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tv   Jesse Watters Primetime  FOX News  June 26, 2024 10:00pm-11:00pm PDT

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oh, it's me tonight. we got emily wilson, joe devito . tip entire is. gutfeld 10 p.m.. let's go to you, jesse. >> what do you have tonight that we can ignore? tonight we have kevin mccarthy, mike rowe and madison alworth but first, i'd like to share with you where i was this morning. >> i spoke at the associated builders and contractors legislative breakfast in washington, d.c. for the upcoming election. they were kind enough to present me with the abc merit champion award for my show. >> wow. >> how generous and thoughtful you are as a proud and oddly earned it. this is the greatest untold story of all. >> jesse j. >> all right then. bennifer. >>at's it. >> welcome to jesse watters. primetime tonight. emocra the democrats keep running
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on this one idea. you can'tsp runnint pass a thin do worse than donald trump. and they keep saying yes, we can. >> the democrat bed >> tbet. ally we >> dhs confirms that at least 400 migrants with potential isis ties recently crossed se into the united states. that is incorrect. tell us why. ited sta>> thai think it is ina. >> isis in the usa. what we know i was able to sign in a log inflation reduction act, the most significant investment ever anywhere inhist the history of the world. >> joe biden, green energyory of and money laundering. an investigation. business is boomin >>again. >> plus, it's so i hard. milk was a bad choice. >> joe biden's always wantedanie to be a kennedy but didn't have the charm, looks or class. >> the last charmt he's an elder
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statesman or as the "new york times" says, an elderly statesman, conjuring up thoughts of frailty and a stat spirit. the times says, sure, a little foundation will keep him from looking frail and pasty. >> but what biden really l and needs is to change his attitude and styl e. ho how does an 81-year-old change his attitude and style a at all, let alone in a week? >> well, the timesle sayst tomorrow night, biden should channel betty whit channele quo >> betty white got old, but shee never seemed elderly on tv. she never lost that twinkle in her eye or that wicket twd w. >> the sheriff. i told him i told about me, hoi kill men. and he didn't believe me. he said, let's seehe s. sleep with me. so i did. and the sheriff died. en has >> biden has to treat the debate like a golden girls deba. onea
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so the man is debated more than any other living politician. still needs to spend the weekspn in an airport hangar slash movie theater with stephen'sd thweekend airpoq lights, production, lighting, equipment and 16 camps chan counselors. channeling someone he's nonelini biden. it's going to be more how he looks, his energyin, how he sounds, whether he's punchy, s whets he finishe his thoughts instead of cutting himself off. i mean, a lot of this is just performance. s is jusit's -- it's theater cat for politicians. peter esume when the elderly disappear from the public eye for a week and come back with a fresekh and energized new loov they've had plastic surgery. e is biden going to show up ful tomorrow night with a full head of hair and a big smile like ofr ryan seacrest? he's had work before, so the i'm not ruling it out either way. the theater kids have gotten thn a hold of joe and he only has 24 hours left to perfects the rolehas 24t because the ki. will be watching obama world and clinto n world haveh and had enough and have waged a hostile takeover of thha ae
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biden campaign. >> is donna brazile handing out questions again? braziinwe don't know.o kn but we do know the rage in cajun is dying to play camp counselor. >> you know, trump is going to start where you take a drug test and you should say, yeah, only if you take a rabies test. wouldn'ttake the the age questit comment and it's one that president biden won'tst say it is true that i'm going to be that i'm 81. i'll i'd like to wishan 81. my opponent happy belated 70th a birthday. people can evaluat e our mental dexterity as this goes out and you can't pump someone who isn't funny full of zingers and quips and expect them to perform. >> look at gutfeld you can't turn and unfunny 81-year-oldless politician into a comedian in less than a week. vice so bad advice from team clinton. team obama's advic tee the complete opposite. >> what he can say is, look, fr this isn't about my future or his future. we're both at the ends of our of our careers here. this is about your future
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and the question at y you haveson go to ask is, is this person goingn to fight for me or is this person going to fight for themself? >> and that is very, very clear. it's as very mess.clinto >> the clintons are telling him to be funny. the obamas are tellingns him to be serious. it's like they're all in joe's corner of the ring, telling them, duck, puncy the h, counter,en move, while biden just stands still. obama has camp david wired, unsl and the 16 camp counselors are reporting back to barracor kg them the joltin joe biden isn't impressing them at debate prep. can't nail prep. his lines, can't maintain his energy. and it's leaked into the mediak . >> what you need is is a cell phone. and i think in this moment joe biden has to go out therd eh with a cell phone on the age thing. i mean, i'm so old, i may notce makell phone it through the nexi 90 minutes without needing to sit down and taking a sip of water. but i'llnuteting to sit never de the office of the presidency. i'll never hand state secretsthn over to the enemy. i'll never call vladimir putin a really smart guy. i'llemnever puti never frame a n from kim jong un. >> i mean, he has to come he i him in thench
