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tv   Cavuto Live  FOX News  June 29, 2024 8:00am-9:00am PDT

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neil: you know it's a big day when the new york times editorializes it's time for joe to go advocating that a individual candidate they like is just not up to the job after that debate. he prove it had, getting too old and weak and time for him to step aside. joe biden is not doing that for the time being. we don't know how many operatives in the democratic party are usualing him to do so,
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but there's is a nerve in that party as people begin to worry that he's lost his opportunity to beat donald trump who looks certain to many to return to the white house if the trend continues. of course the white house is doing its best to make sure that trend doesn't continue. madelynmadeleine rivera is therh the latest. madelynn. reporter: the biden campaign is making sure the president is not dropping out and wants to do a second presidential debate in september. the president has a few fundraisers today in new york and new jersey, and it comes as the biden campaign releases new fundraising numbers. they say they raised $27 million between the cnn presidential debate on thursday and friday night. they see that figure as a sign of their strength of their grassroots support, but there is alarm among democrat donors and key voting groups that the president needs to win in november. >> my phone was ringing after the debate the other night, many black entrepreneurs are saying, hey, they're done.
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this is embarrassing, that it's unwinnable. reporter: as for replacing the president at the top of the democratic ticket, the process isn't impossible but it would be messy and politically risky and first and foremost it would require the president to leave the race and release the delegates pledge to him, a scenario his campaign says the president is not entertaining. >> so we're exciting coming off of today. he understands sometimes you get knocked down but owe get back up and keep fights and that's exactly why the american people elected him in the first place and why they'll reelect him again in november. reporter: they're throwing cold water on the possibility of the president dropping out. >> many people are saying that after last night's performance that joe biden is leaving the race. but the fact is i don't really believe that because he does better in polls that any are the
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democrats are talking about. reporter: the president is set to leave queens in about an hour for his first fundraising event in the hamptons. neil. neil: thank you for that. madeleine rivera at the white house. i want to go to crystal knight and democratic extraordinary. crystal, you hear this pressure that's supposedly on the president to step down from the new york times and other papers and washington post and various columnists and others from the new york daily news and elsewhere kind of saying the same thing but not quite as strongly. where is this going you think? >> well, the democratic party and dnc in a pressure point of recalibration right now after the debate this week, but like you just heard the reporter say, it is unlikely that president biden will absolutely drop out of this race. they are pivoting and re-messaging what happened as a bad night which that's normal for people to have. so what i think considering the
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fundraising numbers, considering that the convention is coming up, we should see the president get stronger in the weeks to come and really just stick to his message, which is what he's been doing along the rest of the campaign trail. neil: oftentimes that doesn't resinate for some reason but, noel, what would it mean for donald trump? he seemed to say that's a hard thing to do that joe biden actually polls higher than some of the other candidates names that are mentioned. it's too soon to tell whether that even happens, but should he worry if they replace joe biden or is there going to be too little too late? >> well, you know, all though president trump is raising money and running against biden, he's running mainly against his policies. so if you'll see what the debate consisted of, you'll see what fundraising letters that go out, neil, they are based on president biden's policies. that is based on the democrat's
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platform. these are issues, social issues, economic issues that are on the platform so i don't think it would make a difference. i also think that joe biden probably is not getting out. it's insulting to the american people that they're saying that this is just a bad night, he had a cold, it wasn't his best performance when it's obvious it goes much beyond that, and on another station jen psaki rights after the debate performance was on her network stating she was getting tons of texts and calls from major democrat donors extremely concerned, and wondering what they need to do with their checkbooks. neil: you know, let me pursue that a bit more with you, kristal, nikki haley made news overnight talking a little bit
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about this dilemma and republicans should be prepared for a joe biden swap out. she said this is a time for republicans to prepare and get ready for what's to come because there's no way that there will be surviving democratic party if they allow joe biden to continue to be the candidate. again, she goes back to that debate. i'm sure others will. you could be quite right that it's a little tough to do, but it's not impossible to do. you've got six weeks till the convention, it would be an open convention in that event. what do you think happens if it got that far? >> well, i think if it got that far it gets very messy very quickly. one of the thins that the party, we haven't done a good job of building the bench of really scenario planning, you know, obviously we've seen surrogates get on tv like gavin newsom speaking and stumping for the president, but also there's this thing about vice president kamala harris, she is the natural next successor so before we begin to have these other
