tv Gutfeld FOX News June 27, 2024 12:00am-1:00am PDT
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>> all right, before we go, a quick programming announcement. be sure to tune in tomorrow night right after the cnn presidential. we will be doing post-game coverage. i'll be on what bret and marthea 1030 hannity at 11 live from f atlanta and also be joining als you for a pre-game show at 8 p.m. as well with a lot of my colleagues and brad and martha and jesse. and that should be a lot of fun. sse it a l on. you and we hope you'll join us as well. we'll have the best debateevisi. on television. the results are in for today's flash poll hannity .com. no surprise, 90% of people believe there's a 100% chance that fake news. cnn will be pro-biden and biased during tomorrow's debate-d bi. all the time we have please set your dvr and never, ever miss an episode of hannity. t in the meantime, let notyo your heart be troubled. greg gutfeld put a smileoubledil your face. >> have a grea [ night.
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oh, wow. oh, thank you. cool. i should bathe more often. all righi mort. happy wednesday. tomorrow night is the much cnndn presidential debate. n deit's happening in less thans 24 hours, which means the biden camp has already sent cns meaniw of q of questions. trump's expected to be asked some tough ones, like if he'll respect the results of the election or how we'll solve the middle eas t. while biden is expected to be asked tough questions like, are you okay? >> and can you hear me? meanwhile, last night's squad,
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jamaal bowman, lost his primary election in his concession speech, jamal said he plans to spend more time with his family. >> exercis e, traveling and hating jews. berman said he'll never stop fighting for the people that got him elected. unless they die. crashing planes into buildings ? yeah. the new film a quiet place day one opens in theaters this weekend. apparently, whole movie takes place at a brian kilmeade book signin1 is ag. >> speaking of books, hillary clinton will release a brand new memoirad book hourn september 17th, just seven weeks before the electio n . in this book, she's promising to teach readers, quote,elon hoo
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age with grace. >> i didn't know bill was banging some chick named grace . yeah yeah. >> lauren boebert secured the gop nomineecurede in after t tuesday's primary. analystshe gop her victory to hr populist platform and . >> oh, no.opul weis love lauren bo burke.r just giving her a little gentle poke. or is it tug or tug. >> new york city commuters loser an average of 100 hours per year in traffic. wow. talk about a loss of life. says someone murdered on the subway. grim, but true. millions of gallons of sewage runoff has led to the closure of many california beaches. >> no wonder gavin's hair looks like such.
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scientists in japan have created lab grown living skin for robots to make them more human like. but the prototype looks horrifying. >> you saw one coming. all right, let's do a monologue. so her a monologuee are grief c. you might want to head over to the democratic national headquartersr and packu will a toothbrush because you're going to be there a while. e because if you look closely, the left's biggest cheerleaders are starting to recogniz looee o that they pitch their wagon to the wrong horse and it'sk a horse that can barely walk. >> never mind run, though he does need his stall shoveled out twice a day. >> no wonder the dems are taking the new polling so hardthey. e deni they're in the denial stage. so how bad is the rationalizingu
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. check out this clip of obama's former speechwriter on morningta breath. >> if you look at polls who of voters who say that they're following the race closely, getting their news from tv ty fw getting their news from newspapers. joe biden has a huge lead with those voters. he's struggling is among younger voters, black voters, voters, white voters, people who just aren't paying as close attention to politics are tuned in. and one of the reasons they're not tuned in is because they're cynicatunel about politics and they're frustrated about politics. >> so you gefrustratt that joe s a huge lead except with, you know, younger voters, black voters, latino voters, whityoe all voters. re all that's left are dead voters who the dems always seem to get at the last minute. thebut the latest pollsacks have trump's support among blacks at almost double last la time with similar numbers for hispanics. it's true trump isspanic more pr with blacks and hispanics that big. >>then big butts but that's a pd
