tv Jesse Watters Primetime FOX News June 21, 2024 10:00pm-11:00pm PDT
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i made bison that i hunted during this season's episode in texas. so pass it around. it's really delicious. you killed thoseyou kill bison. >> i did indeed. so there you go. you know what? his da d said when he got shot? >> why, son, by life. fo anyway, july 2nd, fox nation. i will check ination,.t out. >> so my husband and i went to the george strait concert at metlifeen ne stadium in new jersey. and i think we have a video we will put up. you can seup ree us there loving couple in the audience. george strait broke the concer t record history, 110,000 people in attendance. that was in texa in attendans be grateful dead. >> they were 107,000. wow. take >> that grateful dead. >> real quick. pickleball has formallyfo declaredod not it's official fo. it's not pickles, it's blueberries or it's beef jerksy shot by kissing characters, bison jerky, blueberry. i don't know why that would be. >> that's it for us. have a great night. >> welcome to jesse waters. >> primetime tonight.
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we had a limited amount of time e". we had , i'llously just say it, jesse, we like to say it because it's written y all across your face to say you like. >> you loooue him!k. >> trump wins over new fans as biden heads back to the bunker. >> i think biden would do this intervie>>w. every >> i absolutely not. everybody must see everybody. a my feet face. no one's above the law except looters, rioters and ballot stuffers. >> we are the people who are goin wg to save american democracy. joe biden and aoc are now a thing i you plus what al? >> you're very saucy. >> friday. s frid >> 80 four degrees in delaware. joe biden should be shirtlesayen
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on the beach, getting dominated by the sun. instead, he's locked in a dark basement e is mock debatingdark b trump impersonators. our cameras caughtast biden on his way to camp david. stiff as a board shuffling across the tarmadavid,c. th >> now, the biden campaign might call this a cheap fake, but it'smpaignl 100% real. >> all we did was point a camera at the president and hit record. >> last night, we were toldrds. biden will have a physical performance surprise for us at the cnn presidential debate . doesn't look like he's ready for whatever they're planning nooe lik iw because the campaige is focused on training biden to9 stand for 90 minutes. >> part one is going to be pouring throug0 h all of this source material, trying to refine and hone in on his talkin, tryingg points. part two of that film, of that debate prep, it's going to be pt actually putting that into action with these mock debates. this is gointhat ig to include 0 minute formal debate where the president is standing up on his feet the entire time trying to mirror what he's going to have to d e o in realt is time next week. >> the bar couldn't be anyg uple
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lower for joe as long as he doesn't just get up and wander of f before it's over.r >> people will call it a win for every american, whetherr of they voted for him or not. well, and the ones that didn't ovs but rany votel i on them, that's your president. thank you. thant.k you. n >> thank you, f appreciate that. thank you. thank you. thanors buk you. don't go anywhere. it's a very exciting day around here. niwe'll have reaction and analysis to everything we just heard day. e >> biden always performs better than expected on big nights. ju den alwait could be that he's wl rested, study hard, or maybeed it's whatever is in that orange drink. that orang? hat orange drink trump knows he won't be goings up against your typicahel joe biden. >> i'm not underestimating emily. it is what it is.t is we'll see what happens. i happen to think he's incompetent for a lot of reasons. i think he's incompetent because hecompetent for t of hat policies. becaus policyeign-p and internal policy. i mean, who would not wantol
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to have a wall? who wants to have millions of people pouring in? who wants to have high taxes and cognitive decline? do you believe he's in cognitive decline? mr. president, i shouldn't be the one to say that, but i don't think he's doing particularly well. >> that wa wall?s trump on a pox with a few tech billionaires who just hosted a fundraiseres for him in silicon valley. so what do a bunch of rich guys talksay thw about how nice thes are? >> hello, mr o. president.n sili >> every time i love that house, he has to love david'ey. as house on a houseese that made the biggest impression, huh? >> thank you, sir.. i heard you have a pretty nice house, too. th, i have a dealer in,pretty and he says no. >> after they go t that out: after of the way, the billionaires dove into some serious polic thm talk. >> trump's taking the lesse seri is more approach, less taxes and regulation means more money. axes and reguli gave the biggesn in the history of our country and a lo t to business. and the revenues were were better than ever. even wer with the lower rate, ws had a record record revenues, which tells you a little bitbutl
