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tv   America Reports  FOX News  June 28, 2024 10:00am-11:00am PDT

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are waiting for this rally. the stakes are high. the white house appears to be in chaos telling caddy k of the bbc one thing while telling cnn they are sticking with the president and the president will remain. capitol hill, we don't get answers we hear one thing, we hear another thing. this dueling rally joe biden taking the stage reportedly insistent that joe biden remain the nominee of the democratic party of the stakes cannot be higher and all of this comes as president trump is set to take the stage with the popular governor of virginia, the republican party looking more unified than ever as the democrat party this hour is in total and complete disarray will take you to those events live when they happened here is "america reports." >> the only job joe biden had last night was to reassure america he was not too old to do the job.
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he failed. he failed miserably. >> he couldn't finish a thought, he could not land an answer, and his closing thoughts were even botched. i mean, come on. >> i don't believe he is our best choice at this point. >> i mean billionaires. >> yet last night was one of those to see if he was up to the job and the resounding answer last night anyway was no. >> look it was a relief dissipating debate performance from joe biden. i don't think there's any other way to slice it. >> if -- finally beat medicare. >> i think there are a lot of people who will want see him consider taking a different course now. >> i will continue until we get a total ban, total initiative relative to what we are going to do with more asylum officers. >> i don't know what he said at the end of that sentence. >> sandra: here we go a big day and a big hour coming up as we look live at two events.
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we are right now is awaiting rallies from president biden in north carolina scream left where he is said to speak any moment now and scream right former president donald trump is said to rally in virginia. of course all eyes right now are on joe biden after his consuming debate performance last night and as calls grow louder for him to step aside. we are watching these, the governor is now speaking there in north carolina, he is expected to introduce the first lady and then the president. we will keep our eye on that and trace it is good have you here i'm sandra smith in new york. >> sandra gray to be be with you i'm trace gallagher irritant for john roberts this is "america reports." just sad is how "the new york post" front page sums up the shaky night on stage which continued even after the debate when jill biden struggled to leave her husband off the stage. did you see that part? vice president kamala harris tried to defend biden but even she admits he had a slow start, watch. >> i'm not going to spend all
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night talking about the last 90 minutes when i've been watching last three and a half years of performance. >> i mean, you can't honestly say -- i mean can you say you are not concerned at all having watch the president a positive performance when i? >> it was a slow start that's obvious to everyone i won't debate that point. i'm talking about the choice in november. >> trace: fox coverage now karl rove with his analysis is on deck but let's get to this tomlinson on what is happening there. lucas? >> sandra it's been two decade since they are republican presidential candidate won the state of virginia. you have to go all the way back to 2004 and george's stomach george w. bush the next guest will know all about that, sandra but early this morning at 7:00 a.m. thousands of trump supporter's began lining up in their cars went back for miles in fact we had to get dropped off a mile from here to walk in. this tree farm in chesapeake, virginia, outside the norfolk
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area we spoke to a lot of supporters who are here to vote for president trump to show their support here is what they said. >> you know the pipeline that was going on got shut down, keystone pipeline, the illegals the amount of illegals coming over here and they get the welcome aboard package, social security and all these other benefits. >> do you think drunken win virginia? >> absolutely think trump will win virginia he is winning virginia. >> it's been a few decades. >> well, it's time. >> it was just a few months ago no one was calling virginia a swing state or a potential pickup opportunity for donald trump, but a different story here today, sandra. fox news poll showing the race in a dead heat which is also a reason the first lady came to the commonwealth to campaign recently on virginia beach. >> it really comes down to who has the wisdom and who has the experience and who has the ability. to really leave this country in the right direction.