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face with his own bows. biden does it go in theree wi and punch him in the face with his own things? he's proudthown thin of? >> then the thing is lost before it starts. if nicolle wallaceg is losfore n biden's having trouble standing at camp david for 90 minutes, betty white might not cut it. and thmight e oddsmakers see it coming. nate silver, the democrats numbers guru, says the presidential race isn't a toss up. >> trump's odds of winninglling are now 2 to 1. >> trump pulling awaawy at way ahead in a new quinnipiac poll, too, up four points nationally on joe. >> the voters even think bet trump would do a better jobte at handling threats to democracyng threa. >> the so-called dictator is up double digits on savingy. democracy. the issue that's the centerpiece of theissu biden campaign. >> how'd that happen? part of it . the left has to own. they are aggressively anti common sense. sae democrats keep runninge. on this one idea saying to the american people, you can'tplan
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possibly think you can do worse than donald trump. and they keep sayinghand, yes, e can. yes, yes, we can. if you can't. talk to thosee coun people, you're just abandoning the countrtry to half the people who are even worse, who are going to vote for trump this next time. and they are. and he very likelyand th will w. >> and then what are we going to do? we don't know what to expect, but they've been handing this man too many scripts. s for. first they tell him to be george washington, then they tell him to be fdhi br. s g then they tell him to be half his age. then they tell him to be a barroom brawlehey te r. now, betty white, from t george washington to betty white. >> former house speaker kevin mccarthy joins me now. >> are we going to see a little golden girls thursday ? well, i don't want to lower't expectations because that's what everybody's want to doing.t ifd all that does is help biden. and if you watch yatched b biden throughout his career, the one thing that he has done well is in debates. go back to the vice
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president debate against paul ryan. go back to the presidential debates. he always surpassed expectations back to presidentie continue to lower them for him. remember, this is the highest office in the land. and no matter what biden turns a oundt, he's got two people in hs corner. jake tapper and dana bash, those two will protect him. maybe they'll interrupacrot whew he starts messing up his words. maybe they'll interject to helop and remember jake tapper. remember where this guy startedh prior to working for cnn? he was a spokesperson for s. this guy will go to any levelo and he's going to protect thems. every chance he has. >> he was a flack for . he worked for a pr company and he was the spokesperson for as. >> h >> se o he hates if anyone ever says he was putting out press releases on national tv justyou' like that. okay. we don't want to mentionlike tha . >> and he only liked it for theg wings. that's only for the wings. >> ddoo you have any y funnyorie stories about joe biden behind
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the scenes? because the last time you told a dooz a dooy, mccarthy that story. went everywhere. dodo you you ever. t >> do you know about biden at camp david? apparently, he's eatinknowboutga every night. >> look, i've been fortunate to camp david a number of times, and this is where i'm concerned. he is taking thierned.s seriousw he has spentee one week at camp david, only focused on debates. thople are throwing question fos at him left and right. think about the number of hours he's gone just for these 90 minutes. i have dealt with this man when he was a senatorh an , when he wase a vice president and when he was president. and i will tell you, he's nowapn t the same person he was before. and as he was president, there he moments everyan time i met with him. you've got a different joe biden. and there's times that he was really engaging. thati remember talk to him withe air force one coming back from a g7 b meeting, and he could tel me all the different meetings he had. he was fully engagedfferent meeh and the next day i met with hima and it was a totally different joe bide
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n talking off cards. so let's not lower expectationsh . he's going to be prepared the best he's ever going to be prepared. so what americe's prepa needs to judge is this is joe biden at his very top that wheree ca he could be president on october 7th, when p israel gets attacked and he's got to put a lid on it. this is joe biden preparing for an entire week for 90 minutes. so this could be the very best he's ever going to be. >> you're not saying jesse watters, prime time's responsibl ne for loweringhe w expectations. >> you would never say that because he would never do something so recklesou never sco and irresponsible. that's and res the same advice e to president trump last night. >> i mean, we have kept lowering. msnbc is doing this. they're lowering expectations dn sst wal where if he just walks to theks podium and he's there for 90 minutes, somehowpodium people s. see, he did great. >> i know. i know. i should lower expectation >> ts for myself. seems to work. that's hard to do. thank you,. kevin. >> have a good night. all right. in 2020, dozens of intel agents tried convincing america that hunter insuls laptop was russian
