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tv   FOX and Friends  FOX News  June 24, 2024 4:00am-5:00am PDT

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♪ ♪ >> ainsley: it is 7:00 a.m. here on the east coast.
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it's monday, june 24th. oh my parents' anniversaries they would have been married 52 years. this is "fox & friends." it's a fox news alert. one of the two migrants charged in the brutal murder of a texas 12-year-old due in court this morning. what we expect to learn. >> charlie: plus, former president trump putting a denting in biden's cashed a van twage a massive fund raising haul as the fundraising sets its sights on blue states. rnc chair lara trump joins us this hour. >> steve: and sky's the limit, chicago sky forward angel reese outduels caitlin clark in a matchup that shattered records for wnba ticket prices. we will tell you more about that coming up. >> ainsley: the second hour of "fox & friends" starts right now. ♪ >> steve: all right. and let's start with this. a fox news alert. one of the two migrants charged in the death of that 12-year-old girl down in texas is set to
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appear in court later this morning. >> ainsley: todd piro joins us now with more details. todd? >> todd: here's what we're learning young girl gone out for a walk local convenience store never to return. jocelyn nungaray found in the shallow waters of a creek. cause of death was strangulation. prosecutors charging two men in their early 20's both with capital murder. the two s&pes are venezuelan nationals that ice says entered the u.s. illegally back in march. both were initially arrested upon crossing, but then released back into the country shortly thereafter. each man waving their right to appear in court. but their attorneys will be present today and tomorrow. police believe jocelyn snuck out of her home the night before she was found dead and encountered the two suspects on her way to the convenience store. the three walks to a nearby bridge where police believe jocelyn was killed remains unknown if she knew the men
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before the incident. the result of a sexual assault on the victim still pending. haste county prosecutors suspects ripped off her pants and tied her underneath that bridge. the judge has not yet ruled whether cameras will be allowed in a courtroom. back over to you. >> steve: all right, todd, thank you very much. i was reading down in the local paper down in that area, and it sounds like investigators think that they probably went up to her and asked her for directions towards something. and then it all went south just absolutely terrible. she is going to be laid to rest on thursday. and the splub invited. and our friend mattress mac is going to be having a celebration of life at one of his mattress mac glearlsz one of those town. >> charlie: most enraging parts of all of it both of them were detained a monstrous breakdown of society and our political system. everything. that these two people were
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allowed in the country in the first place and detained and then released. >> ainsley: they a are here illegally that 12-year-old is here legally. you can look at the pictures. we can all relate to that chicago, the birthday cake. excited about opening her birthday present it looks like. a young child there she is with her cello. it's so sad. >> charlie: you sneak out of the house you get punishment. this is not the punishment for sneakerring out of your house. we don't want to live in a country like that. >> steve: it's terrible. so one of the migrants accused of capital murder will be in court later this morning and you will see conch right here on fox. meanwhile, switching gears, former president donald trump has nearly erased president biden's cash advantage after the rnc says so far they raised $141 million in the month of
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may. the biden harris campaign raised $85 million last month. >> david spunt is live at the white house. david? >> david: all about the money. good morning to you three. president biden not even here at the white house this week. he has been hunk erred down with aides at camp david to prepare r that debate with president donald trump thursday night. we expect him to go directly from camp david to the debate on thursday. on friday, the president will hold a rally in north carolina. meanwhile, the white house facing some questions about the promotion of a new press aid someone named tyler cherry who is handling the president's climate agenda. cherry once tweeted that police are, quote: the direct evolution of slave patrols and lynch mobs. he wrote on x apologizing past social media posts when i was younger do not depicted my current. i will continue my
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communications work focused on climate and environmental policies. it we're very fraud have tyler on the team. today also marked two years 60s supreme court struck down roe v. wade. and the administration plans to tout that heavily, putting blame on former president donald trump hoping even two years later that crucial decision will resonate with voters as people prepare to vote in the coming months. new fundraising numbers as you mentioned, show the war chest that democrats tout may not be big enough to fend off the fund raising numbers. this is post conviction there are new reports out that team trump has nor cash on hand as of recent weeks than team biden. speaking of team trump, the former president expected to host sean owe bine brian, the president of the teamsters at the rnc in milwaukee, wisconsin in a few weeks. so the teamsters have yet to make an official endorsement as he met with president biden in the past, back to you. >> steve: so, david, going back to the person who had the embarrassing tweets that they have apologize for.
