tv Hannity FOX News June 20, 2024 11:00pm-12:00am PDT
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scott from anna texas ask the the dinosaurs what happens when you block the sun. how did the dinosaurs die? i thought it was a meteor. did they die because the sun went away? i don't knowwent ay i don'. >> bobby joe from bergen, new york. johnny is so funny. ca johnnn i pinch his cheeks?wh which cheeks? remyich ch from cleveland, ohio. >> my four year old grandsony 4- named his hamsteyer watters piza . that is one handsome hamster. love it.thanks thanks guys, name all ofll your freaky pets. after jesse watters pizza. >> dvr the show. hannity next. and always remember, i'm waters and this is my world.
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welcome to "hannity". >> and tonight, more heinous crimes, more victims, more sufferingre and from bidens border crisis. but one top democrat seems to think all of this is very funny. we got the tape. we'll play we've it will makeoi your blood boil. that's straight ahead tonight. but we begin tonight with a brad new swing state poll from emerson college. take a look at your screen. in arizona, donald trump is up by four. in georgia. donald trump is also up by four. in wisconsinia donal, trump is u by three. in nevada, trump is up by threey again in pennsylvania, he's up by two. in michigan, 2 he's up by one. and in the traditionally very, very blue stat be of minnesota,n trump and biden are tied 4545. 4 in other words, according to a pretty reputable poll, trump is ahead in every single battleground state and tied in minnesota, added to recent polls from virginia, n a dead even race in th re commonwealth and pretty good news to donald trump today. however, i do caution 1 everybody, we are 137 days awaya until election and that is an
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eternity in terms of politics. so a lot can happen. early voting begins in pennsylvania in onlh early 88 short days and all the other states roll out afte or that. however, it gives us a snapshot into the election today. and what are people saying? they're seeing biden's policies there, a americans see that theirer president is a cognitive.dent ms and they're not buying. these are cheap fake video. they're not buying that lie. it shows that a weaponized department of justice isn't even work it out the way democrats had planned on it. working out. and to make matters worse for joe biden. well, he now hasbi weakest poll numbers among women since john kerry and twice one in four. and joe is down by double digits amongdigits american mene but again, it's still a tight race and that will likely be decided by two or these states where the pollsin are well within the margin of error. take nothing for granted. sohin margf make no mistake, ths
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for next thursday. cnn presidential are extremely high. here's what democratic strategist van jones had to say. take a listen. >>d, van, how big of a moment is thi hs for president? i mean, i talk to folks in the biden world, democratic party, i and they say this is a hugely important moment for the president. this is this is the entire election, as far as i'm concerned. wil the entire world will w be watchinatching. if you if you are a carbonrm y besed life form, you've got to b we watching. if you've got a functioning brain stem, you're going to be func if biden goesgo out there and messes up, it's gam theree over. if he if he walks out of there l and a week later, he's lower in the pollsks, it's panic in tc party. >> i don't necessarily agree with van jones. while we definitely have accurately documented very troubling cognitive struggles for years. troubling co way ahead of thedo curve. don't expect that joexpect te bs biden that we see on a daily basis to show up at that
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debate. this bring u at that s to the legend of jacked up joe. on a rare occasion during an important speech, biden's demeanor became very differentdu . the mumbling, the bumbling, the stumbling, the fumbling got replacedbling st, screaming and the confusion was maskedte u by aggression. his heart rate was up. his eyes were bulging. his speech was fast. his behavior was weird. kind of like a kid who had coffee for the first time jacked up. joe last appeared at the state of the union address. that was back in march. we haven't seen it since. hanow we don't know ifin it's caffeine, adrenaline. i don't know. or something else. but next thursday, i fully expect a return of jacked up joe. now, of coursep jove cours, bide to string two sentences together. joe's friends and state rue fign media like most dnc fake news, cnn. oh, he actuall wiy he survived. he had some victory. he won the humpty dumpty. stret so the world they'll be dancing in the street. fake jake tapper and dana bash
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will probably be sharing high fives behind the scenes, but it's probably half the questions. let's talk about january six. let's talk about 2020. let's talk about democracy in peril. let's talk about anything othere than the issues that would actually matter to people. and then, of course we'll have jacked up joe. he will fade back into obliviont and then mumbling, bumbling, stumbling. joe will return. oblivion ttumbling. n th apparently, for the next seven days and seven nights, the biden teams, they are busy summoning up, jacked up joe and they're doing ithe. the woods at camp david. according to the white house, biden will spendcording the en week prepping for the cnwenl presidential debate. it's only 90 minutes. there are no public events, no deba 9. nothing else is scheduled. the president of the united statehes will simply suspend is pretty important day job for a week to prepare b for this debate. wouldn't it be great to have a president who coule d actually walk and chew gum at the same time? i know i'm asking for a lod
