tv Hannity FOX News June 25, 2024 11:00pm-12:00am PDT
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can sweep in at the dnc. >> hmm. >> she's going to have to fight camilla first. that would be a fun cage match t . >> kamala or hillary. who do you think would win? her or dhillary has killed peopa in the ring froms what i hear. >> peter from desta island, soutfrh trump will finally knowh what a biden rally is like on thursda y with no audience. >> he should use that line. >>t line. >> joe from west newton, pennsylvania. can we a thursday on debate night? or is that postponed? stponed asking for a friend. i thought you might have to to thursday to friday. i think you know, it is the biggest of the year, maybe t of the century. that's all for us tonight. dvr usr the show shows up next.e >> always remember i'm waters ti and. >> this is my world. >> welcome to "hannity". we begin with the fox news
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alert. the polls, they are officially closed in the statpoleofficialek and soon maybe the fire alarms on capitolhe. maybe they can rest easy. we are monitoring the results they pour in. >> but far left, congressman jamaal bowman is real jeopardy of losing his reelection bid after getting primarieead someoneimar slightly less radical. bowmanbyslightly best known forg along with the squad hating israel. g spleading guilty to ain misdemeanor for intentionally pulling a fire alarmg guil insie the capitol complex in what was an unsuccessful attempt to delay a funding bill. now, congressman bowman also suggested that america deserves the border crisis we have. whted y? because of our evil capitalist ways. that's all coming up straight ahea l comingd. also coming up, you will hear wl from the mother and the grandfather of 12 year old jocelyn nun gray, the latest victim of joe biden's border crisisth. there has been a lot of them lately. now we now know this innocent
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littlet litt was assaulted for s and murdered under this bridge in texas. but she fought back hard, according to new detailsuspected that have emerged of suspected killers. there are two joe biden unvetted illegal immigrants? yep. why were they not vetted? why were they allowed in the in ty? why would they aided and abetted by the president? but you have yetd abette the her from your commander in chief. except another problemhing fro week about amnesty. and more and morste lies. how he secured the border. what are we, a borders secure w the borders closed. no, it's not. and hee keep said it again lasty i did it on my own.w no, you didn't, joe. and, bill, you were passingl 50 the bipartisan bill. yeah. 5000 p people came in. was that was a joke. that's not a border security bill. anyway, joe, now, of course, five plus days and counting. he's been in hiding. apparently, the president of your country is not abledutis to perform his regular duties. the duties of his job, while
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also preparing for a 90 minute debate in friendly territorycn on fake news. cnn at least 16 aides are helping biden prepare with mock debates and strategy sessions. also, according to reports, biden's intensiv oe week long cm debate prep at camp david also includes exercises. here's where biden practice of standing up for a whole 90 minutes straight. now, that would be the length of the debate. now, of course, we don't know everything that's happening at cam knop, and many americans believe that biden could be taking some kindking of performance enhancing drugs to help his ailing memor y and his poor stamina. now, trump called on joe d biden to take a drug test. he said he'd do the same. now, today'sthe same. flash poll on "hannity" icon shows a vast majority of. our viewers believe that it's going to be a jacked up, hyper caffeinated that's going a to show up at thursday's debate. like the state of the unioe thu not the usual cognitive mess, joe. you can still vote at hannity
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.com. we'll show you the results. that's coming up at the enr wilu of the show. now, of course, we haven't seen jacked up hyper caffeinate havet joe since the super charged, angry, yellingercharge, screamie of the union address where he barely blinked and motored evrough script in record time. didn't even give the speaker o of the house time to introduce him. unfortunately for joe, there will be no scripts at thursdaytl debate. he will have to rely on his memory. luckily for bidesteaing on hisnl probably get some help from the so-called moderators. fake dana bashrs, fake jake tapper are two left-wing democratic talk show hosts that hate donald trump. and like so manytalk shoho withp derangement syndrome, they are quick to compare the former hite president to adolf hitler. >> take a look. the dehumanizing of atoric of adolf hitler is once againnc alive and well on an nati national political stage. this time, of course , in the united states, this time given life by former president and giy formert republican presidenl
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frontrunner donald trump. if you were to open up a cop yu wo of hitler's mein kampf, you would find the leader him g describing the mixing of non germans with germansgermans as poisoning. there's really no other way to say it. donaldg ther trump's language ms this directly longstanding anti-semitic trope that the true allegiance for jews is their religion rather than their country. it was used in germanr jews ay to justify the arrests, persecutions and mass killings jeat attempted of the jewish people. and trump has been pushing this tropwish peoe ane for years.. >> and according to the fake news cnn tappefake nr and pasto, just fair minded journalists with no political bias at aleira l. not clearly, nothing could be further from the truth. wa bes opinion they were stating or is that fact? and because the structure of the debate, these two left wing hacks, they wilt wingl have power to cut off donald trump, even mute his microphone while offering real timesa hyperpartisan on air kiran