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disinformation. turned out was false. today, they're recycling the same tactic. 16 nobel prize winninglve si economists have signed a letter arguingng that trump is going i to make inflation worse. >> drinkins going game tomorrowf biden refers to the 16 nobel prize winning economis refert, e a shot. who are these guys anyway? who arway?oh, they just all hape biden donors who were wrangled into writing the letter on the eve of the debate to give joe a talking poinof t. the jeep attack. tapper won't fact check. so we're rebutting it now. >> you're welcome. at the cnn presidential debate, americans don't want to hear from 16 economists who didn't see inflation coming. we wanonomists gon comit to hear what two men are going to do about it, because every tripin to theheart grocery store is like a heart attack. >> i went to the grocery store yesterday, right, and got three bags of chips, some ground turkey and some vegetables. and it was $67. what, three years ago,averag
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my electric bill was averagingsv $45. noerag125.w it's averaging 125.a you going get a tank of gands once a week and you're dropping 70 bucks? thy can't even buy tha a candidate for less than $8 a dollars for a can of dip. >> what? >> the treasury secretary, janet yellen, the chiefef fin financial officer of the federal governmentan, the oe who said inflation is transitory, has been has yling the whole country on a food tour. everywhere she goes, she stops at dinerabs, barbecue joints, local restaurants, just sampling which fresh flavors tickle your palate. >> she's the foodie of the biden administrationf . >> in four years, she never realized food prices have gone up. >> watch this. secretary yellen, have you been to the store latel? i sure have. i go every week. i got it?ker shock, isn' >> i know. biden's treasury secretaryretarr there's no sticker shock when
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you go grocery shoppinn yog. >> biden should fire her. she's worth 20 million eachlion like anthony bourdain and told americans food prices are flat. >> biden's team lies like soviet propaganda ministers. the white house says biden-nomics has only growvietnt a household net worth. >> but when you adjust for inflation, loo joe k at that downward spiral. >> biden's going to need a lot more than a lon a stupid letterm 16 donors to defend that. >> mike rowe is the ceo of the . forowe works foundation >> and his new movie, something out w. d for, is out tomorro we're going to have to watch that before the debate. obviouslthe debviouslyy. vr or maybe i'll just dvre an the debate and watch mike. that could be fun, mike. i'll fire janet tomorrow. if that was my treasury secretary and she toldth the american people that. yeah, i suspect they would, too. i think. ly look, there's a disconnect, obviously, and there has been
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for a long time. but the things that we're disconnect t good from as the people versus the things our elected officialeople ves are disconnected from has to be a part of what happens b on thursday night with this debate that like when i talk and about disconnects and dirty jobs and all the shows itat i'vall the i've worked on, it's always about reacquainting people with wher'se their food r comes from and where their energy comes from and who enero th are that that provide those things. and you're right, a big partf bn of being in charge of leading and being in control is at least maintaining at of relatability. >> and if you don't know what al gallon of milk costs, itk cost, it's a tough sell. >> you're right. it's the appearance. and no one. >> iarance a n one's going to qf joe biden on the price of a gallon of milk. n ofwe don't expect him to know that. exactly. ex shopping.o foodw that >> all the milk is there at the white house mess. e.but we'd like him to maybe do an event in the grocery storeo
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orto maybe go to a bodega or maybe maybe just at least go to a cheese steak joint. he hasn't been there sincea 2012. roe is in pennsylvania every other week. is in pelvania e to a cheeseste joint in in almostye 14 years. >> what does that do? i mean, do we really i mean,gooe look, it's good entertainment. it's bread and circunt.s, and ws get it. he eats ice cream sometimes. he falls off a bike. we get the .et other guy mightg be going to jail. we don't know. but evertojail.y story you just reported on impacts millions and millionson of people.i thin and you said it earlier, and i think you're right. i don't know if this debate is going to help anything. i don't know if i'm going to learn anything. everything. everything'sn anything style g is and performance and everything's going to be rehearsed and manage gond. no i just want to know what these guys stand for. and stand i would like to hear m without any spittle or veins bulging or anything. just explain how inflationexpl is goingai to be put underth control. that's that's what the people i
