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tv   The Ingraham Angle  FOX News  June 26, 2024 1:00am-2:00am PDT

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>> out of time. studio oaudience, i'm greg gutfeld. i love you, america. >> kayleigh: i'm kayleigh mcenany in for laura ingraham.
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tonight are new york voters going to kick a squad member to the curb? >> our brother, jamaal bowman, is under attack. >> we are going to show [bleep] the power of the [bleep] south bronx? >> kayleigh: we'll find out soon. polls are about to close for squad member's jamaal bowman primary. will president trump tell who his v.p. pick is, dr. ben carson will weigh in. where is doj as antisemitism runs rampant across the country. [screaming]
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>> kayleigh: first, hillary and obama to the rescue. two days to go until the cnn presidential debate and democrats are sending out their heavyweights. they are supposed to lift biden across the finish line. hillary gave a pep talk in the pages of the "new york times," she lectured america on how we're supposed to watch the debate. she said, too often we approach pivotal like drama critics. we're picking a president, not the best actor. now hillary is concerned about acting in politics. tell these people. >> kiss freedoms goodbye that we take for granted and elections, forget about it, over and done. >> julia roberts and george
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clooney are putting it together, jimmy kimmel is moderating. >> we do not deserve scandal and chaos that come with trump administration. >> kayleigh: sounds like biden thinks he's auditions for best actors, at kamalacamp david, th a mock debate stage. 16 current and former aides whiz back and forth on golf carts to join president biden in strategy sessions. joe biden is preparing for a debate. why is hillary clinton giving advice anyway? maybe she does not want biden to suffer the same fate she did in 2016. >> you have to have some basic ability, sadly, she does not have that. her husband signed nafta.
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>> that is your opinion. >> you go to ohio, pennsylvania, anywhere you want, secretary clinton and you will see devastation. >> it is awfully good someone with temperasm of donovan schultz is donald trump is not in charge. >> because you would be in jail. >> kayleigh: meanwhile, biden is doing his best. obama gotten involved earlier than expected, there are digital advertisements and more are expected to come. use democrats of the past because no one is buying the current message of everything is fine. >> i have a nose for good campaigns and i am so encouraged by what i smell and see around the country. i feel pretty optimistic and proud of joe biden and know he
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will do a good job saying what we're doing next. >> kayleigh: has she seen the polls? check them out. biden campaign is teetering on a cl cliff. there is nothing obama or hillary can do to stop that crash landing. joining us is missouri senator josh hawley. senator hawley, great to have you here. hillary continued to say biden has facts and truth on his side and if he just tells the story of last three years, he'll be okay. here is what biden advisors say biden must do in two days. >> sources are telling cnn that the president has been told to shy away from talking too much about what he's done for the bulk of the last three years. >> kayleigh: what does it mean if someone says shy away from
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your record? >> not good. he's got a lot of explaining to do. think about it, working people in this your honor ko. if you're a working man, your wages have been flat or declining while woke ceos r richer. if you are a working family, you can't afford to buy gas or groceries, have to work two jobs. you can can't on credit card companies charging 30 and 40%. getting richer under joe biden and working people are falling behind, that is before we get to the border. do you like people coming across the border and shooting at our kids? he has to explain all of it and he can't. >> kayleigh: "new york times" reports he's planning to go on offense on the border.