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back checking when they have their truncated question there, for example. here's what you can expect from fake jake tapperyoexpect based on thiss interview with lara trump. take a loorview wik. >> what we see on stage with joe biden, jake, is ver y clearly a cognitive decline. okay. what i'm referring to, it make . me uncomfortable. you know, i wa>> it's so amazin. >> it's so amazing to me that that and try and figure out an answer. cognitive decline, trying to tell me that what i was suggesting , i think mocking his stutter. yeah, i think you were mocking his stutter. and i think you had absolutely no standing to diagnose somebody's cognitive y as well. >> one last question for you, laura. you can't count on stage and it's very concerning to a lot of people that this could be the leader of the free world. that is all i'm saying. thank you, lord. >> sorry for joe, and i appreciate it. i'm sure it was from a place of concern. concer >> all we all believe that. lara trump, thank you so much. good for lart laura, by the way. fake jake, do you still believe he's not in cognitive decline? l
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you really believe that? you really believe that people are making fun of believe makin? >> well, anyway, there'sev a preview of the debate in aia nutshell joe biden won't even need to say a word fake, jake. >> and company do the heavye hev lifting for him. >> i'm sorry, but i don't thinky the networy buk that brought you nicolas sandmann and that bannr and the fierdman andy buty peaceful protest banners, remember that? oh, right there. mostly peaceful. look at the fire raging behind the reporter. the russia collusion hoax for three long years liestheori conspiracy theories they peddled on fake news. cnesn the hunter biden laptop lie, you know, should be in charge of fact checking anybody check or anything. and stop lying that you're a journalistinyone. you're not journalists. sadly, fake news. cnn also has total control over the questions, the on screen graphics. watch for their bias with that and pretty much everything else. most of the terms of this debate were dictated by joee we rebiden and fake news cnn. it has never, ever, ever been
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this way in the history of televised tele and.e l debates nobody in the mob in the media cares, just like they didn't care about the sham criminal or the sham valuation of mar a lago at 18 million. ironically, a civil case about valuations. so this debate is not trump versus. it's trump versus biden and fake dana bash and fake jake f tapper and dozens of cnn producer and probably cnn management. and in case biden needs any more help, hillary clinton, she is gracious, graciously offered some unsullied senate advice, calling trump a, quote, convicted criminal. ouallingt for revenge.y hillary is probably going to have that overturn, although' i'm not sure biden should be taking advice from somebodytl who will never, ever, ever, ever be called madam president. either way, biden is in a great position to succeed in thursday's cnn debate as long as he makes it through the full 90 minutes without killing over
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inll the mob and the media will declare him the winner just baseild on thato low bar. but of course, joe biden will need all the help he cae bn get. his campaign is in shambles and now even obamas is worried that his so-called legacy will be ruined with another trump term ruine. anyway, here with reaction, fox news contributor joe conch a . joe, great to have you. look, you're the best media analyshet by far out there. glad to have you. as a part of our team. and thank you. you're the only one that's unique and different and not part of the blue checkmark. i guess media cult that is on x. so let's get your take. a i play all these tapes of fake jake and fake data and fake news. cnn and their history of peddling lies, conspiracy related to trump. >> they don't seem to like it. we saw that with the interview t with karoline leavitt. we saw we played a clip lastn mi night of stephen miller being on cnn. we just played lara trump.opposi
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right. they don't like any real opposition because i don't think anybody with half a braini could not figure out the joe'sgu and cognitive declinrejoe. >> and in karoline leavitt case, sean and that's obviously trump's national spokesman or spokesperson for the campaigthe all she was trying to do was quote, jake tapper's own as fart as comparing donald trump to ad off hitler or in dana bash,d tht his case. she once said that it was unfortunate for america that donald trump was allowed to stay on some state ballots. so to your point, these are not objective news. we're never going to confuse any of these folks with barbara waltert e ans or walter cronkit. but they are not even activists. they're hacktivists at point. and cnn has a horrible history when it comes to debates and town halls and questions suddenly getting out to other campaigns in 2016. sean, the hillary clinton campaign not on one, but on two occasions, according to wikileaks. >> it's all in writing. >> all right. so this is speculation on two
