tv Gutfeld FOX News June 20, 2024 12:00am-1:01am PDT
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channel, a disturbing update about the illegal immigrant that was arrested for allegedly assaulting that 13 year old girl in queens in new york, in broad daylightha girl it cont prosecutors allege the suspect admitted to recordinheg thiscorn whole attack. he apparentle wholy threatenedae two teenagers at knifepoint. a boy and a girl ties theme yo together, gags them, the youngn girl after. a five day manhunt. the suspect was dragged out fromspect wa under a car by thed after a group of new yorkersa made a citizen's arrest. our prayers are with this family. >> how sad. that's all the time we have left. please set your dvr. in the meantim thee, notg your heart. be trouble. greg gutfeld, put a smile on your face. have a great night d will p smile i.
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yes. yes, yes.] i know that. right. got it. look de, grea, i know, i know it's ht to want what you can't.wednes >> happy wednesday, everyoneda. the heat wave continues in the east. it was so hot in washington, d.c. biden's temperature actually got into the single digitss. >> meanwhile, the ap claimsr at a fundraiser last week, president biden did didn't freezen didn't up on stage, butt he paused for 7 seconds. 7 >> okay. i guess that's another way of saying the exact same thing. the next time i go to theea supermarket to get my ice cream, i'll go to the parsed food.
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a new poll finds that ao to majority of hispanics h the deportation of illegal immigrants. well, that's one way to get rid of your mother-in-law. >> that's a recent study ranked san francisco as america's worst run city. it's bad. alcatraz is offering tourso awfu of san francisco. >> that was good. james carville said he'd bet that trump is a no show for the upcoming debate. if carville loses the bet, he'll pay 100 bucks. but if he wins, he his ring back from frodo. nationwide insurance has coverage for over 100,000 american pets. not my problem, said one woman ,a friend to climate activists
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,the 5000 year old stonehenge monument with orange paint. >> take a look at the damage. >> apparently the arresting officer for justin timberlake's dui didn't know who the pop star was for a fleeting moment. >> timberlake understood what it's like to be steve doocy doocy. just kidding. hey, he's asleeps now. and for the second straight month, no orders have been placed for the boeing 737 max.rh that's because chris christie now gets his food delivered by an airbus a320, a guy model,i long time. u anim settle down, you animals. alwelcome to the hoax. i hoax. we're in the run up to the
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election in our media circlen ua wagons around a dithering joe biden to convince us that diene with our own eyes isn't real. this year's hoax hoa x even whole comes with a whole new buzz term cheap, fake, a word wor that allows the left to confuse people with deep fake without actually lying. it's like when i say my pool thys are tie wd at work. thank you. thank you. . >> but it's now a phrase that in one day seems to be everywhere. the talking heads who impersonate journalists e and in a fun way. like when i stole brit hume's identity to buy a human kidneyei . the dark web. and i already have my owebn. >> there's a growing and insidious trend in right wing media to take highlediay misleading and selectively edited videos of president h thos biden and then use those videos to spread messagese o sp virally
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to cast doubt on president biden's fitness for office. thoubt account circulating many of the clips responded, claiming the videos a unedited and promise to keep them alive. i really want to anchor. we've been worried for years>> w about deepfakee'ves that computs generated images are going to trick people into believing something that's totally false o a . >> cheap fakes are a little bit simpler. they're cheap. they're just distortedheap of context. videos chopped up in certain ways are constructed in certain ways. >> that's what we're seeing, is that that adorablsehat adorea it's -- it's almost as if they hold us to higher standards thany ho. they hold themselves. like when geraldo once told me a mustache make me look like a . but cbs took it a step further, tacking a altered video notea da to a clip featuring joe that was actually 100% real.10 i guess to protect joe. well, okay, cbs, try that trick.
