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tv   Outnumbered  FOX News  June 24, 2024 9:00am-10:00am PDT

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♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ >> kayleigh: this is "outnumbered." i'm kayleigh mcenany with my cohosts emily compagno and harris faulkner. also joining us "fox & friends" first cohost, carley shimkus, and fox news national correspondent griff jenkins on this gripping week. we are just days away from the first presidential showdown of this election cycle. both president biden and former president trump are finalizing their strategies for thursday's cnn presidential debate, but are prepping for the face-off in two very different ways. president biden is surrounding himself with top official campaign staffers. some from the white house and close allies. you can see their names scrolling. and camp david is sequestered away as he has been for days. meanwhile, former president trump is hitting the
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campaign trail. he was in philadelphia this past weekend and asked supporters what tactic he should take. >> how should i handle him? should i be tough and nasty? or should i be -- [cheers and applause] -- she said no. should be tough and nasty and say "you are the worst president in history?" or should i be nice and calm and let him speak? [crowd reacting] >> kayleigh: it's funny. i want to start with the moderators, cnn, and something big that happened this morning as they touched off this debate. the national press secretary karoline leavitt who officially works for the campaign -- here's what happened. >> that's why president trump is knowingly going into a hostile environment on this network on cnn with debate moderators who have made their opinions about him very well known over the
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past eight years in the revised coverage of him. >> if you talk to analysts in debates previous that if you are attacking the moderators, you're usually losing. >> would take someone 5 minutes to google jake tapper/donald trump to see that -- >> we will stop if you are going to keep -- i will stop this interview if you continue to attack my colleagues. i would like -- >> i am stating -- >> -- donald trump who you work for. here in his behalf -- i am stating facts that your colleagues have stated in the past. >> we are going to come back after this panel. >> was she attacking the colleague or stating facts? he was just one of many times jake tapper has gone after president trump. >> the dehumanizing rhetoric of adolf hitler is once again alive and well on a national particle stage, this time given life by former president and current republican president a front runner donald trump. >> kayleigh: harris, we don't know what jake tapper is going to do when he asks those
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questions. you can go online and see two minute long montages of him attacking the former president. i think the market people deserve honest, forthright, substantive questions to both candidates that are difficult for both to ask. to answer, rather. >> harris: i went to kc hunt's twitter page not long ago. she said this morning "you come on my show, respect my colleagues period. i don't care what side of the aisle you stand on as my track record clearly shows." at that moment was awkward. what we will remember was that it turned into being messy rather than a good conversation with someone who was close to a former president and could be the next president. that's unfortunate. the story became about casey hunt. you want to talk about how to lose the narrative. that's how you lose the narrative. that's unfortunate. what karoline was .2 was the aggression from the liberal and legacy media that we have watched her four years when trump was president. it was aggression. it was -- so on and so forth,
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without oftentimes a comeback. you are talking but a president who's about to go into a debate with a gag order. the people who speak for him are speaking for him. if you invite them on the show and shut them down, you are further gagging him. i don't really understand the purpose of that, but you get to keep at it. trump is winning this. he is going for indepen -- independents, the black vote, the latino vote. he's getting optics of winning people over. he's actually doing that. let's see if the biden surrogates can keep up and stop talking so much about trump. >> kayleigh: they are different approaches. i watch that rally saturday night. you saw someone having fun, engaging with the crowd. talked about the debate a ton. he think biden who is sequestered -- a ton of aids preparing him -- president trump doesn't think that's happening. here's what he think is happening at camp david. >> so tonight, we will refer to him as sleepy joe, because right
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now, as you know, there is a reporter that crooked joe has gone to a log cabin to study, prepare. no, he didn't. he is sleeping now. they want to get him good and strong so a little before debate time he gets a shot in the [bleep]. >> kayleigh: pretty colorful. we don't know what's going on in camp david, but he is framing the narrative ahead of the debate. we are not hearing from biden. >> emily: and remove or how the mainstream media framed it, which is that biden is on a mountaintop retreat, they wrote, surrounded by close advisors, poring over briefs, and went on to make it sound like he was in this beautifully intellectual trinity college library, studying up on policy. then they said trump is practicing this, hobnobbing with vice presidential hopefuls. the reality cannot be further from the truth. it belies the honesty, as harris
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was saying, about how they feel. back to your prior point, the hostility, the environment matters. correct that there is a difference -- and those that are committed to objectivity on air. it's right when the president campaign spokesperson asked if it's going to be a fair fight. it's only correct that as eric trump said, trump is not debating biden, or just debating biden. he's also debating cnn. could have been an opportunity for that host to say the debate will be fairly monitored, fairly moderated, with totally fair roles at cnn. instead, the cnn debate, she fed into people's conception about it, which is it is not a fair fight. >> kayleigh: you talked about their quotations for cnn and for the candidates. i think "the washington post" ran this out quite well. when it comes to expectations, they say donald trump's campaign argues that joe biden is a feeble, incompetent, disconnected from reality at his age, shuttling around the world
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come and stash like the cadaver in the 1989 comedy film "weekend at bernie's." trump says he looks good on the debate stage, so it's different how they pretrade. here's the second step that i think is important. biden's campaign describes trump as an extremist with dictatorial designs, snapped when he lost the 2020 election. so much -- biden -- the expectations that you're about to watch a unhinged dictator pick if he is the opposite, what then? >> griff: i think this is going to be one of the most significant debates, presidential debates, we have had ever. here is a case of the cand candidates, and you have two presidential records not going head-to-head for the first time. i hope there is, as you point out, the substance on the order, on the economy, on taxes. if i could just go back to that rally. trump is bringing his core base with him. they are stacking the deck.