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you would think you are getting a job at the white house, you would go into your tweet machine and get rid of all those, wouldn't you? >> >> charlie: you would think. >> david: one would think. so apparently some still up there. he apologized and the white house is defending him. >> ainsley: thank you, david. >> thank you. >> charlie: big get the sean o'brien the teamsters, sean o'brien, and in the past, trump has done really well among union members and so the fact that he is actually getting into the leadership of unions and obviously we don't know whether he is going to endorse or how that is going to work, that's a pretty big -- that's going to be interesting to watch. >> steve: a big get. >> ainsley: interesting he raised that much money trump in the month of may. that was during the trial. i was watching an interview with andrew cuomo and bill maher. andrew cuomo said the hush money case against trump should not have been brought to trial a president. and b trump. bill maher said that trial
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didn't effect the poll numbers. instead it only helped him fund raise and could better. >> a year ago before alvin bragg announced the charges against donald trump on the hush money porn star trial. donald trump was trailing ron desantis. next thing you know, you know, and trump was talking about how he was unjustly accused. trump started surging in the polls, i mean, it looked like it was desantis' to lose. you know, a year ago march, but trump has very effectively gone past that. and, obviously, that is also one of the things that helped him raise that boat load of dough in the month of may. >> charlie: raising money from small dollar donors. joe biden respond by going tout l.a. trying to raise a bunch of felony hollywood. those people write big checks. >> steve: you don't need some charles charlie another thing immediately to tapped out. small dollar donors gave $12, $15 to donald trump because they
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were angry because they think that the justice department is going after him after politics, they get to write more next. they probably will write more next as the campaign goes on. >> ainsley: biden ally tells politico, the whole point of it was to come without a sizeable cash advantage. we are now even and it's june. i have no other word for it other than divetion among biden supporters. >> steve: the debate is going to be thursday night. according to the most this morning. the goal of the biden advisers is to get a joe biden who on thursday night, at 9:00. appears vigorous. to present a vigorous guy in command of the issues able to take on donald trump. and ultimately what they would like to find a way to do is to get under donald trump's skin. so, that he lashes out at joe biden and it would be a repeat of the last time they got together. the biden team would love that
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in the meantime, according to the post. "the washington post." trump's advisers are coaching him to focus on the issues that he does the best on. on immigration, on crime, and the economy. and just keep reminding feel hey, joe, i met a bunch of nominee philadelphia at the cheese steak place on saturdays. a lot of people are hurting. they don't have as much money as they did when i was president. and why would anybody give you four more years? >> charlie: during that rally in philadelphia, he polled the audience whether he should be mean and tough to joe biden or more and the audience cheered calmer i thought that was interesting. >> ainsley: one person said be tough. we want you to be tough. >> charlie: the applause was overwhelming for calm. >> ainsley: got to be prepared for gotcha questions. you said you didn't win the election. democrats have said that, too remember when hillary clinton said she didn't think he had
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really won and stacey abrams in georgia? >> steve: let's see what he says because undoubtedly that's going to be one of the things. apparently the trump team is preparing to not only battle joe biden with you also the moderators in case the deck is that stacked. >> ainsley: eric trump said that this is a debate between three people. it's a debated between cnn and joe biden. >> it is amazing, the desperation does seem to be palpable. democrats have expanded their scare tactics with voters with representative maxine waters, telling, i think we have got of it right here. >> i'm very concerned not bottom my safety and not only about the safety of members of congress, i'm concerned about the safety of so many people in this country. particularly people of color. he threatens about a civil war and he threatens it's going to be violence. so i say all of this talk is
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motivational with many of those who are racist, who are sitting at home, listening to him and they are taking him up on his threats, even before the elections take place. and so, it's about thousands maybe millions people. >> um-huh. >> because of donald trump and his desire to are revenge on everything and everybody. >> steve: maxine waters talking about how trump's rhetoric endangers all lawmakers. one point in the interview she was talking about how a texas man was sentenced to 33 months in prison and given $10,000 fine because he left racist and threatening voice mails for her. and she kind of put those two thoughts together. >> ainsley: we don't support that we don't want anything to happen to her. she was encouraging her supporters to harass trump administration officials