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>> president trump takes the stage in chesapeake at 3:00 p.m. he will also be joined by the popular governor glenn youngkin also the republican nominee and tim kaine in the u.s. senate. >> trace: i think we hear "rambling man" in the background allman brothers are we correct? >> stop the music, that's it. that's right. organizers say they are expecting about 10,000 people here, sandra. >> trace: we will be watching it. it looks like it's already a big crowd and growing thank you so much, lucas. let's bring in karl rove now former deputy white house chief of staff. carl, i will tear you up here, tell us what you are thinking at this hour. had a lot of time to digest what happened last night. >> it was an unmitigated disaster for joe biden last night. think about what jill biden
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said, he who has the ability to leave the country, last night we saw a slack-jawed to be i'd, mangled his words, lost his train of thought couldn't keep his focus kept looking down, he just looked really, really old because guess what, he is. i think it will be very difficult if not impossible to recover from the image we had last night. presidents have had bad first debates but they generally have been able to recover in a second debate, ronald reagan did it in 1984, george w. bush did it in 2004, barack obama did it in 2012 but that second debate was a matter of ten days have 14 days later the next presidential debate is ten weeks off. we are going to have plenty of time to digest what we saw last night and the american people i think will internalize that by saying he is just too. >> trace: so many questions at this hour and one of them is what about all of those in pr who knew that this was the biden behind-the-scenes? or at a minimum we are ignoring
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warnings? let's think about robert hur in february i'm appointed by garland who wouldn't even bring charges against him because they said the jury would see hio be a well-meaning man with a poor memory. remember when the democrats were pressed on the issue then? this with senate majority leader schumer's response to those challenges. february 13th on capitol hill, listen. >> he's fine, all this right wing propaganda is mental acuity is defined as wrong. >> i think the campaign needs to let him get out there and be who he is. and i also am sick and tired of everybody talking about his age. >> sandra: she calls him a friend and says she talks to them regularly. schumer said in a press conference he talks to him several times a week and has known him 30 years. so how about some accountability and where is the responsibility for those who knew this was joe biden and knew this was happening behind the scenes?
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>> the ultimate accountability will be if he remains at the head of the democratic ticket he will lose. and the guy who thought he was the only democrat who could be donald trump will lose and lose badly. based on last nights performance, for over a year i happen to work in that place for seven years. at the white house. and i saw what is required of a fit, young man who entered that job i think at the age of 54. and aged over the course of those eight years. this, a year ago and thinking what is this guy thinking about running for reelection? he promised to be a transitional figure he would restore normality to the white house and we all thought he would be a one-term president and transition. for the new younger generation when he got in for reelection i thought what are they thinking he is not getting younger. and as this campaign has gone more and more people i have talked to who had doubts about donald trump would say something along the following lines. i don't like donald trump, like
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his policies but i don't like the man but i'm scared to death of kamala harris being president of the united states because joe biden is 81 and he is not going to necessarily his fighting the actuarial tables. dispute when i'm jumping in because we are obviously now seeing the president. in a moment where people have a lot of questions come a lot of concerns, we are going to dip in here and listen because this is jill biden the first lady at his side every single day. let's dip in and see what she has to say we will also take the president when he begins >> and what great music, let's hear it for fat joe and igor eddie! [cheers and applause] so it's great to be with you a all. [laughs] [cheers and applause] some of you may have heard the story that i did not agree to marry joe until the fifth time he asked me.
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but, the truth is i loved him from the start. [cheers and applause] [chanting "four more years"] so i'm going to repeat that line because i think it's the most important. i loved him from the start. [cheers and applause] i saw in him then the same character that i see in him today. and even though he has faced unimaginable tragedies, his optimism is undaunted. is strength is on shippable. his hope is undeterred. [cheers and applause]
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and over the last few years, joe has helped heal our country. helping us all recover from the chaos of the last admini administration. we don't choose our chapter in history but we can choose who leads us through it. [cheers and applause] and at this moment with these perils the world is facing there is no one i would rather have sitting in the oval office right now then my husband. [cheers and applause] what you saw last night on the debate stage was joe biden, a president with integrity and character. who told the truth!
