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tv   Jesse Watters Primetime  FOX News  June 18, 2024 5:00pm-6:01pm PDT

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become a litmus test in san fran. >> you are at the debate last weekend current name any drag queens on your own. this is an opportunity to redeem yourself. and if you could name 3 lgbtq advisors for your campaign and 3 drag queens in san francisco. >> this is why it costs more money to get a u-haul out of san francisco then it does to move in. what does it solve, you know, crime is bad what does it solve by saying i know cinnabon's? nothing. naming drag queens doesn't get crime under control or lower taxes. it doesn't bring back businesses. >> i was going to see if jimmy knew any drag queen names but we will end at that at that. jesse is next. >> jesse: welcome to jesse
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watters primetime. tonight. >> another biden migrant arrested for the savage murder of innocent woman rachel moran. if i was president he would never be able to come in. >> mom of 5 murdered by an illegal. joe biden's solution more amnesty. rachel moran's brother is here. >> no reasonable person could not know it's misleading. we've expanded far out from just deepfakes or cheap fakes. >> joe biden's not old? what. >> it's very insulting. >> arrested for ballot fraud. what's going on? >> stop following me. >> you were caught stuffing. what happened? >> jesse: primetime catches up with the stuffer. >> don't run me over wanda. >> plus. [ ♪♪ ] when there's a a major tragedy in the country the president has a responsibility to address it and sure is he sticking steps so
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it never happens again. this week we found out a mother of 5 was murdered by 1 of joe biden's migrants during an international crime spree. her name was rachel morin. we'll say it but the president won't. the white house put out a statement saying they send their condolences but cannot comment on active cases. unless it's hunter biden's. trump on the other hand confronted the issue head-on. >> another biden room to arrested for the savage murder of an innocent american woman to moran 37 years old mother of 5 beautiful woman. nice woman everybody loved her. if i was president he would never have been able to come in. he would have never been able to come in. >> instead of talking about rachel and the threat of migrant crime joe biden shows today of all days to sign an executive order that helps illegals stay in the country. amnesty and work visas for half a million migrants. if an illegal has been married to a citizen's for a while they
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are protected. joe biden says he's keeping families together but what about the american ones that were torn apart by migrant criminals? where's the executive order protecting us? this doesn't even make sense politically. 60% of americans want every single illegal alien deported. most hispanic americans agree. so wise joe biden signing this now? because he doesn't have a choice. is what his donors want. tech giants higher migrants from asia to fill white-collar american jobs. big tech things trump is gone to win in november and deport all of their workers. they needed an insurance policy. zuckerberg and his buddies lobbied joe biden to sign this executive order and it worked. this isn't about compassion. it's all about money. biden let it slip today. watch. >> the action we are taking today matters. if you wonder about that just as business leaders. ask labour leaders. asks economists and elected officials. they know it's good for american
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business and the american economy. they know it's good for america period. >> migrants help biden cook the books for phony jobs reports. of jose from guatemala get tired joe biden says the economy is booming. itself and keep wages down because corporations pay illegals next to nothing. undercutting the american worker. also doesn't hurt that migrants can easily pull to get away with the voting in our elections. it's illegal for migrants to vote but if they say they thought they were allowed to vote they can get off. in some states are you need is an electric bill to register. or migrant can get their hands on that easily. so democrats win joe biden's donors win the migrants win and you lose. biden because at the cost of doing business. they sell off our jobs to migrants for pennies on the dollar and let in violent criminals in the process. then biden's cronies tell us migrant crime is and real skinny his so called migrant crime wave
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is not happening. it's a lie and nbc news analysis released just this week found crime has actually dropped in the cities that received the most migrants from the southern border. >> it's everywhere. it doesn't matter how far you are from the border. new york abiodun migrant from ecuador was just arrested for raping a little girl. spee a terrifying situation involving that illegal immigrant from ecuador in 13-year-old girl police arrested him early this morning and police say the 25 year old men raped a 13-year-old girl in casino parking fresh metals last week. the girl was with a 13-year-old boy playing in the park when a man approached them with a knife. police also say he force them into the woods where he tied them up and that's what he sexually assaulted the young girl. >> because that person of interest. we should call him the devil. >> the migrant was chased down by good samaritans. they roughed up the perv what he tried hiding under a car. >> 3 miles from the crime scene in corona residents they recognized him from the
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neighbourhood. they say they all waited for him at this point i got on 108th street where he often went before attacking him. >> boom. he comes. we cut him. spot him got him. >> we just happened to see the suspect and acted accordingly. >> is just not right. i have 2 little sister zandberg to have a daughter. it's not right. >> jesse: in colorado migrant cloud a semitruck into another driver. the man behind the wheel of this 18 wheeler that investigators say caused this crash near conifer last week but never should have been driving. immigrations and customs enforcement had ordered ecmas your cruise mendoza to leave the us 16 times since 2002. 22 years ago. he was arrested again in jefferson county for a number of charges including not having a commercial drivers license. investigators say cruise mendoza's truck crossed into oncoming traffic, lost its load and hit 5 vehicles.