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here is this video. >> digitally altered. bi name is joe biden, joe biden's husband. thanks to all the memberded.s o of congress and homeland security secretaryress, i'm not sure how.d be hold on. it could be digitally altered. let's just run id let again and listen. >> my name's joe biden. i'm joe biden's husband. jil >> thanks to all the members of congress and homeland security secretary. now. i'm sorry, kids. that's real. that's the leader of the free world. i wouldn't let him lead a conga line i lea, a nursing home, now, is it? as we've often said, the louder the left screamssaidance about something, the greater the chance they're doing it themselves. so as we're toldre it that joe is ashe sharp as the inside of a soup can, lid always closed doors.
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of course, we're also told that all the videos of joean ela stumbling and slurring are an elaborate hoax, which poses a key questionbo . >> are you me? this. t co >> this has to be the lamest cover up since dana applied black shoe polish on jesse's bald spot. remember these anti hoaxse ghostbusters are the same grifter hoas pushed the fih people hoax in which the media falsely claimed trump endorsedmn . that was biden's sole reason for running. even worse, it gavnnine dems license to claim that 70 million people voted for ma, which led to a trumpt derangement that kept them from assessin andg the sad state of e country under biden. that entire hoax is theoundat foundation for the last four years. for thk about it. >> they didn't. and now they want us to consider context t for their gul who's clearly unfit for office. t for ofis the larger context fr old man who can't walk a.
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gravity. but that was only the the hoax as launched by the dementia crats. remember that drinking bleach hoax where they claimed trump endorsed drinking bleach e covid?id-19 co they practically were telling us he'd invented the clorox martin i, which isn't bad with a twist of lemon. then there the koi pond hawks hoax, in which trump dumpingo a a box of fish food into a pondpo was supposed to be a diplomatic on par with your pants whennt meeting the pope, i was fake. >> remember the migrant kidst ks in cages hoax? ad that one had aoc crying like someone took away our crayong lp of course they left out that this program started under obama. arted unhonestly, my experience with kids in cages is that they grow up to be far more responsibl fe. there was the russian tape hoax. sorr russy, the only president being on is joe biden by joe biden. there's the don't say billay
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hoax, which never said don't say. apparently it was media conflating with forcing sexually explicit books on kids. then there was the border patrol whippin wasg hoax. he b nobody was getting whipped. those were reins controlontrol horses. anyone who owns that glue h factororsewho ownsy that coving i can only hope their lawsuit payout means they can hireheir lemon to wash their helicopters. speaking of kidser, remember who the media told us appeared at a football game in blackfac g ? turns out the kid was just sporting his team's colors. so whose was red aftert no that incident? not the media. because event if it's not real, there's racism somewhere. how about russian? everyone from adam schiff to rachel maddow tried to convince us that trump wam ts a russian asset. but as soon as that russianoo asset left office, putincked ukr attacked ukraine again. if trump was a russian spy, he'd i horrible reviews on yelp. then, of course, there'se'
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the laptop. when 51 intel officers told us how his computer was russiasa disinfo. they were lying and they knew it. like when my scoutmastern nformw said we were required to shareh a sleeping bag and this clown, we shouldn't look at i>>t as anything than a russiannythin disinformation operationg . but even if you're open to it, i the substance of, it is still the story of joe biden loving his soflovingn. journa that's journalism. it's liklie edward murrow aftery being hit with a frying pan in the face. >>in pa there's covid. we were told it came from bate d soup in a wet market.t yo hey, fauci, that's the best you could come up with. you caused a catastrophere globe for the entire globe and people think you're a hero. millions died and i can nod longer get that burgerans. . so as we enter another hoax season, remember, it's notr ano
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it's them. they're the engine behind this b.s.. no wondenoder they to feed the e so much. it's a runaway train fuelew sod by cow. >> let's welcome tonight's guests. . she's got ice in her veins. is weird because it's supposed to be blood. oh, so we're going to take your sho ortegw in series x at n ortagus. she models bikinis and hates liberal. >> gop spokeswoman elizabeth brad pickle. she's like ozempic, alwayss li on tkev, popular with bad guys. you know, there is a gender gapn there. wet to don't want to say how hue she is, but there's no way around it. "new york times" bestselling author, comedian and formeright heavyweight champion tyrus morton. don't you find it shockinguddenl
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the media suddenly cares about context, something that didn't matteryntex whenever a republican or anybody in the media who's from the right says repu theg, it out. they'll put it out there and call you a racist. ouwhat say you racist? >> i've probably been called that before. what i don't understand. yes, they do this. what i don't understand about this white house is whyido are you drawing attention to these videos by calling cheap fakes? you're forcing another day orevb two in the news cycle for everybody to talk about it. and the debate was edited. itodk if is edited was not edited. it was clearly not edited. and as you just said. so i think it's stupid on ad on communications level. and then also, like, i don't even kno aations lw what a chea. that's like a chinese purse che being soldfifth av on fifth avenue or like jesse watters toupee. >> yess . >> i'll have you know, though, he spent thousands of it to cheap. >> you're right. >> you athat he has its own lite sleeping quarters in the green room. >> elizabeth, welcome to the show. first time.