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and donald trump told lie after lie after lie. you are good, you are so good. this election is about you. joe is fighting for the families. here in north carolina and across america who are working hard to find a secure place in the middle class. the moms who worry that their daughters will grow up in a country with fewer rights than we had. and as a teacher i am always proud yes, teachers. love the teachers [applause] that are here. i am always proud of the way that joe fights for educators. like our next speaker, eric f fits. eric is a former -- >> sandra: i'm bringing carl
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back in here. because obviously she's is taking to the microphone and she is insisting this is the path they are going to continue down saying "no one i would rather have sitting in the oval office then my husband." what do you make up what you are hearing and she is suggesting there's another speaker before the president, we will certainly listen to his words when he begins. >> yeah, notice a couple of things first of all notice it was just there at the end we finally got something other than a slack-jawed joe biden looking at the back of his wife. fair, he is finally clapping hands. before hand to mouth was open, he just looked really old. look sort of disoriented and was looking at the back of her and also there is a problem here. he is going to speak. is he going to be as animated as she is and was? is he going to be as good as the guide now stepping to the microphone? how much do you want to bet we see more of what we saw last
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night and not anybody as animated as this? again, nothing will erase last night. this is a rally, people look at it and say candidates in a rally are different than candidates in a debate, we see the more authentically when everybody else and the crowd is gone and we saw him last night athletically. we saw who he really is. >> sandra: i remember the primary season it was january of 2020 in high school gym in new hampshire when biden was nowhere near the top of the poles in the primary and joe biden took to the microphone longer than he did. so it's not uncommon she does step up their ends speak at length before he does, carl, but the world is watching. i mean, we have heard world leaders weigh in on what they saw last night and i go back to the fact there were 16 advisors working with him hold up for over a week, carl. they had to have seen what was going to be the performance we all saw.
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>> yeah. i think this is sort of out there take a look and his aides, they are longtime aides of his when he was vice president when he was in the senate. there's a difference being an eight on capitol hill than being an aide and a governor's office or in the president's office and the president's office you need to have people who walk in and say "mr. president what you are thinking is the wrong thing and here's the right thing to do and here are some conflicting opinions, you make the decision but we think you're going in the wrong direction" in the senate the decisions are made primarily by the senators with their colleagues. it's the job of the staff to help sell it back home. so i'm not certain he has a represreputation for being a lie prickly and i think it's gotten worse with time but he is surrounded by people who were with him when he was senator, with him when he was vice president, and i think are less likely to confront him than most presidents have in their staff. >> sandra: apparently this
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will be a rather short speech here this is apparently the two-minute warning we will hear directly from the president shortly. but we had a flashback to an interview with president biden when scott felt he was asking him whether he felt he was really, truly fit for the job to run again for president. and president biden responded "watch me" can we tea that up real quick? let's play it. >> some people ask whether you are fit for the job and when you hear that i wonder what you think. >> watch me. honest to god that's all i think, watch me. >> two-thirds of americans in exit polls say they don't think you should run for reelection. what is your message to them and how does that factor into your final decision about whether or not to run for reelection? >> it doesn't. watch me. >> sandra: got to think with his party's thinking about when they watch that now.
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>> look, this is ego. this is the ego of the family, his wife come of his sister who plays an intimate role in all of his political decisions, and of joe biden himself. if he were thinking about the better interests of his party and the country, he would not be's saying at the age of 81 i will be 82 if i get reelected, i'm running. he has got to know what that job requires. >> sandra: karl if you could stand by let's go to the president. >> president biden: hello, hello, hello! [chanting] thank you, thank you, thank you. [cheers and applause] thank you, north carolina! [cheers and applause] i will get in trouble with my mom looking down from heaven if i don't say please excuse my back, i apologize.
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[cheers and applause] it's great for everyone to have my back. eric, that's the introduction went a wonderful time spending time with your son and christian and carter. they will grow up to be incredibly young men. you would've been really impressed the way they talked about their dad how informed they were with what was going on. i was truly impressed. i and i ate two hamburgers. special thanks to roy and christian cooper. roy, you've been a great governor. [cheers and applause] which makes it all the more important that north carolina elected a great governor to replace you, josh stein. [cheers and applause] and when i am reelected again come with your help, i want you
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to know that i am not promising not to take roy away from north carolina. whether he will come or not, i don't know. and thanks to all the state and local leaders here today, the great musicians and entertainers who performed earlier. folks, let me tell you why i am here in north carolina. [chanting "four more years"] >> president biden: that's okay, that's okay. i am here in north carolina for one reason. because i intend to win if this date in november. [cheers and applause] [clears throat] i think we are. and roy is right if we win back
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here we win the election. and this is how we are going to do it. we will stand up for the women of america. we are going to restore roe v. wade as the law of the land. [cheers and applause] we are going to stand up for the right to vote. chair mark we are going to stand up for medicare and social security. and we are going to fight for child care paid leave and elder care. we will keep lowering the cost of prescription drugs not just for seniors but from a single american. [cheers and applause] we will keep protecting the affordable care act. which is why am more than 40 million americans have health insurance today. [cheers and applause] we will protect our children and get the weapons of war off our streets.
