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tv   FOX Friends First  FOX News  June 27, 2024 2:00am-3:00am PDT

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a trump presidency and they rolled out the nobel economists. a new warning from some of the nation's top economists who say second donald trump presidency would quote reignite inflation. >> the 16 nobel prize-winning economist are warning that trump's policies what interests fail to fix inflation but actually make matters worse. >> my producer dave and i looked into the 16 esteemed economists and 10 of these guys are donors to the democrat party, 8 of them donated to joe biden himself and joseph stiglitz the well-respected economist who spearheaded this wrote a letter defending the build back better plan in 2020 claiming it would not raise inflation but did. >> thanks so much. >> todd: today jocelyn nungaray
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will be laid to rest. here is how democrats are reacting. >> can i ask you about the 12-year-old girl in houston? >> i don't know who you are and i don't know who she is, i liv . >> todd: details on today's services. >> carley: and new york city field, the stadium is drenched. storms pummel the northeast and janice dean is tracking it this morning. >> todd: tonight is the cnn presidential debate with former president trump and president biden. >> carley: we are hearing from voters before candidates take the stage. you are watching "fox and friends first" on thursday morning, i'm carley shimkus. >> todd: here we go. i'm todd piro. let's get to lucas tomlinson to preview tonight's showdown. lucas. >> lucas: good morning, carley and todd.
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the first presidential debate of 2024, this one coming much earlier than in the past. i digress. there are accusations from biden administration about president trump. reminder, donald trump attack -- largest spike in homicide since 1905. donald trump has worst jobs record of any modern president since great depression to leave office with fewer jobs than when he became president. he lost three million jobs as president. today prices are 20% higher than the day president biden took office, gas up 46%. here is what voters are saying. >> i think it will be a sandbox
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fight. >> i would like to hear that like blue collar workers are going to get more like, not necessarily recognition, even though they should, they are building blocks of this country. i think pay should be like the economy should go down enough to give them effective pay. >> i think my mind is made up four years ago which way i'm going to go. >> nate silver's forecast is out and he gives donald trump 65% chance of winning in november. >> carley: big number. thank you. tune into fox tonight for fox news democracy 2024 special coverage of cnn presidential debate simulcast. coverage begins 8:00 p.m. eastern time and tune into "fox and friends first" starting 4:00 a.m. eastern time followed by "fox and friends" live at 5:00. >> todd: new tv ad will air
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twice tonight for voters in swing states. >> victor hernandez was wanted for murder, joe biden let him in. >> todd: launched by a conservative nonprofit and focus on murders of rachel moran and laken riley. it will continue running through tomorrow. >> carley: and jocelyn nungaray will be laid to rest today in houston. two illegal imknow grants face charges for her murder. >> todd: brooke singman has details. >> brooke: jocelyn nungaray's friends and family will gather to honor the 12 year old two weeks after her murder. her service will be in houston followed by a ceremony at her burial site. mayor, police chief and other officials are expected to join the family.
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jocelyn's lifeless body was found in a creek two weeks ago. she was strangled to death by two illegal migrants from venezuela. despite the brutal crime, mayorkas says president biden's open border policy is not to blame. he says it is a huge success. listen. >>ip just received operational briefing on the success of the president's actions so far along the southern border and the president's actions are working because of tough response to illegal crossings. safety and security of the american public is our highest priority. the individual responsible for a heinous act is the criminal. bring full force of law to bear on that criminal. >> brooke: a texas judge accusing republicans of politicizing migrant crime while blaming former president trump for the border crisis. >> they are being used as pawns
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in this fight over immigration. it does not exist because biden and mcconnell agree, trump won't let them move forward. >> all due respect, judge, you said this issue should not be politicized. are you politicizing this by pointing finger at republicans by saying it is their fault that lifted the remain in mexico policies? >> again, the biden administration reached agreement with leader mcconnell to address this, this is not about immigration, i will nots feed into that. >> carley: mattress max is covering the funeral services for nungaray. thank you so much. we heard secretary mayorkas praising president biden success at the border, but he is denying reports his own agent identified 400 migrants with ties to isis here in the united states.
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>> we do not have identified 400 people with potential isis ties and let me assure you that individuals who are identified to have those ties would pose a concern to us from a public safety and security perspective. >> carley: officials told nbc 150 of those migrants have been arrested and ice is attempting to arrest 50 more and cannot find them. >> todd: biden administration pushed to remove age limit from gender affirming surgeries. >> carley: one man will react to that coming up next.
