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tv   Americas Newsroom  FOX News  June 27, 2024 7:00am-8:00am PDT

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issue. i want to speak about the border, right? you can no longer be pro open border in this country and pro women. that's something i hope gets brought up on the debate stage tonight. you can no longer be pro open border and pro women. about supporting and empowering women in the country and protecting life, protecting the vulnerable, protecting women and children, this country has been turned into a war zone under joe biden where the most vulnerable among us, young women and young children are being raped and murdered often in broad daylight on hikes and often by illegal immigrants who shouldn't be in our country in the first place. if we want to talk about life and women and put those issues first that's what we should focus on tonight. >> dana: a new ad out saying that thing. biden's policies are a nightmare for women when it comes to immigration. caroline sunshine, thank you, see you later. fox news alert. it's getting down to the wire
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for the u.s. supreme court. there will be blockbuster opinions soon to be released along with tonight's showdown. we have a day on our hands. welcome to a new hour of "america's newsroom," i'm dana perino. >> sandra: i got a lot of sleep last night. >> dana: we'll need it. >> sandra: i'm sandra smith. one or more of today's rulings could be game changers for the showdown for tonight's debate that you can watch on fox. our special coverage begins at 8:00 p.m. eastern time. among the rulings we could get today are decisions on trump immunity, those fishing mandates and homelessness. >> dana: our legal team is waiting in the wings. first our chief legal correspondent shannon bream is a ray of sunshine outside the supreme court and great to have you. >> great to be with you guys. as you said, this is the moment we are oh awaiting now.
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12 decisions left. the big one presidential immunity but other big decisions on federal regulation and censorship and abortion what we think was a version of that opinion potentially inadvertently posted on the court's website yesterday doesn't match the final opinion. we'll have to see if it does, what the court is going to do is send that abortion decision back down to a lower court meaning they don't rule on a super contentious issue in the middle of an election year. it will eventually work its way back here but we're waiting to see what we get today and as far as the court has told us, today and tomorrow are the only days they've given us. it could extend to next week, rare but probable that it could happen if we don't get a big batch today. a two-box day. we are likely to get multiple opinions coming in any second. >> sandra: you mean any second. so we're watching every second for that. meanwhile to the timing of the
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possible coming down of the ruling on presidential immunity, shannon. you and i spoke last evening about the timing of this. we are hours away from a really key presidential debate and whether or not that plays into the consideration of the court to release such a big ruling ahead of that. what can you tell us about it? >> the chief always tells us when the opinions are ready we release them. the court wants to be anything but viewed as political. all nine seem united in that. they want this to be an institution that appears to be completely apolitical and trusted by the american public. they have to be aware their ratings from taken a hit in recent years because when you put out controversial decisions half of the country will be upset with you. the different half of the country that was upset with this court ten years ago. it won't force them to release or delay anything other than when it was ready.
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they know there is a presidential debate tonight. we have the first opinion. not one of the ones on our watch list but are underway. there is at least one more coming we know for sure. the court tries to not look like it is taking too much attention and notice of what is happening in current events and politics. it is inevitable the court knows the big decisions will come out around a very heated time whether debate day, next day or beyond that. >> dana: thank you, shannon. >> sandra: she will stand by with us. we could get something coming down any moment now. let's bring in the rest of the legal panel. jonathan turley is with us right now. your anticipation for the morning how this plays out. >> well, we're looking at probably no more than four opinions if you have two boxes. and we have the first one, which is an ohio case, it is an important case but not one people are waiting for. two cases that could be very
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relevant to the debate tonight. certainly relevant to the campaign. one is obviously presidential immunity, that's the big ticket item. but there is an equally important case called fisher which deals with the use of obstruction charges against january 6th defendants. now, president trump is also facing that charge. and in some ways the administration has gone surprisingly heavy on the charge playing roulette and pet -- putting in on red. if the court knocks it out and says not what congress said the crime was it will have a big impact across the country and impact for president trump who will be able to say that among the charges, found to have been unlawfully charged by the department of justice. >> dana: i know we don't do a