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t someone that doesn't need an entire week of preparationoussin for a 90 minute discussion. now, we spent many, many hours prepping for this show every day in many hours, doings 3 hours of radio every day. i don't know. i don't know if i could spend an entire week doing preparing for a one hour or two hour show. it's kind of bizarre prepa, thea that the mob, the media is pretending that this is business as usual is predictable, but its is repulsive as usual. usuanow, will either of cnn's far left moderators that really liberal talk show host asks aske biden why he needed an entire week of solitudey he? e debate prepare for the debate. the chance chancs of that are na to zero. we know it's a stacked debate. debatwe know it's three on one against donald trump. nomocrats are still noticeably petrified that biden will embarrass the entire party. why is that? here with more fox news why r, former speakeribut of the house newt gingrich. you know what's so fascinatingoa about up joe and the media? prey've been writing a lot
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about predicting that the return of jacked up joe anurn d came on right after this. you're laughing because you're like my oldey r brother. i you know, my my effect, my loving older and i came on right after the state of the union. th didn'after t give the speaker of the house the opportunity to introduce him. he is one of the good folks. and it was all over. so i don't know. hyper caffeinated. i'm not going to speculate. you know what it was. but it was something wasn't the guy we see every day. here's the interesting part. we haven't seen it since. now, am i crazy in my prediction? am i wrong? and my m prediction?n do you think it's a 5050 chance i might be right? what do you thin a ck? well, you put me in an awkward position for. first of all, there are about 5 million people who follow this and some wayn th that you and i do and payway
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attentioyon to this stuff. there are another 330 million americans who just don't care. they thinkjust it's all noise. i mean, this is june. imagine we were having a contest for water with the christmas tree. look like. i mean, that's about what this is like. let metree i offer you a totalle contrarian view. unlesss biden can hit a knockout punch against trump. he loses the debate by definition because the next morning everybody goes back to a grocery and they looke at the prices and they remember who the presidentt is. the following day, they watch the local newsay and they see an illegal immigrant or murder, an american citizen. mber b and they remember that biden has an open borderid. and the day after that, they see biden stumbling around confused with somebody helping him off of a stage or onto
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a stage. the problem biden has is he has this brief 90 minute moment to try to get people to believe that that's the real deal. trump's job, which i'm not surei he fully understands, is very different. all trump has to do is laugh. relax. look, if i were coaching trump,o i would say what i askedul joe.t you really think your uncle waso eaten by cannibals? did you really think, wait a minute, i you. >> speaking of poor uncle buzzy, it was eaten by cannibals. and here you are speculating that that may not be true. >> that's. there's something really wrong itt. thaals and now, i think senator ernst had the line recently. she tweeted out, never trust somebody who thinks his uncle was eaten by a cannibal. i mean was b, just another quesn that another question trump could ask him is, did you actually know vladimir
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putin when he was a lieutenants colonel in the kgb in east germany, which is what he claimed. so they know him for 40 years. >> 40 years ago, putin was i in the east german division of the soviet kgst b, torturing and killing people. >> now, do you anyone does anybody in planet think joe biden knew who he was? of course not. you take any five? biden goofiness. and i would just have trump be relaxed, catch you all. because what you have is a doddering, incompetent, totally incapable guy and a great historic leader. well, the historic leader shouldn't step down, too,down fighting with this pathetic and rapidly decaying octogenarian who clearly is incapable of being president. well, this is my view. >> tink their goal, both the moderators teaming upt
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with biden. i do believe it will be three on one because the liberal talk show hosts, wi 1 b journalists, notate ru journalists, they state run media. it's a joke. a a joke aand i think they're gg to ask every biased question the they and i'm sure donald of tp will have good answers for all of that. all right. but let's put that aside. well, here ws put that ae are ss away from the debate. early voting start debats in 88, 137 days till the election. and you have the emerson poll out. trump is up in every swingvery state and tied in minnesota. i'm not saying it's a be all wan to end all. i don't want people toople get overconfidenntt. it's certainly better than losing, and i think it shouldle give a of people hope. but i think i am i'm also hoping that it motivatesa winn people to realize that this is a winnable election. look, let me just we've been good friends a long time. >> so i'm going to have to second year the internet.
