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tv   Fox News Live  FOX News  June 23, 2024 9:00am-10:00am PDT

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>> today i asked the people
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across the city of philadelphia to pray. to pray for our officer a in pry for the men and women who are here today or out in the field knowing they're going to give their lives for this job. eric: philadelphia police chief asking for prayers for the largest police department in our nation under siege today after four people are in custody at philadelphia police officer fighting for his life after he was shot in the neck. the department is not yet named that young officer but he is just 31 years old. hello everyone welcome to "fox news live" i am eric shawn. cox i am mildly line in for arthel neville. lee said the officer and his apartment were conducting a traffic stop last night in the city's kensington neighborhood one of them saw a holster for a weapon that is simply said a mn ran off and fired three shots at the officer. madison scarpino joins us live with the latest developments for it has the officer doing? >> the philadelphia mayor says
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31-year-old officer is a fighting for his life and on a breathing machine for as you mention police say the officer was shot in the neck while the suspect it wasn't driving off from the traffic stop. this is clearly and devastating for city leaders, philadelphia police and everyone else involved. >> today is that an auditorium with about 75 -- 100 men from the east division we held hands as commissioner stanford brought us together. and we. for our officer. >> we need to pray this philadelphian serving, protecting, the people of our city. >> three other people were in the car with the alleged shooter police said the victims partner did shoot back. police copies suspect after a manhunt into barricade
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situations last night. everyone else involved was also taken into police custody. dozens of officers and city leaders gathered outside temple university hospital in philly last night. emotions were extremely high as everyone was a rallying around the brutally hurt officer. the shooting happened in kensington. that part of philly has a severe crime problem. it is known around the world as an open-air drug market. just last week philadelphia police department graduated 75 new officers from the police academy and made them a part of kensington's clean up plan according to our affiliate and billy police commissioner recently called kensington one in the most challenging places in philadelphia and america. why he tried to escape and why he started shooting or checking out the police department to get the latest on the condition of the 31-year-old officer who has
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been with billy police for six and half years. back to you. eric: another reminder of what our brave law enforcement officers face on the streets every day. thank you. molly. molly: onto the campaigns are former president trump at the road yesterday with a huge rally in philadelphia. he seeks to shore up support in battleground states this is president biden huddles with aids at camp david to repair ite thursday night cnn presidential debate fox team coverage is here on how the race is shaping up. we begin with david spent at the white house. to you. >> a quiet weekend and probably upcoming week physically at the white house because of president biden is not here as you mention he has been hunkering down with aids at camp david in maryland the presidential retreat since dwight eisenhower named after his grandson david eisenhower. president biden not expected to do much this week as he gets
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ready for the heavily anticipated cnn presidential debate kicks off thursday evening but simulcast here on fox news where you can watch it. as far as events are concerned meeting with support as it's unclear president biden plans on doing that. that's him in maryland on his way to camp david on thursday as he is preparing. it's not clear yet if you will go directly from camp david to the cnn debate in atlanta or perhaps making a stop to see supporters before. meanwhile as you mention the former president took the stage at temple university in philadelphia last night to a roaring crowd. he has been focusing heavily on urban areas during this campaign. we held this rally in the bronx last month and philly last night fox news alexis mcadams spoke to the former president most recent urban blitz, watch. >> the people they go out there the greatest people but we are in the middle of a pretty rough area and in a state lovefest to pretty see that, it is
