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tv   FOX and Friends  FOX News  June 28, 2024 5:00am-6:00am PDT

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nexium 24hr prevents heartburn acid before it begins. get all-day and all-night heartburn acid prevention with just one pill a day. choose acid prevention. choose nexium. lowe's knows the right paint at a great price can get you the right look today. that's why select paints and stains are buy two, get one free. so you can refresh your space inside and out. paint more for less this july 4th. ♪operatic music♪ ♪ ♪ ♪♪ ♪
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you were made to find inner peace. we were made to track flight prices to paradise. >> we'll do a little group vocal warm-up together. y'all ready for this one? ♪ ♪ >> let's see what you got. god makes five-foot nine, brown eyes and loves him a drawl in a small town and ain't no way that me
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and this truck made her fall in love god makes the -- you guys are good. all right. ♪ ♪ ♪ s jack makes good whiskey red dirt makes good riding roads country makes good music for kicking up dust make good fires good make good swings. that's all good. god makes five-foot nine brown eyes and a sundress in a small-town acknow accent ain't no way me and this
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truck made her fall in love. jackic mas good whiskey god makes the good stuff. god makes the good stuff. like that sweet kiss she lays on me when i pull up in the drive ♪ >> brian: tyler lubbard's first big hit. without us, they may not make it. they are selling out stadiums and doing solo together. and tyler hubbard, that song number one. three number ones in two years. dro you know the controversy? >> ainsley: he has a new album, strong, support it. he supports "fox and friends," we should support him. >> brian: it is about his wife
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and every line will win her over, except the problem, he informed her, honey, i'm 5-10. it falls flat. five-nine sounds better. the song is about you, i have you shorter. haley is 5'10". >> ainsley: she was offended pause he is not 5'9". i have a feature with him and able to hang out with him, really cool guy. >> lawrence: are you best buds? >> brian: probably. i don't really have a best friend right now, i'm open. >> lawrence: we did not make the cut. >> brian: you didn't ask.
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>> ainsley: we didn't know. >> brian: bring in virginia. do you know the controversy with tyler hubbard? did you write a song about your wife and change her height because it sounds better an inch shorter in >> steve: no. >> brian: all right. >> lawrence: steve is like, i got nothing. >> steve: and brian, you know this, in the 20-something years we've been doing the show together, sometimes we say tiny things on the couch we don't think aboutwice. when we go home, and our wives remind us, hay hey, did you say this and kathie and i will be out at shop rite or something and total stranger will say, i heard steve said this about you.
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there is no -- >> ainsley: you could quote donald trump. i don't know what he said at the end of that sentence. >> lawrence: perfect transition, talk about not remembering what happened, american people will definitely remember what took place on the debate stage yesterday. this is the former president and current president at the presidential debate, watch. >> president biden: 2 trillion tax cut benefited the wealthy, i will fix the taxes is. we have a thousand billionaires in america, if i that just pay 24 or 25%, they would raise 500 billion dollars, making sure we make every single solitary personnel eligible for what i've been able to do with the covid -- excuse me, with dealing with everything we have to do
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w with -- look, if we finally beat medicare -- >> thank you, president biden. >> i will move until we get total ban on -- total initiative relative what to do with more border patrol and asylum officers. >> donald trump: i really don't know what he said at the end of the sentence, i don't think he knows either. >> brian: devastating, steve. >> steve: the white house, the campaign and jill biden, the first lady, have a lot of explaining to do. >> lawrence: yeah, they do. >> steve: for the last number of months, we've been told, joe is fine. behind the scenes, he's like a tiger. he would be fine they are saying
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now for another four years. another four years, he might not make it four months. there was very convo absoluted train of thought. he was there and listening and his answers were very confusing. that is one reason, i don't know if you got that note from jackie at the white house, she's been talking to democratic sources that said the race is over and another one said we are fed, talking about the democratic party. what is unusual, this morning we were going to talk about who won the debate. instead, it is what are democrats going to do, they have a problem on their hands. that guy, screen right, cannot win and that guy from delaware could not win delaware in november, if that guy keeps
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showing up. >> brian: if you're a republican, do you want to push president biden over or make sure you run against him and get that rematch and see if you get a different result? eric trump joins us live. his first impression, trump team really wasn't out in the spin room, i guess they wanted to let the biden performance speak for itself. eric, your thought about a debate like no other. >> not sure i've seen the democratic media kill a candidate like they did last night. i've been sitting on the couch with you for a decade now and never seen time when the main-stream media did not provide cover for one of their own. cnn was killing him. it is last years they spent indicting my father. they needed to pull the rabbit
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out of a hat, they went after him in georgia, civilally, criminally, gone after his family. tried toic tahim down in every way, shape or form because they know the guy they have out there. a picture speaks a thousand words, he lost based on how he entered the stage. he was old, he looked frail, mumbling when he came on to the stage. i'm proud of my father. he nailed it last night, did a great job. >> ainsley: i saw video on social media on instagram, your dad walking into the room backstage and all his supporters started clapping and he did the fist in the air. what did he say about biden's performance and how he thought he did last night?