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[cheers and applause] and provide clean drinking water affordable high-speed internet, quality education for every child in america. we are going to secure our border and protect illegal immigration. [cheers and applause] and unlike the other guy we are going to stand up to dictators like putin. [cheers and applause] because america bows to no one! no one, no one ever asked mark [coughs] folks we are going to keep dealing with the climate crisis. [chanting] look,... more than anything we are going to preserve, protect, and defend
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our democracy. [cheers and applause] because more than anything else, that is what is at stake in america in the selection. your freedom, your democracy, america itself is at stake. now, folks, i don't know what you did last night, but i spent 90 minutes on a stage and debated a guy who has the morals of an alley cat. [cheers and applause] did you see trump last night? my guess he said and i mean this sincerely he set a new record for the most lies told in a single debate. he lied about the great economy created. he lied about the pandemic he botched killing millions of people. he closed businesses, he closed schools. losing their homes people all over this country. america was flat on its back.
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so i told trump that he was 1 on history who left office with fewer jobs than he started. herbert hoover was the other one. that's why i call him donald "herbert hoover" trump. [cheers and applause] then he lied about how great he was for veterans. and then i told him how he had called the veterans who had given their lives in world war i and refused to go to the gravesites he called them suckers and losers. he tried to deny it. let me ask you, are you going to believe a four-star marine general's own former chief of staff john kelly who said he said that or disgraced lying donald trump? my son was one of those people. not in world war i but folks, look. how about the fact that 44 --
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[chanting] how about the fact, it's okay. how about the fact that 40, 44 top advisors including the vice president aren't supporting him this time around the people who know him best, 40 of them said i will not support the man i work for. this time around. it tells you a lot about the person who knows him. look, he lied about how great he was on crime. had to remind him he oversaw a record increase of murder rates in 2020. on my watch, violent crime is at a 50 year low. [cheers and applause] and then i pointed out the only convicted criminal on safe last was donald trump.
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[cheers and applause] i thought about his 34 felony convictions, his sexual assault on a woman in a public place, his being fined $400 million for business fraud. i thought to myself donald trump isn't just a convicted felon, donald trump is a one-man crime wave. [cheers and applause] and he has more trials. he's got more trials coming up. ["lock him up" chanting] >> president biden: look, the thing that bothers me may be most about him is he has no respect for women or the law. he doesn't. and then his biggest lie, he lied about how he had nothing to do with the insurrection in january 6th. [boos] we all saw with our own eyes, we
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watched them on television. we saw thousands of insurrectionist attack the capitol and police being attacked, the cattle being ransacked. the mob hunting for speaker pelosi. gallows literally set up for mike pence. and then he told them as he sat in the dining room one private dining room one door off the oval office he set for three hours watching the tv and did not a single thing to stop it, nothing. nothing at all. [boos] and now, and now he wants to pardon all of those convicted criminals. [boos] but folks, for all of his life is come and we learned some important truths about donald trump last night. we learned he is still proud of being the person who killed roe v. wade. [boos] no, we learned he is still proud about the pain he has inflicted upon america's women. we learn he is still believes
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that politicians, not doctors and women, should make decisions about a woman's health. [boos] we learned if he is elected again, and the republicans pass a national ban on the ocean, he sign it. donald trump says he thinks overturning roe v. wade was a beautiful thing. i think it was a nightmare. no, i really mean it, nightmare. and i made it clear again last night that if you elect me and kemal, you give us the democratic office we will make roe v. wade the law of the land again. [cheers and applause] he continues to lie and he said i quadrupled taxes. where has he been?