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statement there. meanwhile, both groups are fleeing biden like he just ps aasked them to stop talking at the movies. vies, ther big hit would say i'll give you. sometimes we need to keep ityout down to show. ha ha ha. >> all biden could do now is be seen with his only black friend . >> but those whiny democrats you just heard from, they're righ frot, are cynical. but do they know why cynicism defined as a response to unkept promises in a relationship prom >> biden is failing because he simply hasn't produced for anyone to the average voter. >> joe is worse than ineffective. nd not he's irrelevant. not part of our lives. can any honest person look at state of the country and say that someone is actually steeringth ste ship?e >> we have more confidenceco in captain cruncrunch, which isy
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you got the cynicism. if hopelessnes s, fuel. a america would need to drill. saericy what you want about tru. >> but with that guy around, there was no questioning who was in chargtrump bue. just ask the 600 or so cabinetr members he fired and he goes through advisers the way j.lo goes through husbands. >> but more important, trump did what he promised but he might not like them, but he produced. and our standard of living was simply in the living better than the . we had a border. and energy was cheaper than hiring brit hume to jump oute ca of a cakkee. >> we didn't have wars flaring like global hemorrhoids. ke globait's fundamental differr between trump and biden voters. trump supporters are optimisumpt about their vote, but even the dems are calling their own voters pessimiste bu as trumper. don't hope and pray he'll make things better. they kind of expecte ump vod trump watch america to be great. biden offers free student loanes . he taxes your tips. it's a simple concept reciped ta city getting something back for
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what you put in. init's when a waitress saysm i'm hilarious on the five. as a rewarhilarioud i might go e with her. >> yeaght goh. but american voters are simply . oh, but american voters are simply not feeling reciprocity. -- coubntry now is like a jo we are constantly promised haises and a better officetly f time after time none of that happens. will. of course, you're going to get cynicappou get l, especially when everyse time you're denied a raise, you keep getting told by the boss. >> we see our company likehe a family that's the biden whitet house. oh, it is a family , but only his family gets paid. which is whyh biden is the leat reciprocal president in history. >> it's not that the the le feels like we're stuck with a partner in d.c. that doesn't care. partne doeit's like we have onet that doesn't know we're even here. that's the entireven know ife bg bloc. but you can't find a cynic among trumpers because trumpmp
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tries to reciprocate. it's in his blood as a salesma n and all that's in joe's blood is formaldehyd'se. >> the biden white house feels like a one way street that leads to a giant bridge that was destroyed by a container ship instead of paying you back. we have inflation, high energy cost, deteriorating cities, and an invasion from the south that is producing a steadyties s stream of foreign invaders and their american victims. an i'd say boat like your life depends on it. maybe because it doeslet's wewhat welker and gal he lives in a gated community. meaninn d commung it's a play pr and comedian judy miller. she had enough knowledge not to go to college. host of emily saves america. f emilemily, she's so skinny, se
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uses chapstick as deodorant. "new york times" best selling author and fox news contributor get to fo her deodorant and he can catch a cab with his bare handsh . "new york times" best selling author comedian, former intervieweorndr nwr jeffrey joe, i think you as a comedian y must understand reciprocity. you tell really bad jokes and people boo. yes. cause and effect. it's a cause and effect. do you think this is that this is driving the cynicism for joe biden? is that they thecitizensrey feee they have to vote for him even though he . >> well, we talk about is is trump going to get a big i part of the black vote? mm-hmm. he's not he's not enlisted. donald j.e trump stands for jamarcus. all of a sudden, he's not goinlg get that audience. but i think what's good is that he's seeing enough improvemenen ht that the democrats are going to realize, oh, we have to do something for the people that werealize take a
