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tv   The Five  FOX News  June 19, 2024 9:00pm-10:00pm PDT

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united states, janet yellen, with us tomorrow. there is no connection wit [ ♪♪ ]an
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with harolind ford junior jesse watters shannon bream and greg gutfeld it's 5:00 in new york city and this is the 5. [ ♪♪ ]♪ the media downplaying horrific migrant crimes like the illegal immigrant monster who raped a 13-year-old girl in a new york city park. and he crossed the south border illegally in 2021 and is 1 of the millions of unvented biden newcomers the suspected child rapist showed his sorry face in court trying to blame his r drawing problem --ea a drug problem is the reason he held a the chain year old girl and boy at knifepoint with a machete style blade the new york postd t reported he made a chilling confession telling cops he recorded the sickening attack
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anybody with a heart beat wouldd be disgusted snow under a majority of americans including hispanics back the deportation policies but propagandists like joy reader think it's because of fear mongering. >> here are the 3 cable networks are banners said biden announces legal protections, but cnn saysn biden announces new protections fox as the banner migrant arrested for raping a 13-year-old. i think that's part of the problem. fear mongering 's. >> if that wasn't disgraceful a the secretary ella hydro may or kiss couldn't be bothered to remember the name of rachel morand mn the mother of 5 who is raped and murdered by another illegal immigrant.
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>> what you say to critics whoe blame the administration for lik allowing things like that to happen it something you hear and right-wing media all the time.i >> first and foremost our hearts break for family and friends of the individual who is murdered., the woma tn and the mother. a criminal is responsible for the criminal actions. >> i would just say that he couldn't admit the names of the victim in the case. the mother rachel moran and said that he wouldn't name her the o crazy partf of this is it's his administration the dhs supposed to do the vetting and the man charged with the murder not only
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is charged with murder in venezuela but also was arrestedc because he's in the process of raping and molesting a 9-year-old girl. responsible butut he's the h secretary of homeland security so irresponsible it created an opportunity for the rate it's like my gate being broken at my house and i tell my gate guygu can you fix my gate it's broken he doesn't fix it and somebody waltzes in andal steals my car. the guys stole my car should be charged but the gate guy is responsible as well he's in charge of security and he's not doing his job. i've covered child rape on may -- of this network for 20 years when judges give soft sense and says to sex offenders oromeo somebody gets out and commits another crime and did they let,e out again to do it again we
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cover these stories because there's a public interest. y if youou are saying this isn't important then you're not anyo american because you want toe. cover injustice and you also want to protect innocent children. it's not irresponsible or fear mongering to show the dangerous results of a politicians public policy pub so the voters can man informed decision in novembeder about how they choose to vote that's what we do in this country with many laws named after victims. you have jessica's law, andct megan's laimw both there to honr the victims so these things never happen again if it such a trivial story why did joe biden name her why did he say thatr these stories ara e important ar they neeied to be covered the ft she's callous and laughing about it 1 of those things even the audience must be thinking oh, my god.>>
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>> a couple thoughts j about whn someone who's molesting a 15-year-old a videotaping i didp this forin 30 years prosecutiong there taking memorabilia t pedophiles take pictures andal photographls the idea we are fei mongering by reporting this kind of stuff are we supposed towe forget about i st as opposed tog sending a message to the public we are going to prosecute you and get you to jail and that's part of the deterrence prosecutors use all the time. >> art i think your thoughts wew get yoe u censored on cable network if we let you talk to you really feel it's complete revulsion and discussed when ire heard thatpo reporting from the new york posist and they also thought there isught evidence yu idiots and if he's guilty to goa to their j as it's not quote unquote right-wing groups upset
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about it that's like in new yore where ther we was a city council meeting where people blew up yop see it in chicago where people are suing their own leadership you see it in boston and other cities were people are angry and frustrated about what'sappe happening in their communities e not something we can right off. average americans sitting at home are disgusted and outraged by this. secretary america saying it was about the individual and his criminal act that's not what they say when there's a gun involved. we sue the gun industry the guna is a thing at fall and did it it you follow their logic the border being open is what allows people here they wouldn't have raped murder hit people all kinds of things but for them being allowed across the border not being able to commit those crimes in the country. the congresswoman do we have a sound from her?