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>> i mean, is it about security? kristen, i know. t this no, no, listen, i were talkingvg about this earlier this evenin.g . >> here you have an extraordinary historic figure who has shown unbelievable capacity to endure no matter enr what the established did to himt and who has the potential to winen for the first time sine grover cleveland, a secondn term. and given everything he's learned to fundamentally, profoundly shape the system and replace the roosevelt majority with a brandw trump majority, that's that's literally who's coming on stagje . and then you have a doddering, dishonese t machine politicianln propped up by drugs and ups by an old fashioned organization. i thin ank trump should not descend to being the equal of bidenot because he's not. >> trump is a genuine historic
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figure who could save america and in the process, save the western world. biden is a pathetic, decaying figure of stunning dishonesty, who in fact, really is a figure, i think, to be pathetich about. not to be hostile and i hope that trump can recognize that there is a huge imbalance of energy hi the stage and of historic significance between these two people. well said to historian, the professor and the former speaker of the house, newt gingrich thank you, sir. >> all right. tonight, it's no secret the biden administrationedia mob and the federal government and the media mob they love. well, censoring americans. it is a big love tactic of the left. it's frequently against their political rivals. in fact, the biden campaign t and, the mob in the media, state run media and the federal godernment all workend in unison. we know now beyond any doubt they wanted to censor the veryal
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real hunter biden laptop story. in the weeks leadinger biden top 2020 election. under the guise of russian disinformation , we now know and the fbi knew in marchi di of 2020 that that laptop was validated. it was real. 2 and now in 2024, they're trying to do something simila tr with very real videos of joe biden, those showing himn will struggling in terms of being able to walk and, getting dazed and confused and freezing upbodd and words like butter that nobody understands and mumbling and bumbling and stumbling. they're calling these totally authentic, totally unedited images, cheap, fak thesee videor in order to scare weak kneed liberal executives at socials at media companies and other media outletal medias into censoringio the content. we're not going to do it. the e going to double down on them again, just like last night. we, the white house, to clarify what our very real videos let
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us know what words joe is trying l to say. if you tell us whatever you tell us, we will share with our audience. we keep asking you, you don'tnd return our calls. i don't know why. take you retur a look. >> thanks to all the members of congress and homeland security secretary. i'm not sure what to do. >> show dana loesch she knows so long as i say that night,do our freedom can neverm ca be securedecured brutish. trump >> donald trump and a valuableeo lesson don't mess with of work unless you want to getnt t the benefits. >> groundbreaking asian-americans like vera wangei and and joan gang shamim, pasha changa ko koala we'll never forget lying around and then i seen him lying around, actually.
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america is a nation that can be defined in a single word. . i mean, put him put. but then when i signed the bipartisan introduction, again was cory, give us a call. the deception and dishonesty from the left. well, they know no bounds. that means the white house thatt being state run media. and if biden wins in november, it will onlyn men wins get wors here with more is fox news contributor mary catherine hamso and host of alt kicks. tomi lahren is fearless. tomitommy la lahren tomi, i thi' i'm being fair. i can'm beint. onunci that's the best pronunciation we can come up with. sl've listenedatom closely. we've slowed it down liste and listened to it. we put it in there phonetically. and i'm trying to give them an opportune d to come on the airwe and explain what the words are because. i can't explain them. is that a cheap fake s videoet? >> no, it's very real. maybe it's a a new language.