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occasions was giving questions before town halls on that network. tod we all remember 2012, mitt romney won that first debate against barack obama handedl dey the second debate was crucial in terms of whether barack obama would be reelected ter orn not. and candy crowley, who was moderating for cnn, stepped d in fact, checked mitt romney on something she later admitted she was wrong to factan check. so if we're talking about jake tapper, we're talking about the gu w jaker andy who pushed the e dossier. this is the same network that ousted itsames president yr for the audacity of putting donald trump on its air in afo town hall. and this is the type of situation that trump is in. but i think in the end, joe biden, even if he is awake and even if he is passionate, still has a record that he hastt to defend. >> and that record, according to polling right nowor, lower he polling lower than any president at this stage of his presidencynhi in historypollin of polling because inflation's i still not going down. it's just not going up as fast. violent crimgoinse, america,
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especially migrant crime. you talked about those horrible murders that have happened recently. that's not going away. ret going of terroristsntry have crossed into this country under this president. more than 400, accordingha to dhs, biden's dhs. 14 14 only crossed into this country during trump's four years and obviously endless wars as far as ukraine and billions going over there. i >> so even if biden is awake and has energy, i don't see how he defends that. e and donald trump should go, obviously, on the offensive in terms of comparing his four years in office to joe biden's. and that's a simple question. were you better off under me? trump or better off under joe biden right now? i think many you bet americans h be on the fence and i don't think there are many, but the ones who are would say but trum. >> you know, you mentioned that train wreck of a town.the a and we bring in, by the way, the host of the twitter addiction podcast, twitter, n ht as well as twitter. >> you look at the train wreck of a town hall that they podcastof had and it was fascinating because they wouldn't let donald trump finish a thoughtnat
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throughout the entire town hall. ruh a thouit's sort of like thet compelled that it was their job to debate donald trump rather than solicit his answers. and thenjob to let the american people decide. you know, so so donald trump will have 2 minutes to answer a question, one minute for rebuttal. are they going to be interrupting, you know, every answer that he tries to give, tf knowing that they get to shut off his mike in 2 minutes or one minute, dependinhone at g on whether it's a rebuttal or a direct answer. and then if they do interruptup his answers, that'llt be the best thing that can happen for donald trump, because it'll be just like tr else that hast happened to him. they don't want him to speakm tm the judge doesn't want him to speak. the media doesn't want him to speak. they wanpeakt to constantly make sure that he is silenced. and that is exactly what thend american people cannot stand. and if they do that, he so for them, it's going to be a tough night. they have to be disciplined, t too. and trump can use that to his advantage. he hasrumpe that a genius when s to these types of media challenges.
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and ifthese tys of they start dl he's going to just be able to say, look, the american l people don't like it when you won't let me speak. maea whyis exactly they don't like the mainstream media. they'll put he'll be able to put them back iian the hot seat. they will hate that. and it will make him look like a hero. i think he could have an absolutely spectacular night if they try to pull that kind of stuff. >> yeah. all right. exit question for both you. i twitter will let you go i have a poll up on "hannity", rt.comis y. is it going to be the normal, cognitively struggling messtrugs of a joe biden or is it going to be state of the union, a hyper caffeinated jacked up joe? what do you expect? >> i think he'll be hyper caffeinated, but i don't thinkfh be the state of the union, joe,o because he has to answer questions withou t, a teleprompter. i think they're very nervous about what's going to happen. i think will be mumbling and stumbling. and he could get very easily thrown off . there's a chance that we see exactly what's going on with him cognitively, but he may
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surprise us. >> he may have those answers well memorized th. d we'l we'll see what happens. i just don't think that this er foing to be able to be what the without a teleprompter for him. >> it's going to be tough. yeah. him itt. last word. hyper caffeinated, jacked up, joe ort word h normal cognitive dysfunction, joe. joe concha, not your red bulls and red. yeah. red bulls and pixy stix. >> red b and joe, to tuna's point, he has to speak extemporaneously. >> he doesn't have a teleprompter. he doesn't have a script to guide him. he's going to have to depend on that 81-year-old memory where, let's face it, the elevator isn't going to the top floor at this point. and when 16 people, by the way, have to prepare joe biden for this debate at my softball adult team roster has 16 guysn on 16 guys feeding him all this information. i think the cpu isn't goingt th to like it very much. the fact that he had to go off for a week, sean, and isolatwen himself during this debate and just to prepare for it, like james caait james cn, he wf to that log cabin in missouri. that tells you a lot that.