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>> the economics of immigration are absolutely you can't argue with it. we've brought in so much money for immigratio mn is brought ino much money and we'll continue t do so she says illegal immigration is brought in so much moneyt that costs talk abh what it >> they are divers te with their incentives lead tot weed out te consequences it's fear mongering to carabe about rape and murder may be it's me but maybe this i. the right thing to fear mongering about juror have a sphere monger over the coming ice age are the carbon footprint of your air conditioner or white supremacy in the military people making the okay sign with their fingers think about the fearsan
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important to the left.t ? trumps posts online miss gender in young people i'm sorry joye you've lost of the authority to define fear when you exploit phantom frets that mean nothing to the american people so flow if republicans trump and myselff we didn'igt figure out this trik ick sooner that when you blow te whistle and something bad in real the democrats pretrade the whistleblowing por as worse thae actual evil you're blowing theel whistle on remember 2015 trump accurately predicted the consequences of an unprotected border the new story was the coarse bluntness of his words in the coming wave a criminality that was worse it was the words about what he was predicting ou the production itself then iprtn came tru ie but again calling ot
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the fred is worse than the fruit itself democrats focus on rhetoric it's for a reason to shift the emphasis away from a t problehem they know they areey responsible fo ar putting thetl whistleblower the other side in a defensive posture which then the media exploits further theme production unfolds morane people difolde in their rate because unfettered illegal immigration leads tomi more crimgre insteado admitting they areng wrong thiss what they do they try to smear you for being outraged so you s won't callo it out i'm not even interested at this point in who's at fault politically we just want this to stop we can be outraged about thatht if you're not outraged about that you are not human. >> 63% of america as the deportation is that the left doesn't seem to get it they are refusing to accept what they
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want with these illegals as don't be critical of us as as win the press brings a light to this issue and when he put pressure on police officers prosecutors as is not a partisan or political issue as he said i0 he's elected he will deport 10 million more people who are here
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the purser deported theme i most people was barack obama they criticized him the queens da who is charged this man with rape and kidnapping isma a democrat who is a reputation fog being tough on crime and i hopei she lives up to that reputationt finallaty i hope again people ad politics we've a great microphone and i would argue this group.if has beenic as prolific and constructive and loud clange. attention to the issue i only call hope politicians do the same and not wait for an election to do something on the issue coming up joe biden'smp trump is i killing democraciesmr scare tactics or bombing with voters
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all these games on directv— and no satellite on the roof! think about this: blue jays, cardinals, orioles... what's missing? the andean condor? no, walnut-brain! pigeons! they'd rather name a team after socks! to be fair, we're not very athletic.
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♪ ♪ >> greg: democrats freaking out over how their trump panic democrats freaking out how their trump panic porn isin bombing with voters senior democrats including summa president biden aidsing are dus about his erie for victory in november that relies on voter concerns about january 6th democracy in donald trump's character. they worry dissenters will bejo booted froe'm the inner circle f they raise concerns in front of the big guy another way trump doomed fantasies can backfireg e the media giving republicans the best reason yet to vote for trumt p.f >> a lot otaf talk about seeking retribution so vindictive go for
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the irs maybe or sponsors to get us off the air. >> what about you? >> no more worried here as it's to givgie me as much power as yu can in this country and using it to go after other americans going afteo r the subhuman internale su enemies. as these things about trump they assume that he is vengeful which i have not seen i've seen him is always moving on but the other thinhoulg shouldn't they say hot would work if they were going to get the view cancelled how would that work. >> i don't know i listen to those who toke about the formerh president if he's electee d will go about being revengeful i've heard the president say his