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haven't heard of yet. a lot of illegal immigrants coming across their border, speaking m languages we'rer wi unfamiliar with. >> but sean, i actually think that the democrat party and those in the media that do the bidding of the democratk party, i think they want you to play those videos. >> i thinku that they want foxn you and fox news and honest mediewa play those videos on an loop because quite frankly,theyw i think they want to get rid of joe, as you know. and i think this might otheir of their way of doing it because all week long we've been talkingl about supposedthes cheap fake videos and a lote an of americans that didn'tt of see them initially didn't see them from conservative accounts me twitterfrom conaccounts becaa is talking about them ad nauseum. >> they're actualling about thyg in there. >> so wait a minute. so are you saying the people around biden and karine jean-pierre and everybody in between that this is not real, that they they really wantf joe to get out of the race and they're all collude together to push them out >> drawing attention to his
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cognitive decline? >> that you believe that? i do. and i think that's the only way they get him to step down, that's the only way they convinco e to convince himo to step down is by playing these videos ovep downr over agn making them unavoidable for the american publiavoidablc becausee reality, that's exactly what they've done. if it is unintentional done, cell pho it's the biggest self on this election cycle. >> mary katherine, your take? . >> yeah, i'm not sure i give them that much credit for the strategy, but here'sn th the thing. voters have already decided laght before this latest spate of videos of him mumbling and stumbling. and some of this is just undeniable. the voters back in february 70%s were saying it's 67%. he's too old to serve another termaito ser that includes a may of his own voters. and this nonsensf hivoterse senm media at large about cheap fakes is the new russian disinformation. it is this flexible term that they can use to say, oh, there's a grave threat u to american discourssee and the
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grave threat to american discourse, it turns out, is american talking front about what's happening in front of their eyeballs. and they will treyeballsy to yo. i got shut down. one of my posts on instagram got shut down for postinn gappee a poll about what happened at the g7 with biden that saiddo is it me ask you this? >> is it missing context or doe you care? and i still goant shut down. i don't think i can see a scenario where tommy is 1,000%, right. the only thing we might disagreeercent r on is who the replacement is. she's pretty convinced it'll be gavin newsos m. in i'm not so sure it would be gavin. i think probably it would be the vice president. if not her, it would be whitmer. but -- but i see the opposite. look, he's one major fall away from that. sor is i guess the question is,o you think that joe survives or do you agree with tommy? th. hink theake it look, i think they're inickl a pickle, right? because asking the leader of the free world who has been running to be the leader of the freeunning world since i was
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eight years old, to step down is a difficult thingound 8 to d. however, i can see a scenario because those superdelegates have shown several times over in the democratic party that they are capable of taking the reins and making the choices for their party instead of voters. oices for paso there is a possiy that something happens. but i think my money'ss is on je continuing throughout. i take them with you. but i can see tommy scenariorio tommy, walk us through a scenarioagai you know why i tk it either happens at the convention and it's a big coup or it happens directly after i the convention. d to joe has got to be convinced to step down. and i think that the reasondeos that they're playing these videos and why they're going to continue to play these videoshyyll conti is to embarras his family that much that theale power and the allure of the power is not as great as the the embarrassment that they're feeling by these videos playin h on a loop. so i think that's why we're seeing him and we're going to keep seeing them and there's seei wil g to be more because these are not one offs, john. there's going to be more between now w
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, probablyt more two weeks from now. >> all right. last now question, yes or no, de see the return of jacked up joe? mary catherine, i absolutely.s yes. i think that is a verya good good prediction. dif every time he has a major event, he is a different person. the question is whether the jacked up version can lastr 90 minutes of coverage and back and forth. that's tough, tomm oby. >> do we see jacked up, joe wee. see jacked up joe.will b i think it's going to backfire because it's one thing to be jacked up. joe and delive t to ber a speect >> it's another when you actually have to answer ans. ion he's not reading a teleprompter, you know, at the speed of light without getting introduced by the getther of the house, whict witu is kind of a historic moment. you know, it's my high honor distinct pleasure to introduce the president. let's just get right to the but anyway. >> pretty funny, but sad also. thank you when we come back, more carnage from biden's open border crisis . this is a real seriousre national security crisisal serli
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and the white house simply doesn't care. e sivneek ramaswamy weighs e sivneek ramaswamy weighs in straight ahead. >> veteran homeowners need cash, but worried you can't get a home loan because of your credit. your credit. >> here'a s news at new day. fact, your credit. >> here'a >> we've been granted automatics authority by va to make our owns loan approval decisions. loan approval decisions. >> in fact had credit challenges and missed a payment along the way,an you're more than five times more likely to get approved for the new day one hundred va cash out loan. no one knows. veterans like new day, usa got a new day. usa icon protect your family by life now. >> thank you, daddy. that was us over ten years ago. now life back is responsible for saving over 2000 lives from choking. >> and the time it takes you to pick up the phone and call another life could be save the life saved my life in one 2 seconds. >> protecting families has
