huge win for women and girls but really it's a huge win for humanity and objective truth. i have been more hopeful these past few weeks than i have at any point these past two years i have so unapologetically and firmly taken this stand and it's because of people like attorney general marrows and scream eddy of tennessee the other four attorney general's
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and the other 8 attorney general is now ten states with this preliminary injunction issued to them. i feel very helpful i think the gender ideology house of cards is crumbling and crumbling fast. >> and critics say while title ix's original intent was to preserve opportunities for women in activities what the revised title ix under biden would be to preserve those opportunities for biological men which flies in the face of the original intent of timeline. >> writes, exactly. title ix for half a century has been the cornerstone of protecting women and education k-12 or college specifically it has been one of the pillars for protecting women's sports. the idea that biden would just not go through congress or have a radical new left-wing interpretation of title ix away it has never been interpreted for close to half a century was simply astonishing and that is
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why myself banded together with so many other ags in virginia like to say we are the people's protector in the attorney general's office saying that is protecting women's sports. we are very grateful for the court considering our legal arguments and we are glad to protect and preserve women's sports in k-12 and higher ed in virginia and other states. >> john: the issue with the chief judge in the eastern district of kentucky judge jenna rees of the following. "despite society's enduring recognition of the biological differences between the sexes as well as the respect for bodily privacy the final rule permits they led biological men and women spaces and women into men's within the educational environment based entirely on a person's subjective gender identity. this result is not only impossible to square with title ix but with the broader guarantee of education protection for all students." you have had, rally, experience
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in this intimate spaces issue when you were swimming against a leah thomas. for a woman what is that like? >> i think to put it in plain words it felt like betrayal. it it felt like an utter violation and truly it was traumatizing. and not even necessarily traumatizing because of what we were forced to see. a 6'4" man fully naked fully and tactfully exposing himself simultaneously inches away from where we were fully undressed but it was traumatizing for me to know just how easy it was for those people who created and enforced those policies to totally dismiss our rights to privacy without a second thought without bare minimum, john, forewarning us we would be sharing this changing space. that is what the biden administration, that's the message sent to two young girls such as myself. >> john: goodbye demonstration rewriting title ix left out the idea of guaranteeing access to
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transgender athletes they thougt was a real hot-button issue and if biden gets reelected to another four-year term do you think you lead that in? >> no question but the biden administration what they wrote so-called ""protection" for all activities like locker rooms and sporting events and to echo riley i have talked to some of these athletes and the word they kept bringing up to me was a sense of humiliation during one athlete shared she had to change any janitors closet because of a biological male in her locker room. and who will stand up for us she asked and we will have it give them their right to privacy and the ability to compete in women's sports. spoon also legislator trying to shut down those efforts we will see where it all go spirit attorney general jason, rally gains, good to see you thank you for joining us appreciated. >> good to see you, john.
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>> thank you. >> sandra: bring new pictures now of justin timberlake the pop star arrested and charged with a dwi overnight pulled over and refused to take a breathalyzer after a night out in one of the red sea towns in america. will bring in the associate director at the daily mail thank you for joining us. obviously no one wants to see this happen and we don't want to think people are out there driving while intoxicated but what we know happen with justin timberlake so far? >> we know justin was out to a boozy dinner with friends at an upscale hotel. he left the hotel and the dinner shortly after midnight and was pulled over by police not too long after that. however law enforcement officials said he was pulled over for a number of reasons. he is sent to a blown through a stop sign and police i'm swerving his car across the street he refused to take a
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breathalyzer test pair he was kept in a police cell overnight and taken to a courtroom this morning and handcuffed soy pretty humiliating moment for someone who was once one of pop's biggest stars. >> sandra: this is according to court papers published in the ap saying and i am reading directly his eyes were bloodshot and glassy a strong odor of a alcoholic beverage was emanating from his breath. he was unable to divide attention, he had slowed speech, he was unsteady afoot and performed poorly on all standardized field sobriety tests. that's what we know from the court papers. here is timberlake's lawyer saying "the charge was an single count because he refused the breath tests." he was also charged with two citations running a s stop sign and not in the correct traffic lanes has his lawyer. this was interesting according
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to page 6 on the arrest the police officer, the arresting police officer, was apparently too young to even recognize justin timberlake. i think justin is i don't know in his early 40s, 43 years old, he refused the breathalyzer test and the cop didn't recognize him saying we are told the cop who pulled to blake over he was so young he didn't know that ten time a grammy winner who he was. it will be interesting what they will say in the body can happen with these police. >> interest and they did follow him to the scene and asked the police officers to take it easy on him they pointed out who he was but as you said the police had no idea how famous justin is and that means he was treated like anyone other citizen put in cuffs and taken away. >> sandra: apparently there are more pictures starting to
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emerge of him actually cupped what we don't have them quite yet. certainly something everyone is talking about it was all over social media. could have your. we will update our viewers as we get more information. >> john: one and we think that justin timberlake would be too old to be identified by young folks. there are more concerns about biden's age and mental acuity what is the white house strategy to explain away the unflattering images and jason chaffetz has some thoughts about that coming up next. >> sandra: and breaking news out of boston the police they are saying there a statewide outage of 911. if you are experiencing an emergency they say pull a firebox and they have cops patrolling the streets because you can't call 911. we have brand-new information about this out of a massachusetts we will have that for you after the break.