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reveng e would be his success i't wish he wouldn't even use the word revenge just say going to make the country so great soan smart richer healthy or whatever people won't even think about those things the more he mentions those words the morein you invite some of those thingsa being saidid. 300,000 voters will decide the s wirace 6 or 7 states are the h states in new polat today as we had to the debate june 27th in a dead heat the 2 candidates are a dead heat nationally and if you look at those voting likely november trump has a 1 pointmr. lead the poll if you read those stats if you'ri e a nerd 1 of te reasonits they been going back provide -- biden is nonwhite voters have come back to bite a bit and independent voters have seemedli less likely not to vote for president trump after the
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trial in new york.e the goodgo thing for president trump is his numbers have stabilizedhis his strong base i staying. finally i wish and hope and i'vi said it for a while at the, campaign ii s focused more whaty you doou for the country over te next 4 years the talk of democracy in those things i'm d that will be what wins the election i understande some ooff the exercise at the eo of the day having an activelyac negative message runningti for presidennnint and trump is negae sometimes and mr biden has beene negative about democracy. talk about americans and whatg you willto do to make lives betr that's been my approach. >> i thank you are hitting on the problem for the democrats they are relying on happenedly this hypothetical doomed inhetiscenarios wild trump justo point oue t to the realities of american life under joe biden and it's no contest. >> or if you point the irs going
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after people i would remind folks of where the irs would have to confess what they didrg things wrong targetingd conservative groups and apologizape that's happened undn different administrations but ki thank you are right a lot of people as usual of no idea whowh these folks are you've a former fbi director out there havingnv torturous conversationers as thw worry trumbull fromn jail people don't knw who that is they knothw how much it costs ta to fill up gas tank he can't buy a house. everyday stuff is going to hit with people much more in theirng talk o ef trump throwing everyoe in jail. >> leading me to this question judge going back to the gaping hole in the thesis if trump is a threat to democracy and a threat to their lives where they pitting a feeble candidateendi against him as its it sending a
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rumba to fight a sherman tank aw they say they are changing the arevideos getting involved with cheap fake send that nonsense and you have to say to yourself why are they dug in with this guy looks foolish. it's an embarrassment on the world stage it's an interesting point as 30% of americans are worried about inflation and 29% are worried about preserving democracy. and socy they are hanging on tht o1 sing even though we can't tk about anything positive we can't talk about electric vehicles or r anythingange o positive joe biden is done we can focudes on a threat to
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democracy and the numbers indicate it's an argument they should stay with and they will.l i agree the claim that donald trump would cancel the view."the first of all your not that didn't theycondly air between 2016 and 2020 didn't trump people go in the view like kelly and conway and don junior they will sick the irs after iog mean lowest learner you're solo righist the whole thing is this prediction so bizarre it's unfathomable i don't know what their talk about. >> yes, he is it the best question for you. >> i didn't do it. som >> you have something in commonp with these people they think cen they're the centre of the universe they believe there so important they impose a threat to the country almost like a humble brag all my god they are
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coming for me shouldn't trump just called them a personallyll and sa by you will be fine just like that you will be fine. >> they saw the attention and money trump got when he was unfairly prosecutee d and that's what they want. they want a mug shot. they want to trial world theirco colleagues go downll and reportn the injustice they aree in receiving. their ratings aren't great they want to be popular again they aren't as influential as theyse used to be they want to be unfairly targeted that's historical they want trump to make history with them that'sth what tha tt is about this leak s significant leak from the highest levels of biden's world saying it's a losing campaigney they name checked joe biden's oldest and dearest advisor who's
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running a campaign for the firse time not on policy. january 6 for democracy and trump's character is in policy that has never been tried in the history of presidential campaigns bush ran on the war,am obama raa n on the world by care and the economy trump ran on, trade immigration animd isis bin ran on covid now he's running on january 6 for the riskiest campaign strategy of all time you look at the polling pulling doesn't change around june idtne locked centre right now they must be freaking out trained tom get ta little distance from the losing campaign. >> moves around a little bit not a lot. >> let's talk for another hour about pulling. the crosstabs.warn >> liberal media moron slap slab warning labels on real videos of biden looking like a corpse