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remember that years ago. >> steve: oh yeah on the street. >> ainsley: going to heat dinner with their family. >> steve: get in his face. >> ainsley: said to cabinet members if you see them, create a crowd, push back on them tell them they are not welcome. these scare tactics rachel maddow saying is he going to put her in the camp and "the view" saying is he going to take us off the air and aoc saying afraid going to throw her in jail. these scare tactics are not working. >> steve: doug emhoff was on cbs "sunday morning" with rita braverrer, he said the world literally depends on joe biden winning. so, you know, i think we are all pro-world. so it sounds like if you want the world to keep spinning, you got go for joe. >> ainsley: that's what the democrats say, republicans say it has to be donald trump or we lose this country. they are worried about the future of our country. >> steve: it's a jump ball. meanwhile, the "new york post" has a great item this morning. they talked a little bit about,
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you know, historically, young people, lean wayed to the left. but, with the millennial yums these days, rather gen z over half of them profiles of differt raised progressives and found themselves situation now thinking about voting for donald trump i spent the whole day crying my who eyes out. i thousand hoards of kkk members were going to shoot me and my friends because i'm hispanic. i woke up to the group think on the left about and decided i could no longer subscribe to the she can mentality of following what happened after that current thing is. >> that's what she said she felt after donald trump won.
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charlie. >> charlie: this is the problem with scare tactics when can doesn't work, you end up chasing people away forever. the most amazing poll numbers we have seen this time arranged is this massive double dignity shift among young voters from joe biden historically the democrats have been able to count on the young people. >> charlie: that's their money right there. >> steve: half of them don't identify with the party. that's setting off a flashing red light at camp david right now. okay, who are we going to appeal to. >> ainsley: a lot of them might decide to stay home. >> steve: we talked about this on friday biden camp hoping for viral moment on thursday night at the debate because so many people don't get their news from a news channel or the local news they get it from tiktok a little
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five second clever snippet could make. >> ainsley: all sides are watching. every network covered it. so the advantage to donald trump is he doesn't normally get that much positive feedback from other channels, right? >> steve: unfiltered. >> ainsley: forcing everyone to watch this or everyone wanting to watch this, you will get the issues from both candidates. >> charlie: his mass citiry all along talking to the voters. and apparently with young people it's working. >> steve: regarding that, i wonder if on thursday night if cnn will do some fact checking. well, that's not true. because, remember when candy crowley did that to mitt romney and i think she was actually wrong. oops. brian. >> charlie: then again, kind of like what mark penn was saying about him walking into the lions den. that's where he is at his best. if they do fact-check him i don't know that it works the way
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they want it to work it. could backfire. >> steve: argue with them some more. >> charlie: unless they bark at him and turn off his mic. that's that's how they will do it. >> steve: stay tuned. interesting. we're not going to turn off carley's mic we are going to turn it on. >> carley: it's going on. i think i can be heard. shall i twin? we have a fox news alert. fights breaking outs outside of a synagogue in l.a. yesterday morning. they started with pro-palestinian protesters confronted pro-israeli counter protesters during israeli real estate event. police in ri riot gear tried stopping the violence. one person arrested for allegedly carrying spiked flag. >> at least six people dying in florida drowning dangerous rip currents. three men died in alabama panama city beach on the golf coast.
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the day before couple from pennsylvania swimming with their six children. drowned. swim parallel to the shore if they ever get caught in a rip current. good advice there. illinois man arrested for trying to hit kim foxx with his car over the weekend. oh my goodness. prosecutors say the man threw a drink in foxx before am accelerating. forcing foxx to donald trump out of the way. the app. in court tomorrow. he has been ordered not to make contact with foxx. day two of hearings in former president trump's classified documents ways is set to begin this morning. trump's legal team motioning to dismiss the case for unlawful funding of special counsel jack smith. this afternoon the judge aileen cannon will hear arguments about the government's motion to
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modify trump's release conditions to bar him from speaking about the 2022 fbi raid on mar-a-lago. meanwhile, we await a decision on trump's presidential immunity case from the supreme court this week. and to women's basketball the chicago sky hosting caitlin clark and the indiana fever in a nail-biter yesterday afternoon. clark pouring in 17 points but chicago's angel reese took over to close out the game. reese back to work. reese pumps it in. no answer for angel reese. >> reese scoring career high 25 points as her sky took down the fever 88-87. that's why it was called a nail-biter, guys, they won by 1 point. >> steve: a photo finish. >> ainsley: great when you are on the winning team those are such exciting games to watch. but when you lose.