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the lesson from that interview with casey hunt and karoline leavitt was that they saw they couldn't control karoline leavitt. you think jake tapper will be able to control trump? we will see what we get. i hope at some point we had a colorful trump moment which is is unpredictable-this come and perhaps he turns to biden and says "by the way, did cannibals eat uncle" -- a [laughter] >> carley: lara trump was on "fox & friends" earlier this morning and talked about donald trump's strategy. what he's going to do in terms of substance, and say we had to go back-to-back presidents, me in prison biden, and talk about the records. where did you feel, but her four years ago are now? just talking but the track records, which interestingly, it takes place back-to-back. i mean, how often can people really compare and contrast two presidential candidates? there also two rules that i think work in favor of
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donald trump one is that he won the coin toss. 's he will be doing the closing statements last. the last person you will hear from closing arguments is donald trump. the other is that the microphones are going to be muted. that works in donald trump's favor. he is aggressive. he's got a tendency to talk over the other candidate. sometimes when you do that with joe biden, you bail him out if he is losing his train of thought. if you get to january 6 question, are you going to accept the election results question, i think a good way to pivot to that is to just say "i'm running for the future of the country. you may care about that, but the era can people care about the economy, the border, crime. those are the issues that i want to talk about. i think that will speak to a lot of people in the middle. moderate voters as well. >> kayleigh: i believe biden won the toss and chose to give trump the end remarks because he wanted a different podium.
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which is fascinating. i'm glad you brought it up. don't you want to be the last person to speak? i mean, biden could have done that. >> i didn't know that. >> kayleigh: you learned about all the nfl stuff. [laughter] >> once the last word, that's for sure. >> kayleigh: be sure to tune in tonight, the ingraham angle here on the fox news channel at 7:00 p.m. eastern. i will be guest hosting. president trump has settle on his vp pick in his mind and the person will likely be at the debate. three of them will join me tonight: tim scott, doug ber berman -- 7:00 p.m. fox news. the buy demonstration just promoted this official who has called for -- abolishing ice and compared modern policing to patrols.
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>> emily: just a short time ago in houston, one of the illegal immigrants accused of murdering a 12-year-old girl appeared in court for the first time. his bail has been set at $10 million. all the judge believes he is a flight risk. and felt no fear, a police officer is fighting for his life after he was shot in the neck during a traffic stop saturday. husband and father. he has been on the force for six and half years.
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he is now depending on a breathing machine to survive. our prayers are with him in his family. the issues of immigration and crime remain at the forefront of american's minds. the biden administration is now promoting someone who once compared cops to patrols. who called for ice to be completely abolished. aisha huff and he is live at the white house with more on this latest controversy. >> the white house so far is standing by their man, taylor cherry, who is now trying to clean all this up really by himself. will get to that in just a second. let's take a walk to memor memory lane. controversial posts that are just out there now for the whole world to see, and for him to try to explain away. in one of those posts like you mentioned, he compares the police today says they are a direct evolution of patrols and lynch mobs.
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occupation of palestine. #isupportgaza, # #isupportpalestine. he is now coming out on twitter, on x and posting this. "past social media posts from when i was younger do not reflect my current views period. i support the demonstration's agenda and will continue my administration's work focused on our climb and saw mike clement and environment to policies." replicants say that his promotion is -- all about the polls. speak of this president has some 25-year-old boy -- with a man button that is advising him that has his ear, because they realize that they have lost every demographic or they are losing. they don't have that hard left at the polls.