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♪ ♪ >> shannon: the media going the media going into factbi checker mode ides the biting campaign is setting up a task force to wage war what they are calling cheap fakes of thoseuned unedited videos that went viral of president trump looking lost as a biden official sitting up a mpteam to mitigate risks for pod by cheap fakes saying thate he organizations and others with influential platforms willorga follow our lead well looks like our press got the message.labe cbs slapping a digitally altered a warning on this video unedited at the g7. it shows biden and other world leaders watching a skydiving demonstration before the see president is seen walking away
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looking in another outlets claimed he was aimlessly wandering away. cbs is taken down the original video showing the wrong version of the video she give them the benefit of the doubt here. [ laughter ] >> i'm all ears. you >> if you wanted to put a truth to the lie and then you show ust what was a digitally altered ant what the truth actually is and what they did was they took dowy digitally altered as if it wasn'td be. >> you don't get with that supposed to mean. w trying tero show somehow it was changed and when they got to th point where joe biden is the only 1 going off and everybody is looking the other way they were like maybe we did that way too soon. t >> there is bigger longer videoe that shows other people he wasgo
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talking to their and at that wasn't digitally altered.ud >> that's not the poinget the? point is that the world leaders where in 1 place and the prime minister from italy has to walk in front of all the world g leadero s to go over to joe bidn staring in another direction to bring him back like obama andbr put his arm around him and brinl him back grabbing his arm andba bringing it backck what percentl think they are too old for a second term i would swell over a majority as that they are soy into the truth why wouldn't they give us the audio of the intervieeyw why are they so resistant to a cognitive testt why are theyto creating a task forc e are you kidding me just show us. they took 1 picture and everybody used it and they are saying it's a fake it's not. >> the ap did a fact check on this and they said they describe
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that he stands still for about 7 seconds looking out into the crowd.thin greg we all agree that happened. >> they called it applause. i guess so i guess you can call it whatever you want he might have just died for 7 seconds doubtful we don't know. he's breathing. >> you can die momentarily i'm a doctor. with these videos of joe they say the evidence is worse than the subject matter it exposesth they areem biden deniers somewht call them dementia democrats those supporting an elderly incapable sick person because he's not trumpno all the trump hoaxes have turned out to be false all the biden mishaps arep obviously trues so going backlie because i sound like a broken rd trecord to the fine people hx the media democrat op editing trumps words to make it sound like he said nazis were fine
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people the ultimate cheap fake it was cheap cost nothing but iy led to everything.led you could argue the hoax led to the present state of america and the division we have now.wa s biden claimed it was the hoax which inspired him to run anyan journalist could have looked at this transcript and debunked it but they didn't we called it oud you would get targeted if you dit d it didn't just elect toze present itd to organize 70 million people created this division putting half of the country versus the other if you say trump said nazis were fine people and the people who voted for him favoured a nazi loving candidate this was the tentpole for the trumped arrangement cyst symptom that lasted for fraud fraud years if the media did their job it would be a nicer calmer place and they had the imperative and that was the hoax
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they gave a 4 years of biden so much fake racism so much hate crime hoaxes so many other hoaxes that came out of that. t from just the 1 thing so they can shut the [ bleep ] up when they talk about hoaxes. >> that was a digital edit on my part. >> jesse does it feel like theyg are protesting too muc th becaue it's the judge said we've seen and not just as republicans it's an independence in democrats large majorities who say in polling they don't think he's equipped to do another 4 years that's what we saw on the videos last couple weeks. >> is facing more scrutiny thany he ever has in his entire career it's an election campaign it'svt the seventh-inning he is travelling the weather is niceea and for the first time ever they cannot hide him you've had juneteenth the obama fundraiser and thale italian wandering game
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all in about a week and i everybody is on their phones saying did you see this did you see this and they can't stop it's the first time they cannot control the image of joe biden instead of just telling us he'sh a little old buddies a good presiden t they say he's running circles around everybody you guy must be insane they make the j live bigger and bigger and everybody knows the guy wandersa how many times have you seen him grab his arm is greg and i were doing an event and we were leaving the stage and i went to greg and he took his arm like this and i walked him off the stage that's a weird. nobody would do that people would think that was strange people would think a great was old and needed help ab that was trueyb maybe the next time we ae in public i will do that just to