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about that. but also the regularso ations. in four years i cut more regulations that anybody by for by far. >> not even close. and trump says he'll kill inflation and the deficit by drilling more and spendinnotg less. >> we have more liquid gold under our feet. i use the term we have we have more oil, we have more wells, we have more everything tha morn anybody else. if they ever won the election, there's no more oil coming out.n . no more oil. we have tremendous growth potentiag ou l and we have tremendous numbers of dollars and we that can be saved through efficiency. >> trump's an old school guy, but he's open to new ideas. nuclear energy powered, artificial intelligence is one.. >> they need electricity eve at levels that nobody's ever experienced before to have to be successful to be a leader t in a.i.. and we're going to have to be able to do that. and ningand a windmill turning s blade, knocking out the birds and everything wit else is not going to be able to make us competitive. be ato, mr.nuclear
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president? i'm okay with nuclear, but you have to do it in a way makuclear that makes sense. >> a.i. isn't the only thing trump's open tuto. se: ai the former president was asked if he would release the jfk thinn files.k assass >> i released a lot, as you know, but when it came to theini whole thing, i was hit by some people that worked for meople that are great people that you would respect. and they asked me not to dou woy . and i'm saying, why? tell me why. and they said, sir, i think itte needlld theys a lot more time, s time i'm just going to do it. >> rfk says the ci ta killed his his uncle. >> do you believe that? well, this wasn't cia kiathin that asked me, but i thinkwa i was probably behind it. but they didn't. they would have preferred that i not release the rest of it. but people more than anything else, they want the jfk files. >> we're going to release that immediately. >> low taxes, less red tape. and a president who is open woud to ideas. >> rich guys like that. h jakeav , what are your whatth are your big takeaways? >> well, i'm undecided. d >> as you know, we had a limited amount of time with him
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and i'll just say it just likede him. you didn't you were to saycided >> just say it because it's written all across your face to say it. bee it your confusion. >> i have some crushed your questions. no, he crushed your questionu a >> i make sure you ask great questions. and he just deale asked great wi head on. >> just admit it. you like him. you like you look at him. >>ok back on the fact. >> i will say that i told you you'd like. >> trump has a way of charming >> jy ofthe wealthy because he s from that world he knows all they want is a prosperous country and common senseosperous policies. >> the former president rake cod in $170 million last month, completely shredding biden's cash advantage. some of that money came from billionaires like 50 million from timothy mellon, the heir to the mellon family bankingn, fortune. that's one of the biggest donations in political the hist. but a lot of cash came from small donations fueled by trump's conviction and may trump's up in ever biggey swingb
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and in deep blue minnesota, he edges out biden when rfk jrhe is on the ballot, a republicannt hasn't won minnesota since nixon compareda to 2020. >> trump's up 19 points with blacks and eight with hispanics. >> the new york times hasdown biden down five points with women compare f wd to four years ago. >> what this all means is thatwi biden has zero room for error from now until november. fromhe can't afford to lose one more voter. >> the biden campaig n needst th to set the narrative early that biden is competent and capable capable to lead going forward and he absolutely cannot have a senior moment at this debate hav. that's what i heard from. i was in wisconsin and michigan two weeks ago for a lot of focus groups. and what i heard from voters, democrat s who support biden is just that they are going to bes watching and they want to make i sure that he's up to the task. they might still be planning wan to vote for him, but ifak they but they still
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they're uncomfortable surete abe age. and it really is an albatross that is hanging around this an l candidate and campaign. >> jason calacanis is a businessmathatrounn, entreprener and host of the all in podcast, where donald trump juste al appeared. >> can i call you jake? wher me jake and not can call me. >> and i'm glad to be here. just s, o beo you're not a trum you didn't vote for him in 2016n . you didn't vote for him in 2020, did 201 did you? >> no, definitely not. all right. do you moderat democrat, where would you kind of protect yourseld yof? l> i would say socially libera and fiscally conservative, probably voted 25% democ republican and 75% democratic in my life growing myn, new york and brookly right next to donny from queens, and then spending a lot of mt to y adult life here you in california. >> and you're open now to votin'r g for donald trump. why is that? yeah, i'm not sure he's won me over just yet. >> i do think we had a very productive 50 minute dialok