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>> todd: we are back with a fox
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weather alert and an absolute disaster of a night in queens. you can see the video, the weather was bad, too. thunderstorm wrecking city field in new york city. the scoreboard almost impossible to see through the downpour. if you're yankee stand, fans took cover as the field was drenched and the stadium was flooded. >> carley: the storm downed trees and upending the transit system. trees fell on the tracks. senior meteorologist janice dean is here with the fox weather forecast. >> janice: the baseball game! we don't want anybody to be hurt in the thunderstorms, it did affect sporting events in new york city. >> todd: they should have
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cancelled it. >> janice: because they lost? >> todd: of course. >> janice: the worst is over, we'll enjoy a nice, cooler day tomorrow and next batch moves in for the northeast. a lot of folks are traveling and people are taking off 4th of july week and we'll deal with travel delays. make sure you have fox high planes, northern plains as this front moves through. still dealing with heat across the south, although not widespread like last week, southern u.s. toward the southeast. we're tracking a disturbance in the gulf of mexico, we'll watch this 94 l. this one way out in the atlantic, we have time to watch it, if it develops we'll give
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you update. tropics starting to get busy. yesterday 200,000 people passed through tsa, it will be busy. airport delays across rockies and northeast looks pretty good after the storm. friday midwest areas that got hit hard in south dakota and iowa and toward southeast. florida, watching you. eastern third of the country could be busy. there is 4th of july forecast. i don't like to go out 70s, but people want to know. look like midwest and mississippi river valley could see wet weather. we'll keep you up to date. >> carley: a lot of sunny skies. sorry oakley city. jufk it could change. this is general look.
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>> todd: you can cook hot dogs inside. >> janice: sorry about the yankees. >> todd: thank you. supreme court decision on idaho near total abortion ban briefly posted on their website yesterday before being taken down. it has not been released yet. it shows that hospitals can perform abortion during medical emergencies. they did not call this a leak, said the pub lioccasion released a document to the website, the second accidental release since the dobbs decision. >> carley: history repeating itself. health officials within the biden administration pressed medical experts to remove age restrictions for children that
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undergo transgender surgery. assistant secretary for health rachel levine, who is transgender was behind this push. concerned it could affect youth and adults, too. she and the biden administration worry that having ages in the documents will make matters worse and she asked us to remove them. the founder of protect kids california join us now. this trans pyred in 2021 and world professional association for transgender health. they recommended you have to be 16 years old for breast augmentation. 17 year old to have chest or genital surgery. admiral levine pushed to have
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age limits removed and they were. what do you think? >> admiral levine, he has stated he does not regret he waited until he was in his 50s to transition, he was able to have a family. by taking age restrictions away, this is going to push more children into irreversible medical transitions that will leave them sterile and they will not be able to have families. i want to point out that path in and of itself is an advocacy group and should not be followed by any medical provider. michael shellenberg did excellent expose on how really unscientific the wpath is in the first path. academy of pediatrics are basing
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their guidelines on the wpath, has a unex section and believe children request have a unic identity. it blows my mind. >> carley: world professional association of health. if you read e-mails, erin, some doctors within this organization worked at centers and said they did not think they should remove age restrictions. they said, if we base this on science and being ethical, wouldn't ages be helpful. there were opposing arguments, but ultimately they went along with what admiral levine wanted to happen. in european countries, you can't get transgender surgery unless
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you are 18 or up. in the united states, more children are opting to get the surgeries. there has to be increase in children being interested in this. what do you think that reason is? >> the reason is our public schools are pushing this from kyndryl onward. they are telling a child they can change sex and a doctor can have assigned the wrong gender to them and they can change sex and this is impossible. they are lining up kids and the reason they are doing this is that this is a 6.3 billion industry for surgeries alone, that is predicted by 2030, there is so much money to be made off poor children. >> carley: a lot of times it is
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all about the money, as they say. after this "new york times" report, white house told fox news, the biden administration does not support surgery for minors, that is their instance today. thank you for joining us on this. we appreciate it. how about this, new report gives inside look at candidate strategies for tonight's cnn presidential debate and main-stream media is making interesting predictions. >> donald trump will lie, we know he will lie, we know he will speak. he interrupts, bullies, stalks astalks. >> todd: joe concha is in atl atlanta, he'll tell us what he wants to see tonight. keep it here on "fox and friends fi first". ." . it's scien to help
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>> todd: tonight is the cnn presidential debate. new report is giving close look at strategies. nbc report ing president biden h has -- sound unglued. trump is taking a casual approach mixing private policy session with campaign ap appearances and he's predicted that biden will be jacked up on drugs to sharpen him. here is how d.c. elite are expecting it to go. >> another example of how unfit for presidency donald trump is. donald trump will lie and we know he will lie because we know that he will speak. >> i believe the contrast on
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policy and tempament and fitness for office will be great for biden. >> it is only candidate that sounds manic is president trump, he interrupts, bullies, stalks and acts creepy and he's a diminished figure since last time he ran. >> carley: joe concha joins us now. pundits are doing what they do. i am so interested in amount of information we are getting from biden campaign on president biden's strategy. if we know zingers and one liners are written in advance, they don't have the same effect. what are you looking for with both candidates? >> joe: greetings from at be lanta, comedy only works when you don't see it coming.
