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tv   Fox News Live  FOX News  June 29, 2024 11:00am-12:00pm PDT

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are fell:a defiant resident biden on the campaign trail despite the alarms set off by his performance at thursday night's the bait. the president and first lady are attending campaign events in new york and new jersey. they are at hamptons fundraiser with meta-donors and to liberty guests. top campaign officials are working to calm the fears of biden allies. welcome to fox news live. ibly8 thank you for joining us. you saw it, president biden sent shockwaves through the democratic party. among those calling for him to step aside, the new york times's editorial board had this headline, to serve this country, president biden should leave the ranks. time magazine has a devastating cover on the next issue, one word, panic. there is no walking off to one side. longtime democratic voters are troubled by what they saw.
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>> biden has some real problems with african-american voters. my phone was ringing after the debate the other night. many black entrepreneurs are saying they are done. this is embarrassing. it's unwinnable. i think that where you look at who wins the race, who can persuade the other side's support base? without african-american voters, biden goes down. without overwhelming african-american support, democrats go down. ibly8 alan rivera live at the white house, the latest on this. >> reporter: that's exactly it. a snapshot if you will, and they resolve around one question. >> conversation we have is what do we do next.
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it is barack obama debate happen. the president above all focused on what we do next, what do i need to do and you saw north carolina, what he needed to do yesterday. >> reporter: the president landed in the last hour for the first three fundraisers in new york and new jersey. he was asked by one of the reporters if he is considering dropping out. the president did not respond to. there is no indication the president is leaving the race. the campaign is touting a $27 million fundraising goal from thursday to friday night, a bright spot in the middle of these dismal headlines. the campaign is trying to put the focus back on donald trump and the lies he told on the debate stage. a campaign reception in new york city the president said this. whether young or old, here's
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what i know. i know how to tell the truth, i know right from wrong, i know how to do this job. i know how to get things done. the president will likely recycle those lines that is events today. he made misstatement including the assertion there were no military deaths under his leadership, that's not true. 13 service members died at the airport in couple in august 2021 and three service members died from a drone attack in january. ibly8 thanks so much. ibly14 president biden is in the hamptons for a fundraiser. the washington post reporter the dnc is holding a short notice call with members on the fallout from thursday's dbase. a former advisor to house speaker john boehner, a
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republican who endorsed president biden earlier this week. do you have an ear inside the dnc? will you answer based on your experience? let us know where you're coming from. what will be discussed in this meeting and who is on the call? >> my former boss endorsed biden. i do not endorse anyone for president. i will not be on his collar have insight to it. interesting they are now panicking but this has long been a known thing. when president biden ran for office in 2020 he was older then. that's how time works. panic has set in. a had been preparing for this debate they asked for for over a week. what was the preparation for it.
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it's a little bit cruel not to recognize the state of things. both candidates declared cognitive declines which we are supposed to pretend this is the best we have to offer? it's not. it is incumbent on both candidates especially in the biden camp to assess is this worth it? is your service because you believe in the service and your legacy and those things, it is important you put the country before your self. it's time for him to do that. arthel: i heard your assessment of the former president. we will stick with biden for the sake of this particular conversation, not dismissing that. how much time does the dnc have to shore up support for president biden or devise a different path forward and is there a knee-jerk element to this? >> there is a knee-jerk element but they should have been saying it.
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we talked two weekends ago and i told you -- arthel: i queued that up and we will play that. hold on. continue, just not with that. >> they should have been in preparation and they have been scouting other opportunities and how to do it. they are looking at how they do this and this call today is to formulate the plan and see what the feedback is. arthel: this is what congressman dan goldman told anderson cooper who did not matter rate -- moderate. >> let's have another debate where the moderators push back on donald trump's lies, he intimidated your network and there was no pushback. he was giving free rein to lie as much as he wants. that's not helpful to the american public either.