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conversations, we really have to think about the capability of our vp. she's absolutely capable, but i think if we really get into a brokered convention, then it begins to really disassociate many of the uncommitted voters already undecided and the voters who are still dedicated to president biden so i don't really see a way out unfortunately. i think we have to go with who we have and hope that the campaign and the dnc has a plan to make him stronger in the weeks to come. neil: all right, noelle, you know, a lot of the newspapers that have been talking about making a switch have been criticizing joe biden for not being more effective counters what they say are donald trump's exaggerations and lies. that's to be expected and they're not exactly in the maga camp but they're not always necessarily balanced about that. that another candidate brings out inconsistencies and
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exaggerations and he says things that are a little over the top and another candidate would bring that far more effectively to people's attention. what do you think of that? >> another candidate, neil, look, there's a certain amount of days and that other candidate's number one job instead of attacking donald trump is going to be introducing why the other candidate needs to be president, why kind of introducing them to the voter class and united states and if you do a switch in candidates, you've got to spend a certain amount of days and times introducing yourself and introducing why you're going to be better to vote for and you're going to spend a lot of time on that and you're going to have, i don't know what they do in order to switch funds to allow you to do that. i mean, president biden had the huge war chest and i don't know how you transfer that money and i don't know how it works and
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you're a financial burden and you've got a -- neil: you're right and have to put that in the super-pact and can't transfer. thank you very much. noelle and kristal. this is a bit perp tourist that no one is going anywhere and the great lady and times starts making recommendations like that and we're following it. the bottom line is what about the undecided voter and right now that donald trump came out and far on top when people surveyed who won the debate. he winds hands down and oftentimes by a landslide when people sort of reflect back on that debate. but whether that makes voters who are undecided to move to him, that's another matter and bernadette wright in that camp, georgia undecided voter. remember this from a few days ago. >> i want someone to get up there and act like the president, stand tall like the president, talk like the president, and give us an idea of what their actual plan is. i think i'm just tired of all the sound bytes and all the
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bickering. i want someone to say we're going to take care of the business of america. neil: that was before the debate and bernadette wright is back with us from the beautiful state of georgia. bernadette great to have you baa with us and thank you for that. did anything change your mind? >> no. neil: wow, all right. >> i still remain undecided. i will say that trump absolutely hit the nail on the head with the standing like a president and be tall and be presidential and be clear. but he didn't give us a plan moving forward and i was very disappointed in that. he was good at sticking to his messaging and every time a question came that wasn't on point with what was important to him, he failed to answer it. i think that as americans, we want to know the entire plan. we want to know all of the answers to the questions that are being asked and on that part, i thought he failed miz rale blizzard warnings unfortunately but as far as looking like a president, he won hands down. neil: answering a question and i see your point and fact of the
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matter is the other guy couldn't frame a response to the question and that started this worry whether he's up to the job. a lot of people are talking about swamming him out. >> you're making a very valid point and one thing i mentioned a long time ago and continues to be a concern to me is his cognitive ability to continue as president. you've seen it decline over the years and it was completely on display during this debate and i would say not just the first ten minutes and throughout you'd find him trying to catch his thought and sometimes he wouldn't even be talking about what was on the table to be talked about and it's a concern for all of us and as far as swapping him out, i'm not so sure about that and the reason i'm not so sure is how do you do that? has anyone presented a process and how that would even work or what that looks like? i do believe he has to have a cognitive function test down and i don't like that when he was asked to do it he wouldn't do it. he has to be competent to be able to run this country in the
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manner that americans deserve, and that test should be taken and we should make a decision from there. neil: ber burnett, you live in georgia and i used to live there and hotly contested last time and court battles back and forth on that and right now donald trump is up by anywhere from 4-6 points in your state. does that influence you looking around state by state going back to red. >> one i'm independent and easily influenced and a fan of governor kemp and there's that and it doesn't influence me and what influences me is not red, it's not blue. it's who's going to be the best candidate to move this country farred and stand up and have the president and it can't be all left and can't be all right. someone has to take a position that says okay, you get some of what you want and get some of what you want and we need to come together as a country and figure out how to get the hole we've gotten ourselves in. neil: like an adult reasonable
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and rational need. there's a few doing that and burnett wright, thank you for being here with us. >> thank you, neil. neil: she might be a microcosm of a vast set and not made up their minds more than we know and in the meantime here's something to know. we're close to naming the first hurricane of the season. could happen sometime today. rick reichmuth on that afterre c this. card debt that's been piling up. many were shocked to learn they've been paying 22% on their credit card balances. and if payments were late, as much as 30%. that's over three times the interest rate on a newday 100 va home loan. pay off high rate credit cards and other debt with a lower rate newday home loan. save hundreds a month, thousands a year.