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young mothers are being found dead at the hands of immigrants. abbey habberman is worried. >> i think he will endure less, that is lesson he took from the first debate in 2020 and i think he will be mean toward biden. >> kayleigh: trump will be mean to poor biden? >> yeah, the big worry ought to be the factings. here is the question to pose to joe biden and american people, do you like chaos? that is what you got under joe biden. do you like chaos at home and overseas? how many wars were we in with trump? zero. how many with joe biden? hard to keep track. what was gas under trump? you could afford it and now nobody can fill their car up. total chaos and disaster and biden wants to talk about
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anything other than his record, but his record is on trial. that is referendum on him. >> kayleigh: his record is on trial, that is not what he wants, he wants trump to be on trial. he set expectation that trump is a dictator, so much so that hillary said this, this is from the "new york times" piece. expectations from trump are so low that if he doesn't light himself on fire, some will say he was down right presidential. they are trying to make this a r referendum on trump and personality. >> it is about joe biden and what he's done to this country. that is the choice between the country. do you want more joe biden? do you like paying this much for gas? do you like interest rates this level? do you like nine million illegal
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immigrants committing crimes? it is about joe biden and the choice is simple. if you don't want your lives, your kids and neighborhoods in total chaos, time to vote for trump. >> kayleigh: senator hawley, thank you very much. >> this election is certainly not about age. joe biden is a healthy, wise 81-year-old ready and willing to get to work everyday. joe is not just one of the most effective presidents in our lives not despite his age but because of it. >> kayleigh: who believes that? i don't think anyone does. that is what jill biden is prekriebing to voters. are people buying it? fox news digital went across the country to ask voters if they're concerned. >> he's definitely too old to do
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it, the way the country is being run, it was better four years ago. >> as americans, we should be worried. >> if he was his age and able to function and do normal things, that would not be in question. >> end of day comes down to mental capacity and i think we've seen biden struggles with that. >> kayleigh: joining us is charlie hurt, opinion editor of washington times and mollie hemi hemingway, both are fox news contributors. i was white house press secretary and spent time with president trump before both of his debates helping him to prep him and i was there. as a good staffer or press person, you have to learn to prep your boss, how do they consume information? trump is not someone you will
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sequester at camp david, he is someone you will talk to, he has facts in his mind. have conversation about pos. i wonder if team biden has figured out how to prep him. he's now on a movie set, does he know what he's doing? >> he is surrounded by staffers, can you imagine donald trump being surrounded by staffers telling him what to say or think? >> kayleigh: no. >> one thing he has no problem knowing is what he thinks. when he gets in trouble, everybody usually knows what he's talking about and he says things you are not allowed to say. the problem for joe biden, and they keep lying and trying to tell people not to believe what you see with your own eyes and try to act like somehow what joe biden is still with it when he
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is talking and you can tell he has no idea what he's talking about. when you look at the whole range of areas he's destroyed around the world and in this country with his policies, it is more than just the fact he's dropped the ball on everything because he is old, he is not in control of his government and all these actors have free reign and who knows what their motives are trying to destroy these things. >> kayleigh: mollie, here is what is important for president trump. we learned this, what is important from president trump, we knew he would be in a defensive posture. this is what dana bash and jake tapper will do, they are there to support joe biden. we realize what we can do for trump is put together pivot points. i talk six topics and created
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debate game changers, how to move from defense to offense, that is so important. if jake tapper could spend 90 minutes on january 6, he will do it. >> mollie: it is important for him to think through, he is not just debating joe biden, he is debating the moderators, as well. he has had a lot of time to think through what he did poorly in the first debate, what he did well in the second debate and understands need to be presidential and focus on policy. this is where biden is weak, he has a bad policy record. people are talking about how old he is and how he's stumbling and mumbling, but his worst problem
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is his record. they are probably trying to get him on a different sleep schedule, make sure his medical as assistance, he usually does pretty well on big moments, but nothing will take away his record. the more they focus on the record and policies, that will go well for donald trump. >> kayleigh: thinking about jake tapper and cnn, charlie, today there were 250,000 posts talking about jake tapper, been trending on x and not in a positive way. people pointing out he's been unfair to trump, do you think that weighs on him, maybe he will come out and try to play straight? there is some pressure on him now. it would be great if he was, i don't think they care, they get
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lauded among their peers for be ing nasty and unfair. it will be 90 minutes of ambush for donald trump. he often does his absolute best when everybody is trying to ambush him. >> kayleigh: yes, he was jub be lent on air force one. thank you. did aoc do anything to help fire marshal bowman or will new yorkers still vote to cut down the squad? polls are closing soon in the new york primary. the latest next. ♪ ♪
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- [narrator] life with ear ringing
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sounded like a constant train whistle i couldn't escape. then i started taking lipo flavonoid. with 60 years of clinical experience, it's the number one doctor recommended brand for ear ringing. and now i'm finally free. take back control with lipo flavonoid. >> we are here for our brother jamaal bowman. we want to turn out the vote. we are texting our friends. we are turning out. vote for jamaal bowman. >> sh cease-fire that's what wee doing. let's get her popping. let's change the world. it's the many versus the money. we're going to win, baby. >> we are going to take on aipac and quick some wall street [bleep] >> stop the bull.