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he knows that they are dead in the water all the way down. >> remember sam burton about a year ago. this department of energy officials -- stealing luggage on taxpayer-funded from the travel. they said that they are proud of him as they try to pivot the headlines to abortion today. we have asked for more from the white house, waiting to get it. >> how is this appropriate to fulfill an associate communications director position in our administration to come into this country? >> he is going to be -- the communications person responsible for climate and environmental policy. i don't know why you have a whole staff or just for that.
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that's besides the point. but, to promote someone like this, and then the headlines of those who choose to cover it because a lot of people are ignoring it, they choose to -- comparing police to patrols. if this were a republican administration, republican staffer who got promoted in a trump white house, there would be thousands of questions in the briefing, and everything this guy ever tweeted as he gives taxpayer dollars. i wonder if there will be a single question today. there may be one from one outlet. there should be a lot of questions. >> emily: and harris, the point is as well everything that kayleigh said, and a set administration governs everyone. it's -- why some is qualified to help govern and lead with everyone when for example he tweets "praying for baltimore but printing more for an end of a capitalistic police state with racial biases," among other things. >> harris: they are desperate. they need the young vote. we saw that with the far left, squad members -- over the weekend, whose f-bomb laced
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comments, bring in the notorious aoc, turning this into a party in the bronx. trump got a lot of support in the south bronx and he didn't have to do all that. they could work at such that they go out to events, they could do what you suggested, that the trump campaign did years ago: you register as many as you can on site. you talk with young people. you hit them with the issues. can put the picture up. they are the voters. smart enough to know the difference between somebody that can talk about policy versus somebody who can just flex for the photos. >> perhaps, griff, maybe the main question is not why they find him qualified, but why wouldn't they? if the president himself has subscribed to these things. we were number when someone in the crowd yelled "abolish ice" to the president and he said "give me a couple days."
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perhaps for this person, maybe they actually are in lockstep with this demonstration policies. >> griff: your spot on. is trying to clean it up with his latest statement, but these were offensive outliers. this was clear poor judgment. when you talk about abolishing ice, if we abolish ice, the next 9/11 happens tomorrow. that's not me. the former cia deputy director is saying it, dhs says that her greatest strength is that bo border. poor judgment. the war on cops, and even of to the bluest of the blue know that the war on cops is increased crime. you have to look at whether he is qualified based on his judgment just a few years ago. >> another thing is that this is an example of what you say on social media lives forever. i have a grandma rule: if you wouldn't say it to your grandma, don't post on social media. is trying to backtrack in a way that -- and also enter bates is
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being asked questions about you, so that first day for him on the job. associate communications director of the white house is apparently a fairly junior level staffer position, but he is still on the communications team. his communication is the issue, so that is a problem. this also reminds me of the op-ed that the former clinton advisor wrote that one of biden's big issues is that he is trying to appeal to the base and not the middle. i'm sure it's not his job to give this guy a promotion, promoting him in this new story, it certainly does not help him with trying to appeal to the middle as well. >> he's a presidential candidate right now and i'm surprised by decisions like this. even if he was not running for president, the whole point is it raises a lot of questions about someone's judgment, the commander in chief in addition to them. coming up, squad members to ramaud bowman and alexandria ocasio-cortez joined severe criticism for a profanity-laced rant at a rally this weekend.
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>> we are going to show [bleep] the power of the mother [bleep]ing south bronx.
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>> harris: some prominent democrats under fire after a profanity-laced rant at a rally in new york. it was in the bronx over the weekend. new york congressman jamaal bowman, one of the squad, is in serious danger of losing tomorrow's democratic party. he did this because he is worried. he did this because he is desperate. he called in senator bernie sanders and fellow squad member, congresswoman alexandria ocasio-cortez. i like to call her the notorious aoc. they were the backup >> we are here for our brother jamaal bowman. we want to turn out the vote. we are texting our friends.
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we are turning out. we are calling our friends in white plains, new rochelle, yonkers, telling him to vote for jamaal bowman. >> cease-fire now. let's get a popping. let's change the world. it's the money versus the money. >> we are going to win, kick some wall street [bleep]. >> stop the bombs. >> harris: everybody who was black and hispanic speaks in ebonics, so does her number, that's what they think: we are not individuals. aoc kick off the by stomping around the stage dropping that. it was cardi b too. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪
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>> let's go! ♪ ♪ [laughter] >> harris: where mike peck makes you want to wear that. started rapping. i guess you could call it that. it was nasty words on stage. >> forever, mother [bleep]. art, that's what we're doing doing. i'm going to run the [bleep] -- >> keep that going. ♪ ♪ [rapping along with music] >> harris: jib all moment apparently trying to howard dean his way forward, shouting the wrapper, but then he had his own profanity-laced tirade.