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>> ainsley: that's why you play the game. >> steve: made the highlights. >> ainsley: thank you. >> carley: you are welcome. >> steve: remember to set your dvr 6:00 a.m. monday through friday abdingdon at 9:00. if you want to record dana and bill that's okay, too. >> ainsley: swing state swing, former president trump eyes three key battle grounds that he hopes to turn red this november. rnc co-chair lara trump on his strategy, next. ♪
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dave's company just scored the comcast business 5-year price lock guarantee. high five! high five... -i'm on a call. it's 5 years of reliable, gig speed internet... five years of advanced security... five years of a great rate that won't change. yep, dave's feeling it. yes. but it's only for a limited time. five years? -five years. introducing the comcast business 5-year price lock guarantee. powering 5 years of savings. powering possibilities.
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♪ >> steve: all right. welcome back. squad member from congress, jamaal bowman is set to square off against west chester county executive george latimer in their new york house primary tomorrow. well, lattimer will campaign with members of the clergy today. and the race is the most expensive house primary ever with both democrats spending more than 24 million bucks on ads. lattimer also flexing his union muscles, most recently gaining significant funding from apec, an israeli political advocacy group. bowman speaking out against the endorsement in a potty mouth-laced tirade during a weekend campaign stop in the bronx.
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check this out. we have to beep him. >> we are going to show [bleep] at apec the power of the mother [bleep] south bronx. [cheers] >> people ask me why i got a foul mouth. what am i supposed to do? you coming after me. you coming after my family. you coming after my children. i'm not supposed to fight back? my opponent supports genocide. >> steve: well, the congressman catching criticism for the rant. again, voters hit the primary polls tomorrow in that race. ainsley, his talk was so hot i wonder if anybody was thinking about pulling the fire alarm. >> ainsley: these a good one wasn't expecting some of that language. >> steve: beep. >> ainsley: it is new york. you hear crazy words on the
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subway. president trump set to rally voters in virginia on fridayment in one of three king sw swing that the campaign are really focusing on. let's break them down for you. trumped and biden are tied 48% in virginia. it last went red when george w. bush won in 2004. expanding grassroots effort in minnesota where biden leads trump by 4 points in the latest polling. the last time this state went red was in 1972 about richard nixon. and trump rallied voters on saturday as you saw at that rally in pennsylvania. he is ahead here by two points and that is biden's birthplace. a truck last won in that state 2016 with donald trump. what are trump's strategies when we go into the cnn presidential debate and when we look at these battleground states. republican national committee co-chair lara trump joins us to talk about this. hey, lara. >> good morning.