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and relax ellipse. >> does all the work for you all now in order ellipse. all right biden's border crisisr could be the single issue that cost him the election. s his advantage with hispanic american voters is shrinking fastelection in houston to vene, venezuelan illegals. joe biden invented, illegals who are just arrested and charged with allegedly murdering a 12 year old girl, dumping her body at a local creen k. now, both crossed the border earlier this year. they were released bor into couy . and in maryland, a mother of five, we told you aboutylan s rachel moran was also allegedly brutally killebrutallyd by a joe illegal immigrant. now, we had rachel's mother, patty on this show earlier this
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week. she hasn't heard anything from the biden, but she did recently receive a phone call from donald trump, which she said was genuine. it was comforting and touching . and an ecuadorian illegal immigrant in queens of a 13 year old girl, videotaping the crime and revealing these details in his confession and describing the assault as it was happening. and while joe biden just ignores the destructio n he is causing and telling us this week, i secured the border e the . like he lied for three years. the border is closed. the border is secure. his allies in congress, the media mob. well, they one better. they mock anybody that shows concern. eya look. >> this is one of the reasons that people have these sort of thinking, this sort of thinking. here's the three cable networks reporting of this was our our banner said soon, biden announces legael protections for undocumented spouses of u.s. citizens. cnn's banner said biden
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announcetion formentses new pros for some undocumented spouses. here was fox's banner migran t for 13-year-old new york. yes. and so i think that's part of the problemt , is that you have a lot of fear mongering. >> exactly. coming up. menti lake and rileyon, rachel mention their names. here now, the author of truce the future america first vivek ramaswamy. what's so frustrating to me i that i always find interviews like i did the other night with rachel, lauren's mom, the hardest interviewse to do because you're interviewing people that you know are in pain, deep pain, and there's noo words that you can give them that will comfort them. and what's so frustrating is all a of this is preventable. this is not complicated. we had that border secure, not a perfectly, but pretty darn close. the lowest levels we'd seen. and joe biden brags about undoing all those policies that worked. and then now he wants to blameep republicans and lie again
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and offer amnestublicay. can you explain that? >> well, look, here is the hard truth. it's common sense, sean, o that if your first actri of entering this country breaks the law. you arng thes thee more likely e breaking the law while you're already here. ue breake larachel martin, for l was killed by an illegal migrant from el salvadors ki orw salvador, is a country that's now cracking down on crime in their own countrymeir. their president, president bush, kelly, is coming down hard on crime ng dow on while we're we're not doing t that in the united states of america. so these ud are the kinds of hard be truths that deserve to be exposed. that's why i wrote the booexposk coming out this fall. and even further than that, why we need to actually win aten th this fall,cultur to restore that culture of law and order in our country, move the military to the southern border, put the coast guard but t gue. grand stop funding the federal sanctuary, funding for sanctuary cities and sengrid the criminals who have committed crimes in this country to their countr commity of origin. j >> that's how you get the job done. president trump talks about securing our border and finishing the jo talks ab
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and building the wall and stay in mexico. and i think that'll work. d k he also brought up two policies recently. i was watching his speech in wisconsin policies and he talked about this when he was in nevada. one is let's not tax tipsps of hardworking men and, women in this country. i spent ten years in the restaurant business, totallya is support that idea. i think it's fair because those people earn thos fai e tips and the you government. do you really have to take, you know, every penn reaed ty, y worker? number one, they talked about an iron dome, the likes of which no country has ever seen beforwhich noe, understandg the nature of the threat of nuclear weaponsstanding and hypersonic missiles. why don't you ever heara a creative idea like that ever from any democrake that? ty i >> well, the reality is you have a leader of the democratic party right now that forget creative ideas, is unable to articulat thae t the uncreative ones. but put that to one side, sean. the realit y is our own homeland is more vulnerable than we
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have ever been, in part because of i b that crisis at ta southern border. >> do the mathst on the 20 pluss million illegals in this country, even if only 1%here of them came here with awful intentions. >> that' wntionss still now sevl hundred thousand people in the united states of itting h america could be capable of committing really heinous acts on this country. compare that to the vulnerability of our electric grid to not only super attacks, but also a country that's more vulnerable to hypersonic missile attackssoc than we've ever been at any time in either of our lifetime . so it is the responsibility of the united states of america to protect our own citizen it' the uss. ople l and you see people like joy reid or the congressman she had on. the realitiky is they care o less about the citizens of this country today than they doto about the illegal migrants who are invading it and the threats to this country. and fortunatelthis cy hopefullyo not come to a head before we wake ourselves up and get our heads out of the sand. and that's what i do think is one of the most important nonpartizan issues for this november, is to keep this country safe anduntry sa to rid ourselves of the crime and infestation. that's a consequence of thatrida