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incredible. listen to that. these are not people who would normally be here. >> usa. usa. usa picnics a moment president trump current president biden closely watching for a supreme court ruling this week here in washington that will determine whether donald trump stands trial in federal court perhaps this year before the election for allegedly trying to overturn the 2020 election results. the justices heard this case which was supposed to go to trial in march. that date hasn't came and went for the herd on appeal at the end of april we are expecting a ruling as early as wednesday of the justices ruled donald trump has no immunity it is likely we could see the case go to trial before the election if they rule he does have absolute immunity. expect the case to get thrown out in its entirety but of course that is what everyone in washington is waiting for this week including joe biden and donald trump. molly: that is a lot of must
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watch tv for this week. david spent at the white house thank you. eric: more on the game day plans for the cnn presidential debate on thursday james freeman is here wall street journal assistant editor and fox news contribute at what a thursday it is going to be, james, would you expect? >> this is the earliest we have had a debate in the television era for the major candidates. the big question for both of them, i think for president biden there's been a big discussion about where expectations are set. and have republicans set them too low for them? i think they are appropriately set low. he has struggled to communicate in public settings that is why his team at the white house limits his interactions with the press. i think it is impossible he gets through this thing without a
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disaster. i think what we have heard from the per rape preparation so far is he is mainly focus on thinking of new ways to say how much he does not like donald trump. what he really needs to do is explain why a second biden term would be better than the first. eric: what does former president trump have to do? what is his mission? >> in some ways he has low expectations to because people certainly in the industry kind of expect him to be rude and say things that are perhaps inappropriate. a measured donald trump a substantive donald trump would maybe surprise some people. especially if they do not watch a lot of his remarks and the public and their mainly hearing through the media i think he has potential to surprise as well. obviously when they went at it in 2020 it was often
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incomprehensible brawl with both of them shouting over each other. i'm not sure that will be bad for biden this time around but for trump that is something to be avoided. >> we likely may not have that it's a much more structured debate cnn has a structure of this they get two minutes each for the first answer than a minute for a rebuttal that ain't minute for the other about it when you are not talking here they're going to cut the mic the microphones are going to be off so president trump will not have the opportunity to go back and biting them biden won't go back at trump. does the structure of doing that, it does not favor one candidate over the other? >> it's a question we will not be able to hear them when their mics are turned off. it was possible they will be able to hear each other the opportunity for distraction may be there. to me, a big change in the rules this time are i don't know a change but a change from what they are normally used to on the
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day-to-day they did not come in with the preprepared notes they can have a pen and a pad but they cannot bring talking points with them. that is a potentially significant. i would guess it's more of an advantage for trump since he tends to speak off-the-cuff more often. on the biden and this is interesting his team hope on the state of the un union and hailet as a triumph. voters did not react to it did not seem to persuade anyone but that is a teleprompter that is a prepared speech for going in to do about it with a trump without any notes could be challenging for the president take part in what he think the former president mr. trump will hammer away inflation, economy, the migrant crisis? >> those are all issues top of voter concerns when you look at polls that is the reason joe
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biden is currently trailing in this race. that is why his approval ratings are terrible. they were not improved by the state of the year end we were just discussing. for donald trump it's about what is the economic growth agenda the inflation free growth ag agenda? when incomes are rising but inflation is rising just as fast, nobody is happy. he's got to sketch that out for how that works in another trump term. for joe biden he's got to tell us why this is going to be different from the first one in that regard. that's why there has to be some concern he really does not acknowledge the mistakes of the first term. sometimes when he is speaking he pretends he solved inflation he came out the high inflation and he was the one who solved it. and of course it was created on his watch and i would argue by his spending programs.