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gt an on the all in podcast, and you had some great clips there. >> we made u p a lot of headway i in talking about important issues to the business community likening abou h1-b vif and this concept of recruiting great talent to the countrybut s while closing the border. but, you know, as a moderate moo i do have some blockers in withu trump and i do have some blockersmp with biden, obviousl. what are your blockers with trump first? first,blockersh trump, what ares with trump? >> yeah, with trump. you know, i think his rhetoric the first time around as president caused a lot of chaost time . and i think it was unnecessary, unpresidentialin. flames and i just think it inflames both sides. and we need to calm all that rhetoric down. number w two, you want to calmy. trump? okay. well, i don't know about what dw i don't think anybody's coming trump down. but you do seem to see he's calmingt yosee the rhetorg and maybe leaning into policy a little bit more. and what i'loliclittlel call tr0 his second time about here, because i think he really wants to win timk and to win if he res people of how chaoticc that that first term was, i thinkm wa he loses. but if he seems more presidentias,k hel and he s
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more reasonable, i think that's going to get him a lot more moderates. ha and that's what's going to decide the election. women and moderates, there's there's a large number of people who, you know, are just disenfranchized owith the democratic party right now. >> right. so, j. cal, is trump curious? will >> we'll characterize it that way by adding blockeraract >> what are your biden blockers? i mean, obviously, he isn co in cognitive decline. it doesn't take a genius to see that we all want him to retire s no r ,have a great time with hisve grandkids and wish him the best. >> but he really great you can e the difference in the four years he's been in office. he's gotten downhills. l find and i think we'll find out next week exactly how farweek you kn, his cognitive abilities have fallen. and, you know, and i say that with great reservatioi sae you know, like it's an old person. >> all of our parents, all of us, mostly in all likelihood,d o go through the same decline. >> but this is a really thrortan t office. so i don't think i think that's probably why biden is so unpopular right nosw. age it's just the age thing. the second piece for me, which is reallg.cey bad, is that he is not pro capitalism, he is not
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pro entrepreneurship. and i think capitalism and entrepreneurship along- it with personal freedoms, are the most important things for me here in america. and i think to a lot of americansth . and to watch the democratic party push people ou t of the party, people, you know, who would otherwise be allies bu because they don't fit, you know, every single test the democratse everys have put out there for you in terms of your virtue signaling or, you know, unimportant issues, frankly, i really have concerns about the debt and his support o of capitalisrtm and a vibrant free market. >> go back to what you just said, jake , when you said that you feel like the democratic party is closednd minded or judgmental or pushing people out of the party. >> what do you meajudgemhingn bm >> yeah, i mean, if you were you to look at some incrediblys over high profile democrats over the years, elon musk, my frien d chamath palihapitiya from the all in podcast, and even joe roga frienn, you know, these are democrats or have been lifelong democratsr and supported, you know, hillary clinton, barack obama, a
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etc.. >> and then the democratic party is like, oh, well, you don'. democyt believe in unionsere or here or you don't have this exact, you know, die or, you know, pick the litmus testtt that they put you through. >> theeseyn you can't be parte t of the party. >> and if you think about it, they could probabl o y have peoplee peop like elon, joe rogan, chamath on their side still. >> and then my personal and eience with th republican party is when i say, you know what, i agree lith trump on the border. >> like 80% of americans, the entire republican party is likf amere, oh yeah, you agr% with us on 14% of our issues. >> please comef in the party.hee >> we'd love to have you in here. jake. i'll wait a second. that's a big to believe in. a meritocracy. ieve i and the democrats hate me, right? all right. so i understann autoy and the i. >> do other people in your neck of the woods, silicon valley, feel this way? >> because you think most americans, you hear silicon valleyway?u thin and you look ae donations, it's like 99% from
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all of these big tech companies go to democrats. is theree big tech a change hap? >> yeah, i think it's a it's a slow and steady change. the most noticeable change is that people were very quiett about their support of trump overr supp the last eight years. >> if you were to be very pro-trump, it could cost you business, it could cost you an investor, it could cost you employees, etc.. >> and now, you know, since coh did their bigmptor fundraiser for trump, i wasn't part of that. i don't donate to politiciansisi at this point. >> you know, i think thingnts, have changed. in sayi people are very public and saying this democratic party doesn't match i my ideals. i'm not into censorship. i'm into freedom of speech'm. i believe in a meritocracy, not die. i believe in free markets, notd this crony capitalism, kind of from the government and this regulatory capture. >> so they're starting to looket at the issues and saying, you know what, it feels like trump's platformaro lookt matchm my platform more, and do i want to havore the reputation hittiot