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for granted, which is a very bad thing. you never want to have a voting bloc thing you taken for grante. so, yeah, i think i think what we're seeing is people are realizing they have other choiceats. t and to compare the two of them, compy, he guy who's angr yelling, and who's the guy who's smiling and looking like he's having a great timeand who' yeah. it's not usually the incumbent who's angry and yelling because wenoy thincumben know t, for them to keep him upright is enougorh of challenge.e to and right now, we're going to see tomorrow when we have this debate, i mean, they canmove this ring bring iny advisers and fact checkers as they want, but it'se a bl it's going to be a bloodbath. >> and i'm looking forwardoo to seeing. g forw >>ar mm. >> so tired of bloodbaths getting a bad it's really,g itally soothing after a long day of wor'sk. >> emily, i feel like on the democrat side right, they have this cynicism that they feel towards joe biden, but emotionallythey
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they're scarred by trump. >> you know, are it's like they don't know which is worse. whatt? you say to tha >> so i can stop me and yeah, you know, it's i swear we say these people have likend at stockholm syndrome. and at this point, it's like they refuse, obviously.le >> turn on any other news outlet. i'm the only one watching fox on the plane right hert e, and ind walk by them, and it's justever everything that happenedic four years ago. which is funny because none of it ever actually happened. they still funny walk talk about today. so like, i'll be walking down1 f the street and one of my neighbors, she doesn't kno wspeak, i'm a dirty republican. >> and, you know, she's just sitting there every day and she's like every and, i sweh races for a while. and like, you know, the crazy hair having our coffeerr coffeev i'm just like, you guys have to admit, no matter how mentally ill you ar i e, your lives were way, way better underneath them, especially, like you're saying that you're having a $9 coffee and a homeless person is like so si on the street in front of you. and you're just so silly, you knowll? but it's like they haven' that syndrome and i don't see it changing, but it sein will sn
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i listen to everyone's conversations around me. all their lives. yeah. no can afford anything.t i'm in the heart of los angeles, so i mean, they're kindof of saying it without saying it. and i will say people are secretly voting this time. th this ti. k so too the heart of l.a. is actuallyof an, basically, otherwise knownic as downtowallyn l.a.. yes, exactly. so, kat, how do you feel about the reciprocity comparison? >> i think like trump being a salesmany in there he he he'sd to it. like if he says he's going to do something, he ha ihings t even if he fails, he tries. biden does not even try. >> i think he's trying. >> i say he does. i think no, i think it's like harder for him to do like the basics of daily life. . yeah. yeah. it's of sad. >> really? mm-hmm. i think cynicism, there's a lott to go around. there actually are record numbers of voters to likey excitedher
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about either candidate. mm-hmm. i do thinkndidate.. >> right. just based on nothing other than my own personal base othermy experiences, is thatt the only people i hear excited to vote for somebody. xcited the people who are excited to vote for trump. yeah, there are people t for. >> there's one right there. yeah, yeah. oh, there, there. there are the people thatng are just really. okay, i'm going to go out there. i can't wait to votether for tre but as you mentioned earlier, there therare is equally passionate emotion on the left. l trump. truagainst yes. i can honestly say sincerely, i have not heard a singlmp.n sav person say they're excited to vote for joe biden. nojoet 1 perst one person. >> and i i it, but i have heard people say they remember, you know, crying that they have the passionate hatred can be a motivatining,g get to. bin yeah. what you're saying is the election is between biden an and trump between biden and trump, not trump. king tand yeah, absolutely it i.
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>> yeah. last word to you, tyrus.s. so to be clear, which president was promising a big girl in each cup because that will change things. that wash p beca bill clinton. a that was bill clintos n. >> i wasn't old enough the first time, but now i know i voted for the second time. howard thetime now, 29, fact ch. >> wait, that's the next segment, right? >> big girls, not man. >> the reciprocity as a word. i don't get i don't like it.he i feel like you're picking on me when you say it. it makes you wann t to fight this. you know, i retired. yeah, i know. thank you for retiring yet>>etin to be embarrassed to go after you for a word i don't understand. d to gt beat up by you. i don't know if there's.'s a there's any coming back to thato and i would feel a lotwa of prosody towards you. >> i would imagine.