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1 driver was killed in the crash >> joe biden can keep attending migrant crime doesn't exist. americans are losing their lives. rachel morin had a long life ahead of her. she was a mother sister a daughter and if that illegal hadn't taken her life she would have been a grandmother. her oldest daughter expecting a child later this year. >> they told me that she's going to introduce a little girl into the world later this year. is happy moment and sad moment because rachel should be here for that moment and fei should be able to give that news to rachel to tell rachel they're going to be a grandmother. >> jesse: time for biden to say her name and do his job. rachel morin's brother michael joins us for an exclusive interview. tell me a little bit about rachel.
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>> i mean, rachel was just full of life, hilarious. always a life of the party and just a joy to be around. incredibly hard-working and really loved her 5 children so much. >> jesse: when she was found dead last summer how did you hear about the news we? >> from a detective. i was actually on the trail. and an investigator came and let us know, let the family know. >> jesse: and then recently when you heard the suspect was a criminal illegal alien that must have made it even more painful. >> it was definitely something, you know, that i thought was a possibility. and then when i heard about it,
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yeah, definitely frustrating. >> jesse: you are not a political guy but the president has a policy on the border. that policy is responsible for letting this monster into the country to murder your sister. what would you say to him if he saw him tweak. >> if i saw the merger? >> if i saw the president. >> if i saw the president. you know, i don't think i can say that on-air. >> jesse: probably a good thing you don't. they put a statement. is there anything you feel about the statement? did it move you in any way? >> i did not hear the statement. >> jesse: it's really not worth it. do have a message for the country this keeps happening
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over and over and over again? >> i mean, i didn't want to talk politics but i know how i'm voting this year. >> jesse: i know you have a niece that will be arriving soon. what would you like your niece to know about your sister? >> just how much fun she was like a full of life and hilarious. she was just probably the funniest person i know. >> jesse: this was not a dangerous trail she was jogging on. this is not a bad neighbourhood, was it? >> no very safe. very safe neighbourhood. very conservative neighbourhood
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and nothing like this has ever happened like that, like this ever. >> jesse: it is senseless my heart just breaks for you. i wish i could do something for you. and your family. my heart goes out to you and your family, rachel's family. god bless you guys and hang in there. it will get better. >> thank you. >> jesse: thank you. >> thank you. >> jesse: let's bring in senator lindsey graham. your colleagues can you guys have been dealing with immigration forever. kate stanley, if it is rachel, laken riley, the 16-year-old that was just raped in new york. what's it going to take? what's it going to take? >> a new election. if you want to speak up for rachel show up in november and end the manis. the man accused of killing rachel was captured 3 times coming into the country illegally, released every time. got here the fourth time evaded
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capture, assaulted a young girl in california and accused of killing rachel. the man accused of killing laken riley wasn't custody of the border paroled into the country because of overcapacity el paso. the man accused of raping the 13-year-old girl in new york was ordered deported in 2022. they never got around to it. next time you hear the word fell in in this election tech i think the felony in this election is joe biden. what he's doing to the country is criminal. is border policies are allowing people to be raped and murdered on the streets of the united states. 's allowing drugs to come in at a level we've never seen before. the largest cause of death among young people in america is fentanyl poisoning. coming to the southern border made in china. we are no longer energy dependent. the crime in this election cycle
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is the crime of joe biden against american people. what happened to trump in new york was a bunch of bs. it was a political hit job. nobody lost a penny but what joe biden is doing is criminal. he's letting people go in violation of the law. you cannot parole somebody because there's no place to put them. that's a legal. you can give a half million people parole in place. that's illegal. what he's doing is illegal and people are dying from his crimes. >> you know him. used to travel on foreign trips with him when he was a senator. what happened to him. >> i don't know this guy. i've the world with joe biden. this guy is a disaster. what he's doing is criminal. has policies of the border are leading to the deaths of thousands of people from fentanyl poisoning and we had people raped and murdered who are just going try to walk in the woods were have a jog. i don't know this guy. 's answer to the rape and murder of rachel, to let half a million