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>> ainsley: when you look at battleground states, what is the strategy? >> i think it's the strategy is that donald trump has been applying across the country we have to compare two presidents and their presidents, i think when donald trump is throughout talking to supporters and i think you will hear a lot of this on thursday night. his job and our job from the rnc and the trump campaign is to continue to remind the american people how much different their life was with donald trump office. how much better their life was, they had more money in their pocket. we had a secure southern border. we had our standing on the world stage, ains liberation gas was 1.87 a gallon on average when donald trump was in the white house. so you compare that to right now, it's just about 180 degrees in the wrong direction. where we are as a country, i think when people are hurting out there, and they truly are in country, it's great opportunity for donald trump to come, in whether it's in philadelphia, whether it's in detroit. whether it will be in virginia and say, hey, remember when i was there, i know how to do it
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and you know i know how to do it because i actually did it. that is the strategy. he believes he should go to places where republicans traditionally do not go. you are going to see donald trump in more of these very blue areas because he believes if you go ask for people's votes, they will vote for you. now is the time we need to save this country and it doesn't matter where you are in america. your life has gotten worse, not better under joe biden's regime as president of the united states. now is the time donald trump thinks he can pick off some of these blue states. >> ainsley: polls are showing that donald trump does have the momentum. we are seeing the fundraising efforts in may he raised more than joe biden and that was after the conviction. you saw the campaign ads on his side, using the conviction to go against him in these campaign ads. how are you going to spending the money that donald trump has raced? >> well, listen, i think we need to continue to counter that message. i think it's ridiculous by the way the fact they think that's going to be a problem. these convictions in new york
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which everybody knows was a total sham trial. if you look at the money we raised ainsley, 30% of the money ccame in 48 hours after donald trump's conviction. 30% was people that had never donated to donald trump before. the jr. tha idea that's going tt him is ridiculous. we have incredible election integrity program. we are going to use a lot of money to train our poll watchers, poll workers, legal experts around the country, we need ensure election integrity. we wanting to do things like legal ballot harvesting in country everywhere we possibly can we need swamp the vote and make it too big to rig. encourage epeople to go vote early and take people with you from that moment all the way up to election day. we are going to apply all the money we are receiving from voters across this country who really want their country back
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to ensure a free fair and election mobilize ground troops across this country and go to bed early on election night, ainsley, donald trump will be declared the 47th president very early we believe. >> ainsley: let's talk about the an verse satisfy the supreme court made historic decision to overturn roe v. wade. that was actually two years ago. big issue for a lot of women across the country, abortion, how will he handle that on thursday? >> well, look, donald trump, obviously, nominated three supreme court justices to the bench. who made the right decision and actually sent roe v. wade out and said, listen, this is up to the states. it shouldn't be up to a small group of people in washington, d.c. the most democratic thing now has happened. and i think that's what donald trump has continued to say. it goes back to the states. so every respective state gives we, the people, the opportunity to opine on such a major decision, such as this. i think you are going to hear that from donald trump. it's what he has continued to
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say. if we are being honest, this is just about the only thing that democrats think they can run on this election cycle. i think donald trump will have a great response for it. i think they have to come up with better things to talk about like how they are going to make people's lives better in this country which we know donald trump can do. joe biden has failed to do. he has taken things in the wrong direction. they are going to have to come up with a little more than that. >> ainsley: joe biden hunk erred down. totally different styles of prepping for this debate. is he notice? >> joe biden i'm sure he is. >> ainsley: no donald trump. does he get nervous. >> n listen, they have prepared donald trump. oddly in such strange way from the moment he came down the escalator, ainsley in 2015 and announced he was running for president. targets on his back. while he was president. especially now in the last area that he has been rubbing for president second term in office.
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they have prepared him for these moments it will be 3 on 1 we know that not just one-on-one; he has to go against dana bash and jake tapper as he will with. he is not nervous. he knows will t. vision for america will resonate with this country. owe doesn't need to hunker down anywhere. he was president for four years and very successful one at that. he has to talk about what he is did and what he is going to do back in that house. >> ainsley: we can't wait for thursday night. >> thank you. >> ainsley: make sure you tune in to fox on thursday for fox news democracy 24 conch of the cnn presidential debate simulcast. our conch begins thursday night 8 p.m. eastern and "fox & friends" starts an hour early on friday morning and talking about the debate if you missed it. lapd on the hunt three suspects after a father of four is shot and killed on a city metro train. the latest in that search. and today marks two years since
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gianno caldwell's brother christian was murdered in chicago. gianno is going to join us how is he taking a stand for victims of a senseless crime. ♪ while i am a paid actor, and this is not a real company, there is no way to fake how upwork can help your business. upwork is half the cost of our old recruiter and they have top-tier talent and everything from pr to project management because this is how we work now. ah, these bills are crazy. she has no idea she's sitting on a goldmine. well she doesn't know that if she owns a life insurance policy of $100,000 or more she can sell all or part of it to coventry for cash. even a term policy. even a term policy? even a term
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put uc and crohn's in check ...and keep them there with rinvoq. ask your gastroenterologist about rinvoq and learn how abbvie can help you save. ♪ >> adam: not too bad is what some folks are going to be saying as they wake up this morning. big heat wave in the midwest. a little bit of a cooldown but the heat still a major story in some parts of the country. let's dive right into it. look at these early morning temperatures here in new york city 79 degrees. # 6 degrees back in chicago. it does warm up again pretty big in the middle of the country. a high of only 80 in new york city after yesterday feels like temperatures getting up close to a hundred. it will be closer to 100-degree mark in the middle of the country.