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>> very great for us to wrestle, though. i would craw great to wrl all nw because no matter what happens, you win. if no mattha i grab greg and chm out real quick to be like tyrus . just manhandle the smaller guy. but i've let you hold onto my leg for while and get weird. i feel uncomfortable, you know what i'm saying and thenth at some point i went through this would kill me. yeah. as thosekill m for who saw thata yo and so that no matter what happens, you're going to winu'. so i'm just going to stay in the chair, get joe, take it from here. all right. all right. up next, the times won't be lax when checking the facts, introducing new advil, targetedr relief. the only topical pain relievergn with four powerful pain fighting ingredients that start fighting ingredients that start working on contact tough pain at the source for up to 8 hours of powerful relief, new advil, targeted relief. >> you know what's crazy? that this is better than cooking at home know i mean
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fact checkers. emily,er a team of 29 york times reporters will do live fact checking during tomorrow debate and there will be a totalurnali 60 journalists will be on hand to provide ssto called context insight in reaction. >> are you so relievedere that there are so many people there looking out for uis . >> i'm confused. if a fact is a fact, don't you just need one? ye>> confuses. >> would you need 29? yeah. eek.and it's 90 minutes. >> well, journalists very loosely use these days, but yeah, i'm sure all 29 of the fact checkers i'm be completely unbiased, i'm sure. and someho w find the samend tha conclusion at the end. >> so that'll be really exciting. yeah. i don'llt i think they'll be they'll be resting cat whilel joe talking because they'll go like oh we're good with him go w wit trump start talking. ald. ey'll all lean forwar >> well, the interesting thing alreeven if they weren't biase>d
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,it's already going to be harder for trump f because weer remember that little thing where. own ju >> biden's own justice department was like, wster wi can't charge him with stuff because he's a bumbling old mato who doesn't know what's going on. >> yes, that's insane. inthat'sright?ha that's but that's why i always say his greatest strength is his weakness, because trump lies. trump is lying. yeah. if biden lies, p is lyi it's like, well, he doesn't know where he'd like to. he you know, it's a lot harderaw to get mad at someone that's like, you know. >> yeah. so everything any lie. people already mentally have the asterisk of like. but does he really knole alrea >> his uncle wasn't eaten by cannibals. yeah. f it actually makes it harder for it does, it does. trum tara's i have a feeling that the friday are already written. oh, yeah? well, forget that. the 29. i just. how are they going to is it
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going to be 29 little panels with people sitting in ieople st and half the screen on the tv? >> well, i don't think you've got to watch all 29 when it goes down. we want to make sure there's not a lot of feeling ws checkere in mixed with these fact checkers got to stayck on topf want of it so i want all 29 on the screen while he's talking cnn panel all of the thing. then while one presidents talk, we all get thumbs up or if someone's lying they put they all up. and if they weren't sure, we get a bunch of these guye s, do' you know, and then when biden talks, they go like this. yeahknow wn toxi it's like a gim call. yeah, i want him because what happens when they when we get 54% of the fact checkers like i want to know who this is a no secret juro thy i wantg to know who's calling who a liar and stuff. >> that's a good idea. actually, they should tella lial should be total transparency and transparency t joe, just lil your hairlinine, do you think
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this do you think these fact checkers, it's going to be so grueling, joe, that they're gonna have to, like, work in shifts over that 90 minutes? >> lik e some guy does 5 minutesakes and then takes a break and then another guy stepaks in? is i think the break is like cats said, is when biden start how do you fact check mr. magoo i thinw t check that that wasn'w a kitchen you walk you walked out a window mr. magoo so we'rte back i think it's funny like, how were they goinowg to get biden through 90 minutes? so they're going to pump and full of adderall the and flk or whatever it is he he runser on because the only thing i canr think is maybe, do you remember the chess controvers tchest coye the guy had the vibrating beads in his? >> yes. butts they can. >> i don't even know if that would work. they can do it. . es just not in the way that guy. >> that's why i won't wrestlen' him. that's that's maybe the life>> f bobble on the beads. >> sorry. that's that's maybe