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right? if we hear in advance biden cam campaign leaking they have zingers ready. we live in a world built on viral sound bites. biden won because he got into this wash about upon donald trump about being a convicted felon. i think in the end, the issues matter in terms of contrast between donald trump and joe biden in terms of do things cost more than they did when things did when donald trump was president? yes. people are moving out of places like california and new york to florida, extension 10 see /* are we embroiled in two wars and giving billions of dollars overseas and do americans like
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that? not sure. i can go through the litany, bottom line is, if joe biden thinks zingers are going to win a debate, maybe media will celebrate. got you. people want to hear about issues and nobody is talking about this that much, what is joe biden's plans for the next four years to make this country better than it is right now? we don't hear about the future, we only hear how horrible donald trump is and saving democracy by jailing their opponent. >> todd: it is dangerous to force zingers and one liners in joe biden's head, that could trip him up if he's trying to think of these. democrats and their allies know they lose on issues so they focus on the tempament
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narrative. one headline reading joe biden old school in new school era. and donald trump has one debate mode bullying. explain this narrative the media is trying to poison the well with and do you think it is going to work? >> it is about personality and t temperament. we know what their records are and wo the results have been under one man and the other. donald trump has acknowledged in first debate in 2020, he may have been too aggressive and did not allow joe biden to speak and be joe biden. in doing so, that may have hurt him, by his own admission. second debate in 2020, he was more moderated and many thought
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he won that debate. we see photos of him on the campaign trail and he's been a happy warrior through trials and that optimistic trump that uses mockery and smiles a lot, we will see that trump not taking debate, he knows that plays into everybody's hands. to your point, todd, when 16 people advise you and biden campaign leaked that as if that is good thing. biden's cpu at 81, may fry if you feed him different lines and information, i don't know if he'll be able to handle that. sometimes you can or overprepare. he will not have a teleprompter or script to save him. when that happens, it is clean up on aisles 24.
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>> carley: two candidates, no o audience, 29 fact checkers and first line, we got to leave it here, first line talks about how they employed fact checkers, one candidate is convicted of 34 felonies and what he called a rigged trial. talk about how fact checking will go before the debate starts. thank you for joining us. >> todd: have fun, long day for you. >> carley: have a good one. >> todd: military and first responders will pack the state capitol tomorrow, protesting a bill. this bill would add new guidelines, requiring participates to live in virginia, allowing funds to go to undergraduate degree.
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challenging some disabilities that qualify. tonya barrett was expecting to be a recipient after losing her husband. you planned on your son getting these benefits. explain how. >> well, good morning, todd. my husband died in 2010, state of virginia says if you line die in line of duty, you get education taken care of. for us, just tuition piece, it wasn't anything else. my son was six at the time and he's grownup and going through high school and we literally planned our life around him going to a state-supported school in virginia. for this to be only he is gr
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grandfathered in one year and it could be taken away after that. >> todd: i know you well, uva is a good school, it is not cheap, if you lose the benefits, what then? >> i've told him, we'll do what we've always done since 2010, we'll figure it out and do what the state is asking us to do. right now, it is the last dollar. he applies for scholarships and we'll figure it out. >> todd: you're not alone, 6000 people are utilizing these benefits. governor youngkin putting out, i stand with military families and first responders who are stunned this bill has been considered supported by senators.