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of coming out and supporting trump? >> and now people are saying, supp what? can you can't cancel me any more.ce cancel culture is over. screan cancew it. be pu >> i'm going out and i'm justbl going be public about my support of trump. and so that's what you're seeing happening right now. >> so the policy is winning over the socia support l shaming. >> i think we've come so far.i we've come a long way as a country over the last couple of years. if that's the caseway . e. all right, jake, our thanks so much for joining jesse watters, primetimright,e everybody in tht all in podcast. >> great. one senior fellow at the hoover institute, great.or fello victo, joins me now. all right. vh, you heard at the l ri top theden ca biden campaign is practicing stemmp boarding up for 90 minuts at a time. what does that tell you aboute f the state of affairs? well, the that on the date of the the the debate date itself tells you they're very unsuref tell. k i think the people in the shadows were whispering this is a stresn ss test for joe
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biden or. correct. we've never had a debate wherett that neither debate team has been nominated by their respective parties. so i think they want to have joe go out and do his best and they wish him well. but if he doesn't and he implodes and there's a possibilitwish himy might, thn they still have time to self-correct at the convention and get another y he migd ge person's name on the ballot. so the people who say thisrson's is probably the most importantdi debate in modern memory i think are correct. we've never quit memore seen ang like this, jesse. and, you know, in an ironic way, n trump agreed to on favorable conditions. but i think they actually may favor him. the idea you have to stand up thd yothe ideau you silence thec when the other person's talking and you have alkin hostile group of people who have a record of not likinge you. i all that, in a weird way, i think will play to trump's wiladvantage. jesse so he's going to be guzzling his orange gatorade orliquid whatever that liquid is that he keeps chugging and he's going to roll the dice. and if he bombs, it's over. and if he does well, then we
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have a race on our hands. where does the democratic party stand? we talkece o d about some things you wrote earlier in the week on jesse watters, primetimoue, e the five stages of grief. i've never, ever seen the democraticti party behaven my like this in my entire career covering politics.s. they're off message. they're undisciplined, they're scattered, they're angry. d.what is going on? >> vh, i think they haves of memories of 1972. mcgovern in 1980. jimmy carter i mean, it's eerie, jesse, how thisto sa is starting to shape up. like 1980, you had an incumbenpt president that was incompetent. you had stagflation, inflation, russians was, yo in afghanistan had invaded, you had hostages. >> the whole sense of the whole country was falling apart. and more importantly, the messag fallie then and now o you can't do this, you can't do this, don't do that. and then demonization of ronald reagan. he's never had federal office. he's an outsider. he's dangerous. he'll cause a war. amy says idangeroue will af youp
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unless if reagan's elected all of this crazy stuff. and then the polls were justandh incoherent because everybody had this feeling that reagan is getting these t renew constituencies and he'sm all this momentum. and then ten days before the election and quote 1980, it says that carter is six ahead,,l almost like the fox poll foxho that sailed that, in fact,t a biden was to a point and john anderson, yet reagan said bring on anderson, i don't careate about third party. i'll debate him. and carter said, no, no, we don't want him in the debatem. sai. and they tried to demonize him. it was the same paranoiam an and the fact that they have no record to run on and thn reallyhing they ca do is hector the electorate and say, basically tnl, you're stupid if you vote for ronald reagan and that doesn't work. and they're doine u forg the se thing again. >> never during the election drives, never hector the electorate. rule numbeelector one in politi, they must not hector the electorate. muc
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>> thank you so much for all of your wisdom and expertise. youhave a great weekend. wanda. the stuffer and meatball. me sav breaking news nexte. experian, help me save over 1400 dollars a year on car insurance, though. prices keep going up. experian is here to help exper experian is here to help exper you saveia credit cards or car insurance. start saving now. >> free ad experience .com or get the app now. i have a new show up. it is called quiz with votes and it's going to win lots of cash and they call and make bingo boards because big on the big guys bingo. oh the quiz with on these tuesdays on fox and watch anytime on hulu it's your life right now you just remember
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take back control with lipo flavonoid. so you do your thing like a pro pain free absorbing pro. no one is above the law, no matter how rich, powerful or politically connected you are. >> our job is to follow the facts in the law without fear or favor. >> the fact is, no one is above the law. >> no one, not even the president is above the law. >> democrats have used that phrase to rational lies abusing the justice system to prosecute trump for their own political gain. >> but it turns out lots of people are actually above the law in the eyes of democrats. remember meatball, the philly rider who live streamed herself and a massive smash and grab last year.