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>> we have got to roll out our sleeves. we are going to let the guns out. we're going to let them know how strong and powerful and mighty we are. get [bleep] big money out of politics. i am the hip-hop congressman. we are going to show [bleep] aipac the power of the [bleep] south bronx. what am i supposed to do? you coming after me. i'm not supposed to fight back? we are going to show them who the [bleep] we are. we going to sh -- we are going to show them who the [bleep] we are. we are going to go for a
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permanent cease-fire cease-fire now. cease-fire now. cease-fire now. >> a fairly large jewish contingent in this district. he has had some problems with anti-semitic comments in the past. of late, he's tried to clean it up. he voted against hr 771. we heard some of how he feels about americans wailing on that pro-israel group aipac. the person who is beating him is winning by 17 points. i don't know if you make up 17 points. i don't know how real it is either. polls are not the day of the vote. what do you make of it all? >> there is a reason why aoc is bouncing on that stage. this is not only the most expensive house primary race in the country: there is so much at stake. it's bigger than jamaal bowman. you've seen the progressive left influence particularly in a administration for the first time, nuancing there is real
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policy, seeing their influence growing immensely in this past three and a half years, and the defeat for them, they worry would be a loss of influence and a signal that is democrats, the whole party is split on the war in gaza that they perhaps should go to a moderate place. >> how low do you have to go to get votes? >> think this story is bigger than just jamaal bowman, zero pointer considering he's down double digits in the latest bull market we have seen, he is consider the underdog in this race. >> isn't this a third term he's trying for? wow. >> it shows that there is a change happening in blue new york, especially if he winds up losing this race. kathy knows it and is distancing herself from jib a to -- jamaal bowman specifically because of what he said about israel, and his original statement saying that the rape
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of women is a lie in israel. you hear him saying things that are anti-israel, anti-american at the very rally. >> harris: i don't even know what to say about that. anybody could watch that, especially on capitol hill. would have the ability to watch the video. >> kayleigh: if we would have continued to play for ten more seconds, he chanced cease-fire now why waving a stool in the air over and over. would he ever shout "free the hostages now, the baby now --" while wielding a stool? no. this is neither a sitting u.s. congressman. and wants a place for my family and i had to make sure my daughter left the room. this is a sitting u.s. congressman. richie torres, his colleague, a democrat congressman said the level of profanity is shocking and unbecoming of a member of congress. richard torres has a policy against endorsing and policies but he said "watch, stay tuned, may --" end up endorsing. >> kayleigh: there is music that has a little -- explicit. directly it is not what we are taking exception to, but he should have a t-shirt on that says explicit.
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>> emily: i think his hours as a sitting congressman are numbered. even cnn has called it -- and they pointed out that the progressive has come in digging into try to save him. this goes to show you what the party does when it is scrambling. it bears even more extremist left, on acceptably. a final point, for all of the south bronx pride, florida was good for them for vacation as we saw. >> once down there. just a reason to say it today. trump lawyers are in courts in just a few hours, they will head back on the classified documents case. this is the second hearing today. it will be focused on a potential gag order on the former president in that state. i'm top of the one that he artie has a new york city with a case that's finished. we will bring in the new developers next. if you're a veteran wife, homeowner, and the family bookkeeper, you're the first to know when high rate debt is stressing your budget. but your family's service has earned you a big advantage.
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>> fox news alert, a break in the busy court day for former president trump legal team. they just finished their morning hearing on the special appointment of counsel jack smith. another set to start at 3:00 p.m. eastern. fox news national correspondent jeff paul is in fort pierce, florida. >> we just got an update from our team who was inside shortly after that break was announced. they tell us a couple new things today, one of them that being a mike friday, special counsel jack smith is actually here inside that court room in fort pierce, florida. the other one is the trumps legal team is putting into question not only the funding of the special counsel jack smith, but also this idea that they described was an unlimited budget to prosecute people like former president trump.