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glad to have you here. alyshappy to be here. great. it seems like they realize that can't hide joe forever now. they can't control them. e soto now they have to call outet every kind of thing that he doeshing because they can't hidw him in the basement. >> what do you think the problem is? we're alsoha k? out every single thing that he does. and i hate the democrats for a lot of reasons now i hate them more because i. i swore to myself i'd never this term, but here we are. we' this is gaslighting. like, it's that symbolre we're all kind of watching him not know where he's going or being led offstage by a former president or i'm not going to, you know, confirm or deny,t go e but maybe even doing some stuff in his pants that he shouldn't. >> so for mentf in pan, it's jut know why. like you said, why were we calling attention to it? hoybe just mov kno callittentiot and hope to god that the republicans don't notice? >> yeah, it's topegoe o late. >> hey, kat. welcome back. hey, thank you. yes. what do you make of what biden just said in that break? >> you said there is.
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>> i mean, you know, if it's your grandfather or. it's kind of cut e. this is my grandfather. i take him to the hospital. yes. n toitalmy grandpa has ten yeara biden and he doesn't act like that. yeah yea, it's true. so i and also the diff i guess the defense of saying this like video is not like, okay, even if it was a fake video, i feel like that defense implies that this video alone would be the only reason anyone be concerned about joe biden's cognitive abilities. >> yeah. i mean, it's -- it's they're calling this out. they're bringing more attention to it, but it'ng mors noe tott e there's not countless more. i mean, every time every time te he comes out and speaks, there's another example of something like thisanother , and that'll be live. so i don't understanal don'td. there's really no defense. it is gaslighting. i completely agree that it makegree s they're trying to make us question the reality of what we're seeing with our own eyes. that's what gaslighting it is. it doeseeinget s get overused a lotuy whenever like a guy doesn't like you, sometimes girls like he's gaslightinglikesycho th met
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>> like now he just doesn't like youbut. and gaslighting me. no, like, no, not. >> so again, if as if those videos from the just this weekre that's the only thing that should be concernin onlg if we haven't been watching this for years, it's almostar tyrus.n >> they should be pointing outg when he's normal. >> yeah, that's what they should be doing because that's the bug in the systee bum. system is the abnormal. the bug is when all of a suddeaa he has a moment of clarity. yeah, well, when he does, they'll attack nauseum. we got to wait for that moment. mm-hmm. it's only been three years in, so. and i agree with everything that kat said. but one. you don't take grandpa to the hospitalu . you take him to the home. no, you got to drop him off. you know, got to tell him this is a new oval office and, you know, and you're orderly. e is secretary of state and the
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lady who brings jell-ola is the new first lady. she's going to be nice. and that's what you dond. >> then you make sure the door locks from the outside and you just keep him in there. but that the fact that they're been trying to defend thisha is as if wene don't have it been here. yeah, he wasn't slick in his forties. okay. yeah, he's always been if he wasn't stumbling through something, he was lying h about it. mean the guy's had the greatest life outside of maybe marvelbody superhero. he's met everyone. he's cured everything. he saved. what's the count up to now? 17 drowning people just casually 1ning peo to work in d. black children. yeah. and they were all black. yeahk childr, because the one we one didn't make it because, well, that's what happens to oppressors when they can't swim. >> so it's just the pathetic ness of him. yeah. some oppressors in the audiencee tonight. >> yea h, i see. yeah. you. this is do take. i suggest you all wear life jackets. biden's around, but it's justd h