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people stay in the country illegally. the word is out tonight joe biden just allowed a half-million people to stay here so i don't you come and stay a little longer? he will be next. he strong gasoline on fire. i don't know this guy but here's what i do now to the american people. if you don't fire him the worst is yet to come. also lindsey graham thanks as always. >> thank you. wandera the ballot stuffer and justin timberlake i had on prime time. could help you save. qulipta®. the forget-you-get migraine medicine™. with so many choices on
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>> jesse: the white house was just cut killing an anticorruption bill. because that's how the bidens got rich. there was a bipartisan bill to require presidents to disclose their family members' foreign income and disclose any business
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conducted on air force one. republicans and democrats ready to go and at the last second the bill was sabotaged. democrat congresswoman katie porter says 3 democrat cosponsors suddenly withdrew their support after the but joe biden white house told them to kill it. naked corruption and the media won't report it. the fact checkers too busy being overworked after joe biden froze wandered off with italian field and got yanked offstage by obama , nbc says the fact checks are having trouble keeping up. democrat strategist saying the lie is sprinting the 100 metre dash and the fact check is taking a stroll on the beach. so it's never going to catch up. it's never going to have the same reach. the fact checkers at ap had to work the overnight shift. they say biden really wasn't yanked. he could pause amidst cheers and applause as he exited the stage
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with his predecessor. biden's favourite morning show when i'm defence. >> we have to interrogate every purported fact and see if it's real or not. i'm not any sort of believer in conspiracies but i do believe in coordination and boy this parachute thing was so coordinated. >> it's going to get worse not better between now and november and that's when to the difficult part particularly for american media the want to try to play the bulls and strikes. >> jesse: yeah, bulls and strikes. the narrative from now until november is don't believe your eyes. biden gets lost on the stage, cheap fake. biden falls down the steps of air force one, cheap fake pick his brain cheap fake. this was biden today. >> president joe biden: my name is joe biden. i am joe biden's husband. thanks to all the members of congress homeless security
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secretary. >> jesse: morning joe will be calling that a cheap fake by tomorrow morning. but right of the term cheap fake come from? coined by self-described lesbian punk anarchist embedded in the occupy movement of course. that should tell you everything you need to know. it's there were because they are the masters of it. democrats were cheap faking their way through the last administration. remember the koi pond hoax? >> mr trump deejaying asian carp a koi pond following the prime ministers emptying the entire box. >> president trump reporter colin japan by dumping an entire box into japanese koi pond. mr trump was following the lead of japanese payments are. >> enough of the spoon stuff. >> just take it. said okay i'll do that. the media deceptively edited trump out of context. that's not a cheap fake.
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but if we show an unedited video of joe biden wandering around that is? the media is for sending records perfect okay for the leader of the free world to drift off to into a field and have to be retrieved by the host. imagine if last week trump was wandering around the capital and mitch mcconnell had to just bring him back in? they be demanding the 25th amendment like they were doing in 2018. >> in your assessment of fitness for office? spirited he producer his words smacked a july contort the cause of what that may have been? are you ruling out things like early-onset alzheimer's, are looking at dementia-like symptoms. >> on what basis would you and this is a philosophical question advise the cabinet the president is unable to discharge his duties. have zak burger met. >> lies in the median asking biden's questions. it's because there around the cheap fake host bloodbath, milwaukee hoaxes all cheap fakes
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all deceptively edited and taken out of context and amplified by the media and we have a new 1. democrat pundit just posted this photo of trump from november. a photo of trump having to hold someone's hand to guide him offstage. so he looked at the tape and trump wasn't holding onto don junior's hand. watch this. [ singing ] [ ♪♪ ] >> jesse: the great jimmy failla boiled the election down to this. of trump says something behind closed doors the nobody verifies it's definitely true. if biden does something right in front of your eyes it's totally false. is just 1 big dirty game of don't believe what you see just believe what you don't see. in his book 1984 george orwell said the party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. it was their final most essential command.