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neil: all right after the first tropical storm named of the season and the first hurricane named of the season and rick reichmuth said it's going to be a busy season and off to that start right now. he joinses from the fox weather center. hey, rick. >> if you don't have major plans, please make them now before the storms are right on your shore.
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we have a lot of storms this weekend across parts of the ohio valley and in towards the northeast and severe weather today across interior sections by tomorrow and going to be on i-95 corridor up in through parts of maine and north carolina and looking at severe weather and going to be watching that with all severe weather on the board for that and hail, strong winds and maybe a tornado as well and people traveling on the roads or at the beaches and you want to watch for this. this is a jump ahead here for thursday and this is fourth of july and looking at big pictures here with the central part of the country and maybe again towards ohio valley and more monsoonal moistures in the parts of the southwest and aside from that and talking about warm conditions and almost over in the west coast and looking pretty warm. neil, you were talking about beryl, i want to show you theeda leeanne tick, there's a lot of activity and -- atlantic and august activity and one disturbance and potential development in parts of the yucatan peninsula of mexico and this here tropical storm beryl
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behind beryl we got another one that's a 60% chance of developing it and probably will be a hurricane behind beryl and storms way out here, this shouldn't be happening in the month of july. it is very rare for this to be for the purposing out in this area. this is where we see this august/september storms but we got it happening right now with this really busy season and a 6m expected to be a major hurricane now by the time it gets here towards lesser antilles on monday morning and 36-40 hours before there's a major hurricane coming right here through the lesser antilles and out here fr the caribbean and lots of things we don't know what will happen here and land interaction and maybe it starts getting ripped apart later on in it is life span here and we don't think looking at seeing this move back to the eastern sea board and it continues that trajectory and maybe seven or eight days for now, kneel, going for the gulf and could it impact them to be
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possible a lot of time tracking it and going with that exact same one and that's probably record breaking season we've ever had with hurricanes and it'll be active. if you live anywhere from texas coast to maine, make sure you have a plan and be buying the things and putting your plans in place, knowing evacuation routes and do all that right now so you're not doing it at the last minute. neil. neil: all good advice, my friend. rick reichmuth is the best of the best. learning more alabama the texas chik-fil-a shooting and two employees killed in&a illegal immigrant held as a suspect in that. there's actually occurring on wednesday but we're flushing out the details on that right now. it's a little scary, after this. on ge appliances like the ge range with easywash oven tray. with a removable tray that fits into the dishwasher. even a big mess is no sweat. shop lowe's now for great july 4th deals.
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neil: you might remember earlier this week there was a shooting at texas chik-fil-a and these are sadly too common and we got more details on this and thought we'd pass them along and the owner of the chik-fil-a confirmed the two employees were killed by apparently an illegal immigrant and saying our hearts are broken by the tragedy that unfolded in the restaurant wednesday and we'll miss our two team members thursday and they are focusing on the immigrant, a 37-year-old citizen from el salvador and charged with capital murder on multiple counts after the shooting. he got in here illegally and he was on a list and we don't know more than that and trying to ascertain that and if it sounds familiar, we've seen this pop up again and again. lieutenant chris alaverez joining us from the texas department of safety.