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arthel: should there be a second biden/trump debate? >> i don't know we will benefit from it because they didn't talk about anything materially. to the congress when's point on twitter or x, they have readers notes. fact checking in real time, i understand we need -- moderators didn't want to interrupt the conversation and that affair point but on both sides, both president biden and the former president trump were spewing lies there and being an accurate. people who tuned in 10 to 15 minutes, that is what they saw and not to have it checked in real time is a disservice to voters. arthel: who was most inaccurate? >> donald trump. he goes so fervently and so quickly it is hard to keep up. so many times biden could have pounced on him but he couldn't keep up with him. that the disturbance to us as voters. cnn could do it after the fact
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when people go to bed because it is late at night but that's not helpful to anyone. arthel: president biden and first lady jill biden fundraising today. who is making the donations at this point? tell us about biden's support. >> he is still in this race, to show that he is beyond the debate. i understand the strategy but the amount of cleanup needs to be done is insurmountable. the donors he's looking at, celebrity donors, reflective of that, simply to show he still in this race. i don't know the people who are propping it up by doing it for the good of the country or for themselves and that's a shame. arthel: i want to play a portion of our interview two weeks ago. let's listen. do you expect either candidate
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to drop out of the race? >> part of me doesn't believe joe biden is going to be the candidate. i long believed in august he will let the party know he's not up for another four years of this job. it's not good for him, his health or the country or the party. arthel: do you feel the same way? >> absolutely. being president is a grueling job. the schedule is robust and that is putting it lightly. i don't see how he gets there. i don't see it happening. arthel: many americans don't want to see either of these candidates. do you expect changes on the republican side, the former president is aging as well. do you think the former president will remain the presidential nominee for the republican party.
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>> i believe he will. the vice president pick, voters look at that more closely and become more important because their age is up there and they are showing cognitive decline. we have to assess the vice president position more than we ever have before. i don't see trump backing down, it's going to be taxing on him going through the next four years should he win again. it's not a good reflection for us. republicans holding out on trump hold their nose because the alternative is unthinkable now. arthel: with the former president attach nikki haley as vp candidate? >> i would be very surprised
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but that could change some things for people who see her as a responsible adult in the room. some disagreeing with her but you will never find a candidate you agree with all the time, if you find somebody you are 75% of the way you are doing pretty well. arthel: we have a short time to see what's going to happen. thank you very much, take care. eric: no indication the president is going anywhere. that hasn't stopped buzz about who could replace him if he does step aside. we have a look at those potential top contenders. >> reporter: minutes after president biden's rough performance a number of names were floated as a possible replacement. let's start with a democrat who put himself on the national stage in a big way.
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gavin newsom, conservatives can slam him over crime in his state. this man stays in front of the cameras. the legal analysts believe he is running a shadow campaign. he's been making president will moves for months. after hamas's october 7th attack, to discuss climate initiatives, he ran abortion-rights ads in republican-controlled state and went head to head with former gop presidential candidate ron desantis on fox last year. he was at the presidential debate thursday after biden's rough performance. he was asked about replacing biden. here is his response. >> the president of the united states running for reelection. he is our guy. that's part of the diversion tactic. this is intentional, complete nonsense. it is all a sideshow to create anxiety and uncertainty.
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i'm not playing in the fray. that's not even in question. >> reporter: another name that has gotten a lot of buzz is gretchen witmer. both chambers of the state legislature, blue away her fight for abortion-rights, a key issue among democrats this season and in addition to being a swing state michigan is home to one of the largest muslim and arab-american communities in the us. having witmer on the ticket might help those who stop supporting biden over the war in gaza. the washington post let out another replacement including the governor of a swing state, josh schapiro and current vice president kamala harris and michelle obama, who is wildly popular among democrats. eric: gavin newsom shutdown with sean hannity.
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whether he admits it or not. arthel: two astronauts stuck in space, what was supposed to be a mission lasting a week or so. they are wondering if they can come down to earth next month. that story coming up next. on for strength and energy. yay - woo hoo! ensure, with 27 vitamins and minerals, nutrients for immune health. and ensure complete with 30 grams of protein. (♪) when you need to prepare for unpredictable adventures... (gasp) you need weathertech. [hot dog splat.] laser measured floorliners front and rear. [drink slurp and splat.]