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lot of hype that calls. i will try one out on you. let's say they did the presidential immunity today. how does that affect tonight's debate? >> well, it really depends what they say. when we looked at the debate, the justices seemed equally uncomfortable with the arguments on both sides. they clearly felt that president trump's argument went too far but also felt the lower court went too far saying you don't have any protection as president. they may find a middle road that sends it back to the trial court. it would be a win. if this goes back to a trial court they would be saying the department of justice again failed to follow the constitution on an important issue. >> dana: let me break in here. we do -- i don't know what the ruling is yet but we have purdue pharma. if you are familiar with that case, about the opioid crisis bankruptcy where the supreme court was looking at the settlement and deciding whether
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it should stay, is that correct? >> yes. that is -- we have been waiting for that case as well. i haven't gotten the case pulled up. >> dana: there were thousands of lawsuits that were taken against the drug maker stemming from the opioid crisis and then there were bankruptcy proceedings, paused until an opinion is issued. the settlement has been criticized. it would basically shield the sackler family, owners of the company, from personal liability over their role in the opioid epidemic. we had a report from bryan llenas the families of people who have had their loved ones fall to an opioid epidemic or even fentanyl, they are paying attention to this. they are very upset about it. >> sandra: the u.s. supreme court blocked purdue pharma, the bankruptcy settlement that would
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shield the sackler family owners from any lawsuits tied to the opioids. that's the ruling. is shannon with us? you want to weigh in here? >> you guys have laid it out perfectly. there was a big settlement that came together that would take billions of dollars from the sackler family and put it into trust accounts that essentially would be paid out to answer claims against harms but this deal came together with not everybody who is a potential third party climb ant signing off. it looks like the court is saying no. congress may choose to add to the bankruptcy court special rules for opioid-related bankruptcy as it has with as pes toes cases. if a policy decision like that is made it is for congress to make. they go into what is happening with the dissent.
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it is back and forth and numerous dissents but a 5-four split and that bankruptcy deal that came together in the billions which would have shielded the sacklers from a lot of other civil liability, the court is saying can't do it under the laws that exist and as they often say, if this is going to change, it is up to congress to change the law. they are sending it from that side of capitol hill. >> a 5-four gorsuch opinion. >> an interesting put together -- >> dana: jonathan, you want to jump in here? >> this has been a case many of us have been waiting for, particularly those of us who teach torts and other areas to touch on the opioid crisis. this was a massive settlement. but what the company and the family got out of it was
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effective immunity and after the deal was inked and many of the litigants were delighted because it was a windfall in many respects, but it also gave this family a sweeping protection. and later states began to object and say well, you know, we're not done yet. we don't believe he should be entirely protected and litigants start evidence coming forward and say how about us? we want to see more action here. this is going to create further uncertainty as how this plays out in the future because the effort here of the court was to try to create a sort of resolution for all the parties involved, including this industry. that resolution has now proven evasive. >> dana: shannon bream you continue to read through the opinion. a lot of these opinions come out 9-0, 8-one.
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the more difficult cases tend to come down to split decisions like this one. >> yeah, exactly. think about the fact we had a 9-0 on something like the states trying to keep president trump off the ballot access issue. a 9-0 decision leaving the abortion drug on the market. the top ones come down to the final days of the court. in his dissent on this justice kavanaugh lambents how the court is getting this wrong. opioid victims and future victims of mass torts will suffer greatly in the wake of the destabilizing decision. only congress can fix the chaos that will now ensue. it will lead to too much harm for too many people for congress to sit idly by without studying the issues. they think congress has to fix the problem. they don't agree on the application in this particular case. >> sandra: we continue to read through here.
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obviously we're at 10:11. it's open to get more rulings down here. we're starting to near the point where maybe this is it for the day? >> we have a couple more. here we go. >> dana: as we look for that just to confirm. with this decision does that mean that any of the families who were expecting to get some of the settlement money, is that on hold now? or will it go forward? >> yeah, i have to drill down further on the decision. i don't want to say with great confidence. i think it is endowed, that this really throws it back into a great deal of uncertainty which is what the dissent is saying. this court is consistent in an important respect. the majority of this court has really been hammering to reinforce the authority of congress. these matters need to be resolved by congress and need to be resolved with clarity.
