tv Hannity FOX News June 21, 2024 11:00pm-12:00am PDT
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a pushup contest. >> oh, man, they both lose. >> that happens. steve from orlando if trump trotted out a mariachild band, they'd call call ita a hate crime. so true. the tacoharime bowl was a scandn imagine a mariachi band, kardal from bend, oregon. my dream is to meet stephen miller. he scares mem bend, but i like . >> it's like a horror movie. >> l. go it you enjoy it, but it freaks you out. am new york. jesse you're such a philosopher. are you sure you're not greek? n >> nope. english, irish, scottish and welsh. but we have a greek lady on myo staff. >>we also five italians and two jews and three double three spaniards. i got to go. i'm getting myself into a lot tg of trouble. >> that's all for tonight. hannity is next. this is myht h t on world.
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wiw? how?nnounc welcome to "hannity". and tonight, stay tuned. by the way, a major announcementemt from our frien, our colleague, g.a. caldwell. but first, let's right in. butt the 2024 electiohen is only 136 days away. early voting in pennsylvania, new that begins in 87 days. rolls out to other day states thereafteother. r in and the very first presidential debate is less than one week away. and just six days, two left wing self-proclaimed journalists who are really just talk show host from fake news cnn. they will moderate thursday' ne now, needless to say, the odds a are stacked against donaldre trump. the former president recently said he thinks therep.h pres is% chance that cnn will be fair. our prediction is the odds are actually much lower now.e for starters, i think we can expect the first half of the cnn presidential debate to be dedicated, dedicated to questions about january six and abortion. the left's abortio mongering
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about trump's desire for political retribution. democracy in peril. critical topics, inflation. biden inflation. crimes committed by joe biden's unvetted illegal immigrants from 180 plus countries, including those countries with terror ties and ourolitic top geopolitical foes. is that going to come up? wealtos ome up expect that fake. cnn will put their one sidede-se questions. they're going to put them on the screen and probably leavd questionen and pe them the with provocative, biased language that will framed to hurt donald trump and e easier for joe biden. for jod askeddonald trump aske why he supported insurrection. oh, that's not opinionated. this will be the most obvious bias on display, meaningmost obn what they put on the screen, how they frame the question and hoy framw put it on the scr. now they just walk by words here. it will be framed in a way to help biden and hurt
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trump. that's what i believe will happen. i hope they prove me wrong. and hoi y provwronw about vicete president harris' tweet, by the way, if we're going to talk about these topics fro m june of 2020, the one supporting a bail fund for the in themmer summer of 2020. >> will that even up?denyin what about democrats denying past elections? demarcg o cratic party election deniers. you might recall some of this. take a look. >> folks, you know it.i kn i know it. they know it. owwe won that election. >> troubling evidence of then. fact that not every vote was being counted. >> there are still n legitimate concerns over the integrity of our elections and of ensuring the principle of one person the, one vote.. >> you can run the best campaign. >> you can even become the nominee. and you can have the election stolen from you. >> i think he's an illegitimate president that didn't really. >> so how do you, you know, fight against that in 2020? you are absolutely right. the president is an illegitimate racist russian
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attempt to have the election. >> and frankly, the fbi is weighint.g in on the electio. i think make the make it makes his election illegitimate. but illegitimate. t fear and my biggest fear is that he's going to do it againal with help of vlad, his best pal, and we're going to be stuck for six more yearss of of this guy. and that is terrifying. andit's. would you be my vicereside presidential candidate of folkns who are? >> i absolutely agree. i believe was a stolent election. i'm not saying they stole it from me. elec it from the votersgi of georgia. >> now, i also predict the moderators will play a hugeh role in the debate, cutting off donalde mode trump.perfor how they will perform the so-called fact checkers. so they're going to doe so-c in realng j time while giving joe biden a free pass on everythinbideg. you know, god forbid they ever decide to allow donald trump to finish his two minute or one minute thought uninterrupted before thought thh his microphone. god forbid they let viewerones r
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the country, decide for themselves. i actually do hope that i'selvem wrong and maybe i will be. but it's a pretty safe bet that it's all but certain that this debate will be wor three on one. don't take my word for it. we reporon it, you decide.he 2 let's take a closer look, shall we, at the two moderators. let's begin with jake or as i often affectionatelye fo bifer to him as fake jake for his biased coverage. noasw, this left-wing nightmare got his career started as a press secretar reery for a pennsylvania democrat. he then worked for a d.c.orke public relations firm and a gun control group named handgun control inc. tapper even had a stint at thedn far left publication before making his way to news cnn to play the role of, quote,h journalists. now, currently, tapper is athe's the center of an ongoing defamation suit. he's accused of smearing hecontractor who was helping americans out of afghanistan during joe biden'se amer disasts