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details are sketchy, chris. what do you make of it? >> good morning, neil. it happened in texas and another tragedy after 12-year-old jocelyn was killed by two illegal immigrants and it's taking place in texas and throughout the country and for so many years the federal government continues to release illegal immigrants intos country without any proper vetting. right now they're in a reactive posture and we need to be proactive ask stop releasing people we're uncertain of and may have criminal backgrounds and committing these horrific crimes and put a top to it and that's not the priority of the federal government and it's unfortunate and we continue losing more lives and more tragedies and that's why texas, neil, we have taken with the approach and governor abbott approached the initiative and located in targeting the top ten most wanted criminal immigrants in the state of texas committing crimes with the futures and
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individualing with violent crimes with assault, sexual assault and murders and trying to track them down and prevent tragedy with them in place and texas alone cannot do it and we need the federal government to step in and take action and we talk about policies and border security and it's critical and prevent tragedy from this taking place. neil: maybe you can help me and we were first trying to get to the bottom of this with the irving texas police department and they told fox news digital at the time that mendoza, the suspect, has an ice hold on him with the warrant agency being immigration and naturalization service dallas of ft. worth. what is that mean when someone has an ice hold?
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>> he was arrested by the local police department and has a crime or charge that's pending and because of that, they place a retainer for ice and meaning that individual is not able to leave the could be triple-demic but of course in many cases we've seen it even with as i mentioned 12-year-old jocelyn from houston, texas, that illegal immigrant had a tracking device on him. from ice. again, this is very critical and talk about these tragedies taking place. there's no one monitoring these individuals that are committing these crimes or have these backgrounds and it's so critical to actually apply consequences and hold them accountable and it's the broken system and you have individuals like this that are committing these crimes and committed crimes with local curse genxs and not being removed and we need to hold these individuals accountable. neil: that would be a got away but with paperwork; right? >> essentially, yes. of course we talk about got aways and many of the individuals that have committed
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the cr crimes they're trying to apprehend those and trying to capture and those that are putting themselves into border patrol and being processed and released and border patrol doesn't have enough time to properly vet those individuals and it's no fault to them, it's they're placed in a situation and have to process and release and by the time we know t it's too late and these individuals have criminal backgrounds and now having to play catchup and track them down. neil: wild stuff, how do you keep up with it all. somehow you do. lieutenant chris aleverez from the texas department of criminal safety. this wasn't only a big subject in the debate but believing polls that are out, it's not the economy, in is the dominant issue in one state after another. battleground or other wise. cb.
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reporter: hi, neil, a illegal migrant was released on bail after raping a young girl. the mass parole program allow as certain number of individuals from specific countries to be granted two years of humanitarian patrol and alvarez pleaded not guilty to the rape in march and during a hearing this week, prosecutors asked a judge to keep him behind bars pending trial. instead the judge set bail at $500 cash with gps monitoring and ice had a detainer on alvarez but under massachusetts state trial court policy, we reviewed this morning, court employees are not allowed to hold anyone based solely on immigration detainer. alvarez's attorney told the boston globe his client was given bail "due to inconsistencies in the evidence" and"our hope is that he remains here till he
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vindicates himself on the false charges". he's pleaded not guilty to raping a teen girl in albany and back on may 14th and he threated a 15-year-old girl with a metal pole to get in his car and the defendant took off the victim's clothes and forced the victim's legs open and leaving scratch marks on her inner thighs. border patrol agents arrested the turkish citizen in november of 2023 of he illegally crossed the u.s./mexico border in california. now akhan's attorney tell us us his client denies the criminal allegations against him and the client believes evidence will shed light on what occurred. neil. neil: cb, thank you for that. just by the day you hear this sort of stuff. cb cotton in the meantime, that wasn't the only big issue that came up during the debate. there's lots of big issues that came up during the debate. the most telling and the one with the most attention abroad
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from foreigners is looking at this. not so much stammering that you heard from joe biden, but more specifically how they treat and respond to vladamir putin, after this. see yah. ha ha ha! ahoy! so get allstate. ha ha ha. (♪) the cockroach. resilient creatures. where there is one, others aren't far behind. well that's horrifying. always scavenging... ortho home defense max indoor insect barrier. one application kills and prevents bugs for 365 days. nature is wild. your home doesn't have to be. here's why you should switch fo to duckduckgo on all your devie duckduckgo comes with a built-n engine like google, but it's pi and doesn't spy on your searchs and duckduckgo lets you browse like chrome, but it blocks cooi and creepy ads that follow youa from google and other companie. and there's no catch. it's fre.