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>> john: on capitol hill the outgoing of the boeing corporation dave calhoun is on the hot seat being grilled by senators over the problems boeing has been having. moments ago calhoun acknowledging boeing and that mcas in the maneuvering characteristics augmentation system on the boeing 737 max was greatly responsible for two horrific crashes at that aircraft after it came out of production. now senator rick blumenthal about whistle-blowers and retaliation against them. we will continue to watch this and bring you any news that comes out. center? >> currently the state 911 system is down and calls are not going there we have been in touch with the state and with all the relevant officials to work on getting this resolved but in the meantime obviously there are a number of bits of
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information we want to make sure the public has. >> sandra: massachusetts right now has a 91 outage that's the mayor telling what to do if you have an emergency. boston police right now are told they are asking residents if you need help to pull a firebox instead. what they are saying is if you are experiencing a emergency pull a firebox if you need assistance reach out to your local boston police district station. boston police will be patrolling with their blue lights activated i guess you can go wave them down and then there is an offer for other phone numbers if you need assistance on the road. this is just happening we are getting words of this we will bring you information on the statewide outage in massachusetts, what john? >> john: let's hope they get that taken care of quickly. the white house try to clear up unedited unflattering videos sparking more concern over biden's age and mental fitness now the white house is arguing the unflattering videos are
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being shown without context and have been manipulated. host of media buzz is here howie kurtz, let's replay what karine jean-pierre said about this yesterday because she is getting a lot of criticism let's listen here. >> i think you all have called this the cheap fakes video and nothing something what they are. they are jeeps fakes video they are done in bad faith. it tells you everything that we need to know. about how desperate republicans are here. instead of talking about the president's performance in office and what i mean by that is his legislative wins what he has been able to do for the american people across the country, we are seeing these deepfakes. these manipulated videos. >> john: and i mean there is spin and there is spin. deepfakes? many belated videos? we have not shown any deepfakes or manipulative videos. >> an unusually aggressive karine jean-pierre following an unusually aggressive energy of trying to muddy the waters here but let me say this first
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despite a couple of misleading headlines fox news has not shown any distorted video joe biden although some of its commentators who will pay for their opinions have talked about what they see as a mental decline. now "the new york post" owned by fox's intentional company follow the rnc up ozzfest lead showing a crop photo showing joe biden staring into space a few feet away you can see in the picture a few skydivers that landed there is some confliction going on here that anything you see no is manipulated by the media is false is fake is bogus and that is flat-out untrue. >> john: it would be to their advantage to plant the seed in people's minds that anytime we see joe biden looking like he is staring off in the space or not moving or being guided by a world leader that is fake. here is what you are saying a skydiver comes down and wanders over to give a thumbs up but giorgia meloni the italian prime minister is like no,
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mr. president, the attention needs to be over here. grabs him gently by the shoulder and says come on back. in much the same way barack obama did that at the big fund-raiser over the weekend. watch us here. ♪ ♪ he is basking in the glow of the applause but his former boss says time to go, joe. i think the biden campaign did not like this at all. he seems to be an older man and again is looking like obama is reinforcing you are the junior partner in this relationship. >> i find what barack obama did inexplicable because he knows the narrative built up around his former vice president and yet everything you saw was real. not one second was altered. he took biden by the hand and
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let them off the stage with his hand on his back. i'm sure the biden campaign is not happy about it but at what point when that happens nobody can spin it. also nothing was altered. and it seems to mean we can debate whether a couple moments earlier was biden frozen in confusion as some are saying or was he basking in the audience applause? at the same time to suggest anything like that is any unflattering video of joe biden that appears to show he is 81 years old this we all know. it has to be fake, has to be viewed stated it's a cheap fake but it may not be real fake. spew on the white house can say what it wants but we have the receipts. >> briefly the larger problem is you think the average voter is going to have time to go through all this? they see five seconds and they have lives and it's our job to
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try to sort this out. >> john: it is, great to see you, holly. >> sandra: jason chaffetz for discussion now from fox news contributor jason gray tabby have you on the program today. we have not heard this question pop up in the briefing room yet, that is still ongoing as a small health emergency at the white house everybody is fine we are told, but as how we just detailed it was a rather aggressive response from k.g. peak to a question about this in the briefing room. >> just because you are standing up listening to music and not dancing that is not a health issue. let's not forget president obama, president biden have a relationship they are friends they are like family to each other and that's what you said. the president walked over to give a thumbs up to divers and if you run that a little bit longer you would see what was happening with what the president was actually doing and it's a cheap fake. >> sandra: she had the ability