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withdrawal. we're going to keep an eye on that. so but clearlyp an fake, jake. l he's a left-wing talklksh show host. he doesn'tow hos like donald tr. we have the tape and we'll play it in just a momenand wet. his colleague, dana bash, frankly, just as bad. she is a career cnn employee working at the fake news for over 30 years. her low rated daytime show inside politics typicallydm utilizes large panels of liberals who go round and round in a circle bashing trump and other republican sg prai and, then heaping praise onse biden and democrats. n and deourse, dana is a big supporter of the left's favorite political new tactic. vourite we're very real on editd videos showing joe biden'secline mental and physical decline are falsely referred to as cheap fake videos. take a look. a lot of memes and what the the white house is calling whitfakekes, which means that these are there are videos
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that are being put out on social medis a and thenampl amplified on conservative media that in some casesifa are just t right and in other cases are highly, highly misleading. president biden. it's the question that i it'sned this conversatio with is how much to talk about it versus how muche're it's just kind of ignored. and we're trying to kind of do both hertryingh heree. now, it's simple. anybody that's parroting a democratic party talking point as fact, yeah, they shouldn't be allowede moderate a presidential debate unless they're honeseratt with h sides and say, i'm a liberal. i have a liberal point of view . now, dana, the videos are real. they're unedited . now, of course, both dana bash and fake jake tapper are more than to spread this kind of left wing garbage under e of journalism and truth. for them, it's a means an end. they probably see it as a service to the country s rvice toto prevent donald tru winning again. and of course, like manyli m ine media, they want to be loved
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by their left-wing media colleagues wan. by the way, something i can promise you i never want in my life. i've never even been to a white house correspondents n dinner t all the years i've been on the air. and i'm proud of the fachet i don't think they like me. i don't really like them too much either. anyway ie they can hide their utter contempt for all things donald trump. you think they'lir contel, be ae to do that? i don't think so. but let's let you decide let's. >> insults, invective, and outright lies. that's >> ins what we heard fromp in donald trump in iowa this weekend. >> we're not carryin weekendg his remarks live because, frankly, he says a lot of things that are not true a and sometimes potentially dangerous. >> most importan sometimest quew is the culpability of the president of the united states and the fac ost impot he went h to that rally and called for and incited violence, a fitting end to the trump presidency, a speech full of puffery and lie s. >> although, of course, with this president, it always could have been worss prese.
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long national nightmare over is that opinionationaln or do they really believe that's journalism? dulieve it's expect this democratic duo to be fair and unbiased now? tapper even one suggested that trump was unhealthyggeste and heavy and made fun of his affinity for mcdonald's. like mcdonald's. anyway, he also retweeted a post from george conwamakingy calling trump, quote, 100% insane in 2020. dana bash proclaiming that a trump loss in arizona would be john mccain's last laug losh more recently, bash saying, quote, unfortunatelyy sh for america, the supreme court was correct to keep trump on ballot. unfortunately for america is that dana, or are you a journalist now? there's no problem. by the way, if jake and dana bash want to hos t far left talk shows on fake news, cnn moderating a presidentia l debate, claiming to be a journalist, that's a different story. claimi jouknow it has to be somd
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of bad joke. they need to own who they are. they're liberal talk show host. in reality, it's just one partfh of the democratic party strategy to work with state run media and the mob to prop up their candidate. you're going to love this. our old friend james carville,is he's now calling on the white house to get everyonon thee in e media on the same page with some kind soviet style enforcement mechanism. g me james, you're scaring me. take a looe ak in this way for k white house. the president needs to givech a speech and in 15 minutes in a poll and they know or may not kid yourself, they know exactly what negative to accentuate. and then you can have some kind of enforcement mechanism. but ins. what is hopefully we get this in a debate, it takes
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a coherent line of attack coming out of biden againswitht trump so we can all pick it up. >> now, that would be insane. and that's how insane the left is becoming. now, here's their message in a nutshell. democracy's in peril ifvo you vote for anyontee but. joe biden. we saw the in recent weeks, w in the last week and a half. maddow so worried that trump is going to put her in a camp. pday camp, i don't know, sleepover camp. i don't know what she's talking about. aoc, i think she's going to get arrested. joyless, baker. she thinks trump's goingw the to cancel the view. oh, the horror, the fear.the sh mongering. they've all jumped the shark. and remember, this is fromar the same party that says democracy will be over unlessm a you them total control over everything. the same partyover that tells you not to believe real video showing joe biden's cognitive p decline. the same party that works hardar to censor real stories that hurt them politically.