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>> everybody must eat. everybody must eat body fat. >> daily record deaths recorded . >> keep your phone down for now. about 330. >> despite recording herself in the heart of a mob inciting looting, philly's radical d.a. larry krasner and democrat judge zack shaffer left meatball off with probation, just a slap on the wrist for burglary, rioting, criminal mischief and the oh so endearing color commentary of the crime spree. she filmed after rubik's cubing a case that's never been brought in the history of the american criminal justice system to bring down trump. alvin bragg just dropped charges against 30 columbia arab spring breakers who broke into a campus building and took hostages outside of college
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jihadi, smashed their way into private property, destroyed security cameras like professionals held two janitors against their will and caused thousands of dollars in damage. bragg couldn't figure out a way. as creative as we know, he is with the law to prosecute these people. and connecticut secretary of state isn't ashamed of wanda. the stuffer who not only was caught on camera stuffing but was just charged with voter fraud and witness intimidation ,she says wanda's just a nice lady who helps people vote not harassment. several of them told us stories like, oh, yes, i believe in voting. i requested it. i filled it out. and then there was a nice lady who comes by and drops them off for they just saw it as a convenient so the voter
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themselves, they were not disenfranchized in any way, but the person who picked them up broke the law from bloomers to antifa, from deranged homeless addicts to illegal aliens. democrats finagled immunity for their squad while they throw the book at republicans like trump. good samaritans like daniel penney and others who were just trying to defend themselves. >> america first, legal founder and former senior adviser to president trump, stephen miller is here. miller we've always had corrupt, ambitious prosecutors, but we've never had ones that are working with the full support of the national media and the national party. and they've just become political crusaders with the power to imprison. yes, we now live in a time in which the left in this country has fully embraced zionist lawfare. they cheered alvin bragg,
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shredding the constitution, shredding every precedent that has existed for two and a half centuries. they try to rig this election. they celebrated and cheered. the judge. in this case, being a public facing biden anti trump donor, this is a great thing. we were told what courage the man has to so publicly embrace his deep hatred of all things. trump what presiding over the trial, god forbid the man be neutral. we see just in recent days, a doctor has been arrested by biden's doj for blowing whistle on the mutilation of innocent children in the name of trans radicalism. we have seen the same prosecutor in new york free 30 people engage in hatred because i guess jews are fair game to the democrat party. no problem. they are. especially if you hate america. example after example blm no jail, antifa, no jail attack. the white house.