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they have nothing else to run on. mm. so they ale nothinl have to do is he's limping to the finish line. >> mm-hmm. that's iand that's it. he'll be in the dali wheny they wheel him acroswhens the finish line, and then they'll dump him like. likedump him susie. all of a sudden all this is going to come out. yeah. and then they'll replace himn line because they just need him to hate him to cross. cross the line. you can croak that or do whatever you want to do. just cross the line because weg can't change it now. the whole campaign is no trump. yeah. >> on that note, let's move on, shall we? okay, greg, democrat politicians brag about men who do drag g. >> if you'll be in the new york area and like tickets to see. gutfeld go to fox slash gutfeld and click on the link to join our studio audience. >> you know what's crazy? this is better than cooking at home. i mean more affordable than
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pd info. >> it's coming. your way. hey. hey. it's been. hey, hey, hey. all right, fair enough. i get to while s.f. goes down the tubes. >> they're worried about dudes with . our videe worrieo. s we the day comes to us from a democratic mayoral debate in the nation's. san francisco. s.f. was jus t the country's worst run city, but mayor london breed had a highe butr asking a fellow candidate to name three drag queens.g qu >> roll at gladys. ere at you were at the debate last week and could name laste any dg queens on your own. i wan yos wondering if you coul. this is an opportunity to redeem yourself and if you could name three lgbtq advisers for your campaign dragu
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and three drag queens in sansco. francisco. >> we're not going to revise the drag queen question from last wee fromk. >> hmm. well, that . he couldn't name any drag queens. y hi not nicky, jay's honey, mahogany, peaches. . >> juanita moore, vanilla meringue, fadumo root or mother chukae ou? >> i'm not done. and what about the lesser knownt drag queen loretta kudloaw. you're going to kill him. y? iousl it proves how unserious democrats are when faced with serious problem>> it s. forget fentanyl, crime, homelessness and taxes. i mean, i don't know who you'rme essential female impersonators are. you don't deserve to run a cit y . >> anyway, here' s some to that fellow candidate, mark farrell. next time you're asked that. gotcha question, simply respond
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with i can't name them, but i can name city's recent murderdoze victims. i can name a dozen businessen s that fled the city. ,i can name a few people living in tents outside this buildin iewg. i can i can also name the worsto city in the country to live in because it can. because of you. that sai bec san frad, i would o dropping the microphone after that. but a homeless guyjust droppingd probably steal it every year. >> elizabeth i get it. in san francisco, they have a traditio san. they have a lot of problems. i mean, would you not vote forcs a mayor because he doesn't know his drag queens? >> i totally wouldn't. s know hisdrag quei want an unet representing me. i don't know why you would1 . yo look, it's simple. if you can't off the top of your head, say rupaul trixie, mattel, or my favorite alaska thunder probably shouldn' tel t be anything in the country. yeah, those are also love. >> alaska thunder, alaska.
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>> one of the few thingsd that have come from alaska that you liko comee, that you en compare yourself to drag queens . >> well, yeah. i mean, i'm dressed in drag right no i'm dre w and every day.e yeah. between the chest padding and the fake. in t absolutely. mm-hmmhe fe is. >> actually i have had friends borrow my . do you wear to do drag before? so that's not really a joke. but anyway, i. yeah, i drag queens. my, my issue. if i was asked that question, i'd be like, how i narrow it down to three. i, i love drag. it's something that i'm interested in, that i in that i enjoy. but, but this guy, because he'sb to ninterested hobby happens to not be the local drag scene. that doesn't meae lon that he's like homophobic. >> yeah. and also when she was like named the people on your staff that wasur staff super to me.