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which is a simple lie. i didn't raise a tax on in america. that made less than $400,000 a year. and i won't on my second term either. [cheers and applause] and trump or the largest deficit cut ring to trillion dollar tax cost of the super wealthy we learn he wants to give another giant tax cut to the very wealthy and the biggest corporations. this time $5 trillion, not a joke, $5 trillion to pay for it he will cut medicare and social security. he will cut health care. he will do it all and millions of working middle-class americans all pay for another tax cut for the very wealthy. and then to add insult to injury he wants to raise taxes on the average family 2,500 a year. what amounts to a new 10% sales tax on all products imported into america that's his new plan for coffee, candy bars, and so
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much more he is going to raise the tax on the average family $2,500 a year. and most dangerously we learned that donald trump will not respect this year's election outcome. he is still not respecting the last timeout. think about it, every court in the land ruled it was a fair election and he is still denying it still telling lies three times trump was asked last night by the moderators when he respect the election results if you lost this time? three times he refused to answer. three times. folks, donald trump refused to accept the results in 2020 and we all saw what happened on january the 6th. a direct consequence of that. it was an international embarrassment. by the way, as i go to these international meetings i know every major world leader and i literally because i've been around as you may have noticed. [laughter] but they asked me does he really
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mean this? like is this real? it caused a constitutional crisis in international embarrassment. now trump is making it clear if he doesn't won this time there will be in his words "bloodshed" [boos] no president has ever said anything like that. no president. his words, not mine. are you going to let donald trump attack our democracy again? >> no! >> vice president harris: i don't think so. folks... [chanting "four more years"] >> president biden: folks, we have come a long way. you've come a long way from the mess donald trump left us. he came out of the pandemic. we are a long way from where it donald trump telling us to inject bleach into our skin and
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that covid is not that dangerous. today we had the sternest economy in the world without exception. 15 million new jobs. [cheers and applause] 800,000 manufacturing jobs. unemployment under 4% for record two years in a row. [cheers and applause] historic black and hispanic unemployment down. historic of all communities across the nation particularly in rural areas. historic economic growth, inflation has dropped from 9% to 3% and it is still going down. [cheers and applause] i know we have more to do to get prices down and we have to take on corporate greed and make it twice the profit they were before the pandemic. we have to make housing more affordable. [cheers and applause] provide child care, make the tax code fair.
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16 nobel winners of the economic nobel prize have looked at my economy or economic plan this week, they just did a report. and on trump's plan here is what they concluded. they said my plan would continue to grow the economy and bring down inflation. [cheers and applause] 16 nobel laureates. and that trump's plan within the nation into recession and inflation soaring through the roof. [boos] but don't take my word for it, folks, let me close with this. i know i am not a young man. i will state the obvious. i know. [cheers and applause] [crowded chanting]
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>> president biden: folks i don't walk as easy as i used to. i don't smooth speak as smoothly as i do stu and i don't debate as well as i used to but i know what i do know. i know how to tell the truth. [cheers and applause] i know right from wrong asked mark and i know how to do this job. i know how to get things done. i know like millions of americans know, when you get knocked down you get back up. [cheers and applause] i know to take our country from the depths of the pandemic to where it is today the strongest economy in the world. i know what it will take to bring this economy to everybody.
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i know what it will take to rally the world to stand up against putin and defend freedom, not yield to him. [cheers and applause] and i know what it will take to keep the world safe and free for years ahead. folks, i give you my word is a bible and i would not be running again if i didn't believe with all of my heart and soul i can do this job. [cheers and applause] the stakes are too high. the stakes are too high. [chanting] donald trump is a genuine threat to this nation. he is a threat to our freedom. he is a threat to our democracy. he is literally a threat for everything america stands for. look, he doesn't understand what i think all of you do.
