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tv   FOX and Friends  FOX News  June 28, 2024 3:00am-4:01am PDT

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♪ ♪ ♪ >> for what i have been able to do with the -- with the covid -- excuse me, with -- um, dealing with everything we have to do
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with, uh -- look, if -- we finally beat medicare. >> thank you president biden. president trump? >> well, he is right. he did beat medicare, he beat it to death. >> more border patrol and more asylum officers. >> president trump? >> i really don't know what he said at the end of that sentence. i don't think he knows what he said either. >> he wants to get rid of the ar. ability of medicare -- for the ability -- for the -- us to be able to negotiate drug prices and big pharma companies. >> there is going to be discussion whether he should continue. >> no two ways about it not a good debate. >> his job was to reassure them. to calm his a party. to make them feel that yes, can i do this. he did not do that he did the opposite of that. he made them more panicked. >> i think there is a lot of people who are going to want to see him consider taking a
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different course now. >> ainsley: well, you saw it last night. democrats in full-blown panic money this morning with the media headlines spelling very bad news. look at "new york times," a fumbling performance and a panicking party. axios, biden's debate a defcon one moment for democrats. daily beast. joe biden mumbles and stumbles the democrats into crisis. and politico goes this far: wtf, panicked dems start looking for alternatives to biden. >> lawrence: we can go through the whole debate and what -- if he should run, what would he do as a forward president, but i think the conversation has to start with the now. he is the current president of the united states. who is running the country. i have been saying for months. who is writing the note cards? who is putting the stuff in the teleprompter? who is giving the president the talking points? who is running the country when
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he decides he is going to take seven days off or decides to take a four day weekend almost every single week? who is doing it? now we know that it's clearly, based okay the performance last night. it's not him. >> brian: they say dems are facing crescendo of pushing biden to resign as the nominee. aer too of trump will push joe out. clair mccaskill, the former senator from missouri say we call this a crisis. biden comes back and says well, it's hard to debate a liar. and he said i think i did well last night. that, to me, is an indication where he is not going anywhere. i thought ari fleischer made a great point. he just said for us, this is a joe biden we have been seeing. for many people in the democratic side and possibly some of the 73 million that watch. they have been seeing that for us, we go, yeah, i have been telling you that, for them to say where did this come from, perhaps? brings in steve doocy who is at a secure location great juke box diner in virginia and rachel
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campos-duffy in the swing state of georgia. i should say swing state of virginia now, steve. keep in mind joe biden in won virginia by 10. hillary clinton won virginia against donald trump by, i think, four or five, something like that. this morning here at the juke box, diner, i have been talking to people about the disaster that was last night. and they all saw it. you know, all the white house and the campaign had to do was to get enough of joe biden so they could cut him up into little soundbites and do a tiktok so that, you know, low information voters would see that oh, he had a great presidential debate. well, good luck to the people doing the editing this morning. i challenge them to find a good 60 seconds of him because, for so many times, he was just
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incomprehensive, he would start here and he -- you would think that he had a train of thought. but he would meander off. ultimately, i think what we saw last night was something historic. that debate will be talked about for generations. it will actually replace back in 1960 when it was richard nixon who was all sweaty in that first debate against john f. kennedy because this was the most disastrous performance in tv presidential history. and do you know what? that is the view of democrats. >> brian: rachel campos-duffy last night i felt like i had to order a miracle ear because i could not understand what joe biden was saying i was like quiet down everyone, i made my dogs -- i put them out. is this going to be the whole time? >> rachel: yeah. i told you -- i told you in the last hit that whoever was doing closed caption needs to get a bonus.