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>> this may not go well at all. all right. thank you both. joe constituted an addiction. we appreciate it. and joining us nowh more with me is speaker of the house mike johnson. by the way, mre speake.. i understand that might be a a change in position regarding the house and their stance on the january six committee, and it might be regarding steve bannon mightrdin and it ma big impact on on his contempt case. >> tell me what's going on. yeah, we're working on filing an amicus brief in his appellate work there. in his casf the woe, the january six committee was, we think, wrongly wrongfully constituted. we think the work was tainted.we we think thi that theynk may have very well covered up evidence and maybe even more nefarious. variou we've been investigating the committee itself. we disagree with how speaker pelosi put all that together. we think it violatedr house ruleput s. and so we'll be expressing that to the court. and i think it will help steve bannon in his appeal. >> let me ask you, we see sho
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all of these examples that i showed last night on the program t of of and murder, of people,e unvetted joe biden, illegal immigrantsjo, 11,000,18018 countries, some with terror ties, some are some of our top geopolitical foes. and you see all of this happening. and i played donald trump saying that in the media's reaction in 2015calo when he first came down that escalator. and we're looking at this b situation and joe biden lied for three years and said the lied is secure and theorde borders closed. he said last weer isk that he dd it himself. can you explain to the american people why a lies a that this so-called bipartisan border security bill of biden joe biden was anything but aanyt border securithingy bill? >> yeah, it was an immigration bill. it did not secure the border. inceac you didt. it would have incentivized further crossing. that was the problemg that w. it would have codified some of mae biden's terrible policie os and made it almost impossible for president trump beginning in januarytrum, the new term tom
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it. so we had to stop that right there. rememberber , sean we passed h.r. w two. everybody knows now the border security act, the strongestf border security measure ever passed by congress. er secure evwe did that 15 monto in the house. it's been sitting on chuck schumer's desk collecting dustdt ever since. they do not want to close the border. they engineereo colldoes ever ss the way it is. they did it intentionally. now, we all knowd dily why theyt to turn them into voters and affect the outcome of theth census in six years. we can't allow that to happen. we're fighting toothtcoms in anr every single day to get control of it. but the sad fact data is we're going hav to have to have president trump before we can fix it. pr wn will not do it. he will not use his executive authority. and it is a travestye the catastrophe will go on for decades. and we're going to be dealing with this for a long, long timte . >> i keep saying it. he has blood on his hands and is believe we have terrorist cells in the country. but i pray to god i'm wrong. but i know country t i'm not, unfortunately. your thoughts on the debate, whicyour th joe biden, you weret even able to introduce him, as is custom during the statestt
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of the union. you know, a distinct honor privilege, pleasure to introduce the president of the united states . and ust got up there, 1000 miles a minute, yelling and screaming and racing through that speeca thou ah. okay. goodnight, folks. done. we'd never seen that guy before. we haven'te neve the guye him since. are we going to see him on thursday night? is that that joe coming back?ngc >> we'll see. i expect he's going to be upk? on the energy drinks or whatever they're going to give him. and he did. he was overlnks orver they y aggressive at the state of the union. it was pretty painful to sit behind him and experiencunion ne that and he jumped right over the introduction because he was so hyped up. i expect that' s the joete but we'll see at the debate this week. but i'll tell you what, i was with president trump this weekly . he's ready and i can't wait for that evening because he and for to put on his vision for the country. it's going to be on stark display in stark contrasty an with the weakness of presidented biden, his record atrocious. i traveled through six states last week,s sean, campaign events nonstop. no matter where we are, blue states swinnog districts os
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red states, it doesn't matter. everyone is fed up with the way thingserybody the are and theyo blame. so it's going to be interesting. blamwill be y republican needsf to understand that if you got to vote for donald trump, give him a republicayou nen cons with a big majority and give him a senate with the biggest possible. so a lot can get done to helpck get this country back on track and get the world in a better positionk t th. u. >> speaker johnson, thank you. thank you. all right. when we come> a come m back,othd the grandfather of that 12-year-old girl brutall y in texas by allegedly by twoegal illegal immigrants. they join me next with their sa d, tragic story, along i lo with senator ted cruz straight aheaokt satisfd. >> i look back with greatadersh satisfaction on my 32 years on active duty. on active duty. i understandip mentality. >> these are people who have served. who have served. they've been positions. they're willing to put their life on the line if their life on the line if necessar e. and they come to us and they and they come to us and they say, i need some financial hel . at this point in time,