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the only hope to keep joe bidene folk and even then i could see with whoever is controlling those beads like more power he's not responding like i can't do it in my cabinet. >> it feels to me like now wer he's gone. i actually think that you're on to somethine ong. they might have something on him to shock him. it may noty somethin be his, bu that's probably it is cocaine. oh, cocaine. sorry. look, i think all this i think this is a more this multilevel chess from trump because he's the the moderators are against him. the fact checkers are againsthe him. everybody's against him. so no matter what happens in the debate, he can sa mats ha but look how well we did with all of these people fighting us. we still came out and they did l said what i had to say to the american people. >> yeah, yeah, we have it. yeah. so i have got it quiet. >> what if trump reminds him that they were best friends and they grew up together? >> yeah, it's. he'll believe it. he'lr ev
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l them like. whe and then when you got oil cancer and i left and everyoned called me corn pop, it just gots weird. and i just want a hut gog. i miss my best friend. i think maybene if he went that route. what would they do? because, oh, joe, that's a that's like a good trigger thing. he should be calling joe. yshould bsenator. >> yeah. or joe. yeah, call him b admiraliden. yeah. admiral biden. your ship's outside. all right, we got him about. yeah, it's buddy, because it's true. what are we going to do? what are we going to do? .se iall right. up next, biden's reliance on screw in this side side. solutions help their clients move money er like around the d move money er like around the d seamlessly in over 180me countries and help a partner like the world food program as they more than food
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no ifs, ands or buts. they're making it easy to cut off your kids nuts t. yeah, there's your ere'according to this is crazy. crazy. according to new documents newyt obtained by the "new york times". >> biden health officialims, international medical experts to remove the minimum limitss for for kids having trans surgerhasurgery. >> he emails revealed assistante health secretary rachel levine shots sought to haveht the guidelines due to fearf po of political oppositiolin. so kids can't drive, they can't vote. they can't drink , but they can get sliced and diced like they're in a ginsu commerciacome and thanks to the pressure, the world professional association for transgenderansgn health changed their standards of care, not because of andeyh r new groundbreaking research. >> there isn't any
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because. they were bullied into it. seriously, who's going to argue with dr. arg. she looks like my high school gym teacher in a fright. but it proves what long standing critics of so-called gender-affirming care have known all along. ll alongit's radical gender pols trumping science and kids, the lab rats and no universes. is this okay ? the hippocratic oath says first, do no harm. but in this case, a medicalized politics are harming kids, f setting them up for a life longr medical ordeal. life ordeaand who benefits? activists. and a ghoulish and greedyfi ts actghoulimedical establishmet that wants patients for life. docsents for get a fancy car ans get a permanent scar all in the of gender affirmation. every year, kyra. this is to me, nuts.
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i mean, i don't the fact you people are sick, but this is the "new york times". s go this says there's a shift going on in the mediinabefore that before they wouldn't probably even have run this story. >> wel t would l, think for me, what'ss it troubling is this is a personal family situation with every case being differentersona and z politicize it because ite just looks bad. >> i mean, if i was in that i position and i wantef thatd mae that everybody either identified black or got some sort of augmentation to look black anndd, i tried pas to pass it off. everyone say i was wild and crazy because there'sy a trans person sitting at the top of this is tryinbucause itgh this agenda. it's a bad look for trans people, and i don't want eve government ever interfering in anything that has to do with me and my children. if your child'erngthat hs goinga something like that, it shouldse be therapynd.
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>> then you bring the physicians in if that's what you decide. but there's no you dect a nothig in his speech talked about the we nly or it's a private choice and we need to protect it. or give us an exampl proe of whn the age limit in a situation is hurt. somebody who was harmful or somebody this individual didn't, i believe didn't do the change till later in life as an adult. so, again, it just goetoers i back to why are they interfering in families decision when it comes to careel ,whatever it is, mental healthe or otherwise. that's the scary part. and the factth t that could change a law or change something to benefit your own political gains is disgusting no matter what it is. >> ur owniticalis dis mm. emily when i was, i had three older sisters. >> they had to go. they had to notify. your parents. if you wanted to get your earsya pierce earsd or in my case, othr things.