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>> i spoke to him about 30 seconds after he got off stage and probably the first phone call he took. he was elated. biden spent days at camp david prepping. any time in college i would spent 10 days studying for a test, i would usually do pretty good. my father has been out there everyday putting his heart and soul into it. high my father gets on theige staand speaks from the heart. this country misses his to toughness and the standing we used to have on the world stage and we don't. i'm telling you, everybody is laughing at american leadership, it is so sad, we have the greatest nation in the world, greatest nation, greatest
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freedoms, greatest capitalism and ability to make money and develop products and we're losing our standing because of the nonsense, it is remarkable, you see lies on the stage last night over and over and this country wants him back desperately. i caveat that with just make no mistake, they have something up their sleeve, no way the entire democratic party would have killed biden the way they did last night if they did not have a plan in store. >> lawrence: typically what we've seen from democrats, especially in the press, is they conceal biden, they don't attack him. part of the problem we got this problem, they have been protecting him the whole time. last night, they went after him. people that used to work for him. watch. >> this was a game-changing
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debate. in the sense right now there is a deep, a wide and a very aggressive panic in the demo democratic party. there will be discussion about whether he should continue. no two ways about it, not a good debate for president biden. >> it was painful, i love joe biden. i worked for joe biden. he did not do well at all. there are a lot of people who want to see him consider taking a different course now. >> i don't think we should sugar coat this, this is not the debate performance the team wanted or needed from this debate. >> i understand not feeling well and he comes in with certain deficits, he has a stutter. i was on the phone for much of the deb
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the -- >> lawrence: eric, my question is how do you keep mos mentum after that? >> lawrence, you missed best one, kamala harris coming out and saying that her running mate was absolutely horrible, he had a bad start. i thought that was interesting. main-stream media had to do that, they have been covering for them, they are propaganda wing of the dnc. if they did not do that as many americans watched that last night, they would have been out of business. cnn has the worst ratratings. they had to do that. my father will keep going to arizona and florida and north carolina and swng states and we
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as a family will work tirelessly. we love this country. my father said, if you were doing a great job, i would have never run. i could have lived a beautiful life at mar-a-lago, enjoying retirement. i did not need to do that. i am doing that because you are driving our country into the ground. i would love to see you succeed, i give my father immense credit, he does not need to do this. he is shot at every single day. he wants to save this country and see our nation succeed and fix this union and wants respect for america again. i'm proud of him every time he walks on that stage and every time he has a 20-hour workday or every time he shows up at a rally. bronx with 15,000 people or new jersey with 110,000 people, he makes me proud each and everyday
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and made me proud last night. >> brian: steve. >> steve: thank you, brian. eric, your father was -- there is no debate, your father won the debate by 100 miles. he was calm, which there were people worried about him going in. he was calm and in control. he had a great performance. essentially joe biden, his perform performance vindicated left-leaning pundits and pollsters who said he lost his step and should get out and never did. my question to you, i know joe biden is your father's opponent, but yesterday when you were watching the train wreck that was that debate, some point you had to say to yourself, i feel sorry for that guy. he shouldn't be president if
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that is the guy. as a person, that is so sad. >> listen, no question about it, so sad "new york times" columnist in tears, you saw that. why didn't the democratic party do something, why didn't his wife do something. the victim is not joe biden, actually it may be him, as well. the victim is the united states. nothing has been done because the guy is trying to polish off lines on a policy he's had for a long time. my father worked seven days a week, unthinkable hours to run our country. this is a real job. who is running our country right now? you have real animals around the world and people who want the worst for america and take over our way of life and be number one super power, they are coming after us, make no mistake about
