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tv   FOX and Friends  FOX News  July 2, 2024 5:00am-6:00am PDT

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>> brian: it's 8:00 a.m. on the east coast, tuesday, july 2. this is "fox and friends." former president trump moving to overturn his new york conviction after supreme court immunity ruling. experts say, don't hold your breath. >> the verdict will eventually be reversed, but not by this judge or any judge in new york. >> lawrence: white house press secretary will take a news conference for the first time since the president's debate.
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>> it sends a signal to the world that america does not know what it is doing. >> steve: baby boomers are turning to boom-mates to combat living cost and loneliness. that did work for one famous group of friends around a kitchen table. >> i will come to your room and sing kumbaya. >> i don't know what to say. don't ever do that. >> katie: so fun. final hour of "fox and friends" starts right now and remember, mornings are better with friends. >> lawrence: buckle up, fox news alert. former president trump is expected to look to overturn his conviction in his fraud case after the supreme court ruling.
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>> katie: president biden claims the voters deserve to see the president on trial before the election. >> steve: reaction from democrats? they are stirred up today. >> they are not happy. former president trump will use this ruling to argue his convictions in new york should be set aside. president biden came back from camp david reearly to lash out thea the supreme court. >> president biden: this co country, each of us is equal before the law, no one is above the law, not even the president of the united states. >> this was a 6-3 decision yesterday that presidents have some level of immunity for official acts they take as president. no immunity for private actions.
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drawing that line is where it gets dicey. justice sonia sotomayor wrote, when he uses official power under majority reasoning, he will beince latocha scott- scott-bivensed -- organizes a military coup to hold on to power, takes a >> bbribe over a pardon, immune, immune, im immuneit. chief roberts responded, chilling doom that is disproportionate to what the court does today. official discussions and remand to lower court to what extent trump's conduct is entitled to
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immunity. decent level accusation that the court rendered the president above the law. this touched off a firestorm among many democrats. calling for constitutional amendment to reverse this decision and interesting timeline for former president trump's legal issue. his sentencing in the new york case is scheduled for next week. >> steve: what will happen? >> brian: prosecution makes recommendation of what donald trump should be punished for. first-time felon, a senior and elderly, you wounormal ly norma prison, but he has not expressed regret. if he's political, after that debate, when you look at polls,
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all that could stop the president is put him in jail, that may help him. >> steve: i'm sure donald trump was delighted when he heard the ruling yesterday. he wanted absolute immunity, they said you are getting immunity when doing official stuff. this caps five bad days for democrats. thursday the debate and friday supreme court limited prosecution of january 6 defendants and the presidential immunity and now we're seeing the white house and campaign are revealing their strategy going forward because after the debate we're hearing everybody go of courses you know what, brian brought this up earlier, don't blame the advisors as jen psaki said, he just had one bad debate. that is what karine jean-pierre will say, i can't talk about the
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campaign, talk to them about that. the president had one bad day. everybody in this room has had one bad day. >> lawrence: your initial point is key here, we're witnesses full freak out on a ruling that was reasonable. >> katie: reasonable and beneficial to democrats and republicans. >> steve: it was historical. >> lawrence: there is some immunity for public servants, seal team six does not operate on u.s. soil so the idea they are saying public servant says can break the law. they are saying in official capacity, you can do your job ands have some immunity. i will not put it on our backs as supreme court, we'll let lower court deal with that. it is about changing narrative to making this national issue about court.