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yeah. i think it's interesting that the democrats, you know, te the party of the people will do anything but address the mental health crisis, will dothin whic% what this is. and i don't understand the logic because it only appliess certain things. it's like, okay, if you want to go let children at, what,t nine years old go transition. okay. so on the way to transitioning thems d han okay, why don't youe and give them some cigarettes. let them let them go get some tattoosrettesos and, give m some liquor. but if you say that, they're like, that's insane. and you're like, oh, the permanent thing isn't insane. yeah, but thate perman totally acceptable. might as well just go get them sleeves, like while they're on it. yeah, there's been a logic. has to go across the board. i'm tired of them picking and choosing what' s toboard ofs, not crazy. you're right. they should be fightingting i in wars. >> yeah. why is it draften warsd? >> 18. but you can get your chopped w off at anyee. >> i don't know. does i t make to me, joe? what say you? this seems like a medical atrocitys like. e need >> it's.o se it's. well, i think we need to send rachel levine back to her previousig gig of modeling on the quaker oats box.
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enough collection. >> this is delicious. this is why you don't put people in advocacy group in charge of science w don't. i think what we need to see and excellent points about thatd th, that you wouldnt let a child get a tattoo. >> you. there are reasons. one is there ever been a time in history where a person said, oh, this thing about a childd ch sexuality? don't tell your parents. when is that eveility don'r the? yeah, saying that. so i think what we need to doy o is and they're doing this in europe now, we need to separate the lgb from the t in the q, because what we're seeing is they've already, s the early adopters in europe have seen that this doesn't help. >> in factdo, the things that they said like suicidal ideation, mental health issues,h it actually gets worse now that they have the data. so what we're seeing is the largest and conversion
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program of all time. and they said, well, it was bad when they someone was and they tried to force them to convert by selling them to bible camp. twell, look what they're doingt now. they're mutilating the bodies of children. ilatee bodieschildreni think ofe you would say that there's something more evil than that. >> yeah. no, it's crazy. . feels like this. feel this field of so-calledhi medicine is in its infancy, yet they're acting like it's been around forever. oh, this. this is great. well, let'ver.s start it now. >> i've never seen anything accelerate like this in the laster see , i don't know, ten years. >> well, i agree with a a lot of what tyra said. i mean, political pressures should have no influenceg on life changing medical decisions and there are kids who have transitioned at younger ages taking steps y to transition at young ages, who have regretted it. and thatou ve r is it it's had a badd effect on their lives. and that is awful and absolutely shameat isham ony doctor who allowed political pressure to, you know, alter or influence
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a life changing medical thing for any patient, but especially a chilally ad. ar there are also people who have transitioned at young age s whom it's worked great for, and it was great for their lives. i know people personally who fall in that category. it these are serious medications. they are serious treatments. they need to be treatedw we h as such. but right now i think we have one side only focusing on the timesav when it's beensio a bad thing for people and another side only focusinglk on the times. but it's been a great thing for people. and politics should never have anyt thing tics sho influee things altogether. and as small government is my guidin and ag principle, i, i at supportive of government taking medical treatment off the table. treatment e, be it this or treatments or colvin or anything else. >> yeah, i guess it just back to has control over the kids and it should be the parents. yeah. coming uwho ha thep. thank you. i feel like i deserve that. pl while blaming the righast a.