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it. this is who we are trusting to ebb fend them off? no way. people want a fighter ander chooleader back. you saw the fight last night and the love and passion and c competence. >> brian: thank you for giving us insight from the trump camp. i think they want to let joe biden have this news cycle. he'll be in virginia today with governor youngkin. thanks, eric. take a look at other headlines, fam fumbling performance. ax axios and wtf, panic dems look for alternatives to biden. and daily beast, joe biden -- recording what they saw. >> lawrence: all publications owe the country an apology, they
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acted like we were crazy and said we were doing conspiracy theories and knew all along, they been protecting him entire time and he crumbled on stage and they act like its a headline. >> ainsley: that video was not ed editsed, it was on cnn live. the post justed mumble, fumble and freezes in train-wreck debate. what are folks saying in the diner? >> rachel: we're at eggs up grill and that is one of the subjects people are talking about here, too. they felt sorry for him and some said how could a wife let her husband do that. a lot of questions about jill biden and her role in this. come over here and talk to these diners, what is your name? >> jack. >> rachel: what is your takeaway?
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>> on the joe biden thing? i think everybody knows joe biden has been a puppeteer and no surprise she's trying to prop him up and make him look good. america is smarter than that and tha thankfully last night's debate gave an opportunity to see what you talk about everybody and they have blinders on and don't pay attention to. >> rachel: this lady's name is georgia in georgia. i love it. what is your takeaway. >> it is very sad with the jill thing, i'm sad for him and you have to wonder what does he really have up there. and what are we putting out there. it is sad. it is sad for democrats, im00 sad for them, this is what you chose, it is unfortunate. >> rachel: yeah. one last question, your last
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thoughts on this? >> my name is jeff. i think biden fell off a cliff the last night. he can't quit lying. it is over. >> rachel: they will replace him? >> definitely, i don't know with whom. >> rachel: any ges? >> kamala. >> rachel: you heard it here, these people are concerned and i'm hearing about how this looks overseas, people concerned joe biden is in power for another however months and don't know who is running the show, big topic of conversation at this diner. >> lawrence: thanks. >> brian: kjp has till monday to come up with that. >> lawrence: i'm sure she wants the day off. biden blaming the bad economy on trump. >> president biden: he did not do much at all.
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>> ainsley: will americans buy that? "shark tank's" kevin o'leary will weigh in. >> brian: first tyler hubbard will perform live for our summer c concert series. he's playing now. ♪ ♪ back when i had you when phone call back when i past time was watching baseball and repu politics weren't table high. ♪ ♪ tailgate down fm on and up loud and burning up the night ♪ ♪ back when all i wanted was the hand i was holding
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>> brian: millions of americans are struggling with inflation, president biden trying to convince then inflation is trump's fault. >> president biden: in addition to that, we're in a situation where if you take a look at all done in this administration, he
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did not do much at all. things were in chaos, literally chaos. we put things back together -- >> brian: we can't wait this long, hes this is trump's fault, he left a mess and caused inflation. here to react is "shark tank" superstar investor, chair of kevin o'leary ventures. inflation as high as 9%. kevin m >> reason we have inflation, we printed too much money. inflation reduction act was very inflationary and chips and science was more. probably spent trillion and a half more than we needed to, but who knew. most governments printed money,
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we just printed too much. program for inflation, it won't be taxing corporation, that does not solve for inflation. >> brian: people think, with inflation, inflation reduction act and rescue package and on top the chips act, so much spending led to 9%, which they told us was transitery. you are asking the american people to look around and get interest rates down and spending under control. can you do that without sacrifice? >> there will have to be sacrifice. next president will have to deal with bohemeth issues, national debt is too high. there are examples around the world, you can take definitive
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action and solve the debt problem. anwar, one of the largest pools of energy, hasn't been touched, sitting in the ground. n norw norwegians put a royalty on it and paid down national debt. start pumping and selling to asia and might be able to take a big piece out of the national debt from that. so social security, that is a behemeth and you can't escape that, it will not be popular, if you are wealthy, why get a check from the government. >> brian: is that enough to solve it, though? >> not necessarily, you have to solve this problem incrementally, national debt in multi trillion dollar debt can be solved.