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>> polls are closing noon new york's primary. despite all the help jamaal bowman received from left wing democrats is he in danger right now. listen to to this of become the very first democratic house member this cycle to lose a primary. and here's the big question. if bowman goes tonight, could other members of the squad be in trouble as well? the same tactic being deployed against bowman pro-israel groups is also now being sweelded against cori bush, another person who may go she still has primary coming up. cnn reporting that there are warning signs for biden's jewish support as the war in gaza drags on and anti-semitism rises. multiple jewish elected democrats and democratic voters told cnn about being disappointed and abandoned by progressive allies, a feeling, quote, politically homeless, both because they think biden has not done enough and because they worry he cannot control his left, joining us now is
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conservative columnist chris bedford. chris, so in an hour and 40 minutes, we will start getting news, as to if jamaal bowman could be the first democrat to lose his primary. i have two tea leaves. and i want to present them to you in sequence. the first tea leaf i have for you is early voting, is mail-in voting. this is according to the new york daily news. we have not independently confirmed this. but here it is. there were about 10,000 democratic voters that had cast their parking lot in west chester county. that's good news for george latimer. the democrat who is more tame than jamaal bowman. and then when you flip over to the bronx, there were only 6445 people who voted so far in the democratic primary. these are very, very early vote numbers. but that is good news for george latimer. >> it is. and i think jamaal bowman is actually in trouble. is he really the first person in the squad to actually for the
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democrats to be able to get their hooks into. it's been six years essentially of the squad bullying democrats and taking completely untenable positions and started to backfire. they are is really worn out their welcome. also worn out welcome with voters. that big rally he held with aoc and bernie sanders that wasn't even in his district. talking to the people of south bronx telling aipac where to go. he doesn't represent the south bronx. he represents a little bit of the north bronx. places like newer shell and white plains. is he north of that he is talking to the wrong voters. and the criticism is that he is more interested in fame. that is too anti-israel. he hasn't done anything at all to try to dissuade that he is has doubled down. i think is he actually in real trouble. >> kayleigh: i think. so there were about 1200 people there accord fog aoc. >> one tenth of what trump gathered. >> kayleigh: one tenth, great point. second piece of evidence and you teed it up perfectly.
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aoc. trouble in paradise. saw them jumping on stage together. this is according to the "new york post." aoc skipped out on the 3:30 p.m. event with jamaal bowman noting, quote, a shift in schedule, ouch. and as for tonight, she is supposed to got watch party, right? her schedule is still firming up. unclear if she will attend bowman's primary night watch party in yonkers. maybe i read too much into this. doesn't seem like aoc wants to be seen with him. >> i think that makes sense. the squad was able to push a lot of ideas that were pretty foreign even liberal democratic politics 2018 when they first showed up. whether it's defund the police or abolish ice. but what really opened them up to mass criticism from some of their own tints, especially in bowman's case was the october 7th attack. senilesly kind of clearly in some cases siding with hamas, calling them was rapes and murders a hoax or at least exaggerated.
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those are sorts of things that allowed hillary clinton or former governor andrew cuomo to come in and say we don't want this person representing democratic politics and kind of regain the high ground. they were so afraid of the squad for so long. so cowed into submission. now they feel like they have the moral high ground. they are hungry for it and going to strike. >> he apologized for some of that anti-semitism. it was conveniently during an election, of course. chris, thank you. [shouting. [] bleeping] >> whoa, whoa. >> kayleigh: in the united states of america. a woman, a jewish woman assaulted happened here in new york, too. where is the department of justice? this is happening in streets across the country.