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we may be seeing that in a couple of the remaining cases where the court is saying we're not going to become a super legislature. and congress needs to step forward, speak for the nation, resolve these questions in the political process. so to some degree it reinforces that. for these families, they will say we're being once again left in this ambiguous zone as to when we can have recovery. >> dana: that's exactly right. >> sandra: sec case came in not exactly one of the top ones we were looking for. but they are still coming in, shannon. >> yes. and this case was dealing with essentially the sec brings action against somebody do they have a right to go beyond the administrative law judge and a right to a jury under the seventh amendment? the majority is saying they do have a right to pursue this as a jury trial. it appears to be a 6-three along
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the split that many people often think this court is going to go. i'm looking through justice gorsuch has written a conquerens. the majority is saying if you get caught up in an action as a defendant or potential defendant here, you do have the opportunity to go beyond just these administrative judges and because of the seventh amendment have a right to a jury trial. >> dana: that has been a big issue. the "wall street journal" editorial board has talked about it. sotomayor dissented joined by kagan and jackson. the three that were appointed under liberal left wing president. >> we do know that there are more decisions, at least one more, maybe more than that coming. the conclusion says the defendant facing a fraud suit has the right to be tried by a jury of his peers before a neutral adjudicator. it would permit congress to have judge and jury. if it stayed within the
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administrative law judge it would be too much power concentrated in one place. seventh amendment says a jury trial is permitted. >> sandra: let me put a question to you, jonathan as we wait for more to come in here. i asked shannon about the case of presidential immunity and whether or not the court would take into consideration what a big day this is with the big debate tonight. >> well, you know, they do live in the world. the chief justice has a big role here. a sense of theater on the final days of the supreme court. they tend to leave the big ticket items until the very end. in terms of coordinating with the debate. not clear how it will come down. interesting if both fisher and trump come down the same day. both would have an impact on the election. i would expect there might be an inclination to separate those two. but it would in my view be a good thing to have one of these cases still come down today
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because it is relevant to the debate. president trump is arguing that there has been a weaponization of the legal system. many citizens view it that way. particularly the manhattan trial against president trump. that will be coming up today in the debate, i hope. for the supreme court to resolve one of the legal issues would not be a bad thing. so that we can have this debate with the knowledge of what the supreme court said the law is in this area. >> dana: shannon bream and jonathan turley, stand by. we'll be paying attention to that. we'll squeeze in a quick break. watch this. >> for the community to gather and unite because of jocelyn's death and send a message that we aren't going to accept this type of criminal element in our country. >> dana: the murder of a 12-year-old girl in houston reigniting americans' anger over the broken border. will either candidate address the tragedy tonight? the stakes could not be higher. we talked to three undecided
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>> sandra: fox news alert. a few moments ago we got a couple rulings from the supreme court including the ruling in favor of a challenge to the securities and exchange commission and big pharma, the court did block purdue pharma, the bankruptcy settlement that would have shielded the sackler family owners from opioid lawsuits. we expect another one shortly. we haven't gotten the one on presidential immunity. that is a top priority and we'll continue to look for anymore from the court. >> dana: we want to remind you to watch the showdown tonight on fox. special coverage begins at
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8:00 p.m. after a special early edition of jesse watters prime time at 7:00. i'll be there with him for that. millions of americans are set to tune into tonight's presidential debate. what do voters who are still undecided hope to hear? why don't we ask them. michael clemen from michigan and one is from wisconsin and one from arizona. caroline, let's start with you. >> i cannot hear. >> dana: we'll try to fix that for you. caroline, you are an undecided voter in arizona in real estate and you voted for biden but you kind of regret that now. what are you looking for tonight from him that could bring you back into his fold? >> well, i want to listen to what kind of policies he will put in place regarding housing affordability. right now as a real estate professional i realize that a lot of families are hurting because they no longer are able to afford the houses as a single
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unit. they have to come together to moving or even for basic needs as food, milk, bread, things like that. i would like to hear what they are going to say about the housing. >> dana: one more question for you. when president biden says the economy is a lot better than people think it is, how do you react to that? >> well, again, my comment is look at the prices of basic needs, bread, milk, eggs, how much more expensive it is now. >> dana: people's real experience. mike, you are in michigan, business owner living in the detroit metro area. in 2012 you voted for obama. 2016 trump. 2020 undecided and voted for trump. where are you today? top issue is the economy? >> yeah, the economy would be
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something that we obviously need to address. but one of the bigger things i believe is how do we unify america? i believe there is such a strong divide within our communities and i think that whoever becomes president in 2024 going on needs to bring that unity to communities across the country. >> dana: you also said that you believe the image of america is very important. can you tell us more about that? >> yeah. i believe the image, you know, we want to have strength as americans, right? we want to know that we have confidence in our government, you know. i know people that i'm very close to that will never vote for donald trump due to the fact that the image it portrays, right? these are people that are very
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educated and i look to up to. they experienced racism in the 60s and a lot of things that have set communities back from bombings and things that you wouldn't expect to have on your own american soil, right? so when you have a president obama fast forward to 2008 that was something that they felt they could identify with in the american dream, right? and now when you say make america great again, that term kind of takes them back to those time periods. so i understand, i personally don't have any fears of a trump presidency but i will say that how do you reach those people that are not feeling like -- they feel a part of that fabric that trump speaks on because i think it is such a narrative that needs to be addressed. >> dana: we'll be listening to that as well.