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they didn't know what he was saying. now we know why they kept him in the basement so long. why they controlled his schedule. why they sent him out to the beach. and he had no choice here. they bring him out. they take off the training wheels and guess what happens? he is on his own. no help. this is what you get. and, again, this question of what did the democrats do now? you talk about the panic mode, i saw a tweet by ben rhodes, very close obama adviser, speech writer, this guy is not going to say anything on twitter without having run it by the obama team who we know is running the show and is behind the scenes here. here is what ben rhodes says. telling -- this is on x. he says telling people they didn't see what they saw is not the way to respond. so if you have any question about what the obama people want, what the power brokers want, they want him off the stage. but jill biden last night, when they went to the waffle house after the debate, when joe biden
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clearly looked like he was ready for bed, she was out there cheering and saying you did great. you answered all the questions. and then she did a fundraising video. so this is a big dilemma. for the obama, the valerie jarrett and that team. jill biden is going to make it very difficult and that's the question. will they actually be able to push the bidens off the stage? i think that's the biggest question out there right now. >> ainsley: the debate was late last night. it started at 9:00. if you had to fall asleep and get up early for work. we have some highlights and low lights of the cnn presidential debated. watch this. >> that's when i left when i became president, what mr. trump left me, we had an economy that was in free fall. >> i gave him an unbelievable situation. >> look -- if -- we finally beat medicare. >> thank you, president biden. >> i supported roe v. wade,
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which had three simesters we are not for late term abortion, period, period, period. the idea i have to apologize for you for anything along the line. we did more for veterans than any president has in american history. >> our veterans and our soldiers can't stand this guy. they can't stand him. >> more border patrol and more asylum officers. >> president trump? >> i really don't know what he said at the end of that sentence. i don't think he knows what he said either. >> the only person on this stage convicted felon is the man i'm looking at right now. >> when he talks about a convicted felon. his son is a convicted felon. is he going to drive us into world war iii. >> you want a world war iii, let him follow and when and let putin say do what you want, nato. he wants to get away with -- get rid of the ability medicare to -- for the ability for the -- us to be able to negotiate drug prices with big pharma companies. >> all of these things, we are in a failing nation, it's not going to be failing anymore.
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we're going to make it great again. >> brian: what part of the game plan was he wanted to blame trump for inflation saying you left me mess of an economy. part of the game plan yes, afghanistan, for some reason, he burned it up on his own. but he also brought up the fact that he said nobody died under my presidency. what about the 13 died at abby gate and two dozen wounded. he points out that vladimir putin is basically a friend of his and wanted to get out of nato. he never said he wanted to get out of nato they wanted them to pay their fair sure. vladimir putin took a piece of bush during obama's year. took nothing during trump. and he signed off onage. going vladimir putin not attack on foreign policy. i was relieved he brought up anything on foreign policy. >> lawrence: he said there were no known terrorists across the border as well. there has been stuff out there for the public to see, attacks
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and all that i have a bold prediction. and i'm willing to go out there with it. i think this is going to be the only presidential debate. i think this is it. >> ainsley: i heard people agreeing with you on that. i think the message you are going to hear from the trump camp is mercy rule. i think the former president is going to say, you can't do this. i think it's a waste of the american people's time. we have seen. >> brian: but do you know why? >> lawrence: they are going to say i'm bullying him if i continue with someone that can't even complete sentences. and to that degree, i kind of agree with him. there was a moment where you saw the old donald trump would have attacked harder. you saw him biting his tongue. you saw him facial expressions, holding back. i think because of that, anxiously, is he not going to show up. >> ainsley: only problem with that is if donald trump says not going to have the next debate september close to the election. >> ainsley: we're in june right now. people might forget this performance.
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i'm glad that they continue. >> brian: never. >> lawrence: this was so bad. >> ainsley: they won't forget it completely it. might not be in the forefront of their mind, and no telling what will happen between now and then. trump did make some good points on foreign policy. he was talking about afghanistan. and he talked about how bad he was. and he said putin is watching. this no generals were fired. we left american citizens behind. putin says okay now is my chance to go in. just like hamas with israel iran was broke, he said. this is why we had no terror when i was in office. >> brian: steve, i actually don't think he is going anywhere. one of the reasons is. >> ainsley: biden? >> brian: joe biden. he also picked the delegates. joe biden is going to say don't worry they don't like us. going to prove them wrong again. the big push is going to come from the senate candidates. casey has got to be sweating in pennsylvania. tester has got to be having a coronary over in montana. this is going to are hurt thedown ballots, don't you
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think? >> steve: that is exactly what i was going to talk about. as the party elders on the democratic side start to talk about what a disaster last night was for their party, and their president, it's an existential threat to any down ballot democrat, because, what down ballot democrat is going to be able to energize their base to the pointed where they are going to show up on november 5th to vote for a guy who could not finish a thought? you know, there are a lot of people who watched last night as being historic and they are thinking this morning, you know, joe biden jus justo tagged his n presidency. that simply does not fly. cnn said he had a cold. a cold you mean like a stuffy nose? was he blowing his nose? [. [cheers and applause]
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>> steve: they are not clapping for a stuffy nose. glenn youngkin just walked. in i'm not a doctor, but i'm playing one on tv. [cheers and applause] >> steve: it was not a cold. i we finally got to see joe biden at the white house. every day. there is a reason why they have kept joe biden away from the white house for the most part. and when you see him without a filter, you see what you saw last night. hold on a second. hey, governor, can you keep it down? i'm trying to be on tv. [laughter] glenn youngkin right over there. is he going to be with us in 10 minutes. >> lawrence: to your point, steve, earlier about rachel, actually you were ahead of the curving on this. telling the american people something that is just not right here. the white house criticizes you. but biden went on a top at the waffle house. >> brian: why wouldn't he? that does not make sense. >> lawrence: like black america's diner. go to waffle house at night.