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to tell us what was happening and that is fine and people will make up what they will but perhaps it is a string of events like this that we have seen leading up to president obama quite clearly putting his hand on the current president and leading him offstage, jason. >> it's not common to go over to somebody and grab them by the wrist and start to leave them offstage the way he did. and look, in isolation may be they don't think it's a big deal. but is it a deepfake or a cheap fake that they had to move the president to the short stairs on air force one? or that as political reported they had to move staff to surround the president when he walks to and from marine one so he does not look like he is more frail? is it a deepfake that he falls down from time to time as resident of the united states or after the report he got up and refer to the president of mexico when he was talking or reading on a teleprompter when he was talking about a different world leader?
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why is it he -- why doesn't he do his own bidding? why doesn't he go over the cameras and start answering questions? he has not held a solo press conference and how long? i don't know he has done on this year. maybe he has, but we never see him do this or even answer his own questions because he seems incapable of it. that exacerbates the situation. >> sandra: one of the trends we have seen is when we see it is one question may be to and he leads us to believe the questions are prepared in advance. this was the ladies on "the view" on "the new york post" and that very parachute video here is joey behar's take. >> they cut the film a way they want. they put it out there like we know the post is a tabloid but on the cover of the times or will wall street post but i wanted to pick it up and start telling people this is fake, this is fake! >> sandra: what is fake?
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obviously as we detailed we are playing videos in their entirety in full, but the words that struck me yesterday when karine jean-pierre was coming to defense of the president was "manipulated." when we showed the video we are showing you the video. this is not manipulated. he was guided offstage by as an obama, and not manipulated. they could've been more clear in their criticism of the coverage go had final thought. >> wise of the prime minister obviously is concerned, she walks from the other side of the group all the way across to get the president's attention to turn him around. did you watch the full video? wise the prime ministers so concerned with the president is doing? obviously she had some concerns. >> sandra: we played out for the viewers to decide for themselves and we will likely hear from the president i should
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say we will come of the debate is coming up quickly next week. great to have you on. >> thanks. >> john: we will hear from them prior to that and about to mark the 12th anniversary of daca with more for immigration even though he said he has done all he can do. retired border patrol chief chris clem reacts to that end latest surge in migrant crime up next. and doug. (bell ringing) limu, someone needs to customize and save hundreds on car insurance with liberty mutual. let's fly! (inaudible sounds) chief! doug. (inaudible sounds) ooooo ah. (elevator doors opening) (inaudible sounds) i thought you were right behind me. only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty, liberty, liberty, ♪ ♪ liberty. ♪
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>> john: president biden about to announce new action that will potentially grant pathways to citizenship for hundreds of thousands of illegal immigrants. a move 12 years after his former boss president barack obama past
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daca delayed action for childhood arrivals. after the border appears wide open and migrants are streaming into the united states. chris clem is a retired border patrol chief in arizona and joins us now. this new rule that biden is talking about today would allow spouses of u.s. citizens who entered in this country illegally and are currently in the country still illegally to get legal status to give permanent rented stomach residency and get citizenship. here is what karine jean-pierre said about the program just a few minutes ago. speak of these measures will help keep american families together and allow more young people to contribute to our economy and our country. the biden-harris ms ration is committed to taking action within its authorities to secure our border and enter our immigration system is more fair and more just. >> john: chris, there is been a lot in place 11 years now and
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past the obama administration if someone is here legally married to a american citizen to get a waiver from the citizenship and immigration service as you back to your country of origin, go to the u.s. embassy coming to a interview and come back and have permanent residency status so why this change? why is this needed? >> it is not needed but it is political theater as we have come to expect over the last several weeks and months of this administration. look, to understand a federal judge ruled last september that daca is unlawful so it will be tied up in the courts. the fact they are still pushing this is a little ridiculous, but look. what k gp just said she says in securing the border that's my biggest problem is there is nothing done to secure the border. the executive action i think is setting up the stage for the new
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president and president trump is mentioned about deportations this is setting it up that they are not going to come over here and take your families again none of this is necessary. if you are married to a u.s. citizen and you have been in this country illegally for ten years and you have not made those appropriate steps it's a little ridiculous. this is who we come to find from this demonstration gaslighting who is going on and it does not help secure the border if nothing else it's a good talking point. >> john: here is what the numbers look like. the numbers of illegal spouses probably number somewhere around a half-million and the number of illegal immigrants stepchildren is about 50,000. critics say its immediate amnesty for more than a half million people. what do you say? >> i agree. its amnesty. they are exempt from removal. from the lawful process.