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i think it's probably more of an advantage for trump on economics but those are areas where they both have upside if they can sketch out how were going to get inflation free high-growth economy of the next four years. eric: in terms of biting go after trump what democrats call the billionaire tax. or giving the billionaires tax s a 10% with millions of undocumented migrants and threats to democracy. >> 's is going to be a question for both of them how much substance we get when it's no note off-the-cuff remarks. the biden strategy on immigration is difficult to pin down. he came in with a series of executives orders to basically basicallydismantle the trump orr policy. huge numbers of undocumented
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immigrants later. he is now trying to position himself as someone who is for border enforcement. it's probably too late for that. i think he has to live without. i would guess his team would probably want to say as little about that issue as possible. eric: finally no generous sixes going to be raised by the current president. how does he handle that? has the former president handle that? there is this point in the 2020 debate the former president give that call to the proud boys. let's listen. [inaudible] correcsomebody's got to do someg about an teeth and the left. >> is an idea not an organization. not going to listen for. >> we think this will come up again in this debate? >> yes that's an issue the biden campcamp would like to talk abot the whole debate and trump less
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so. from his perspective not trying to relitigate or argue again about the 2020 result is a good thing. i think a calm message of respecting results to be nice and it would be a nice change. unfortunately the last two losers of our presidential elections have not accepted the results and that is been a bad thing. this should be may be a nice way to turn the page on that era. eric: one word who has the edge do you think? >> i think i would have to say trump. there are legitimate reasons to wonder whether joe biden, given the history of the very recent history of his time in office whether he can make a coherent communication. eric: was here thursday night the nation will be tuned in james a freeman of the wall street journal part it's good to see you and of course we simulcast also run the fox news
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channel for democracy 24 special coverage that begins thursday night 8:00 p.m. eastern time right here on the fox news channel. molly: something else to watch but we're two days away from the primaries right here in new york. one of the states most watched primaries squad member jamaal is bringing in the big guns he's trying to fight off a moderate challenger, cb cotton is keeping an eye on this race for us she is in new york city with the latest. >> hi molly, nice to see a representative at jamaal bowman by and large is not the support of pro-israel voices. but listen, molly, he has the backing of some progressive movement's biggest names to include senator bernie sanders representative fellow squad member aoc. it appears that bowman is counting on that support at least in part as a double set on his view about the israel/hamas war and the super pac that has spent millions going after him.
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>> we are going to show. [cheering] the power of the south bronx. [cheering] people asked me why i have got a foul mouth? or one of my supposed to do? you are coming after me. you are coming after my family. you are coming after my children. i am not supposed to fight back? i am not supposed to fight back? we are going to show them who we are. click still, the entire week in bowman, aoc and it sanders never shied away going after a pack which is the american israel public affairs committee. it's super pack has invested, get this, 14.5 million in the race on ads to knock on bowman and once you support challenger
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george latimer. in a jab to the spending sanders said during the rally democracies one person one vote not billionaires buying elections. latimer and your account executives and spent the weekend campaigning and casted his early imbalance on saturday. the centrist democratic said he believes israel has a right to self-defense. as for the pro-israel lobby spending millions to support him listen to one of his responses. >> it is also important to note when he talks about the source of that money, aipac, it fails to mention that same source of money supports hakeem jeffries, grayson main, ritchie torres, greg meeks, they're all congress members and democrats of color that represent the new york metropolitan area. >> as for bowman and his views about the israel/hamas worries he sparked controversy long before what was going on in gaza. last year he pled guilty to a
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misdemeanor charge it was a fine after he pulled the fire alarm on capitol hill ahead of a vote to avoid a government shutdown. molly: is strong and big personalities but cb cotton we appreciate your reporting thank you. eric: illegal immigrants facing murder, rape and other charges in houston and new york city. after a string of horrific crimes what will it take to protect us? answers from the front lines next here on "fox news live." ban for strength and energy. yay - woo hoo! ensure, with 27 vitamins and minerals, nutrients for immune health. and ensure complete with 30 grams of protein. (♪) all these games on directv— and no satellite on the roof! think about this: blue jays, cardinals, orioles... what's missing? the andean condor? no, walnut-brain! pigeons! they'd rather name a team after socks! to be fair, we're not very athletic. ♪
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molly: houston is mourning the brutal death of a 12-year-old girl allegedly at the hands of illegal migrants. two men from venezuela are now charged with capitol murder. officials said they cross into the country illegally. both were caught at the border in texas. but then released by border patrol back into the country of court dates. we go now to nate foy. he has been alive in houston and isbringing us the latest. >> the two illegal venezuelan migrants charged with murdering 12-year-old jocelyn will appear in this courthouse tomorrow morning at 10:00 a.m. eastern time. i'll be the first court appearance after they waive their right to appear on friday in court.
