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tv   The Big Weekend Show  FOX News  June 30, 2024 4:00pm-5:00pm PDT

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experience. >> big ice fields mount revere. adam: is yes the most glaciated mountain in the lower 48 in there's ladders you have to walk across going to get over them any do serious mountaineering libido for a little bit more than i could chew but it was a blast. >> c1 so that is you on your way down as i understand. adam: guess at that point, like you make that was from you get up at midnight if you try to make it to the sum of that it is cold and windy going across glaciers like this then it was over like out will that picture me, like the winds is hitting my face the snow is in my face is like get me back down pretty was really cool. jon: we are proud of you and good job and thank you adam and that's fox report this sunday june 30th 2024 and i am jon scott and thank you for watching the big weekend show is up next.
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kennedy: good evening, i'm kennedy along with jason pavlich and tonight the calls are getting louder and leon is getting larger. everyone wants the elderly man with a poor memory to call it quits after the debate train wreck heard around the world, president biden hunkering down again at camp david but not with his 16 camp counselors wizzing around in golf carts and his family reportedly is there to discuss his future. and holy hunter, according to the new york times, his convicted felon first son is one of the strongest voices in support of the president staying in the race. lucas tomlinson is on the scene with more. reporter: that's right, kennedy. president biden is huddling with his family at camp david and white house sin cysting it was a
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preplanned event including taking a family photograph. on the sunday show, democrat lawmakers rallied to the president's defense. >> yes, it was a bad performance. i see what i call preparation overload. >> it was an underwhelming performance i believe. a setback is nothing more than a set up for a comeback. >> i came home to california, south and north, and people are for joe biden and kamala harris. there are healthcare professionals that think trump has dimension supra aural headphones and his thoughts and connections don't go together. he doesn't just lie but doesn't know the truth. if we're just talking about mental aqueuety. let's be fair about it. reporter: kennedy, to date no democratic lawmaker has publicly called for president biden to step down. one democratic congressman jamie
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raskin said discussions are taking place behind closed doors. >> there was a big problem with joe biden's debate performance and also just a tremendous reservoir of affection and love for joe biden in our party and this make it is a difficult situation for everybody, but there are they've raised $33 million. kennedy: i believe the president said 33 trillion but thank you. a shocking or maybe not so shocking axios report claiming joe biden can only muster the brain strength to get through 70% of his day. at best. and i quote from 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. "biden is dependably engaged and many of his public events in front of cameras are
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held been those hours. outside of that time range or while traveling abroad, biden is more likely to have verbal miscues and become fatigued aids told axios". that cnn presidential debate was at 9:00, very cruel and way after sleepy clocks out. compare the joe biden of 2020 with whatever was left of him last week, shall question? >> i do not get elected the next president of the united states because they know i know them, and they know me. >> we're able to make every single solitary personnel i didn't believe for what i've -- eligible for what i've been able to do with the covid -- excuse me. dealing with everything we have to do with -- look -- if -- we full-timely beat medicare. >> all of those so called dreamers, those daca kids will
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be immediately certified and be able to stay in this country and put on a path for citizenship. >> i'm going to continue to move till we get a total ban. the total initiative relative to what we're going to do with more border patrol and more asylum officers. kennedy: katie, it's really difficult to watch those clips. now, minority leader in the house, hakeem jeffries says that setbacks are just set ups for a comeback. i don't know if you can come back from whatever is ailing the president. i'm not going to be like nancy pelosi and play armchair physician, but something is going on and what do you think is happening at this hour? >> first, i would say the country is in a very dangerous position right now with the president of the united states in this cognitive state that everybody can see around the world. all basis in europe are put on a
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heightened alert status and credible intel showing there could be a terrorist attack. this is what we're dealing with and the commander in chief only being available from 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.. the truth is democrats have known about this problem for months. i talked to a big democratic donor with big influence in the party five months ago and said we should have done this earlier. we should have had a real primary. kennedy: that was my question. should they have let the primary pan out. >> now they're stuck with biden is in a pinch given the dnc convention is a month and a half away. logistics are very difficult coming to ballot access, timing, early voting starts in a lot of places in september. now they're trying to convince everybody that what they see about joe biden isn't true and make the case that he's the commander in chief and capable of protecting the country and given the high stakes around the world currently, that's not