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america is the finest most unique nation in the world. we are the only nation in the world, i mean this sincerely, it's a fact statement not a hyperbolic statement, it's fact. we are the only nation in the world built on an idea. all the others built on ethnicity, geography, and other religion we are built on the idea that we are all created equal and we should be treated equally throughout our lives we have never fully lived up to it but i'll be damned just two years before the anniversary of our declaration of independence that i would let donald trump walk away from it. [cheers and applause] i give you my word! i give you my word is a biden we are still a nation. i believe we are still a nation that believes in honesty and decency and treating people with respect. i still believe we are a nation
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that gives everyone a fair shot and leaves nobody behind. we are still a nation who gives hate no harbor and we are still the week into the world. we can never give up what makes america america. donald trump is motivated by revenge and retribution. will revenge and retribution never built a damn thing. you and i, we americans are a nation of hope, optimism, and possibilities. [cheers and applause] that's what always built america. that's what we'll continue to build america today. the choice in this election is simple. donald trump will not restore our democracy i will defend it. [cheers and applause] so, folks, are you with me? donald trump is the first president i have heard of that
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has stood up there running for president having been 11 term saying america is a failing nation. where does he think he is? [boos] i'm serious, i don't know what president wouldn't trade places with america and heart be. he is dead wrong. america is not a losing nation america is winning! and about america's future and my whole career just remember who we are. we are the united states of america! [cheers and applause] there is nothing beyond our capacity, nothing when we act together. [chanting] you've got it. so may god bless you all and may god protect our troops lets go get him, north carolina! [cheers and applause]
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♪ no i won't back down ♪ ♪ ♪ >> sandra: watching the president and the first lady they're fresh off the debate stage last night president biden reading from teleprompters two of them, okay, a reference to his wife. what about 20 minutes start at a 1:16 and 21 minutes or so walking off the stage to "won't back down" karl is with us, trace gallagher also in for john. when you get knocked down you get back up. karl, your reaction to what you just heard. >> look, pretty darn good but you are right.
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he had two things helping him right now that he didn't have last night. a speechwriter and a pair of teleprompters. we saw the real joe biden last night when he was a man alone by himself on the stage with his own wits about him. and today we saw -- if he had said these things last night and handled himself that way last night, we would be having an entirely different conversation this morning. this was in essence phony, this is an artifice. he went out and give good speech, but he gave good speech because he couldn't give that good speech last night on his own. he had to have a speechwriter and a pair of teleprompters and even then, think about it. the guy finishes his speech and turns his back to the camera. you know, when you're a political candidate you are looking for the camera and looking to wave come him easily finishes his speech, turns his back and wanders the other way. this does not solve their problem. frankly in a way it makes it look worst.
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>> yes, karl torres here we are watching this we went from debate joe biden to state of the union joe biden in the span of about 18 hours. i'm wondering if you heard what sandor was alluding to their when he said when you get knocked down you get back up, kind of pointing to the fact that may be last night wasn't so good for joe biden. >> look, they have to admit that. i would not be surprised if they hadn't thought ahead and said we better have a speech in the event it's not such a good debate night. and even if they didn't have a speech done in that way, i am confident in the hours since last night and before it went up on the teleprompter this morning, they were looking for ways to to sit up but again, this is artifice. campaigns for presidential campaigns give us a view of the candidate more akin to the emperor's new clothes than to something that is phony. we saw the real joe biden last night. today we saw the joe biden who needed a speechwriter and a pair of teleprompters. >> sandra: he went after the
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former president, has debate opponent, last night calling him and "one-man crime wave" "the owner we criminal on the stage was donald trump" and has the morals of an alley cat and broke wise for the most lies told in a single debate said he bosch the pandemic, closed businesses since closed schools which seems to be a growing chorus line from the left lately which is an interesting one but, karl, biden also just a moment ago in this speech said "i'm not as smooth as i use to come i don't debate as well as i use to, but i know how to tell the truth, and i know right from wrong. definitely a cleanup effort from last night. does he change the mind of anyone in particular some friendly tv hosts this morning who did not hold back russian mark this is mika and joe, karl, let's get your reaction. >> people are going what is going on.