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this goes back to the idea that trumps defense believes that special counsel jack smith's appointment was unconst unconstitutional. later in the afternoon after the break, it will be federal prosecutors who get to address an issue in the court. they filed a motion pushing for a limited gag order on trump after the former president made comments that fbi agents were out to kill him and his family during their search of mar-a-lago in 20202022. trump had said in a fund-raising email that the fbi was "locked and loaded, ready to take me out and put my family in danger." quotes from the legal team says that statement is not only fault but endangers the lives of law enforcement. former deputy assistant general says it will not be an easy task for the judge to rule on this matter. >> the judges have to draw a line. it is not easy to draw. the need to protect the integrity of the proceedings and at the same time not violating the first amendment rights of the former president and others. it is not an easy task for a judge to do.
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>> we will be standing by for any sort of decisions made today in judge aileen cannon's court, but likely what would happen friday -- would probably get a written order in the next few days or so. court is set to resume in about two hours at three clock eastern. >> a busy day, a busy week. bringing to coach. griff, what do you make of this all? >> it's fascinating. two parts, the first of course is that efforts to argue with the trump attorneys saying you cannot form a special counsel's endlessly forever, because it's not fair. if she rule significant on it, it would have an impact. in the second part about the prosecution trying to get this gag order on trump, either way, i think you see trump fund-raising on it. if they do gag on it, it will raise a lot more money. you look at the fund-raising race, trump has this going on. >> we cover this a lot last hour.
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>> he already has a gag order in new york and the case is over, all of the sentencing july 11th. you put a gag order in place, it's a different state in case, but the public has to start to ask the question what do they want him not to say? i think that's a fair question. if there's different jurisdictions, different cases. the end game is the same: gag order for donald trump. >> 24 attorneys general have come together and filed a 27 page amicus brief sing the gag order is presentable he unconstitutional. we know the first amendment protections are at their height when this speech is cortical. is the nominee for the republican party representing nearly half the country roughly. don't gag him. 24 ag's say no. >> it's are not to compare and contrast this case versus what took place in new york. this is moving more slowly and methodically picked the trump team is making these arguments to try to get a dismissal. we will see what the judge here says, but in new york, it was
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rapid-fire to try to make sure that he is a convicted felon before the election. now, we are getting most fund-raising totals were talking about. it shows it doesn't really matter. donald trump rays president biden in the month of may after the convicted felon conviction came out. >> a loaf of bread that just keeps rising. coming up, this moment during a pga tour event. watch.
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>> president biden and former president trump will face off in three days. the biden campaigns harrogate and california congressman joins us for how the biden team is preparing, and what voters can expect as far as strategy. body cam footage from police in atlanta showing a county judge allegedly hitting a police officer at a nightclub. plus, astronauts stranded in space? this former nasa astronaut will be here to explain. joining us live as america reports, top of the hour. >> we were not sure if we would hear from a family of 12-year-old jocelyn -- she was
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the little girl brutally killed by two illegal border crossers. at a news conference right now, we may hear from her mom. she was in court today. last hour on "to focus close title, her mother was sitting a few feet away. could see inside the courtroom but did not have audio. one of the two suspects, who we reported earlier this hour now, $10 million bail, was standing in the center in front of the judge with the prosecution and defense on either side. you can just see a few feet away where the mom would have been. she has been in the courtroom across from a monster and learning of the details. we are waiting to hear from her mother now. let's watch. >> i thank every buddy for being here. to make notice, nationalists for my daughter. she was amazing.
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but i see her face in the back of my head every day, all day. i keep getting little signs about her throughout the days, and it's been a very, very hard time for me and my family. the supportive and getting from everybody is from the bottom of my heart. appreciate it. i hear her sayings replaying over and over in a loop in my brain. her dorkiness, her quirkiness. she definitely made people la laugh. she -- i'm always going to remember those memories. she was just, she had such a bright future ahead of her.
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i knew she was going to go very far. these monsters took that opportunity from her, from our family, and in watching her. i just want people to remember, i know this is very high-profile, but she was my first born. i was a team of mom. i fought for her at 15. 27 now. i'm still fighting for her. just remember that she was a very special little girl that deserves her justice, and i know she's going to make a difference in this world for all children. now it's my job to make sure it continues to happen. i just want to say thank you.