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being portrayed. kennedy: certainly doesn't feel like he's in charge and you were a congressman for the great state of utah for years. what are some of your former colleagues saying about what took place this week? jot biden administration or democrats have lied to us every single step of the way. they told us that russian laptop was a russian laptop and not hunter bidens it was a lie. the border was secure for three years. it wasn't secure. they didn't have operational control. they told us it couldn't possibly, covid couldn't possibly have been made in a lab. well that ends up being a lie. then saying that donald trump is all the problems but much more so than joe biden is they've been hiding this. axios comes out with this report and says the president can't do this, that and the other and i saw a smart person on twitter say where were these sources last week. this is not something that just
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popped up. kennedy: where were they during primary season? shame on the people who went before the cameras and like karine jean-pierre like i can't keep up with him. he runs circles around anyone. put him up against anyone in the country. and he's faster than usain bolt. >> right. speaking of mental acuity, they've been in straight jackets trying to explain away what we also saw and to your point about our allies across the world who are now in fear because america is the beacon of democracy and support and certainly military support. so where do we go from here is the question i think a lot of people -- kennedy: you can recover from things like a stroke and john fetterman so his credit, he is a lot better than when he was first infirmed and what the president is going through, you can't recover from that it seems. >> then ask questions can we replace joe biden? no, you cannot unless you
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declare him incapacitated and then have to withdraw him from the presidency and according to one of the biggest democratic voices out there, hunter biden, thinks his father should continue on and needs someone to pardon him after his court cases. kennedy: kamala is not going to. if joe biden bails, there is that eager white house employee waiting in the west wing. she's got an infectious laugh and loves venn diagrams and vice president harris is sizing up the drapes as her boss decides his future and some in the white house are not with her. check out this anecdote from axios once again, which says "if biden stays in, it's for the same reason he decided to run again. he and the olekowski garmin i gy believe they have a better chance of beating president trump than vice president harris does.
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>> she's not. her polling was behind president biden is didn't make it through the democratic primary when she ran and that's not helpful either. the question for democrats as a party is not who's going to be in charge and does biden run and what do we do with the vice president and unpopular among the very small deliver of voters that they're trying to talk to. the bases are locked up and joe biden is having a hard time
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keeping things locked up and they look at this and say look at the position they put the country in by lying about this for months and months and months and making it all about the party, but people are like we have big problems out here many america, and you guys are worried about the power struggle. we'd like solutions and answers to policy questions and all you're talking about is the catastrophe you created by trying to hide this from everybody that we can all see out in the open. kennedy: or hurting c kamala's feelings. there's some big people issues that the country is battling right now. chief among them sin fellation. not to mention -- inflation and immigration and wars in israel and ukraine. >> yeah, they played identity politics every step of the way. that's how they got kamala harris and what they deserved. this is essentially an extension of the obama administration. their third term and i blame barack obama and he told us joe biden was the guy and he's taken an obvious decline and should have wrapped it up last year and
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joe biden on his victory lap this year and let the process play itself out but oh no, as i said yesterday, i think jill biden loves being president and there's thomas mancino way she wants to give up that mantle. kennedy: that's a great point. who is pulling for the president to stay in more, hunter or jill? >> both. it's elder abuse. kennedy: they have their own self-interest here. >> i that co. the party will do what it wants and the more we see of joe biden, the more he's in decline. what are you going to do? you can't tell people he's fine when people can obviously see he isn't fine, and there's no one that can really step in that place outside of maybe a michelle obama. no one will. kennedy: she doesn't want to run. >> i know but then you've got to raise money and introduce them to the country. it's not going to work. kennedy: there's not enough time and i don't know a candidate to
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create a infrastructure necessary. >> she was at camp david and unless it's a big wrap up good-bye piece, it's not going anywhere. kennedy: so much more to come on the big weekend show from the biden replacement sweep stakes and maybe a hip replacement to the trump vp stakes and break down who the don is fawning over for vice president and greasy gavin newsom praising the supreme court for doing his dirty work on the hopeless cry -- homeless crisis he created and drying up bars and eateries putting a cork in rowdy 20 somethings. stay with us. ♪ everybody wants super straight, super white teeth. they want that hollywood white smile. new sensodyne clinical white provides 2 shades whiter teeth and 24/7 sensitivity protection. i think it's a great product. it's going to help a lot of patients. sleep more deeply and wake up rejuvenated.