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the laptop the same partyar that uses lawfare as ait political weapon. and they're fine with it. you know, these are thele people who value and cherish democracy, really. >> anyway, joiningue now, formei arkansas governor mike huckabee, fox news contributor tammy bruce. here tammy, there's a lot there. maybe cnn will prove me wrong. i've been wrong before.fair and if they're fair, i don't believe kieran's will be fair.i i don't believedo their questioning will be fairtn . i think that choosing people and not allowing donald o trump say at all and whors the moderators are is in and of unfair. and i hope that i can come on the air that night right after the debate and say i was wronr thg, but i doubt it yeah. and you know what this will show us? it already does with his acceptance is that donald trump is not afraid. donald trump does not need a nannisd.y like joe biden doese
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donald trump will not justp will speak to people in a friendly room. he is committed to the countryo .s and in this particular instance, he knows that there has to be a debates to . he knows that's what's good for the election, and he knows that it's now it'sdt to be faira but this is a man who has been through now years of unfairness, of attempted soft coups, lies about censorship, about lawfare, about being persecuted. he knows it. and amazingl andy, he has not backed down because obviously now it's not about him. he's not doing it for himself. there has been nhio benefit for him. there have been negatives and what they don't understand is that this is a man with a commitment to countrycommit that transcends that personal dynamic foe counr him. and so i think that, you know, joe biden needed a nanny the to arrange this debate for him to be able to function, to do because he's afraid of donald trump and else who dares to ask
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him a question. so you're right. and this will play oute in frot of the american people. the goodn fron news is they know that this is donald trump's opportunitis iy to make sure his points get across. he is the one who can do it,ly perhaps the only one in this environment that can do it, considering you've got i call him joke. tapper a democrat operative t once in all ways, just likeap george stephanopoulos and danaas bash, his former husband, hu a chief of staff at the cia under barack obama. i meanat u, this is a swamp, lit literally. and so werally ande what to exp. and if they were journalists and wanted to be fai ther, they would have declined doing this debate. doin they're not. >> you know what? i don't understand, governor huckabee. .i'm member of the press. i can produce thousands of hours of straightnds of h neh on radio and tv. over the course of my career, thousands of hours of investigative reporting. russia, russia, russia.
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we got it right as evidenced by the horowitz report and the door reports they validated our coverage or barack obama's radical associations honest about who i am i amng for a conservative i will be voting for donald trump. i don't hide that fact when i h i when i moderated the newsroom desantis debate, i said up front. i am a conserver tive.act-base this is going to be a factstuc based debate. i stuck to the facts and. they had their debate and i think it came off very well. so o why are they why dothey they want to claim there's something they're not? why won't ct just own who they are, which is just being a liberal talk show hoste ju, a member of the press? i'm a conservative talk show host. talkshow h admit who they are? >> well, because it wouldy me totally mess up their m.o., which is to pretend to be journalistsso whic. if they're journalists, then i'm a double not spy. n ii'm james bond reincarnated. that's just ridiculous. >> i like it for that
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i see a little sean connery and tell you somethingsayi. >> you know, i want to beo james bond. and i've got to tell you,d what's really absurd, though, p withis that this stuff with js carville, he's out there the actually insisting that the media collude with the candidat e and the current president to cheat in the election. he's not even subtle about it. this is shocking. i mean, when ever should we have the government and the press workinwheneverg together n an election that's, not how this is supposed to work. and as far as like rachel maddow, she's going to lose her show.n' it won't be because donald trump gets her canceled. it's going dona to because nobody n watches her and they cancel her because of poor ratings. yhes hewe're living in a crazy s i think most of us recognize the reason joe biden took this debate is because he was promised bidenok thi that it wos be sponsored by visiting angels and a place for joe. and somehow that seemed like a fitting sponsorship for this
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debate. but i'm convinced of this. donald trump, no matter what rulesand i' they put on hiw matter how biased they are, he i s going to go into there. he will make it very clear that there's a contrast between his four years and joe biden's four years. the american people be ablen. to see it. and this nonsense about cheap fakes. come on, give me a breaknsense if there are cheap fakes and these are not real videos, thenk all cnn has to do is to show us the unedited videos that they say are the authentic ones. let's see them. why don't they shoauthentic lewo because they know that what we are seeing, those are the realty deal. yeah. all right. james bond, mike huckabee, thank you, tammy bruce, who wants to be james bond. thank you as well. i think you've both been greate for the record. grw to an witrn no update from the anti-trump law fair out of new york tonight. h thtrumpet new efforts from dac to silence donald trump, all while allowing violent, anti-semitic rioters at columbia university to go free. here with reaction, trump legalh