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>> ainsley: white people love it too. is. >> lawrence: just like the grease. this is what the president said on the campaign stop. watch. >> mr. president how would you your performance tonight. >> i think we did well. hard to debate a liar. point out he makes lies 26 times. big lies. >> are you suffering from a cold? [inaudible] >> lawrence: are you buying it, rachel? >> yeah. i mean, listen, first of all, just imagine if donald trump had showed up at that waffle house, what that waffle house would have felt like, the energy going off. you know, donald trump had that game face during the debate. it was the same look he had in the mugshot. it was amazing. and, yeah. there is just no way -- there is no way around this. and jill biden, standing by his side. trying to pretend that everything is okay. that, you know, let's move forward. you did great, joe biden. i just don't think it's going to work this time.
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and, again, this night was a night of vindication for-donald trump. every issue that he started his campaign on in 2016 we are sighing the results of under joe biden. what happens when we have joe biden's vs. donald trump's policy at the border. they talked about energy absolutely insulting to hear joe biden tell the american people that the economy is doing great, that what they are suffering at when they go to the pump or go to the grocery store isn't real. this was an unequivocal disaster for the biden campaign. unequivocal disaster for the dnc. and now the people behind the curtains are going to have to make some very, very tough choices. >> ainsley: i was glad that donald trump mentioned the women that were attacked or killed by illegal immigrants over the last few days. >> rachel: yes. yes.
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>> ainsley: he said we have illegals living in luxury hotels in new york city. >> brian: true. >> ainsley: vets are on the streets dying. as women, rachel, we worry about this. we saw that woman walking down the street in new york city and guys came up behind her and attacked her with a baseball bat to try to rob her. i also liked when they brought up his conviction, he also flipped the tables and he said your son's a convicted felon. he said death is at our border. you gave a billion dollars to ukraine, to fire that prosecutor. he said you're a criminal. and i did nothing wrong. and one more thing, did you all notice the only person on the short vice president list for him that he mentioned last night was tim scott. he talked about the black community. what he has done for the historical black colleges and universities. he talked about opportunity zones that he worked with tim scott on. >> lawrence: first step act. >> ainsley: first step act. exactly. i was wong derg was that a hint since he mentioned tim scott. >> brian: he did say that the vice presidential candidate is here. we know that marco rubio was there. doug burgum was there. j.d. vance was there.