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yes to be like name your is like yeah it's true. that's a very if anybody to asko me that dyi don't think i could talk. i just like sit there and be very uncomfortable woulder. it's -- it's so weird because there's so many different because you're not interested in a particular art form. that doesn't mean that you're, a or an, not supportive advocate or an ally to entire community. that's absury tod. agai and apparently she brought it up again because she really thought she ate the first time. thoughlike, yeah, i have san francisco again. there's everywhere. everi got bigger things to talk about. >> exactly. lot of ther ae. tires it almost it's almost like where they used to ask politicians if they knew useo af milk. yeah, it's. it woke america. it's name your drag queen. >> i don't i think but there was no wrong answer. >> yeah. i don't know any drag queens, but if you said name i could just off the top of my head go cher. in the eighties. cher in the nineties. cher in the seventies. can you any other ones?mo strawberry kiss, moonbeam,
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delighonbeamt. cherry blossom. yes. and there would be. yo, how do you know he does it? mahe's a married man. >> mm. he doesn't hang out and late night clubs the strip clubsth ti where most of this stuff happens it's highly sexualized so you could you should be able to live with a straight face say no i don't know any. that's not. that's not my thins asg. i this is what i do. but everybody has rights and needs to be heard or whatever. the fact that they're trying to push that as a sticking point that he's nong thit and ba that life into his, that's nots his moral compass. and the fact bothers me that he was a more fiery to defend t that like we're seeing this thing where an nba was having a fit because the first thing the ballplayers did when they won was they thank god they think their faith. and it was like, oh, they even edited that stufnf because it's okay if your lifestyle, you support drag queens. i have no issue with it. and that promise, it's not my thing. okay.
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so and if you don't, t that doesn't mean you're bad. justhadoesn' means it's not you, just like your thing isn't their thing. their thind her, can you nameaso six pastors in this cityrs? oh, how dare he ask her that? no, he can't, because his thing. you got to stop standing up for our things and not be afraid. i. >> i question his leadership. >> morgan. you know, any drag queens and could you name que them? >> now, i know when i did pageants in my twenties. yeah, for sure. i hung out with drag queens all the time. i mean, who do you think taughte me to do my hair and makeup? at teah, i love drag queens,ns but at appropriate thing, like, it's not for children and it's certainly not appropriate a mayoral debate because as gap pointed out there on the streets of san francisco, i mean like so much so that we've talked about this before and, you show that you ad need a app. yeah, avoid it. so i just thin ik you, whether you like drag queens or not, isn't even the issues. but how about fixingt ev this c? pl yeah, really?
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>> applause to clean up the. oh, i have another name. what? >> cher. 2000. all right. but what? re s >> go ahead. no, i was just going a bit like drag queens are supposed to be fun, right? yeahd to. and this woman is trying to make the liberals are trying to make everything, like, ching ge and humorless. s >> and it's like a school exercise. it's like it's no fun when you make everything homework, right? exactly. they're making, like drag queens. >> they're supposed to be fun. this is not. this is humorless. yeah. all right, get it. >> thank you. up next, the government's obsession with, trans expression. >> this is what we call luxury from turquoise waters. you'll be engulfed in the world of indulging and serenity . this is the best to the great outdoors. this so exquisite. >> we are skiing. ski out for all of music. okay, we're ready.