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eric: a grand jury has indicted a police chief and police officer for their disastrous response to the school massacre in 2022. former police chief pete area ando and adrian gonzalez face multiple child endangerment account. prosecutors say they did not organize the active shooting it didn't take proper law enforcement action, and agonizing 77 for that to unfold. the shooting killed 19 children and two teachers. this is only the beginning. >> guns dollars needs to face responsibility.
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they face responsibility as well. >> this is why we thought from day one. we expected our children to be protected and served. teachers included. eric: $2 million settlement with the city of move aldi --uvalde. arthel: technical glitches delay the boeing star liner's returned to earth. suni williams and butxbutchwil more were supposed to spend a week on the international space station. when will they get to come back down to earth? >> reporter: the star liner and its astronauts's returned to earth has been pushed back several times. nasa is aiming for them to come back sometime in july.
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the first test flight with astronauts on board and nasa is sorting out issues with the thrusters and small helium leaks. nasa is stressing williams and wilmore are not stranded in space. they are staying busy, engineers are using the extra time to study the spacecraft's issues and prevent future problems in space. is an update from nasa yesterday. >> one of the things i like about what our team is doing is they are taking that time to go through the data we gathered, to see if there's additional testing or analysis we want to do to understand the risk posture. extra data we want to collect on the return home. >> reporter: nasa says the star liner is doing well, if there was an emergency the spacecraft would be cleared to return to earth. astronaut josé hernandez spent 14 days on the iss in 2,009.
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he says the issues with the spacecraft are not uncommon. >> when the space shuttle first came on board, the thermal tiles were falling all over the place. we had problems that we finally corrected. this is the same thing. you got to shake out the cobwebs, make sure things work. >> reporter: nasa said the star liner could only stay docked at the international space station for 45 days which would be a couple weeks from now but after testing, nasa says that time period could be extended. arthel: they are not stranded and not in danger. that is the good news. hopefully they get back soon. eric: oregon's homeless crisis in focus. the supreme court ruled one small city's crackdown on homelessness is constitutional. next we talked to a portland
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eric: the supreme court ruled cities can enforce bands on overnight homeless encampment in public spaces. the decision came after a small city of grants pass would find any homeless person speaking -- sleeping on the streets, in portland, they will enforce their own ban starting on monday. the homeless crisis has grown in the past year. the number of people living on the streets were portland sits nearly doubled since last year. the republican commissioner just south of there, how bad is the problem been in surrounding areas.
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>> the problem is persistent, we try to get ahead of it but the policy of the state legislature prohibited us from getting ahead of the problem. eric: the supreme court ruling gives the municipality the ability to fine and or potentially arrest people, especially those tents. what do you think of this decision? >> it's a fantastic decision. the supreme court got this one right. however, in 2020 the oregon state legislature has bills out of the state legislature. it appears we have to repeal those bills before we can get a handle on what's happening in the greater portland area on the west coast so we have work to do at the local level but we have to do with these things head on.
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the homelessness, the human despair we've seen, our hands are tied, to clean up tend camps and not allow permissive culture to persist in communities that allow this behavior. eric: they unfairly punish people going through difficult time in their life. justice sotomayor said in her dissent, quote, the majority, she says, focuses almost exclusively on the needs of local governments, the most vulnerable of our society is left with an impossible choice, either stay awake or be arrested. what your reaction? how do you deal with someone who has no place to live? >> i disagree with justice sotomayor. we share a 10 mile border with the most populated county in the state in the portland area and its recovery oriented
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system that focuses on giving people the care they need but to allow people to languish on the streets is not compassionate or fair to those who live in the communities that want safe streets to live in, places for kids to go and subsist and exist in your community in a way that allows you to be happy. our hands have been tied. we can't deal with the situation, we don't have the levers of accountability necessary to clean up our streets and we have a culture of public camping. it's not safe, not clean, we are surrounded by human despair in our communities and we need to address these things head on. the right to camp is not allowing anyone to get the care they truly need to become whole and self-sufficient. eric: governor gavin newsom supports the supreme court ruling, it provides state and
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local officials the definitive authority to implement and enforce policies to clear and save homeless encampments and help us with commonsense measures to protect the safety and well-being of our communities. that hits it on the head. is there a sense that government is failing? it is not working, the programs we have, the billions of dollars in this industry to drive addiction to help alcoholism, to get these people back on their feet and reach out, it's not working if there has to be something else or something more done so that government can protect not just citizens but most vulnerable like many people who need help. >> california, oregon and washington are doubling down, housing, i can tell you how the new house will look.