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mashing syndicated radio host dana lasch joins me now. this is like a postmodern election. joe biden is young. trump is old. don't believe what you see only what we tell you to see. how are the voters processing this? >> i don't think the voters are reacting well to edit all. on the koi fish thing i hope everyone realizes the japanese prime minister encouraged trump to do exactly what he did which was completely left out of all of the reporting about that. but the thing is that they just make up something if it's about the previous president but with this president you're told to discredit everything we see. why don't they just go through the videos and show us what's a deepfake about it? why don't they just tell us this is fake he wasn't actually in normandy, he wasn't really on stage with barack obama. that's not how this works. i. i'm talking to a bunch of the bad boomer demographic fact who don't know how the internet
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works. that's not what any of this means. the sad thing is we all have someone in our family we seen go through this. we all recognize it and don't tell us your stupid. this would go so much easier if democrats are to say many guys play the videos to too much or maybe biden had noff they are was really tired. something instead of you can't jack astor's deepfake, and 1 other point imagine how much more difficult this would be to discuss and show in terms of video have elon musk not bought twitter. you to be shut down just like the laptop story, the new york post stuff which by the way we want to attackable deepfakes i am not going to take lectures from people who had a handful of national intelligence officials in the cabinet who had intel officials sign a letter lying to us about the laptop. people who actually laundered discredited in the press they could get a wiretap and someone over politics. i will not take any lectures about any deepfake or cheap fake
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stuff from any of the people who peddle that. >> their frauds and they know it and they're panicked because joe is too old. he's too old and the videos are going viral. everybody in the country is watching this. he's had 3 bad ones in a row in less than a week. they are acting like, you know, the meme were pump trump pits the drive and the golfball hits joe on the back and he falls down the stairs of air force one. they are acting like we are showing that video just pointing the camera at the president and hitting record. >> we're seeing happen. it's abusive and honestly it shows how bad democrats want to retain the power because they are willing to use him as the vessel. >> he's a vessel all right. it's not going so well. we can definitely agree on that. >> thank you so much. johnny confronts wondered about suffer. next.
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[ ♪♪ ] >> jesse: bridgeport democrat operative wanda was arrested for belt fraud last weekend today primetime visited her home turf according to the arrest warrant in addition of a slow ballad fraud counts wanda was charged with witness tampering. things have gotten so bad even connecticut's governor democrat is calling for wanda to resign. johnny talk to a woman in bridgeport who knows wanda and she told him he better watch his back. >> tampering with witnesses, holding ballots, and that's just couple of things. >> what else can you tell me she's done? >> i cannot say tweet to much. from ineos end up in the trunk of the car and go missing. >> jesse: wand was charged for helping tip the scales in the 2019 election but is being investigated for what you're seeing right now on the screen. allegedly stuffing the ballot box for last year's election. the guy who wanda rick the race against says he is the rightful
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mayor's. it was stolen. the evidence said there was voter suppression. the evidence we showed on video showed there was illegal activities done by my opposition and that's under pseudo- >> do you feel you are the rightful mayor of this time? >> without a doubt. i'm a matter for the people. i walk on the streets of these people say that. they reflect that. those sentiments are strong. >> jesse: primetime was supposed to interview bridgeport mayor joe get him today but he checked out. the mayor pulled up to the interview location saw johnny and travois scared. you know how scary johnny can be. the mayor's office give johnny a statement but refused to sit down for in-person interview or or call for wanda to resign. speaking of wanda johnny caught up with other smoke shop this morning. does she feel bad for helping reagan election? watch. >> wanda arrested for ballot fraud. what's going on?
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>> stop following me. >> you are caught stuffing. what happened. don't you want to come clean. what about the person whose ballot you could have for 10 years? wanda what happened. don't run me over wanda. wanda has been caught on tape stuffing the ballot box, arrested for voter fraud, witness tampering. she's the vice chair of the local democrat party and they still have not asked her to resign. knowing how things work in bridgeport wanda is probably up for a raise and a promotion.
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doctor anthony fauci paid the chinese to frankenstein that germs covered up the lovely checked on the country schools businesses beaches of all places. you are scorned for not masking in sam surridge for asking questions. a million dead, massive transfer of wealth inflation in the left treats him like a hero because he rolled his eyes at trump. self-proclaimed face of science is on a book tour dancing on graves. >> the facts are back and as a physician and scientist these are painful that if you are correct states versus blue states because of people getting less vaccinated because you are republican versus democrat there were more deaths and hospitalizations in red states versus blue states. people suffer and die because of misinformation that's related to a political ideology. >> we can't find where fauci got the data. california suffered the most and
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follow the orders like lemmings off a cliff. the press towards appear campaign to rewrite history and make himself a saint and the media treating him like michael cohen just using him to damage trump. >> on the campaign trail donald trump insisted we are turning the corner, rounding the curve. will vanquish the virus. hours did things my way and i always win no matter what all these other people think and biden is so effing stooping i'm going to kick his effing [ bleep ] in this collection. >> it wasn't nerve in. even though you're convinced you're doing the right thing which i had been for the president to get on the phone and scream at you the way he did that was very tough. >> jesse: they are making anthony fauci the victim. the last credential he needs before running for president. you are a spry 83 years old.