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national intelligence. celebrating pride month with activities duringpride mo h hours like nail painting and crocheting. transgendenail paintr. agents can also attend lectures from non-binary activistans discussing trans rights. >> this again is during work hours. >> what say you oh man, i can't help covid. that week. week's so i missed all that. i'm going to live though. i just. i don't get it. you're spies and you're telling everyone you're painting your nails a certain way. so everyon nailse who sees you s you're a spy. >> my night in might not hearing this right? like your undercover agents with very specific flag painted on your nails that everyone. so if i wasn't russian agent, i'd be like, i don't know. there's one that is just blows my mind like, again, if i it's not your thing should be okay to say, hey, this is my thing.
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when they do this stuffk abou at work, they put people in awkward situations. i get confused the le a all the time that we had the metoo movement where, like work was supposed to be about work mov personal. i if you said something to somebody, they made him wicomfortablsaidbody te and. this, that, whatever. now it is. well, now you need to support this certain group or there'sso something wrong with you at work. isn't that doing the same? methg with aall over again? so it's just. it blows my mind. keep this out of wor k keep it out of our sporting events. let trans people live their lives. livethey need you. >> yeah, for them. they just need you to leave them alone. le. o excellent point, morgan. >>? >> you are in the intel space, aren't you? >> you were in the military. i'd tell you. i'd have to kill you, but killou me softly. se so you got the chinese nuclear arsenal. it's like growing rapidly. e ar >> what do we do?ing and we're crocheting trans flags. wellcroc, know, my nails lov are actually really expensive, so i love this idea. >> it's this idea with dior as s
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you know, we have this saying you have around variousyo government agencies. you'll have all these things that warn you an atd. one of the big like, you know, graphics that it would have is loose, loose sink ships. and now we can say loose lips painted, tips, sink ships. works >> i think we've got to do one. yeah. i mean, like we're going to die first. yeah, we're going to we're going to die firstere go. in >> they're going to care. it does seem to me like this takes everything has kind of opportunity cost. i would preferred drink. they could this after work. >> i hate painting my nails. want to know why? why? because it takes a long time. you don't have to just paintg yo them. you then have to waitht for thev to dry. his as in it's the worseus because you're sitting there, you can't do anything. hts in >> think about all your thoughts in your head. but like during work, it's not. it's not like anork it cream sol where you eat the ice. it's like you're sitting there painting this. this is like hours of activities, but i do likehi o to loourk on the bright side,
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you know, he's looking on the bright side of things. so i think the bright side of this woulside o woud be if ta is sitting around waiting for their nails to dry then that's less time for them to unconstitutionally spy on us. ess time fori'm but elizabeth, e recruiting people that are okay with this, they'll end up spying on us. and we can't trust them because they got all their little they're crocheting trans flags. i sae they crochety that made n. but i don't care what say you i feel like it's funny because people keep saying like, what's >> it's with the black vote? what's up with this vote? like, why are we doing this? tand so to me, i'm like imagining this going on, imagining like the democratic party headquarters. they're sitting around wondering like, why is donald trump winning with hispanic vote for w get mp w example what it's like, shut up and get back to your manicure. that's like, i don't seeyour man what supposed to do. i don't see what this is going to do when it come they dos facg russia and china, for example. i guess we're no better than them at crocheting, painting nab
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her nails. >> but that's probably all we're better at. and that's a problem. that'sut the scary aret. >> morgan it feels almost likerm wochinese psyop, you know, like unleashed these woke practices that sink our to to protect our country seriously, that maybe w e put those famous>> but san francisco drag queens on the ship and, like, run and scare chinese frome the border. >> maybe that was a goodchines i very least, give them a hell of a makeoverve. >> nails. all right, coming up we explain. >> gold diggings, new name. >> gold diggings, new name. the virus that causes shingles is sleeping it 99% of peopleful, over 50. over 50. it's lying dormant, waiting and could reactivate shingles. and could reactivate shingles. strikean time. >> blistering rash that can wake at any time think you are not at risk for shingles. it's time to wake up because shingles could wake up you if you're over 50, talk to your doctor or