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they're not looking for a handout. they're looking for our little t hand. my team at new day, usa, it's going to do everything we possiblylike n to make sure that veteran gets that loan. >> no one takes care of veterans like new day usa. >> anybody who owns property should worry about home title theft. there's no other crime that is so easy, so quick and so lucrative. your home, your equity and your peace of mind can all be stolen in one fell swoop by home title thieves like matthew cox. nobody thinks that i can take their house. nobody thinks that. believe it or not, a single page document is all it takes to transfer proof of ownership out of your name. people think there's a whole huge process, but the truth is, it's a one page document, but it still get through one final barrier. the county clerk, when someone in with fraudulent deed, if it's notarized and all the spaces are filled in, we by statute have to accept it. we cannot give back to them and say, we know this is fraudulent. we're not going to file it. that's against the law, its
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public records. it's a recording. they don't make a phone call. they record it. that's all they do. bottom line is, yes, it happens. and we can't stop it from happening. and it only takes once for it to sting you. and it's a very sad thing to watch. you've put your love into the house and all of a sudden it might not be yours. it's a devastating crime for pennies a day. >> home title lock will monitor your title nonstop, alerting you to suspicious activity. >> if you can get a warning notice that this first step has happened, you can stop the rest . this person from somewhere in new york stole our property, so i was surprised. i talked to my father about it. he advised me that he had out home tied a lock about eight months earlier. we logged in the home tidal lock, and he had five alerts immediately. we contacted them and within about two weeks they was put back in my parent's name. >> if you give us a call right now and promotional code, lock it. we'll give you your first 30 days of protection.
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disturbing details in the brutal murdestr of 12 year old jocelyn gray now allegedly by two illegal immigrants. prosecutors are now saying and allege anno that she wassaulte assaulted for nearlyd 2 hours before being murdered. while additional documents now sa ey she fought back and fought back hard against her attackers leaving bite and scratch marks on them. meanwhile, another disturbing report alleges one of the attackers was actually wearing an ice ankle monitor when the assault occurred. monitoboth suspects are now being held on a $10 million bail. and sadly, these are justsadly the latest unvetted joe biden. illegal immigrantsthe accused of heinous crimes. >> he was reaction have jocelyn's mother,r grandf alexis gray. her grandfather is also us, kelvin alvarenga and texas senator ted cruz is alsoh us with us tonight.
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you know, kelvin alexis, i wish i had words to provide comfort for you, your beautiful, precious 12-year-old daughter had to go through this. i can only imagine the pain you feel. i don't know if it's something any human being can ever recover fromi don' tha. alexis, you're a mom and you know, i would ask, how you feeling? but i can imagine horrible. yes, it's -- it's definitely been something that's been hard to for a reality. but now i have to be her voice and i need to make suree su that everybody hears the horrible thing that happened to myr just daughter and give her justice and make a changice. because this we don't need
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to be burying our kids. i understand. but kelvin, you're you're her grandfather. what we're describing here is nothing but pure evil. >> here is your your precious 12-year-old granddaughter. and you learn about thet brutality of the attack and the murder and.le then you also learn that thisoli little 12-year-oldrl girl fought back hard against, these attackers. i don't know many 12-year-old2 r little girls that would be capable of thatold girl. tell us about your granddaughter the girle loe you love so muchs . can tel well, i can tell you that she's a fighter. fighshe's always been a fighteri and she was never a follower. shtee would always conductonduct herself to try, you know, being the leader lik. loved very loved. everywhere she went, she. she got loved from adults,
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you know, kids her age. and she was she was amazing. teenknow, she was starting to become a teenager. and that's something that was taken from us. yeah, i totally, sir. you've got. yes, sir. she's this this shouldn't have happened. this shouldn'tr. have happened to her or any child. there's no words that mai cantol tell you how i and my family or it's feeling. >> i mean, it's -- it's very devastating. senator cruz, let me bring you on. last night. t it in tnt back in time and i went back to trump tower day that donald trump announced he was getting into politicsumpd and he said, but yeah, there c are some people coming here. they're fine. but theromhere e are also bad
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people that if they enter this country unvettedr , they'll be and murderers. and then i played the mediaag outraged that donald trump dared to say that about unvetteddare under joe biden, ag 11 million unvetted illegal immigrants coming from countries terror ties, countries where our top geopolitical foes totally, completely unvetted. lyon vetteand i look at the thee of this beautiful young girl. i think of this this girl inrut queens, new york, brutally in a park in broad. i think of lincoln riley. i think of rachel moore in the e mother of one of these youngg cr children. and it's like, how many more parents and families have to go through this, senator, before this shuts downh the border? because that border bill that he says was bipartisane didn'tyg shut down anything. 5000 people dead before discr