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prosecutors have a quired 81 million-dollar bail for each of these capitol murder suspects under texas capitol murder for a child between 10 and 15 does not automatically fall under the death penalty. evidence continues to be processed. if it is found a sexual assault happened the case it would fall under the death penalty. texas senator ted cruz posted on x with his opinion" if we get execute these evil a thousand times we showed. those who commit horrors like this on children should burn forever in the pits of. the two illegal migrants lured the 12 year old girl from a nearby convenience store to the bridge where they murdered her but according to ice as you mention border patrol arrested and then release them both at migrants and el paso. one in march the other as recently as late last month here's former president donald trump talking about that last night. hugs they came across our bo border, claiming they feared for
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their lives in venezuela but they waited only weeks before murdering this a precious young beautiful girl. one of them was here for 21 days before the murder took place. jocelyn's funeral is set for thursday afternoon. but first all eyes about this courthouse tomorrow morning as the illegal migrants accused of murdering her will appear before a judge for the first time. molly: is certainly we will be watching. nate foy thank you. eric: the sickening murder in houston just the latest in a series of vicious crimes that are blamed on the migrant crisis in maryland the el salvador national made his first a court appearance here in new york city the shocking rape of a 13-year-old girl in a city park was allegedly carried out by this man in illegal immigrant from ecuador. the victim's father placing the blame for his daughter's murder directly on president biden's immigration policies preach on
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the "new york post" quote the open border policy i have never agreed with. that just invites a lot of things we do not need to look at what came and look at what happened to my daughter. i just turned my world upside down the healing process is yet to begin. my mind is really swirling with all the anger i have right now. let's bring new york city council republican minority leader joe morelle. welcome. what can someone say to their father? the suspect and his daughter's murder is processed by the border patrol when he came in illegally in 2021 we are told that they took his dna. he was released and given a notice to appear. were told he never appears at immigration court is doesn't show up was out there loose and was wanted, never caught, never bright and because of other reasons a new york city police are not under century city laws allowed to cooperate with ice. >> let's be clear. this is the normal legal outcome of most of these cases.
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most are caught at some point at the border. released with a notice to appear and nothing ever happens along the process that results in them actually being placed in front of a judge and adjudicated. most simply do not show up. in the case like this someone is intentionally committing crimes are only opportunity to event them was then and we failed. compounded is thick century city policy that basically borrows nypd from cooperating in any capacity of immigration and customs enforcement. meeting the nypd even if they know this person is eligible to be put to the immigration court system possibly in this case most likely deported, they cannot comply. that is where the train goes off the tracks and you lose the majority of even progressive new yorkers who believe at some point we should have sympathy on these and migrants.