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know are desperatee pew to hear a rational, cogent plan from a seemingly rational and cogent n. a >> it's not too much to ask. well, i am in agreement with you.reemen, mike. i don't think we're going to learn anything new tomorrow. we'll probably hear a lot of cliches and a lot of canned answers, but ése won't hear those on your new venture. what should we expec ot here? >> do we have a little taste? >> i can tell you.ook there you are. that's me, handsomat hdsome. >> you are driving. don't stare directly at me. i driving to d.c. i'm driving to d.c. to reacquaint myself wi with the monuments and the memorials and the statuaryery sg that the park rangers clean off every single morning. and in between that, i'm giving you nine short mysteries. the famous americans whowill you know and love. but we're going to do it through the lensw e of a mystey like paul harvey used to do. on the rest of the story. you probablyto don't rememberr e because you're so young
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and beautiful. you e so viewersrvey. will recall. >> mr. harvey, thank you. ul harve and iy be will definitely be dvr ing the debate so i can watch you micr ithe deo thank you ver. >> god bless man of wealth and taste. >> and to you, my friend, thank you. janet yellen and jesse watterslw . so much taste. see you later.a coul >>d how the cia could help biden tomorrow. >> start your day with nature. meet the number one pharmacist recommended vitamin and supplementercial a brand progressive makes it easy to save with a quick commercial auto quote online so you can get back to your monster to do list. really get a quote at aggressive commercial .com if
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to head. the whole world is tuning in to see if biden - [narrator] life with ear ringing sounded like a constant train whistle i couldn't escape. then i started taking lipo flavonoid. with 60 years of clinical experience, it's the number one doctor recommended brand for ear ringing. and now i'm finally free. take back control with lipo flavonoid.
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>> visit take linked com and get 15% off with promo code. >> get 15 at take linked com. >> trump isn't just going up against biden this year he's going up against the ciaia who's lurking in the shadows trying to kneecap him likn the the last two times with the russia hoax and the laptop letter the cia' s interfered in the last two elections, which is illegal. their charte r prohibits them ameri from conducting ops on american soil. soil now we're finding outfficis
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some of the 51 intel officialseu cook up. one hunter biden laptop letter were at the timent bidp on the a payroll and the cia director at the time, gina haspel, likely knew what was going on. >> obama's acting cia director. the letter out before the debate so biden could use it to discredi biden ct trus laptop attack. >> remember our 50 former national intelligence folks who shared that what this he's accusing me of is a russian plant? you mean the laptop is nowanot another russia, russia, russia hoaxhe? that's exactly why this guy. exactly what is this? whery.e he's going to lie? >> all right. up is russia. i want to stay the issue>> her of race. >> you have to be kidding. here we go again with the russiae we gsi. a. >> the agencies whacked . ump twice in a row what makes you think they won't go for the hat trick? hs media report whatever the cia leaks to them. >> the new york timew s is deploying 29 fact checkers for this debate.
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kers thi29 and we know the cia s the story of infiltrating the press. the internet's going to be a battlefield in the aftermathrm of the debate. ru and today, the supreme court isruled that the biden white house is free to collude with social media companies n. take down misinformatio justice alito wasn't having it, quote, government officials may not coerce private entities to suppress speechies to. inte >> internet platforms have a powerful incentivern to please important federal officials. >> and the record in this case shows that high ranking officials skillfully exploit facebook's vulnerability. so the trump movement is upuse n against the media, the white house and the cia. there's a lot at stake. and they're not just going to let trump waltz right back into the whitet to house withouh throwing everything they have at them. it's up to yououng to be alertallay to the latest subversionths. a o >> john kiriakou is a former
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cia officer and whistleblowe ofn >> do you think they're going to dare do this again? o this ai do. i think we've already seen it in relation to the julian assangewe i release. you know, so many on the right have lauded this reallyfu wonderful thing that happeneda m and you've got the cia saying, oh, he's a criminainl. our he worked for the russians. this was a russian operationon.r >> wikileaks is a russian front company. no, it's not. company. it's no all the time. >> and this is part of the ongoing problem in ciae ongoin,i intelligence community and in what we call the deep state. that i ths that these people think they are the smartest people ie town and that whatever they say is going to be believed and it shouldn'whyt be.'t pla >> sy o they can't play games on us soil. i mean, they'vs e done itit for years, but it's so obvious what they're up to now. bvioustheydo you think the amern people are just so wise to it now after all theso e hoaxesbeeu that they've been caught later? they always get caught later. later do you think we're going e