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he could have discretion to enforce the border laws or no e tht, which is ridiculous. what's your reaction, sean? this is horrific. day we're seeing more and more americans killed, more and more children killed, more and more victims of horrific assault. but let meic assault say to ale2 and kelvin, they have such incredible courage standing up and speaking out for jocelyn. the agony that the entire family, a 12 year old precious o girl. this is wrong. ng worlook, look, look. alexis and kelvin and jocelyn, they're from my hometownther, houston. the entire city of houston. the entire staten of texas.s in the entire country is grieving this preciou s girl who shouldl wh be alive. she should be laughing. she should be playing friends. she should not have been taken horribly by two monsters. let me be very clear. these should be executed exe and they should burn in the pits of . dburnedbut we shouldn't have to
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be talking about this b because should still be with us. and every day thiss , g more administration is releasing more and more and more illegal an who are going on to kill people day after day, afteill peopr day. k up and it's every day you pick up the newspaper. every day you look at the newspaper anp overppens and over again. the fact that these monsters did this while wearing anwearin ice ankle bracelet that come into thi ankles country and thee let go, it is wrong. and enough is enough. we need to demand stop, stop allowing this invasion, stop releasing violent criminals, protect our kids and i will just say we are lifting up agonlyn's family in prayer. the agony. sean, you and i are bothreat tha parents. the agony is is unimaginable. and it wrong. they should not be suffering and they should not be experiencind g this horribles loss. >> it's wrong. ,ble an're right
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senator preventable. and for three plus years and even last weekd, the president said the border is secure, the border is closedde. about it never has been because he bragged about undoing all the welicies that did work that were securing the border. alexis, you mentioned earlier that feel compelled after the loss of your precious child to talk to the american people about this. please take that opportunity and tell what what you want them to understand. i want the nation all around the world to understandnderst that shean was a child.a ch she was my she was my born. she was a pre-teen that was slowly becoming this beautiful ,beautiful young lady.
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and she was going so dre shame had admiration of dreams and aspiring goals that she wanted to do in life. she was going to make it. she was going. she was going to do things. and thes we men, these illegalat men took that opportunity fromdr my daughter, from our family of watchinfamilyg her become ths amazing person. wit so now with her voice being ripped away from her, i am going to be her voiceto b and stand strong and try to make a difference in this world becausne this has got to stop. we have to stop our kids. this is not right.urying we have to have more reinforcement when it comes to letting people in. s this is not okay.
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it's not okay. very well said, kelvin. i'll ask you the same question. what do you wanttion america to know? when you think of all of thea dt your family is enduring right now and will probablyur lv the rest of your lives? what do you say to that? people in thises country?this because this is happening an awful lot latelyenin. well, most importantly, i would like the people that could make changes to our law>> wous to jut back, reflect and i don't know if we can transmit the pain that we're having through cameras, but just sit back andhk reflect and think of all these little angels that shouldn't have been taken away. and they have, for the reasonr that for the reason that we're not doing what we need to do
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know, screening these people. like i've said before, you're not going to tell me mont that with an ankle monitor and you're good to go. thesor are e people don't wake upnd one day and decide that you're going to commit this horrific crime e. this is people that have become who of things.his it's just sad that.over t i mean, it happens all over the country. we a safer country. yeah. well, i know i speak for this entire audience. i know my audience really well . and please know that i know everybody. wat you now are lifting you and your family and your beautiful,r precious daughter up in prayer. our prayer in prays are with yoc our condolences are with you. and this has got wit to stop. >> and i want to thank you,from senator, too. from the day you were going int into, you know, the cagesldn' that they wouldn't allow my cameras in and sharing that video, you've been came s, senator,es
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warning that these types of things will happen. and i hope maybe, maybe, maybetl they'll start listening so we can prevent this from ever can g again. yes. look, we've got to and we'veee got to have people stand uph and say enough is enough. enouys infuriating is toda they're releasing more illegal aliens. tomorrow, we're going to seee more people being killed. se after day.r day you mentioned the 13 year old girl who was in a new york a public park and the monster ther ye videoed it. he was so proud of what he was doing that he made a videotape o of it. >> this is it is sick and twisted. you mentioned rachel just a fews days earlier. this keeps happeningpening. and people have got to sayenou enough is enough and ighs is is there one democrat senator who will say, okay democ we've reacd the limit, we're going to stop, we're not going to release