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pick him off but it is so clear the fact that cbs has interferea what was that fabricated evidence in 2004 and leslie saying the laptop was phony and now this. anytime cbs reports anything inn an election year you just know it's bogus. s >> harold what aboutha this thee are seeing the videos like whenl the whitike house keep saying en though all the polling is sayinn people do not feel good about their financial situation theywr worry about their families they don't see it getting better ini the white house is your finep sp keep spending money you are okay the polling doesn't reflect the reality people here that about the videos and think there's a disconnect somewhere. >> democrats are likely to nominate joe biden republicansa likely to nominate donald trumph the greae t thing about our sysm of government's people have the chance and right to vote for whoever they want starting earl
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october late september and november depending when yourly state starts early voting is number 12th both thesehese candidates are old its unique time and moment, 2 thirds of the country, 23rd of the members would rather of different nominees we are where we are. >> comes not wandering aroundrm people pulling them in different directionshim . >> watch the video president biden in italy there were others but if you watch the video isee looking at g 3 guys who came don skydive there are other things he's done into your pointing urate i don't know about the obama thing. but read their 3 guys standing to the right there. why the italian lady game rateda to take a picture just stands still today 3 u.s. companies
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worth more than $3 trillion noit country in the world has that wm talk about doing thanks in our countrtry y 15 million jobs aref created inou the last 4 yearsio n 3 million more people haveance health insurance and they did beforeey upstate new york arizoa florida got more government investment to build things advanced manufacturing including chips as wel l as infrastructureme even democrats and r republicans who didn't vote for these things they brag about. >> why does biden speak about generate 6 fall day you shouldo: run his campaign. >> you should be president. b harold fored junior for presidet >> i would vote for haroldwoul harold a vote for you first of u all he didn't create those jobsm he brought them back from the pandemichem harold ford at 22 ar far ahead the race for san francisco mayor comes with a ney
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♪ ♪ >> jesse: have you ever wanted >> of the ever wanted to rollover the worst run city in america ho?w many drag queens do you know? >> you are at the debate last week you couldn't name any dragg queens o qn your own i was wondering this is an opportunity to redeem yourself if you can name 3 lgbt advisors for your campaign and 3 drag queens andin drag queens in san francisco. i >> the mayoral debatnte turningo the woke olympics while san francisco just got w the title f america's worst run city how many drag queens can you name
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great. >> probably 0 these people are not serious i can't take them yoseriously this series they hae fentanyl attics all over the streets major problem to knowr who else think this city is notu run well the people who live therere.e because remember in mh they voted on 2 things giving police more powers of people using drones to go after crimets and also voted mandatory that people on welfare expected of illegally abusing drugs need to get drug treatment the people of the city are desperate for help this isn't a right-leaning place the voted overwhelmingly 60% ofh women there e including a womani who warss on fox and friends usd to be a fundraiser for president obama says the city is gone to hell and she is now a trump >> can you loo: k voters directy in the eyes harold and assure harthem will be appointing drag queens to your administration. >> all politics is local the great tip o'neill says this got
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local not that i don't understand lgbt issues and concerns what i don't understand is aat i city you with the prob, is you enumerated with crimeity housing affordability drugs homelessness hoping we just got that 1 part of the debate i can't even imagine that being a serious issue voters would be concerned with 1 of the great cities and american the world it hope the cy get their act togetr >> i can name ripple. >> your special i bet you couldn' >> i can'tg: here's the thing you're too sweet to say they aren't serious people those people are nuts.ut they don'ts. care about the peoe live in san francisco or anything they are like gavin newsom wasn't he at 1 point the mayor of san francisco it wasde wonderful under hirfm i want tou