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if there's a republican in there, no jail. but if you're a innocent republican, they will do everything they can to put you in jail for life. >> and one more thing. let's not forget the most above the law of all the illegal aliens being dumped into this country by the millions as they and pillage and murder, they kill 12-year-old girls, 13-year-old girls, 14-year-old girls. >> and are we rounding them up and deporting all these illegals? no. joe biden is flying them in day after day, busing the men, escorting them in to and, pillage and murder more americans. that's the system we're living in now. >> jesse miller shot out of a cannon on a friday night. i pray for anybody who runs into him this evening. godspeed, miller. >> godspeed. thank you. aoc and joseph biden are now a thing the day you get your clear choice. mm.s makes every
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many people like joe biden, younthat notg people call him, . latinos are begging him to close the border. womegingn bailing. and black americans still haven't forgiven them for this tell . >> you got more questions, i tell. if you have a problem figuring ou hav t you're for mayor trump and you ain't black, biden's on an island all by himself. >> no one wants to get too close to a sinking ship. but when a sittingto president's tanking in the polls, a great way to get on your party's even sida ge is to flock to his aid, even if you don't like him. like aocn't like. i mean, forgiveness is the just thing to do. why the right things the to d. why? the president hasn't done it yet. noi'm not sure the biden administration's immigration policy wribidet large is not working. it's wrong and it's inhumane. a >> before we go, i just want to ask about president biden.e i he is saying he's going to run again in 2024. will you support again him if the president has a vision? and that's something certainly we're all willine presidg to ent
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and examine when the time comes. >> that's not a yes. >> aoc, like other democrats, s have reelections to worry about, too. so sometimes it's better rry aboulow your to swallow your pride if it means getting the full backing ge and biden last night, aoc stumped hard for joe in vegas and says trump's reelectione in would be non-consensual. >> i have a message for thisld conservative court and to donald j. trump, we do not consent to women and people of this state. do not consent. and the only way that republicans will get thisag message is when the people of this country decisively elect majorities in congress, reelect jackie rosen, and again reelect joe biden and kamala harris. >> and because biden heard there were going to be latinos at the eventn, he sentent a mariachi band.
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>> but is it aoc endorsement enough? st o the rest of the squad voted uncommitted in the primariese sa last election. >> biden cut a deal with the lef far left in exchange for their support. he'd do whatever they wanted and he did whatever they wantehl . and they still aren't happy, especially over gaza. re gazaso look for biden to panderd harder to the far left to save himseler tleftf at the expense f and your family. >>am fox news contributor and former democratic presidential former dd joins gabbar us now. >> tulsi, can aoc say of joe biden? >> no. decides civilly? no. tha and i think the fact that they're there trotting her out like thi trottings just pointss to to yet again how the biden administration, number one, is failing to recognize that the problems are theree me
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policies, not the messenger. just because you bring out a different messengejust butr dt mean that the message or the consequences of their policies will changeconseq. d and quite frankly, i find it insulting to hispanic voters, to women voters, that the biden-harris administration think that they are so stupid and so superficial that simplyt bringing out a hispanic woman to go and tell them to vote for joe biden, that they h, l just say, oh, well, gos now i'm convinced i'm going to vote for joe biden. t regardlessss tha of people's or their ethnicity or their race, we are all feeling the negative consequences of the biden-harris administration's policies, whether it's the increased cost, groceries and cost of living. it is our streets becoming more and more dangerous. the consequences of our open bordersrous., our country, less secure, or the fact that we are closer to world ware three and nuclear armageddon thw than beforoser te. the consequences are very real. they think we are too stupid ver
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to see what's really going on. so they're playing the old, you know, identity card,th thinking that they can manipulate us just so that they cajustn stay in power. >> i mean, not just sending a latino woman. se: nothey sent a marty a mariai band. tulsi they also are doings a soccer ads for latinos where joe's buying tacos. i mean, that's like appealing to white guys by not throwingisi a badminton party. is this going to stickg ? >> i don't see how people can m seriously wheny they're they are being so offensivve ande and insulting i way that they are trying they're trying to reach out to voters. this election is the most serious of our lifetimes, giveni what's at stake. they're handing ou staket tacosh and trotting out mariachi bands whil, tenuouslysmalli undermining our fundamental rights and freedoms.