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with 60 years of clinical experience, it's the number one doctor recommended brand for ear ringing. and now i'm finally free. take back control with lipo flavonoid.
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>> welcome back to the big weekend show. dominating victory over joe biden in the debate and making the decision yet and his vice president. >> reports that donald trump plans to announce the running meat before or july 15th in
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milwaukee and take a look at top reported contenders and ohio senator jd vance and doug burgum and and they've all been out in full force showing support for donald trump and plenty of tv interviews and president and on fox news sunday today. >> how can anybody think seeing donald trump on the debate stage that he couldn't do the job. obviously he souled and that's what the debated and there's two candidates, one that can't dot job and one that failed to do the job and that's joe biden. >> doug burgum interviewed with jejejesse watters questioning te debate. >> joe biden had no answer-over inflation or the boarder and issues affecting every american every day. >> republican vp contenders out
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in full fours showing their support for donald trump and we all wait to see who he'll choice as his running meat. gianno. >> christina, thanks. stakes couldn't be higher for who trump's pick for vice president is. nikki haley trying to warn the former president he may not even wind up facing joe biden in november. she said "they're going to be smart about it and going to bring somebody younger, they're going to be bring vibrant and going to bring someone tested". kennedy, with that quote in mind and you save the world every week on your podcast. who do you believe to be the best pick for donald trump at this point? he doesn't need a vice president is what it seems. people just love him. >> no, before thursday, this was the most consequential decision in the entire election. that is who is trump's vp going to be? that's what the owe election will hinge on.
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katie was talking about the slim section of voters that are undecided and then with joe biden on the ticket, they may not last the entire four year term, and obviously president trump will only be a one term president this time around and that makes his pick even more important. i tend to think that he likes the governors a bit better and doug burgum is higher on the list that people give him credit for and gle glen youngkin is up there high and marco rubio has shown loyalty and toughness and rubio that served with kamala harris as a senator, he would be very effective in a debate against her. i think he would really relish that role. >> i agree on those points and, katie, there's an idea he can pick someone that that one is talking about and our very talented colleague had something to say about this and i want your reaction on the other side.
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>> in order to win, you have to be able to bring in people who may not already be with you or already be a part of your support base. this is important for the election to bring in our fellow americans and also important to do the tough work that will follow and should president trump win to be able to actually root out the rot of corruption that exists within permanent washington to root out the deep state. >> she's an interesting person and she's brilliant and she's on our air. is she somebody he should think about? >> he's thought about her on the past and not listed on the leaks they've been putting out and she represents a very interesting type of voter who's emerged in america over the past really four years, but generally speaking, politics in america
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has change the. there's a lot of disaffected democrats that don't like this far left wokeness party that's anti-common sense and they've got tulsi gabbard leading the charge and she doesn't consider herself part of the republican party and the voters they have to get to win that are not decided, she represents the attitude towards washington dc and disgust of corruption on both sides of the political aisle and what politics are representing. people on the list and campaign looking for someone that can carry the maga legacy and agenda forward to 2028 and win so the trump legacy continues and in terms of what they want to do. marco rubio speaks spanish so the idea is that he could really go out and do a bunch of spanish language interviviews and get hispanics to change their votes and seen that historically that republicans are bringing those people into the fold. finally, doug burgum looks like george washington and he'd be a great presidential choice and
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trump said i want somebody that can be president and he looks the part. >> i have a question for you, i'm so sorry, do you think that tulsi fills that rfk vibe that applies to voter s? >> for sure. >> yeah, politics isn't usual. the thing haves changed especially, jason, since you served in congress. this isn't the same political system as we know it and it's been reshaped and reformed and what's your thoughts on who would be a great pick? >> i think americans are striving not to just have somebody that look as person way. i think they want confidence. and i think they want competence and you have to have a good working relationship with trump and loyal to him and maga agenda and two other people should be on there, john radcliff and former director of national intention and former congressman from texas and was a u.s. attorney and other is robert o'brian who just wrote kind of the definitive piece of peace