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if you will stand by here, i believe that we have another supreme court ruling. we want to get to shannon bream. the supreme court is issuing a ruling over whether hospitals in idaho must be forced by the biden administration to perform abortions in emergency situations despite the state's near total ban. shannon bream, this is the leaked document from yesterday. does it hold true to what was leaked yesterday? >> as far as we can see, it looks very similar. i haven't spotted any big differences yet. the decision is the same. a decision that nobody signs on as the majority to this. sort of like the whole court signs onto it with one voice. the ultimate decision was we took this case before we should have. we're sending it back to the lower court and lifting the stay that had been in place. it equates to a win for the biden administration that said their federal regulation supersedes idaho's near total ban on abortion.
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this is about emergency care. idaho's law has an exception for the life of the mother. they spent a lot of time in arguments talking about what about something short of life and death if a mother is going to have her reproductive organs to affect fertility or other things happening? essentially what the court said is we won't get into the merits of that. justice alito writes a dissent saying today's decision is puzzling having taken the unusual step of granting they decided to hear the case before idaho's appeal could be heard that one level down. the court decides it doesn't want to tackle this case after all. thus returns the appeal to the ninth circuit that has to decide the issue this court now ducks. clearly taking a bit of a brush at some of his other colleagues that they weren't willing to hear this case after they voted and it was briefed and argued and said they won't hear it. it does get the court out of
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issuing an issue on the merits when it comes to abortion in the middle of the debate night and what the practical bottom line of that is abortion will be more widely available in idaho but only for emergency circumstances and not just the life of the mother with the stay lifted. it means the woman can argue there is another dire health situation despite idaho's law if they are a hospital receiving medicaid money would have to go ahead with the emergency abortion. looks like this is the last one for today. >> sandra: andy, jump in here. a federal appeals court will take a closer look at the merits of this case? >> that's what should have happened in the first place. what's interesting is they initially took the case mindful of the justices who had to accept it. we should point out it only takes four justices to accept a case. it takes five to win on the results. but the four of them who took the case sided with the
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proposition that the state was likely to prevail and what the fractured opinion here, including joint opinion or i guess an opinion from justice barrett that's joined in by the chief justice and justice kavanaugh what they suggest is that the facts have changed or at least the court's understanding has changed since the time that the petition was granted, which at least suggests that maybe it doesn't look to them anymore like idaho is necessarily likely to prevail on the merits. i think that has the people who dissented, including justice alito, taken aback here. >> dana: shannon said it is the last opinion. we won't get the presidential immunity decision today before the debate. >> yeah, i think that's probably right, dana. i think -- i know the court is not trying to affect politics. i really think they would like to stay out of politics. but i'm sure somebody must have -- we're talking about nine very
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smart people. somebody must have given some thought to is this really a look that we want to drop an opinion that could be so -- on the day the maybe last debate. maybe another one. it's a very important day and i think the court would want to stay out of it. >> sandra: what does the relief schedule look like? what's the timeline here? >> what happens is tomorrow morning at 10:00 a.m. eastern we do it again. if tomorrow was going to be the last day, what they would do is announce today and say tomorrow we'll sit for the final day of the term. they did not do that today. they said we'll be back again tomorrow. the chief didn't announce tomorrow would be the last day. it suggests to us it is going into next week. they need a little more time. probably later today, maybe on friday they give us what will be the final day. because the chief didn't make what he normally makes is that day before the last day announcement, it looks like it
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is going beyond friday. >> dana: jonathan turley, your thoughts as we wrap up another day of supreme court breaking news coverage. >> it's hard to feign surprise with the fact this opinion came out by mistake last night. someone decided that the court was fractured and someone said can we dig it? dismissed and granted and it was the ultimate off ramp. reading alito's dissent you have to wear asbestos gloves. he is saying what the heck is this? you satisfied the higher standard in taking this extraordinary measure before. now tomorrow is our last day. it will be a heck of a day. it is basically roberts has decided to hold the world cup world series and super bowl on the same day. so it is going to be really something. so we'll see.