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we need to focus on the human element that allows people to have dignity to get through the treatment and care to become self-sufficient and if money was a problem, it's not about money but hearing the right policies to give people the care they need so they don't have to subsist in tent cities. i agree with gavin newsom for once but he's part of the problem, his failed policies year after year, cycle after cycle have contributed to this epidemic we all face today. eric: potential marshall plan for mental health to deal with this, and the state senator said we don't have the money or enough experts and psychologists to deal with this. do you think the government could or should have a broader issue to try to address the mental health and addiction issues underlying homelessness. >> we need to look at this as a healthcare problem, and
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addiction issue, we need to stop perpetuating problems that exasperate tent cities in our communities. there are pockets of excellence. we've seen a 65% reduction in homelessness and we are in the portland metro area. our local government operates within a different worldview. we are not solving the problem. in oregon, providing excellent care to people and we see a tale of two counties, the city of portland and us next door. we are not okay with allowing people to live on our streets. we are not okay with veterans living on our streets, those dealing with trauma issues. eric: the gore programs are working? >> programs are working, yes. we do it a little different. we are not doing at the portland way. the whole nation, it's not
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working. eric: mr. west, thank you for joining us on this heartfelt issue. >> biden's open border nightmare has stolen countless innocent lives. yesterday in houston, you read about this got 12-year-old joslin nongary, i talked to her mother, just devastated, crooked joe proved last night he has no regret, no remorse, no idea who she was, no empathy and no compassion for all the innocent victims whose lives have been absolutely destroyed. arthel: we don't have the president's rebuttal to that but that's donald trump highlighted the border crisis and although migrant crossings are down 40% since earlier this month, the border remains one
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of voter's top issues since the recent murder of jocelyn n nungaray. others have been charged in brutal crimes including the killing of a 21-year-old woman in upstate new york. cb cotton is live with the latest on these tragedies. >> reporter: out of texas, and illegal migrant is in custody, shooting and killing two employees at a fast food restaurant. bernardo mendoza is that a citizen of el salvador, he's behind bars facing capital murder charges for a wednesday shooting at a chick-fil-a four hours outside of dallas. ice now has an immigration hold. investigators said they believed it was a targeted shooting but haven't released a motive. according to an arrest report,
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his wife works at the fast food restaurant and reportedly witnessed the shooting but wasn't hurt. later identified her husband as the gunman. our fox affiliate says this doesn't deal whether the suspect knew the two victims or if they were his intended targets. during the cnn president will debate, president biden said he worked to make the border more secure, and there are weather crimes involving migrants while saying the border was to blame. >> changed in a way that now you have a situation where 40% fewer people coming across the border, better than when he left office. i will move it until we get that in the way. there's more border patrol, we are living in a rats nest.