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crisis. >> when you debated in thes. primary i thought you youle showed yourself to be very able in terms of being able to debate. you're very sharp, you're very quick, you're very poe. edgeabl and donald trump is going into it, i believe. and you you can disagree me if you want a three on one situation. the rules are certainl ay in biden's favor. they're going to mute his mic. they'll probably interrupt him every time he speaks. what advice would you give the and do you think that outen of my mind when i say that we should probably expectgu the return of jacked up joe, the guy that we saw at the state of the union t? i don't think that's crazy to think at all. i i do think a drug test is fairts game. the american people deserve transparencye th. there was cocaine found in thee white house earlier this year, after all. and i'm only saying that half jokinglyhat half, sean, the reaa is this going to be a fair fight? of course, it's no fight no rea the reality is, is it's going to be three on one. it is. i think the american ameri people see through that. >> so up there, is it going
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to be a little bit uncomfortable when you havl es de the two moderators as though they're just debating with you from cnn? >> afterba lly from all along with joe biden on the stage? yes, it will. but my advice to president con trump and i'm fully confident that he's prepared to execute on it is to just be.ican p be honest with theeo american people who now see through those mainstream media l tricks. >> fool me once, shame on yoy um fool me twice, shame on me. americans understand that. unand they're not about to be fooled again. and so the reality is, if e, stays true to his message of why he's in this for the second term, why he's making the sacrifices that h e is to come back andan even make that second term more successful thansful fir that successful first term, then i think things are going to go just fine. iink thinst finwhat i worry ab, is that joe biden might go the other direction and tank completelye other n an, which ms that the democrats might get what many in their party are rootinyatg for, which is a replacement of biden altogether. >> but either way, i think donald trump is going to show po the american people who he is whe that he cares about unitpl this country in a way that many people haven't seen in him. ahe is somebody who cares deepy
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about national unity. and i hope and expec t will come across. next week at the debate, he did say something in his lastt interview with me, and that is success will unitrview mee ut america's economy, coming back for it, being securher bei america reestablishing, reestablishing itself as the wou leader of the free world, i think would all be very, very powerful in terms of movingn th in that direction. vivek ramaswamy appreciate joing with.e thank you, sir. all right. when we come back, the trump team, they're fightingit back against lawfare in new york city where violent criminals roam free and few crimes ever get prosecuted. unless your last name is trump. we'll hear from alina habba, jason chaffetz, nextr from. american dollars quietly. china have allowed american funds to invest. companies producing the goods to kill young americans. what's even more shocking is how our money is making it
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to fight the left's lawfare in new york. earlier today, his attorneys fileinleft a lawe ned a motion e judge engoron recused from that sham civil fraud case. remember, that was about a case about valuatio an liens. yo and he's the judge that put a valuation on mar-a-lago at 18s million. and if you want to buylace a two acre lot in palm beach, it's on the ocean. even mar-a-lago goeso is on the ocean and on the intracoastal. and a historic and a club and 54 bedrooms, etc., etcm ., in pristine condition. yeah, the two acre lot would cost you well, between 1.5n in 0 million and higher. anyway, accusing him of engaging in actions fundamentally incompatible w with the responsibilities attendant to donning the black robeitonthis r, sitting in judg. and while the left continues to spend timwhile e and resourcs waging endless lawfare againstro trump in new york city, they are reeling from e. remembking crim
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remember the pro-palestinian mob that took over moauniverding at columbi- pale university? you know, the one that required the nypd officersi 1ed thes to b through the open window to evacuate that building. climbhewell, manhattan d.a. alvin bragg, the guy that ran on gettingra trump his office announced today charges would be dropped against them. y of vast majority of those rioters. whoters.y, you ask yourself? the answer is simple. their last name is notheir trum and meanwhile, the left is in full panic mode as wlee wait for the supreme court of our great country and their t decision. trump's immunity in the january 6 case, which could come any day nowg an. or now trump legal spokesperson eliana harber and fox news contributor jason chaffetz join us. selina, let's look at this cas e . this action refers to a t conversation that engoron a had with the new york city real estate attorney regarding the merits of this case in which she's the judge o thef and the permissible scope of the new york stated th
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attorney and the court's own authority under executive law. auth something that really shocked me. and the consequences of this court's decision on business in the state. >> okaon on bu iy is any of thi, including the $18 million valuation of mar a lago, ethical? no, no. but misapplying law, to fact,>>a is very different than what this motion is. and i just want to be reallys wt clear for the listeners on what happened here. thise attorney bailey, wentt on on tv bragging about the fact that he had spokenging with the judge that was sitting on our case. judge engoron. the judge had not issued his final decision on this case. and this fn this case a attorned at trump, sean more than six times has now gone up to a judge sitting on an active case and spoken to him about the caseonve that is not allowed. he never notified the parties, not allowe d. ond this goes way beyond anything else that we already know.