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spokesperson eleanor harbor rnd harvard law professoar alan dershowitz. selina, we got into this some last night. let's go a little bit deeper. and where does this stand in terms of the trump legal team and what what what you're trying to do? sure. da alvin bragg has now tried a renewed attempt to continue the gag order againstp th president, the same gag order that violates every american's first amendment rights, let alone the candidate for president, leading candidate for president. he's renewing his claims that it is necessary to maintain them even though the trial is over. mainhe is saying that the reason is because, once again, those very scary maga make america great again. icans republicans in our country, the people that love our country, happein the n to the cause of fear for a judge. i get death threats. sean pretty much every week. i don't blame the dnc. don't blame anybody that's uneducated. i don't go on a tirade
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about it. i take it because i'm a public i person, because it's kind of what i asked for. but here we've got a guy who'swe political and we have him using anything he can to take the constitutionalusinng that s of americans, especially the rights of us to choosetutioe the leading candidate for president of the united states of americaa by taking away his voice. it's so desperate and patheticga . it's not enough that they can't win in court because they get overturned. non't courtause thew they have e their opponent. it's absolute election appearance. let'ponents s get your take, professor. i don't think the trump legal team has any other options but what they're doing. your thoughts? well, they havs any othee appea. i have a piece in tonight's "wall street journal" in whichch i urge people like us filet lawsuits against new york. after all, we have the right to hear donald trump in the election and this gag order says that joe biden can accuse donald trump of being a felon, having been convicted by an unfair jury, unfair judge ofe
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a non crime. he has the right to dohe h thatt but donald trump has one hand tied behind his back because heecause can't respond in full. he can't talk about the judge's daughter. he can't talk about the unfairness of the jurors.en the i guess even the d.a. is now d saying, well, maybe you can talk about the witnesses, but the first amendment applies not only to donald trump, the speaker, but tno o all of us, the viewers and the listeners. we have th ve to hear a fullr and complete debate, not a partial debate in which trump is restricted about what he can say. so i hope that the gag order will be appealed by trump's lawyers and i hope amicus briefs, friends of the court breach will be submitted by ordinary people, saying i look, you're depriving us of our right to hear somebody. kno we're undecided. we don't know who we're going to vote for. we may be influencedwhgoing vos sordid and unfair conviction. e
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we want to hear the other side. and that's why it's so important the gag order be lifted at this point, not to donald trump sake alone, not for the republican party sake, but for the sake of allf al americans and particularly undecided voters who have a right to hear both sides of the issu ularly ue. well said, professor. all right. thank you, elina thank you forus updating us as well. we appreciate both of you. all right. when we come. back, biden doesn't seem to want to talk about the shocking crimes . i and this week has beenen a a disaster committed by his unvetted dis illegal immigrants. and these crimes are happening all across the country. we'll give you the latest. we get reaction from senator rand paul. that'sd paul ahead. by the way, a big announcement from our friend and colleague, gianna caldwell. straight ahead. >> you know what's crazy? that this is better than cooking at home. i mean, more affordable than groceries. >> of course. okay. groceries are expensive, but i was in trouble there for a
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york. no relief yet for millions of americans suffering through a record breaking heat wave. more than 100 million people are under heat advisories and warnings across the northeast and southwest. the hot temperatures will last through the weekend with several cities experiencing upper 90s and even triple digits. scientists warn heat waves will become more frequent and, severe as the climate crisis intensifies and more time behind bars for the man convicted of attacking former house speaker nancy pelosi's husband. weeks ago, he was sentenced to 30 years for the attack, but was also convicted friday. aggravated kidnapping. that conviction carries a mandatory sentence of life behind bars. the 44 year old attacked paul pelosi two years ago inside his california home. i'm charlie ba nockw back to "hannity". oh, what a week?