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you lose them when it becomes clear at the police department and law enforcement cannot cooperate to keep us a safer. >> i misspoke the young woman was raped and not murdered. even if you get to that point you have to say something like that at the hands allegedly of these illegals. when did it change from having such a compassion, welcoming with open arms for legitimate reasons. and then cross the line to what we are seeing now? >> the experience in new york is similar around the country century city policy started essentially with the idea of victims of crimes, the people come here illegally themselves who might've been a victim of a crime should be able to come forward and talk to police about fear of their own prosecution. okay, fine then i went to how do we educate kids who came here against their will or through their parents consent, et cetera. it evolved in 2014 and 2050 under former mayor de blasio
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former governor cuomo to century city policies out right they and cooperation of law enforcement. if we passed a law barring nypd from cooperating with the fbi do not comply with mafia cases the only beneficiary of that would be a mafia members this is the same logic the only beneficiary lost to bar nypd from illegal immigration cases are people who are here committing crimes who came here illegally that's the only logical scenario we are seeing and playing out before our eyes in the case of this particular rape and other crimes exceeding countless times the past two years. seifert new york city mayor adams is calling for change in the laws he sees the danger. here's what he says. >> we could not have the small number of migrants and asylum-seekers that have identified they're going to be dangerous hide under the law there is nothing you can do about it because you cannot tell
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ice. eric: who will change the laws? new york city counseled the same legislative body that evicted thomas jefferson. some members do not stand at the beginning of the session. adrienne adams the speaker of the new york city council said we are not changing the century law. we are not doing that. here's what she says. >> we are not considering laws the changes to laws. these laws have been in effect for decades. i think it will be harmful to retract and go backwards instead of forwards as far as the laws concerned. if the council or to change things that would impact more people i believe a negatively ad then a small fraction of what we are looking at right now as far as the scenario is concerned. eric: does she have a point or is she full of it? >> she does not even have the facts right. the specific century city loss at bay on nypd cooperation are seven or eight years old they're
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not even that old. for many years we had some sanctuary policies protecting in theory people who are not committing a new crime but only that was changed in 2014 and 2015 the new century city policy happened but i would like to hear what eric adams, mayor adams is saying is the opportunity through a mechanism called the charter revision commission to overstep the city council. he should put the specific century city policies on the ballot and let the people vote and i think the people will side with him and not our council col speaker. eric: city councilmember joe borelli sankey and this is a hot issue in new york and across the country. the suspect in the rape of the 13-year-old, he is back in court and a couple of weeks, joe thank you. >> thank you. molly: and drama packed trial may soon be coming to an end. the case of care and read a crime suspect mysteries the death of her police officer boyfriend may go to the jury
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nice! booking.yeah. eric: they heat is on in the northeast forcing lots of folks to find creative ways to state colder in the first stifling heat wave of the summer. nearly one third of the countries under hot weather advisories. take a look at all about red fox weather meteorologist adam klotz is standing outside of the hudson river right here in new york city with the latest. what is it like, adam? >> eric i can confirm it is quite hot outside right now. thankfully though because of the hudson river we have a little bit of a breeze. you certainly need to find something like that on the day like today. the heat can be dangerous let's dive right into the weather maps as you can tell their heat advisories, excessive heat warnings in some cases across a huge swath of the country taking from north carolina all the way to the mid atlantic at the i-95
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corridor for places like d.c., up to philadelphia, new york the temperatures are really hybrid feels like 100 degrees right now in washington d.c. big dome of high pressure dominating the entire area. take a look at next couple of days a little bit of good news. he go from today's forecast of 99 degrees in new york city, 106 in richmond but look at that. by tomorrow it's a little cold front but we will take it. hi suddenly 81 degrees in chicago, 84 in new york. back across the rest of the country temperatures still quite a bit warmer. back out here on the hudson, the water cooling me off just a little bit. there's been some folks out here but able to talk to and see how they are beating the heat. take a listen. >> and went to the pool because of how hot it was. >> or the rest of your plans are going to stay out of the heat, ice cream what's the deal? >> was going to go get ice cream to cr. >> summing pool and ice cream