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able to catch them in real time this time? >>e? i hope so. >> and, you know, we shoulde probably be congratulating the hous e judiciary committee for digging this up. these five former cia officersfr were not really entirely former . they were paid cia contractors at the time. and so at the very least, this n needs to go to the officeedse of government ethics. a crime may have been committed here. y hat something that,t on you know, you and i talk about on on the show and what a terrible thing.g and then we move on toeeds something else. this needs to be investigated as a crime t. no >> well, we know what happened to politicians that go in and they try to defang t the agencyp doesn't end well. trump gets reelectedgets r. >> what's that collision going to look like with trump and the agency. >> i think that donaldald trump learned a lesson the last timetrumd by naming gina haspel as the cia director. that was a disaster, cyrusstake. mistake. she was the consummate cia insides thr. he ha and if donald trump wins the presidency again, he has to bring somebod
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y frommited the outside in, somebody with the guts and the authorituy to clean house. that's the only way to make changes. .y way toall we'll see if that . >> thank you so much, john. thank you. >> democrat judge has been removed from the bench after shovin aftg and slapping a cop. the whole incident took place outside of atlanta club at 3inao a.m.. christina coleman is here. leis herchristina. hi, jesse. douglas county probate judge christina petersonlas coua 38-year-old democrat who was arrested for punching a polices officer. >> body camera footage of the alleged incident is disturbing. this foota o video is from lasty thursday around 3 a.m. outside a loungeam in buckhead. police say judge peterson interfered with an jud officer o he tried to escort a woman outside of the nightclub. they say petersotside ofclubn su the officer who was working security at the time. peterson e. can be heard on video, cursing at him and ready to go.
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>> oh, oh. i like your body. >> camera footage shows peterson being detained t on the ground. she reportedly refused to identify herselhe reportedf to the 1 officer and at one point told him to google her.s >> she can also be heard barking orders at the officer. >> take me where you want to take me. i can't. i don't really id. i don't care. you don't need because you i are wrong. >> people have on you. you have picked up a dead body who you don't know who, by thet way, was, but you picked them up. judge peterson was charged with simple battery against a police officer and law obstruction of a law enforcement officer. her lawyer is askingorcementffis case to be dismissed. the woman who was initially escorted out of the nightclun wi by the officer in this incident claims that an unidentified man accused her of cutting him in line at a food truck which led to this disturbance. shd e claims the man attackedtes
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her and judge pierson stepped in to help. alsoon, this is not the firstpee time judge peterson has gotten herself into some troublrsn hee the judicial qualifications commission decided in april that petersoed in apn was guilts of systemic incompetence following allegationlts that, se ignored court rules. >> jesse, you know the saying nothing good happens afters rig. 3 a.m.. >> that's right. k you. icis in america and the biden cover up. that's next. i was born with wings, but psoriasis swooped in to clip them. >> it crushed my confidence. but no longer will psoriasis get a piecly bimzee of me. i can love my skin again. britain's alex onlrol my py bea alex targets in blocks. to calm inflammation.m i can control my plaques i can control my plaques and start getting myself then alex helps adults with moderate to severe psoriasis control plaques
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healthy it's crazy. you can get luminous toothpaste at walmart and target. a heart attack. do they have life insurance? no. but we have insurance. >> john, i'm trying to find something we can afford. >> fortunately, in only a few minutes, select found john a $500,000 policy for only $29 a month, and his wife and a $500,000 policy for only $21 a month. go to now and get the insurance your family needs at a price. >> you can afford. >> selectquote we shop, you save. >> the migrant terror threat got even more real this weekthre when we learned that the biden administration lost tracai of 50 migrants with ties to isis. >> tonightde lo, nbc news has learned more than 50 migrants with potential tiehan s to an t isis affiliated smuggling manyork are at large in america. many illegally cross the border and were released into the u.sec . by border patrol because there
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was no information suggesting ths the time. >> now their whereabouts are unknown. that'll worry.e >> they say the terrorists got away as don't pose a threat at all way with respect to the people from central asia. we have no evidence that theys t are individuals plotting to harm the unitedtio ha states. that is inaccurate. we screen and vet individualt is at the time of encounter. if we learn of derogatory informatio derogn, we take e enforcement action. we are proceeding with extreme cautioren here. >> so there's no evidence thesee migrants are plotting evil. >> but we're still sending a man across the country to capture them. >> makes sense for those keeping track at home. this is the second story in just two weeks about migrants with terror ties crossingo migran the border.iers earlier this month, the fbi picked up eight guys on a wire, talking to bad actors with potential tieg to bs withss mayorkas is trying to make this all go away, sayino g the latest story about migrants with isis ties isn't true. >> ties but he can't tell us why.