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this has been sad in so many ways. the deadly consequences of joe>i biden's border crisis are being felt all across the country. illegals crisis el for the brutr of a 12-year-old girl in texas ,one of which was released into the us just weeks prior w.o after illegally crossing into this country. meanwhile,untry. five illegals5l in missouri, hundreds of miles from the bordeleourir, charged with the kidnapping of a 14-year-old girl that apparently they wanted to traffic. and in a shocking report that should disturb every american hundreds of illegals from the isis hotbed of,e tajikistan, have entered the country sincd the e biden tk office. on top of iran and syria. and yemen and egype t, and afghanistan, china and russia. now, sadly, thesrue are only the latest examples of the dangerous consequences o of biden's open borders agenda. take a look at your screenf . a shocking number of our fellow
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americans have been brutally killed by illegals. under joe's failed and weak a leadershipnd, we'll continue to scroll their names because the white house and the left house they don't talktt about it. they don't mention their names. it's not lincoln. rileion theiy, joe, it's lincol. riley. they have largely been silent about all of these innocent americans who lost their lives at the hands of joe biden's unvetted, illegal immigrants coming o from 180 countries total. here with reaction is kentucky . rand paul is with us. senator, great to have you back. let me let me go through this issue of a 12-year-old girl strangledn a rive and, duma river, 13-year-old girl in broad daylight in queens, new york, videotaped by the. by the. you have the theotaped b five kl of this 14-year-old girl allegedly to traffic thisdi . yeah. rachel, maureen. i had her mother on the show chel mor i this week, a mother of five. and on top of the eight, you know, people arrested
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that have ties to isis. and i'm thinking we have over po 11 million unvetted people. now, to mepl and i pray to godm i'm wrong, senator, it's a matter m of when, not if this country is going to experience another 911, it's inevitable. this is a clear and danger to the country. but joe told us this week he's going to support amnesty and then told us he secured the border like lied to usthey' for three years. >> your reaction to all of i tt we know i agree with you. i think terrorism is of great concern. and i think, you know, with dozens and dozens over 200 people coming in from other countries, you see the list. you see interviews, tajikistan, egypt, tunisia , all overa al the middle east, china, i mean, from all over the place. thebut it's not just terrorism. it's regular domestic criminal behavior. it should be enough to disqualify biden from consideration. i mean, imagine the images if
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people in america can figure out and know that people like lincoln riley were killed by someone that president biden's administration specifically by th allowed to ce in. they paroled them. they made the decisionn paroledt was okay for them to come into this country. and then when they wero countre arrested for a variety of crimes and they're here, nobody did anything about itemoa because they were in democrat cities that are sanctuary citiesy cities that are being ar for a crime is not enough to bes deported. in fact, they prevent the immigration authorities from seeing the arrest they ren so, yeah, this is all on biden's shoulders. and then he comes forward with a reform and he says, oh, yeah, this is the bipartisan h reform. we'll let 2500 people in a daya and then we'll get serious. well, 2500 people. day is 900,000 people. biden has the power to haves zero. and that's what i would do . i think that's what trump would do. zero. we started0 we s zerrto and we 0 let anybody get paroled. everybody is turnee t led aroun and guess what? they they quit coming once
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they seey quit that people are a turned away. and that's what has to happet h and 62% of americans want all these people that enter country illegally to be deported. and they're not wrong. if you don't respect to b our our borders of sovereignty and you jumped the line, you shouldn't be rewarded by being allowed to stay hereby bei four times. by my count, our fbiou director has warned about the threat level never being thi sye four times. but yet, i wonder and maybeo it you have an answer to it, whyt hasn't the fbithe fb gone to the administration and insist they enforce our laws and secure our border? considering the countries you mention i'll add iran, syria, egypt, afghanis. stan, you mentioned russia and china. i meania, 30,000 communist chinese nationals, they're buying up farmland, ranchland acres by the thousand land near military installations. i >> can i go to china and do that? n chinasenator?