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economic status than themselves who could support and enhancane their own life. isn't that life isn't that whata people do? >> i meat n people as in women. >> oh, a sexist would say. a sexist would say. also someone who's wrong would say, trust me, men do it too. i've had experiences with that in the past. i >> yeah. though, you know, i think that kind of seems a low, especiallyt seems if i really t to know how the question was phrased. because we're the other 60% like, no, i need to date someone poor 60% i. mos but you know what i mean? like, i for it shouldn't be the most important thing i it'imporo to me. i thought there was a lot of strange statisticstics. this article, quite honestly, that was like 80% of people are attracted to self-confidence. then thought that was low. it was an everyone attractive confidence. and then i realized no, no predators aren't. there's people that like if somebody is like, oh, i really like a really weak perso like n
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that's a red flag. i look for weakness. i look at thisnd sadne i look fe person with low self-esteem who hates themself. hates thi don't go, that's not n a monster of a human or that'sto an afternoon a day shift. >> yeahifth. e help i always hit on the help at aa vegan restaurant. yeah, i don't have proteinvegan it's just mercy clap. >> morgan. >> okay, so here's the thing. i believe and i'm going to i'm going to i'm going to echo my sexist friend garrison. yeah, this this is men don't give it what you make because it's pure. husbands will cheat on their socialite wife with awaitre waitress. >> they're not goingss, well,at i'm not going to cheat with that waitress. what does she makesexy waioe. br
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did she go to barnard college?hs that is a college, right?>> fir >> sure.l it i don't know. i think well, first of all, this isn'tw is new. why is this article acting like this is kind of like since the dawn of humanity? except people want security. and that's just, you know, how it is. but also like, who cares?n i've never seen anyone depressed on a yacht. like, people areressed och pret. like, i've never i've gone on a private plane. maybe i've gone on a private plane a few times. everybody wae os happy. >> so, you know, i mean, like, was that on the way to epstein island? >> morgapsteinn where i'm trying to think it might have been from welcome back, kotter you . that's not fair, greg. >>. was >> and you apologize. you know, she's welle yo past 17 way. they're not going to let her onh that islaneyo led. oh, come back two decades ago. and you had the temerity to put her through that. >> i'm sorry. i'm not going to allow that. already decades ago, you retire. oh >> 2 d, oh, gloves are.
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anyway, i thought you were making a good point, although i've already forgotten tha it ih was just like people are happy and yes, people are happyachtsy on yachts. >> elizabeth, do you buy this research? i don'izabeth?t also maybe becai manage to be depressed anywhere. >> i've been depressed on a yacht quite pe a times supermod. >>qu you're not depressed? that's okay. my husband's not here. to tell you the trut h. no, i don't really buy it. i think it's kind of weird. like you said the number is too low. at the same time, i'm kind of jealous. >> people that are interested in this. my first day with my husband, us firstf s, so maybe i could use a little hippocampi. >> is that what it's called? i could use a little hyperbole s in my life. but wait, are you sayingek you're going to trade him? no, it all worked. it. it all worked ou know it worked but. all right, you kids, that's where it started. kidback off. n >> tyrus is this just anothere o name for gold digging? no, noldk. because this is a name for man. a n i'm just going to say it. okay? really unattractive. >> wrote this story,
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i'm afraid. what's the what's the evidence? >> first of all, they talked t about how they wanted to be swep talt off their feet. and and i just reading it, i felt like who was writing it was at least a deuce and a quarter. yeah. so i didn' lea t think good luck getting them up. it was just unrealistic expectatio in since you don't to put it in a situation where they were writing it as theses s musts, these have, i have to bee swept off my fee tt and i to be encouraged. and he has to be they have to be more wealthier than me ings and they're telling you all the things the other person has to do. ot to doe was nothingdoin about what they were doing. but everybody wants to be catereerybodd to. but they don't understand. like if a man takes you out to dinner and wantunden takes py for your meal and everything, he's peacocking and showing like i'm a provider and this,a v that, whatever and i can payay bills and that's attractive the right? she's showing that she's going to be the emotional compass and suppor emot and comfort himv whatever and that was the old school thing.