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it will be quite a moment if it's true. >> dana: i better suit up tomorrow. thank you so much. >> sandra: cut the sound bite. jonathan, thank you. the stakes are high for tonight's presidential debate. any moment could give biden or trump a breakthrough moment, or possibly sink one of their campaigns. the showdown will be simulcast right here on fox. bill melugin is live on the ground in atlanta reporting on what could be the top story on the stage tonight, bill. >> good morning to you. i spoke with a trump campaign official just a short time ago who tells me that trump is, quote, ready and confident for this debate tonight. he is spending the morning at mar-a-lago and flying to atlanta later this afternoon. tonight will be the first time in almost four years he comes face-to-face with joe biden. this morning both campaigns are setting expectations. >> joe biden i hear is practicing a lot of one-liners and will need a lot more than that to defeat president trump tonight.
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he needs to answer for his abyss mal record. >> if you want to talk about donald trump he is not going to present the donald trump out at his maga rallies on the stump. the problem for trump is that he will have to answer for all the things he has been saying at those maga rallies. >> take a look at this in atlanta. democrats are already trying to get under trump's skin. dnc paid for five of these bill boards in the atlanta area on local highways mock trump for his recent felony conviction in new york and said donald, welcome to atlanta for the first time since becoming a convicted felon. congratulations or whatever, end quote. today the trump campaign is expected to scam out with a couple of ad buys since trump clinched the gop nomination. these ads are expected to run after the debate tonight in some key battleground states. here is part of one of them. >> no matter what joe biden promised in the debate, ask yourself, are you financially
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better off since he became president? >> and here are the rules for tonight. cnn debate. two commercial breaks, no interaction with staff. biden on the right, trump gets the final word. mics will be muted. no props or pre-written notes. they get paper, pen and water. back out here live on a call with reporters earlier this week, a trump campaign official said they do expect joe biden to be very well prepared tonight given his decades spent in politics. one trump official said quote, they believe biden will be, quote, filled with adderall. we have heard trump say he would like them both to take a drug test before the debate. the biden campaign is saying it's a silly tactic and one that will turn off voters. we'll send it back to you. >> sandra: bill melugin, thank you. >> dana: our panel of undecided
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voters, michael from michigan, nick from wisconsin and caroline from arizona. nick, i didn't have a chance to talk to you before we had the breaking news out of the supreme court. you are 25 years old. graduated college in 2021. you are in wisconsin. your top issue is the economy. what are you listening for tonight? >> yeah, i think really for me i want to see a clear plan. i want to see a clear vision for america. i think it is easy to say, you know, i want to reduce inflation and i want to balance the budget and i want to lower prices all together but i really want to see a plan for how they will do that. that's something that from either campaign i really haven't seen. the really only evidence that i have is back in 2019, 2018 i could live off of a budget that was normal and now it just feels like it is kind of a weight crushing, you know, the average
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american. >> dana: nick and good to be able to get you into the breaking news show. we have so much going on. mike and carolyn, i think i will have you tomorrow as well. so you watch the debate and join us tomorrow and we'll figure out what you think after that. thank you so much for being here. >> thank you for having me. >> what in your view constituents the primary threat to freedom and democracy at home? >> donald trump. >> trump is an urgent threat to democracy. >> he is willing to sacrifice our democracy. >> casting former president trump as a threat to democracy, >> donald trump is a great threat to our democracy. >> dana: president biden and his supporters in the media portraying donald trump as a major threat to democracy. the "washington post" is reporting that based on polling, swing state voters trust trump more to protect democracy suggesting biden's arguments are