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sounds like a great day. >> drink a lot, stay in the shade send cool places by the river that's pretty much it. and shower. practice nice and breezy there. drink lots of water. get in shape. >> lots of waterbury obviously good advice. also, all over the city there cooling centers in new york is offering is one right across the street we might be jumping into a little bit later. there's a lot of creative ways of folks are taking to try to deal with this excessive heat wave. at least right here it ends tomorrow temperatures would be a lot more comfortable tomorrow. >> it's amazing you say a cold front is coming in and it is 80 degrees. we will let you get back into the cold the humidity it must be killing you, thank you. >> and i feel that the case against me? there is no case against me after eight weeks it is smoke and mirrors it is going through
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my private life in trying to contrive a motive that was ever there. >> that isn't karen read the defendant in a stunning and compelling courtroom drama it's captivated massachusetts since early 2022 as she was named as a prime subject and the mysterious death of her police officer joy friend jon o'keefe. a national interest to sensible loans it has snowballed. her second degree murder trial enters its third month and now let's bring criminal defense attorney mercedes coleman for and so delighted to get your insight on this but i want to add to the defense aspect of this that is on deck. let's stop with the wrap of the prosecution they face some tough moments they have since closed their portion of this. they have arrested but they had a lead investigator is using crh language in terms to karen read he had dehumanized her there's evidence collected and r read so cups but how do you think the prosecution did? >> to be honest with you it is
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amazing to think that after months of this trial captivating national attention we are just about at the finish line. the defense is an extraordinary job to establish reasonable doubt. why is that? exactly as the interest that we started with the lead investigator michael proctor. they no space specific identified karen read as the b word, the seaward, the our words and she is a whack job. this is not the types of terms you would actually see from someone he was an unbiased collector of data information supporting the prosecution of this individual who is accused of a crying. but frankly has a due process due to her when she she is presumed innocent. but of course you will hear the defense attorneys say and pinpoint to those words i just mentioned in the closing arguments. if you have to gather information, making those statements against karen read he
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is only alleged to have committed these crimes it is very problematic for the prosecution. they then h had the medical examiner during cross-examination also admit some of the injuries may have been inflicted by a blunt trauma in a fight not blunt trauma because of a vehicle heating mr. that is a big concession on the part of the medical examiner is brought forth by the prosecution. the defense did not stop at cross-examination they had very effective witnesses as well. one being in the plow. the witness that came forward the plow guy as he is referred to he plowed those streets repeatedly and never saw the body of mr. o'keefe. you also have digital evidence where it states the phone apparently mr. o'keefe was going up a series of steps. finally you have the defense annual acuteness during cross-examination. they had their own medical
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expert to testify the scratches and the bite marks on the arm or that of an animal not a betting struck by a vehicle. when you're trying to establish guilt beyond a reasonable doubt what i question for you are the highlights you can expect in the closing arguments by the defense attorney to say the prosecution just failed to establish guilt beyond a reasonable doubt and inhere are the reasons why. molly: that was a stellar break that one of the most remarkable things about that, that was the prosecution's case as you mention some of these things. the defense has their shot you mention the dog expert, the plow guy real quick that one more day of witnesses, the defense. that's what they think their schedule will be at then the closing arguments. what do you think we will hear? >> it is funny, they think they have a compelling case. meeting the defense of such a compelling case they have to decide they want to put ms. read
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on the stand that's the most difficult question an attorney has to make in terms of a recommendation for their client. it is something i generally say to clients in criminal cases do not take the stand to relieve greatly theburden of proof on te prosecution. they could affectively arrest on what they've done so far because they have done such a masterful job on cross-examination. they had the key witnesses have already testified to create reasonable doubt. at this point is what we most real trial lawyers will tell you keep it simple but proceed under it kissed keep it simple is the governing or rule to try to usher this to a successful outcome for your clients before a jury. we will have to see. they couldn't wrap it up if they do proceed they might want to drill down to some more data analysis but frankly they have hit all of the high points. they really could rest at this point.
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molly: i know we're out of time want to be a quick a chance. you have a verdict prediction? >> i am not a betting person, molly. if i were to bet i would say she will be exonerated. have course of only capture the highlights the defense has done. we are talk about a lot of evidence in a very high standard to establish. there is a big undercurrent that mr. o'keefe did not die at the hands of ms. read i would predicted not guilty. molly: it will be watching potentially sometime this week will get that verdict. mercedes colwin it thank you for your insight we really appreciate it. >> my pleasure, thanks for having me. eric: new world war i memorial will soon be installed in washington d.c. today fox news is getting a firsthand look at the remembrance of the great war. we will show you that here on "fox news live." the effects can seem like magic.