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craig:t he's given $200 billion now or more to ukraine. every time that zelensky cops to this country he walks away with $60 billion. he's the greatest salesman ever. i'm only saying the money we're spending on this war and we shouldn't be spending, it should have never happened. i will have that war settled between putin and zelensky as president elect before i take office. >> putin is a war criminal. he's killed thousands and thousands of people. by the way, all the money we give ukraine for weapons we make here in the united states, we give them weapons and not the money.
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auronato allies produced as much funding for ukraine as we have. neil: that's getting the most attention in the foreign press. that aspect of the debate. not only the problems joe biden was having if the debate and what donald trump was saying and how to deal with vladamir putin and ukraine and stephanie bennett in london with more. stephanie. reporter: hey, neil, four years ago during the last presidential debate and foreign policy barely got any air time and this time with two major wars, it's hard to avoid and things got pretty heated as you saw. >> if we had a real president, a president that was respected and he would have never invaded ukraine. >> go ahead and let putin go in and control ukraine. and then move onto poland and other places. see what happens then.
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he has no idea what the hell he's talking about. reporter: yeah and multiple foreign diplomats said it's hard to watch and the u.s. was a strong backer of ukraine's war efforts supplying kyiv with $175 billion in emergency support thursday night biden said the u.s. is a global unifier saying he's gotten 50 other nations including japan and south korea to show support for ukraine and if elected to a second term, former president donald trump vowed to settle the war before his inauguration but did not provide an explanation. >> we're very, very close to world war iii and he's driving us there and kim jong-un and president xi of china and they don't respect him and have nothing going with him and he'll
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drive us into world war iii. >> want world war iii elect him and win and let putin doo what you want why nato. reporter: russia consider ago possible downgrading of the west and growing involvement of the its allies in ukraine and no decision was taken just yet according to a kremlin spokesman they say the russia federation cannot and consider various options for responding to such hostile convention in ukrainian crisis they say. president putin was asked broiderers on the outcome of this election and have impact for russia and now putin said for us we need you not to think the end result holds much significance and working with the president and the american people, neil. neil: that's a very carefully worded response. stephanie, thank you for all that in london is and going to general jack keane and retired four star general. that's a big deal in and of
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itself. senior analyst and former vice chief staff army and goingny anyway general. it's not getting into politics and not interested in that and i'm interested in your take on the ukraine war right now and it's dragging on and instances in the european country and what do you make of all that in the stance. >> it's protracting the ukrainians and waiting for the ammunition and the wea weapons s political resolve here in the united states and we're going to continue to support them and the answer was yes. ukraine had to take a knee and go on defense and frankly the russians in the operations they've conducted while they try to take advantage of this situation and not going to
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retake some territory, their options look much like they did back in the beginning of the war, neil. poor leadership and the troop is not particularly well trained and high casualty rate and they did take some territory with them expecting to make and they have success because the air defense systems have not been in there protecting the cities and also the troops. they have had some success in bombing the troops and also taking down some infrastructure in the cities and infrastructure and meanwhile the ukrainians on defense were able to push the entire russian black sea navy out of the black sea and out of the vestipool of major input and they've taken down a couple dozen of ships and the grain pool is continuing and that all surprised me and i thought it was going to take an international armada of ships to keep the grain exports going but
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the ukrainians manage to do it. when the f16s do arrive, a lot more effective than they are right now. neil. the consensus seems to be developing that vladamir putin doesn't quit unless you're getting something and the talk is he wants to keep the lands he's attained and what do you think about that? >> i believer putin thinks time is on his side and he certainly welcomed the problem the united states was having politically to support ukraine or not. he was surprised that it ended as favorably as it did for
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ukraine. that's part of his equation here. certainly who comes into the united states election and what takes place in so many elections going on in europe and they'll be factors in that equation for him. but he's willing to go for the long haul here, kneel. you're absolutely -- neil. you're absolutely right about that and ukrainians have opportunities to retake territories getting the f16s and if the administration removes restrictions they've imposed on the use of a long range missile to be able to fire into russia and the fact they can't do that is an absolute absurdity and ukrainians want to take the air defense systems down and the f16s can have some dominance and they can have some air power, superiority for the first time. remains to be seen if that's going to happen. neil: appetite for war in this country and it wanes as time goes on and we're looking at
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signs that that's getting to the lead attention between ourselves and israel and benjamin netanyahu made news for the promise of the u.s. and they're coming for someone dragging their feet going to represent it i share that frustration and we've seen president biden do half measures going to hold back to be able to use weapons inside of russia and in other words not given them the full throttle and see some of the same behavior here and going to be much closer to us than ukraine is and getting into how to conduct military operations in a southern city and rafah.