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>> do you just confirms that at least 400 migrants with potential isis ties unitntly00 crossed into the united states? that is incorrect. tell us whtes.>> thay that repot is incorrect. we do not have identified 400 people with potential isis tiese . and let me again assur againe you that individuals who are identified to have those ties would pose a concern to us from and blic safetern toy and a secy perspective, and they would be prioritie bs for detain, detention and removal following that initial nbc report.ver 40 inaccurate. of the 400 potential isis tiesil ,i think it is inaccurate. let me be clear about something precision. imecisne is addressing the facts is very, very important. while on his damage control tour, mayorkas blamed the republicans for the border chaos. and then he also says there's no chaos because biden securedne
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the border. >> we then wencuret into a very difficult but ultimately successful bipartisan negotiations for a legislative solution that was a bipartisan practical solution tha that involves difficult compromises, but compromises that deliveredlveddiffic succes. >> congress failed to act in this administration. the different agencies and departments across the federal enterprisee are working more cooperatively and more effectively and doingae more robust screening and vetting than ever before. >> former fbi agent and u.s. navy seal jonathan gilliam joins me nown gi. y we jonathan, why doesn't he just say we're really worried about it, we're going to d about iot the everything we can to protect the american people and we're on it. we're going to catchdwe are o he >> don't worry. why can't he just sat say thy t? because he's a liar, jesse. and the way that he lies, that's what's very particulars m in this. the democrats seem to do this a lot. but what to a he's saying whenn he he doesn't have that informatio n, the fact is that the d the the d.o.d.od and dhs do not
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share databases. t the dod will not share information that they have collected on these individuals with the databases that dhs goes to whens people come acrossto the bordery or come into this country so that they can check it. wait there are not just 400. there's way more than that. and they've been coming overy mo across the border or comingth into the country for yearse simp and years. now. they're just simply walking liarss the borde walr. and he's a liar. he's not going to tell you the truth about that. abmean, chance oell yos are he t even know about that abcause he's shown oveause he'r and over again, jesse, that he's absolutely incompetent and does not careing about what's happening in this country. in this counn, i thought after 911, they were supposed to fix that and share informatioed to andn. isn't that the whole point of the 911 commission? >> we everything was stovepipe
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dsharin and no one was sharing and we let these guys get through and kill ts like 3000 people. why aren't they sharing? why isn't dod sharing with dhs people that are crossing >> tborder with terror ties? >> well, the reality is, jesse, that it's all i think we lost,-n jonathan. >> i'm sorry. audible ]all we'll try to get him back up. but next, your tax moneyo is going to biden's donors. >>biden's it's a whole payoff . >> an investigation ahead. >> imagine a future where plastic is not wasted, but instead remade over and into the things that keep our food fresher. our food fresher. and our planet cleaner to help us get there. america's plastic makers are investing of dollars to create innovative products and new recycling
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deluxe bundle. get a faster motor or five miles of steps per hour. the step counter the smart mat and wireless remote call. now, one of the big accomplishments. quote unquote of the biden presidency is the inflation reduction ac over thet. they tell us it's transformational. it'll savet is the economy and e environment, but it didn't fix inflation. and biden only built seven charging stations. so what exactllyy did it transform? today, the ap is reporting biden's inflation reduction act transformed his millionaire donorsin into billionaires. >> this is how it works. green energy investors donate
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millions to biden. then biden sends billionsn. of your dollars to their solar company. senit starts with a companyalle called first solar. investors in the solar coanel company donated millions to joe in 2020 after he won. their lobbyists wrote the inflation reduction >> so when the bill hit a snag,i schumer gollt a couple million in donations. >> investors bought more stock, and it was iinvestor smooth saim there. the bill passed and first solar got up to $10 billion a year. money for solar stock wentgot pd to the moon. the investors got paid. one investor who detonated who a million to biden was added. pt forbes billionaires list after biden's payout and thed big hedge fund guy whose familyd greased democrats with 25 milth- that year sold a million and a half sharemi hs after the stock jumped. >> he said schumer was a goodhe friend saia good his. >> when biden bragsen bid about investing trillions