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you know, what we do is we get distracted. the fbi gets distracted. eech they're involved with censoring speech. we have the fbi talking to social media platforms and spending time there. we have thg to e fbi, the statether department, others involved with climate change. e th we have the fbi involvedi with looking for white supremacy where it doesn'tinvolv exist. so we've the democrats have commissioned the fbi to do censorship, look for white supremacy and get involved with climate. the state department, it seems like half of what the state department doent half s anymorer is climate change, you know, or promotin g of rights in capitols around the world. they've lost their primarypitals focus. and this is you know, this is the result. and this is where we are nowthe but i think they're definitely officer focus. and there is a dangew r particularly with this open and porous border of a terrorist attack. . yes, senator, i agree. by the way, i hope everyone gets your book, deceptioee woul because you really expose dr.
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fauci. and the nih and what they knew d and when they knew it and how we were all lied to as it relates to many of the thingwete related to covid. thank you, senator, for being with us. wed senator your up all right. coming up next, president trump gives his take presi on the ten0 commandments in schools. rachel compost, duff y and democrat doug schoen will be here with reaction. and a big announcementweleh ream our friend and colleague, j.a. caldwell, straight ahead. what does it take to get your best night sleep? start with sheets so soft they transport you at bowling branch we use the rarest cotton on earth and a transformative weave that unlocks new levels of softness. wash after wash. so the sheet starts out soft and gets even better with time. 96% of customers agree. bolan brand sheets get softer with every wash. feel the difference and sleep better at night with than branch.
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i love the ten commandments, but the ladies of that har d o hitting news show on abc called hat view had a very differen reaction. . >> take a look. they want to post this in schools. yes, i sayy want t in schools. r a lago. hehe has broken 11 commandments and there's a wait list. i mean, this guy has gone above willbeyond and yet these christians and so-called christians are going to vote for him. thisfor hi me to no end becausem grew up and you were allowedwere to believe how you believed. it wasn't really stuff you discussed with other people. you yo wasn't realu had beliefsd your religious thing. and if you weren't religious yo nobody knew so-called christians. >> really joyless. why is the left so angry about this? what's wrong with learning about comparative religions, for example? after all,ong with lea as the ba encyclopedia notes, almost all of our founding fatherknowsm came from similar christian backgrounds. yes, i understand. the da sin backgry argument, but that's
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what they say, and that is thetr uttruth. and america was pretty much founded on judeo-christian principles. pretty much founhere with reactr of the new book, the politicsfe of life. former bill clinton adviser doug schoeormeton n and fox ands weekend co-host our friend rachel compost. dufft y well, doug's our friend also. rachel, let's start with you.l let's get your reaction.f and what a lot of people seemfot to forget is theyr actually would say the lord's prayer. came had bibles in schoos inl, you know, until supreme court decisions came out in theting t in the early sixties. and what's interesting to me sc if you looko at the problems in schools going back to the fifties and early sixtieg backs? they talking in class, chewing gum and runninlassg in the hall? okay. what are the problems in our schools today? big difference. do you see a connection at all? yeah.rk and passing notes. look, i think i think that we w have to get over this fantasyo of neutralitgey in institutions
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in schools. you either impose a value or that vacuum is going to be filled by somethinm g else by somebody else's values. and right now, those are the values of the teachers unions. those are radical progressive communists. they have a crazy curriculum. they are not interested in educating our children. mind you, our our kids are theeh laughing stock of theng world because our schools are fallinstock ldg. they don't teach anybody anything. instead, they want to sexualize your kids. they want to politicize your kids. they want to turn your kidt to politis into activists. and that's what we're doing. we have been s.e beo passive we have basically turned our children over to these people because we want to be polite and we don't want to offend anybodo bepolitey. slh and we've turned them over likee little lambs to the slaughter. and it's time to take it back.lg i'm really proud of this, governor. you know, i hardly enough, you know, posting the ten commandments. is it going to teach anybodycomm
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anything about what you said earlier or the fact that the ten commandments are the foundation for our legal fo illegalw, wass kno the greatest in the world until this whole trump thing happened? wasbut, you know, that's not gt to do that. but somebody has to plant the flag sometim o ple and start to take back what we have handed over to these crazies. >> yeah. you know, doug, i'm listening closely to rachel and whatld her her saying is, you know, there is a value system being taught in school and you might even want to call it, or you coulde label it the woke religion of the left. we'vreligif the e been friends t time. we have talked about our our, our belief dog and judeo-christian valuesit bei and being foundational to the country. l to thei think that's an area e on now. >> and of course, we agree on. and i take enormous pride in having been brought up with the lord's prayer, photo with the judeo-christian ethos, not as a political tool, but as