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through strength and he was his national security adviser and briefed the president on a regular basis and very good working relationship. again, kind of looks like he's from central casting. those two have great working relationships, and i think he should be considered. i hope the president is thinking about them in those roles. if not, they'll be pretty darn senior in the trump administration. >> and you're forget ago third person. jason chaffetz. >> no. >> up next, gavin newsom getting bailed out by the supreme court from his homeless mess in california. that's up next. ♪ years now. 99 years old and he'd come five days a week if we let him. shape is great, the color's nice, that's a swell lid for you, baby! finding the exact date on ancestry that our family business was founded, really struck a chord with my grandfather.
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it's time to feed the dogs real food in the right amount. a healthy weight can help dogs live a longer and happier life. the farmer's dog makes weight management easy with fresh food pre-portioned for your dog's needs. it's an idea whose time has come. ♪ >> welcome back to the big weekend show. california governor gavin newsom getting bailed out by the
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supreme court over the state's raging homeless crisis and this time he won't need china to come in and clean up everything. he's praising the top course decision that lets cities prohibit homeless from sleeping and sitting in public spaces. today the supreme court ruling in grant's pass provides state and local officials the phenomenal fintive authority to clear unsafe homeless encampments and protect the safety and well being of our community. what are your thoughts about the ruling and gavin newsom's response to it? >> that's why people in california have grown to loathe him and he's cre created and exacerbated the homeless crisis. talk about $24 billion through ballot measures and various legislation has gone to fight homelessness and it is only further exploded and there's been a massive up tick in and
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you happen of the big worries in particular in particular is there's going to be a huge homeless population of people over 65 years old. they're just not doing enough. they've nothing to show for all of these resources and he's always been in denial and now his big pivot is blaming republicans. and this is a mono party state. the republicans in the legislature, they're few and far between and they don't hold a lot of local positions and it's because of people like gavin newsom and adam schiff and nancy pelosi and some of the worst legislators and politicians in the country are from california and bad politicians make bad laws especially with the supermajority. >> they pumped millions and conservatives are not running any part of california and get gavin newsom had this to say about who's to blame. >> the california way of life, we recognize is under attack. for conservatives and collusional california barbers,
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their success depends on our failure. they want to impeach the very things that have made us successful as a tactic to turn america towards a darker future. >> jason, really? >> the people of california has been turning to u-haul to get out of there as fast as they can. gavin newsom, when he first ran for mayor, his platform was he was going to tackle hopelessness. they've had millions of dollars to kennedy's point. they've had every lever of control and policies don't work and have gotten worse and consequences have gotten devastating. to try and blame republicans and saying they're under attack, you've been in patrol and created this situation and exacerbate it had and made it worse. >> to that point, billions have been unaccounted for in the homeless crisis. i lived in la two months into the la shut down in may of 2020. before i moved i did a story
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around covid and went to skid row and it's dangerous and terrible the set of circumstances that people are living in. there's over 181,000 homeless people in the state of california. california. larger than many small cities and in order to get change, you have a change a lot of policies. just like illinois, another state i'm from and you'll get the same devastating consequences. >> governor is happy about the supreme court ruling and justice sotomayor is not happy with and put in her dissent when the ruling came out. sleep is a biological necessity, not a crime. for some people sleeping outside is their only option so, kennedy. that might be true but also doesn't the government have an obligation to protect the broader public from these dangerous encampments on property that they're paying taxes to? >> yeah, homelessness, drug addiction and mental illness is the california way of life.