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then you have people who have nevers the hing the enjoyea because of obvious reasons and now they're writinsog like it's new hyperbole, trying to trick some guy to be like, no, you're just an unattractivea gold digger trying to find a fancy word, just me to spend all my money. it's just people don't. this is natural humanaturan being behavior and they're acting like, huh, why is it not for mese. so they're inventing these words. hi. what is it again? hi. polygamy? yeah, it's called. hi just what i'm going to do is corey bush spreading rumors about healing people's tumors. >> this is an election year unlike any other. that's why you need america's one most watched news source. stay with us. all the way to election night, the candidates are ready. americans across the country are ready. and so are we.
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faith. at one point, you came across seveman with, quote, several visible tumors on her torso. >> tell me what happened. and this lady came us and she had these tumors. i mean, she wanted us to, like, fill thee wantedm. and i just remember i put my hand on her and my hands h just began to move. and the lumps that were there were no longer there. and she was so happy. and she, like, went on about her day. >> so that was democrat, democrat congresswoman cori bush from 22. she claims she performed religious miracles as a faith healer, includinyodg a womanover of her tumors. kat, this made mure think so. if she's in congress, she probably has, like associates and peer s ands might have cancer. they must be off at her because she's not curing theirs. >> but she's, like, curious. like, if i was i walking around, you know, curing tumors
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and you'd be like, greg, what about me? >> and i'd be like, sorry. yeah, but also. i'm busy >> right, that's it. so sorry. i'm busy. kat. i don't. i just do homeless ladies. i don't think. i mean, i also feel, like, ifs a your hands can cure cancer, then, like they call it. cu what, if i'm having a badu cu day. yeah. you, like, cure my bad day? yeah. careyfor men you do.i touc i mean, for me, ifh i talk to someone and.their and their cancer went away, i don't think i would talk about anything. >> i mean,e li right?e ca i mean, if. if i think you could be braggadocious, i'd be like everyonebrs it b, i just cured . it's almost insulting that sheef is talking about anything else. so she has the cure to cancer in her hand? shr iner . why is she hiding from us? well, we. biden morgan swore that was going to cure cancer. >> he's got to bd cae with thano before. >> after the cannibals ate his uncle. i think it was before he saitec he said, well, i can't waity quc to hear the geezer.mbling
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you know, i'm quoting him. >> i just got an idea. maybe corey bush could cure biden. oh that would be great for the country. >> yeah, i think that i think there's a lot of that have very strong faith that do believe and, you know, prayingto and being and god being able to heal them. in f. thing wonderful thing >> and god bless corey bush. oh, wow. that was a surprise for morgan ortega. >> now, what do you believe? you believe that she believes it? i do. >> i believe george santos probably cure cancer first. yeah cured, i want that on the record. i'm going to echo what morgan said. i hope to gol ecd. ove she gets her hands all overring joe biden and cures whatever the hell is going on over there. whar the heand fixes our count. >> yeah. last word, tyrus. woul d you was talking about it. i think she believed it. yeah, for sure. m >> i want her touch me just >> tase i. i mean, the only thingd i'm convinced of is that she wrote the articlco hise in prevs segment.
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back to you. backgreg. not yet. say i'm still going to say that she's probably people inng congress who are like, go on. like, i think what you said, which is like you were curing cancer and you had this secretei and you didn't share it with everybody else. i'd be i, i that's a lousy friend. >> yeah. it's not like, you know, it's got a real time.realti john coffey just walking around after everything. ar anything about it. >> exactly. don't go away. don't go away. we'll be righttoms cane. psoriatic arthritis is tough. >> symptoms can be unpredictable. one day your joints. >> it's painful. >> it's painful. i couldn't move likemoer. >> i got cosmetics. feels good to move. authentic helps real people move and feel better. baclearer s multiple symptoms of psoriatic arthritis for less joint pain, swelling
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