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>> the inability to make easy layups one after another after another after another. it was the worst debate performance in modern political history. >> sandra: so what does what we just heard in raleigh bring anybody back around who went so far to the dark side yesterday on this? >> it may bring back some were desperate to come back but clear-eyed realists on the other side are not going to be swayed by this. in fact if anything it makes it worse. imagine what would've happened if he delivered those lines last night. imagine what we would be thinking if we had seen that energy level last night. if we had seen that directness. if we had seen that candor. if we had seen the precision with which he delivered those lines, but he did not have a teleprompter or a speechwriter last night he only had his own wits about him. >> the media has been so
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complicit he has done interviews over the past several months with foot friendly media outlets who very much knew what his state of mind was. and for the past five or six months, they have been gaslighting the american people by saying oh, no, no everything is fine, everything is fine if the same thing like saying republicans keep saying the crime rate is high. republicans keep saying the border is a disaster. republicans keep saying they know when you see these things they have to admit to it. it'll only be a matter of time, karl, before they are back off back at joe biden is the guy to beat donald trump. >> see how many reporters or journalists responded in a speech delivered off a teleprompter and equate it with last night. and you had some footage of one of the worst, scott tully's interview of him was like pancakes. unbelievably easy on the president. asking semitough questions and didn't follow it just sort of accepted his answers and whether
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or not he had what it took to run for reelection and moved on. but yeah, reality of that debate last night though it's going to last a lot longer and have a deeper impact, i think, then a speech off a teleprompter in front of them from the crowd. >> sandra: karl, this is a lot unfolding and a short period of time. we just got this into us here at fox. fox has confirmed not only is president biden not dropping out, his campaign is now confirmed to us he is committed also to a second debate in september. so not backing down that just in. karl, great of you to hang on with us and stay with us through the president's speech think y you. >> trace: thank you, karl. >> thank you for having me. >> sandra: c of the live shot bottom of your screen thus the rally we are anticipating. we will see former president donald trump fresh off the debate stage from last night shortly so we are watching that
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ask your dermatologist about bimzelx today. >> 40% fewer people coming across the board it illegally is better than when he left office. >> every state is now a border. because of his ridiculous, insane, and very stupid policies, people are coming and killing our citizens on a level we have never seen we call it "migrant crime" i call it "biden migrant crime" >> sandra: president biden stepped up the stage there in raleigh now heading to new york but will not be meeting with families here who had their loved ones allegedly murdered or sexually assaulted at the names of illegal migrants, that's not in the schedule. cb cotton is live in new york with details for us who are
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these latest victims, cb? >> hi, center they are women and we are learning more about the two migrants accused of committing violent acts against them. both of the suspects made their way here to upstate new york after illegally crossing the border. he pleaded not guilty to raping 18 grow in albany according to police report may 14th he threatened the 15-year-old girl with a metal pole to get into his car and then "the defendant took off the victim's clothes as well as forced the victim's legs open living scratch marks on her inner thighs." border patrol agents arrested him a turkish that it's in november of 2023 at the u.s.-mexico border in california periods attorney tells fox his client is here seeking asylum and he says his client denies the criminal allegations adding they "believe evidence will shed light on what occurred." during the debate former president donald trump said he worries about similar
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crimes continuing. >> there have been many young women murdered by the same people he allows to come across our border. we have to get a lot of these people out and we have to get them out fast because they are going to destroy our country. >> about two hours away in syracuse, new york, they say she was suffocated on a 21st birthday last week by an illegal migrant. prosecutors told fox the suspect in that case entered the country illegally last year through el paso, texas. >> sandra: cb cotton live thank you. trace? >> trace: many believe the reason joe biden is not going to the funerals of these people who were killed by a allelic immigrants is that it would acknowledge he did wrong that's a live look at 3:00 eastern time we will be coming right back with continuing coverage.
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too. that crowd standing in direct sun. right now the president is not even or the former president is not expected to speak until three however we were noting with our team there was a rally recently where i believe he stepped up like 15 minutes before the scheduled time he was going to speak so we are watching this. they already have speakers on the stage and if he does start early we will get to it. this will be fresh off the debate stage last night and moments after we heard from the current president speaking just a moment ago, trace. >> trace: and moments after we got news in fact the current president plans to stay on this for the long haul and he is not leaving after last night's debate many thought you know what may be his temper joe biden to take a different path. so we will not see that. >> sandra: and he says he intends to win and will. up more in a brand-new hour. r 22%, near 30% if you pay late.
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