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they are weaponizing our department of justice, undermining the rule of lawe fon and attacking the foundations of our country. we won't allow thedam to get awy with this. we can't. all right. tulsi gabbard, thank you so much. have a great we can' >> jessek you weekend. >> thank you. the pursuit of happiness, what the founding fathers wanted. that's next. start your day with nature. s hould meet the number one pharmt recommended vitamin and supplement brand& ceo. no one should face breast cancer alone. and ceo of the national cancer foundationle. early detection saved my life. it could save yours, too. >> learn more at nbc if dawgs hope. whoops. sorry. it just locked in a great refinancing rate for my student
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l ask it for action items in the channel. and maria, for a budget reminder campaign. >> smart guys are judging by. got it. got it, boss otter. you got thisis [ . >> america's founding fathers wrote in the declarationy of independence that all americans are endowed by their creato that alr with certain inalienable rights, life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. last the last part the pursuit of happiness has changed its meaninsuitg over time. >> today, americans see pursuing happiness as pursuing pleasure. >> for men like washington, jefferson, hamilto g pln, franklinadam and adams, it was not a pursuit of pleasure. >> it was a pursuis,not t of vi. >> because a virtuous life is a happy lthe men who created thisntry country and wrote our founding documents wereote heavily influenced by the stoics, classical, greekced and romani philosophers like marcus or, arch. seneca, plutarch as well as enlightenment
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philosophers like hume, lockas e and smith, all of whose philosophy was meant to be practical, rising early,sing working hard, exercising, reading, writingening, and reflecting, listening, deliberating, leadin dating, esi and especially never wasting time. al wasting the founders, in their pursuitru of happiness were fixated on using reason to master their passions, deploying self-discipline and logic to neutralize problematic emotions like greed, arrogance, lust, anger and fear, creating good habits and avoiding instant gratificatioarn and resulted in a virtuous life. a life dedicated to unrelenting self-improvement. >>unrelent because a man who cod govern himself is capable of self-governmento coul, this t american experiment only works when the countrythis gre is file with men and women of character, honor, judiciousnesd n ofs and self-sacrifice.
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so where does that leave us todays in 2024? >> jeffrey rosen's the pursuit of happiness. how classical writers on virtue inspired the lives of the founders and defined america answers that very question, and he joins us now. bo thi answersstios is one of me books of all time. i know i say that withok time. i book, but this time i mean it.. why, jeffrey?pursui >> why was the pursuitprevalen of happiness so prevalent in these founding documents and in the writings of these great men? >> well, first of all, jesse, you perfectly summed the core understanding of the pursuit of happiness. readers got it. >>ank you. >> it was my writing. the writing was so accessible j to eve. n someone like me could figured it out. >> you were right when you read the book so closel read thy. s,a and thank you.said and yes, as you said, it was just such a revelation to mes se to read those books on thomas jefferson's reading list, the one you mentioned. marcusad thomas je aurelius and the stoi and the enlightenment philosophers. and to finnd thed that for them,
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happiness was not feeling good, but being good. and also what you said was so important. being good means self-madeery, mastery, self-improvement, character improvement, using searactery to bethe da your best self and serve others. and what's s your o striking ise fact that they talked about this constantly. they're trying to masteralk abou their own anxieties. they're beating themselves up for wasting time. i love beating john quincy adams saying, i'm spending too much time at the theater and, you know, drinking too much e t i should be working harder. and it's so inspiring. it inspire d to kind of get my act together and get up early and watch the sunrise and tr y any be mindful about time because the founders did it. ful abouand one other thing youd that so important for the founders, personal self-governmens fot is crucial to political self-government. unless we master our unreasonable passions like anger, jealousy and fear, then we're not goinr issug listen toh other deliberate and actually keep the republic. so that's whr, deliby the pursuu of happiness is necessary for personal and politicalrsy he
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thriving. and that's why it was so exciting for me to recover the original understanding m: of the pursuit of. >> it was also inspiring for me to i'm more motivatemed thand i ever had been, and i've always been motivated. but when alwayen you hear someone who's, you know, at the pantheon of american history talk about their struggles with their temper, you say washington had a horrible temper and he was constantlytryg trying to control his temper and also keeping scrupulous notes about his day and his daily regimen. >> tell us about some of these writings that you encountere dn on in washington. >> an amazing story. some biographers a think cri it's because his mom was so critical of him that he was trying to control his tempertioe all the time. and it was his self-mastery that made hi m the greatest great founder. the closer you look at washington, the greater he appearsest ou. that amazing moment at newburgh, the troops are on the verge of rebelling because congress wa are won't pay them. washington appeals for patience. he mounts the templeshington a . he struggles to read his speech, takes out his reading glasses and sayso n
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forgive me, i've grown old in your service, and now i'm almost blind. i'm e weep he's he hasas humility and self-mastery and that's what makes him great. >> all right. well, this is a great book, the pursuit of happiness: thiss jeffrey rosen, i'm waking up earlier now, just because i read this book. also looking at the sunrise. than rk you so much.a >> have a great week. thanks for reading this really important book. >> thank you very much for reading it sve foro. >> a sink or swim time tonight? it's adam klotz taking on kelly o'grady. adam is alreads adamy making exi he says he's been on vacation. he hasn's al t been followingbut the news. >> but i think he's just lowering the bari thin a la joe biden. so we're going to see how he does tonight. here'se will the category pullig the plug, which outspoken liberal sayshe they don't care w how old joe biden is, they'll vote for him even if he's on life support. was or anaane fonda navarro? >> which is which.