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>> katie: the president of the united states coming out and attacking the supreme court and friends of democrats are not reacting well to this ruling. >> this is death squad ruling that says as long as you can construe it as an official or quasi official acts, you can do absolutely anything and never be held accountable, not only while president, but ever. >> they declared the president and former president to be king. >> it is almost a license to thug. do what you want and supreme court will let you get away with it. >> we do now have a king. >> brian: did anyone read the whole supreme court issued? they did not read the law and they are not accurately portraying what is happening and
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the president made everything worse who said he went to law school. first he was at the top of class and then had to graduate at bottom of the class and while lying about results from the bottom at syracuse, where he said he had a full scholarship. i digress. here is joe biden mischaracterizing supreme court decision. >> president biden: thank you. may god protect our troops. [indiscernible] >> -- you should be the president? >> brian: i should say ignoring the questions. >> katie: asking him if he will drop out of this race. donors saying he is unfit to run now or against donald trump and to serve the next four years and first press briefing by karine
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jean-pierre who has not been at the lectern because president biden was camp david. >> lawrence: two hours before ko chris kuntz says the president has to do something and he goes out there, gives a speech less than five minutes, no questions at all, ekquivalent to a girl saying marry me, marry me, and you give her a promise ring. it is not meeting the moment of time. i don't -- we got a long time before the election, i don't understand how he recovers from here. >> steve: that waslet first step, he says thinking about a long interview with somebody and a press briefing. he did that last night and
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suddenly nobody is talking about the debate as much as about the ruling regarding immunity. there is brand new 60-second adrolling out on monday to battle glt ground states. when you get knocked down, you get back up. >> steve: i'm sure his handlers said, whatever you do, stick to script. turn around and go through the door and shut up. >> katie: they seem to have a salvation plan, axios reporting how they will handle this. biden has ducked tough
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interviews and ashes voided press conferences is considering both. look for a town hall or one-on-one interview this month. also reporting about strategy, long list of things like dismissive bed wetting, squeez squesqueeze juice. keeping democrats from speaking out against him, get donor class to chill and fund campaign, improve vitality and ignore and engage -- >> steve: what he did yesterday the end of the speech. >> brian: looks like dnc bought the front page of the enquirer and to cite this decision and why you have to vote for joe biden. it will take more than one long interview with 60 minutes or
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bret baier, it will take ability he has been unwilling to give. he has to prove to people he can do this job 8-4, he does not need a day off before and after an event. he is showing he can't do the job. then you find out about behind the scenes. jon stu stewart ran a montage that said how sharp he is behind the scenes, he said, can we see that guy? that guy does not exist. carl bernstein, it must pain him, he sat with anderson cooper and said behind the scenes, it is getting ugly. listen. >> these people whoa have supported him, loved him, campaigned for him, see him often say in the last six months
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particularly, there has been a ma marked instance where the president has lost his train of thought, can't pick it up. there was a fundraising where he became very stiff as if kind of ri rigor mortis. what folks have been saying is yes, he's great when we see him as we have tonight. but he has inex exmrikable moments we are concerned about and clearly dealing with two sets of one person. and it really needs to be explored. >> katie: reports about biden's behavior and freezing up and seeing this with our own eyes. you had the president at the
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concert frozen, you have obama leading him off at a campaign fundraiser and the white house press secretary stood up and kazed people who just watched the videos of cheap fakes and making this up. she should be asked about that today and why they continue to try to lie about the president's condition when we can see what the real story is. >> lawrence: not just that, later in the interview, he's asked about these people, these people, he says they all went to ron klain, and said we have a problem. you did not gos to congress or oversight, you go to klain and say, we have a problem here. >> brian: they want to keep it low. >> katie: as if he doesn't know
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there is a problem. >> steve: like the first lady. there are people in that tight circle, they know that guy we saw on thursday night, they see him all the time. those people close to the president work at the white house. you go to the boss and chief of staff and say, do something about it. ultimately, they did not do anything about it. >> katie: they attacked w"wall street journal" and robert hur, they won't release the audio of that. it has been clear andest and now we're seeing it. >> brian: you say to yourself, if administration was going well and policy strong and he's having problems, one thing. what is more concerning is policy beginning with evita duffy-alfonso the afghanistan and chips act and no one