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so before world war one honored and were materially unveiled to military heroes ever before it'e as you can seat huge at 58 wide sculpture has been cast in the united kingdom will be the center of peace in washington d.c. national world war i memorial when it will be unveiled and installed this fall. stephanie bennett and london caught up with the artist has a rare preview of what is coming to the states.
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>> and this was such a cool project to witness for the sculpture toured 50 different foundries in order to cast this in bronze and found the best option was 3500 miles away here in the uk. >> my help in doing this project is to reboot what art is about. and also in service of veterans and their story picked up to nearly a decade in the making this a massive monument entitled a soldier's journey will serve as a centerpiece at the national world war i memorial in washington d.c. this fall. >> you are look at 60 feet with an average of 600 hours per figure modeling from life models. 25 tons of bronze of a great master sculptor howard is said it is a film in bronze from left to right across five scenes that tells the story of an american reluctantly answering the call to war. >> he leaves home, enters into
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battle, and in that is transformed. from that transformation he is shellshocked and then he returns home to his family any hands his daughter the helmet. she is the next generation, world war ii. >> a project and 2015 with a global competition gets through to 50 other blind a submissions architect and training in joseph was just 25 years old when he was appointed howard to sculpt it. >> it hit me hard and the heart because i am in service of something greater than myself to the project is not about me it is in service of others. how are you six of veterans or wars including in afghanistan and iraq to model for sculpture. quickset is a marine, that is at navy seal that is a ranger but helps to honor more than o what are 16000 u.s. soldiers who died in world war i but says it is also a universal story for all veterans. >> this is something that gives back to those people given so deeply of themselves physically
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and mentally. >> 's grand unveiled b septembe. eric: stephanie, thank you for the sculptor will be our guest in the 4:00 p.m. eastern newscast it is a special remembrance for americans at largely forgotten for there is a world war i museum in kansas city but until now nothing like this at the significance of the mall. stephanie, thank you for showing us and giving us a look at this magnificent work. we will be right back.
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molly: another terrifying incident involving a boeing aircraft the windscreen of a virgin atlantic flight cracked while the plane was 40000 feet in the air. christina coleman has a story. >> hi molly a virgin atlantic flight to san francisco from blended had to turn back around to make a landing after a windscreen on the jet cracked while the plane was that 40000 feet. this happened about three hours after the flight took off from london on may 27. the plane was reaching greenland and iceland at that point is reportedly negative 58 degrees outside right spokesperson for virgin atlantic's" our flight from london heathrow to san francisco return to heat through due to damage to the outer layer of the cockpit windows street at no point was a safety of the
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aircraft, our customers our cabin crew compromised the captain made the decision to return to heathrow we had the replacement parts and tooling in place to fix the issue and avoid further impact to our customers and our schedules. one of the string of incidents on boeing planes this year. just last week a boeing 737800 dropped to just about 500 feet above the ground in oklahoma city. airport officials said the aircraft initially missed its approach to the airport while landing for the plane reportedly flew over a neighborhood at that low altitude before landing eight neighbor caught video of the incident on her doorbell camera. this incident happened on a southwest commercial flight southwest is investigating this ordeal along with the faa. despite these incidents aviation experts maintain it safe to fly. boeing's and president ceo said their companies taking comprehensive action to strengthen safety and quality. molly: christina coleman thank you but we have certainly been watching boeing closely lately.
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eric, it is been my pleasure is wonderful to be with you. eric: it will not end today will be on and back later on at 4:00 p.m. with more news will have a special interview with the sculptor of the great world war one -- we often don't really remember. certainly other minds will have it on later onen today.d we will look live atme ocean ci. , 25 vitamins and minerals. and a new fiber blend with a prebiotic. (♪) with so many choices on there are so many tina feys i could be. so i hired body doubles. indoorsy tina loves a deluxe suite. ooh! booking.yeah dupixent can help people with asthma breathe better in as little as 2 weeks. so this is better. even this. dupixent is an add-on treatment for specific types of moderate-to-severe asthma that's not for sudden breathing problems.
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