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elise stefanik and i assume tim scott was on. >> ainsley: he was. he was on with sean last night. >> brian: let's just hear this first. gavin newsom was in the spin room. the vice president was called to action yesterday. here's their reaction. >> some within your own party are wondering if president biden should even step aside. what do you say to that? >> yes, there was a she start but a strong finish. joe biden is extraordinarily strong. people can debate on style points, but, ultimately, this election and who is the president of the united states has to be about substance. >> i will never turn my back on president biden. never turn my back on president biden. i don't know a democrat in my party that would do so. especially after tonight. we have his back. we run not the 90-yard dash. we are all in. we are going to double down in the next few months and win this election. >> lawrence: rachel? >> rachel: yeah, obviously gavin
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newsom is gearing up for something. he is very slimy. you can't trust what is coming out of his mouth right now. i want to go back to something you said ainsley that is really important. you talked about crime and talked about women. i think that the democrats came into this election thinking they could just run on abortion. so you saw last night the biggest lie where he said the democrats aren't for long-term abortion. that is outright lie that even planned parenthood would tell you. that's not true joe biden. we do believe that. in donald trump brought up even after that. but, again, that's what they want run on for women. women are much more multi-dimensional and much more practical. they care about crime. seeing young women. the 12-year-old, laken riley those are all of our daughters. we want our daughters to be able to go down to the corner store and be safe or go for a jog and be safe. so, there's that as well. inflation and the cost of living is a woman's issue. and then finally, the ukraine war is a women's issue. people are concerned that their sons and their daughters, even,
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perhaps, will be drafted into a war that they don't know, understand, and they don't stand for and they don't want their sons and daughters dying for. so that is something that i keep hearing over and over again for moms across america. >> lawrence: steve, typically, when it comes to the late term abortion question they don't answer and punt it and say it's a republican talking point. first time that you had the president of the united states say we are actually against long-term abortion. but what are the people saying in virginia about the debate last night? >> steve: well, i tell you what, lawrence, thank you very much. let's find out. go ahead and do a little focus group. good morning! hello, everybody. [cheers and applause] >> steve: welcome to "fox & friends." all right, so, did everybody see the debate? hands up? who saw the debate? all right. you saw the debate. [laughter] turn around this way so we can see you. okay. [laughter]
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has he your name. >> my name is donna. >> how was breakfast it? >> was good have. >> steve: what did you think of last night. >> i thought last night the headlines should be why are we all surprised. we have been seeing it for months your son has been covering it at the white house. we were set up last night so that they could pick a new candidate. >> steve: you think so. >> i do think. so. >> steve: pick a new candidate? talk to this guy. turn around this way. what's your name? >> tom. >> do you think the democrats this morning are saying to themselves, okay. that's not working out, we need plan b? who is plan b? >> well, if you take a look at the headlines through all the media, it's clear that the democrats are panicking today. if president biden had any intention of instilling confidence in his own party. i think he fell last night. >> steve: what's your name. >> erika. >> steve: all joe biden had to do reassure people i'm not too old and? >> he failed at that. definitely. his best chance might to be settle it on the golf course.
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>> steve: what point did you say to yourself. >> oh no. a minute and a half in, the blank stare. >> steve: who is excited to talk to the governor of the commonwealth of virginia? [cheers and applause] >> steve: all right. very good. glenn youngkin is in the house here at the juke box diner. we're going to talk to him in about 10 minutes. in the meantime let's go down to canton, georgia, today it's the dueling diners. we have a big crowd here and rachel campos-duffy has a big crowd down there as well. rachel? >> rachel: hey, steve. thanks so much. yes. we have a giant crowd here. we have a line all the way outside as well. we're at the eggs up grill. we are getting a pulse of people in georgia, a very important state in this election, think about last night's debate. joe biden's performance vs. donald trump's performance, what's your name? >> rachel: what is your thoughts
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about last night. >> he got demolished: i have things to say about the border situation. these are my kids. i'm the head of the home. we need a president to be the head of our honestly, which is america. we need a head of the home keep us protected and lock up the doors just like the home, need protection of the head. >> rachel: what's your name? >> carol. >> rachel: he talked about the head of the home. how safe do you feel as joe biden as the head of america right now? >> not at all. last night just proved what we have been feeling all along. i have been a trump supporter all the way through i will do it again. >> rachel: what's your top issue? >> border and inflation. i'm retired teacher, and inflation is just -- it's taking everything i have got.