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investing in it. nothing is moving and he can't lead and do the job for more thab six hours per day, what more proof do you need? >> lawrence: he can barely stand. guidelines before cnn shut it down, he wanted to sit. cnn said no. >> katie: someone who knows how to do their job well is carley shimkus, she does it standing. >> carley: new details on the most horrific story. 12-year-old jocelyn nungaray was sex sexually assaulted before she was killed. now if the d.n.a. found on her matches them, they could be eligible for death penalty. the suspects were originally not eligible because jocelyn was
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over 10 years old. mistrial declared in karen reid's murder case after jurors were split following five days of deliberation. reid was charged in the murder of her boyfriend. her attorneys say she is being framed. it is claimed reid hit o'keefe, after a night of drinking. and residents evacuating after a car crash caused a fire that burned 900 acres. only the driver was hurt so far and taken to the hospital. wil wildfires are costly, state farm wants california to let them hike prices by 50% or leave the
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state. we showed you this yesterday and felt we needed to show it one more time. this is brian riding a ho horseduring his interview with doug burgum. this is not the first time brian has saddled up on "fox and friends". riding horses at the super bowl in houston, that time donning a cowboy hat and looking fabulous and purely american. >> steve: are they going to show the part where we gallop off into the sunset? >> carley: three-dap story. >> brian: i had a horse that wanted to do its own thing. it was tired of be ing ordered around. it was 27 years old. >> steve: they gave you the horse thats going to be gentle,
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they did not give you a driving lesson. >> steve: take reigns and pull up and give muster and go. >> brian: i did not want to kick him, he is 27. >> steve: they are used to it. that is a signal. >> brian: i will eat on the left, how do i get his head up? he's stronger than me. >> lawrence: i can't believe you did not show up in boots. >> steve: it would be softer. >> katie: wouldn't feel anything. >> brian: took a while to lineup that three shot, i had to slide in there. >> steve: your horsedidn't move. i would say this, why would i ride a horse when i can get a bike. >> steve: you were thinking about having a bike next to two
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horses? >> brian: very archaic. >> lawrence: very new yorker. >> brian: the horse sees we have a car. you came in a car. why you riding on me? he goes, you choosing to ride me, i'm 27, i've been through enough. the burgums are excellent ho horsemen. they have a rodeo team and practice on their ranch and work with them. katie pavlich we'll get you more practice. >> lawrence: i don't like self-promotion, i have to take this for all american celebration. we try to fit brian kilmeade into the head shot. >> brian: not on it. >> lawrence: we did not do it. >> steve: we get the day off. >> lawrence: to see fireworks, me, carley, aishah hasnie and joey and johnny.
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>> steve: great show, tune in. >> katie: looking forward to it. biden campaign hoping to court voters on the campaign trial. is pandoring. >> i was raised in the puerto rican community. >> say it with me.
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>> latest update from the hurricane center and looking at winds 165 miles per hour, category 5 storm moving across caribbean and moving north and northwest at 22 miles per hour. jamaica by wednesday, we see how th picd up speed from winds 130 miles an hour and by tonight getting up to 165. here is forecast track. wednesday during the day we mass jamaica before heading to mexico by friday morning. that is the track across the atlantic, now tossing to you, b brian and katie
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. >> katie: the supreme court ruling, ptz biden is calling it disservice to the american voter >> >> the public has a rhyt right know what happened on january 6, now because of today's decision that is highly unlikely. it is a terrible disservice to people of this nation. >> brian: he is worried about disservice to people of this nation. joining us is consultant a lex costellanos. your thought about the distraction attempt we saw last night? >> good to be with you, especially you, brian, now i have seen you behind your mask as lone ranger, america is safer
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now. >> brian: i agree. ka >> we've seen a weak president now at his worst and he's doing anything to hang on to the democratic nomination. he knows people don't change horses midstream, you don't fire a general in it is middle of the battle. he wants to get in the ring with adopt donald trump any time he can. desperate joe biden is lashing out at anything to keep his party behind him. it is not just war with donald trump, biden will realize any war is good for him and the world is a tender box that is russia, iran and china and hope
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every president would never say let's go to war because it helps me politically. >> katie: the white house did white house address going after supreme court when they are really just saying not to use la lawfair. joe biden has a history going after supreme court. >> president biden: supreme court blocked me, but they did not stop me, i've released student debt for file million. chase your dream, start a business and so much more and ges what, it grows the economy. it stems the economy. i'll keep it going. promise made is a promise kept.