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falling flat. let's bring in martha maccallum. that must be driving the biden people crazy. >> i would imagine because they have put -- good morning. they have put so much effort. you can tell that every single surrogate is pounding this over and over again. you must be very afraid of a future trump presidency. that is clearly the message that they are hammering. you look at this. what has happened here is these lawsuits against trump have swung some people in the other direction in terms of the institutions in the country that they see failing or not behaving the way they should. you look at especially these two new york trials, i think they swayed a lot of people in terms of what fairness is from the justice department. so i think you will see tonight that when president biden goes there, you will see former president trump sort of push back on those notions. i was talking to dennis quade the other day. he said i'll vote for trump. i voted for a lot of democrats
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in the past. vote for trump this time around. when i watched those cases it all felt so unfair to me that it had a big impact on him and why you are seeing on this democracy issue and trust in institutions you see a split. >> sandra: it makes you wonder if the biden camp will avoid it if it helps trump right now. what do you think the biden team would benefit them the most if it was the focus on the stage? >> i think that when we talk to voters and you guys talk to voters all the time as well, crime, immigration, economy, right? those are the areas that i think you will see trump just continually pull back to. let's focus on what the american people care about. if that's the way it goes tonight. we don't know because i know that biden will try to get under his skin. >> dana: michael tyler from the biden campaign was on last hour and he definitely brought up trump is a convicted felon. i am sure that biden will try to
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use that right at the beginning. the thing is i tried to say to michael but all of the polling says that didn't matter. so -- >> we have polls that show that 11% say it swayed them the other way. take a look at the documents issue for one thing. this is not top of mind for most people but you know they will go there tonight. the documents issue people say well, on one side you had biden, who was in a hearing for hours and hours, they basically said we can't charge him because is an elderly man. trump you have a ransacking of his home and a case that continues on. americans are smart. they might not love or hate -- they don't love both these candidates. 48% don't want either one of them and you look at it smacks of unfairness and something this biden argument might run into trouble with tonight. >> s
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>> sandra:-i can only read a portion right now. at the top women's health, lives and freedom remain in peril across the country because of donald trump. >> dana: the trump campaign said actually women are under more danger because of biden's open border policies than they are from any state. >> you start to see the texture of the back and forth and how these two men execute it tonight will be fascinating. it is must-see tv. pause your summer evening and settle in and watch this on fox because it will be extraordinary. >> dana: it will be fun to be with you. we'll see you at 3:00 and coverage tonight. >> sandra: how will each candidate tackle the major issues that matter most to voters? our political panel will tell us next. >> which biden will show up and which trump will show up? will we have the cogent biden or
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>> sandra: a race where every vote counts? what's the best strategy. tim murtaugh, former trump 2020 communications director and another, a former advisor to hillary clinton. there seems to be big questions how everything will play out on the stage tonight? what do you believe as we know biden is in serious prep right now, that he wants to focus on the most on that stage? >> well first i would say debate is an argument. because of that i would say donald trump has been prepping for 78 years. but in terms of prepping, i right now am talking right into a camera.