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people anymore. we're not going to put ankle monitors on them and let them go and release them into our community. we're going to stop. that's what it's going to take e . and we need to come together and just say enough is enough. d to we need to protect our citizens. >> thank you, senator and alexis and kelvin, our deepest prayers and sympathies. and we're just praying for your family. as a parent, i. i can't imagine what you're going throug h. god bless both of you. thank you. hannity straight ahead, you two don't to what's wrong between get killed first, got to consume both our families. >> i'll give you one more drive. these families were killing us. they tried to kill. this is about stealing murder. and tonight, we must forever get the bodies out. the road. hatfields and mccoys streaming
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pretty unhinged rally in the bronx over the weekend. takehi ith a look. >> you know the ticket, keep in mind, if you go to see the scott brown attack on camp ,the 68, but i am the congressman. want i want to hear self-correction u right nothw. so thanks. so stop. does. >> we are going to show people a pack. >> the counter argument are and we're going to keep goingalg determine determined cease f fire. cease fire now! cease down. cease fire now! cease fire now! >> cease fire now! ws ale
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>> and another fox news alert. colorado congresswomanrt boebert has won the republican primary and stage states red fourther mv district tonight after she moved over from the third district to replacin froe thirdd congressman ken buck. she apologized a lot. think she apologized enough. switching gears now, remember back in 2020, remember all those supposedly former national securitr althy officias writing that letter saying, oh, without ever seeing hunter biden's laptop, that it was likely had all the fingerprints of russian? well, we know that it was an organized effort by wink and tony blinken to give joe bideg tonyn a talking pointn during his debate against donald trump. and tonighg t we're learning evn more thanks to the house subcommittee lear governmentnmenn ,they have obtained internal emails from the cia back in a 2020. take a listen to this one. this from a ci listhis froa offl talking about the letter. quote, i also love that at tha
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least a few of the random signatures belonged to individualsw r currently working here on contracts. now, remember that lettere supposed to be from former intelligence officials. formetelligennow it looks likee federal government contractors trying to help joe biden win the election. what's going on here with more house judiciary committee chairman jim jordan and house intelligence committee chair mike turner. jim jordan, let's talk about this. first of all, they were organized by wink and tony blinke then. ne o number one, none of them ever knew a thing about laptop. they didn't know anything thdy toy just they signe the letter for one reason daly to help joe bidenjo win whn they knew how damaging that would be to his chancesd bi of winning in 2020 is that election interferencse blinken calls morale. >> everyone knew morale wanted y to be the cia director in a biden administration. morrell organizes the statement that 51 people signed when he sends out the statement. atement peoplehe says, this is n
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will have a talking point e bidet trump the during the upcoming debate. >> after the debate, joe biden's campaign chairman, steve ricchetti, calls morrell and thanks him. but sean him, now we've learned three new additional facts. first, the letter waadditions actually reviewed by the top people at the cia, eithep r director or deputy director bishop. we deposed the chief operating officer, andrew mcrae. this he said i took it to one of those two individuals. >> they reviewed it. second, what you pointed2duals e looked at this and said, thist is not what the cia shouldit a be doing. this is a bad look for the cia. fol political. o and third, some of the people who signed it likele morrell, were actually on contract with the cia when signed it. that's how bad that's how political this was. and to your final point, this is something our government had for a year. someththey had the laptop and ty knew they knew it wasn't hacke d by russia. and we know that the fbi in 20
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had verified its authenticity of march of 2020. congressman turner. out and they were out there pre bunking it with all big tech that ended up gettingnd that very real laptop story by the "new york post"t that ced nationwide and polls shows that, in fact, had they not done that, donald trump wouldt c have won that election if the american people knew the trutti plh. >> absolutely. the house intelligence >>committee, these emails that showed that the manner in which this was presented and that we now know fro am the join t depositionsthat that jim's committee and my committee held, that these windi openly we're talking about doing this letter solelyet help biden in his and his debate. now, what that means is we now all know that we saw biden stand there the middle of his debate and lie to the american public because he knew, of course, it was a russian disinformation when he said, i have a letter that says this is russian disinformation. there's nothing to this. biden was lyinnformatig to thewh