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>> to save the supreme court from politics he is willing to drag the supreme court into political mud. this weak performance in this debate, we at home, he is desperate to save his skin. he's made the world a more dangerous place. his weakness is unstable. they will not see a strong man giving a speech. they see a weak man with crutches. >> brian: he needed teleprompter for a five-minute speech to fundraisers. jill biden will go out and speak to hispanic leaders today, not
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the president. here is jill at her less than best. >> say it with me, [speaking spanish] -- >> as unique as the breakfast tacos here in tosan antonio. >> president biden: i was raised in the puerto rican community. >> brian: does that help? >> oh, boy, [speaking spanish] -- i think when voters see jill biden campaigning for biden, defending biden, being president for biden, they see a weak president hiding behind his wife's vogue cover. i'm from cuba, hispanic voters
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have strong values and respect strong leadership. they are not seeing that from joe biden. >> katie: they see an expensive president. >> brian: former president trump is getting -- we'll see what happens, alex. >> it will explode. hispanic vote is real, he is a strong leader, trump. hispanic voters are experiencing joe biden's failures. >> brian: coming up next, squatter crack down, florida is taking a stand for homeowners, we talk to a property owner straight ahead. i'm all in with clearer skin. ♪ things are getting clearer ♪ (♪) ♪ i feel free ♪
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>> lawrence: florida governor ron desantis saying his state is ending the squatter scam with a new law that just took effect allo allowing lawmakers to remove a squatter. as well as not advertising sale or rent of a proper. kevin, thank you for joining tz program. great move. i have questions for you. how long does this take place? they ask them to leave first and then go to the sheriff. what is time period? >> good morning, thanks for having me. the time period, the goal is to make this an expedited process.
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the homeown er recognizing ther is an unauthorized person has to request the squatter to leave. they can go to the sheriff and request the sheriff do removal and the sheriff giveis notice t the sheriff. >> lawrence: expedited, what time period? when i was covering these stories, it took six months before the court got them removed. when you remove the court, how long does it take average with this law to get them out of the home? >> sure. unfortunately, the sheriff is working on procedures and how fast they are able to do that. the statute requires a homeowner to answer an affidavit saying
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they are the owner and the people are not supposed to be there. they want to make sure the purpose claiming to be owner is the owner and they will do their own search. it will not be someone picking up the phone saying come out now. there is a process the sheriffs go through before removal takes place. >> lawrence: i'm hopeful, for a while law enforcement said we know criminals are there and this is not their home, we don't have authority to do it. power is in their hands. thanks for following the program. older americans are turning to boom mates, it had a lot of success last time it was tried. >> i will come to your room and sing kumbaya. >> rose, i don't know what to
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>> if there is ever a night you can't sleep, i'll come to your room and sing kumbaya. >> rose, i don't know what to
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say. don't ever do that. >> we all have our own rules here and i still don't get privacy. i'm in your room, i'm in her room, you're in my room. >> steve: we picked scenes from "the golden girls" because that is going on. bo boom-mates. baby boomers have empty rooms and they are renting out rooms. >> inflation and loneliness, it is a great idea. >> lawrence: adult frat house, i think it is healthy. >> when you get older, you get stuck in your ways and you look up and a friend of yours is at the toaster. who is doing laundry?
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you have your autonomy back. i like my friends to the visit. >> steve: here is why the golden girls had it right, at the end of everyday, they had cheesecake. >> lawrence: that cannot be good for your stomach. >> steve: life is short. >> brian: people are telling us, jim on home sharing, i'm 68 and rent a room in a beautiful home, my house mate rene and i have a beautiful relationship. we hope it continues for a long time, i'm happy as a clam. >> lawrence: adjectives, sounds like trump. everything is beautiful, everything is wonderful. everything is -- >> steve: they are digging it, it is working out for them. if you are feeling impact of inflation, you're not alone. bank rate did a survey, average
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american need to make $186,000 a year to feel comfortable. average salary is $59,000 that means average american is $127,000 short of feeling comfortable. >> katie: biden administration bragging about how inflation has come down. if you get 20% increase on food and gas, that add up and you feel you can never get ahead. >> brian: take that $60's,000 0 in north dakota -- my next home, it goes longer than manhattan. you get taxed city, state. you go to north dakota and south carolina, it is different. >> lawrence: there won't be bike rising, you need to live off the
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land. >> steve: is that a fox news alert we missed? >> brian: go to fox news. the >> katie: learn to be a real cowboy. >> brian: shut me off, brian, breaking news. >> steve: i think they were worried you were going to bring up his socks. >> katie: not going there are we? >> brian: upset i wore white socks on the interview yesterday. >> steve: i didn't say what -- >> brian: i interviewed doug burgum not thinking my socks would be on camera and lawrence is a fashion plate. >> katie: carley has news. >> carley: i pressed the button too early. we have more news starting with fox news alert. former congressman tim ryan coming out in support of kamala
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harris for democratic nominee. after deep reflection i strongly believe our best path forward is kamala harris. he is the first, we'll see if there are more democrats to follow. there is also this, shoppers at publix in south carolina are in for a big surprise last week. watch this. >> this is happening right now at pulix, on charlie road. there is an alligator under the shopping carts outside. >> carley: tale you don't want to see. no word what happened to the gator. witnesses say she believes state officials were called to take care of it. interpret that as you will. >> steve: gave it away. >> brian: is there an aquarium? >> katie: it is called florida.