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outside of a synagogue. solely because these men and women and their children are jewish. and the authorities are looking over here. they are looking the other way. is biden's doj prosecuting anyone like they do the pro-life protesters under the safe act? are they doing it to anyone else the face act it doesn't just protect those trying to enter a reproductive clinic. protects any person lawfully exercising or seeking to exercise the first amendment right of religious freedom at a place of religious worship and goes after those intentionally trying to damage those places like the l.a. synagogue. joining us now is matt whitaker former acting attorney general under trump. you know, matt, i am infuriated because i have seen as someone who is pro-life myself, guy to a lot of these clinics, i sit with a lot of people who are pro-life, they are the most loving, kindest, most wonderful people i have ever met. y the, this is who biden
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prosecutes. like this woman. look at her picture, 75-year-old pro-lifer. paula paul let harlow sentenced to prison for blocking access to an abortion clinic. did not assaulted anyone. we threw her in jail doj, two years, her husband may think she will die in there. she is elderly, she is sick. won't go after those attacking jewish men and women? why not? >> yeah, kayleigh, it's good to be with you. outrageous the full force of the federal government is only brought against conservatives, pro-lifers, parents at school board meetings, catholics, that attend latin mass and the list goes on. it's unfortunate that really there is hundreds of lawyers at the civil rights division in doj that are unwilling or uninterested in investigating these cases. to your point, the l.a. synagogue was blocked. they were blocking people from attending a worship service. and ultimately that, is the whole purpose of the department of justice and why the grant
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administration started the department of justice was to protect minorities and to protect those that are oppressed and to defend justice. that's the only department named after a virtue, kayleigh, and right now, under merrick garland, they are no wear to be found in protecting jewish people and people of that faith. >> kayleigh: seems like so selective i remember when mike lee asked merrick garland finding a way to go after the pro-life community but not pro-life clinics. they happen in the dark as if you can't find someone in the dark. insane. people are waking up. follow cotton tweeted. this and i want you to see what the response was to it because i think the response is important. tom cotton said if only you were in charge of the fbi and doj and could order them to conduct manhunt for every one of these pro-hamas lunatics like did you for every grandma in a maga hat within a country mile of the capital on january 6th. the response from this guy what is going on? i grew up a progressive
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democrat, tom cotton is saying things that make sense to me. do you think people are waking up and saying we see the disparity? >> i do. and the unbelievable resources that were used across the united states to not only investigate the folks that attended the j 6 rally but then to prosecute them to the fullest extent of the law, using novel legal theories and then none of those tools are founded. and in fact, you have cases being dismissed from folks that clearly are committing crimes. whether that's at columbia university, or across the country. you still have no justice in what happened in portland, in the summer of 2020 or the fire that occurred right across the street from the white house in the summer. so, it is clearly two tiered system of justice. and the sad thing is, this is exactly what joe biden and merrick garland want. they do not want their supporters who are radicals to be prosecuted because they need them to vote in the fall. >> yeah, this is before we get to the unprecedented legal
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theory of alvin bragg or the civil fraud legal theory, all against president trump, all unprecedented. matt, thank you. coming up, out of the cnn presidential debate, just as one trump gag order is partially lifted oh well another one might be coming down. we are on it. next. ♪ we believe at newday usa we have a noble purpose. our purpose is not just closing a loan. we want to do whatever is best for the individual service person. we want to be known as america's mortgage company for veterans and active duty service people, and they and their families. we're the ones that are there to help them. people are doing hard, arduous, difficult, dangerous things. some of them are giving their lives right now today for the freedoms that we have here in this country. they're willing to do that for you for me and for our family. so for us at newday, to have the opportunity to turn around
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act now and you'll also receive neuroq's fast dissolving sleep now oral strips, to boost brain recovery while you sleep. >> kayleigh: today judge juan mercha>> kayleigh: today ju merchan. one unfairis ae gag order is l jack smith is trying to impose a new one. jack smith's team is trying to convince the judge fbi agents are inen h danger by criticizine case. he is a presidential candidate. nat naturally the judge is skecht or cal this order is
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unconstitutional, that it would go against the first amendment. liberals are going nuts trying to impeach her credibility. >> judge cannon, there is no threat to fbi agents, we don't need this gag order. this man's threats and his words have led to nancy pelosi's husband being bludgeoned nearly to death, countless death cu threats and people have had to get around the clock security. >> kayleigh: joining me now, mike davis, former law clerk fo gorsuch and founder of article three projects, sol wisenberg. y independent counsel. let me start with you, mike, and i want to talk about this gag order. so, merchan partially lifts the gag order, so, trump can now
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address stormy daniels, he can address michael cohen. he can't talk about the jurors or his family members, but this comes, suspiciously timed 48 hours ahead of the debate. you know, was member khan thinking about the debate here and criticism he would get? what's going on with the timing? >> these gag orders or criminal defendants are clearly unconstitutional, they are illegal, restraints on first amendment rights, if anyone in america must have the constitutional right to speak out against the judge, the prosecutor, the investigators, the staffs, the witnesses, it is a criminal defendant going through the criminal process. and this judge juan merchan doesn't want president trump to talk at the debate about how his adult daughter, lauren merchan is raising millions of dollars off this unprecedented criminal trial over which her father presided requiring his recusal under new york statute, instead he retaliated against president trump and said he would throw
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trump in jail for mentioning this corruption. >> >> kayleigh: oh, but you can't talk about judge merchan only talk about judge aileen cannon. that's what they tell us. moving on to this your exact point and really good one that this is unconstitutional in my mind, sol, i saw this from an aclu am ming can you say brief and it was in relation to the judge chutkan gag order. i find it to be relevant to any of these gag orders. here is what the aclu, no friend of trump said. the obvious and unprecedented public interest in prosecution, as well as the widespread political speech that it has generated and will continue to generate onlyunder corse the need to applied most stringent and first amendment standard to a restraint on defendant's speech rights. they make the point that speech about these trials is inics trick cable from political speech in a campaign, sol. >> its core politic speech.