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the core value that informsthati who we are as a people. i make the argumen wt this is an affirmation of who we are and what we stand for by posting the ten commandments. they're not read out every day. we set pledge of allegiance. we sing the national anthem. we send the lord's prayer. i was proud to do it in school. i would be proud to do it againy today. i think as a country, we can come together much better by celebrating what is unique re us rather than trying to divide us. >> you kno tw it's amazing. but i'll be honest, you're like and nosaur in the democratic party and even i would argue bill clinton would arond be considered tooone moderate in today's radicalized democratic partyree. jo there are no joe lieberman anymore in the democratic part . can the party survive with this radicalism? when you look at the country, sean, and you see that from
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california to new york, you basically have a sea of red. you realize that the democratic party is currently constituted. it is a minority party dedicated to it and committeds to the values of the left coast. and the east coast. and i see that as a great tragedy for our country. this ten commameg us together. thank goodness. yes, but the religion of the as left is climate, climate worship,eb and lgbtq and crt. from time. e i know, but your party left you does. the party is differentferent wi right now. >> it's very, very, very good. god fearing, people in the democratic party. >> i'm a rachel. we're going to win him. mi show me that. i'm going to tell you it's thang to take megh another 30 years, but i'll make it happen. i don't know how. thank guys. . rachel, we will be watching, of course, this weekend on fox and friends weekend.
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thank you. straight ahead, mike rowe will be here and tell us whats we all need to do to geted business booming again. to getplus, he's got a new movie coming out. that's next. and later, major announcemenn at from our friend, our colleague, j.a. caldwell. >> straight ahead. >> anybody who owns property should worry about home title theft. there's no other crime that is so easy, so quick and so lucrative. your home, your and your peace of mind can all be stolen in one fell swoop by home. title thieves like matthew cox . nobody thinks that i can take their house. nobody thinks that. believe it or not, a single page document is all it takes to transfer proof of ownership out of your name. bottom line is, yes, it happens. and we can't stop it from happening. and it only takes once for it to sting. you. and it's a very sad thing to watch. you've put your love into the house and all of a sudden it might not be yours. it's a devastating crime for pennies a day. >> home title lock will monitor
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ree inspectionection through the filter today or visit lee filter icon micro is sounding the alarm on the nationwide blue collar worker shortage the and road laid out the problem on bryan kilmer's radio show yesterdayow yes . >> take a listen. but the more immediate >> tproble revolvesm around the numbers five and two. every year, for every five tradespeople who retire, two people replace them. this has been going on fors 18 years and the math has become so critical and so underreported you can't find
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a single major corporation today who relies to some degree on skilled labor who isn't struggling to hire. looklabour and, if making stuffs country matters, if a balanced workforc balancee is if the skif trades are still a thing, this is it, man. >> i'm ringing the alarm bell. gotcha. where it's about to tip. it. was a reaction. the storyteller behind the upcoming film something to stand for host of how o america works on fox business, and he narrates my favorite show of all time, deadlieset. mike rowe is with us. way by the way, did you get my my donation? because i never got my poster. i got your donatio n. got i have your poster. it's autographed because he's put the money of deadliestd catch. just i would save it. it perceives in 20. sean, i want to make special. tocial. >> lis right well, listen, i'm grateful. although, please send my prayers. gh som i mean, those guys have been through some rough times. i mean, honest to god, man,
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you know what? if the workforce, the workforce today could learn so much justar from work ethic and by workforce, i mean all of it. maployers, employeess there's o many lessons baked into deadliest catch that come s down to mastering a skill and applying a decent work ethic. you know, i mean i've i've been very lucky. front row seat for 20 years and the country still watching it's amazing. well my son was maybe not acting as perfectly as i want to act. i said, i'm going to put you on one of those boats and you're going out there and i know you could help me help me make that happen. >> look, we're now we're now thi the point of 35 trillion in debt. we're taking on 2 trillion more this year. 2 trillion last year under biden. it's we're headed towards 56 trillion in ten years from now. we're already paying closeion to to trillion dollars to service wee debt we're killing deb the american workforce and opportunities. i started oung thet as blue cols