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unfortunately and especially in the big cities. karen bass, the mayor of los angeles, i don't know how she won. i don't know anyone that voted for her and i know a lot of libs in california. she's pushing back against this. the aclu is fighting on half of the homeless and downtown la was really cool and everyone was moving to loft spaces and manufacturing there and everyone i know has moved out because it became so dangerous and the aclu is fighting to keep these encampments all over downtown la and not just skid row. that city, san francisco, they're all unrecognizable and unfortunately in a lot of places, they've gotten past the point of no return. i don't even think the grant's pass versus johnson ruling will help them clean up what's necessary. >> it's happening all over the country, oregon, arizona. we'll see what happens with the ruling. coming up, bad news for all you 20 something booze hounds out
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there. restaurants are about to ban you. ♪
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♪ >> welcome back to the big weekend show. we all remember the classic scene from super bad where poor mclovin got mocked over his fake id. >> wait, you changed your name to mclovin. n? what kind of stupid folk music name is mclovin? >> they let you pick whatever
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name you want. >> you might need a fake id to grab a bite. bars and restaurants in america are laying strict rules only 25 and up. it's catching on. they love how it cuts down on rowdy ran ticks of fast paced drinkers and vibe with the older crowd. i'm a little out of my wheelhouse and i'm not in the age range and i don't drink and i'm going to gianno. nothing personal, but i'm going to gianno. >> and i am an irish singer too. maybe you're in a fathers and mothersier town or want to cater to a certain group, but in this world, you want to cater to
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everyone and you want them to come in and spend money. you see some people in london i should say on a friday night at 5:00, they're laid out passed out drunk and i've literally seen this. in college towns i've seen that too. now passed onto you, ken difficult i was in scotland when they lost to the o our rows and the next day there was a lot of human sick all over. places have dress codes because when you're 25 you probably can't afford anything but a nice pair of jeans. >> "the wall street journal" wrote about this and they have this headline here "do americans
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drink too much? alcohol is drive agoing a debate in washington". the consumption on alcohol is being considered epiratly and had segment the new age of the industry and allies on capitol hill clashed over the amount of information about the process being released and who should shape the final recommendations and counter washington dc coming in to screw up america. there's a time and place to have a good time. maybe a sports bar or a game. if you're wanting to protect your mine tell that's consistently coming in over and over again and don't want to scare them away and rowdy 25 and under people and who can afford to go out nerve nucleus when you're under 25 all the time? are you spending all that money? pay off your student loans instead. >> you can't have this
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discussion without talking about pot. >> that was my thought, younger generations are going to smoke more ganja than 30, 45, 50 something counter parts. >> isn't it illegal? >> they never do anything illegal. >> i was joking, folks. >> then you walk and you happen say stuart varney, come on. on >> all right, coming up, bibs is put ago dent in -- bidenomics is putting a dent in summer fun. why they're wracking up debt to catch a tie lori harmon swift condition swift. katie pavlich is hosting "fox & friends" as democrat voters are threatening to stop if they don't support bind. dvr "fox & friends" if you can't catch it live. happens tomorrow. ♪
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- [narrator] life with ear ringing sounded like a constant train whistle i couldn't escape. then i started taking lipo flavonoid. with 60 years of clinical experience, it's the number one doctor recommended brand for ear ringing. and now i'm finally free. take back control with lipo flavonoid. ♪
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>> welcome back to the big weekend so she felt millions of americans readying themselves for the fourth of july holiday week and bidenomics is about to -- the hot boy summer turning into a poor boy summer and not talking about a po boy, a delicious hot fried sandwich and young adults are going into debt and willing to risk going into debt to see taylor swift. a quarter of gen zers and millennials are anticipating going $2,000 in the hole this season and nearly 40% will prioritize summer travel over their finances. the tickets in london started at $8800 for t swift. are people making the right
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move? >> i don't think so. young people whoever is paying for this amount of money and going into debt for it, if you have the money, fine. going into debt, don't forget about the interest especially on a credit card and taking you a long time to pay it off and it's just not worth it. >> what's worth going into debt for? >> love. >> that's absolutely right. if the girlfriend loves taylor swift, spend the money and take her? >> no. i'll go to a cheaper concert instead. gen z can't afford a home or car or live alone and they're living with their parents but putting debt on a credit card is a part of the problem and millennials and older millennials and other generation like some of us, we're taught to save, save, save, save and penny pinch but that's not the lifestyle. >> and living through the great depression and we could eat cans
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of tuna for a week. gen xeres are the greatest and would they go into debt to see a concert? >> no. >> people make hard choices and live through the consequences and credit card debt is scary and interest rates are so high and something like $1.4 trillions americans are in debt and that's going up. be careful, taylor swift puts on a great concert. my wife and i and daughter went to one in sweden, stockholm. pretty amazing concert. but cheap tore go there than here. my daughter and wife loved it. >> for love, see. >> some say best concert of your life and people can never take your aspirinses away from you.