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whand it gave us another reason to say yet again, you need to sten needp down. you need to take your robe, your code of judicial conduc ju as we know and have heard. there's obviously the officefice of attorney ethics and judicial commission looking at this. but we cannot wait any longer for these judges to sis wetight and make the right decision. so we have to act. and the trump team is going to continus we havee to push anh and put the true facts out. we've also subpoenaedan the individual. we're going to look at what their communications werd theyt, see how corrupt, how much more corrupt. let me correct myself. this case is from what we already knew. >> would this vacatew. the decision if this was influenced? if we do find out about it? absolutely. there are grounds to vacate groue del. n for a reversa frankly, as we know, this case was a sham to start with. as yous brag, has completely dismissed people that were violent on campuses. but when it comes to trumps whe
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you know, we have a different standard. this has to stop. i ca t hn you in november, i wod push president trump 100% to correct the judicial process and to stop this duao l systemy of justice. it has to we have to reverse it. the case was a joke to startof, just like every other case against president trump. >> let's get your take. jason chaffetz. we're talking about the valuation of trump properties. and you had this testimony that was so sharp, it so good. and they're going after donald trump on these paperwork issues. >> there are people getting murdered and slaughterede pe. there are people of a certain faith, the jewish faith, that are being timid, intimidated on the streets of new york. your protestd on the centers the violently going after these buildings, defacing buildings, taking over buildings, you have these new york city cops. they have to put their lives on the line and then they go and they drop all the all theani all the the cases against thoste
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people. >> instead, they want to go after donald trump because of paperwork issueausepaperworsg >> what the is wrong with newk. york? >> ai mean, it's a great point. i don't care if it's a civil case o cr the sham trial that took place, you know, mean with alvin brag alvin bg. and yet it continues. but meanwhile, the people that take over buildings, new york, are the people on videotape, jason, beating the living out of police officers. they don't even get charged. they get a slap on the wrist and they get walked right out the door and they don't they get no bail. explained how that's justiceat's in america. >> well, it's not. and that everybody sees it.tand america understands this. america understands that itht is fundamentally not justice. and you know what? americans, very fair people, they're very forgiving people. if it's a kid on a ball fieldrog and he gets wronged, you know what everybody says, hey, that was wrong. it's they're looking at donald trump and they're just saying they're picking on the trumps. they're picking on the trump kids. it's not fair. that's not who we are in the united states of america.
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and at every opportunity joe biden could have dontatee to show that he was magnanimous, to shohew that he was fair, he never, ever did that this n th is he is evil in the way he attacks that. the trumy hep. all right. last word. alina habba. i'm just really proud of theou teamd . and i want to say one thing very clearly. i know that everybody here is a lot of noise of legal lawfare against president trump. but as we've seen, every law single from jack smith to fannie to now and we'll come down crashing like the domino effect that they are. they are fake and we will clean house in novembeect theyr, thats for sure. >> all right, elina, thank you, jason. than k. when we come back, nathan wade answered a lot of racy question s, his relationship with bonnie willis during a pretty shocking interview lasth ag interv night. thi >> you're not going to want to miss it. and wed get re f get reaction fm the one, the only jimmy failla i could think of.n no better person to ask about this. straight aheadnor
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free. that's b 82 215215. all right last last night ousted former prosecutor nathans wade made an appearancece on the daily show for what was an incredibly awkward interview where comedian marlon wayans pressed wade about hispr relationship with ess wea fani s . well, take a look and prepare yourself here. >> today, i got my man, nathan wade look is sworn. aw what was your first thought when you had the affair with farley come public between you and i and don't label it an affair. >> wakefield, d.a. willis is a respectable mother, a brilliant legal mind. right. we spent countless hours
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preparing this case, investigating this. >> i see. all happened countlesse countlesd stuf. and i need a foot rub. and you know me. of your i like you massaging all that we are bonded desk made. no, no, not great. uest g like you.en you liked it at home? well, that's a great question. right? so during the course of the investigation, we would meet early mornings, weekends. >> it's been four days. how can you not hit so so weingt spent much time together, we doing everything new. we mightgether w. >> well, that's a common misconception. she's not my boss. she's never been my boss. he wasn't. he told right here. he too. you know, i was a contract attorney. she's more analogous to a client to me. so as you say, she was a client? yes. so you served a well, i do.ts i did my job. let's talk about some of thetala successes.