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i'm an optimist, it takes good policy decisions. but the new president has to say, here is my plan to pay down national debt. this is one way, there are others. when you tax, you shrink the economy, you need to grow your way out of the economy and make the economy grow faster and solve national debt. >> brian: thanks so much, good to have a fact check this morning. thank you, kevin. steve and rachel talking to voters in virginia and georgia. first tyler hubbard will perform now, guys we'll get to you in a moment. let's listen to some music. ♪ ♪
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>> president biden: i told you before, i'm happy to play golf if you carry your own bag. think you can do it? >> that is biggest lie, six handicap. >> i'm eight handicap. >> i have seen your swing, let's not act like children. >> you are a child. >> steve: all right. there you have the presidents talk about their golf game. you are going golfing, what did you think about that? >> too funny, if i could picture biden on the golf course against trump. >> steve: i notice jackie wrote something on your bill, vote
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trump, no tax on tips. we need every bit we can. >> steve: i've been talking to the crowd at juke box diner. who would democrats put in? brilliant idea. >> hillary clinton. >> steve: see if that happens. >> shelly johnson. >> what did you make of last night's performance by joe biden? our current president. >> it was sad and quite embarrassing and i cannot believe i in my lifetime having a president like this in the white house. it is unbelievable nothing has been done about it. >> steve: very sad. great waiter today. before the debate, i know one thing that motivated you was the economy is a mess, right? >> yes, i'm so anxious, i go to
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the grocery store with anxiety, prices are 20 to 30% higher and under trump's watch there were no wars at all and what i witnessed last night is contrast of weakness and strength. we need strong leadership at the white house. >> steve: and lower prices. everybody agrees with that. we had a couple hundred people here today and this person here, i heard from mary carroll, that woman over there looks so much like you, it could be because this is mys -- my sister ann. and this is my brother-in-law gus. and gus has had a life of public service and it is great to have them both on tv. they just moved to virginia from germany. welcome to the united states.
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>> thank you. >> steve: talk to them about the presidential thing, he has a job, if he did, he would get fired by noon. we will not do that. it has been a great crowd today here at juke box diner. go down to canton, in georgia. we have rachel campos-duffy. [cheering] >> rachel: thank you, steve, we're at the eggs up grill. i don't have family here, i am surrounded by new friends and it is fun. how many wish you were a fly on the wall at the dnc last night? >> that would have been fun or msnbc, i'm surrounded by veterans. joe biden said nobody died in afghanistan, how did that make you feel as retired afghanistan veteran? >> afghanistan was the biggest
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fiasco. >> your thoughts? >> afghanistan was definitely a debacle and not to mention the people dying and all the equipment they left behind. >> 85 billion. best estimate. >> rachel: joe biden, what is your name? >> tom. >> rachel: joe biden said veterans have never been treated better than under his administration. what is your thought? >> va is a mess, i have gone through hell. the pact act helped, you still have to get approved by the va. >> rachel: another of joe biden's lies or half truths. back to you. >> ainsley: thank you, rachel, great job. country star tyler hubbard rocking the all-american summer
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concert series. ♪ ♪ ♪ we need space i know a place out of town where it never cools down. i'll take you dancing in the country, stand you in some red dirt, swing you off both feet. ♪ ♪ you never want to go home and never want to die, baby. dancing in the country. we're dancing in the country. ♪ lord, you know what's on our hearts. you know where we struggle. you know where we need to be pushed. help us give it all to you. the good, the bad.