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into green energy during the debate, you know, he's just reminding his donorsow how rich he made them play. travis is the founde.r of out kicked come with a fire jacket on clay. t >> how come you and i never hear about these get rich quick schemes? uick schcan someone give us a t? i wish i could have nancy pelosi's good fortune when it came to stock tisi's gooe purch right? i mean, if you go look at her w against the s&ilp hundred, she's absolutely dominated. this is is a good question for you, jesse. we've been talking about it on clay bike.k of >> can you think of any jobic in america as we sit here on the eve of the debate that joe biden could actually do? i mean, i mean, you could hire him for two. i don't think he can do walmartk greeter. he che couldn't run a gas statie >> he couldn't do any job at fox news crazily. he couldn't do any job at outkick. why are we even this guyyway to interview in any way for the most important job in therrow
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world tomorrow, when none of us would hire him to be in it? because you can control the places we work's contr becas controllable. that's why they love him. that doesn't care. he doesn't have an opinion. he just does opinion what he's . >> and that may well be thehe ultimate takeaway here, because he's made a lot of people very wealthy in this green dealhy giveaway. and the problem is, if you wanto to go buy in tv, more powert th to you. let's let the actual markeactuau place decide what the company should be producing. ut but these crazy giveaways when they can't even sell the evs and you can't find a charging station if you neead one drivine across the country, what in the world are we doing? >> i would los we my mind, jesst if you had to wait an hour to charge your car on a drive. you i bet you're like me. you would go insane. i would loselike m my mind. >> well, you and i are different. you. abhave patience. >> i have a stoic philosophy now. but how a driver, not a driver.
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that might be why you have patience. now. you go patient me. me ther you got me there. you got me there. but you shouldn't yoeve aggressively . >> you're a hazard to the world and yourself. and we want to kee andp you safu and comfortable because buck will miss you too much. >> do you thinck wilk there's ge to be an investigation of this green solar scam? >>scam i think trump gets in tht if trump gets in there, you gett in thererump and you start filig audits, you start bringing these guys into hearings.t you can't just donate to somebody,mebody get $10 mill, write a bill and then pump and dump the stock. >> how is that legal? that's one hunter biden, right?n it's not legal. but what is joe biden doin legag that's legal? think about this, jesse. this is crazy to me. joe biden'biden tes ghostwriter is on tape. when joe biden about finding classified documents and the department of justice not only said that biden's doesn'tdo work well enough to actually charge him with a crimden's brea
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the ghostwriter tried to destroy the evidenc e and they didn't do anything to him. i mean, this is the world we're thisd weliving in. i mean, the least shocking thing is that biden had a ghostwriteg thin se secondly, the shocking thing is that no one ever got chargegd . >> unbelievable. course not to get away with anything. it's going to be scorched earth if trump wins, i swear to, gosh, revenge. he says, will be his success. but i'd like to seeo se a little actual revenge. we call it accountablee. revenge isn't. revenge is a dish best served cold for years. late is better than never. r i'm ready for trump to kick his tomorrow and kick him out to the curb in november. >> all right. we'll see what happens tomorrow night,e'll see cl:00, fox news will simulcast it. clay will be doing a drinking game , that's for sure. >> i'll be sorry, clay. >> time for water is cooler. let's bring back fox businessurv correspondent madison alworth, who never plays drinking games. >>er drinkins. first off, madisr
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would you go to get a man'so attentioton? ford's brands quarterback matthew stafford's wife says she dated his backup in college to make them jealous. cu long story short, wasn't that kind of a relationship at first? >> i hated him. i loveonship. i hated him. i did the backup to him off, which was yes, he was like, that'll do it. he was the bad boy, too. like, not is so sweet. and southern gentleman and. col and the the backup was the complete opposite. yeah. h >> yeah. wor oh, and it upset him, which itke worked were you? >> women are diabolical. how dare you? yeah, well, i wish she wouldn't put it out there in the open. weinwe don't don't need our secf like that, of course. >> i think both side coui s wilo things. speaking of drinking, once we. i wasn't. i went like this. >> was a point. we never would do anything to say anything. jesse, knowingly y not kno do anything.. >> okay.ou d but yeah, you do what you got to do. you go to the frato e to party,y the drinking game you don't want to play. if the cu guy across the table't ,someone you're interested in, you play games for us to talk about. >> you pla sy is the answer.r.
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>> and i'm good at. oh, okay i'm goo. every next up, everybody hasir their own tricks to pass the time on icks ta long flighte >> but men have a new strategyth . you want something to read? nog to . are you going to take a nap or not? you just going to sit there goig staring at the back of the seat yet? i can't take this to ais new trend called raw. n you just silently enter you the flight. >> no movies, music, sleep or. snacks. >> you just star e at the flight tracker. >> why? it says it pushes their mental and physical limits and women are impressed by it. >> no, that is a psycho move. we have entertainment for a reason.