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how to conduct it with the campaign and give netanyahu the resources he needs as much as possible and couldn't give them this end as soon as possible and going for them going to hostages and many of them on the manner because they possibly can and see if they can avoid the expanding of war and going to displace israeli services back at home in some point and hopefully diplomatically hezbollah moving back from territory they're combined effect byes and denying the ability to do that. if they don't do it diplomatically and willingly, netanyahu santa claus rally having to conduct a campaign to do that. iran is redefining that on the border and the international.
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neil: the more you look at this and you're on and off. general jack keane. the back and forth over electric vehicles and what's their future and elon musk musk said the future looked great and fact of the matter is the buying count show that and more people these days are going back to gas and for that industry, the ev industry, well, it's a pain in the gas. [floor creaks] [door creaks shut] (♪) (♪) (♪) relax, you booked a vrbo. (♪)
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neil: all right, a live shot from the denver national airport and that's a beautiful airport and it looks like a series of tents and and the largest seven points reince. i judge all the airports i fly into or out of and it's a busy travel season and 71 million
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americans expected to hit the roads and skies and that'll be a record if it pans out, looks like it will. a lot of folks are driving to their destinations and very little chance of delay and unless they have a electric vehicle and appear on those delays and i have to juice it up and sometimes that can be a dicey part of the equation. william la jeunesse is following that because a lot of people found alternatives to the evs if they're even looking at them in the first place. william. >> insurance depressionuation, neil, it's several reasons why buyers are backing off evs and one study finding among current ev owners about half going back to gasoline powered car if given the chance. >> jump in. reporter: even a sales pitch from president biden is massive subsidies can't rescue the ev market. >> ev values and ev market has dropped substantially.
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like use the word collapse here. reporter: ev sales jumped from 2021 to 8% last year but nose dived in the first quarter of 2024 for a variety of reasons including buyer's watching evs die in freezing temperatures. >> once you take a car off the lot and electric vehicle is depreciating 50% of its price. compared to 6% depreciation of an internal combustion engine vehicle. reporter: a recent mckenzie report said half would switch back to gasoline powered car if given the chance. >> electric vehicle owners may cost just as much if not more to charge their vehicles than to purchase gasoline. reporter: that's especially true for fast chargers when you can find one. >> you see a lot of consumer withs both price anxiety and range anxiety. reporter: triple-a found declining interest with two-thirds of buyers saying the next car they buy will not be electric. >> we need a couple of minor little milestone improvements and battery technology and
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efficiency combined with the infrastructure and comes together and it'll take off like a rocket. reporter: dealers tell me there's buyers for evs, second car, short commutes, inner city but for others, families, rural areas, suburbs, older folks, they're not there yet. evs and the charging network, that's going to improve but right now even government handouts aren't enough to overcome many buyer's skepticism. neil. neil: william la jeunesse, thank you for that. keeping you posted on the tropical storm that could soon become a hurricane and if so the first named hurricane of the season. where's it now and where's it going? the latest after this. l across the country. they worry a lot about being in debt and having the money they need for their families. big credit card balances can add up over time. and now just making the minimum payments can break the family budget. refinance and take control of your credit card debt. call newday usa and get the financial piece of mind that you and your family deserve
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- [narrator] life with ear ringing sounded like a constant train whistle i couldn't escape. then i started taking lipo flavonoid. with 60 years of clinical experience, it's the number one doctor recommended brand for ear ringing. and now i'm finally free. take back control with lipo flavonoid. neil: that didn't take long, did it. we have very close first named hurricane of the season, brandy campbell is on that.