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american public, but also everyone who signed that letter, that le the the yo, i see 51 as they're called, they were lying and depositions. they, you know, one after the other would acknowledgey they didn't even try to verify it. they knew what they were doing. verify thet th political, totally for the debates and they were lies. >> okay. any possible consequences? jim jordan well, we'll look at legislation relative to their security clearances, i what they can do if they're going to maintain that security clearance. we're working with chairman turnerntai the secu in his committee on that. >> but i think it's real important understand on thiss io happen 15 days before the most befoe have 15ction w days before an election. 51 former intel officials sign a statement with their former titles by their name, a statement that wasirr by theme biden campaign, a statement signed by some who were on contracgn st with the cia, a statement that agents at the cia knew they shouldn't be involveagentsd about a laptop our government had for a year and knewgoea was attacked by russia. that all happened 15 days before election, which
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one fundamental question what are they going to try this time? what are they going to try before this election on november 5tinfluench? and remember, joe lied about the laptop and that laptop implicates him as the big guy, 10% for him and 50% of hunter's income goes to popsa and piano was paying for pops his home repairs. yi repairsi think we need answe. i think joe might need a lawyer comee january. thank you both. all right. if you're just joining us, quick update from tonight'boustl primaries. far left squad member jamaal bowman has lost his primareftamy in new york. republican congresswoman lauren boebert had, a big primary win in colorado when we come back. judge juan merchan has partially lifted trump's gag order afte drums gr trial ended. how convenient. plus, the latest lawfare against president trump. and the latest on the hannityn h poll is going to be jacked up. >> joe hyper caffeinated joe or deficient joe?
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>> all right. earlier today, george lifted part of former president trump's gag order frompart ogag orde falsifying bs records trial. also today, a big update in the documents case in florida. here with reaction, trump legal onokeswomaa.n alina habba is wih us. all right. a lot going on today. let's get a full update. alin todayet's fa. >> t shorthorn, thank you for having me. wellhaing me., first and foremoe have the absolute madiculousness where they try make it sound like judge merchan is being politically unbiasedd h. we know that's not the case. we had a partial win in then first amendment gag order where he allowed mak the president toe speak about witnesses. remember, president trump as the only being gagged here? he is the only political candidate that is being gagged,
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witnesses themselves weren't gagged. so we have judge merchan now after the tria the judghe triall, people like michael cohen could go on. af and all the resty sa and talk. now they say, oh, hey, heyy, yoe convicted by a new york blue jury, but nowy you can i talk. don't get it twisted. this is what they're doing to make the americantthat's w verythin people think that everything is fair and square when we know it is not. il kit's much like hunter biden, who's still walking around freely despitewa the of a trialt that they had for him to make them look like they're not biased. ke iike theyso then on top of t, we had the doj and you know, jack smith, who we do not believe has even a valid not counsel who wasn't appointed properly, shouldn't be in the position now asking for yet another gag order. it's different than what we'reig going to see on thursday. they are orchestrating everythingeverythi through cour. if they can't hype up and hypey up joe biden, they'll just makee sure they silence president trump while they go m politically in the
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courtrooms. we're seeing it time and time again. e see andit's got to stop this. >> this week's about the debate next will be about well,t th the week after next will be whent the sentencing. i mean, i wouldn't put anything past, merchan. i think he'll try and putil president trump in jail in the middle of a presidential campaign leading into his conventio the conn. no, i wouldn't put it past him.w we're going to see what theyecoe recommend from the prosecution side. obviously, there's some backnd and forth, but i don't put anything past them. if you recall, a few weeks ago after the trial, someone spoke on the view and saidl some i'vel spoken to people in the prosecutor's office, in alvin bragg's office ther's, and i'ver that they're going to recommend one year at rikers. first and foremost, why are youn speaking to anybody from the d.a.'s from th? secondly, the fact is i wouldn't put any of that past them, sean. they couldn't beat him when they put him in courdn't bea th they couldn't beat him when they put gag orders on every single casutrs ie. y to
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but now they're going to try and jail him. i don't doubt it. doit will literally cause an lit uproar in this country. they cannot doeral it. it would be ridiculously desperate. but hey, they are. >> they can't win. biden's their candidate. alina, thank you.pole when we come back, the results of our poll on "hannity" jacked u p or cognitive deficient, joe? straight ahead . you you know what's crazy? >> that this is better than cooking at home i mean, more affordable than groceries. of course. >> okay. groceries are expensive, but it was in trouble there for a second. you are. >> itch. itch. scratching must not itch. stop the itch. sanity with cortisone stands for bug bites, poison ivy and itches. cortisone ten is number one. doctor recommended it works fast and lasts 4 hours. >> cortisone ten lunges on me today.
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