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even if you want to say, oh, i'll take a break, maybe not connect your phoneo take to thei so you can disconnect from email and text. i sometimes doe wi-f that.. >> bring a book, watch a movie, watce. n't just sit ther >> what is going mad is nothing. we are practicing self discipline and you respect that. >> you do not selfe an. . yes, yes, you should. you should respect selnot.f discipline, especially when men use it. >> and we're just gettining at e . >> you know what the thing is, though, that bothers me about this? it's ver t that thisy it's on do >> why don't you just doo that that at your home? sit at the table a, maybe, you know, get into your zen position and zone out vent. i >> you don't need to do it on a plane and freak out your neighborsd frea. >> if i saw a person sitting on a plane doing nothing, i would be concerned. in a i would alert the flight attendant that something is wrong. >> you call the air marshal? yeah. i'd be likattendant some jesse: e, person hasn't moved for either dead or crazy. >> right, guys? if you're not moving, they may e call the air marshals. maybe just move around and show a little sign of life. >> get ready for the greenest olympics evendgn of lir. paris is hosting an ac free hosi olympic villagnge, of course,
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to combat climate change. only problemt . t in fra >> it's kind of hot in france right now. so several countries, includinsg country, are forced to bring their own air conditioning for athletes t . so i guess we're going to put >> w in a stowaway when we flyyh over to paris. yeah, i mean, we're notthntry the only country either. eithh of countries doing this, and i just think it's crazy that they supply ac in the first place. if you've been to france, it's not a big thing.en. but this is the olympics. paris also, by the way, has rie highest risk i of heat death out of any european country. so, yeah o, you need to make sue the athletes who are pushing themselves to their ultimate limits g th are okay.>> jes >> and they also have a lot of people who don't use ineopl france, right? >> yeah. it's a recipe for disaster. a recipedon'eorant in disaster.r bring the deodorant and the ac. you'll be just fine. justu will b get the gold right. >> madison. oh, my gosh. yes. and where are you going to be reportinwherg from tomorrow? >> i'm going to be out on staten island. we're goinstaten ig to have a ge talking to voters as they watch
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the debate. >> we're going to talk to voters in tha the deb>> willo no, i want people to talk to me. talk. to me like get a beer in the face. you might like that. the thant lik you. next. >> more from our movement. that's next. the bike riders. i know there's a club out in mind. as for my own family, it's electrifying entertainment . like goodfellas on harley-davidsons, this is more. the bike riders we did are now playing only in theaters. >> tyler hubbard on fox and friends watch his fun filled performance friday. jan may, who is the guy? >> name's is the all-american summer concert series is presented by lowe's. >> lowe's knows home improvement. >> the cell provider that was breached has my social from the credit check. think of all the places that can expose info that lifelock monitors millions
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808 nine eight 9322. >> the cnn presidential debate simulcast on fox news channel. watch special pre and post democracy 24 coverage plus sean hannity from the spin room. >> the cnn presidential debate simulcast on fox news channel. >> >> this morning i spoke at the associated builders and contractors legislative breakfast in washington, d.c. for the upcoming election. >> abc's membership represents all specialties within the u.s. construction industry and is comprised primarily of firms that perform work in the industrial compris commercial s. >> they were so kind and presented me with an abc merit champion award. champ i was so surprised, proudurpris and honoreedd. >> let's do some text. bob bob from boyertown, pennsylvania here's an idefra ta
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trump should have mike rowe take janet yellen's job, and then we'll make janet yellen do dirty jobs . todd from cape may, new jersey mike rowe should do a dirty jobshe sho from the white house. what do you think is the dirtiest job? . probably cleaning up whatever room hunter was in. stanleaning upy from charlestone virginia. i thought you should know that yellen's husband, one of the 16 economists who signed off on the inflationt he letter, biden, will quote during the debate. i hopeflation r that b trump isw >> and he brings that up. dave from stoke stalatch e, north carolina if my caucus is going to support a bald head, he should get some snow on it. at least make it look like you're at the border. >> you know, you get more tan with suntan lotion. i foun you ged. that's all for tonight. sean hannity is next. dvthat's a tr primetime and alws remember i'm waters. >> this is my world. alert and welcome to hannity. this is a fox news alert. we


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