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>> rachel: yeah, when you are on a fixed income, those prices hit you hard. all right. thanks so much, you guys. >> thank you. >> rachel: right back to you guys, brian, ainsley? >> brian: getting the pulse of the people. >> rachel: and lawrence. >> brian: thanks so much, rachel. do you know what today is? i just checked calendar. it's friday. >> ainsley: we know that. >> brian: summer. what does that mean? >> ainsley: summer concert series. >> brian: tyler hubbard on shortly but first? >> ainsley: first the mclemores outside smoking barbecue on the fox square. >> what's going on, guys? we were actually just in georgia yesterday with lawrence doing a diner so we decided to bring the diner up to new york for tyler hubbard. is he playing here at 8:00. and speaking of getting smoked, i know we are talking about the debate trump smoking biden in the debate. we actually brought smoked ribs, so, dad, we're doing "fox & friends" traditional smoked ribs this morning. it's a 3-2-1 recipe which is
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perfect. i explained this recipe to my daughter bailey this morning. she said that makes perfect sense. so we're going to do smoked ribs, low temperature. we're going wrap them, put them back on the grill. ainsley we have got the bouquet for you right here. and lawrence and brian, for you. >> more "fox & friends" coming up you guys. back to you all. >> ainsley: wow. thank you. always come with these beautiful gifts of food. >> brian: we have so much more show to go more "fox & friends" in a moment. don't miss a moment. a lot of breaking news aftermath of a debate like no other. [laughter] >> lawrence: it was crazy. see you all in a bit. isolated...depressed... and embarrassed. that's how it felt to live with bladder and bowel incontinence. but that changed
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>> lawrence: so president biden following up on painful debate performance at appearance at watch party where the crowd was chanting "we need joe." panicking democrat insiders and the media say otherwise. watch. >> there is a deep, a wide, and a very aggressive panic in the democratic party. >> so, there is a real concern here tonight that there has been some real damage done that cannot be undone. >> there is no two ways about it, that was not a good debate for joe biden. >> that was painful. he had a test to meet tonight to
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restore confidence of the country and of the base and he failed to do that. it was a lot of people who are going to want to see him consider taking a different course now. we're still far from our convention. and there is time for this party to figure out a different way forward if he will allow us to do that. >> lawrence: joining us now, fox news tributer tammy bruce also a former democrat as well. as well as new york state senator and democratic strategist david carlucci. david, i will start with you, did you receive some phone calls, text messages last night saying it's time for a new nominee? >> well, of course people were concerned about the style of the debate, but the substance was there. if you listened, joe biden was talking about actual policies where you juxtapose that to donald trump and he was about half of everything he said was a lie. fact-checkers have gone through it this morning and we see almost every other word. so it's easy to get up there and say whatever you want, but if you are actually going to talk about reality and facts, that's
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what joe biden did. so, look, we know -- trump's strategy, he is trying to beat joe biden. is he running against joe biden. and his whole campaign is don't vote for joe biden. look, donald trump didn't pick up a single vote last night. he did nothing to get any of the people that have not tuned in yet. have not decided. so, yes. was joe biden's debate, did he come with the style that we wanted? >> lawrence: i got to give it to you, you are a happy warrior. that takes guts, tammy, to defend that performance. >> he has a hard job i was struck by denying that any of our troops had died during his tenure, that's an affront and shameful embarrassment to the 13 families who lost -- were brutally slaughtered in afghanistan at the airport. and those who were injured. or that the border patrol had endorsed him. they immediately posted on social media we have never done that. we never will. so, let me finish.
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i let you finish. when we talk about lies, that's what we -- and this is the problem with last night. it was an embarrassment for the country. it's horrible what happened. that the people now clutching their pearls, wringing their hands, knew in 2020 that this is who they had not suddenly brought by leprechauns. he had hid him in a basement and had excuses and all now shocked that this is what happened nation on far. some are making excuse the most are not because it is so obvious. and the problem is, again, it's beyond the partisan nature of this. the world was watching until january 20th, 2025. no matter what they do with their convention. and joe biden with that clip we need joe, she says to him like is he a toddler, joe, you
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answered all the questions. and what did trump do? you got the memo, he just lied. there is more at stake than agreement on partisan issues. i was thrilled for trump and for the country because in 25 this will change. in the meantime. this is what they delivered to the country. the party. the democratic party not joe biden. the party lifted this catastrophe onto the country and it cannot continue. >> i want to pick up there. i get it. everybody is going to defend their side. but the special counsel washed us about there. he said he was unfit essentially to stand trial. >> they said well meaning older man with a poor memory. juxtapose that to a man being taken up on charges because he is not well meaning. >> i'm not talking about the trump. i'm talking about the
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performance. >> weak in performance i agree. >> lawrence: not being able to complete a sentence looking up in the sky. layup with abortion and number one issue and started talking about the reasonable doubt. >> talk about issues where donald trump just spewed one lie after the other. he never delivered on what he was going to do. he has been talking about what is he going to do in israel. a two state solution. do you agree on that? you can't pin him down, are you going to abide by the results of this election? he was asked three times. and he could not give a solid answer. i mean, that is alarming, so we could talk about delivery. i think it matters more about substance. sound clip society. when we look at the transcript and look at what these gentlemen said, it is hard to say that donald trump won. >> lawrence: i think the conversation isn't about substance. i think it's about pure competence. >> if you got a guy lying through his teeth and you call him to the mat. how are you going to say that's
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confident? >> american people know what you are doing and i suppose democrats appreciate it. >> i think the american people. i don't think donald trump won a single vote last night. >> only solution they had to try to throw this guy in jay we will see how that. >> tammy bruce. david car loosey. carley is fired up this morning. >> that was a great discussion from both sides of the aisle and it will continue, you can better on that we got more news to net to illegal immigrant from he can gore sufficient casing a syracuse woman to death on 21st birthday and burying her body in a park. went to elementary school with him in ecuador. picked up by border agent last year and released due to lack of space. charged with second degree murder and concealment of a human corpse the supreme court handing down opinions of pending cases this morning.