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have you thought about running for president? >> no interest whatsoever. >> fauci be like the rest of our politicians running for president to stay out of prison. founder clay travis joins us now. when is anthony fauci going on your radio show? >> it's funny you ask. a couple of years ago we provided fauci on the show and said you're doing every media outlet on the planet, will make it available for you at any point in time and he said he didn't have time on his schedule remind me prompt season in high school but probably had to wash his hair. he has a lot of busy activities to take care of. i will tell you what i want to do is maybe you can send a camera crew because this would be fantastic. we have been saying sometime 5 g. has never told anyone you did
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too much. may be don't need to sit in a circle at a outdoor park. may be you don't need to be inside 1 of those pods playing the violin or the fleet or whatever and your band. remember they put everybody inside those things. or they were wearing masks with holes cut out. here's what i want to do. i want to go to a dr. gfeller jeanne bourque signing khaki and a full hazmat suit and ask everyone else why they are not taking the virus more seriously because in a full hazmat suit to get the autographed on that to me is the perfect way to some of the doctor fauci experience. >> jesse: my producers are already looking into the tour dates. rougeau to a city new year. will get hazmat suit and centre cannot. we're on it. we are absolutely on. this-- >> he is too big to fail. the banks he had to bail out because didn't let him go down, they just spread throughout. if fauci's down the whole system
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goes down. so he gets lifetime security book deals netflix specials. it's astounding how they protect these guys no matter how big of a scoundrel they are. >> he's the highest paid federal employee and our entire government. that's astounding. he also got 5 million-dollar book advance. you have sold a lot of them. 5 million? that's a path for him being a left-winger. it's crazy absolutely crazy what they gave him. but again hazmat suit camera crew, low scott reid doctor fauci antivirus as seriously as they would hope they would. >> we are on it. clay and a hazmat suit. that's worth it. we will get extra-large. good luck. >> i need it. i appreciated. >> jesse: breaking news on justin timberlake's arrest straight ahead.
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>> jesse: fox news a moment 0 police released the mugshot of justin timberlake. the performer arrested after
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midnight for drunk driving in the hamptons. the mugshot released 12 hours after the incident while california police hid holly pease for over a month. police say he ran a stop sign and was swerving out of his lane when they pulled him over. he allegedly enjoyed a lively dinner with friends at the american hotel before he got behind the wheel of his 2025 bmw x. in. big gift next year's models to celebrities. if you're listening i won't drive drunk. in photo from the daily mail shows turnor lake in handcuffs after his arrest. he largely failed field sobriety test and refused to take a breathalyzer. tmz reports timberlake still planning to perform in chicago. as part of his tour later this week in case you've got tickets personally when i by tickets i was by the insurance for situations like this. manhattan's district attorney alvin bragg was so consumed with
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taking down trump hill at the heart of the big apple rock. 510 block radius between penn station and port authority, low 2 public transportation arteries is littered skyhigh with dirty needles migrants and homeless. this neighbourhood is intersection of commerce tourism and public transit. now it's known as the strip of despair. it's rife with felony assault scat retail thefts drug arrests. normal citizens fend for themselves. watch. >> you feel safe walking around this area? >> not really early in the morning. >> these feel safe? >> not as safe as i used to. >> ray moore people sleeping on the streets than there used to be. >> whose fault is that? >> really good question. the whole city obviously the mayor the governor all the way up to joe.
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>> you guys feel safe with what's happening across the street? de feel like you're getting less business because what's happening out there? >> yeah, and the weeks and especially on the weekends. criteria the facility where addicts can come and get their needles and on eighth avenue they just sprawl out right over here. take a look. makos on in the facility? >> they offer services for these people, you know, if they need them. in terms of type of services you might want to inquire with them. >> to those guys get their needles from here. >> that i'm not sure. but do you guys offer needles? >> they do but i'm not sure if they got them from here. essentially they could just come in here and get their needles and sprawl out over there. >> i don't know about if they can. that's what they do. >> you give them the avenue to
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do that. >> i'm not the police. i can't go over there and tell them i'm just here to protect the staff. >> primetime saw familiar face among the crowd. d. the homeless addict from chapter 8 of my book get it together he may have heard of it. we're sorry to report d. has not gotten together and he's not alone. addicts are either something into street coffins are getting into knife fights in the middle of the street. johnny tried to listen to some of the addicts but none of your but he wanted to talk. >> i sleep on the streets of new york. this is 1 place i sleep sometimes. it's quiet and nobody bothers me. >> why don't you go to a shelter? >> shelters are for people that come out of jail. once they come out of jail i can't deal with that. i cannot deal with it. >> the police ever come around? >> yeah. >> what happens then?