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they are giving them a status. i think fundamentally the people i talked to i don't think they disagree with doing something like this, however there is a lawful process you mentioned there's a law in place why are we allowing people to just violate the law? again this administration is normalizing bad behavior especially when it comes to illegal immigrants go back to daca again, fundamentally it's illegal, it should not of been happening but how do we help someone who is here right and as a child but these are adults now. there is no proper way to do it. why did they get a free pass? but i think they're trying to get points scored with the base with the independence and the democrats that may have left them and they are trying to act tough but this isn't tough it's just another way to sugarcoat a problem they have created. >> john: again the current
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process was codified in the obama administration. if you are illegal and married to an american citizen to get a waiver you go back to her home country you do an interview and then you come back. full status. as you pointed out, so many people chose not to do that. chris clem it's good to talk to you thank so much. >> you got it, thank you. >> sandra: live on capitol hill lawmakers demanding answers how boeing fixed its battered reputation will show how the ceo is responding next. here's to getting better with age. here's to beating these two every thursday. help fuel today with boost high protein, complete nutrition you need... ...without the stuff you don't. so, here's to now. boost. i'm not in perfect health but i want to stay in my home. i can do it with help from a prep cook, wardrobe assistant, and stylist. life's good. when you have a plan. ♪ ♪
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new. >> boeing ceo management, did you hear my daughter cry? i want them to answer and give us all the transparency and i want them to be held accountable for murdering 346 lives. >> martha: and emotional mother of a boeing crash victim seeking answers as -- that is ongoing. lawmakers are pressing him over boeing's tarnished safety culture agreement hello everyone is on this, she's live on capitol hill. what are we hearing? >> the ceo is here and capitol hill capitol hill after a weaver whistleblower allegations are watching over boeing. several whistleblowers
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testifying to that boring safety culture is not just broken in some ways it's designed to deceive current boring employee says a mohawk who -- with the 737 max is made dissolves -- "alleging that boeing is improperly documenting tracking and storing parts that are damaged or otherwise out of specification and that those parts are likely being installed on airplanes." in fact he's been threatened with termination. these are telling alleg allegations. >> today calhoun promise to do better. >> much has been said about boeing's culture.
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we heard those concerns loud and clear permit our culture is far from perfect but we are taking action and we are making progress. >> today that senator blumenthal said that what calhoun had to take on those promises that are highly aspirational and very big. >> martha: >> sandra: will reeve on with the very latest on that hearing. thank you. we'll be right back. >> ♪ ♪ or blasting the air conditioning. because the tempur-breeze feels up to 10° cooler, all night long. during our july 4th sale, save $500 on cooling tempur-breeze mattresses. remember space? and legroom? (♪) that's more like it. the three-row lexus tx. (♪)
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>> ♪ ♪ >> john: is this just in fox news alert congestion from the look in handcuffs at the -- arraignment on dui charges. sandra are in the big one for his plans. >> sandra: i think one of the headlines wrote, "that is really bad hangover." is working to early not good day. that does it for us, thank you for joining us. i'm sandra smith. >> john: i'm john roberts. i'm going on vacation for a bit so i'll see you soon. the story with joh


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