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judge wants to follow immoral fuss. it talks about substantial imminent foreseeable danger of his words threaten that he should be kept from speaking, president trump, former president trump. the other problem with it is there is no evidence of it, there is no evidence that anything he has said has endangered any agent. and one reason for that is that the -- there has already been a court order redacting any agent's name. so we haven't seen the name of any agent who participated in the search at mar-a-lago, mentioned. that was with the agreement of president trump's attorney. so i think that's the problem with the order. not only does it abridge core political speech, but it's an amorphous standard the government wants, and they have no evidence in support of it. that's the problem with it. >> kayleigh: i that's a huge problem. i want to ask you both about this quickly. we have wednesday's supreme court opinion. they announced thursday and
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friday as well. something around 18 opinions left. everyone wants to see the immunity opinion and the januar. and it will be hugely different if it drops thursday before the debate versus friday after. when do you think it comes, mike? >> i think that the presidential immunity decision will come out on friday, probably one of the last decisions the court issues. the court would normally probably issue the fisher decision on wednesday but because of the debate on thursday, they may wait to friday for both. >> kayleigh: fishinger opinion is the one that pertains to january 6th. sol, do you agree with that it comes after so as to not myer itself in politics or is that not a consideration? >> well, i will defer to mike on that. he clerked on the supreme court, i only got as high as the second circuit. >> kayleigh: pretty high. >> certainly makes sense. i don't think they are going to be going out of their way to
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exacerbate the situation politically. they have already been accused very unfairly in my view of being political, so i don't disagree with mike. >> kayleigh: second surrogate is no small potatoes, mike and sol, thank you very much. is trump going to announce his vice presidential debat pick bee
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>> kayleigh: nbc news now reporting trump could announce his v.p. pick ahead of the debate, which is less than 48 hours. one resource saying he would like the opportunity to throw a curveball to distract biden before they meet. senior advisor tweeting, heading to west palm, question is, who is with me? hmm. fuelling speculation, trump campaign spokesperson, can't wait, exciting stuff. head fake, brilliant. potential trump vice presidential pick dr. ben carson joins me now.
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i'm thrilled to have you here. all the time on social media, i hear, why hasn't he spoke to ben carson. you have worked with trump for four years as hud secretary, is v.p. a job you would like? >> thank you for having me, good to be with you. the vice presidential position is a very important position. no question about that. and can be used in a very effective way. there are a lot of people on the republican side who would make wonderful vice presidents. e box. who is original in the way that they do things. and someone who is very supportive of the policies of the president. and the other side doesn't have that. obviously. and they don't have very many choices. and it's much more important on that side because biden is very old, physiologically is he a lot
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older than 81. physiologically trump is a lot younger than 78. so, there's much greater chance that something will happen to biden and that they don't have a good replacement for him. so, what we really need to concentrate on the republican side, however, is making sure we get trump into office, because they have already thrown everything, including the kitchen sink at him trying to get him out. they don't want to run against him. they don't want to run against his policies, you know, they tried to gag him. i mean, this is the most ridiculous thing that's going on. but as i have told him, if god wants him in that position, they can't stop him. >> kayleigh: that is wise and brilliant advice. you know, you will be with trump tomorrow. this is announced by the campaign tomorrow. it's called the black american business leaders round shop table. it will be in atlanta. you will be there with president trump ahead of the debate. what will we see at this round table? >> well, hopefully, we will see people who are willing to talk
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about the things that are good for their community. and the previous administration, when president trump was in office, a lot of great things were done for the black community. and there are a number of rallies at the white house, with young black people, incredibly enthusiastic, you didn't see a whole lot about that in the media. but i was there. and i saw the enthusiasm, it is only grown since that time. and we'll be talking about the things that actually work. not only for the black community, but for all the communities. one of the things that you might notice about president trump, is that he believes that a rising tide lifts all boats. is he not going to go around playing identity politics and pitting one group against the other. he wants to work for america. and i think all americans during his administration saw their tides rising. they saw, you know, the ability to buy a homes, increase significantly. american dream increased