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>> can you bring them down? actually, leave them up. let them think about what did. >> i needed a man with a pg 13. it's coming your way. hey. hey. it's.[ ♪ hey, hey, hey. okay. what?g: wha what the is she smoking?t s sh eto blame right wingers for oakland. today's video of the day comes to us from sheng dao. >> yes, that's sheng dao embattled mayor of oakland, who's now facing a recall effort even after the fbi raided her home for unknown reasons. s sh >> she says she's innocent and will not resign. watc innocend willh. >> i'm not going down like that. we're not going down lik dowe. that they will not be bullied and i will not be disparage threi will not be threatened out of this office. there are a lot of radical right-wing forces who know they wilthere l never win an elc
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in oakland, fair and squartione >> they know their extreme knews are at odds with our values, but they have built the rules to protect the and preserve their power and maintain dominance over the restowerintain d of us. >> all right. so oakland is screwed and she's blaming the right. sorry, righties have not been calling the shots in oakland since jose canseco told mark mcgwire to inject that juice can in his. the bash brothers. you guys are too young. kat, what are oakland values? i was. i was hoping you might know. carjacking, maybe beating up asian women. a that was going on for a while, pushing people in front of bart trainsople. heroes about this is that there's like, noucks the likebe
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nobody knows. >> like, what she's being accused of here. sed of hi was rereading this soy times, looking for the tea like girl, what did you do? >> and i could not find it any anywhere. it's like whenwher you see on facebook, somebody goes back to their maiden name and you're scrolling and you'ree scrolling and you're like, what happened? what happened? what have. they don't have it on. hahat happexhave. next thing you know, 3 hours don have gone by and you're like, what did he do't ? u and then but usually you can text somebody you want to college with to be like, oh, he cheated. like found out she was found to the ipad.he like, there's it's always it's connected to the ipad. the messages pop up. s connhe it's always what happens. kids usually play in whatever bubble pop and then the mistress that's i've heard that happened like five times. >> six and seven. yeah 6 and 7. but so she must whatever she's doing, nobody snitching and saying, what's going on her sayine. nsan >> like the fact that this is this under wraps is insane. so we if somebody calls your spouse on the phone, call shows up on the ipad. >> mm-hmm.
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you know, note to self. forget android, android, android. rry. sorry, sorry, sorry. >> emily, she sounds home. she sounds a lot like sound hillary clinton blaming this-wio right-wing conspiracy for her problems. >> but like, there is like,s a lot of bad going on in withand that has nothingt to do with the right. >> i was going to say, how do you believe all the policiesighh are pushed by the left? so i don't know what to blame the writers, but it's kind of funny whe s n because she'st go like, we're not going down liken this. and if i was standing there, i'd be lik thiswae, who's we? >> like, we didn't do anything wrong. you're the one that dide something wrong. so we should be looking at you. loy t you guys, don' think it's kind of insane? do you know how much bad stuff you have to doknow wha to? get in trouble as a democrat in oakland, too? so she must have done somethinod crazy, especially if we. >> i don't know what she did. yeah. >> yeah.bad so she must know something really bad.
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it's not exactly beverly hillsns . they're just. yeah, exactly. there's nothing left to steal. and, like, what is she going to steal? look at this. hubcpe they don't me for this hubcap. >> all i think of is the photoap of the car windows down and thes sign painted. and that's like, there's nothing here. pleaseinted on leave. it's >> oh, glenn1 , is one carjacked car. so joe, she does sound like jamaal bowman in a way. a little bit. she's fired up. >> yeah. yeah. you know, cat, i read through it. here's how much trouble she's in. the recall and the fbi investigation are completely unrelated, so she's got both those things happening at the same time. and i thought it was great. like, you know . know this was a bad press conference because the next day her lawyer , one of her spokesmen, like within two days, were like, yeah, we quit. event en oj's lawyers didn't qu. >> okay, so what i can telln it the investigation is that had something to do with her and this is alleges sod her boyfriend selling influence to people for jobs and something money going through a waste management compang foy made me think, oh,ou
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i think she's italian-american . >> i cannot believe how much bigotry is on this show. the cho the impression to the choir man, i know. i know. not all black people are in the choir. tyruk peoples, talk about stere. yeah. you want to move your stuff, tw throw this table at ghetto. listen, i mean, you knowoa it's bad in oakland whenklanwhen the raiders leave. >> yeah. nice. nice. i got that one. yeah. yeah. and they left for vegas. they left for vegas for that. >> and what was really sad was the oakland athletics go in vegas with me.