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and we don't have borders anymore. because of his insane and stupid policies, people are coming in and killing our citizens at a level we've never seen. >> the new york post is reporting, they subpoenaed homeland security secretary alejandro mayorkas demanding his turnover records for migrants -- >> it is deadlocked. what is next for karen read? committal defense attorney mercedes:on the current retrial as fox news life continues. ♪ chewy, a citi client, uses citi's financial expertise
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(reporters) over here. kev! kev! (reporter 1) any response to the trade rumors, we keep hearing about? (kev) we talkin' about moving? not the trade, not the trade, we talking about movin'. no thank you. (reporter 2) you could use opendoor. sell your house directly to them, it's easy. (kev) ... i guess we're movin'. (tony hawk) skating for over 45 years has taken a toll on my body. i take qunol turmeric because it helps with healthy joints and inflammation support. why qunol? it has superior absorption compared to regular turmeric. qunol. the brand i trust. arthel: the supreme court has
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denied steve bannon's request to pause his four month prison sentence while he appeals it. in july 2022 for defying subpoenas from the house january 6th committee. he calls himself a political prisoner and says he has no regrets. he was ordered to report to prison by monday. eric: a judge denied alec baldwin's request to drop his involuntary manslaughter charges. baldwin's attorney claims the state intentionally destroyed the firearm brought to the shooting, he says denying the chance to review the evidence that could clear the actor. despite the fbi forensic report, determined the gun could not have been fired otherwise. baldwin's trial is set to begin july 9th.
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[chanting] arthel: emotions outside massachusetts courthouse where jury is deliberating the fate of karen read who is accused of running over her boston police officer and leaving him in the snow to die. the judge telling the jury to come back monday. they did not agree on a unanimous vote -- verdict. >> i'm writing to inform you on behalf of the jerry that despite our exhaustive review of the evidence, and diligent consideration while disputed evidence, unable to reach a unanimous verdict. there were 657 exhibits, very complex issues in this case. i'm not prepared for thorough
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deliberations at this point so i am going to send them back out. arthel: mercedes, let me reset the stage and get your take. the defendant was indicted for hitting her boyfriend and boston police officer john o'keefe with her suv after dropping him off at a house party hosted by another officer. prosecutors claim she did it intentionally and drunkenly. karen read's defense team argued she was framed by someone who beat officer o'keefe to death. these are horrible circumstances but why might these opposing arguments because the jury to be deadlocked? >> reporter: a great question. the million-dollar question when talking about 18 hours in the last five days to come to a resolution and unanimous
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verdict. it might because of the masterful job the defense has done. cross examinations have been blistering. cross-examination of the lead investigator was problematic. michael proctor was forced to admit he referred to karen read as the b word, seaward, whack job, our word, and this is what you would ask asked to see from an investigator. gathering evidence for the prosecution of an individual who was presumed evident under our laws. there are diametrically opposed views but at the end of the day these jurors had their civic duty to come to a resolution and got to tell the judge if they can't. the worst we didn't hear in the note to the judges, we reached an impasse but seems to be the logical resolution, to give the jury extra time which is what
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the judge did. so many witnesses, so many documents, 630 exhibits alone in the multitude of documents over that, give them more time and perhaps the judge will be comfortable. arthel: how complicated this case is. i appreciate that but i want to ask you. the judge asked them to take more time deliberating. if this ends in a hunger jerry, the jury's decision is the jury's decision, is that how emotionally charged the community is. >> it is invigorated a lot of individuals.
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they believe in karen reed's innocence. is guilty of the charges. it's a question, if there's a hung jury. to prosecutor ada little time. she could be prosecuted again. she has not been found not guilty if in fact that's the ultimate resolution where the jury said it can't come true. you are right. there is something to be said about a case ripping apart the community, they are individuals on both sides that are so passionate. arthel: the judge has passed a jerry to keep going and coma
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through the evidence and deliberate as best you can. those deliberations will resume monday morning at 9 am. if jurors request to review certain evidence or transcripts, what matt that signal? how long do you expect them to continue deliberations? i know there is no way to predict that, but try to tap into your expertise. >> it depends on the notes you get from the jurors. if there are notes asking for the testimony or exhibits and evidence, there's a concerted effort to come to unanimity between these jurors. if you get note after note, you can't do this and reach an impasse, there are individuals we can't come to, those notes will signal to the judge, it can't come to unanimous verdict and to trigger the hunger jerry.