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significantly. no one has american dream anymore. it's an american nightmare. can you see the importance of the elections. it's so critical. not only to get him in office but down the line. >> kayleigh: what you said is so important. i remember when i was speaking with president trump ahead of the second debate that he did. you know, i mentioned you should mention to voters that you will lose about 6500 in income if biden wins. they have actually lost way more than that and you compare that to trump and the gains the black community was making. median income going up 8% for the black community. trump needs to bring this up on the debate stage. >> and i hope he will talk about the things that he has done and compare those to the things that have happened since he left office. compare, you know, what's happened with energy. becoming energy independent, because we use the gift that we have the fossil fuels while at the same time have the cleanest air and water that we have ever had. using that to bolster the
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economic foundation. and that worked for people. and explaining to people how that works. and explaining to people how government intervention instead of allowing the market forces to work leads to something that we have now, which is not something very good. >> kayleigh: dr. carson a "yes" or "no" answer. will you be at the debate or watch party one of the two on thursday. >> yes. i'll be there. >> kayleigh: okay. because trump said his v.p. pick will be at the debate. i had to ask. dr. carson, thank you. up next, whoopi spits on "the view." literally spits. and morgan embracing the lifestyle of doing absolutely nothing. jimmy failla is an expert on that and more, next.
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have you ever thought of getting a walk-in tub for you or someone you love? now is a great time to take a look at getting a safe step walk-in tub. with safe step's standard heated seat and new fast fill faucet, you can enjoy a nice warm bath up to 20% faster! and the convenient touch pad control is right at your fingertips. each tub comes standard with a dual hydrotherapy system. the ten water jets can help increase mobility, relieve pain, boost energy, and improve sleep. while the microsoothe advanced air therapy system oxygenates and softens skin. safe step walk-in tubs are built to maximize safety. so you can stay in your home and enjoy the comforts of bathing again. so call now for more information and a free no obligation consultation.
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>> kayleigh: time for wtf, what the failla. joining me is jimmy jimmy fail
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host of fox news saturday night. i don't know if you watch "the view", but whoopi goldberg, the lead, will not refer to trump by name, she calls him as you know who, someone that is, i don't know. can you read that? do you know who that is. she accidentally said trump today and here is what happened. >> you can't refute anything with him, he -- when i say him, he rambles. trump tends to just. ui ugh. >> did you say his name? >> i said his name. >> kayleigh: did she actual ly spit? >> jimmy: she might have, it wouldn't be the dumbest thing that has come out of her mouth
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on "the view". so immature. this is who is on that show. this is performance you are familiar with. trump used to go on the view, he was friends with barbara walter and them. i can't believe i said donald's name, what are we in seventh grade? >> kayleigh: so many questions, would dr. anthony fauci approve of spitting on the ground? >> jimmy: where is social distancing on that one? >> kayleigh: who had to clean that up, gross. gen-zers take things to a new level. here is what they say about gen-z. growing cohort of gen-zers who refuse to grow up instead opt o opting to better neets, >> jimmy: we had a word for them growing up, we called them
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losers, contributing nothing. there is pride in i'm not going to do anything, they are feeling defeated. it is too expensive to buy a house. you are supposed to fight through. nobody is going that hard. if guy like me who went to community college can get a tv show, everyone watching at home could be like secretary of interior by end of the week. go hard. >> kayleigh: good advice. e whole quiet quitting thing. >> kayleigh: good advice but as a millennial we were all called lazy so i'm with you, gen z, i've got you. jimmy, the best catch and major-league baseball last night wasn't on the field. watch this. >> good deception. josh naylor wax 1 down the line and foul. caught by the one guy out there who's got a drink and a phone in
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his hand. what! >> kayleigh: my husband played for the orioles, great stadium, great catch, i just wish he had a baby with the beer. >> isn't it a commentary on how expensive beer has gotten that he did not drop the beer to catch the ball? he one-handed it because there was no way he was losing that 83-dollar beer. >> kayleigh: i would not drop the beer if it was like -- >> you have problems i'm trying not to address on the air. just kidding, i hold you one. >> kayleigh: i do drop the bud light. >> it's the right thing to do. but they did not even catch a ball. >> kayleigh: but i would hold the jai alai. jimmy, thank you. in henderson, nevada next weekend. that's it for us tonight >> carley: a fox news alert, a family's home crashing down 85-foot cliff an


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