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98 degrees for folks there in the springfield area. you are talking about a big heat advisories stretching from the gulf coast all the way north up to canada. what does that ultimately feel like? kansas city today? 109 today. a little bit of a cooldown for them by the time you get into the middle of the week. those are your weather headlines. for now, steve, i'm tossing it back inside to you. >> steve: all right, adam. thank you very much. mean while, let's talk about los angeles, and out there authorities are on the hunt for three male suspects between the ages of 15 and 20 after a father of 4 was shot and killed on the city metro on friday. juan garcia shot dead on the scene after becoming the latest los angeles rampant crime crisis. joining us now is gianno caldwell. >> great to be with you, steve. >> steve: the town changes but the story remains the same. another family completely
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destroyed over it sounds like three or four kids. they got into an argument. somebody has got a gun. next thing you know this dad of four dead. >> another father who will not be there for his children. i got to tell you, steve, brandon johnson, the mayor of chicago said we cannot be demonizing kids. but what we come to finds out many of these shooters are teenage age. they grew up in a generation where accountability doesn't exist. soft on crime policies oh you can steal up to $4,507 worth of items and nothing happens to you. we are going to eliminate cash bail. commit a crime get right back out or don't get caught at all. george soros and his soft-on-crime prosecutors created this environment. these progressive prosecutors and elected officials who said, look, we are going to call this criminal justice reform when in fact it's justice for the criminal. we need to make this stop. and that's exactly why i'm here today on the two year mark of my brother's murder. because i have had enough.
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i cannot lose any more family members and i don't want to see anyone else lose anyone. so, this is a mission that's now on my shoulders because i have no choice. simply put i have no choice, steve. >> steve: we thank you for coming. we know today is an emotional day for you. it's hard to believe it was two years ago. i remember it was a story, a fox news alert that this had happened. your family, your grandmother has finally agreed to leave chicago. you left chicago over 10 years ago. >> yes, yes. >> steve: but your brother, he would have been, what, 19 years old. >> 19. he would have been 19. i was blessed to be in chicago over the weekend to be with my family. my grandmother finally agreed to allow me to move her out of chicago. i have one younger brother still there that means he gets to move too because he has been taking care of her. the truth is this is not about my brother anymore. that's what it starred off but not about him.
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it's about the people who have lost their lives and people a we can potentially save. that's why with my own money hahn dreads of thousands caldwell institute. i'm upset every day we are covering another story about someone being killed. some innocent person being killed. and that needs to change. that needs change. i'm working with attorney general pam bondi, dr. drew pinsky put together with my cousin dr. hines mental health. go to the website caldwell and pitch a story to the press if one of your family members have been murdered. i have joe he will fits jarrett gerald his son temple university prosecutor and soft-on-crime larry krasner walking the case to milwaukee sure the suspect doesn't get the death penalty. they put together a manual how to work with the place.
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two things victim services and going after soft on crime prosecutors and lobbying begins legislation makes communities more lawless and dangerous. advance makes communities safer. that's what the caldwell institute's mission is. >> steve: you put together a video folks can find it on social media. >> caldwell see the full video there we need your support. >> steve: we will play you just a little bit. watch. this i gathered a vast team of experts, visionaries and game changers and created the caldwell institute for public safety. on june 24th, 2022, my life changed forever when my innocent baby brother christian was murdered on the streets of chicago. christian was 18 and excited about starting college. but on that terrible day, he became just one more of those 16,000 murdered across the united states that same year.
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help support the caldwell institute for public safety. go caldwell >> steve: the fact that you say and it started with your brother but now you have made it bigger than your brother and you are trying to help other families who have broken heart just like your family does. and it's a shame that two years later we still don't know exactly who killed your brother every age, every race, every income bracket has been effected. this is not just about the south side of chicago. this is not about just black-on-black crime. this is about millions of americans who fear. paint a picture that crime isn't a pig issue when everybody knows you can go outside of this studio and something could happen to you. god forbid but something could.