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reporter: hey, neil, tomorrow morning noaa and air force members of hurricane hunters are going on two different missions to three into tropical storm beryl and take a look into operations and what to expect for tomorrow. the noaa has two p3 aircrafts they'll be using and air force reserve has 10 c130s and bloat flying missions around 10,000 feet for about eight hours and tomorrow engineers will release these drop signs into tropical storm beryl and collect temperature, pressure, humidity and wind data and we have an example mission pat and their goal it to locate the sensor of the storm and sample every quadrant of it and this can improve forecast accuracy up to 20%. neil. neil: brandy, thank you very much, i think. now this, john hoover is
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retiring from fox after 23 years and began here in 2001 and it was cast into the network at a very pivotal time from the world and produced several of my shows and kept me a foot and went back in 2018 and no one else wanted the job and they're working long hours to cover all the major stories of the last 20 plus y years and and going to do it all with a smile. and going for important to describe them and little stuff like that is important to john. that is the essence of john and who he is. he smiles and cares and laughs and jokes and takes his job seriously and doesn't take himself seriously. you know, i like to remind my
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staff that i value their all good journalists and take that as a given they are. i value far more they're all good human beings and they're that too. because as john has shown and shared. if you're a good and decent human beings, chances are you'll be a good and decent journalist because here we don't shout. here with john, we never scream or rant or point fingers. here with these shows and this show, they're all carefully watched by john. we practice what we preach being fair to all. showing favoritism to none and it really guides us and brought john and i together more than two decades ago and continues in a lasting friendship whether john likes it or not now and for the years to come. so what is next for john you're probably asking? well, we are too because we have no idea. no, he sets out next week on a cross country road trip making stops to visit family and friends along the way. i'm warning those families and friends john's on his way. he will enjoy time with his son
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zack and luke and in true retirement fashion he plans to take up pickle ball. i would take up fast food, pickle ball is fine. john says he's miss the rush of cable news but well deserved time, and he deserves to slow down. here, we will miss him, a leader to many, friend to all. thank you, john, for 23 pretty successful years.
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with so many choices on there are so many tina feys i could be. so i hired body doubles. indoorsy tina loves a deluxe suite. ooh! booking.yeah the terrorist attacks of october 7th were the single deadliest day for the jewish people since the holocaust. i stand here before you with an extremely burdened and heavy heart. not only for the immense cruelty and loss of life suffered here, but for the immense needs of the people of israel in the months and the years to come as we fight for our survival. it's an especially critical time right now for the elderly. many close family members were killed or severely injured and are no longer able to help them with their basic needs such as food.
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the international fellowship of christians and jews is urgently responding to help the thousands of displaced elderly jews. your gift of only $25 will help rush an emergency food box to an elderly jewish person who is at risk. when you call right now, your gift's impact will be doubled to help save lives. zina, she used to take care of me. it was 6: 20 in the morning when we heard the first rocket. so i phoned my daughter and she said, "mommy, i'm on the bus. everything is okay." two minutes later, the terrorist shot her dead. volunteers from the fellowship deliver the food boxes and let them know that christians are helping provide them with a month's supply of healthy, ready to eat foods to strengthen them and encourage their faith. i can feel the love coming from this box. thank you and may the god of israel always bless you.
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let's extend our prayers together in support and share our resources to bring meaningful change to the lives of our brothers and sisters in israel. call the number on your screen, scan the qr code, or go online to i f c j now. i'm sam, i have a three and a half-year-old puppy. levi is rambunctious, he's very active. so, levi's had to go to the vet because he was coughing a bit, and he ended up getting x-rays. it would have cost over five hundred dollars, had i not had fetch pet insurance. fetch provides coverage for all of this... and so much more! fetch protects over four hundred thousand pets. get paid back up to ninety percent on unexpected vet bills. fetch. the most comprehensive pet insurance. get your free quote today. >> president biden set to hold campaign events in in and new yo


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