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>> okay. you did great. >> the judge set the bond of $10 million. this was higher than with the district attorney's office asked for. were you surprised by this and what is your reaction to the judge's decision? >> my reaction is that i support bombs that are sufficient to hold high-risk defendants in custody while they are charged with violent crimes and awaiting trial. we need faster trials. that's part of why we created a homicide division and asked the legislature to prioritize murders and capital murders, which they did. we are supportive of the bond that was set. we will ask for the same bond for the codefendant tomorrow. as soon as our lab results are back, and they support a death penalty eligible-type of capital
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murder, we will come back and ask for no bond. speak of the death penalty from 10-15 years old, so the district attorney's office -- ineligible for death penalty. for some reason, this age restriction. >> outlaws treat the age of victims differently. they have changed where they draw the line. it used to be children under six, if they were murdered. that created an underlying offense that would support the death penalty and capital mu murder. that law was expanded to ten years old and under. then, further expanded from ten tom mark 15. if the victim was 10 to 15 years old. death penalty was taken off the table by the legislature. instead, they suggested that life without parole would be the appropriate charge, but age is not the only consideration in this case or any case.
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the underlying actions of the criminals. this victim was found bound and without clothing from the waist down, in the water. we just think that there is a possibility -- hope that there is evidence that remains to be tested. >> lived in the same area, may be cross paths -- >> no. >> do you know why that particular range is -- >> no. he would have to ask the legislators who passed that bill. i think they were expanding at law and order, and they wanted the most vulnerable victims to be better protected, but for some reason, they took the death penalty off the table. i don't know why.
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>> this is a high-profile case. talk about what direction or advice you give your prose prosecutors, high-profile or what -- >> let me take just a minute to brag on the prosecutors that we have carved out to serve in the homicide division of the harris county d.a.'s office. it is a relatively new position. we've had it for the last three years. the idea was to reduce the trauma for victims by putting our most qualified prosecutors on capital murders and hopefully not having to reassign them as often, so that these family members didn't have to go through the trauma of working with new prosecutor after new prosecutor. it's a reflection of our intent to better serve crime victims.
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the lawyers that are on it are a reflection to have the best of the best trying the worst of the worst. >> would become death penalty eligible -- does that mean the prosecutor -- >> does not mean that. we make determinations about whether or not we are going to seek death very carefully. we have a committee. it's not a thumbs down decision or thumbs up like the d8 -- like it used to be. we've changed that. included evidence resented by the defense. especially if it has to do with mental illness or intellectual disability of any kind. we have to take that into consideration. it's a lengthy process to decide what is and is not an approp have sought it. we often take -- we always take the wishes of the family and the
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feelings they have about punishment into consideration. they have to rely on us for the ultimate decision. i have to rely on the prosecutors for the ultimate decisions. that's why it's important to have dedicated people in these positions. i can assure you that megan and elizabeth are dedicated. >> can you speak about the mechanics of someone on a hold case for the -- >> i can't speak to this. ankle monitors on folks and releasing them. our immigration system is broken. if there was ever a case that was reflecting that, it was this one. i can't confirm it. >> you were successful in proving that he was a flight
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risk to the community? talk to us about the fact that he did have an ankle monitor on during that time and why he is a flight risk. they were talking about getting money to -- talk a little bit about how you are able to have success. >> one of the big factors for us his connections to harris county. have they been here for a long time? do they have family or a job? but ties we keep them here and ensure they would show up for trial? he got here in mid-may. he doesn't have connections to the community. for us, that makes him a flight risk. he was talking to his boss. he works in construction and asking for money because of what they did it to get out of town. that was an important factor for us to highlight to the judge that show that should he get out, we can ensure that he would come back and faces day in court for what he did to jocelyn.
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there is an understanding that something went wrong. someone got hurt, and someone was killed. as far as any more details on exactly what he said, no. yes, the boss came forward and spoke to the police. >> is that how they found out where they wear? >> that is one of the ways the police was able to determine who the suspects were. >> you did a story last week taking 4.5 years. in particular has an enormous -- how are you going to ensure that this family can have a fast process and their loved one will get justice and not the years -- specifically -- >> for us, it is really important as soon as they case comes into start working to get our boots on the ground. i come from a fantastic division where myself and all the homicide division's
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investigators were out there. ourselves interviewing possible witnesses trying to find everything we can. a big part of it for us is getting our process started quickly. getting the evidence in our hands and evaluating the case. it is getting that testing done in a timely manner helps us move cases along and get justice for jocelyn sooner. >> had me answer that question too. judges control the schedules. judges tell trial lawyers what day we are going to trial. judges decided continuances will be granted. judges will decided we complete all our discovery obligations. we rely upon the courts for scheduling. i have suggested that we need faster trials. that is why we sought that law change. we created this division and why these prosecutors -- these are the prosecutors that want to go to trial. these are the prosecutors who object t


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