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we have to change the trajectory and conservatives have been talking about george soros and millions he has put forth for these candidates but we haven't had a solution. here is your solution, go caldwell, support us, go all of all my socials at gee be a know caldwell, look at the video and share on instagram, twitter, facebook and tiktok. let's save america pogey. beautifully said. >> thank you. and my "fox & friends" family. >> steve: we love you. >> i love you back. >> steve: his brother would be 19 years old today if he were alive. rest in peace, christian. we'll be right back. ♪
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>> charlie: female voters continue to stray away from biden of the latest polling showing he only has 53% of the vote. far from the 65% he won in 2020. and his campaign still has no idea why. >> why is joe biden losing ground with some latino voters right now? >> well, i don't know. i think that you got to play this thing out and see actually how it works. latino voters are like everybody else. they move around from space to space. you see this with african-american voters as well. >> charlie: here with reaction "fox & friends weekend" co-host rachel campos-duffy. good morning, rachel. >> rachel: good morning, charlie. >> charlie: they are completely clueless. >> rachel: that clip, charlie, is the best news that donald trump has had since he won the primary for the republican party
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because if democrats don't stand what the problem is, why so many hispanics are moving towards donald trump, they can't fix the problem. the problem, charlie is, that democrats still see everything through the racial and identity books, and the latino population is changing, is there are very recent immigrants,including the ones they are importing right now. there is this even greater demographic of second and third generation hispanics who are a lot more simulated, speak english. want upward mobility and they are identifying more with the working class americans of all races than they are with the boxes, these racial boxes that the democrats want to put them in. and so these people care about inflation. they care about, you know, the economy they see people coming over the border driving down jobs. resources and very working class neighborhoods and schools. and also they are bringing with
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them crime. a lot of it is the crime that their parents were telling them was happening in el salvador and many other countries in latin america. all of this is working against the democrats because they still want to see hispanics as just these aggrieved, racial boxes that they want to put them in. >> charlie: as you point out a lot of that crime hans in the neighborhoods where they live. so it matters to them deeply. >> rachel: that's right. >> charlie: comes after democrat politicians have made great efforts in places like new york city. bothing about their taxpayer funded debit card program for illegal migrants which, in a weird way, actually only encourages the crisis of illegal immigration into the country in the first place. >> rachel: of course, it's a pull factor. let me give you these numbers. on a family of four, they are spending in new york city about $15,000 a year on an illegal immigrant family. the city is projected to spend about $10.6 billion on illegal immigrants through the year
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'2025. so this isn't just ticking off hispanic americans working class people it's driving a wedge and pulling away many black americans. black men and bleam families are saying what you got $15,000 to give to people that aren't citizens and our neighborhoods is crumbling and there is crime and we don't have enough public safety. i saw gianno caldwell's piece before we were on, there are serious problems and take this into account as well, charlie. these are people who were seeing upwaferred mobility. we are seeing wages rising. and seeing things better and brighter and american dream happening for their families four years ago. abruptly dom a halt with bidenomics and the biden administration and open border is only making it worse. i think this is counter intuitive for democrats who thought they could just say, you know, open the border, donald trump is racist and game over.
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>> the pandering is not working. thank you so much, rachel. >> rachel: thank you. >> charlie: don't move charles e turner and charles payne are on deck. ♪longer so for faster pain relief, advil the pain away. can neuriva support your brain health? mary, janet, hey!! (thinking: eddie, no frasier, frank... frank?) fred! how are you?! fred... fuel up to 7 brain health indicators, including your memory. join the neuriva brain health challenge. bounty mega roll lasts longer so you can tackle: ♪ applesauce and avocado, ♪ ♪ berries, butter, coffee, cream, ♪ ♪ drippy fingers, deviled eggs ♪ ♪ and empanadas (red and green). ♪ bounty mega roll lets you clean spills without running out. ♪ and mommy's glass of zinfandellll! ♪ bounty. the quicker picker upper.
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