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tonya, who is trying to rip the benefits from you and why? >> you know, that is very interesting. there is a senator in virginia holding this bill up. it went to the senate this past monday and was held up on friday and should go to the house. it should be a no-brainer and has to go back to the senate then. we think skilled games is a factor in this and it is unfortunate that is holding this up. >> todd: when you see money our government gives to illegals that should not be here, that gives to people for student loans and you look at your situation, you have to ask yourself, why are they going after my family, after my family sacrificed so much to keep virginia and america safe. i hope the fact governor
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youngkin is behind you gets you the money you deserve. best of luck. now to this, 12-year-old jocelyn nungaray being laid to rest today and democrats are dodging questions on the issue of migrant crime. >> can i ask you about the 12-year-old girl in houston. >> i don't know who you are and i don't know who she is, i live in pittsburgh. >> carley: the attorney for the family of rachel moran will join us on all of this coming up next. plastic is not wasted... but instead remade over and over... into the things that keep our food fresher, our families safer, and our planet cleaner. to help us get there, america's plastic makers are investing billions of dollars to create innovative products and new recycling technologies for sustainable change. because when you push for smarter solutions,
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>> carley: illegal immigrant charged with shooting two police officers in indicted on 20 charges in queens and now admitting to be part of a venezuelan gang. >> todd: chanley painter joins us. >> he spoke at length with investigators after his arrest for shooting two nypd police officers. here he is yesterday, two counts of attempted murder.
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matta confessed to being a gang member and to receiving the gun he used in the shooting from a friend while working for door dash. >> inside food delivery packages so they do not have to go through metal detectors. venezuelan police officers shoot at gang members. venezuelan police officers get shot in my home country because criminals feel there is chance to get away. >> outside the courthouse, president of police association reacted. >> this dangerous individual was not afraid to shoot a police officer because he thought he was going to get away with it.
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>> officers attempted to pull matta over when he allegedly shot one officer in the chest and one in the thigh. the officers fired back striking him. he pleaded not guilty to charges and is expected in court in september. >> todd: 12-year-old jocelyn nungaray will be laid to rest today as two illegal migrants face charges for her murder. here is how democrats are reacting to her death. >> can i ask about the 12-year-old girl in houston. >> i don't know who she is, i don't know who you are. i live in pittsburgh. >> should we release people if we don't know their intention? >> it is important to make sure we know people's intentions, sometimes people slip through the tracks. >> todd: jocelyn's family is not
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the only family impacted by violent migrant crime. the attorney for family of rachel moran is here. everything is through the lens of debate today. what could joe biden say that would give some comfort to your clients? >> it is important tonight and the family and i would challenge both candidates to say rachel's name tonight. rachel moran was a human being. not only say her name, how are you going to change the situation to prevent a future rachel moran. this murder was preventable. this suspect came across four separate times. if somebody broke into your home three times, would you keep letting them back and do nothing to them? >> todd: there is guy who is
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supposed to be in charge of that, his name mayorkas, here is what he said yesterday. >> safety and security of american public is our highest priority. we screen and vet individuals when we encounter them. if we learn of derogatory information we take enforcement action accordingly. individual responsible for a heinous act is the criminal and we bring full force to bare on the individual. >> todd: taking no responsibility for the open border policy, is that the answer rachel's family is looking for? >> absolutely not, they should be saying we are stopping everyone coming across so there is not another rachel moran.
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this suspect in her case was wanted for murder in el salvador, why were they not looking for him, he had a warrant since january of 2023. he is lying saying we are doing these things when we know somebody is a bad guy. we xu this guy was a bad guy. we should have had his information to track him down. >> todd: this administration celebrates 2400 per day, the number should be zero. rachel moran's mother patty spoke about the border crisis and said president biden has not shown concern for anything american people voiced on this issue. he is in an ivory tower and we are just down here. what does rachel's family hope to hear from donald j trump tonight? >> they have already heard from president trump, he called last
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week to offer condolences and patty spoke to him for 20 minutes. we've heard nothing from the biden administration, not even weep are sorry about rachel's death. tonight is when they address rachel's case and jocelyn nungaray. this has to stoch, they have to shut it down and prevent another rachel moran. >> todd: and blaming americans for not agreeing to a swiss cheese agreement this year is not an answer the people deserve. will joe biden deliver the answer. thank you for your time and thank you for representing clients going through hell right now, we appreciate it. >> carley: check in with lawrence jones live in columbus,
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georgia, talking to voters about top issues ahead of the cnn presidential debate. >> lawrence: good morning, great day in columbus, georgia. we are at ruth ann's, the presidential debate will be simulcast on fox news. what do voters want to hear from candidateses? and remembering the life and legacy of jocelyn nungaray. greg abbott will be at the funeral today, what tz family wants to hear from our commissioner's awards commander in chief. and continuing our series with vice presidential contenders. today, an interview with tim scott and his fiance. we have a big show, don't miss