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did while i was i think we talkk on the job now. weou we we didn't we're talkingd about securing an indictment, talking about getting people to enter plea in a plea. jimmy failla, host of fox news saturday night is with us now. you saw the whole video. itere's a part that i wanted to show that i couldn't show that, but it got worse, so let's put it that way. y whatwhat was your reaction to? well, i learned that fani willis was telling sai the truth when she said she did everything by the book, but thateverythi book was the kamasutra, you know what i'm saying? wowas the callw. hi ciani but yes, apparently she found this guy on a datinga appd called och stupid and i don't know, it is idiotic for doing this, but it's not the first bee comedy channel he's been on. >> he did an interview on cnn last ween one wak.
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okay. okay. so but what is your takeis your? you know, first of all, i mean,' he's being called out, you know, straight to the carpet. and i have to give him the im give a lot of credit for doing that. rediand the fact that he stayedl first of all, the fact that hete went on the interview to say ita says one thing, the fact that he stayed there and took itcte an as it got worse and wo, you know, spoke volumes. and i don't know if this guy h is just dumb or just doesn'te'r give a darn. >> oh, no, no, he's dumb. that's the point. . credi good person so you're giving him credit for showing up. but sean, showing up owing up was clo stupid. >> okay? he's being angry. wned all he's being clowned all over social media. and obviously this makes a mockery of the prosecution because you see what a scam ittm was. t wa okay. and they're talking about i know there's some debates th tal how you pronounce fani willis. it's pronounced. okay. >> she's a dope. he's a dope. and the whole prosecution
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a scam. why is he on a publicity tour? if there's any to any of this? t >>im because he's stupid and its stupide . >> well, credit to marlon. there's your new host of the>> e daily right there in far left climate extremists are at it once again. this time they tried to sprayori spray paint taylor swift private jet in the u.kft. ultimately, they ended up sprayk painting two other jets instead. and that's not all activists from the saml actie. just stop oil, vandalize s , covering the ancient landmark with orange paint. and get this, there's a ne.ww trgreen trench circulating called boom made swear baby boomersere baby live with,, intergenerational housemates, an attempt to ease the housing crisis and cut global warming emissions. others call it living with your parents in their basemenemissit
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>> i was just going to say, boomer. so is that what we're callinggie now? >> boom maids? m . ve me a break, man >> sean every person in every climate video you show has one thing in common. it's a spoiled rich white kid. >> that's who these people are. they've lived a life of no, i because if you were taught right and wrong by your parentus ,you're not defiling historic landmarks. you're not attacking dstoric lae jets. obviously, i don't abide people running around airportnio runways, but those two girls needed the exercise. so airport give them a >> well, taking your parents to a job interview i thought took the cake, lose their. i'm telling you, man, it's that we're living in the death of shame t. >> this is friggin stonehenge, man. but that's who dirtbags are. it's again, it's always white kids. and they, at the people, lecture you about social justice. there is nticeo form of privilee than not having to go to work. o >> so you can throw paint on atn
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prehistoric landmark, just dirt bad. >> don't tell the truth. didn't you bring your mom to your interview with fox news? john? if they interviewed me, i wouldn't have go of newt hired.t hire i snuck in and refused to leave. let's be honest. >> the american people. all right. that's a good point. and you're doing jimmy fallon.g thank you. we'll have more had a coming upp straight aheadut. straight aheadut. i try to put my arm around an event that i can absolutely. at new day, usa. that's what we'rurchasethem ando we put our arm around the veterans. well, i think that the veteran out there that he needs to refi his home, he may want to purchase and we can help them and provide that financial solution for them and their families. families. it's a great everybody in the company, they have that deference and that respect and that love and that respect and that love for the vetera company so unique. >> no one takes care of veterans like day usa. >> it's your life right now. you just remember.
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