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we may have to wait several more days for the high court issues high stakes immunity case. the court made a sudden change extending the currents session until early july. and those are your headlines, check in with senior meteorologist janice dean for our fox weather forecast. hi, janice. >> happy friday. let's take a look at it. the heat has subsided a little bit for much of the country except for the south across the mississippi river valley southeast. looking for the potential for showers and thunderstorms for the midwest. areas that got soaked over the last few weeks and where we have riforts out of their banks. not a good news story. we will be following that the tropics starting to perk up here. area of low pressure that's going to move into the gulf of mexico, and then this is something we need to watch over the next week or so that could develop as it moves closer to the lesser an tillies, here are. so commute models as we go through the next five days. something we need to monitor, we
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don't have a good forecast on this. but we are getting into that season where we have to be vigilant when it comes to the tropics. he. >> lawrence: lucky because you are always following it. we will lean on you. thanks, j.d. steve doocy is there with governor glenn youngkin who will meet with the former president today. what might they be talking about? could he be on the v.p. list too? that's next. ♪ ♪ ♪ i got the power of 3. i lowered my a1c, cv risk, and lost some weight. in studies, the majority of people reached an a1c under 7 and maintained it. i'm under 7. ozempic® lowers the risk of major cardiovascular events such as stroke, heart attack, or death in adults also with known heart disease. i'm lowering my risk. adults lost up to 14 pounds. i lost some weight. ozempic® isn't for people with type 1 diabetes. don't share needles or pens, or reuse needles.
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>> steve: democrats are divided this friday morning after president biden's debate performance if you can call it that last night. how can donald trump capitalize on the momentum from last night as he rallies today in virginia. well, i have got an idea who he should talk, to ladies and gentlemen, here at the juke box
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diner, give it up for glenn youngkin. [cheers and applause] >> how much fun. thanks for coming back to virginia. >> steve: my pleasure. >> so much fun to have you here and the juke box diner always ready to fry some eggs, serve some bacon and elect donald trump the next president of the united states. >> steve: this guy is great. we'll talk a little bit about you are actually going to appear with the former president later today. but, first, let's talk about last night. what's your headline from the debate with joe biden? i think today we were going to be talking about who won but, instead is he going to be the candidate ultimately who faces off against trump in november? >> well, as bad as last night was for joe biden, and, steve, it was really bad. >> steve: it was bad. >> it was really bad. it compares in comparison to what he has done to our country to damage it the last three and
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a half years. we all saw it. america saw it. it was on display. strength vs. weakness. and, of course, every element, a strong touch economy with high biden economy strong trump border that had it under control and the chaos that joe biden has unleashed, a strong trump foreign policy had the world respecting america and joe biden wanted it was a clear statement of strength vs. weakness. america saw it. and i think this is why virginia is in play. this is why virginiasens are ready for strength. >> steve: state by 10 points back in 2020. now it's pretty much a toss-up. they are both tied at 48%.