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joe biden has to learn or remember that every moment he is talking to the people watching tv is a good moment. there will be 75 million plus. any time i'm talking to tim or sandra is a bad moment. i don't want to talk about joe biden's cognition and how unflags has run away. i want to talk about how dump is unhinged and i think that is a demonstration of what the goal is. tim can tell you it is not that easy. >> tim. >> well, i think the problem for joe biden is that everyone who votes in this election will have lived through both the biden and the trump presidency. this debate and election will be a comparison of the trump policies and successes and the biden policies and how the economy, country and world are seemingly on fire because of biden's policies. that's what he will defend. joe biden is the incumbent president and he has been locked
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up in camp david all week. everything focused on getting ready for 9:00 p.m. on thursday like he is an aging boxer going in for one last fight. they'll have him ready to go. if you don't think there will be stimulants involved you're crazy. they will have everything so joe biden can peak at 9:00 p.m. tonight. i think donald trump, his goal has to be to show the contrast between the successes of his administration and the failures of joe biden. >> sandra: the white house responded to those accusations or suggestions and said it is not the case. "politico" said this on whether the performance could move the needle tonight philippe. i will get your take on it. the stakes are really high. few in biden's orbit think the best night would move a race a couple of points but in a race razor thin that would be substantial. will it move the needle for
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either candidate? >> i think it is likely -- >> sandra: philippe first. >> this is why we need muted mics in the debate tonight. it won't move it significantly but there is a sliver of people that you probably won't agree with that came out of the convictions that along the primaries said that they would not be pleased if donald trump were convicted. they weren't going to biden but they seem to be in the position where they are equally unhappy and probably equally ungettable including a big chunk of independents. if joe biden can move those people or appeal to those people, that is a good night because most of the 75 million people know who they are voting for. >> sandra: we know immigration is a top issue for voters, tim, you know this very well and saw it through the primary season and trumped the economy.
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this was a father of -- his son was killed by an illegal immigrant in 2010. we talked to him last hour and this is what he wants to hear on the stage tonight. >> i want the question to be put to biden directly why are you allowing this to happen? why are you helping illegal aliens come into this country, disperse into this country knowing they will never leave? that's what i want to hear from biden. >> sandra: will it benefit the former president trump to stay on that message? >> i think it absolutely will. joe biden campaigned for president in 2019 and 2020 on opening up the borders, on being lenient against people who try to cross illegally and why people show up at the border saying joe biden said he would let us in. in some cases they are wearing
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joe biden for president t-shirts when they arrive at the southern border. absolutely that message matters. economy and inflation matter because biden has set the economy on fire and inflation is out of control and why he is so worried about the economy and inflation and why he had the economists write a letter 16 saying donald trump is bad. it is exactly the same as the 51 intelligence officers who signed a letter saying the laptop was russian disinformation. one of those economists who signed the letter is janet yellen's husband. it is all a political game and joe biden is certainly worried about illegal immigration, runaway problem on his watch and inflation, which is also a runaway problem on his watch, both caused by his policies. he did it on purpose. >> sandra: "wall street journal" thinks it will take inflation that takes center stage tonight. we'll see how it unfolds. tim and philippe.
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>> dana: breaking news. not pleasant news. an illegal immigrant in upstate new york is reportedly being arrested -- has been arrested in the rape of a 15-year-old girl. the alleged attack happened last month on may 14th. the suspect is accused of threatening the victim with a metal bar and she is reportedly 15 years old. that's his mug shot for you right there. the news just coming into us now. and we'll follow up with it and get more information as we go forward, sandra. >> sandra: horrific stories. president biden is taking victory lapse over the jobs market using a few cherry picked numbers in the meantime.
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edward lawrence is always setting the record straight and joins us now. >> let's do a little pre-fact checking before the showdown tonight. president biden likes to say this. >> president biden: the plan is working. you know, we've created 15 million jobs since we took office. >> but the president brushes over the covid shutdown. according to the bureau of labor statistics the economy created 6.2 million jobs. president biden posted on x that trump is the first president since hoover who left office with fewer jobs, again fails to mention it was the covid lockdowns. under president biden the job situation not as stable as the numbers show. the number of people working part-time increased 14%. more than double the increase of full-time jobs and labor force participation better under former president trump. jobs will be at the forefront of these and see what numbers president biden uses. >> sandra: always a question.
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edward lawrence, thank you. >> dana: tonight is the night president biden and former president trump set to debate in atlanta and our special coverage begins at 8:00 p.m. eastern and you can watch the cnn debate here on fox at 9:00 p.m. eastern and jesse watters will be on at 7:00 p.m. we go seven, eight, nine and beyond and after the debate we have the panel of experts joining us. it will be a good night. >> sandra: great to start the day with you. >> dana: there is more to come for the rest of the day and certainly tomorrow as we get more of the supreme court announcements. >> sandra: at 1:00 special treat, larry kudlow is co-anchoring america reports. you know, the economy could be front and center. great to have him. >> dana: that is your buddy. harris faulkner will take you through the next hour and we'll all be here all day. here she is. >> harris: fox news alert.
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