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>> i'm going to go with this old woman. going with the old womanold wom, only see if it's this old lady. >> even if you're right, my plays. just do what you do. all right. so you guy wha i'll loss following me as i was losing that next one wenexto have is the great healer. >> which congresswoman claimed that she once cured a woman's c tumors by puttinuredg her hands on them. was it cori bush or marjorie taylor? >> i'm okay right now. he's switchings se i his strate, see if it paid off. >> my hands began to run. e the lumps that were there were no longer therer theree. - okay. so she knew that she healed tumors with her hand- s and clots is up. one category is happy friday. wc which dea devotee said thise sa week that gettinidg your newsome from the wrong source is like being a. >> was it reverend al sharptond or joy reiald?
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>> i mean, i'm going read gooinr and read with the leadea. . >> i think this is the right play with the lead. you go read hereth thed yo. >> continue to work as ti in texas until the union army came in and made it clear they were free. ro when you get your news from the wrong source, you can wronu ca. >> don't even know it. all right. so kelly is already. a little embarrassed. she's in this position for me being on vacation, tooin thi. that's tough. he is rubbing it in now. >> come on. all right. celebrity endorsements, the category, the presidency.s h donald trump was the host of the celebrity apprentice in recently released audio, he said this late celebrit yr him. voted for him. was it meatloaf or joa mean rivo who voted for trump? according to trump a, i'll do i. if you're going to try to do the opposite of me. >> all right. yeah. let's just>> jesseng i make it u
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>> joe wasn't. she wa s a republican she knew that. i thought she might have been a republican. but i know one thing. she voted for me. she, accordingme to what she said. >> all right, so we have a tiebreaker situation that meatloaf vote: so ad for hm as well. >> it's a fair assessment. here it is. iswhat is the age difference between bill belichick and his new girlfriend? >> oh, okay. s? >> wait, what is this, like, the closest situation? closest doesn't matter i >> jesf you're on or just closest. >> i bet likt. e 35, 35. what what is your answer? so i actually knowis his girlfriend . i coached her for miss maine. the answer is i believe 4840 nine is the correct answer. answ yes, kelly gets the hat. wow. erts the hthat was a nail bitert >> i mean, he did not coach bill belichick's girlfriend. no, come on. claude's unfair was that wasas o really unfair. >> i was on vacation. what was i? n vaca was i supposed to do?: good all right, good game. you won fair and square.
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surprise will be ibiden challenging trump to a pushup contest. >> oh, man, they both lose. >> that happens. steve from orlando if trump trotted out a mariachild band, they'd call call ita a hate crime. so true. the tacoharime bowl was a scandn imagine a mariachi band, kardal from bend, oregon. my dream is to meet stephen miller. he scares mem bend, but i like . >> it's like a horror movie. >> l. go it you enjoy it, but it freaks you out. am new york. jesse you're such a philosopher. are you sure you're not greek? n >> nope. english, irish, scottish and welsh. but we have a greek lady on myo staff. >>we also five italians and two jews and three double three spaniards. i got to go. i'm getting myself into a lot tg of trouble. >> that's all for tonight. hannity is next. this is myht h t on world.
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