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>> steve: thank you, carley. the meat of the matter, katie will share best bison meat recipes with buffalo. you harvested it. >> katie: part of my new fox nation series coming up. >> lawrence: check in with dana perino. >> dana: i'm reeling from itthe fact brian wore white socks and i'm desperate to go to north dakota myself. >> brian: you would love it, they give you special things. >> dana: i want the t-shirt. democrats reeling and trying to spin everything is fine. how will that turn out? karl rove and harold ford jr. kick us off. migrant crime, fox news digs for information, paul mauro on bigger picture how border crisis is a crime crisis.
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"wall street journal" reporter who wrote about biden cognitive decline and crushed by it comes on for "i told you so," we'll see you at 9:00. you want it at . now you can save big on ge appliances like the ge range with easywash oven tray. with a removable tray that fits into the dishwasher. even a big mess is no sweat. shop lowe's now for great july 4th deals. scout is protected by simparica trio and he's in it to win it! simparica trio is the first chew with triple protection. whoa fleas! and ticks! (♪) intestinal worms! whoa! heartworm disease! no problem with simparica trio! this drug class has been associated with neurologic adverse reactions including seizures. use with caution in dogs with a history of these disorders. for winning protection— go with simparica trio. (tony hawk) skating for over 45 years has taken a toll on my body. i take qunol turmeric because it helps
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>> good morning. >> did you sleep good >> i slept well and ready to hunt. too many bulls can be a problem. herd management is very important. the hunter. >> three of them. >> did you text them? >> all right, spoiler alert, we found the bison and i brought it back from texas luxury hunting lodges in america. alaska, california wine country today we're in new york city and have a bison here that has been prepared for us. it looks absolutely delicious. the best in the business preparing it for us. burger, steak, meatballs, pickle sandwiches with bison sausage that's amazing. nothing gets more organic than that. >> steve: i know bison meat is
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healthier for a variety of reasons. with a great big bison like you brought down. how much meat? >> a couple hundred pounds. they do nothing bigger than texas. we went to champion ranch in texas and a ranch in wyoming and a ranch in california and missouri and alaska and texas. so we have a lot of hunting in. lots of lodges and luxuries, skiing, all kinds of adventures. very exciting. lots of shooting. these are -- i think we might need help from them. this is our bison burger. the sausage, the steak, right? >> we have your steak. what we did is smoked it at 225 degrees and got the internal temperature to 110 and reverse seared it on a grill. this is your bison burger and steak tenderloin.
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you have the pickle sandwich an mini smash burger. ground bison nachos. corn. >> summer barbecue and fourth of july coming up. if you want to see how it happened check out season three of luxury hunting lodges across america available now on fox nation. >> steve: fantastic. >> lawrence: i didn't know it came from texas. now i really love it. >> brian: you have your own spices? >> savery that we put on your bison steak, katie. >> it will be delicious. we're hungry for breakfast, check it out on fox nation. >> brian: huge radio show. the facts about the supreme court case with jonathan turley. >> steve: great job. >> dana: it looks delicious and we'll get on the with news here. donors off the


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