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biden 48% for donald trump as well. but if you are a down ballot democrat that guy. that guy can't -- you couldn't see a poll across any of the battleground states and not know america was choosing strength over weakness. it's his administration. it doesn't matter who they put in economy. failed border. failed national security. and that's what americans see. and i hear it all over virginia. people want strength back in the white house. they want a strong america. and that's what donald trump displayed last night. >> steve: would kamala harris be the first person they think about swapping him out with. [crowd boos] >> or gavin newsom?
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>> steve: hey, hey, hey, hey. [laughter] >> first of all, kamala had one job she has been given to come the border czar. if you could find an f minus you would give f minus the border is complete chaos. and we see it everywhere. where literally tens of millions of people across america heart broken when we begin to see the families of laken riley. >> steve: absolutely. >> this incredible mother in maryland who was murdered and can you imagine being the parent of a 12-year-old girl in texas. >> steve: i know it. >> watched your daughter be brutalized and murdered? this is what kamala harris has unleashed on america, too. she had one job. and that was to secure the border. and she didn't even begin to try to do it and look what she has unleashed on america. >> steve: they didn't ask about those cases in particular last
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night. donald trump did bring them up so we did hear a little bit about it. so later today you are going to be appearing with donald trump. and it's because you met with him a couple weeks ago and said you got to pay attention to our military people. since then. you have been mentioned as a potential vice president under donald trump. >> so much talent in the republican party. >> i don't care about everybody else. what about you? i want to know about you. >> anybody is better than kamala harris. i mean, let's be clear. it's an honor to even have my name tossed around. the president coming to virginia today is reflective of the fact that virginia is in play. and virginia is in play -- think about it. just four years ago joe biden did win virginia by 10 points. virginians are ready for strength. we had a fabulous meeting. we talked about virginia was ready to elect him. the fact that he is here the day after the debate last night i think demonstrates the fact that
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we're going to work together when i endorsed him. i told him i would inenas stickily support him to win. that's what i'm going to do today. >> steve: i'm sure he loves that have great day. thank you very much. glenn youngkin. [cheers and applause] >> steve: more from the juke box diner. thank you, governor. coming up. ♪ ief. the only topical pain reliever with 4 powerful pain-fighting ingredients that start working on contact to target tough pain at the source. for up to 8 hours of powerful relief. new advil targeted relief.
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♪ >> ainsley: biden and trump talking about how their policies have impacted minds. >> providing houses for black americans and dealing with the segregation that exists among these corporate -- these corporate rations collude to keep people out of their houses. >> big kill american people the people he allowed to come in through the border. >> here with reaction is eevanevangelist and jack brewer. hello, jack. >> hello, how are you doing? >> ainsley: i know you watched the debate last night.
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who did better appealing to the black community. >> it was a landslide. it's not even a conversation donald trump showed not just why he is the better candidate for black americans but for all americans, any minority group. he spoke directly to black people. you saw this sincerity in his voice and you understood the policies and i grew up. my father was a guy who has been working his hands to the bones his entire life. and so i am seeing the effects that, you know, certain immigration have had on me and get up every morning and go out and work on jobs that now migrants. people can just charge less. and so it's not right. it is affecting black families. it's effecting hardworking blue collar people and donald trump spoke directly to that last
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night. >> ainsley: donald trump said inflation. joe biden's inflation is taking jobs away from the hispanic community. and the black community by letting people across our border as well. he cited the opportunity networks, donald trump did. the criminal justice reform under his administration, and money for the historical black colleges and universities. there was a fox news poll said do you approve or disapprove of joe biden and how he is doing as president. joe biden out of the hispanics 23%. why is that? >> that's because they realize the effects when they go to the grocery store. african-americans are tired of being in the country where they're watching illegal immigrants get more services than they are getting. i will tell you another thing. a lot of us. i got family members that have been in prison. i go in and out of prisons and jails. i have watched so many
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african-americans be over. unjustly come across the border. and they are allowing and let him right out of jail. black people are sick and tired, second class in america and joe biden's policies are pointing towards illegal immigrants. >> ainsley: jack, thanks so much for coming on with us. have a great weekend. >> thank you so much. god bless you. >> ainsley: god bless you, too. don't move a jam-packed showho still ahead. ♪icom splurgy tina loves a hotel near rodeo drive. oh tina! wild tina booked a farm stay to ride this horse. glenn close?! with millions of possibilities you can book whoever you want to be.
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