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yes. oh, they're leavining to yeah oakland is not that there's many shining spots in california right now but if there wa 1 places one place whee you would, as you said so eloquently earlier , the devilsde . yeah it is oakland. yeah. yeah, it's the middlvil's as mis >> and you still wear hoodies? yeah, because it's just everywhere[ bleehere. yeah. sad, sad, sad. all right. up next, will robog: up ne ♪t mon thanks to artificial skin when yo finally roars. the thing you care about mosls t is a job well done. but when you your tools from harbor freight, something about the job feels about the job feels a little different your wallet. because we believe no matter g, you need do i high quality tools at a great price. price. t all about. whatever you do, do it for less at harbor freight. >> reduce than a mind and body
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five more words words. all right, robots. robots will now have skin, joe. japanese scientists are. they all have created a robot with lab grown skin that heals itself and mimics human like gro features, including smiling and wrinkles. do you just assume. that scientists want robots? >> i think this is n so now when i'm doing itow with my homemade robom dot cano it. missionary? yes. feel much more comfortable? yeah. o it >> that's a nice fruit roll up. kind of look to it. i don't know. >> this is what i want. i want them to develop skin i that can give me three inches where i need it, which is on i on the soles of my feet. >> so i'll o be almost as tallse
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as tom cruise. >> na. emily, what happens if robots, e after they get the skin, they just turn out to be better people than oun people. they're not rad. they're not irrational. they're. nothey're. nothing they do is based on moods. we can create a whole race on m? of mr. spock's to who? mr. spock is. >> all right. i was going to say i was like, a liberal man cann ca finally have attractive girlfriends, which is exciting. n finallbut i would also like tt out that they wrote, quote unquote, human like functions are needed. so. so people. so people are needed. yes, exactly. interestin interesg. that's where we're going, kat. we're going to create somethingl that we're going to believe is real and alive. >> and we're going to likealivey have sex with it. >> exactly. it'll be just a really hot appliance. and i don't mean like, u le you know, a toaster oven that you left on for a couple of hours. na cothat was my first mistake. >> oh, i.
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>> i think it's really bad, actually, for robots to lookhums like humans, because you shouldn't be having human feelings for robote yot bes youu for humans. >> except if you're a murderer. if you're sadistic murderer, murde you could get, like, the same thrill out of killing a bunch li of human looking. >> i mean, it probably would get expensive,ensive but other . i mean, other than that, t that could be a great solution. that was the premise of westworld was to kill and to have sex with robots. and i don'with robt know. would there be a stigma to you having a relationship, a robot? >> probably for me, because it'll download some way to nag me all the time. then and then i got to think of new racist things to say against my lover or my orange face. we can't get along the colorgrow groups we have. did you want to ad bd you wantee to add pink and orange? like, come on, man, let's get it together. . and because at first i was offended by this, i was going
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to g id o off like, shouldn't wi you be working on helping burn patients and people who lostngnk >> and then i saw what the skin looks like, and i was like, no, put it on the robots o pu. that looks like something from ihop. yes, it does. doesga t have me thinkin about what a robot nag would be like. you know, you don' be liket anyc you're not watching that show.y. you're grow up.o you don't like to play with your friends. turn your hat around. nobody dressesh yo nobody like that in your age group. th how many meals did your kids mess to get that change? oh, no, that's my racist neighbor. robotsy racist. >> yeah. you used to reboot me at least once a week. now it's never all right. >> don't go away. we'll be right back. the cockroach resilient. >> true miracles of evolution where there is one, otherstho he aren't far behind, always scavenging for food. the cockroacect barrh well, thas horrifying. >> near its favorite ortho home defense, max indoor insect barrier one application kills barrier one application kills and prevents bugs for 365 days.
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