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talk aboutl what's wonderful under gavin now the country 6 worst roads in the united states are in california oakland san francisco san jose anaheim long beach and los angeles greasyac gavin caien take credit for that san francisco you know it's moving out amazon anthropology target old navy macy's starbucks they wan, t to talk about drag queenslk a that's it. >> a home to the misfortune 500 countries. >> they need to pay for new roads. >> and i even think about drag queens will time. >> don't they always do know the names of drag queens is now thei due you know thece price of mila question in america except everybody buys milk nobody buyse drag queennds nobody spends ther days wondering how much the drai queen will cost or if it will get broken int ao our if a drag queen will get mugged to coming
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home from work ath perfect illustration of the district ofe cost o cf luxury beliefs may bes se.t san francisco wasn't theou worst city c in the nation you could afford the luxury of memorizing the names of drag queens but you aren't if they think it's a priority knowingma who thhoe honey him mahogany peaches christ instead of knowing what t o do about crime or drugs or homelessness youss shouldn't be leaving anything.>g >> area know your drag names.dr >> messy waterags.ed >> shannon ream. harold engorge. judge 5 jenny. >> coming up a vegan insurrection i and a green greey mob of plant eaters stoma master on the restaurant for adding
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meat. [ ♪♪ ] okay everyone, our mission is to provide complete, balanced nutrition for strength and energy. yay - woo hoo! ensure, with 27 vitamins and minerals, nutrients for immune health. and ensure complete with 30 grams of protein. (♪)
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♪ ♪ >> harold: welcome back. vegan restaurant in l.a. >> people angry over meat and
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dairy added to the menu what you think about this greg great. >> it's like people offended by comedy they didn't pay to see it's like go somewhere elser yo that's not for you this is wherd narcissism and activism overlap it has to be about them. judge about things are mad about >> sorry and getting beaten upal your here's the thing these vegan protesters they went thers when her business was failing the note that she's bringing in meat so she can survive in the business they want to criticize or their worthlessze. >> i hate is she said it forcede her to close down she struggling as a small business to survive in california which he says it's hard enough at the police free hours to shop primetime i agree with fudge jenny and jack thisei might be a good commercial break 1 more thing is up next. nex [ ♪♪ ]
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>> i love it. god. oh, my god. i'm so blessed. feel this tv guy. er's t
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the difference, you'll feel it. >> sleep better at night with bolan branch. >> just one more thing. they're sponsored by bolan branch, the finest bedding made different for the modern american home. shop now at bolan branch ecom. . >> it's time now for one more thing. harold america losharold?t a bit of our goodness and grace and forgiveness in this fella right here, the great willie mays, who was the oldest livintf baseball hall of famer. he spent most of his 23 years for the new york san francisco giants. he played one season. the leagues hit 660 home runs. >> many people believe he would have broken babe ruth's home run record had he not had to go serve in the wa hr in 52r. and 53, as number 24 is retired by the san francisco giant s. he got the presidential medal of freedom from president obama in 2015. rest in peace, mr. mays. you made life better for so many of us. thank you, sir. >> yes, absolutely, greg. all right. tonight, we got a girls night
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on gutfeld morgan ortega's elizabeth tipco, kat timpf and tyra. all >> that's a line up. rig hey, let's do this one night.y n you haven't played here, shannon. i'm going to play an animal sound. >> everybody's got to guess what it is. so let'smal sound an play the as sound and then i'll go around the table. >> oh, god. >> and it is not joy. they are eating. >> it's a hippopotamus, judge. it's hippopotamus. so what the judge lion. r. let's play the video. >> it's a bad gator.on >> shannon, boy, you have a short term memory loss, . i've got florida. i know what they sound like. that's a good alligato badr. yeah, when we wrestle those bad boys down. i bet. jackson. dge? jesse, go. t how patriotic are you, judge? there. how do you think you'dhink y w k
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at a proud american tank top? yeah. we have one for you in a medium. we also have a hawaiian shirt. red, white and blue swim u trunks. greg, don't be upset. we'rpset we selling merch, flips on beach towel tanks, everything. g fox shop.d th cornse it all, baby. july 4th, right around the cornerun. also around the corner. jesse watters, primetime luxurry high rises for the homeless. you should hear the amenities. these people have. >> okay. jud nogew it's tim je for track list criminals and you know what? >> sometimes it's better to just plead the fifth. take a look. >> oh, hey, brenda. did you eat my donut? you did? are you sure? brenda fair at all. >> all right. and that's it for us. have a great night. esse welcome to jesse watters. primetime tonightters "p


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