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>> that's true. >> the great thing to watch for the fourth of july, katie will tell us about her brand new season of luxury hunting lodges of america. katie, i obviously follow you on instagram and some of the teases that you've had for these incredible places, i want to go to all of them. >> thank you, i'm excited about this. they're coming out on tuesday, july 2 and great for the long holiday weekend if you have down time and we have six episodes for you and here's a sneak peek at brush creek. >> brush creek ranch is truly the ultimate mountain get away and adventure i won't soon forget. >> i even got to throw in ice fishing. >> so, season 3 on tuesday, amazing, amazing time and had a great crew with beautiful footage for you guys and good
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adventure and food and amazing views of the lodges and great interviews of people that work there. i'm excited about it and we worked really hard and enjoy. >> wait a sec. >> that's something we're saving money for. >> i worked really hard. >> did you see the temperature there? negative 6 degrees. okay. negative 6 degrees. >> in a luxury lodge. i get it. >> ice fishing. >> know how hard it is to fish in alaska? >> skiing is really hard. >> she's been to all the places and traversing the great united states. >> put your ski boots on for you. >> it's a tough job and somebody has to do it and i got chosen. there you go. >> i'm pitching a show i'm going to the best chocolatier candy maker in all the land. >> abby hornacek has the greatest. >> enjoy, everybody. >> enjoy and we'll stick around
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for more. big four coming up next. ♪ everybody wants super straight, super white teeth. they want that hollywood white smile. new sensodyne clinical white provides 2 shades whiter teeth and 24/7 sensitivity protection. i think it's a great product. it's going to help a lot of patients. [music playing] tiffany: my daughter is mila. she is 19 months old. she is a little ray of sunshine. one of the happiest babies you'll probably ever meet. [giggles] children with down syndrome typically have a higher risk for developing acute myeloid leukemia, or just leukemia in general. and here we are. marlo thomas: st. jude children's research hospital works day after day to find cures and save the lives of children with cancer and other life-threatening diseases. tiffany: she was referred to st. jude at 11 months. they knew what to do as soon as they got her diagnosis.
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they already had her treatment plan drawn out. and they were like, this is what we're going to do. this is how long it's going to take. this is how long in between. this place is like a family to us now. like, i can't say enough how grateful we are to be here. medical bills are always a big thing to everybody because everybody knows that anything medical is going to be expensive. we have received no bills since being at st. jude. we have paid for nothing. marlo thomas: thanks to generous donors like you, families never receive a bill from st. jude for treatment, travel, housing, or food so they can focus on helping their child live. for just $19 a month, you'll help us continue the lifesaving research and treatment that these kids need now and in the future. join with your credit or debit card right now, and we'll send you this st. jude t-shirt that you can proudly wear to show your support.