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one minute of it. it is coming up on "fox and friends". ." . ga, the advanced form of dry age-related macular degeneration, can irreversibly damage your vision. it can progress faster than you think. when ga threatens your eyes, take a stand. slow ga with syfovre. syfovre is an eye injection that was proven to slow damaging lesion growth over 2 years with increasing effect over time. it's the only fda-approved treatment to slow ga
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>> todd: new york congresswoman aoc praising jamaal bowman after the blowout primary lost to george latimer. jamaal bowman grew up in public housing, never took a dime of corporate money, a true public servant. she tagged the wrong jamaal
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bowman and incorrectly claimed jamaal bowman was first black -- treasury secretary janet yellen asking is she a callous millionaire or a liar after this response about stick er shock a the supermarket. >> have you been to the supe supermarket lately? >> i go every week. sticker shock? >> labor cost increases that firms have experienced although there may be increases in >> todd: according to the consumer price index prices are up 20% since joe biden her boss. dozens of journalists covering tonight's cnn presidential debate. many of them with many years of experience under their belt. one young man from canada will
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also be present. 15 years old and already a talented journalist in his own name. his name is wyatt sharp. wyatt joins us now from atlanta. good morning to you. it's going to be a long day for you. thank you for joining us. tell us how this all came about and why you are interested in covering the presidential debate here in the u.s. >> yeah, really good to be with you, carley. thanks so much. in canada, in particular, our politics is very much kind of stream lined so to speak in the sense of whatever what happens in the united states has a way of trickling down and impacting canadian politics. a lot of canadians are just as interested if not more interested in the american political scene. when the debate was announced i kind of started reaching out to different contacts whether it be networks or some of the people who actually work with cnn asking if it would be a possibility and people were very much welcoming to the idea. and so certainly it's going to be very interesting tonight and there will be a lot to watch
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for, that's for sure. >> carley: wyatt, when did your journalism career begin and where did your interest in politics come from? >> it was an overall sense of curiosity what was happening in the world around me and in the course of the pandemic. lawmakers and various professionals on television providing their opinions and what have you. i was just asking questions kind of on my own in my mind. and then eventually i started posing those questions to elected officials whether it be through email and some of them kind of started posing maybe we should have a zoom conversation. and so we did. i started publishing those conversations for other people to benefit from and so it has certainly been a lot of fun. i have gotten to talk to some very interesting people and just being able to tell people's stories and not always is that super prominent people. sometimes the people with the most meaningful stories are those who are forearm living in a local community where disaster
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has struck. there is a lot of kind of disasters as you would know that is really trying to tell the story in the best way possible. >> carley: that's so true. i know your goal is to cover politics from a nonpartisan lens which is very much needed right now. how do you think -- >> -- of course. >> carley: how do you think the debate tonight is going to go and what are you looking out for each candidate president trump prove is he going to be able to govern effectively in face of the legal troubles he is facing. and biden the cognitive issues and the fact whether it be owe juneteenth event or jimmy kimmel he had a lot of people talking about clipped that was posted on social media. as a result, donald trump is more than likely to bring up some of those struggles and president biden is going to need to defend himself. that is certainly something that whichever candidate can fulfill their end of the bargain in a more effective way the pundits and commentators and the
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american people for that matter will be able to confidently say who won the debate. >> carley: we saw pictures of you interviewing r.f.k. jr. you also interviewed justin trudeau. out of all of the people in the world, who the one person you want to interview the most. >> i think just based off of the context right now it would certainly be either donald trump or joe biden. for that matter i think a lot of people have some questions. if we're looking at the geopolitical scene as a whole around the world, there is a number of people that kind of interest me whether it would be arden from immediately to who was the prime minister for some time or as an example recently i interviewed finland's president. so there are a lot of people who are impacting geo politics perhaps don't get the amount of conch they deserve. a long list of people as any journalist would be. >> carley: that's amazing. your parents must be so proud. 20 seconds remaining, what do your parents say about all of this? >> they are super is supportive. one question i get are your parents interested in politics?
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are your parents interested in journalism they must be in order for you to be doing what you do. very much not the case they're still super supportive of everything i do and always cheering me on appreciative of that. >> carley: we know you are going to do a great job covering this debate. have great day. it's one i'm sure you will remember for the rest of your life. thanks for joining us. >> thank you so much. >> carley: you are very welcome. what great kid. >> todd: that kid is smart and smooth i think he is coming for my job. you had a great rapport together. stay in canada, wyatt. >> carley: the conch of the debate starts at 8:00 eastern. tune in to "fox & friends first" an hour early tomorrow starting at 4:00 a.m. eastern time followed by "fox & friends" at 5:00. >> todd: we will have some fun tonight. right now, "fox & friends" begins. have great one, everybody. ♪ ♪


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