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worker. ten years in restaurants, ten years in construction. i didn't think i'd be successful in my lifetructios you know, god bless me way more than i deserved. and i worked more hard. that's it. well, look, we have to play the cards we get, but we don't have to sit by andget bu watch e the game looks rigged and this ridoesn't look right. i'm not a constitutional expert, but i don't think what honal expe did is constitu. it doesn't seem liket seem it'sl it's certainly not fair to ask a workforce filled with electricians plumbers, steam fitters, pipe fitters and fishermen to pay off debt to that guy like mr. caymans. but never mind all that. f what he's doing just isn't going to work. colleges aren't going to reduce their tuition if we pay off every penny of outstanding student debt, there's no incentive. harvard's still sitting on $51 billion, and we are paying off
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. we're literally paying off the debts of their graduates on the backs of the very people in the workforce that you so admire. it's madness. yeah. this is something we need a long discussion on. reminder mike's new movie, something to stand in theaters june the 27th. we're really looking forward to that, mike. thank you, my friend. whenall right. when we come back, my friend and my colleague, gianna. general caldwell has a big announcement he going to share with you first. straight ahead, new icy hot april, massaging bones, easy to grip the massage and the power of two neck strength pain relievers. ice works fast. heat makes it less new icy hot through massaging bone. >> hello, i'm former arkansas governor mike huckabee. a lot of times can't control the amount of sleep that you're getting. i know it's scary unless you use relaxium sleep. relax.
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is announcing the next step in his fight. but i'm going to let him announce it himself. the caldwell institute for public safety. >> i gather the vast teamy. of experts, visionaries and game changers and created the caldwell institute for public safety on june 24, m 2022. my life changelifed forever when my innocent baby brother, christian, was murdered on the streets of chicago. christian was 18 and excited about starting college. but on that terrible day, he became just one more of those 16,000 murdered across the united states. that sammue year, help support u the caldwell institute for public safet y. >> go to caldwell institute .org. i anna joins us now. i remember many conversationsre we had and the one thing you said to me from day one,s oe jono, is you are not going to stop and this is going
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to come to an end and this this this changed the entire trajectory of your life. and i give you so muchfo credit for all you're doing and want to help and support ay in any way i can. and this has become a for me and i cannot thank you enough. isean, you have been on this journey with me for two years. we talk at least once a week over the phone. you encourage me? you're my big brother. you are my mentor, and i can't thank you for what you do for me. in many thousands of other people across the country, across the nation. i got to tell you, there's one man that comes to mind when i think about the chaos hase been ensuing across our country with the progressivechg acrossyc prosecutors, mayors, city council members. that person is georgite soares, who's invested millions of dollars into these soft on crime prosecutors funding over 75 of them. it should not be that from 2021 to 2022, over 276 children, 16 and younger, shot in the
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city of chicago. it should not be that ie in washingtothn, our elected ele officials, congressmen are being beat uct p, robbed. it should not be in manhattan, where you get alvin bragg,s who chooses not to prosecute crimcute crie unless it's politn individual who has a prosecutorial that imprisonssi people of less thathn 7% with ai the crime that goes on in new york city. we have to change the direction of this country as george soros has reshaped our judicial system and, has decided that he wanted to destroy america from within. in what am i doing with the caldwell institute for public safety? we're goin we instg to be runnig programming against those soft crime prosecutors. we are going to be supporting those who choose to be about law and order. we are going to be advocatin poe for legislation that makes community safer. coities sagoing to be lookin to stop legislation that endanger the lives of residents across the country.
12:00 am
that's what i look forward to doing. and i hope people will go caldwell institute .org and follow me on social media at g.a. on instagram, twitter and facebook. thank you for allowing me to have your platform. line john caldwell institute dawg. please count me in as a volunteer and willing to help in any way imaginable. ciano thank you. i'm sorry about the loss of your brother, and i'm sorry to every family that has had to experience a senseless violence. it can be stopped. we're going to support and we're going to follow the success wes. had last june 24th, on monday. i'm looking forward to it. thank you, k forw sean. all right, my friend. thank you. all right. that's all the time we have left this evening. thank you for being with us. please dvr it. never, ever, ever miss ant episode of hannity. not your heart. be troubled. greg gutfeld is next. have a great weekend gutfeld'e
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