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tiffany: anybody and everybody that contributes anything to this place, no matter if it's a big business or just the grandmother that donates once a month, they are changing people's lives. and that's a big deal. [music playing] home inspectors, general contractors, roofers; all kinds of pros recommend leaffilter. why? it's engineered for performance. because with leaffilter's patented filter technology, there's no gaps, no openings, no place for debris to get in at all. leaffilter is a permanent solution we install on your existing gutters. you'll never have to climb a ladder to clean out your gutters again. our installation process is simple and easy. just give us a call and set up an appointment today. we'll come out and give you a free gutter inspection. if your gutters are sagging, we'll repair them. if they're broken, we'll replace them. if they're in good shape, our local trusted pros will install leaffilter in as little as a few hours. and the best part? leaffilter comes with a lifetime
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many people know hi a family tragedy two years ago, and now i'm fighting for families all across the country against george soros progressive prosecutors and go to and this is something a lot of folk haves been talking about is crime across the country and we all want to be safe. this is my way of providing a voice and a vehicle for that kind of safety. >> i know this happened to your brother in chicago, but what has been the response from people in places like portland, san francisco, minneapolis where they're suffering from the same horrendous prosecution or elect there of? >> i have announcingfully -- thankfully had massive support and i'm believing this is a vehicle we can truly affect positive change in the please support us. >> there's a lot of families that appreciate what you're doing given your circumstances and they've been put in positions by these rogue prosecutors that make things awful and permanent for families
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and in a very bad way. >> gianno, way to use very voices on a real productive way. this will make a real difference. hats off to you in terms of further supporting it. well done. >> we're going to push forward. >> your brother would be proud. >> on a little lighter note, good news, joey chestnut competing in a hot dog eating contest on the fourth of july after all but not at iconic nathan's famous contest in coney island. that's the legitimate ones and nathan's are the best hot dogs but joey chestnut matching up against service mem members at t bliss, texas. good luck. >> real hot dogs or fake ones? that's why he couldn't do the other competition because he signed with fake meat. >> it's a side hurricane-forces and will it's like nathan's is great and coney island will not be the same and joey chestnut is a legend and i'm devastated and i love our servicemen and women.
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they are incredible warriors, but i think they'll demand real hot dogs. that's part of the rules probably. i would hope. all right, tractor supply company is weeding out woke dishing out where i shalltives and "nonbusiness activities" such as pride festival and tractor supply went against their mission and their audience and their customers, and they said we are going to find alternatives and they actually corrected very quickly on the backlash. >> yeah. >> doing outside work anymore. >> they're a great company and sell great products but stay in the tractor business. that's what you do. i'm tired of hearing all this other stuff all the time. >> you go in and have baby chicks and you want to buy them. >> there's a whole pen of them. >> it's like 101 dalmations and go out and buy one. i just want to buy a tractor.
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>> call ahead to make sure the chicks aren't for sale. kennedy over to you. >> north carolina f fire fightes used a fire hose to move a 12-foot gator lunge off the road. they had massive fire hoses and this reptillian beast wasn't going anywhere and then realized this completely sucks getting what is dumb. i want to go back in the swam and be by myself and eat a turkey leg like every other obese person in that part of the country. >> like florida, disney world. that's a big guy. >> that's a big alligator. don't want to mess with that. >> in one of the hunting lodges you might run into that. >> season one, we went to louisiana and did gator hunting. if you're interested in catching up, go watch that. >> did you eat the gator? >> yeah. >> you ate gator? >> yeah. fileted a gator.
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>> did you? >> weirdest thing you've eaten? >> weirdest, maybe a zebra. >> a zebra? >> yeah. get it katie pavlich. >> there you go. >> does it taste like chicken? >> no, it's like a chew wee weird thing. >> sense of aloha ragaini tastee horse. >> what does cat taste like? >> like bubble gum. >> before we go, don't forget to follow the big weekend show on x, facebook, and instagram. iit is at @bigweekendsomehow. appropriate. that's it for us. jason, katie, gianno, it's been a pleasure. we'll see you next weekend. life, liberty and levin, the legend starts right now. enjoy every moment. ♪


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