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and ultimately decide that it is a hunger jerry and continue. with future prosecution but it will rely on what those notes say. to your point, if there's more testimony they are seeking, there's a concerted effort to come to unanimous verdict. molly: we will be right back. the day you get your clearchoice dental implants
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eric: we are a month from the summer olympics in paris. testing of the river seine shows it is dangerously contaminated. marathon swimmers are supposed dive in but testing found e. coli and other unsafe levels of bacteria. bacteria throughout the river, levels ten times higher than acceptable. swimming in the river seine has been banned because of pollution. french officials spent $1 billion trying to clean it up. if they don't, how are they going to swim. arthel: a police officer
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guarding the embassy in serbia as he was shot in the neck by a man with a cross bone. the officer returned fire, killing the suspect. the spokesman with the israeli ministry of foreign affairs called in an attempted terrorist attack. the embassy has been closed. the wounded officer is in stable condition. eric: russia's invasion of ukraine is one of the topics president biden and donald trump on the debate stage, the former president claimed he would have the war settled before he takes office. president biden responded that just means donald trump would give the whole thing to vladimir putin, let him control ukraine and take more. >> reporter: four years ago during the last presidential debate, foreign policy didn't get a lot of airtime but this time, with two major wars
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happening it was too hard to avoid. it got pretty heated. take a listen. >> if we had a real president that new, that was respected by vladimir putin, he would never have invaded ukraine. >> president biden: let putin go in and control ukraine and move on to poland and other places and see what happens than. he has no idea what he is talking about. >> reporter: under the biden administration the us has been a backer of ukraine's or efforts, supplying keys to $175 in emergency support. thursday night biden claimed he's got 50 other nations including japan and south korea to support ukraine. >> president biden: putin is a war criminal. he's killed thousands and thousands of people. he made one thing clear. he wants to reestablish part of the soviet empire, not just a piece, he wants all of ukraine. that is what you wants. you think he will stop there?
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>> reporter: donald trump criticized biden's handling of the conflict saying too much money has been spent. trump vowed to settle the war between russia and ukraine before his inauguration but did not say how that would be accomplished. >> every time zelenskyy come to this country he walked away with $60 billion, the greatest salesman ever. i'm not knocking him. i'm not knocking anything. i am only saying the money we are spending on this war, we shouldn't be spending, it should have never happened. >> we are nowhere near cease-fire. eric: arthel: historic american battle flag flown during the normandy invasion is leading an action of military artifacts in ohio today, the flag was flown on a us naval ship during the first wave to land at omaha beach.
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's archive includes others, naval memorabilia. the collection is estimated to sell for $40-$60,000. wow. we are back at 4:00 p.m. . eric: you have to think of the amazing courage and bravery and those who serve. woo hoo! ensure max protein, 30 grams protein, 1 gram sugar, 25 vitamins and minerals. and a new fiber blend with a prebiotic. (♪) (fisher investments) at fisher investments we may look like other money managers, but we're different. (other money manager) you can't be that different. (fisher investments) we are. we have a team of specialists not only in investing, but also also in financial and estate planning and more. (other money manager) your clients rely on you for all that? (fisher investments) yes. and as a fiduciary, we always put their interests first. (other money manager) but you still sell commission -based products, right? (fisher investments) no. we have a simple management fee structured so we do better when our clients do better. (other money manager) huh, we're more different than i thought!
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(fisher investments) at fisher investments, we're clearly different. i'm jonathan lawson, here to tell you about life insurance through the colonial penn program. if you're age 50 to 85 and looking to buy life insurance on a fixed budget, remember the three p's. what are the three p's? the three p's of life insurance on a fixed budget are price, price, and price. a price you can afford, a price that can't increase, and a price that fits your budget.
11:59 am
i'm 54. what's my price? you can get coverage for $9.95 a month. i'm 65 and take medications. what's my price? also $9.95 a month. i just turned 80. what's my price? $9.95 a month for you too. if you're age 50 to 85, call now about the #1 most popular whole life insurance plan available through the colonial penn program. options start at $9.95 a month. no medical exam, no health questions. your acceptance is guaranteed. and this plan has a guaranteed lifetime rate-lock, so your rate can never go up for any reason. so call now for free information, and you'll also get this free beneficiary planner. and it's yours free just for calling, so call now for free information.
12:00 pm
♪ ♪ paul: welcome to the "journal editorial report," i'm p


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