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help us turn to you in everything. amen. you should join me in more prayer on hallow. stay prayed up.
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>> janice: take a look at the map. an area of low pressure moving across midwest bringing potential for severe weather over areas that have had so much rain over last couple weeks. that is something we'll be watching. the heat continues to pound the south across mississippi valley and it is feels over 90 degrees.
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and we are watching the tropics moving into the gulf of mexico. regardless whether it gets a name, it will bring rain. these two areas of low pressure crossing the atlantic and moving closer to the caribbean and perhaps into the gulf of mexico. ure hurricane season is in full swing. fox, for details. >> brian: over to the couch. >> lawrence: we're continuing our all-american summer concert series with the great tyler hubbard. >> ainsley: country music powerhouse and continues to solidify his solo success with "strong" and it is available everywhere. >> brian: going on tour in september. welcome back to fox. >> thank you, it's been a minute. >> brian: you were not partying all night and you don't smell like alcohol.
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>> i took it easy last night. the voice is warmed up now. >> ainsley: i heard you had a big day with brian yesterday. >> we did. >> brian: that pizza play is significant because? >> they knew who i was before anybody in new york city knew, which nobody really still does. they have been big fans of me and my music, we go and stop by every time we come to the city. >> brian: it is good luck for you. >> good food and good luck. >> lawrence: how is the solo career going? >> going great, i've had a lot of fun. been super busy, been on tour with kane brown. feeling like i'm in my groove, feeling super creative and having fun. after the pandemic and after the unknown and not being able to play live music, i have so much
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g gratitude and it has given me new energy. i'm grateful. >> ainsley: i remember seeing you when you were with florida georgia line, you were just getting started and it was a small venue. congratulations on that. now with your solo career, three number ones. >>iacy, one from my second album, i released my fourth single to radio. it is working, i feel supported and loves and fans are incredible. i'm going back to open for other acts and play my own stuff in small rooms and clubs and theaters, where i fell in love the first go around. >> brian: you and brian kelly have gone your separate ways to solo. don henley, did solo thing and know went back to eagles. do you see you and bk getting
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back together? >> i like to never say never, i will say i'm in a really good place right now and it is hard to predict the future. right now my eyes are set on the solo career down the road. >> brian: and controversy that i unveiled yesterday? you wrote a song about your wife, 5'9", what is the problem? >> she was taller than that. she was 5'10". if im00 being honest, i don't know if i knew my wife was 5'10" until i got home that afternoon. >> ainsley: do you have kids yet? >> three kids. >> ainsley: are they all tall? >> they are pretty tall. >> brian: and he never misses a kid event. >> i don't know about never, i
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try to make all i can. we had a great show going outside. >> brian: dana perino loves country music and you. tell tyler and us what you have coming up on your show. >> dana: i would love to, i'm a huge fan and i love summer fridays at fox. you sound so good out there. where were you when the democratic presidential candidate fell apart minute 13 in 2024? the white house insisted president biden runs circles around them, public saw that is not true, the media is speaking out. voters we had on yesterday come back this morning. and history making supreme court rulings this morning. and i have will have bret baier explain to me, what is a golf handicap.
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lowe's knows the right paint at a great price can get you the right look today. that's why select paints and stains are buy two, get one free. so you can refresh your space inside and out. paint more for less this july 4th. [cheers and applause] >> ainsley: are you ready to
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hear it? number one song. >> brian: his number one song. tyler hubbard, are you ready? take it away. [cheers and applause] >> all right, new york! come on, let's get it, boys. ♪ oh, yeah ♪ >> take it out. ♪ ♪
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>> dana: now we get to this. a shocking night that puts the democrats and their 2024


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