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>> normally they are driven by humans with badges. >> to the cleanup area. >> working on it. >> you are not allowed to do cpr and streets. >> i know. >> is the city doing enough for you? >> yes, and no. depends on the people, the place. >> what about you? >> i need some work done. >> you are not allowed to be doing this are here. >> and you leave me alone? >> you serious right now? >> why are you doing this? >> why are you doing this? >> keep get the lead people away from me. >> former addict in los angeles give a resident and author of crooked smile jared clarke sting joins us now. it's sad to see these people out on the streets have not got no lives together but the city and the politicians are making it easy for them to just dk.
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this is just like a devil's bargain? >> think so having me back on. this is kind of unbelievable. ice to live in new york city 10 years ago under bloomberg and none of this would have been acceptable. i used to buy crack at the chelsea hotel south of here. i had the decency to smoke crack in starbucks bathroom not in the street. i was arrested a lot new york city. i lasted about 11 months before i was returned on my own to california where the sort of behaviour was allowed essentially. this is bad policy incentivizing bad behaviour not punishing bad behaviour, and people that are on drugs will take the path of least resistance every time. >> when you heard johnny asked that guy who's a junkie who was breaking the law sleeping on the street, you know, what are you doing, you know you are not allowed to live on the sidewalk and shoot drugs into your body openly he acted like he was
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being put upon. do you understand that feeling? what is that? >> when you're on drugs you are sort of under the spell of this drug just try to do whatever you can to feed the needs of that drug. so he's been given enough space and enough freedom to do whatever he wants so course he feels like his home is being invaded. that's what he's used to connect doing whatever he wants, smoke crack in the streets can shoot heroin in the street. this was just so different than 10 years ago new york city. >> jesse: i don't remember new york city have needle exchange programs. that was a cookie san francisco deal. to those needle exchange programs work? it doesn't look like it. >> i moved to new york city in 2013 and that's where a first shot of heroin. i used to smoke heroin and i got pretty curious. i walked into a needle exchange
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in the bronx and they gave me a pamphlet on how to shoot up heroin properly heroin properly. that's where i learned how to shoot up. used to be in the bronze. i'm not against needle exchanges entirely. they prevent the spread of hiv and diseases but there needs to be options for detox, medical detox and long-term treatment and it has to be incentivized. >> there's no money left because we're spending it all on migrants or the politicians are stealing at. we certainly have enough money for he have. it's like a billion dollars cactus it has 100 billion-dollar budget. where's the money going? >> i'm not sure. example of san francisco where i'm from the budget has gone up 500% since 2016. 1.1 billion a year and the homeless population has gone up 56% in that timeframe. the money is being laundered and stolen. that's it. >> jesse: they are investing
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in homelessness and the stock is going up. that's pretty ridiculous. we love you. glad you got it together. thank you so much. >> thanks so much jesse. >> jesse: our movement and more, next. ♪ rtise to help drive its growth and keep its supply chain moving, so more pet parents can get everything they need... right when they need it. keeping more pets, and families, happy. ♪ for the love of moving our clients forward. for the love of progress.
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[ ♪♪ ] >> jesse: have a speech of wednesday this week i wrote it this morning are not stressed. procrastination leads to stress that's where it comes from you know you're supposed to do sign that you're not doing so get it done across about the list. do text messages. allen from baltimore is this the new russian disinformation absolutely. 51 caa officials confirm the biting was a cheap fake. matt from beaverton and michigan
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i have 2 words lindsay graham do something to 1 of 100 senators said that a few times. pete from goldsboro i don't understand why 1 wouldn't talk to johnny he's so polite well go to the smoke shop by him a pipe and have a power. justin timberlake my pure republican otherwise he would've gotten arrested they asked him to campaign for biden and he said no. >> your conspiracy theorist and i like that. ed from kenosha i guess we know what johnnie's next assignment is extra small hazmat suit. >> jesse: some fit hazmat do you have that for johnny. remember hannity's next and remember on waters and this is my world. [ ♪♪ ]


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